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a guest
Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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  3. <string name="abc_action_bar_home_description">Inicio</string>
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  5. <string name="abc_action_bar_home_subtitle_description_format">%1$s, %2$s, %3$s</string>
  6. <string name="abc_action_bar_up_description">Arribs</string>
  7. <string name="abc_action_menu_overflow_description">Mas opciones</string>
  8. <string name="abc_action_mode_done">Listo</string>
  9. <string name="abc_activity_chooser_view_see_all">Ver todo</string>
  10. <string name="abc_activitychooserview_choose_application">Elegir una aplicacion</string>
  11. <string name="abc_capital_off">Apagado</string>
  12. <string name="abc_capital_on">Encendido</string>
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  25. <string name="abc_search_hint">Buscar…</string>
  26. <string name="abc_searchview_description_clear">Limpiar consulta</string>
  27. <string name="abc_searchview_description_query">Buscar consulta</string>
  28. <string name="abc_searchview_description_search">Buscar</string>
  29. <string name="abc_searchview_description_submit">Enviar consulta</string>
  30. <string name="abc_searchview_description_voice">Busqueda de voz</string>
  31. <string name="abc_shareactionprovider_share_with">Compartir con</string>
  32. <string name="abc_shareactionprovider_share_with_application">Compartir con %s</string>
  33. <string name="abc_toolbar_collapse_description">Colapsar</string>
  34. <string name="abouthdr">Sobre Glitch</string>
  35. <string name="achievhead">Logros</string>
  36. <string name="achievheadd">A medida que avances en el juego, asegúrate de verificar tus logros. A medida que tus carreras de pirateo lleguen a puntos diferentes, ¡serás recompensado por tu rutina!</string>
  37. <string name="action_example">Ejemplo de accion</string>
  38. <string name="action_settings">Configuracoin</string>
  39. <string name="action_sign_in_short">Logear</string>
  40. <string name="adddb">Agregado a la base de datos</string>
  41. <string name="admdir">Directorio del sistema de la net</string>
  42. <string name="adwarebtn">Adware</string>
  43. <string name="adwaredesc">Adware- Adware tomará un porcentaje del dinero de los jugadores que hackean y lo coloca en su banco.</string>
  44. <string name="adwdesc">Te permite poner adware en un sistema de jugadores. El adware hackea al jugador cada hora por ti</string>
  45. <string name="adwhdr">Adware</string>
  46. <string name="alreadysign">Ya se ha registrado</string>
  47. <string name="amount">Cantidad:</string>
  48. <string name="app_name">Glitch</string>
  49. <string name="appbar_scrolling_view_behavior">$ScrollingViewBehavior</string>
  50. <string name="autoscroll">Deslizar automaticamente</string>
  51. <string name="avdesc">Tu primera línea de defensa contra los ataques. Antivirus le dará mas poder a sus otros tipos de defensa</string>
  52. <string name="avhdr">AntiVirus</string>
  53. <string name="backbutton">Atras</string>
  54. <string name="bankdes">Puede agregar dinero en su cuenta de ahorros. Este dinero no puede ser hackeado por otros jugadores. El dinero ahorrado también gana intereses por hora para que ganes dinero incluso cuando no estás jugando.</string>
  55. <string name="bankdesc">Aumente cuánto puede almacenar en su cuenta de ahorros. Un nivel equivale a 1m en ahorros máx.</string>
  56. <string name="bankhd">Guarde dinero en su banco</string>
  57. <string name="bankhdr">Banco</string>
  58. <string name="bankhead">Banco</string>
  59. <string name="bankheadd">Transfiera dinero a su cuenta de ahorros en su banco. ¡No solo hace que el dinero esté a salvo de la hackeos, sino que también gana interés por hora! ¿Desea almacenar más?, ¡asegúrese de actualizar su banco!</string>
  60. <string name="bankheader">Estado del banco</string>
  61. <string name="bfdes">Fuerza bruta: un ataque básico que roba el 20% del dinero de los objetivos. Este ataque tiene un tiempo de reutilización de 30 minutos.</string>
  62. <string name="bfdesc">Un ataque de bajo nivel que le dará el 20% del dinero de los objetivos. Este ataque tiene un tiempo de reutilización de 30 minutos</string>
  63. <string name="bfhdr">Fuerza bruta</string>
  64. <string name="bottom_sheet_behavior"></string>
  65. <string name="brutebtn">Fuerza bruta</string>
  66. <string name="buy10">Comprar más (10)</string>
  67. <string name="buy100">Comprar más (100)</string>
  68. <string name="buy25">Comprar más (25)</string>
  69. <string name="buy50">Comprar más (50)</string>
  70. <string name="buynew">Comprar un nuevo minero</string>
  71. <string name="carding">Un equipo de hackers necesita ayuda con su operación de carding. Te necesitarán para obtener cuentas, configurar las tarjetas y distribuirlas.</string>
  72. <string name="casesens">EL NOMBRE DE USUARIO ES SENSIBLE A MAYUSCULAS</string>
  73. <string name="chalhed">Desafios</string>
  74. <string name="character_counter_pattern">%1$d / %2$d</string>
  75. <string name="chatcolor">Color del chat:</string>
  76. <string name="chatdes">Interactúa con otros jugadores, moderadores y Desarrolladores. Las reglas están en la parte superior y puede activar o desactivar el filtro de blasfemia, dependiendo de cómo de limpio desee el chat. Puede enviar un mensaje privado (+ nombre de jugador o hacer clic en el nombre y seleccionar un mensaje privado, los mensajes son de color púrpura), mencionar simplemente escribiendo su nombre (las menciones aparecen en rojo). ¡Sé divertido, sé amable y compórtate!</string>
  77. <string name="chathdr">Chat global</string>
  78. <string name="chatrules">Reglas del chat</string>
