

Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((So hawt.))
  2. Covet: [Haley looks fantastic. :D]
  3. Tsaaq: ((Thank you!))
  4. Tsaaq: Hayley sighed and put her hands in her lap as lingering parts of family stayed in the dining room. Her eyes going to the window. // "Hayley do you want to play with Jacob?" Solomon asked, his husband staring fondly at their cute chubby cheeked baby. // Remy was in the kitchen with his father and mother as he smoked his after dinner cigarette, tapping the ash into the tray awkwardly. // "Grandson you so stupid. Don't you know smoke make your sperms less vigilant." Grandma Lin complained as she shoved him. Her head quickly turned at the sound of Jacqueline mumbling. "Shut up! I'm almost dead. I do what I want until it's over!" She shouted. // "Watch you live for like two hundred years." Sasha said dimissively before getting slapped.
  5. Covet: Cadence was in the process of moving dishes from one room to the kitchen, if they were empty. She overheard the conversation going on , about Remy's semen and she bit her lips with a smirk as she caught his look. She wanted to say something, but after this morning she thought it'd be better to just be quiet, but after hearing Sasha, "Or longer, We've had this discussion. It involves a lot of science."
  6. Tsaaq: "Um... Sure Uncle Solomon." Hayley replied as she got up from her chair and went to pick up the babe. He sputtered his baby lips loudly while babbling then put his little arms as far as he could around her. "Did you get him from the same place mom got me?" // "That lady's group home has been closed for a while. But the agency Jacob came from is perfect. And he's perfect." Solomon gushed. Fuckin' in love baby having show off. // Remy shook his head as he flinched. "Grandma!" He yelled! "Don't encourage this." He said to Cadence with a shake of his head. // Jacob (The older one what wasn't a baby and was Sasha's brother) Came from the bathroom and walked into the kitchen. James trailing behind.
  7. Covet: Cadence smiled softly, "Encourage what? I don't know what you're talking about, babe." She said standing on her tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek as she watched James come into the kitchen, with Remy's uncle Jacob. She gave James Sr. a soft smile. "I'm going to go make sure there's not any more dishes in the dining room." Cadence said then walked that direction, smiling as she saw Hayley with her little cousin.
  8. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head as she rocked the baby in her arms. "Well he's cute." She said quietly then looked up at Cadence. "Hey." She greeted. // Solomon got up and so did his husband. "We'll be back." // Remy scrunched up his face at Uncle Jacob and turned away. "Okay babe." He said before putting out his cigarette in the ash tray. "I'm gonna walk my dog-" He put his hand up to Uncle Jacob. "No. That's not code for anything." He declared as he went to walk towards the stairs, overhearing voices in the living room. // James Jr, Eugene and Grace had been speaking to each other in Korean about their grandparents catching Cadence and Remy. Talking shit of course.
  9. Covet: Cadence gave a wave, then sat down for a second not seeing any dishes, " Hey, someone leave you on baby duty? He's pretty cute." She said waving at the baby. "Just came in to see if there was anymore dishes that need to be brought into the kitchen. Dinner was pretty nice."
  10. Tsaaq: Hayley picked up baby Jacob by his armpits and rose him up and down. Causing him to snicker. "Yeah..." She trailed off. "I know Uncle Solomon and Joshua wanted a baby but I didn't know he'd be here by Thanksgiving." Hayley said. "Yeah there's some dishes but uh. I'm kind of stuck babysitting." She laughed. // Remy curiously leaned on the wall as he listened to them. "Why don't you say that shit in fucking English?" He asked angrily under his breath as he shoved James Jr. // "Shut up." He retorted. "You are so disgusting as a human." He declared. There was a loud knock on the door and James Jr turned his head. "Looks like my friend is here." He said. // "What? You're finally coming out of the closet?" Remy asked dismissively.
  11. Covet: "It's nice that they brought him along, first family dinner. I guess, break them in early." Cadence said with a light laugh, "Don't worry about it, I'll get them in there. I don't think we're in much of a rush anyways. Besides, it looks like he's enjoying his time with you." She said nodding to Jacob, then looked over to the door hearing a knock, if someone else was coming for dinner they were a little late.
  12. Tsaaq: She turned her head at the sound of the door. "Shit." hayley whispered. "We'll probably be taking pictures soon. This is the first Thanksgiving we've had where everyone is acting like humans." She said to Cadence. "Maybe it's cause you and Remy are married now?" She asked. "He is a good baby. It seems. I don't know him very well. I just met him after all." She laughed and pulled the door open. Seeing her ex-boyfriend Connor in the doorway. // Remy turned when he heard the door and walked out to it as well. Standing behind Hayley. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked then flashed a look to James Jr. Who of course like a coward had retreated.
  13. Covet: "Family pictures?" Cadence said, because that was kind of a foriegn concept to her, "I can't say I've ever been in one..." She said with a mumble then looked over at the door, walking over with Hayley. She didn't know who the guy was, but looked over at Remy who'd immediately asked what the hell he was doing there.
