
Bahamut Advantages

Mar 13th, 2017
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  1. 2-1. Defining
  3. Defining advantages central to your character go here. You may have two.
  5. Avatar of Bahamut <Defining 1>: Junko was chosen by the Fayth of Bevelle temple to be the Avatar of Bahamut, which means he was turned into a living fayth, transforming his body into that of the Aeon, Bahamut. He is large, powerful, able to use many different kinds of magic, and capable of flight. Bahamut is the non-elemental Aeon, meaning he has no particular weaknesses or strengths against elemental magics. He is also naturally resistant to many forms of status inflicting magic and instant death magic.
  7. 2-2. Significant
  9. Special Attacks <Significant 1>: Bahamut has two special attacks that are unique to him. The first is Impulse, an attack that fires three to five spheres of destructive non-elemental energy. The second and by far more powerful attack is Mega-Flare. Bahamut unleashes a beam of pure energy that can engulf large stretches of land in front of him and cause massive damage to both that land and the things standing on it.
  11. Level-Headed <Significant 2>: Part of Bahamut's power is that he is cool headed at all times. He still has personality, but it is very difficult to make him lose his head, be it in conversation or combat. It is all part of being one of the strongest Aeons, and one of the only non-elemental Aeons. There is no elemental influence to push his actions toward haste or rashness. It is possible to anger Bahamut to the point of rash actions, but it is very difficult.
  13. Magic Skills <Significant 3>: Bahamut is able to use all of the magics from his world. Fire, ice, lightning, water, holy, darkness, and non-elemental. There are other elements and support magics, but Bahamut will always forsake those choices for pure attack power when he is fighting alone.
  18. 2-3. Minor
  20. Minor advantages ancillary to your character go here. You have no limit, subject to common sense.
  22. Machina Mechanic: Before Junko was inhabited by the powers of Bahamut, he was an Al Bhed mechanic. He has a good grasp of engineering, allowing him to get most technology from his world running through tricks and shortcuts, and makes it much easier for him to understand technology from other worlds. And thanks to his world's mixture of magic and technology, what powers the technology does not hinder his understanding.
  24. Items: Like any good Al Bhed, Junko carries around a sachel full of various items good in a pinch. These items range from potions to attack items to tools and weapons. While he won't usually use any healing items in a one on one fight, if he is in a group Junko will often use these items to support his team members.
  26. Bevelle Temple: As the embodiment of the Fayth that used to inhabit the Bevelle temple, Bahamut has been granted the temple as a place to relax and receive his followers. The temple provides him a place of rest and recuperation, and many followers who are willing to do his bidding despite his known history as an Al Bhed.
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