
mas mas aziz

Jun 10th, 2018
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  1. welcome to shrink for the shy guy this
  2. is the show for you if you are sick and
  3. tired of being held back by fear
  4. self-doubt social anxiety shyness
  5. anything that's stopping you from you
  6. being you I'm going to share the most
  7. powerful tools and resources that I've
  8. been discovering over the last 15 years
  9. on my journey to eradicate social
  10. anxiety and instill confidence first in
  11. myself and then in every single person
  12. that I meet on my journey you're gonna
  13. learn these tools and how to apply them
  14. in your life now so you can become the
  15. most free powerful bold authentic
  16. version of you
  17. [Music]
  18. hey welcome today's episode of the show
  19. I'm excited to be with you today because
  20. we're gonna be talking about something
  21. that I think is very important which is
  22. your confidence in your body your body
  23. image how you think that you look and
  24. how you feel about the way that you look
  25. and this is a huge confidence problem
  26. for most people most of us have learned
  27. from a very young age that the way that
  28. we look is unacceptable in some form or
  29. another and usually that doesn't kick in
  30. when we're little kids little kids
  31. usually don't aren't aware of it and as
  32. we get older more become more inundated
  33. in in the culture and start to see if we
  34. fit in usually around middle school
  35. that's when people will start to get a
  36. pretty clear idea of I look good or I
  37. don't which is very closely linked if
  38. not equivalent to I am worthy or I'm not
  39. I'm popular or I'm a loser
  40. I'm lovable or I'm unlovable I'm worthy
  41. of dating or I'm not worthy of dating I
  42. belong and eat friends or I I don't
  43. deserve that it's all wrapped up in a
  44. lot of ways in our body image and of
  45. course that continues you know bombarded
  46. with messages all day every day so we
  47. got the overt you know people might make
  48. fun of you or you might see me see
  49. criticisms of people and their
  50. appearance or the the covert the more
  51. subtle just every image you see is
  52. someone who's like unusually fit and
  53. looks has these perfect dimensions and
  54. so it doesn't take too long for us to
  55. start to feel bad about ourselves and
  56. yet what a huge drain on your confidence
  57. because you know what do you look at
  58. yourself in the mirror many times a day
  59. perhaps even if you're not intentionally
  60. trying to do it mirrors are everywhere
  61. you look down there's your stomach you
  62. do you see your face and reflections
  63. like pictures photos everything right so
  64. we have this continual potential source
  65. of low self-esteem a reduction our
  66. confidence you can be feeling great and
  67. all of a sudden you see a photo of
  68. yourself and you're like
  69. I hate myself right and all of a sudden
  70. you lose all those great feelings so we
  71. want to protect you from that we want to
  72. help you start to feel good about who
  73. you are not just on the you know your
  74. behavior and your personality but also
  75. the way that you look because it's very
  76. important to get to a place of peace
  77. acceptance self-love in order to to have
  78. a rock-solid confidence that doesn't
  79. fluctuate like crazy throughout the day
  80. so even if that's not your main goal
  81. like maybe your main goal is social
  82. confidence or dating confidence I'm
  83. gonna bet that how you feel about your
  84. body is gonna influence those areas so
  85. let's resolve this and then help you get
  86. out there doing the stuff that you want
  87. to do in the world so you're not worried
  88. about how you look and your appearance
  89. in your body and all that so five ways
  90. to improve your body image confidence
  91. the first one is go deeper go deeper
  92. it's not your body in itself it's it's a
  93. how you react to your body and your face
  94. or anything else is a reflection of your
  95. relationship with yourself do you like
  96. yourself are you habitually negative and
  97. critical of yourself does that go beyond
  98. your body maybe are you just negative
  99. about you know your how you move how you
  100. stand the clothes you wear how you come
  101. across if you're confident enough if you
  102. if you're articulate enough if you're
  103. intelligent sounding enough if you're
  104. smooth enough whatever they're you know
  105. specific thing you're measuring yourself
  106. on are you regularly measuring yourself
  107. and then finding yourself falling short
  108. and being upset with yourself so it goes
  109. beyond the body it's that's just one
  110. area that you do it in and so if you're
  111. doing it all over the place
  112. then you're probably gonna do it with
  113. your body as well and we want to look
  114. deeper at your relationship with you why
  115. are you so hard on yourself why do you
  116. criticize yourself so much
  117. you know this is one of those things
  118. that we can be doing for years and and
  119. we're not fully even aware of it it's
  120. like the whirr of a computer fan in the
  121. background but it's just always there or
  122. you kind of get used to it you know the
  123. hum of the air conditioner in your house
  124. just get used to it but this hum this
  125. were is poisonous self-loathing dripping
  126. in bit by bit all day long and we want
  127. to pause for a second and look at that
  128. and say whoa whoa that's not how helpful
  129. it's not healthy why am i doing that
  130. what so even just let's look at the body
  131. because that's what we're focused on in
  132. any aspect of your physical appearance
  133. when you criticize yourself and first of
  134. all what is it you know there's usually
  135. some specific points we can criticize
  136. aspects of our face I used to criticize
  137. the area around my eyes a lot it's so
  138. funny how we latch on to certain things
  139. so the area around my eyes can be darker
  140. and so I was like oh that's not
  141. attractive
  142. right that's raccoon eyes and so I would
  143. fixate on that but I don't really care
  144. that much about what are called crow's
  145. feet you know wrinkles on the side of
  146. your eye I don't really care about those
  147. I probably I'm sure I have more of that
  148. now then you know 15 years ago and I'll
  149. have even more 15 years from now and
  150. maybe it's you know men are typically
  151. less concerned about wrinkles than women
  152. that's a generalization that and I'm
  153. stuck can be true for everyone but so
  154. certain things were more susceptible to
  155. right another thing that I noticed
  156. myself in the past criticizing myself
  157. for was hair loss and I still have a
  158. head of hair but it's thinner and if you
  159. look at it from the top down it's you
  160. know it's it's a it's a slow retreat for
  161. the hair and then of course my body size
  162. that was an area that I criticized
  163. myself all the time for when I was
  164. younger especially I need to be I need
  165. to be bigger leaner and stronger really
  166. a title of a book by the way but bigger
  167. leaner and stronger that's what I need
  168. and so whenever I look in a mirror I
  169. would I would just go to the points that
  170. I thought were unattractive which was
  171. the area on
  172. is in my stomach me like hey the area of
  173. my eyes is still bad and my stomach is
  174. not like lean enough that's just what I
  175. would look at and maybe occasional other
  176. parts of my body my posture is not good
  177. enough I'm not more muscular in my arms
  178. whatever and it could be different for
  179. you depending on your conditioning and
  180. your gender and whatever but okay so
  181. maybe you relate to that you're doing
  182. that too why what is it gonna do you
  183. really want to examine this and we're
  184. gonna get a little more in the fifth way
  185. about what to do here but I just want
  186. you to start thinking about it go deeper
  187. than just like oh you know we get
  188. fixated oh yeah my stomach is not right
  189. okay I'm gonna go work out a new sit-ups
  190. and and then we get all wrapped up in
  191. the content of that as opposed to
  192. slowing down and being like wow you know
  193. what would it be like to be with a
  194. partner who every time they saw you
  195. naked or shirtless was like mmm yeah you
  196. should tighten up their uh you know your
  197. arms are not quite lean enough and you
  198. know one eye is slightly you know you're
  199. not totally symmetrical in your face
  200. yeah it doesn't look very good it's kind
  201. of gross like holy cow would you want to
  202. be with that person right and you're
  203. doing that to yourself though so we got
  204. to slow down a look at this and label it
  205. as the insanity that it is okay that's
  206. the first thing go deeper
  207. the next thing remember I was asking you
  208. why you do it one of the common ideas
  209. it's gonna motivate me it's gonna
  210. motivate me I'm gonna oh look I'm a
  211. gross fat ugly piece of shit okay now
  212. I'm inspired right and so number two is
  213. use better fuel this is a second way to
  214. improve your body image confidence use
  215. better fuel so don't use I hate myself
  216. and I'm gross as your primary source of
  217. fuel it doesn't work very well it's bad
  218. fuel it Gunks up your engine makes you
  219. feel terrible inside maybe it gets you
  220. into the gym or to go workout or
  221. something maybe and that's questionable
  222. if that's even the real source of why
  223. you're in there and even if it does it
  224. doesn't last very long or even if you
  225. make progress it is never enough right
  226. so it's a it's a dangerous unhelpful
  227. fuel and we want to use a better fuel
  228. attacking yourself will never make you
  229. look better and the some of the things
  230. that you're tagging yourself for it's
  231. not like oh yeah I get in the gym and
  232. get in shape and it's gone it's like
  233. that's not changing
  234. you know without some sort of radical
  235. plastic surgery or other interventions
  236. and those are largely built upon
  237. insecurities right people don't want to
  238. do the inner work so they're like I'll
  239. just solve the physical appearance and
  240. then I'll you know then I'll feel great
  241. about myself which they don't typically
  242. so use better fuel what's a better fuel
  243. well you know surprisingly enough it's
  244. actually loving and appreciating
  245. yourself what I know that was totally
  246. out of left field you probably weren't
  247. expecting me to say that right what does
  248. all this self-love stuff no nuts to that
  249. I got to become the best the biggest the
  250. strongest the richest the fastest and
  251. then then I'll feel confident and I'll
  252. love myself and I'll be all popular and
  253. everyone will everyone will prove of me
  254. nights at the game you're playing I can
  255. fall into that one too but it's not it
  256. doesn't work so we it's an inside job we
  257. got a shift inside so we got to change
  258. our fuel and I promise you that fuel
  259. works so much better is positive
  260. encouragement praise reinforcement
  261. determination you know for the gym I was
  262. finding that my motivation was flagging
  263. and I was like I was going to it but I
  264. was kind of going through the motions
  265. and then I sat down and said okay what's
  266. what's my deep motivation and you know
  267. typical motivations are what six-pack
  268. abs yeah and I I tried to have that
  269. juice me but it just didn't I was like
  270. yeah I do want to you know get leaner
  271. stronger that sort of thing but that's
  272. not enough juice I need a better fuel
  273. and so one fuel that I found was one of
  274. my core wise was I want to get stronger
  275. and leaner and fitter than I ever have
  276. because it's proving something to myself
  277. and if you listen to my podcast from
  278. this year earlier in the year I've
  279. talked a lot about my journey with Kron
  280. Payne and for 15 years I thought I was
  281. broken thought if I push myself my body
  282. would crumble and get injured and is
  283. weak and I can't sustain a solid workout
  284. I thought all that was true and so to be
  285. in a place now or I can push my limits
  286. and step into fear because every time
  287. I'm reaching the edge of my physical
  288. abilities which is where you get
  289. stronger something in my brain kicks
  290. into like defensive protective mode I
  291. can't handle this I'm gonna get hurt and
  292. so I see it as a beautiful extension of
  293. this confidence work to bring it into
  294. physical confidence how can I face my
  295. fear there too
  296. and then do what I've never done before
  297. prove that I am stronger than I ever
  298. thought and then just push fear back on
  299. yet another front overcome fear and to
  300. me that was instant juice because it
  301. taps into my whole mode of being my hope
  302. one of my core purposes in life so that
  303. got me going
  304. that's better fuel and look if the fuel
  305. is I want to look great maybe why though
  306. and what is great to you but but why is
  307. it because then maybe I'll get more
  308. dates well great but but link that up in
  309. your mind is it because you think that
  310. you maybe you'll feel proud of yourself
  311. for having being able to achieve or
  312. accomplish something you feel proud when
  313. you look at them here great but use the
  314. use the positive side use the carrot I
  315. I'm gonna feel proud of myself and then
  316. start working on feeling proud of
  317. yourself right now that's the really
  318. feeling grateful for your body right now
  319. so when you look in the mirror look at
  320. I'm going to talk a little bit more
  321. about this is kind of leanest in a third
  322. way but look at the places that that you
  323. like and praise yourself for those give
  324. yourself that acknowledgement that
  325. credit right what if your pattern
  326. instead of scanning the places you
  327. didn't like was to focus on the things
  328. that you liked shift your focus on
  329. purpose to that which actually leads us
  330. into the third way to improve your body
  331. image confidence this is a very specific
  332. technique and one of the issues is we
  333. look most two things we see the parts of
  334. our body or our face that we don't like
  335. and we judge the heck out of them and
  336. then we feel bad
  337. or we avoid looking at those places
  338. entirely
  339. we're like terrified of seeing them
  340. because we know that if we see them
  341. we're gonna attack ourselves and feel
  342. bad both of those are not healthy right
  343. they're both forms of avoidance and we
