
This Isn't Just A Toy!

Mar 12th, 2016
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  1. Pau Ikari says: And yet-I cannot play with a simple toy-.
  2. *Pau Ikari would begin to turn herself around and stagger back onto her feet, wiping away the tears while looking towards Ryusei. "I don't think we can be friends until you do your end of the bargain and make me a toy-given how you've treated me just now."*
  3. Ryusei says: It's not just a toy!
  4. Ryusei says: This..-
  5. *Ryusei trailed off for a moment, taking on a more serious attitude. How could he explain so that someone other than him could understand?
  7. ".. I've been through a lot lately and I'd like to think that I'm growing stronger because of it. These goggles..-"
  9. "As silly as it may sound, they represent my struggles and how I've overcome them. They were given to me because despite the odds being stacked against me, I lived - even as people who were a lot stronger and smarter than me were killed."
  11. ".. So to me, they're not just a toy. They're a momento - something that'll help keep me strong in the face of impossible odds, because it was against impossible odds that I survived before.. and they help me focus on doing so again."*
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