  79. <string name="chatrulesbtn">Reglas</string>
  80. <string name="chatsetting">Configuración del chat</string>
  81. <string name="checking">Dinero:</string>
  82. <string name="chkacc">Cheques</string>
  83. <string name="clickconnect">Click info para conectar</string>
  84. <string name="clicktowatch">Click para ver un video y obtener 5 VC</string>
  85. <string name="close_drawer">Cerrar caja</string>
  86. <string name="closebutton">Cerrar</string>
  87. <string name="collect">Recolectar</string>
  88. <string name="color_prompt">Colores de chat</string>
  89. <string name="comdesc">¡Glitch tiene muchas formas de comunicarse con los jugadores para permitirte chatear y pasar un buen rato mientras hackeas! ¡Si quieres interactuar con jugadores, utiliza algunas de estas formas!</string>
  90. <string name="comhdr">Comunicandote y conociendo jugadores</string>
  91. <string name="command1">Mensaje privado: + nombre de usuario ej. + GlitchDev Hola amigo. Nota: el nombre de usuario es sensible a mayúsculas</string>
  92. <string name="command2">Loteria: !lotto -buy -# !lotto -value !lotto -sell -# !lotto -tickets</string>
  93. <string name="commands">Comandos</string>
  94. <string name="common_google_play_services_enable_button">Habilitar</string>
  95. <string name="common_google_play_services_enable_text">"%1$s No funcionara sin servicios de google play."</string>
  96. <string name="common_google_play_services_enable_title">Active los servicios de google play</string>
  97. <string name="common_google_play_services_install_button">Instalar</string>
  98. <string name="common_google_play_services_install_text">"%1$s No funcionara sin servicios de google play, que no estan en su dispositivo"</string>
  99. <string name="common_google_play_services_install_title">Obten los servicios de google play</string>
  100. <string name="common_google_play_services_notification_ticker">Error servicios de google play</string>
  101. <string name="common_google_play_services_unknown_issue">%1$s Esta teniendo un problema con los servicios de google play, porfavor intente de nuevo mas tarde</string>
  102. <string name="common_google_play_services_unsupported_text">"%1$s No funcionara sin los servicios de google play, que no son compatibles con su dispositivo"</string>
  103. <string name="common_google_play_services_update_button">Actualizar</string>
  104. <string name="common_google_play_services_update_text">"%1$s No funcionara hasta que actualice los servicios de google play"</string>
  105. <string name="common_google_play_services_update_title">Actualize los servicios de google play</string>
  106. <string name="common_google_play_services_updating_text">"%1$s No funcionara sin los servicios de google play que se estan actualizando en este momento."</string>
  107. <string name="common_google_play_services_wear_update_text">Nueva version de servicios de google play necesaria, se descargara en pronto automaticamente.</string>
  108. <string name="common_open_on_phone">Abrir en el celular</string>
  109. <string name="common_signin_button_text">Iniciar sesion</string>
  110. <string name="common_signin_button_text_long">Iniciar sesion con google</string>
  111. <string name="connect"Conectar con Glitch</string>
  112. <string name="connectdesc">Queremos conectarnos con nuestros jugadores tanto como sea posible. Proporcionamos actualizaciones y funciones / eventos futuros en nuestro sitio y redes sociales. También los usamos para obtener su opinión. ¡Aceleramos a nuestra comunidad!</string>
  113. <string name="consec">Dias seguidos en que iniciaste sesion:</string>
  114. <string name="copyipbtn">Copiar ip</string>
  115. <string name="cryptdesc">Actualizarlo evitará que los atacantes agreguen spyware y adware a su sistema</string>
  116. <string name="crypthdr">Criptografía</string>
  117. <string name="curramount">Cantidad actual:</string>
  118. <string name="currbalance">Balance actual</string>
  119. <string name="customize">Customizacion</string>
  120. <string name="dailytournheader">Rankings de torneo de 24 horas</string>
  121. <string name="default_web_client_id"></string>
  122. <string name="defdesc">¿Estás siendo hackeado demasiado? Parece que necesitas mejorar tu defensa. La actualización de la defensa lo protegerá de otros jugadores y mantendrá su dinero seguro.</string>
  123. <string name="defhdr">Defensa</string>
  124. <string name="deflogdesc">Los registros de defensa muestran quién te ha atacado, si fue exitoso, y si es así, cuánto rep y dinero obtuvieron de ti. Si ves que alguien te ha hackeado recientemente, puedes hacer clic en el registro e intentar hackearlos.</string>
  125. <string name="defloghdr">Revisa tus registros de defensa para una venganza rápida</string>
  126. <string name="delete">Eliminar</string>
  127. <string name="depbtn">Depositar en el banco</string>
  128. <string name="depvc">Depositar VC</string>
  129. <string name="dhacks">Hacks existosos</string>
  130. <string name="dhacksd">Logra esto hackeando jugadores con éxito</string>
  131. <string name="dlogin">Iniciar Sesion</string>
  132. <string name="dlogind">Achieve this by simply signing into the app.</string>
  133. <string name="dmoney">Money Hacked</string>
  134. <string name="dmoneyd">Achieve this by successfully hacking money from other players</string>
  135. <string name="drep">Reputation Earned</string>
  136. <string name="drepd">Achieve this by increasing your reputation by either hacking other players or by upgrading</string>
  137. <string name="dummy_string">Dummy String</string>
  138. <string name="email"><a href=""></a></string>
  139. <string name="emaildes">Message anyone privately, conspire and blackmail, #wannacry anyone? Simply type in the player’s name in the to field and send a message. They will get notified and can reply directly.</string>