  344. want to relax and do expose your work on
  345. the parts of ourselves that we don't
  346. like we have to make friends with the
  347. parts of our body that we don't like
  348. because even if you're working on
  349. changing it look change is slow the
  350. problem is people try to use self-hatred
  351. as a fuel they're overweight for example
  352. like I hate I hate my stomach okay fine
  353. and because of that they have to get rid
  354. of it now and then they become
  355. susceptible to by all kinds of weird
  356. crappy ineffective fad things diets
  357. pills exercise equipment that don't work
  358. and they don't use them or they're
  359. getting into a healthy regiment healthy
  360. routine they're eating well they're
  361. working out they're exercising but they
  362. want the results like in a week and it's
  363. like look I don't know I don't care how
  364. much you're working out or how little
  365. you're eating you're not gonna get
  366. massive results in a week and they're
  367. sure that I can be sustainable if you do
  368. it too rapidly and crazily so I know
  369. we're talking months and like big
  370. changes in your body we're talking a
  371. year or more right like big changes so
  372. let's slow down
  373. let's get okay with ourselves right now
  374. along the way on the journey so what's
  375. the part of your body you don't like and
  376. what if you just looked at that part of
  377. your body right now and if you can hold
  378. it maybe even handhold it or put your
  379. hand over it and just notice what
  380. happens this is like a mindfulness
  381. exercise and I'm gonna kind of deal with
  382. you right now a mini version but I
  383. encourage you to do this on your own
  384. later like literally you just get out of
  385. something and if you tend to always like
  386. scan your stomach or your I don't know
  387. side of your state your obliques your
  388. love handles some aspects of your body
  389. some aspect of your face or hair
  390. whatever it is and you tend to avoid
  391. looking at it or you look at it and
  392. you're like yeah you feel like disgust
  393. then slow down become mindful and just
  394. give yourself to earth
  395. minutes to just breathe look at that
  396. part of your body and notice as you're
  397. mind kicking the fast hyper drive of how
  398. it's gonna fix it how gross it is how it
  399. needs to change how it hasn't changed
  400. how hopeless you are how angry you are
  401. how frustrated you are how it needs
  402. change how fearful you are that people
  403. aren't gonna love you unless it changes
  404. okay there goes the mind spinning bring
  405. your attention back into your breath
  406. into your heart just look at this body
  407. Wow
  408. this body you know if you weren't so
  409. busy judging it you you might notice how
  410. amazing this body is how it moves you
  411. through this world how there are
  412. trillions of operations happening
  413. simultaneously right now in this very
  414. second that you're listening to me cells
  415. and communications cells in you know
  416. inserting and excreting things energetic
  417. communication biological blood
  418. neurotransmitters plasma everything just
  419. um you know billions trillions of
  420. operations all working in some insane
  421. form of unison the level of organization
  422. and and symbiotic interactivity between
  423. not only your own cells but like other
  424. organisms like bacteria living in your
  425. gut mitochondria living in your cells
  426. that are like not even part of your DNA
  427. that are like another creature that's
  428. symbiotically living with humans it's
  429. just it is insane and here we are
  430. obsessing about the shape of our nose
  431. you know it's like it's like you're on
  432. top of a pile of money on top of a
  433. massive pile of ten billion dollars it's
  434. like a mountain right and you're looking
  435. down you're like yeah that
  436. hundred-dollar bill is a little dirty no
  437. no I don't like it
  438. man you got a working body you're rich
  439. you are rich so really making friends
  440. with the parts of your body that you
  441. don't like yeah that exposure
  442. the third way alright let's carry on
  443. number four this is a big one
  444. improve your lifestyle improve your
  445. lifestyle take care of yourself if you
  446. want to feel better about your body
  447. image because a lot of challenges with
  448. our body might come from poor choices
  449. and poor habits of health whether it's
  450. not sleeping sleeping regularly crazy
  451. regular hours drinking alcohol smoking
  452. cigarettes doing other drugs eating
  453. processed food fast food junk food food
  454. that lives in a pantry that doesn't need
  455. to be refrigerated and has weird stuff
  456. in it that you can't pronounce I'll talk
  457. about that with my my son's the last I
  458. can't we have that or something I'll be
  459. like dude's got crazy chemicals in it
  460. what are chemicals well let's talk about
  461. that alright so yeah weird chemicals in
  462. it maybe you shouldn't be eating it and
  463. because all those things as a you know
  464. accumulate to make you feel a little
  465. more lethargic less energy less energy
  466. to take care of your body and move less
  467. sleep makes you feel worse less you know
  468. more likely to eat bad food make poor
  469. food choices
  470. same thing with being hungover not to
  471. mention that you know the harmful
  472. effects of the alcohol or other
  473. substance and so you know you can see
  474. where you're at in life if you want to
  475. go the you know cleanlivin path that
  476. I've been doing the last couple years
  477. here and it's just beginning clean
  478. wrinkly because the more I do it the
  479. better I feel you know and I used to
  480. drink a lot of alcohol smoked cigarettes
  481. smoked pot do occasional psychedelic
  482. trips which I'm still a fan of but you
  483. know and then as time got on I was like
  484. well I mean I feel bad every time a
  485. drink so I pretty much reduced to
  486. drinking a lot and then I stopped
  487. drinking and then I would didn't feel
  488. good after I smoked cigarettes so I
  489. reduced and stopped that and then pot
  490. marijuana was that one was harder cuz I
  491. really enjoyed it but it would feel bad
  492. the next day I'm gonna saying it's that
  493. way for everyone but that was just for
  494. me when I really studied it and so stop
  495. doing that and then I found that I would
  496. be eating rich foods fatty foods that I
  497. were like you know french fried
  498. hamburger french fries soda combo well
  499. why am i doing that
  500. well because I'm feeling bad my heart's
  501. empty or aching let me fill it with this
  502. so the more I I studied it the more I
  503. just systematically reduced and you know
  504. the more I became able to tolerate and
  505. feel feelings the less I need to turn to
  506. those things and as that happened my I
  507. mean my body form changed but I also
  508. just felt better about myself I know the
  509. lifestyle change you might wanna make is
  510. workout more go to the gym go for a run
  511. go for a bike ride and I found I've had
  512. this multiple times where like if I
  513. start to feel like I'm not a satisfied
  514. my body or whatever and then it I'm not
  515. working out that hard or whatever and I
  516. just make a commitment and start working
  517. out harder again I instantly feel better
  518. about my body and nothing's changed it's
  519. like a day later you know I'm gonna get
  520. you radical change in your body I just
  521. feel good about it I'm like yeah cuz
  522. it's a reflection remember of that
  523. relationship with yourself I'm am I
  524. taking care of myself okay number five
  525. core decision this is really what it
  526. comes down to making a court decision to
  527. be on your own side you know to be to
  528. and part of that is to is to love your
  529. body is to love your body as it is right
  530. now and you know there's always going to
  531. be a next level to achieve to attain to
  532. work towards and and and get there and
  533. so how can you love your body right now
  534. and really I do think it comes there's
  535. like the whole how do I do it and how do
  536. I make it happen and I would say well I
  537. think it comes down to a fundamental
  538. decision I think that if we are clear
  539. that this is what we want to do that
  540. this matters most to me this is
  541. important and I can see all the harmful
  542. effects of not doing it and I can see
  543. the benefits of doing it then we get
  544. clear and we make that decision and we
  545. can make that theoretically someday in
  546. the future or we can make it right now
  547. which brings us to your actions then
  548. time for action action action your
  549. action step for today is to make that
  550. decision just want to do right now and
  551. maybe you've already made a decision
  552. like this but maybe you could just
  553. reaffirm that you know there's a there's
  554. a quote that I heard recently from
  555. Louise Hay who wrote you know extremely
  556. well selling book called about loving
  557. your body about the body and mind-body
  558. connection and health you're in a lot of
  559. books about that and then her publishing
  560. house has gone on to become one of the
  561. leaders in the personal growth
  562. development hotstuff world so huge
  563. influence in that world and she had a
  564. quote that was something like you know I
  565. choose to treat myself in my body like a
  566. dear friend I choose to say loving
  567. things to myself in my body I choose to
  568. treat myself well I blanket my cells
  569. every cell in my body with that love
  570. that acceptance and it creates vibrant
  571. health in me and that's the choice that
  572. we want to make because look whatever
  573. your goals are whatever you think it's
  574. gonna get you to to look better at the
  575. end of the day what you want us to feel
  576. good about yourself right to feel loved
  577. to feel worthy to feel valuable to feel
  578. proud and what if you didn't have to
  579. earn that in fact what if giving that to
  580. yourself right now then gave you a
  581. better fuel because when you feel good
  582. about yourself you feel excited about
  583. your body you like the way you look you
  584. want to take care of it you want to go
  585. work out more you feel good about the
  586. way your face looks and your appearance
  587. you want to go there and put yourself
  588. out there in a bigger way and interact
  589. with more people and lo and behold your
  590. energy is better you're more outgoing
  591. you're more interactive and what do you
  592. get back more positive responses so you
  593. can decide right now I'm gonna be on my
  594. own side I'm gonna love and accept
  595. myself I'm gonna blanket every cell of
  596. my body I love
  597. septons approval warmth and just watch
  598. watch what that does for you awesome
  599. thanks for being with me today until we
  600. speak again may have the courage to be
  601. who you are and to know on a deep level
  602. that you're awesome
  603. talk to you soon thanks for listening to
  604. shrink for the shy guy with dr. Aziz if
  605. you know anyone who can benefit from
  606. what you've just heard please let them
  607. know and send them a link to shrink for
  608. the shy guy comm for free blocks ebooks
  609. and training videos related to
  610. overcoming shyness and increasing
  611. confidence go to social confidence enter
  612. calm
  613. [Music]
  614. you
  617. 5-Ways-To-Improve-Body-Image-Confidence
  622. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  625. welcome to shrink for the shy guy this
  626. is the show for you if you are sick and
  627. tired of being held back by fear
  628. self-doubt social anxiety shyness
  629. anything that's stopping you from you
  630. being you I'm going to share the most
  631. powerful tools and resources that I've
  632. been discovering over the last 15 years
  633. on my journey to eradicate social
  634. anxiety and instill confidence first in
  635. myself and then in every single person
  636. that I meet on my journey you're gonna
  637. learn these tools and how to apply them
  638. in your life now so you can become the
  639. most free powerful bold authentic
  640. version of you welcome today's episode
  641. of the show today we're gonna be talking
  642. about you and your identity in fact over
  643. this episode of the next two in a series
  644. of three episodes we're gonna be talking
  645. about identity shifts changing your
  646. identity transforming your identity
  647. upgrading your identity and I'm gonna be
  648. sharing three stories from my own life
  649. about pivotal moments where everything
  650. transformed for me the moment where
  651. everything transformed because identity
  652. transformed when your identity shifts
  653. everything changes for you and your
  654. world what's possible for you what you
  655. think is gonna happen for you in your
  656. future how optimistic you become as well
  657. as how you behave what you do I mean
  658. identity is such a powerful force in
  659. fact it's such a powerful force that in
  660. my program confidence University there's
  661. a whole module focus on upgrading your
  662. identity long before we get to you know
  663. what to say and how to start
  664. conversations and how to be more
  665. confident and all that stuff so we got
  666. to change your identity so I'm talk a
  667. little bit about identity right now and
  668. I'm gonna get into the the first pivotal
  669. identity shift for me in my life so
  670. identity is how you see yourself it's
  671. most simplest definition how you see
  672. yourself what you think of yourself what
  673. you believe to be true about yourself it
  674. often comes in the form of I am and it's
  675. a collection of multiple IMS
  676. I am tall I am short I am a man or I am
  677. a woman or it could be more complex for
  678. you right if you're transgender or
  679. something like that
  680. I am of this descent I am of this
  681. nationality I am what I'm an American I
  682. am a Mexican I am and it could be you
  683. know as as varied as you wanted to be as
  684. nuanced as you want it to be and also
  685. it's like as all the characteristics all
  686. the things we describe ourselves as I am
  687. intelligent I am stupid I am funny I am
  688. boring I am attractive
  689. I am unattractive or ugly I am desirable
  690. I am undesirable I am lovable and worthy
  691. I am unworthy I am unlovable right and
  692. so these make up our identity how and
  693. makes up how you see yourself and then
  694. when you have that identity it controls
  695. how you behave how you show up so if
  696. your identity is I am short and
  697. unattractive what's that going to do to
  698. your romantic life maybe even your
