
Amy 1.5

Dec 25th, 2015
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  1. You didn’t do much in the way of sleeping that night.
  3. Not even as you luxuriated in your new pet, lying against her now ample and specially adapted chest in comfort as you played with her mind and body like a child enamored by a brand new toy. No you were far too busy, as you watched over her, lips close to her own as you warped and weaved and experimented with her mind with an almost frighten intensity.
  5. It was horrifyingly fun, you’d discovered as you worked her over in the night, watching her reactions of fear, disgust, hate, and finally resignation as you worked throughout the night, fiddling with her very sense of identity as you broke her to your will.
  7. You couldn’t help but be brutally honest with yourself on that.
  9. You were a monster, and your stomach flip flopped at the thought in both delight and disgust.
  11. You were breaking another human being, crushing all that they were in order to better suit you. Was this the heady power which Heartbreaker held? Knowing that he could do what you’d been working on all night with ease? The many ways in which you’d tortured her with pleasure, pushing her to the brink while playing with the mechanisms of primal desire which drove her.
  13. You’d made it a point early on in the night to change aspects of her sexual preference, the automatic responses to women strengthened to an almost uncontrollable degree, before bombarding her with constantly repeated memories of the females in her life, while surging sexual arousal and pleasure though her. It was easy enough once you figured out the patterns which fired when the word woman was mentioned, mother, aunt, and correlate the exact neuron configuration which held the proper associations. You played with her desires, making her weep in bitter frustration and personal anguish as you remade her even as she witnessed and experienced it firsthand.
  15. You couldn’t, unfortunately, just reach in to her brain and take what you wanted. But with a bit of careful study, you would make some interesting insights into your own power and possibly even increase your own capabilities in the process.
  17. What you’d started to do later on in the night would all but unravel her psyche before you, as you begun to truly indulge in the darkness that laid at your core, always a whim which needed satisfying, always a cruelty which made you feel like so much more than you’d ever been.
  19. It had taken you a moment to think of it, as you played with her perceptions and senses, but a wickedly brilliant thought occurred to you. Isolation, loneliness, and separation from all else had bought her to her absolute lowest, crushed her soul to the point where power had latched on to fill the void.
  21. And now you used it as part of your toolset to carve her into your perfect pet.
  23. It started with small doses of isolation, as you triggered hunger in her body so intense that it almost crippled any attempt at thought, a gradually building thing which would ebb in an ever constant cycle. You’d shut down everything, her every sense of the world and of self, flooding her instead with the cold yearning of desire, and the complete perceived lack of essentials even as you desolated her sense of time, allowing minutes to pass like hours and days.
  25. Then you would save her.
  27. You’d swoop in, turning back on her senses, fill her world with the sensations of fullness, and pleasure, easing her hunger even as you reiterated the new doctrine which she was to follow. And then you would do it again. And again. And again.
  29. Each cycle took a mere ten minutes at most, the punishments to her psyche obvious as you primed this, your first victim. The hungry heady power over her every aspect was satisfying like nothing you’d ever before experienced
  31. It made you wonder just why you’d ever held back before?
  33. …Victoria...
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