  140. <string name="emaildesc">Email Us Directly:</string>
  141. <string name="emailhdr">In game email</string>
  142. <string name="emailsignup">Email:</string>
  143. <string name="exhead">Exploits</string>
  144. <string name="exheadd">Exploits allow you to attack players long term. Spyware gives you he ability to monitor players money and stats in real time. Adware will take money from the player you infected everytime they earn money. Be sure to clear your infections regularly so others cannot exploit you!</string>
  145. <string name="exploitdesc">In the hacking console you can add spyware and adware to a player.</string>
  146. <string name="exploithdr">Use exploits to perform long term damage</string>
  147. <string name="facebook"><a href=""></a></string>
  148. <string name="facebookdesc">Like us on Facebook:</string>
  149. <string name="fcm_fallback_notification_channel_label">Miscellaneous</string>
  150. <string name="fifdsc">Purchase 3240 VC for $49.99 to use in the game for using resources and features</string>
  151. <string name="fifhdr">3240 VC Pack</string>
  152. <string name="findir">Financial System Directory</string>
  153. <string name="firebase_database_url"></string>
  154. <string name="fivedsc">Purchase 310 VC for $4.99 to use in the game for using resources and features</string>
  155. <string name="fivehdr">310 VC Pack</string>
  156. <string name="forensic">An un-named government agency is investigating new and concerning hacks on companies. They need your help to trace these hack jobs, provide digital information, and help make cases against these hackers.</string>
  157. <string name="forgotbtn">Forgot PW</string>
  158. <string name="forgotpassword">Forgot Password</string>
  159. <string name="forhed">Forensic Tools</string>
  160. <string name="forum"><a href=""></a></string>
  161. <string name="fourhourtournheader">4 Hour Tournament Rankings</string>
  162. <string name="from">From:</string>
  163. <string name="fwdesc">Your second line of defense that will protect you from Brute Force attacks</string>
  164. <string name="fwhdr">Firewall</string>
  165. <string name="gamesetting">Game Settings</string>
  166. <string name="gcm_defaultSenderId">654225589659</string>
  167. <string name="google_api_key">AIzaSyCG2fXueMS_mOWKIUqAZ9urkxg7EkidsfM</string>
  168. <string name="google_app_id">1:654225589659:android:5c030e675bd12171</string>
  169. <string name="google_crash_reporting_api_key">AIzaSyCG2fXueMS_mOWKIUqAZ9urkxg7EkidsfM</string>
  170. <string name="google_storage_bucket"></string>
  171. <string name="hacker">Hackers</string>
  172. <string name="hackingconsoledesc">Hacking Console</string>
  173. <string name="hdsdesc">Your second line of defense that will protect you from Zero Days attacks</string>
  174. <string name="hdshdr">HDS</string>
  175. <string name="hello_world">Hello world!</string>
  176. <string name="homescreen">Start Playing</string>
  177. <string name="hundsc">Purchase 6600 VC for $99.99 to use in the game for using resources and features</string>
  178. <string name="hunhdr">6600 VC Pack</string>
  179. <string name="instadesc">Follow our Instagram:</string>
  180. <string name="instagram"><a href=""></a></string>
  181. <string name="ipaddress">IP Address:</string>
  182. <string name="ipdatadesc">The IP database allows you to save them and use as a hacking list. This is best used for storing players with high levels of money or rep. Players cannot remove their IP from your database.</string>
  183. <string name="ipdatahrd">Save IP that you want to attack regularly</string>
  184. <string name="ipdesc">Too many people have your IP? Change your IP to become hidden again from other hackers!</string>
  185. <string name="iphdr">Change IP</string>
  186. <string name="iphead">IP Database</string>
  187. <string name="ipheadd">IP database allows you to save IPs of players. This way if you find IPs that have a lot of money you can save them for repeat hacks. If someone changes their IP, it will not automatically remove from your database.</string>
  188. <string name="ipsdesc">Your second line of defense that will protect you from rootkit attacks</string>
  189. <string name="ipshdr">IPS</string>
  190. <string name="job1">Penetration Tester</string>
  191. <string name="job2">Carding</string>
  192. <string name="job3">Computer Forensic Investigator</string>
  193. <string name="job4">Rent A Hacker</string>
  194. <string name="jobdesc">Job Description:</string>
  195. <string name="jobdur">Job Duration:</string>
  196. <string name="jobhead">Jobs</string>
  197. <string name="jobheadd">Develop your hacking skills and work your way up the job ladder. As you increase your training, you will be given new job opportunities to generate larger amounts of revenue from the jobs.</string>
  198. <string name="jobpay">Job Pay:</string>
  199. <string name="jobrem">Time Remaining:</string>
  200. <string name="jobstart">Start Job</string>
  201. <string name="jobtrain">Train</string>
  202. <string name="join">Join</string>
  203. <string name="lastwin">Last Winner:</string>
  204. <string name="lbdesc">You can see all rankings and how hard you need to work! Leaderboard is based off numbers of upgrades acquired (+1 rep for each upgrade) and rep earned from hacking other players.</string>
  205. <string name="lbhdr">Hack and upgrade to get to the top</string>
  206. <string name="leaderboard">Leaderboard</string>
  207. <string name="level">"Level: "</string>
  208. <string name="loghead">Hack Logs</string>
  209. <string name="logheadd">Hack logs allow you to monitor who you are hacking as well as who hacks you. When looking through your logs you can click and attack them directly to get quick money on those who hacked you!</string>