  699. social life if your identity is I'm not
  700. capable or I'm gonna get overwhelmed or
  701. I'm not good enough at this task how is
  702. that gonna affect how you show up at
  703. work to work on that task your identity
  704. determines your behavior determines what
  705. you do it determines what you don't do
  706. and what you avoid it is a powerful
  707. force inside of you and here's a really
  708. interesting thing we stay consistent
  709. with our identity we you know so if we
  710. think I'm shy I'm a shy person then we
  711. show up to a situation and lo and behold
  712. we carry out the same pattern we react
  713. shyly and not only do we conform to
  714. identity we do our best to make sure
  715. that reality does as well that that
  716. everyone outside of us kind of falls in
  717. line so if we let's our identity is I'm
  718. unattractive and the people that I'm
  719. attracted to you are gonna reject me we
  720. probably would never approach them but
  721. even if we do we do so in a way that is
  722. subtly trying to bring about them
  723. rejecting us whether we do it really
  724. awkwardly or really timidly or in some
  725. off-putting way subtly and we're usually
  726. not aware of it
  727. I was really trying to connect but we do
  728. something that just pushes them away and
  729. they're like I don't want to talk to you
  730. and like you see you see I knew it
  731. because our identity gives us a sense of
  732. certainty at least we know how to
  733. predict the world how it's gonna go even
  734. if it's shitty certainty like it's not
  735. gonna go well we still have that
  736. certainty and gives us a sense of
  737. control in life and without that sense
  738. of control man we can feel overwhelmed
  739. we can feel anxious we can feel
  740. extremely vulnerable in life so we we
  741. get that control any way we can even if
  742. it's negative and what I want to share
  743. with you today is a story of how it
  744. flipped from negative to positive for me
  745. in one key area of my life and these
  746. stories then when I share of these next
  747. three weeks are chronological in the
  748. sense that they you know this first one
  749. is from my maybe 20 22 21 years old and
  750. the next one will be my later my 20s and
  751. the next one is just from this last year
  752. so the first identity shift is I am
  753. attractive I am attractive is that part
  754. of your identity you know how you know
  755. now you find out you just saw what a lot
  756. of identity is unconscious you know
  757. we're not walking around saying to
  758. ourselves
  759. I am desirable and worthy or I am
  760. undesirable it manifests and how you
  761. behave and how you talk to yourself in
  762. your head so one way to kind of make
  763. your identity more conscious is just to
  764. say one of those identity statements I
  765. am attractive so just say it out loud
  766. right now or in your mind I am
  767. attractive and then notice what happens
  768. what it will happen is you will either
  769. have a an internal yes or an internal no
  770. it's like a feeling it's a sense like
  771. yeah that's true no that's not true
  772. or somewhere in between I was like wow
  773. that's kind of true it depends on how
  774. you define attractive are you talking
  775. about physical characteristics and ifs
  776. are we talking about just face or face
  777. and body or you know then maybe some
  778. calculations are going on but in general
  779. does that is that true for you I am
  780. attractive and attractive doesn't just
  781. mean appearance I mean you know you can
  782. define it however you want right but I
  783. don't define attractiveness just by
  784. appearance I mean attractive and it's
  785. most core essence is the you know you
  786. attract things
  787. to you you attract people to you and
  788. that that's not just how you look that
  789. is your energy that's your enthusiasm
  790. that's your ability to listen and pay
  791. attention and connect with others that
  792. is your heart and it's not just
  793. romantically attraction is everything
  794. right you know you attract friends you
  795. attract business opportunities you
  796. attract promotions people want to hire
  797. you want to promote you want to work
  798. with you
  799. so are you attractive interesting to see
  800. what your identity is there for me for
  801. many many many years probably since the
  802. age of about 11 my identity was I am
  803. unattractive before 11 I don't think I
  804. had a negative identity about my
  805. appearance I think I liked the way I
  806. looked when I was 11 got to middle
  807. school and I became unattractive that's
  808. where I adopted that identity and I
  809. adopted it because I looked so I went to
  810. a small private middle school
  811. Episcopalian middles middle school and
  812. the it was a small my class was maybe
  813. like 50 kids or something in my
  814. particular grade so very small and out
  815. of the 50th us there was 48 of them were
  816. white there was one african-american kid
  817. and then me and I I got there I was a
  818. little know how I was I was I was I
  819. think I was less shy around guys at that
  820. age my shyness my social anxiety hadn't
  821. really kicked in yet and and I didn't I
  822. don't know I guess I was just starting
  823. to acknowledge or notice women like
  824. before then I was just a little kid and
  825. like you have friends that are guys and
  826. girls and there's no romantic interest
  827. for me and a few things came together
  828. one I noticed that I became interested
  829. in girls and I noticed that girls seemed
  830. to connect with or things seemed to
  831. happen with other guys and not with me
  832. part it was maybe I was timid and not
  833. putting myself out there you know that
  834. there I did I was new to the school and
  835. a lot of those other guys had been there
  836. a long time I don't know the reasons but
  837. my mind
  838. concluded that it was because I'm
  839. unattractive that's why that's why you
  840. know women aren't interested in me and I
  841. even though that was true that they
  842. weren't interested in me it was just
  843. that's how I interpreted the situation
  844. right and then based upon that I started
  845. to look for why well it's this about my
  846. face and my eyes look different than
  847. their eyes and my skin and maybe I don't
  848. have the right socks
  849. maybe I'm wearing the wrong kind of
  850. underwear like I just started to look at
  851. what makes me less attractive and it was
  852. a mixture of my physical appearance like
  853. my face my eyes are not attractive and
  854. I'm just generally not attractive I
  855. don't know why but just a general
  856. overall undesirable romantically to
  857. women that was my identity that was my
  858. story and it got lodged in there as they
  859. do and then we make sure that it
  860. sustains and that's exactly what I did
  861. so I'll tell you more about that and
  862. then how I broke free right after this
  863. hey dr. Aziz here in the next 30 seconds
  864. I want to share with you the secret to
  865. break free of your shyness and social
  866. anxiety and here's a tip it's not
  867. getting more information it's not
  868. listening to more of these podcasts or
  869. reading another book or reading another
  870. blog that could be a part of your puzzle
  871. but that leads to information overload
  872. and you don't need information you need
  873. transformation that means applying what
  874. you learn so go to the social confidence
  875. Center calm now check out the products
  876. page and get one of the products
  877. particularly confidence unleashed or the
  878. confidence code or 30 days to dating
  879. mastery one of those programs will guide
  880. you through with transformation they go
  881. way beyond information and into actually
  882. teaching and showing you how to have
  883. that shift so please go to that website
  884. now if you truly want to make a
  885. difference in your life now okay so I
  886. have this negative identity
  887. I am unattractive and if you have that
  888. identity a powerful process for you to
  889. do is to ask yourself where did I learn
  890. that because you learned it somewhere
  891. and it could have been one moment or in
  892. a certain environment like for me it was
  893. the middle school environment but then
  894. the backdrop was also the larger me
  895. yeah and messages I was getting about
  896. you know people that were brown or
  897. people that were my dad was from
  898. Pakistan and there was a lot of mocking
  899. of people from India and her Pakistani
  900. descent you know in media and TV shows
  901. and things that I saw so I just kind of
  902. took it in that oh that's less
  903. attractive and you could think about
  904. that for you where did I learn this who
  905. taught me this and sometimes people
  906. teach you directly like you're teased or
  907. made fun of for something but sometimes
  908. it's indirectly maybe you just watch
  909. your dad or your mom you know do
  910. something you watched your mom weigh
  911. yourself and say I'm a pig or something
  912. like that like you just watch that as a
  913. kid and all of a sudden you're like oh
  914. if you're overweight you're you're
  915. unlovable you're unworthy you're
  916. unattractive so reflect on that for
  917. yourself as you listen anyway I carried
  918. it forward for years so I go into high
  919. school and you know now I'm pretty
  920. strongly shy especially around women and
  921. and I'm definitely not attractive so I
  922. don't put myself out there in the same
  923. way it's there's a lot of timidness if I
  924. do put myself out there a lot of you
  925. know even if I work up the courage a lot
  926. of self-criticism and self-doubt and
  927. tons and tons more comparison to the
  928. other guys who seem to somehow get
  929. girlfriends but I never did and on and
  930. on and that identity continued and
  931. continued and continued and the
  932. fascinating thing about an identity is
  933. it feels so real doesn't it it feels so
  934. true and what I found in people is if
  935. you challenge their identity too
  936. directly and I've made this mistake with
  937. clients because sometimes I just see
  938. through people's identities so easily
  939. you know just having done this work for
  940. so many years I'm just like wow that's
  941. like a paper-mache building to construct
  942. it around you but it's so not true but
  943. if you challenge it to directly people
  944. can react negatively and like freak out
  945. and fight back because that's who I am
  946. man you don't understand this is just
  947. true it feels so solid so real but it's
  948. not and I really started to discover
  949. that it was not so when I made a
  950. commitment to myself to break
  951. something you know this story I'm not
  952. gonna go into the whole story of it I
  953. tell it in my ebook five steps to
  954. unleash your inner confidence which you
  955. can get at the site for this podcast
  956. shrink for the shy guy shrink for the
  957. shy guy calm or at social confidence
  958. Center calm social confidence Center
  959. calm is where you can get that ebook and
  960. I go into full depth but basically was
  961. reaching a low breaking point and then a
  962. deep core committed decision I am going
  963. to do something different
  964. and I'm gonna figure this out I'm gonna
  965. do whatever it takes
  966. and so I started to learn I mean two
  967. teachers online and studied like well
  968. how do you become a confident man how do
  969. you talk to women and and initiate
  970. conversations and I just it always seems
  971. so mysterious and confusing to me and I
  972. was so scared of it and so I learned
  973. some basics and then every person I was
  974. reading from and watching videos from
  975. was saying you you have to go do this
  976. you have to go practice this and I was
  977. just terrified terrified but I was so
  978. desperate and so ready to do whatever it
  979. took I don't want to live another 20 30
  980. 40 50 years of loneliness and feeling
  981. inadequate and unattractive so I was
  982. like I'm gonna go do this and in my mind
  983. though my identity was still I'll
  984. unattractive so I was like okay I'm
  985. unattached my unattractiveness and and
  986. want to date me I was my thinking at the
  987. time and so I started you know
  988. approaching women and I had come to work
  989. up to it and just faced a lot of fear
  990. I've got something you want to work on I
  991. have a program called 30 days to dating
  992. mastery 3-0 days to dating master where
  993. I talk all about that and and help guide
  994. you step-by-step through the processes
  995. that I went through some of the exact
  996. activities I did and you know TSW that
  997. shit works because oh bit by bit I
  998. started to have these interactions and I
  999. remember there was some moments where I
  1000. would I would approach a woman and I
  1001. remember there's this these two young
  1002. women and one of them out of camera and
  1003. she was taking photos of her friend I
  1004. just went up and said what do you guys
  1005. taking photos for that's an interesting
  1006. camera what's going on and are you
  1007. posing you know are you modeling
  1008. it's kind of playful teasing a little
  1009. bit and that interaction sticks out to
  1010. me because it was like they were these
  1011. are a women that I didn't know but I
  1012. approached on like a street that were
  1013. all of a sudden talking to me and like
  1014. interested and engaged and it was so
  1015. different than what I thought was
  1016. possible it's like but wait I'm
  1017. unattractive I'm undesirable but it's
  1018. interesting when we have a when reality
  1019. does not conform it is inconsistent with
  1020. our identity something different is
  1021. happening there they seem attracted to
  1022. me they seem engaged and talking to me
  1023. do we change our identity right then and
  1024. there and say you know what maybe I'm
  1025. not unattractive maybe that was just a
  1026. big story that I told myself starting at
  1027. age 11 or what do we do instead we say
  1028. man that was a fluke I don't know what's
  1029. going on there that was just shit and
  1030. sometimes we don't even have a valid
  1031. reason to discount it we're just like
  1032. yeah but what about this mmm just some
  1033. sort of nonverbal grunt is enough to
  1034. just push it aside the power of staying
  1035. consistent with our identity right so I
  1036. had some experiences like that but they
  1037. didn't like really change my identity
  1038. but I started to see that well if I took
  1039. action and here's the biggest thing that
  1040. I want to communicate with any client
  1041. that I work with or anyone in my groups