  14. Tsaaq: "Connor. Get out." Hayley said firmly. "I don't want to see you." She bit the inside of her cheek as she went with baby Jacob and walked away from the cold. "Who is it?" Jacqueline shouted from the kitchen. "It's no one mom." Her voice yelled back. // Remy blocked the doorway with his arm. "Get the fuck out." He said in a whisper. "For once we've had a nice Thanksgiving. You're not going to ruin it." He muttered. "She's a different person now. Or maybe she's who she's always been." He nodded in the direction of his sister. // Connor nodded his curly head. "James told me everything. About the assault. The pregnancy." He said with a sigh. "I could've taken care of her. But I just want a chance to talk to her!" // Remy shook his head and pushed Connor away. "She was a kid and didn't know what the fuck she was doing when she fucked around with you. It was a mistake. So just accept it and back the fuck off!"
  15. Covet: Cadence just stood there in the doorway watching, looking at everyone from Hayley to Connor to Remy and back. She wasn't sure what to say or what was going to happen, but she was happy that Hayley was walking away with the baby, because Baby's aren't to be hurt.
  16. Tsaaq: ((exactly.))
  17. Tsaaq: Hayley sniffled, hearing Remy shout at Connor as she went to the kitchen. // "Hayley! Don't bring baby Jacob in here. Too much smoke!" Grandma Lin yelled at her then everyone's attention focused on Remy. The family gathered on each side of the archways that led to the doorway. // "Son what are you doing?" Sasha yelled. // "This fucking shit head dad! The fucking grown man who fucked my sister while she was underaged!" Remy yelled. "You wanna come in?" He asked as he pulled Connor into the house and threw him into the stairs. // "OH MY GOD DO SOMETHING!" Grandma Sarai shouted, shaking Grandpa Jacob, who didn't even fucking care. // James Jr. came into the scene with a smirk "Well maybe, she shouldn't have been a little slut?" He asked before immediately being slapped by Jacqueline. // Remy ran over to James Jr and punched him square in the jaw before pushing him to the ground to pummel him. Nobody coming to break them apart. WHY? Cause Connor was standing up and Sasha was coming over to punch him in the fucking gut.
  18. Covet: Cadence stood back as Remy drug Connor in to the arena, then went after James Jr. After his comment. She looked at Jacque wondering who should be stopped at this point. "Do we even try to stop them at this point..." She asked then stepped past the battle, to at least try to get Remy to lay up on Jr. "Babe... BABE! Remy... I need your knuckles not bruised for our honeymoon please...."She said trying to drag him off.
  19. Tsaaq: Hayley handed baby Jacob off to Uncle Solomon who was shouting at James Sr. for his kids ruining another Thanksgiving. "Dad! Remy! Stop it!" She yelled in an attempt to help. // Eugene came over to Hayley and attempted to shove her but it was just a weak little pussy push. // Hayley's eyes widened before she swung her closed fist into his face then pushed him into the wall as she started to knee him. Basically a brawl was just happening. // Jacqueline pushed James Sr. off of her as she stood. "What? WHAT!" She shouted at him. // Remy stopped fucking up James Jr. and stood up to face her. "Babe, get out of here." He instructed until Connor came in to tackle Remy to the floor.// Sasha yelled as he went to lunge at Connor after he tackle Remy. The three tussling on the floor.
  20. Covet: Cadence stepped back and cringed watching them tussle as she made her way past the family and into the kitchen. Close enough to hear, but out of the way as she paced about in the kitchen, really just hoping that no cops were called for a domestic violence incident before her and Remy were supposed to leave in a handful of hours.
  21. Tsaaq: Eugene was pulling Hayley's hair like a little bitch. She kneed him hard in the crotch and he immediately fell to the floor. She used a sharp breath to move the hair that had fell into her face. "You have to get the fuck out!" She said as she dragged Connor out of their house and kicked him in the ass with her heel as he fell into the snow. // "I'm tired of your kids bullying mine. It all comes down to this racist bullshit. You didn't want me to marry Sasha and they heard you bad mouthing our family their whole lives and now you're reaping your fucking seeds of hate!" She yelled. // James Sr. shook his head. "I'M SORRY! I WAS WRONG! I DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD BE LIKE THIS I WAS YOUNG AND DUMB!" He yelled back. // Remy sighed as he stormed away and went into the kitchen. "It's fine. We're fine." He told her as he grabbed some peas from the freezer.
  22. Covet: Cadence looked at Remy and pointed at the counter for him to sit down so she could take a look at him and acess the damage. Listening to the screaming and yelling still happening. "Let me see..." She said taking the bag of peas from him and looked over the bruises blooming, but seemed like Remy got more hits in then he took. She ran her fingers over his knuckles and looked at him, "I'm not mad. Just concerned. Are you okay?"
  23. Tsaaq: Remy shook his head as he went to kiss her forehead. "I'm fine. I was just defending everything I love... That's all." He told her gently. "I'm going to be fine. We all are."
  24. Covet: Cadence nodded and leaned into his kiss. "You know what outfit I didn't bring with me... that I apparently should have... My Candy Striper nurse outfit." She told him lightening the mood as she put the peas on his hand. "I know, and you did a hell of a job, Babe." She told him with a proud look on her face.
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