  210. <string name="loginbtn">Login</string>
  211. <string name="lotteryhdr">Glitch Lottery</string>
  212. <string name="lotto1">Directions: Purchase tickets to be entered into the lotto. The more that purchases tickets, the bigger the payout. The ticket is drawn at random, and the more tickets you purchase, the better your odds!</string>
  213. <string name="lotto2">Each ticket costs $1,000,000. You can purchase up to 100 tickets for each drawing</string>
  214. <string name="lottob1">Buy 1</string>
  215. <string name="lottob10">Buy 10</string>
  216. <string name="lottob50">Buy 50</string>
  217. <string name="lottodesc">Purchase a ticket for 1M to be entered into the drawing. You can purchase up to 100 tickets per round. The lottery chooses a winner randomly every hour. The lottery can get up to several billion dollars at a time! Dont miss out.</string>
  218. <string name="lottohdr">Risk your money to earn big in our lotto</string>
  219. <string name="lottohead">Lottery</string>
  220. <string name="lottoheadd">Risk your money in an hourly lottery. Each ticket costs one million dollars and you can purchase up to 100 tickets each hour. If you win the lotto, you are not eligible for the one right after.</string>
  221. <string name="maxdepbtn">Max Deposit in Savings</string>
  222. <string name="maxwithbtn">Max Withdraw From Savings</string>
  223. <string name="message">Message</string>
  224. <string name="messages">Messages</string>
  225. <string name="miner1">Buy New Miner: This will allow you to buy up to a maximum of 20 Miners.</string>
  226. <string name="miner10">Cost For Each Upgrade: Each miner starts at the cost of 24m. Each level you upgrade adds 24m to the cost of the bot.</string>
  227. <string name="miner11">Payout: Each bot level will mine 250k per hour. Each upgrade will also increase the max storage your miners can hold before they stop mining.</string>
  228. <string name="miner12">Be Careful: This money is not safe. If you are hacked, they will take 30% of your mined money.</string>
  229. <string name="miner2">Miners: Each Miner can be leveled to up to a maximum level of 50.</string>
  230. <string name="miner3">Collect: This will allow you to collect Amount Mined</string>
  231. <string name="miner4">Total Bots: This displays the amount of bots (miners) you currently have.</string>
  232. <string name="miner5">Total Power: this is the total power of your miners.</string>
  233. <string name="miner6">Amount Mined: This is the total money you have mined a hour.</string>
  234. <string name="miner7">Max Storage: This is the maximum money you can hold.</string>
  235. <string name="miner8">Managing your miner: Clicking on your miner will allow you to manage that specific miner.</string>
  236. <string name="miner9">Upgrade: this will allow you to upgrade each miner up to a maximum level of 50.</string>
  237. <string name="minerdesc">Purchase miners to generate hourly money. The more you upgrade, the more you will earn! Be sure to collect and spend it often. People can hack you and steal this money!</string>
  238. <string name="minerhead">Miner</string>
  239. <string name="minerheadd">Miners will mine money for you, even when you are not on. You can have 20 miners and upgrade each up to 50 levels. Each level of each bot will mine 250k per hour. Be sure to collect your money and spend it. Other people can hack your miner money.</string>
  240. <string name="minerheader">Earn hourly cash with miners</string>
  241. <string name="minromanager">Click Miner to Manage</string>
  242. <string name="nattackdesc">Special network server offensive support to add attack strength to give network members an attack boost. Upgrade to support the entire network.</string>
  243. <string name="nattackname">Network Offense Support</string>
  244. <string name="navdtl">Everything in the game can be accessed on any page by using the three options on the bottom of your screen. These options are menu, home, and chat. The menu button allows you to open the menu drawer on the left side and go anywhere in the game. The home button will take you right to the home page. The chat button will open the global chat in the right side drawer. Everything is divided into directories to make it easy to navigate from one area to another. As you begin, it is important to note where certain items are.</string>
  245. <string name="navhdr">Navigating in Glitch</string>
  246. <string name="navigation_drawer_close">Close navigation drawer</string>
  247. <string name="navigation_drawer_open">Open navigation drawer</string>
  248. <string name="nbankdesc">Bank Allows you to store, donate, and share money as well as VC within the network. Upgrades will increase the storage amount.</string>
  249. <string name="nbankname">Network Bank</string>
  250. <string name="ncdesc">Share IPs, discuss strategy, and chat with your network members in your own private chat room.</string>
  251. <string name="nchdr">Network Chat</string>
  252. <string name="ncreate">Create/Join a Network</string>
  253. <string name="ncreatebtn">Create Network</string>
  254. <string name="ndecrypt">Attempt Decrypt</string>
  255. <string name="ndefdesc">Special network server defensive support to add an extra layer of defense to prevent attacks on network members. Upgrade to support the entire network.</string>
  256. <string name="ndefname">Network Defense Support</string>
  257. <string name="netadmin">Network Admin</string>
  258. <string name="netres">Network Resources</string>
  259. <string name="netwarbutt">Cyber Wars</string>