  1042. or at the weekends is always like you
  1043. have to test out reality you have to
  1044. test the edge and see what actually
  1045. happens because your identity your story
  1046. about what's gonna happen is just
  1047. usually fabricated it's usually not true
  1048. and it's just the fact that we believe
  1049. this story so that we don't take the
  1050. effective action we don't get a
  1051. different response and we just stay in
  1052. that holding pattern we stay stuck
  1053. sometimes for months years decades or
  1054. for our entire lives and so we have to
  1055. test the edge we have to see what really
  1056. happens and be open to being wrong
  1057. that's another one that's the reason we
  1058. stick with our identities it's like I
  1059. got to be right I got to be consistent
  1060. it's like no you could be wrong but if
  1061. nothing is was as it seems but if it's
  1062. entirely possible for you to be free of
  1063. that right now in this very moment no
  1064. matter how long the history has been
  1065. it's crazy and for a lot of us we can't
  1066. pretend that and we and it's a slower
  1067. process but it doesn't matter it's fast
  1068. or slow the key is to open the
  1069. possibility that you can have a new
  1070. identity and I'll never forget the
  1071. moment where the identity like shifted
  1072. in a core deep way that will stay with
  1073. me for the rest of my life I'm looking
  1074. forward to share with you I'm gonna take
  1075. a quick break right now when we get back
  1076. I'm gonna share that story of that
  1077. moment where my identity shifted deeply
  1078. about from I am unattractive to I am
  1079. attractive I am desirable and if you
  1080. want that as your identity
  1081. stay tuned listen that story will help
  1082. open things up for you stay tuned does
  1083. working with dr. disease actually work
  1084. can you really break free from social
  1085. anxiety and live a life of confidence
  1086. success and happiness here is what one
  1087. client had to say about his experience
  1088. what would I say to somebody considering
  1089. coming to see dr. disease for a live
  1090. weekend do it I mean don't stop it
  1091. it's it's what you need if he if you're
  1092. doubting it just do it I would
  1093. definitely recommend dr. disease to
  1094. anyone who wants to improve their
  1095. confidence and social skills
  1096. he's I don't think anyone else out there
  1097. is offering anything like what he does
  1098. it's especially that something that's so
  1099. geared towards people who you know who
  1100. who kind of lack in the social
  1101. confidence area to get started on your
  1102. journey towards lifelong confidence with
  1103. dr. Aziz simply go to social confidence
  1104. centered calm forward-slash coaching
  1105. welcome back so a story what is it so
  1106. here that here's what happened to shift
  1107. an identity I think there's a couple of
  1108. things happening and there's probably
  1109. other factors too but two core ones is
  1110. like you as I was talking about earlier
  1111. test the edge you you take new action
  1112. and see what really happens so for the
  1113. identity shift in the absence of that
  1114. you know just kind of sit on your couch
  1115. and do some affirmations and and she it
  1116. I don't think that's gonna do it I think
  1117. it's got to be combined with taking new
  1118. action that's like okay if I was
  1119. attractive what would I do
  1120. well I'd walk upright up there and start
  1121. a conversation okay well then I got to
  1122. take that action so you start taking
  1123. that action but that doesn't immediately
  1124. shift the identity I think which shifts
  1125. the identity is consistently taking that
  1126. action over time and then also getting
  1127. responses from the environment that are
  1128. showing you hey how you used to see
  1129. yourself is not true hey you are capable
  1130. you are attractive you are effective you
  1131. are smart you are whatever it is
  1132. whatever new identity you want to take
  1133. on so I was doing that I was in a
  1134. process of that and there's this tipping
  1135. point moment where there was this
  1136. amazing woman that I'd worked with I was
  1137. so drawn to her so attracted to her
  1138. she'd pretty much rebuffed me when she
  1139. first started working at the place I was
  1140. working at and then I went off on my own
  1141. like personal growth journey for six
  1142. months and just really immersed myself
  1143. and all this stuff and just totally
  1144. transformed the way I related to her I
  1145. stopped being so pleasing and just
  1146. started being a lot more boldly myself
  1147. and we ended up having a date and it was
  1148. awesome I mean I was just acting because
  1149. I've been practicing over the last
  1150. months just being bold and so we'd go to
  1151. a place and she's like oh my friends
  1152. want to come can they meet up with us
  1153. and in the past I would have been like
  1154. that sounds so scary I'm so
  1155. uncomfortable and maybe I would have
  1156. said yes but been she's been so
  1157. uncomfortable around her friends and
  1158. quiet or just made an excuse and left
  1159. but this time I was like sure yeah Brad
  1160. have him come meet us and they did and I
  1161. like engaged with her friends and
  1162. flirted with one of her friends a little
  1163. bit and in a playful way and just like
  1164. because I'd been practicing that stuff
  1165. and and then at one point there was some
  1166. music playing on the bar we're at and I
  1167. just grabbed her hand and like walked
  1168. towards the dance floor with her walking
  1169. behind me and I remember listening to
  1170. David DeAngelo some guy saying like you
  1171. know be willing to lead in some way be
  1172. kind of a powerful man who's willing to
  1173. lead and so I just did it and I have no
  1174. fucking idea what I'm gonna do when I
  1175. get to the dancefloor I don't even dance
  1176. but I remember hearing another guy
  1177. saying women like a guy who can dance
  1178. and you don't got to be good at it you
  1179. just gotta be willing to get out on the
  1180. dance floor
  1181. it sounds like okay and I was doing that
  1182. I was willing to step into uncertainty
  1183. willing to step into the unknown and
  1184. that is when your identity shifts but my
  1185. identity didn't shift that night it
  1186. shifted the next afternoon where we had
  1187. a great time we were hanging out and we
  1188. had so much fun she's like oh hey let's
  1189. um I want to get I get off of work at
  1190. such a such time let's let's get some
  1191. sushi she want to get some sushi dinner
  1192. the next day and I was like sure that
  1193. sounds great and so it's the next
  1194. afternoon and I'm going to the store
  1195. it's like the middle of the afternoon
  1196. like a couple hours before I'm gonna
  1197. meet up with her or gonna go home take a
  1198. shower
  1199. chill out and then go go meet with her
  1200. and I'm in a Albertsons it's like I just
  1201. a supermarket chain and I'm just buying
  1202. a few things and as I'd been doing and
  1203. practicing over the last month's the
  1204. cashier was this young woman I just set
  1205. a few back and forth a little bit of a
  1206. banter with her and that's a practice
  1207. I've been an issue you know been doing
  1208. for months was just like not heavy
  1209. flirting which is a little bit of banter
  1210. a little bit of engaging conversation
  1211. anywhere I could do it anywhere I could
  1212. practice it so I just can almost did it
  1213. like a habit so I was doing that with
  1214. her not thinking about much and there
  1215. were these two women in line behind me
  1216. and I didn't really even pay attention
  1217. to them I don't know I think I was just
  1218. kinda in my own world that day and I got
  1219. out and I was walking towards my car
  1220. with my two grocery bags and either hand
  1221. and I'm almost to my car across the
  1222. parking lot and I hear hey and I just
  1223. keep walking cuz I'm like I don't know
  1224. what's going on I didn't think it was
  1225. about me and then I heard hey and I
  1226. could tell his directed towards me so I
  1227. turned around and I was like just saw
  1228. these two beautiful young women like
  1229. walking right towards me and I was just
  1230. kind of like oh okay I don't know what's
  1231. happening right now and like did I drop
  1232. something you know what's going on
  1233. because I can't be that they're
  1234. attracted to me right that's not who I
  1235. am and yet they get they got there and
  1236. then I see when I was like hey how's it
  1237. going and I'm like good and I'm still a
  1238. little bit on my heels like confused
  1239. like what's going on all of a sudden all
  1240. of a sudden it clicks it's like stupid
  1241. obvious it's like Aziz they're coming to
  1242. talk to you
  1243. they're like attracted to you and I was
  1244. just like whoa so then I like clicked in
  1245. and I was like clicked into on mode and
  1246. I was like
  1247. how's it going what do you guys up to
  1248. today you know and they chatted a little
  1249. bit and what I was like yeah you know
  1250. we're gonna go back and watch a movie
  1251. this is like a Friday afternoon or
  1252. something or Saturday I don't even
  1253. remember the day say we're gonna go back
  1254. and watch a movie you want to come hang
  1255. out with us
  1256. and I was like what what I didn't say
  1257. that but in my mind it was like
  1258. confusion but I was what really and
  1259. these were like you know intelligent
  1260. funny attractive women I was like ah but
  1261. I literally had like not that much time
  1262. I mean if I wasn't seeing so when I was
  1263. gonna see me that mean up with that
  1264. night I probably would've hung out with
  1265. them but I was really into this woman I
  1266. just had dated and the night before and
  1267. I don't know just didn't really want to
  1268. go blow that off to hang out with these
  1269. two women so I you know I got one of
  1270. their numbers and I said oh you know no
  1271. thanks I can't do it today but you know
  1272. I'm getting me get your number I don't
  1273. think I ever followed up with her but in
  1274. that moment there was this powerful
  1275. shift of like oh oh no I am attractive I
  1276. am desirable whoa everything that I told
  1277. myself everything I believed was false
  1278. it wasn't that I was ugly it wasn't that
  1279. I had these dark circles under my eyes
  1280. that made me repulsive to all women and
  1281. no woman could find me attractive that
  1282. was fundamentally false that was not
  1283. true that's not how reality was and it's
  1284. like every time I've had one of these
  1285. identity shifts that's the first one
  1286. when I share the next two in the next
  1287. two episodes it's like this lemon is
  1288. like fucking movie moments it's like a
  1289. matrix moment where neo wakes up and is
  1290. like whoa everything everyone's trapped
  1291. in a robot machine world or some you
  1292. know inception some kind of movie where
  1293. you wake up out of a dream it's like
  1294. what what and then there's this kind of
  1295. like period of a couple days or weeks
  1296. afterwards I'm still just trying to
  1297. comprehend it and like what but in a
  1298. good way
  1299. like an excited way like holy shit maybe
  1300. maybe something is different maybe
  1301. something else is possible and maybe I
  1302. am attracted I am I am and and really
  1303. taking that in and then all of a sudden
  1304. being able to operate and behave
  1305. accordingly
  1306. well Howard J Howard I show up to this
  1307. if I knew deep down that I was
  1308. attractive right and it shifted
  1309. everything had changed when I would see
  1310. in a tree woman that I was drawn to
  1311. instead of like uh you know straight up
  1312. straight up avoidance or like oh god
  1313. this I want to when I'm so scared and oh
  1314. no it became like ooh who's she
  1315. I want to move towards her and then I
  1316. would do that because I knew well
  1317. there's you know I don't know if she's
  1318. available or open but I know I'm
  1319. attractive so if she is available and
  1320. interested then there's a good chance
  1321. you'd want to go out with me
  1322. and when you have that man it changes
  1323. everything it opens up all doors so
  1324. let's take this and apply it for you and
  1325. turn it into an action time for action
  1326. action action your action step for today
  1327. is to uncover more of your identity just
  1328. sit and think about that what are your
  1329. Iams I am what what are the things that
  1330. you believe about yourself and if you
  1331. find some stuff in there that is
  1332. negative unhelpful does not support you
  1333. and being the most bold free powerful
  1334. liberated confident version of you
  1335. then ask yourself where did I learn that
  1336. so basically just reflect on your
  1337. identity and if you want to go much
  1338. deeper in this as I mentioned there's
  1339. confidence University a program I have
  1340. you can go to find out more about that
  1341. on my site social confidence Center comm
  1342. or directly to the confidence University
  1343. site which is called the confidence
  1344. University comm the confidence
  1345. University comm and we do them as I said
  1346. there's a whole module on identity
  1347. there's a lot of in-depth stuff there
  1348. and also there's a chapter in the book
  1349. on my book the art of extraordinary
  1350. confidence that's about stories and in
  1351. theirs as our identity stories I need
  1352. some interesting exercises in there so
  1353. there's ways to go a lot deeper this and
  1354. also simply reflecting on this is going
  1355. to help you and maybe opening up to
  1356. where or what I want an identity shift
  1357. where would I want that for me and
  1358. you'll be able to think about that more
  1359. in the next two episodes you're gonna be
  1360. out to other identity shifts
  1361. for for you that I think you're gonna
  1362. find really fun and inspiring and I look
  1363. forward to sharing those with you in the
  1364. not-too-distant future the next few
  1365. weeks so until we speak again may have
  1366. the courage to be who you are and to
  1367. know on a deep level that you're awesome
  1368. talk to you soon thanks for listening to
  1369. shrink for the shy guy with dr. Aziz if
  1370. you know anyone who can benefit from
  1371. what you've just heard please let them
  1372. know and send them a link to shrink for
  1373. the shy guy comm for free blocks ebooks
  1374. and training videos related to
  1375. overcoming shyness and increasing
  1376. confidence go to social confidence enter
  1377. calm
  1378. you
  1379. [Music]
  1381. Identity-Shift-1-I-Am-Attractive
  1384. .........................................
