
Sugar Lump Guide

May 5th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. What to do with sugar lumps:
  2. 1) Spend one on Wizard Towers to unlock the Grimoire.
  3. 2) Spend another on Temples to unlock the Pantheon.
  4. 2b) If you are playing under Competitive rules and tryharding, it is best to use 2 lumps on level 2 Wizard Towers here
  5. 3) Spend the third on Farms to unlock the Garden
  6. 4) Level up Banks once to unlock the Stock Market
  7. 5) Spend the next 44 lumps to get farms to level 9, unlocking the maximum size of the Garden
  8. 6) Spend a total of 78 lumps to level Cursors up to level 12, which will be able get you the maximum office level.
  9. Note: save up the lumps you need to get the next loan before using lumps, loans unlock at Cursor levels 4, 10 and 12 requiring 10, 45 and 23 lumps from the last one
  10. 7) Stockpile 100 lumps to get the maximum bonus of Sugar Baking
  11. 8) Do 8a and 8b in the order you prefer.
  12. 8a) Spend any lumps above 100 on the following steps
  13. 1) Level farms up to 10 for the Sugar Crystal Cookies boost and the achievement (You can drop to 94).
  14. 2) Then level up Cursors to 20 for the aura gloves boost (You can drop to 94 lumps when going to level 13, then to 95 on the rest).
  15. This is more efficient for pure cookie count (assuming your cookies come from click combos) but is slower in getting all the achievements.
  16. 8b) Spend any lumps above 100 to level your buildings up to level 10 and no more (Can drop to 94 on the final level
  17. ). A suggested order would be Farms -> You -> Javascript Consoles -> Fractal Engines -> Wizard towers -> Cortex bakers -> Temples... (the cps increase is negligible for the rest). Picking this first will get you all the achievements faster than option a.
  18. !Warning! If you are not playing with the competitive ruleset (or more specifically utilizing savescumming or fthof planner) DO NOT upgrade wizard towers past level 2
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