  260. <string name="netwardesc1">Are you prepared to wage war against other networks? Once a leader or co-leader has declared war on another network, a password will be created for each network. Three of the networks members will store a piece of their networks password, which will be randomly generated. The opposing network must figure out what order the codes go in to win the Network War. However, to access the pieces of the password, every member has two chances to hack every opposing member. Two chances to win the war, or to lose the war. Remember, a minimum of five members is necessary to declare war, but the more members your Network has, the longer your password will be.</string>
  261. <string name="netwardesc2">Every Network will be equipped with a War Notepad, which can be used to store hacked keys, and the possible order in which the keys could go. You can guess the full password three times before it is locked for twelve hours.</string>
  262. <string name="netwardesc3">Full Network participation is important! Remember, you must work as a team, or you will lose your war.</string>
  263. <string name="netwardesc4">But! In war, someone must win, and someone must lose. The winning network will receive a bounty of Network Rep, and money to be used for Network Upgrades. The Network that has lost will lose Network Rep.</string>
  264. <string name="netwarhead">Ready to wage war against other networks?</string>
  265. <string name="netwars">Cyber Wars</string>
  266. <string name="network">Network</string>
  267. <string name="networkhome">Network Home</string>
  268. <string name="networkmanager">Network Manager</string>
  269. <string name="newglitch">New to Glitch?</string>
  270. <string name="newmsgbtn">New Message</string>
  271. <string name="nextbutton">Next</string>
  272. <string name="nextdraw">Next Drawing In:</string>
  273. <string name="nfirewalldesc">Security Information and Event Management will secure and help in network protection from attacks. Upgrade to defend your network.</string>
  274. <string name="nfirewallname">Network SEIM</string>
  275. <string name="njoinbtn">Join Network</string>
  276. <string name="nkey">Key:</string>
  277. <string name="nkeyheader">Keys</string>
  278. <string name="nmdesc">The member list allows you to view requests into the network, see who is part of your network, and allows you to manage your members (member, co-lead, and leader).</string>
  279. <string name="nmember">Members:</string>
  280. <string name="nmembers">Members</string>
  281. <string name="nmemhdr">Network Members</string>
  282. <string name="nmoney">Money:</string>
  283. <string name="nname">Network Name:</string>
  284. <string name="notifdesc">Checking this box will display notifications for new messages in chat at bottom of screen</string>
  285. <string name="notifsetting">Chat notifications</string>
  286. <string name="npayloaddesc">The strength of the payload will determine how much damage you will do to a network if you are successful in attacking.</string>
  287. <string name="npayloadname">Payload</string>
  288. <string name="npivotdesc">Pivot Attacks exploit network configuration issues, attack and take control of the entire network server.</string>
  289. <string name="npivotname">Pivot Attack</string>
  290. <string name="nplayer">Player:</string>
  291. <string name="nposition">Position:</string>
  292. <string name="nproxydesc">Network proxy chains will help keep you hidden when you attack other players. Upgrade to help your network stay hidden.</string>
  293. <string name="nproxyname">Proxy Chain</string>
  294. <string name="nrank">Rank:</string>
  295. <string name="nrequest">Requests</string>
  296. <string name="nscandesc">Network Scanner allows you to search for exploits in a network server. Increasing allows you to find more vulnerabilities.</string>
  297. <string name="nscanname">Network Scanner</string>
  298. <string name="nserverdesc">Expanding the power of your server allows more players to connect. Upgrade to increase your max number of members who can join.</string>
  299. <string name="nservername">Network Server</string>
  300. <string name="nstats">Network Statistics</string>
  301. <string name="nsubmit">Add</string>
  302. <string name="nvc">VC:</string>
  303. <string name="nwame">Name:</string>
  304. <string name="nwattack">Attack</string>
  305. <string name="nwcreate">Creating a Network- If you want to be the leader and create your own network, just simply create a network name and promote it in the chats!</string>
  306. <string name="nwdesc">Being a part of a network allows you to play with friends to help each other, level up, and attack other networks. Playing as part of a team will allow you to gain leverage in all aspects of the game to help you and your friends to dominate the leader boards.</string>
  307. <string name="nwhdr">Network Overview</string>
  308. <string name="nwjoin">Joining a Network- If you know of a network you want to be part of, search for it, and send a request. The leader will receive it and then either accept or deny your request.</string>
  309. <string name="nwrep">Rep:</string>
  310. <string name="nwsearch">Search</string>
  311. <string name="nwsearchheader">Search Network to Attack</string>
  312. <string name="objdtl">Become the top hacker with the highest score on the leaderboard. This is accomplished by using the hacking console to hack other players and earning rep. In addition, the money you gain from missions and hacking players can be used in the upgrades section. Every upgrade will add 1 point towards your score.</string>
  313. <string name="objhdr">Game Objectives</string>
  314. <string name="offdesc">Offensive components will allow you to better attack players with attack types and adware/spyware. If you cannot successfully attack players, focus on increasing your offensive components.</string>