  1387. [Music]
  1388. and now it's time to ask the shrink
  1389. hey welcome to this bonus episode of ask
  1390. the shrink this is a bonus episode if
  1391. you would like to get a better sense of
  1392. the show this is your first time
  1393. listening you might want to start with a
  1394. full-length episode where we go much
  1395. more in depth these are just ways for me
  1396. to answer your questions things that are
  1397. coming up as you're listening to this
  1398. show as you're taking action as you're
  1399. transforming your life stuff happens
  1400. right and I'm hear from you I want to
  1401. answer your question so if you would
  1402. like to ask me questions go to shrink
  1403. for the shy guy calm that shrink for the
  1404. shy guy calm you couldn't send me a
  1405. voice question or also send me an email
  1406. or message to a site that I will get a
  1407. chance to read and answer possibly in an
  1408. upcoming episode you can also get my
  1409. ebook there five steps to unleash your
  1410. inner confidence which is an extremely
  1411. focused simple set of five steps that
  1412. you can use right now to start
  1413. increasing your confidence and building
  1414. the muscle building the skill of
  1415. confidence so today's question is from
  1416. Ishmael he says hey dr. Aziz it's your
  1417. sincere follower and supporter Ishmael
  1418. hope you are doing good thank you I've
  1419. got your book the art of extraordinary
  1420. confidence and it is truly life-changing
  1421. awesome the bet I love that book by the
  1422. way it's my favorite thing that I've
  1423. created today the best part is how to
  1424. handle my emotions my question is that
  1425. even though I've become more confident
  1426. and I know I have good qualities
  1427. whenever I go in public or socialize
  1428. there is a constant pressure in my head
  1429. that I'm not good looking how do i
  1430. anchor and enforce good believe these
  1431. new good beliefs thanks a lot I'm very
  1432. grateful for your apply awesome this is
  1433. a great question
  1434. so I am glad that you're benefiting from
  1435. that book let's see what we can do to
  1436. help you let go of this constant
  1437. pressure in your head that you're not
  1438. good looking
  1439. so constant pressure in my head that I'm
  1440. not good looking sounds to me like a
  1441. critic in your mind
  1442. and your voice in your head saying
  1443. you're not good looking and it probably
  1444. picks at specific characteristics about
  1445. you that you know therefore you're not
  1446. good looking your your hair your height
  1447. your eyes your weight your face your
  1448. nose whatever right picks up multiple
  1449. things and judges you for them
  1450. and it sounds like it's uncomfortable
  1451. and it's also distracting you it's also
  1452. taking and it's absorbing a lot of your
  1453. attention and that's actually by design
  1454. right because as you remember in the
  1455. book we talked about the safety police
  1456. for those of you don't know this the
  1457. safety police is the collection of
  1458. voices in your head that distracts you
  1459. challenges you tells you suck criticizes
  1460. you whatever it needs to do scares you
  1461. whatever it needs to do to prevent you
  1462. from taking action it wants to keep you
  1463. safe and specifically what actions Oh
  1464. risks so my first question for you
  1465. ishmael is what if you if you knew you
  1466. were good-looking
  1467. or highly desirable because sometimes we
  1468. focus on our appearance but what we
  1469. really want is to be highly attractive
  1470. right highly desirable and part of that
  1471. is looks but a much bigger part of that
  1472. as our energy but if you knew that you
  1473. were totally good-looking so you could
  1474. just
  1475. you got enough feedback from other
  1476. people telling you that you started to
  1477. believe that let's just say you knew you
  1478. were totally good-looking
  1479. what would you do when you're in public
  1480. or socializing
  1481. specifically how would you show up who
  1482. would you talk to
  1483. how would you talk to people would it be
  1484. different would you talk to people that
  1485. you're attracted to would you approach
  1486. them would you flirt would you ask them
  1487. out
  1488. would you do differently
  1489. that's what we want to know because this
  1490. whole thing about not being I mean I get
  1491. it I told myself the same thing for so
  1492. many years and I picked it specific
  1493. things I did it all the time
  1494. but that was all designed because if I'm
  1495. not good-looking then women are gonna
  1496. reject me guys who are cool and popular
  1497. not gonna be my friend so guess what I'm
  1498. not gonna approach those women I'm not
  1499. gonna talk to guys that are cool and
  1500. popular and confident and successful I'm
  1501. just gonna hang back I'm gonna hide and
  1502. that's what buying
  1503. into that voice does
  1504. it stops us from taking that action
  1505. okay if I didn't believe that story what
  1506. would I do so hopefully you've figured
  1507. that out got some at least one or two
  1508. specific ideas
  1509. then the key is to go do those things
  1510. even though you're not good-looking or
  1511. you tell yourself you're not
  1512. good-looking I don't know maybe you are
  1513. maybe you're not maybe you're like Igor
  1514. from the Frankenstein least uh cartoony
  1515. versions of Frankenstein okay yeah
  1516. if so you really gotta work on you know
  1517. the confidence and the personality but
  1518. you know what it's so much if it is
  1519. about our energy so
  1520. I was able to when I started to take
  1521. those risks do the things that you would
  1522. do even if you know if you were
  1523. good-looking
  1524. you get an amazingly different results
  1525. different responses mm-hmm and I noticed
  1526. that I ate when I started approaching
  1527. women and being more bold flirting
  1528. taking more risks
  1529. I mean scare the shit out of me I
  1530. started to do it more and more
  1531. all of a sudden women seem more
  1532. interested in talking to me and my face
  1533. hadn't changed my height hadn't changed
  1534. my weight hadn't changed nothing had
  1535. changed in my physical body hmm so the
  1536. key here is to not get focused in
  1537. because the safety police wants you to
  1538. get super focused in like no I am good
  1539. looking I am good looking I have to
  1540. reinforce this belief that I am good
  1541. looking and I have to convince myself of
  1542. it first for the next six to 12 months
  1543. and then I'll go talk to her and then
  1544. I'll go approach those people and then
  1545. I'll do whatever it is that you would do
  1546. it's got to be now the belief change is
  1547. not something we do first it is a result
  1548. the confidence is a result of the action
  1549. that you take it's the outcome it's not
  1550. it's not a prerequisite it's not like it
  1551. happens first
  1552. go out there and take those actions
  1553. uncover what it is that you would be
  1554. doing and then just start doing it and
  1555. if you're not sure you know if you're
  1556. scared great there's a whole chapter in
  1557. there about fear right five ways to
  1558. blast through fear and overcome it
  1559. and they're different than what you
  1560. might think if you've never at that book
  1561. about taking bold massive powerful
  1562. action man there's a whole chapter on
  1563. that I'm sure you've read that ish man
  1564. one's a beast it's like twice as long as
  1565. the other chapters because I'm a big fan
  1566. of action so you have the tools in that
  1567. book but the key is to get into that
  1568. action to take that those steps even
  1569. before you're ready and get ready you
  1570. might have some awkward interactions you
  1571. might be scared that's okay cuz I got
  1572. some great stories of bubbling my way
  1573. through a lot of interactions at first
  1574. that's how we get to where we want to be
  1575. so you got this man you're awesome
  1576. thanks for listening you and everyone
  1577. else until we speak again may have the
  1578. courage to be who you are and to know on
  1579. a deep level that you're also talk to
  1580. you soon
  1581. [Music]
  1582. Up
  1584. How_To_Stop_Thinking_Im_Unattractive
  1587. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  1590. coming to you from the Center for social
  1591. confidence in Portland Oregon
  1592. welcome to shrink for the shy guy
  1593. helping men everywhere go from social
  1594. anxiety to social domination with your
  1595. host dr. Aziz
  1596. hey everybody welcome to today's episode
  1597. of the show today I am super excited
  1598. because we have a phenomenal interview
  1599. lined up with a guy who is really study
  1600. inside and out how to show up more
  1601. confidently more charismatic Lee how to
  1602. really be highly authentic and highly
  1603. attractive and what I love about what he
  1604. teaches is it really resonates with with
  1605. what I've seen which is when we're
  1606. trying to be how we think we should be
  1607. maybe you've studied I don't know some
  1608. sort of pickup artist or something
  1609. online who's teaching you this is how
  1610. you need to be in order to be attractive
  1611. there's a piece of it that's exciting
  1612. and enticing right I mean that wrote me
  1613. in I remember when I was really
  1614. struggling with my confidence it was
  1615. like oh my god this person has the
  1616. secret I can learn something from them
  1617. and it's gonna help me get exactly what
  1618. I want which is that at that time my
  1619. life was dates and relationships but
  1620. there's something missing there and if
  1621. you've been down that road or you know
  1622. what I'm talking about where you want to
  1623. be you you want to know that you your
  1624. most authentic self is what's most
  1625. attractive and there's a beautiful
  1626. balance about how to bring more and more
  1627. of you out but how to do so in a way
  1628. that is highly attractive highly
  1629. magnetic for your dating life also for
  1630. friendships and also and work in
  1631. business I mean the reason people
  1632. succeed in business is not because
  1633. they're technically skilled that's only
  1634. a piece of it it's also the
  1635. relationships they can build how
  1636. magnetic they are to others to partners
  1637. promotional partners investors employers
  1638. employees so this is super important for
  1639. all areas of your life I'm really
  1640. excited without further ado let's dive
  1641. into our interview and adjacent module
  1642. expert interviews my guest expert today
  1643. is Jason Rodgers and Jason Rodgers helps
  1644. men express their most confident
  1645. authentic selves in their social lives
  1646. their dating lives and careers he has a
  1647. system that helps men unleash what he
  1648. calls their authentic superstar
  1649. personality which I'm very curious to
  1650. dive more into today so he's a speaker
  1651. he's a personal development coach for
  1652. men he's created peek under pressure
  1653. calm and he's the founder of Peak Inc
  1654. which is a personal development brand
  1655. that's dedicated to helping men grow in
  1656. many ways that we mentioned before he's
  1657. also an author for the good men project
  1658. which many of you may have heard of
  1659. which is a large online publication with
  1660. over 5 million visitors per month so
  1661. awesome and thank you so much for coming
  1662. Jason dr. Zee's thanks for having me
  1663. it's an absolute pleasure man I'm
  1664. excited for this I'm excited yeah so me
  1665. too and one of the first things is you
  1666. know we met online you reached out to me
  1667. and I checked out some of the stuff
  1668. you're doing and there's a lot of things
  1669. that I see in what you're doing that I
  1670. think make it really powerful and one of
  1671. those I think is you're demonstrating
  1672. just in who you are and how you show up
  1673. and how you talk and everything this
  1674. authentic superstar personality and
  1675. that's a very enticing interesting way
  1676. of phrasing it I wanted to start there
  1677. well what is that what is an authentic
  1678. superstar personality sure man you know
  1679. I'll share quickly with kind of where it
  1680. came from and then I'll hit it with a
  1681. definition I kind of started entering
  1682. this space for guys I wanted to make an
  1683. awesome impact and my audience when I
  1684. started producing content they loved
  1685. these breakdowns that I was doing on
  1686. YouTube these video breakdowns where I
  1687. was looking at you know a Robert Downey
  1688. jr. or a Russell Brand or these
  1689. different personalities if you will and
  1690. they're they're superstars if you will
  1691. to there there's the these personalities
  1692. these icons that a lot of people know of
  1693. and so I was looking at their social
  1694. skills but also kind of the mindsets
  1695. that they had to and where they're
  1696. coming from now after doing this four
  1697. hour an hour and hours and hours and
  1698. hours you know probably a couple hundred
  1699. hours now I've broken down this content
  1700. produced all these videos
  1701. what I started noticing were these very
  1702. very very clear patterns and at first
  1703. when I started doing these breakdowns I
  1704. actually wasn't that excited about it I
  1705. thought man you know I don't want to
  1706. teach guys to put a mask on you know I
  1707. don't want to teach guys to try to be
  1708. something they're not because that's
  1709. really contrary to what I believe is
  1710. that core confidence that we really want
  1711. to have his people and to live these
  1712. amazing lives but what I noticed more
  1713. and more is I really dived into these
  1714. these characters these people and that's
  1715. really what they are is they're people
  1716. they're not characters as I saw these
  1717. clear patterns and in who they were and
  1718. we can talk about those those filters or
  1719. those traits as I call them but really
  1720. this authentic superstar personality is
  1721. I call it is just your most confident
  1722. authentic self but also that you're
  1723. putting out in the world in the most
  1724. attractive way possible so it's it's
  1725. really blending this idea that you want
  1726. to be here confident self you want to be
  1727. authentic and you want to be real but
  1728. one thing I used to really ignore
  1729. growing up and into my early 20s was
  1730. this idea that social skills matter too
  1731. in how you show up also matters so you
  1732. have to play in the social world if you
  1733. want to get to where you're trying to go
  1734. so it's really blending this idea of
  1735. confidence authenticity but then yes
  1736. attractiveness too and your dating life
  1737. your social life and in your career
  1738. that's really fascinating because it
  1739. actually reminds me of something that I
  1740. heard who knows win on some love line of
  1741. Adam Carolla and dr. drew back he
  1742. listened to ton of that when I was in
  1743. high school and I'd stay up late to
  1744. listen to it so be like 11:30 and I
  1745. remember him saying one time in one
  1746. episode like he was kind of going off on
  1747. someone was like just wanting to be
  1748. authentic and he's like look if I was
  1749. just a hundred percent authentic I would
  1750. wear a dirty t-shirt baggy sweatpants
  1751. and take a crap in the middle of the
  1752. sidewalk when I felt like it and and
  1753. he's making a great point there which is
  1754. like there's this balance of yet you
  1755. know Who am I really what do I want but
  1756. we do exist in a world where we're going
  1757. to be interacting with other people and
  1758. they're gonna have impressions of us and
  1759. we don't want to get totally freaked out
  1760. and try to just lose ourselves to
  1761. impress others but at the same time we
  1762. have to exist in that social world as
  1763. you said so I think that's a I think
  1764. you're highlighting something really
  1765. important there it's that that fine line
  1766. and it's tough you know it's a tough
  1767. thing to find and I think I'm sure you
  1768. see this with everything you do is that
  1769. all of these ideas are awesome and you
  1770. know that definition of blending this
  1771. authenticity in this this confidence but
  1772. also this attractiveness you know maybe
  1773. it sounds kind of enticing but it's all