  315. <string name="offdir">Hacking Systems Directory</string>
  316. <string name="offensehdr">Offensive Attacks and Strategies</string>
  317. <string name="offhdr">Offense</string>
  318. <string name="onedsc">Purchase 60 VC for $0.99 to use in the game for using resources and features</string>
  319. <string name="onehdr">60 VC Pack</string>
  320. <string name="open_drawer">Drawer Open</string>
  321. <string name="ostats">Opponents Statistics</string>
  322. <string name="password">Password:</string>
  323. <string name="password_toggle_content_description">Toggle password visibility</string>
  324. <string name="path_password_eye">M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12c1.73,4.39 6,7.5 11,7.5s9.27,-3.11 11,-7.5c-1.73,-4.39 -6,-7.5 -11,-7.5zM12,17c-2.76,0 -5,-2.24 -5,-5s2.24,-5 5,-5 5,2.24 5,5 -2.24,5 -5,5zM12,9c-1.66,0 -3,1.34 -3,3s1.34,3 3,3 3,-1.34 3,-3 -1.34,-3 -3,-3z</string>
  325. <string name="path_password_eye_mask_strike_through">M2,4.27 L19.73,22 L22.27,19.46 L4.54,1.73 L4.54,1 L23,1 L23,23 L1,23 L1,4.27 Z</string>
  326. <string name="path_password_eye_mask_visible">M2,4.27 L2,4.27 L4.54,1.73 L4.54,1.73 L4.54,1 L23,1 L23,23 L1,23 L1,4.27 Z</string>
  327. <string name="path_password_strike_through">M3.27,4.27 L19.74,20.74</string>
  328. <string name="pentest">As a penetration tester you will look for weaknesses and issues with company networks. You will need to analyze the networks, report issues, and help patch any vulnerabilities.</string>
  329. <string name="playername">Player Name:</string>
  330. <string name="playstore"><a href=""></a></string>
  331. <string name="playstoredes">Do not forget to leave a review in the Google Playstore!</string>
  332. <string name="port">Port Search</string>
  333. <string name="primecolor">\#009696</string>
  334. <string name="primecolorhd">Primary Color</string>
  335. <string name="profanity">Profanity Filter:</string>
  336. <string name="profdesc">Checking this box will mask innapropriate language in the chat</string>
  337. <string name="profile">Profile</string>
  338. <string name="profilepichd">Profile Picture</string>
  339. <string name="progress">Progress:</string>
  340. <string name="project_id">glitch-push</string>
  341. <string name="prompt_email">prompt_email</string>
  342. <string name="prompt_password">prompt_password</string>
  343. <string name="prompt_username">prompt_username</string>
  344. <string name="pushdesc">Allows the app to send notifications when you get a PM, email, mention, or for missions</string>
  345. <string name="pushnot">Push Notifications</string>
  346. <string name="ramdesc">Manages the max level you can upgrade. Each upgrade will allow 50 upgrade points per stat</string>
  347. <string name="ramhdr">Ram</string>
  348. <string name="rank">Rank:</string>
  349. <string name="reddit"><a href=""></a></string>
  350. <string name="redditdesc">Join our Reddit:</string>
  351. <string name="regbtn">Register</string>
  352. <string name="renthack">A small hacking group is launching a rent a hacker business on the dark web. They need you to assist with jobs that are being asked by them. Most of the work is hacking emails, social media, and gathering peoples information.</string>
  353. <string name="reply">Reply</string>
  354. <string name="requestbtn">Request</string>
  355. <string name="resdir">Resource Tools Directory</string>
  356. <string name="returntochat">Return To Chat</string>
  357. <string name="revenuedesc">While the revenue booster is active, all hacks will pay out an additional 20% for 15 minutes on all hacks. This can be used every hour</string>
  358. <string name="revenuehdr">Revenue Booster</string>
  359. <string name="revhed">Revenue Tools</string>
  360. <string name="rewardhead">Rewards</string>
  361. <string name="rewardheadd">Daily rewards allow you to play for different rewards and game perks. The longer your consecutive day count is, the better your rewards will be. Be sure to log in daily and collect them!</string>
  362. <string name="rkdes">Root Kit- A slightly more advanced attack that steals 30% of the targets money. This attack has a 1 hour cooldown.</string>
  363. <string name="rkdesc">A mid level attack that will give you 30% of the targets money. This attack has a 1 hour cooldown</string>
  364. <string name="rkhdr">Root Kit</string>
  365. <string name="rootbtn">Root Kit</string>
  366. <string name="rule1">1. No excessive caps, spamming or flooding the chat</string>
  367. <string name="rule2">2. No harrasment of other players</string>
  368. <string name="rule3">3. No discussion of real hacking and no posting or URLs of any kind</string>
  369. <string name="rule4">4. No posting IPs in chat</string>
  370. <string name="rule5">5. Be respectful of peoples religious, sexual, and political preferences. These conversations should be kept to a minimum</string>
  371. <string name="rule6">6. English language is preferred</string>
  372. <string name="rule7">7. No porngraphic content</string>
  373. <string name="s1">Save image</string>
  374. <string name="s2">Allow Ad to store image in Picture gallery?</string>
  375. <string name="s3">Accept</string>
  376. <string name="s4">Decline</string>
  377. <string name="s5">Create calendar event</string>
  378. <string name="s6">Allow Ad to create a calendar event?</string>
  379. <string name="savings">Savings:</string>
  380. <string name="scandesc">Allows you to connect to a player and get information as well as being able to get the players IP</string>
  381. <string name="scanhdr">Scan</string>
  382. <string name="scrolldesc">Checking this box will set chat to auto scroll when new messages appear</string>