  1774. just an idea until you really get out
  1775. there and interact in the world and
  1776. really play around with these ideas for
  1777. yourself so that's always something that
  1778. I really recommend and I'm sure I know
  1779. you do too dr. Zee's with with everyone
  1780. that you work with an impact is yeah
  1781. learn these awesome ideas or these
  1782. social skills or these different
  1783. mindsets but get out there and put it
  1784. into play I think it's so important I
  1785. know for me was a game changer
  1786. absolutely and there's a lot of second
  1787. email just yesterday was the guy saying
  1788. I think whose late 30s and he's like I
  1789. have years of theoretical knowledge
  1790. built up and I love that theoretical now
  1791. years of your medical knowledge know
  1792. like I know that is a trap and
  1793. especially now with the Internet and
  1794. just endless information we can take in
  1795. so yeah let's let's break it down I
  1796. think the best way to do that would be
  1797. let's uncover some of the core secrets
  1798. or insights that you've gained from
  1799. doing these and now someone stood out to
  1800. me by the way is your breakdowns I think
  1801. they're very clever they're very helpful
  1802. and they I mean they're things that I
  1803. did even before I knew I was doing and I
  1804. would watch a character in a movie and
  1805. be like I want to be more like him and
  1806. do it so we can absorb those we can
  1807. activate that what's already inside of
  1808. us those traits that are already there
  1809. bye-bye
  1810. my modeling and amplifying so let's talk
  1811. about some of the core ones and then we
  1812. can talk about not just making it
  1813. theoretical but how do we really apply
  1814. this and take the risks to do it so
  1815. first and foremost let's look at what
  1816. are some of the main traits of these
  1817. superstars these qualities that you've
  1818. noticed across the some of the big ones
  1819. we're gonna pause right here take a
  1820. quick break and continue with our
  1821. interview with confidence expert Jason
  1822. Rodgers
  1823. are you single do you want to meet
  1824. someone but feel completely held back
  1825. and stuck when it comes to meeting women
  1826. flirting and getting dates after
  1827. spending over a decade of his life stuck
  1828. in the same struggle dr. Zee's found the
  1829. way to freedom and confidence with women
  1830. it's what he teaches his private clients
  1831. how to do everyday want to get there
  1832. yourself go to 30 days to dating mastery
  1833. calm to get a free copy of dr. Aziz's
  1834. ebook 7 ways to start conversations with
  1835. women anytime anywhere and start meeting
  1836. women today yeah absolutely
  1837. the first 2 are kind of the yin and the
  1838. yang if you will I see this with every I
  1839. mean fill in the blank with any guy that
  1840. that just kind of shows up in the world
  1841. that seems to have these awesome
  1842. opportunities maybe like a George
  1843. Clooney or a Brad Pitt or even just that
  1844. guy that you know locally that just gets
  1845. on really well with everybody that
  1846. everyone kind of seems to like it's this
  1847. kind of paradox of being light or this
  1848. light heartedness that you see combined
  1849. with this boldness and those are kind of
  1850. oppositional ideas or traits you don't
  1851. want one hand the lightness it's kind of
  1852. that that playfulness that nonchalance
  1853. it's a little bit carefree and this has
  1854. really attractive and really likable in
  1855. the world because we live as you know in
  1856. a world where there's so much stress
  1857. there's so much tension and anxiety and
  1858. there's so many deadlines and pressures
  1859. of life so when we meet somebody who
  1860. shows up with that that a little bubble
  1861. of lightness a little puff of air you
  1862. know wearing that smirk and it's just
  1863. that little bit of a lighter energy
  1864. we're all drawn to that I know I for one
  1865. I'm hugely drawn to that when I meet
  1866. somebody you know it's that you meet
  1867. five people in the day and you're kind
  1868. of at that that just in your normal
  1869. grind of life whatever it is kind of
  1870. that that that day-to-day moment and
  1871. then you meet somebody who's just a
  1872. little bit more light and a little bit
  1873. more easygoing and you're instantly like
  1874. whoa who's this guy who's this person
  1875. it's really really attractive but then
  1876. the other side of it then I see a lot it
  1877. with with any personality that you
  1878. really you really see these people
  1879. especially on on talk shows and stuff
  1880. like that craig ferguson's an example a
  1881. lot of these different gentlemen is this
  1882. boldness now there's a lot of ways of
  1883. expressing boldness I was actually just
  1884. talking about this yesterday was
  1885. somebody
  1886. working within that I believe my god
  1887. Mahatma Gandhi was extremely bold you
  1888. know incredibly bold life now was he
  1889. Bolden and speaking really loud and in
  1890. kind of hammering and in all of this no
  1891. but it's just almost this actions speak
  1892. louder than words and you see that with
  1893. these people we look up to especially
  1894. men
  1895. you know everything we're really talking
  1896. about here and all the work I do is
  1897. focused on men I am a sometimes hey
  1898. could you do these breakdowns for women
  1899. they say I'm just smart enough to do one
  1900. thing pretty well I can't I can't focus
  1901. on any more than that and expect to
  1902. deliver a value but what I have seen
  1903. with guys is when you start with this
  1904. light carefree emotion that you can kind
  1905. of cultivate do some different mindsets
  1906. and some different things but then also
  1907. bring that boldness to the table and and
  1908. how you show up that's a really powerful
  1909. start that I think will help anyone
  1910. listening really show up more
  1911. authentically and more confidently as
  1912. well yeah I love it I love it and I
  1913. think we should dive into each of those
  1914. because they're they're both so
  1915. important and some of the things that I
  1916. jotted down as you were saying here was
  1917. light heartedness almost like they're
  1918. above the stress that we feel in the
  1919. world or can get sucked into into the
  1920. world you said a light smirk they're
  1921. easygoing and you didn't say this word
  1922. but I think kind of what I associate to
  1923. that is maybe humor they're gonna make
  1924. jokes they're gonna not take things so
  1925. seriously as well absolutely totally and
  1926. maybe a quickness to smile is what I'm
  1927. imagining is well not in like a scared
  1928. to just please you kind of you know
  1929. primate grimace you smile like I mean no
  1930. harm but an actual life they're quick to
  1931. smile there there's a laugh or a smile
  1932. is just like right there about to burst
  1933. through totally absolutely I couldn't
  1934. agree more that smile is infectious I
  1935. just I know with some of the guys that
  1936. I've helped out sometimes there's this
  1937. this uncomfortable smile and that isn't
  1938. what you know that's a little different
  1939. and I know I've experienced that
  1940. massively myself we haven't talked about
  1941. my story but it still it feels something
  1942. I'm working on right because I grew up
  1943. really anxious myself but there is that
  1944. difference between that genuine warm
  1945. smile that really rises people up versus
  1946. almost that uncomfortable smile so
  1947. there's there's that but yeah man it's
  1948. this I call it self amused it
  1949. and self-amused and just kind of going
  1950. through the world of of life and that we
  1951. all have our own unique personalities we
  1952. all have our own sense of humor we've
  1953. all seen a movie that cracked us up and
  1954. one thing I often invite guys to do is
  1955. to think about those those favorite
  1956. movies you've seen those favorite funny
  1957. movies you've seen in the characters in
  1958. those movies and to almost loop that
  1959. type of humor throughout your day and
  1960. kind of create an inner dialogue where
  1961. you're seeing the world through that
  1962. lens almost as if that character would
  1963. see it now I don't want you to think
  1964. maybe like a Ben Stiller where you know
  1965. he gets his junk stuck up in the zipper
  1966. in the first five minutes of was it I
  1967. think it's everything Something About
  1968. Mary so I don't want to be the guy who's
  1969. just getting pummeled about life it's
  1970. not about that but it's just this kind
  1971. of finding a way to find a little bit
  1972. more humor in the day and you know for
  1973. me I'm not I'm not a comedian type in
  1974. any way shape or form I'm not the guy
  1975. that's gonna come in with with canned
  1976. jokes but you don't have to have canned
  1977. jokes in my opinion to be a guy who can
  1978. elevate the mood and to have that sense
  1979. of humor but just thanks self-amused and
  1980. kind of cracking jokes for you too to
  1981. keep things fun for everybody you your
  1982. interact with that is great and it's
  1983. something that I naturally do without
  1984. thinking about it because I'll get into
  1985. something and then probably like a lot
  1986. of people you kind of go you watch a lot
  1987. of it or listen to a lot of it so for
  1988. example one show that I love love love
  1989. love is eastbound in town have you seen
  1990. that no no no so it's Danny McBride
  1991. who's a comedian is a superstar the very
  1992. first the first two minutes of the first
  1993. episode of the first season they show
  1994. him in this meteoric rise to fame as a
  1995. pitcher and Major League Baseball you
  1996. know he's the he's the backup pitcher he
  1997. gets brought in for the final game of
  1998. the World Series throws the final
  1999. strikeout pitch and becomes a megastar
  2000. and then it's like this the next you
  2001. know minute and a half clip is just a
  2002. super fast-forward of clips in his life
  2003. of him like going from team to team
  2004. becoming worse and worse offending
  2005. people being you know just like it just
  2006. kind of already his career is collapsing
  2007. and then the show starts with him kind
  2008. of washed up back in
  2009. hometown as a you know he's applying to
  2010. be a high school gym teacher and that's
  2011. hilarious
  2012. and yet in his mind he's the greatest
  2013. pitcher of all time
  2014. so he's this kind of like humorous kind
  2015. of narcissist character and I absolutely
  2016. love him and the show and I find that
  2017. after watching a few of these episodes I
  2018. will think like his name's Kenny Powers
  2019. and I'll think like Kenny Powers all
  2020. curse like Kenny Powers hmm I'll have a
  2021. little bit of a of a bravado swagger
  2022. like Kenny Powers and and I'm smiling as
  2023. I do this because I am self amused I am
  2024. more likely to make jokes be a little
  2025. maybe he's a little more shocking or
  2026. off-color and his humor or something so
  2027. I might bring a little bit of that in
  2028. and you can you can live that carrot you
  2029. can bring some of that humor into your
  2030. life and it and it works it makes people
  2031. laugh it brings more of you out big time
  2032. and that one huge shift that you were
  2033. talking about right there is is you
  2034. started with finding the show which I
  2035. want to watch Danny McBride that guy's a
  2036. absolute dog as I call it the guy's
  2037. funny as heck and I get that she already
  2038. sounds hilarious I don't watch much TV
  2039. but that one I may have to make an
  2040. exception for but what I love what you
  2041. just said there doctors these I think is
  2042. so appliable for everyone listening is
  2043. that you found him funny first and
  2044. foremost you know it wasn't like you
  2045. were trying to be you know it's not like
  2046. you're trying to be what was in Danny
  2047. powers or Kenny Powers here you know it
  2048. was like you thought it was funny and
  2049. then it comes out naturally so there's
  2050. this real it's almost reverse
  2051. engineering it is kind of how I try to
  2052. play it with guys and that don't crack
  2053. the joke just to get the laugh in that
  2054. like yeah if you're funny guy and you're
  2055. good at stand-up that's different you
  2056. know what most guys listening to this I
  2057. imagine aren't that naturally like the
  2058. guy who's just cracking the zinger after
  2059. zinger after zinger Kevin Hart style so
  2060. when you kind of come from it naturally
  2061. to self amuse a little bit more you
  2062. notice that you aren't putting any
  2063. pressure on people to laugh and that's
  2064. such a powerful and kind of attractive
  2065. thing in and of itself to be able to
  2066. share something that could be funny
  2067. without needing somebody to laugh it
  2068. takes any pressure that could be there
  2069. and completely alleviates it and it's
  2070. that light heartedness
  2071. now you're enjoying a moment together I
  2072. see that so much in my life in with
  2073. people I work with and then certainly
  2074. with all these video breakdowns I do is
  2075. super powerful exactly like you were
  2076. talking about we're gonna pause right
  2077. here for just one more moment and then
  2078. we're gonna resume with Jason Rodgers in
  2079. just one second let me ask you a
  2080. question when you were about to meet
  2081. someone new do you assume they won't be
  2082. interested in you do you predict that
  2083. the woman you have a crush on won't want
  2084. to go out with you this is the default
  2085. assumption it makes you feel anxious and
  2086. hesitant to connect with people if you
  2087. want to transform this and begin to see
  2088. the world from a more fearless place
  2089. then you might want to check out dr.
  2090. Aziz's new e-book and audio training
  2091. called the approval assumption in it he
  2092. teaches you how to transform your
  2093. default assumption to one that gives you
  2094. more confidence boldness and freedom
  2095. around anyone whether they're
  2096. long-standing friends business
  2097. acquaintances or complete strangers this
  2098. program is being offered as an exclusive
  2099. bonus for people who invest in
  2100. confidence unleashed to learn more about
  2101. how to get your copy today go to
  2102. Corollas funding Tamir
  2103. whatever because like well there's a
  2104. sums there's some resonance in my own
  2105. humor and that's a you want to find that
  2106. also I think this is really big because
  2107. a lot of guys wonder how to be more
  2108. funny you know I understand being funny
  2109. is great and people like you how do you
  2110. do it and I think the stand-up route is
  2111. a I mean that is a long road that's like
  2112. you know I want to be more musical great
  2113. why don't you study classical guitar
  2114. and play that for the next five years
  2115. and then you'll become musical it's like
  2116. no you can be musical now there's a song
  2117. outside of you now maybe your voice
  2118. isn't amazing but you still sing that
  2119. shit in the shower so haha we want to
  2120. have that with our humor because
  2121. stand-up comedy is designed to look
  2122. off-the-cuff and casual but it is
  2123. extremely yeah performed dialed in
  2124. practiced and so on so I think that we
  2125. want to just find those the people that
  2126. are funny and then use that kind of
  2127. humor that's self amusing you say what's
  2128. funny to you in the moment it doesn't
  2129. have to be a pre-planned thing because
  2130. if it is you know there's a high chance
  2131. of it being exhaust a note huge point
  2132. you made there is one I mean if you
  2133. study like a Kevin Hart for example or
  2134. you study uh
  2135. you know Robin Williams rest in peace
  2136. like any of these guys who just crushed
  2137. it was data that's their life I mean
  2138. they're literally all day long committed
  2139. to their craft now for everyone
  2140. listening you have a job you have a life
  2141. you have other things you're not gonna
  2142. be able to work out comedy for fifteen
  2143. hours a week right oh that's that's
  2144. crazy and so as opposed to aiming for
  2145. that root what's so cool and you already
  2146. talked about this I want to hit on it to
  2147. a huge point I know you see this dr.
  2148. Zee's is this this idea of being present
  2149. to the moment one of the big traps it's
  2150. easy to get into in conversation and
  2151. life and all that we do is you're
  2152. thinking ahead of what you're gonna say
  2153. next you're thinking back about what you
  2154. said before and how that played out in
  2155. the mind of the person you're talking to
  2156. the girl you're talking to or the social
  2157. group right and if you watch the can
  2158. rustle brand he's the guy that I'm
  2159. really fascinated with because this guy
  2160. is the sharpest mofo I've ever seen with
  2161. wit now he stands for some things and
  2162. he's a crazy dude and you know all of
  2163. his opinions aside if you watch his his
  2164. live interviews this guy is the sharpest
  2165. witted dude on the planet now do I think
  2166. he's probably smarter than the average
  2167. bear yeah I do though I think he's
  2168. probably a high IQ dude certainly
  2169. probably higher IQ than myself but just
  2170. because Russell Brand probably has an IQ
  2171. of 140 doesn't mean you can't learn what
  2172. he's doing you notice if you watch him
  2173. he's right in this moment in most of
  2174. what he's saying is just either a huge
  2175. over exaggeration a massive under
  2176. exaggeration or a totally misdirected
  2177. statement that nobody expected him to
  2178. take
  2179. the interaction with and so he's really
  2180. just throwing curveballs you brought up
  2181. Danny McBride in the movie you know
  2182. pitcher so much of comedy is just
  2183. throwing a curveball people expect you
  2184. to say acts and you say why instead oh
  2185. wow that's kind of funny you know it's
  2186. just you improvising in the moment but
  2187. there's no script there it's just you
  2188. living in the moment enjoying life and
  2189. and not needing the laughs but
  2190. paradoxically when you don't really need
  2191. it so often in in many aspects of life
  2192. dating included when you don't need it
  2193. good things can certainly happen
  2194. hopefully that adds a little bit of
  2195. value absolutely and those are super
  2196. valuable techniques that's the right
  2197. word but people I mean sometimes
  2198. breaking humor down can be really
  2199. helpful because it's not especially like
  2200. the kind of humor that you can use
  2201. moment to moment that doesn't involve
  2202. any setup or pre-planned in a routines
  2203. or anything it's really just those
  2204. little things that you said exaggeration
  2205. and you can amplify something or
  2206. exaggerate it and all of a sudden it
  2207. becomes funny because it's so obviously
  2208. over the top right or you can say you
  2209. know misdirection the curveball the
  2210. thing that people weren't expecting and
  2211. that only comes out of as you said being
  2212. very present in the moment and just
  2213. looking for that just being right there
  2214. with that person and whole Italy I think
  2215. that you know instead of making it like
  2216. oh I got to be funnier I have to learn
  2217. how to be funnier I mean sure you could
  2218. but I really want to encourage everyone
  2219. listening like you are now just find
  2220. those opportunities you might already do
  2221. it with friends with people that you're
  2222. comfortable with but then all of a
  2223. sudden and this is where I think it is
  2224. can lead us into the second piece which
  2225. is the boldness we get around someone
  2226. that we don't know that well
  2227. we're at an official function like a
  2228. networking meeting or a mixer or a date
  2229. or approaching someone we find
  2230. attractive whatever it is and we're
  2231. where we feel more attached to an
  2232. outcome we feel more nervous then we
  2233. tend to be less bold and so the problem
  2234. though is the exaggeration the
  2235. misdirection the curveball those are all
  2236. kind of slightly bold maneuvers because
  2237. they're stepping outside of the norm
  2238. they're stepping outside of the expected
  2239. mmm yeah so let's talk about boldness
  2240. what have you seen in Russell Brand or
  2241. any of the other people you've broken
  2242. down what what is boldness what are they
  2243. doing how do they do it
  2244. that brings us to the end of our time
  2245. today and the end of the episode there
  2246. are so much good stuff here that I don't
  2247. want to cut out so we're gonna have it
  2248. split into another episode the rest of
  2249. the interview and we're gonna continue
  2250. diving into this idea of your authentic
  2251. superstar personality but before we do
  2252. anything else there's one thing we got
  2253. to do and Jason talked about it in the
  2254. interview and I talk about it all the
  2255. time get into action axes your action
  2256. step for today is to find a character
  2257. find an actor a TV personality could be
  2258. interviews you've seen with them or
  2259. their actual character in a movie or a
  2260. TV show find that person and study them
  2261. break it down what are they doing how do
  2262. they stand how do they move what are the
  2263. subtle things that they do do they shift
  2264. the topic do they challenge someone are
  2265. they light harder than they are they
  2266. bold and if so how are they
  2267. communicating that get really specific
  2268. study their movements model them and
  2269. infuse that into your interactions this
  2270. week the way you talk to people the way
  2271. you greet people whether or not you even
  2272. approach people letting that character
  2273. move through you there's a reason why
  2274. you're drawn to that character there's a
  2275. reason why you're picking them now it
  2276. may or may not be Kenny Powers
  2277. but finally who that is for you bring it
  2278. into your life and rock and roll and
  2279. we'll continue next week with this
  2280. interview we're gonna get more into
  2281. being funny a deeper dive into that as
  2282. well as boldness boldness and dating and
  2283. relationships which is huge as well as
  2284. boldness in your business in your career
  2285. and how to really create the life that
  2286. you want and in all areas so stay tuned
  2287. for that until we speak again may have
  2288. the courage to be who you are and to
  2289. know on a deep level that you're awesome
  2290. thanks for listening to shrink for the
  2291. shy guy with dr. Aziz if you know anyone
  2292. who can benefit from what you've just
  2293. heard please let them know and send them
  2294. a link to shrink for the shy guy gone
  2295. for free blocks ebooks and training
  2296. videos related to overcoming shyness and
  2297. increasing confidence go to social
  2298. confidence enter calm
  2299. [Music]
  2301. Highly-Authentic-Highly-Attractive-With-Jason-Rogers-Part-1
  2304. ...............................................................
  2307. coming to you from the Center for social
  2308. confidence in Portland Oregon
  2309. welcome to shrink for the shy guy
  2310. helping men everywhere go from social
  2311. anxiety to social domination with your
  2312. host dr. Aziz
  2313. hey everybody welcome today's episode of
  2314. the show today is awesome this is part
  2315. two of my interview with Jason Rogers
  2316. where we're gonna be talking about how
  2317. to be highly authentic and highly
  2318. attractive and if you didn't get test
  2319. the first part of interview I highly
  2320. recommend it
  2321. because he shares a lot of great stuff
  2322. in there about what he's seen in the
  2323. most confident and charismatic people on
  2324. the planet which are these superstars
  2325. that he studied include Russell Brand
  2326. George Clooney other people he's broken
  2327. down what are they doing how do they
  2328. show up not just as a character on TV or
  2329. on a movie but in interviews in extended
  2330. interviews we get to see how they relate
  2331. how they deal with spontaneous questions
  2332. how they challenge or don't in different
  2333. situations so he's really studied this
  2334. as well as a ton of other stuff you'll
  2335. see as we dive further into the
  2336. interview just how much he's read how
  2337. when she's studied so a wealth of
  2338. information great conversation and we're
  2339. gonna be getting more into boldness
  2340. today in the interview and how to bring
  2341. more of that into your life what that
  2342. actually means and if you'd like to get
  2343. all the information about the show as
  2344. well as the show notes and information
  2345. about Jason go to shrink for the shy guy
  2346. com shrink for the shy guy calm also in
  2347. just a few days we are starting the
  2348. early bird special for tickets for my
  2349. live event which is in October of this
  2350. year in Portland Oregon called the
  2351. ultimate confidence breakthrough I'm
  2352. super excited about that event I think I
  2353. even mentioned it in my conversation
  2354. with Jason because man nothing gets us
  2355. into action like being with a group of
  2356. other people who are committed who are
  2357. also wanting to take action so this is
  2358. definitely something you don't want to
  2359. check out if dating and mastering your
  2360. dating life your relationships is
  2361. important to you and not just how to get
  2362. a number or how to get laid or some sort
  2363. of pickup artist thing this is about how
  2364. to unleash a level of masculine powerful
  2365. confidence in yourself that you're going
  2366. to be able to walk over and start a
  2367. conversation not with a script or pickup
  2368. line but
  2369. being you and there's some great stories
  2370. in the interview about how both Jason
  2371. and I have learned how to do that and
  2372. have a great success with that and I
  2373. think it's so refreshing it's like oh
  2374. man I can just be me but bold you
  2375. confident you the powerful you that
  2376. comes out when you're not doubting
  2377. yourself and criticizing yourself and
  2378. shading on yourself in your own head
  2379. that's the you that's the most
  2380. attractive and that's what the event is
  2381. all about activating and bringing out so
  2382. you know you have maximum value you know
  2383. you have something to offer you know
  2384. it's actually a benefit in someone's
  2385. life to have you as a as a boyfriend as
  2386. a date and then you're also gonna learn
  2387. all of the ways like what's your style
  2388. how do you start a conversation how do
  2389. you keep it going how do you ask for
  2390. numbers how do you flirt how do you
  2391. escalate to physical contact kissing sex
  2392. as well as overcome the dating
  2393. challenges you know you want to date
  2394. multiple people how do you have
  2395. conversations about sex what if she gets
  2396. upset about something
  2397. all of that stuff is what we do a deep
  2398. dive in the weekend super excited about
  2399. it so if you want to know more about the
  2400. early bird where it's 50% off it's about
  2401. a 10 day period that we're doing that go
  2402. to shrink for the shy guy calm and sign
  2403. up on my list there there's an e-book
  2404. you get when you sign up as well so sign
  2405. up on the list there you can also go to
  2406. social confidence Center calm and get on
  2407. my list there that's how you're gonna
  2408. get access to the early bird if you're
  2409. already on my list stay tuned we'll be
  2410. sending out some emails very soon about
  2411. that so without further ado let's get
  2412. back into that interview with confidence
  2413. expert Jason Rogers
  2414. expert interviews those are all kind of
  2415. slightly bold maneuvers as they're
  2416. stepping outside of the norm
  2417. you're stepping outside of the expected
  2418. Hey yeah so let's talk about boldness
  2419. what have you seen in Russell Brand or
  2420. any of the other people you've broken
  2421. down what what is boldness what are they
  2422. doing how do they do it
  2423. yeah absolutely you know I actually
  2424. quickly want to talk about something
  2425. they don't bring it to Russell Brand I
  2426. went to a he's a big guy in the I'm sure
  2427. you've probably heard of him his name is
  2428. Brendon Burchard I'm not sure how
  2429. familiar the audience would be with the
  2430. guy Brendon Burchard he's a motivational
  2431. guy inspirational guy also a marketing
  2432. fellow for us entrepreneurs but one
  2433. thing you see with Brendon Burchard when
  2434. he has these seminars I went to a live
  2435. event and I'm always interested you take
  2436. these speakers and we'll talk about
  2437. boldness and this actually ties right
  2438. into boldness you go to a Brendon
  2439. Burchard event and he's in front of you
  2440. know a thousand plus people and half of
  2441. them have probably never really seen him
  2442. before you know he has some clever ways
  2443. to get people that I don't think are
  2444. that familiar with his work in the door
  2445. but anyways that's beside the point but
  2446. what you see with Brendon Burchard
  2447. is instantly he has this assumed
  2448. familiarity with you where he talks to
  2449. you as if you've already known each
  2450. other and that's such a tough thing to
  2451. do when you go talk to the girl you meet
  2452. somebody the networking event is to kind
  2453. of penetrate their world in your world
  2454. and create this experience where you're
  2455. just being I use the word bold because
  2456. it's how you would talk to your best
  2457. friend and so to to bring this into what
  2458. you asked dr. Zee's about boldness is
  2459. what I see is the boldness is really
  2460. just almost this unapologetic being you
  2461. now of course you have to put in the
  2462. disclaimer look man if you're if you're
  2463. working directly under your boss and you
  2464. know I can't think of a specific example
  2465. off the fly what would be something I
  2466. don't know just something really bold
  2467. like hey man how did you get laid this
  2468. weekend you know something like that
  2469. might not work you know it could and
  2470. here's the thing it could be the very
  2471. thing that actually secures you in the
  2472. job it's bold it's a risk and so it's
  2473. you know it's we've seen examples of
  2474. both where the guy says hey you know how
  2475. did it go this weekend did you get lucky
  2476. and the boss is like you're my number
  2477. one guy right-hand man right or it's
  2478. like you are absolutely over the line
  2479. you know pack up your stuff you rolling
  2480. and that's kind of if you look at these
  2481. people we look up to in life is so often
  2482. and we do respect the people who take
  2483. risk most of the people who really hit
  2484. it big in any industry if you read their
  2485. biographies I'm a huge fan of
  2486. biographies and you see these patterns
  2487. is that they took massive risk I like
  2488. Arnold Schwarzenegger he was you know a
  2489. 20 year old guy he was trying to become
  2490. mr. strongman and he was actually in the
  2491. Austrian military and he snuck out of
  2492. the military to go to these bodybuilding
  2493. events and he could have I think
  2494. literally been kicked out in the country
  2495. and there were massive repercussions it
  2496. was a bold move you know so a lot of
  2497. boldness isn't even what you say but
  2498. it's just kind of who you are and it's
  2499. it's it's a trained skill that way I
  2500. think we all as men are wise to try to
  2501. cultivate but bonus I think it's just
  2502. kind of a way of living your life a
  2503. little bit riskier than the average Joe
  2504. and yeah well of course there's risks I