  383. <string name="sdkdesc">A strong offensive tool to hack other players. SDK will give you a boost to your other offense types</string>
  384. <string name="sdkhdr">SDK</string>
  385. <string name="search_menu_title">Search</string>
  386. <string name="searchbtn">Search</string>
  387. <string name="searchip">Search IP:</string>
  388. <string name="secondcolorhd">Secondary Color</string>
  389. <string name="send">Send</string>
  390. <string name="sendmsg">Send Message</string>
  391. <string name="settings">Settings</string>
  392. <string name="shielddesc">While a shield is active, you will not be able to get hacked. One shield will last for 15 minutes. This can be used every hour</string>
  393. <string name="shieldhdr">15 Minute Shield</string>
  394. <string name="signin">Signin</string>
  395. <string name="spydesc">Allows you to put spyware on a players system where you can monitor their money and hack them when they are building their bank</string>
  396. <string name="spyhdr">Spyware</string>
  397. <string name="spywarebtn">Spyware</string>
  398. <string name="spywaredesc">Spyware- Allows you to monitor their stats and money remotely and attack them at optimal times.</string>
  399. <string name="statdesc">While the stat booster is active, all stats will be increased 20% for 15 minutes. This can be used every hour</string>
  400. <string name="stathdr">Stat Booster</string>
  401. <string name="status">Status:</string>
  402. <string name="status_bar_notification_info_overflow">999+</string>
  403. <string name="subject">Subject:</string>
  404. <string name="svgacc">Savings Account</string>
  405. <string name="sysdesc">System components increase your overall system and resources. Increase how much your bank can hold, help stay hidden in the console, and prevent your upgrade levels from being visible to others by upgrading these items.</string>
  406. <string name="syshdr">System</string>
  407. <string name="tableofcontent">Table of Contents</string>
  408. <string name="target">Target:</string>
  409. <string name="taskmgr">Task Manager</string>
  410. <string name="tb1">Hacking Players</string>
  411. <string name="tb2">Upgrading Your System</string>
  412. <string name="tb3">Hacking Tools and Resources</string>
  413. <string name="tb4">Revenue Tools and Resources</string>
  414. <string name="tb4_1">Mining System</string>
  415. <string name="tb5">Leaderboard and Tournaments</string>
  416. <string name="tb6">Networks</string>
  417. <string name="tb7">Communicating with Players</string>
  418. <string name="tb8">Tips and Strategies</string>
  419. <string name="tendsc">Purchase 630 VC for $9.99 to use in the game for using resources and features</string>
  420. <string name="tenhdr">630 VC Pack</string>
  421. <string name="terms">I agree to Terms of Use</string>
  422. <string name="thankyou">By following these rules we can have a fun and active community for everyone to enjoy!</string>
  423. <string name="tickpurch">Tickets Purchased:</string>
  424. <string name="timeleft">Time Left:</string>
  425. <string name="timerdesc">Using a timer reset will clear any timers you have on other players so that you can hack them immediatly again. This can be used every hour.</string>
  426. <string name="timerhdr">Hack Timer Reset</string>
  427. <string name="tip1">Leverage your hacking tools. Use shields to prevent getting hacked back. Use boosters to gain more money and attack higher level players.</string>
  428. <string name="tip2">Think about how long you are playing at one time and how often you can get back on. If you can be on longer times, attack with lower level attack types so you can hack more frequent. If you only have a little bit of time, do max damage and attack with more powerful attacks.</string>
  429. <string name="tip3">Leverage the missions to earn extra cash while you are hacking.</string>
  430. <string name="tip4">Leverage your resources. Use adware and earn money while you are sleeping. Put spyware on people who you see are active or recently attacked you and monitor their money to attack at the right time.</string>
  431. <string name="tip5">Monitor your defense logs. Did someone just hack you and take a lot of money? Quick, hack them back before they spend it to get it back. Chances are if they hacked you, they are hacking many and they probably have more money to hack back than they got from you.</string>
  432. <string name="tip6">Leverage your network and work as a team to grow together.</string>
  433. <string name="tip7">Have balanced components. You can only get so good with no defenses. Be sure to level all stats and a complete player system.</string>
  434. <string name="title_activity_chat_drawer">ChatDrawerActivity</string>
  435. <string name="title_activity_network_chat_activty">NetworkChatActivty</string>
  436. <string name="title_section1">Section 1</string>
  437. <string name="title_section2">Section 2</string>
  438. <string name="title_section3">Section 3</string>
  439. <string name="to">To:</string>
  440. <string name="toolactive">Tool:</string>
  441. <string name="toolheader">Tool Status</string>
  442. <string name="toolsbtn">Use Tools</string>
  443. <string name="tourhead">Tournaments</string>
  444. <string name="tourheadd">Challenge yourself against and sign up for a tournament. Tournaments are based off number of people you hack. You can sign up for short or all day tournaments. Keep in mind tournaments only pay out if three or more players are in it. So encourage your friends to join!</string>
  445. <string name="tourn24hd1">Endurance Tournament</string>
  446. <string name="tourn24hd2">Twenty Four Hour Tournament</string>
  447. <string name="tourn2hd1">Quick Tournament</string>
  448. <string name="tourn2hd2">Two Hour Tournament</string>
  449. <string name="tourn4hd1">Standard Tournament</string>
  450. <string name="tourn4hd2">Four Hour Tournament</string>
  451. <string name="tourndes">Tournaments run all day and you can join a tournament at any time. Dont have much time, pick a shorter tournament! Want to grind for the day, do a 24 hour endurance tournament! You cannot be in more than one tournament at a time and you cannot be in overlapping tournaments, so make sure you choose wisely.</string>
  452. <string name="tourndesc">Join tournaments to participate and compete for rewards. You can only enter one tournament at a time and there is no daily limit. You cannot join in tournaments that overlap tournament times. Minimum of 3 participants in the tournament to receive cash payout</string>
  453. <string name="tournhdr">Compete in tournaments to show your skills</string>
  454. <string name="tournheader">Tournament Status</string>
  455. <string name="tournrules">Tournament Rules:</string>
  456. <string name="traincost">Training Cost:</string>
  457. <string name="transamount">Transfer Amount:</string>
  458. <string name="tumblerdesc">Follow us on Tumblr:</string>
  459. <string name="tumblr"><a href=""></a></string>
  460. <string name="tutattacks">You have three different attack types. Each giving you different amounts of cash and cooldown time (time until you can hack that player again).</string>
  461. <string name="tutbtn">Access Tutorial</string>
  462. <string name="tutconsol">Initially you need to get money to upgrade your system! The primary way is by using the hacking console. This will allow you to search players, connect and use different hacking methods to steal their money!</string>
  463. <string name="tutconsoleheader">Hacking Console</string>
  464. <string name="tutexploits">In addition to attacks you have options for exploiting players and adding spyware or adware to them. This allows long term methods to steal their money.</string>
  465. <string name="tutgoal">Glitch is a hacking simulator where you attack other players and complete missions to earn money. Use that money to upgrade your system and become the most powerful player in the game and get to the top. Compete with friends and create a network to team up and attack other networks.</string>
  466. <string name="tuthackingplayers">In the console you will see 9 targets. Select one by clicking the target. Once you connect you can see their stats and determine if you want to hack them. If the target shows blue, that means you already hacked them and cannot attack yet</string>
  467. <string name="tuthackingtoolheader">Using Hacking Tools To Get A Boost!</string>
  468. <string name="tuthacktools">Hacking tools allow you to strategize while you are playing. Use your virtual currency (VC) to purchase items and use them when you need them the most.</string>
  469. <string name="tutintro">Welcome to Glitch, hacking simulator!</string>
  470. <string name="tutorial"><a href=""></a></string>
  471. <string name="tutstodesc">The store allows you to purchase our VIP and VC packages to help increase strategies in the game as well as custom game and chat colors</string>
  472. <string name="tutstohdr">Puchase VC and VIP in the store</string>
  473. <string name="tutwelcome">Glitch Tutorial</string>
  474. <string name="twendsc">Purchase 1280 VC for $19.99 to use in the game for using resources and features</string>
  475. <string name="twenhdr">1280 VC Pack</string>
  476. <string name="twitter"><a href=""></a></string>
  477. <string name="twitterdesc">Follow us on Twitter:</string>
  478. <string name="twohourtournheader">2 Hour Tournament Rankings</string>
  479. <string name="updatebtn">Update</string>
  480. <string name="upgdctr">Upgrade Center</string>
  481. <string name="upgrade10btn">Upgrade +10</string>
  482. <string name="upgrade1btn">Upgrade +1</string>
  483. <string name="upgrade5btn">Upgrade +5</string>
  484. <string name="upgradebtn">Upgrade</string>
  485. <string name="upgradehdr">Upgrading Your Systems</string>
  486. <string name="upgradeoverview">You will quickly realize that you need to build up your systems to hack the best guys. Do this by going into the upgrade center. From there you will see components to upgrade for offense, defense, and for your overall system.</string>
  487. <string name="use">Use</string>
  488. <string name="username">Username:</string>
  489. <string name="vc">VC:</string>
  490. <string name="vcacc">Virtual Currency</string>
  491. <string name="vipdsc">Purchase VIP for one month to get 400 VC, customized color for chat, extra spyware and extra adware slots</string>
  492. <string name="viphdr">One Month VIP</string>
  493. <string name="vpndesc">Increases the ability to stay hidden in the console and hide stats from attackers</string>
  494. <string name="vpnhdr">VPN</string>
  495. <string name="webdesc">Stay up to date on our website:</string>
  496. <string name="website"><a href=""></a></string>
  497. <string name="welcome">Please review the rules below. Failing to follow the rules will result in temporary or complete ban from the chat.</string>
  498. <string name="withbtn">Withdraw From Savings</string>
  499. <string name="withvc">Withdraw VC</string>
  500. <string name="yourrank">Your Current Rank:</string>
  501. <string name="zddes">Zero Day- Need big bucks quick? Use this and steal 40% of the targets money! This attack has a 2 hour cooldown.</string>
  502. <string name="zddesc">A high level attack that will give you 40% of the targets money. This attack has a 2 hour cooldown</string>
  503. <string name="zdhdr">Zero Day</string>
  504. <string name="zerobtn">Zero Day</string>
  505. </resources>
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