  2505. believe it's worth it you know I love
  2506. the Emerson quote and then all I'll give
  2507. back to you dr. Zee's I can talk and
  2508. talk all day but I love the Emerson
  2509. quote always do the thing you're afraid
  2510. to do I try to reply that in my mind and
  2511. just try to do something every day that
  2512. I'm a little nervous to do and I find
  2513. that's a great way to cultivate a little
  2514. bit more of this boldness that we so
  2515. often kind of admire in these in these
  2516. men that we see that we look up to hmm I
  2517. love it we're gonna pause right here for
  2518. just one moment take a quick break and
  2519. then continue with our interview with
  2520. Jason hey it's dr. Zee's here and I'm
  2521. sure by now you've heard about my
  2522. unstoppable confidence mastermind groups
  2523. where we take eight guys who are held
  2524. back in some way maybe they're not
  2525. having the relationship success that I
  2526. want the dating confidence the ability
  2527. to speak up and just own it at work or
  2528. increase their sales there's some level
  2529. of self-doubt that's holding them back
  2530. and we help you just obliterate that so
  2531. you can move towards what you want in a
  2532. truly unstoppable way and the results
  2533. have been phenomenal and seeing the
  2534. people that go through this group and
  2535. here's why it's so powerful because you
  2536. step up and you say I'm gonna do this
  2537. for six months you also get around other
  2538. people and that inspires you like
  2539. nobody's business it's not just you and
  2540. you in your own head you get support
  2541. from each other you get inspired you get
  2542. encouraged you get challenged sometimes
  2543. and that's what helps you really break
  2544. through to the next level then on top of
  2545. that not only are we talking regularly
  2546. on the phone so you can do it from
  2547. anywhere in the country anywhere in the
  2548. world we also meet for two and a half
  2549. days in-person in Portland and have a
  2550. really intensive experience that's like
  2551. diving deep into whatever stopping you
  2552. and then just shredding it so you can
  2553. move forward faster than ever before and
  2554. as I said the results have been been a
  2555. phenomenal it's been amazing to watch
  2556. the guys grow so quickly I've been
  2557. shocked at how fast people can grow
  2558. especially with those weakened
  2559. intensives so if you really want to jump
  2560. on board with this I would love to talk
  2561. to you more about it go to social
  2562. confidence forward slash
  2563. mastermind that's social confidence
  2564. Center com forward slash mastermind and
  2565. I mean that is that's something well you
  2566. said a lot in there about you said about
  2567. cultivating this skill that's really
  2568. powerful
  2569. and when I if you look up bold like the
  2570. dictionary definition of bold is showing
  2571. an ability to take risks so that in
  2572. itself you said it you know saying that
  2573. making that joke with your boss is a
  2574. risk that's exactly right that's what
  2575. makes it bolt is a willingness or an
  2576. ability to take a risk and so much of
  2577. the time when our life is not the way we
  2578. want it to be it's probably related to a
  2579. lack of willingness to take risks and
  2580. our date univer if your dating life is
  2581. not where you want it to be you probably
  2582. not taking risks to put yourself out
  2583. there start conversations ask women out
  2584. if you are in a relationship but it's
  2585. kind of not that exciting or you're
  2586. losing it or your heart it's probably a
  2587. lack of risks lack of risk of being
  2588. vulnerable direct having a hard
  2589. conversation and then same thing in our
  2590. work in our career I mean as you said
  2591. those people that are icons every single
  2592. one of them has a story of a crazy level
  2593. of willingness to take risks and that
  2594. can be inspiring and for some that can
  2595. be overwhelming like oh my god that
  2596. sounds so scary I don't even know but
  2597. that
  2598. why I love what you said there about the
  2599. skill of boldness so do you really think
  2600. that bold this is a skill and if so how
  2601. do we develop it is the Emerson quote
  2602. how we develop it what's your
  2603. perspective sure and this is merely
  2604. perspective but I read something
  2605. interesting and I forget if it was the
  2606. Navajo Indians it was an Indian tribe up
  2607. near Wyoming in the Dakotas and I forget
  2608. what the name of it was but for lack of
  2609. a better term it was the Indians and a
  2610. trained courage courage very similar to
  2611. boldness they actually trained the kids
  2612. to cultivate boldness to answer your
  2613. question short absolutely
  2614. I believe you can cultivate boldness
  2615. I've certainly seen this in my own life
  2616. and it's much of what I do is to get
  2617. guys exposure to start doing the thing
  2618. they're afraid to do and that builds
  2619. that confidence but with the Indian
  2620. example they actually took three and
  2621. four year old kids before they even
  2622. really knew it was up and they already
  2623. had them doing these incredibly bold
  2624. things I think one example was they
  2625. would bring him out on the hunt and have
  2626. them get like really kind of close
  2627. closer than was probably safe to to the
  2628. men hunting animals if it was a boy a
  2629. young boy another thing they did is they
  2630. and this was up when it was cold in the
  2631. winter they made the kids jump into to
  2632. freezing water and stay there for a
  2633. while which is you know naturally
  2634. especially when you're out in the woods
  2635. a potentially fatal event you know so
  2636. they basically made the young kids
  2637. experience risk and take risk and
  2638. experience these these heavy situations
  2639. real early in life and of course that
  2640. helped the tribe thrive later on because
  2641. now you have this twenty-year-old young
  2642. buck who has a world of experience which
  2643. is I think in this world of technology
  2644. and everything is something that's
  2645. becoming easier and easier to avoid you
  2646. know you can use tinder and swipe left
  2647. and swipe right and you can you know
  2648. send a message and we're losing some of
  2649. that I think that you had to have in the
  2650. past so I think today is actually a
  2651. cooler time than ever before to take
  2652. those risks because as I believe is
  2653. actually easier to stand out as a guy
  2654. now than it was before because you don't
  2655. have to take risks to survive and thrive
  2656. today yeah where he's passed yeah and I
  2657. and I love that and I love that you were
  2658. talking about
  2659. you mentioned earlier your your own
  2660. story and I'm curious about something in
  2661. the in the present about how you do that
  2662. but maybe before I ask the question
  2663. about the present just a short version
  2664. what what is your story
  2665. you know around this confidence courage
  2666. boldness where did you start where what
  2667. did you work through just so we get at
  2668. context awesome first of all I have more
  2669. to grow I am always trying to to level
  2670. up in this area of my life I think it's
  2671. really important I certainly started
  2672. from humble beginnings I was I love this
  2673. story I was 15 and my folks wanted to
  2674. order some food for take-out and my mom
  2675. threw me the phone and said hey place
  2676. the order now I try to play it cool you
  2677. know I'm 15 years old and you you have a
  2678. big huge ego when you're 15 and so I'm
  2679. trying to play cool and I get the number
  2680. and I dial but in the inside I'm
  2681. freaking out and my heart is pounding
  2682. out of my chest
  2683. I was just socially anxious about
  2684. talking to a stranger and so long story
  2685. short I pick up the phone lay the
  2686. answers and I make a fool of myself I
  2687. scream out I want a number 19 and she
  2688. was like um hello your name who are you
  2689. what are you doing you freak you know
  2690. it's kind of what she was self
  2691. communicating and I hung up the phone
  2692. and I literally said I can't do and I
  2693. ran upstairs right so I was really
  2694. socially anxious growing up I could go
  2695. at length for this story but the short
  2696. of it is is I was the prom reject and I
  2697. realized wow I my dating life sucks I
  2698. went through high school basically with
  2699. a nice huge prom rejection where
  2700. everyone saw me and laughed at me and
  2701. that was quite awkward for me being a
  2702. teen and so that was kind of the
  2703. realization of wow I need to understand
  2704. this whole dating thing and so you know
  2705. and I had a public speaking fail in
  2706. there too I was the valedictorian of
  2707. Santiago Canyon college and I choked in
  2708. front of this big old audience of about
  2709. a thousand people and really flub this
  2710. speech right so then I went to UCLA in
  2711. the short of it is I ought to every girl
  2712. on that campus some of the multiple
  2713. times I talk to girls in the library in
  2714. the gym on the way to class after class
  2715. in the coffee shop and everywhere in
  2716. between always at 2:00 in the afternoon
  2717. with no liquor where there's a lot of
  2718. social judgment and I just got myself to
  2719. take all of these quote-unquote risks
  2720. you know risks just insofar as I was
  2721. rejected hundreds of times and with that
  2722. I got hundreds of numbers and
  2723. I finally was cool so that was kind of
  2724. the modality I initially used to and
  2725. it's really not that bold I mean think
  2726. about compared to taking down a beast to
  2727. survive for your family what I mean
  2728. approaching a girl is nothing in
  2729. comparison which is why I say I on the
  2730. scheme of things I'm really not that
  2731. confident as a guy compared to what they
  2732. were doing in the past but that was my
  2733. first mechanism for building more of
  2734. that confidence and in in my life that's
  2735. that's really fascinating because there
  2736. that's the last thing you just said is
  2737. really interesting is like hey and when
  2738. you do put it in that perspective you
  2739. know like jumping into ice water in the
  2740. mountains or taking down an animal those
  2741. are a lot more serious threats I wonder
  2742. if a lack of serious threats then in a
  2743. way makes us that boldness muscle has
  2744. atrophied in a way and so then you know
  2745. approaching someone becomes this major
  2746. threat or calling someone on the phone
  2747. becomes a major danger to my totally
  2748. live with my life really and so I love
  2749. that you face that and that you sounds
  2750. like you did massive exposure and just
  2751. to the point where you you know it
  2752. wasn't just about well let me do this
  2753. just a little bit enough to get a date
  2754. it was like I'm gonna make a practice of
  2755. this oh yeah there were stories I mean I
  2756. went everywhere I went to the point
  2757. where it would be in the library and you
  2758. know UCLA it's a pretty academic school
  2759. I mean you could drop a pen and people
  2760. would hear it for a hundred feet and I
  2761. would get myself eventually and at this
  2762. point it wasn't scary whereas a year
  2763. before approaching a girl was terrifying
  2764. and so this is just the idea of the
  2765. power of repeated exposure I would see a
  2766. girl in the library and you know a sexy
  2767. girl and at this point how it's just all
  2768. about this and I on my studies until I
  2769. wouldn't talk to her I just knew in the
  2770. back of my mind I was like I should go
  2771. talk to her I should dog as I call it
  2772. dogging is kind of going and approaching
  2773. a girl right and so I would go and talk
  2774. to her and you could just feel you know
  2775. most times people don't actually notice
  2776. when we talk to girls that's called a
  2777. spotlight effect but in the library they
  2778. do notice when you say hey
  2779. I had just had to say you were
  2780. absolutely stunning my name is Jason I
  2781. would just feel like 50 heads turning
  2782. I'm still laughing at the mental memory
  2783. 50 heads turning just like watching you
  2784. do this thing and that would have
  2785. freaked me out and still to this day
  2786. actually I don't approach women quite as
  2787. much growing the business doing these
  2788. different things I would be no more
  2789. nervous to do that now than I was then
  2790. but at that point in my life I was so
  2791. immersed in this approaching lemon that
  2792. the the repeated exposure got it to this
  2793. point where it literally the fear
  2794. disappeared and so I really believe in
  2795. this this idea of repeated exposure and
  2796. some of the research on on the amygdala
  2797. and in repeating you know yourself to
  2798. certain exposures are really confirming
  2799. that indeed it deregulates the fear base
  2800. part of your brain the amygdala which
  2801. has some really powerful effects for
  2802. guys who are trying to get more
  2803. confident in in a specific area of their
  2804. lives
  2805. we're gonna pause for just one more
  2806. moment and then get back to the
  2807. conclusion of the interview with
  2808. confidence expert Jason Rogers it was
  2809. subji dog so busy nothing hey men check
  2810. it out
  2811. I found this new program online called
  2812. text your way to sex do it is awesome no
  2813. way man
  2814. does it work oh yeah man I've gotten
  2815. laid like 400 times in the last month yo
  2816. yeah for real oh man hey J dog maybe
  2817. this can help me I got this girl that I
  2818. met and we talked and she was totally
  2819. into me and then we were texting and I
  2820. text through like four times in a row
  2821. and she didn't respond maybe you can
  2822. tell me what to do to text her into six
  2823. no doubt check it I can look up exactly
  2824. what to say after she doesn't respond
  2825. after the fourth text here I go
  2826. okay here's what you say you ready wizzy
  2827. yeah hey
  2828. insert girl's name Calma okay hey
  2829. Tiffany
  2830. comma all right what do I say next G
  2831. talk one of the hot babes that's into me
  2832. at this club reminds me of you
  2833. you missed out period you missed out
  2834. damn send that shit yo and she will be
  2835. texting you for sex in like three
  2836. minutes yo yeah yeah yeah yeah there is
  2837. a ton of stuff out there on the internet
  2838. that will give you a false sense of
  2839. certainty that you know exactly what to
  2840. do in every situation and it's most of
  2841. it is just garbage and it doesn't create
  2842. good relationships it doesn't actually
  2843. make women want you and it doesn't lead
  2844. to a satisfying relationship with a
  2845. girlfriend or maybe even someone you
  2846. want to make your wife if you want to
  2847. learn how to show up boldly confidently
  2848. strongly assertively and actually
  2849. attract women by being the most powerful
  2850. man that you are and then know how to
  2851. text or what to say coming from that
  2852. place and I strongly suggest you check
  2853. out my program 30 days to dating mastery
  2854. which is gonna teach you everything you
  2855. need to know not in some weird script
  2856. form but by tapping into your own
  2857. masculine confident power and then
  2858. step-by-step getting out into the world
  2859. and doing missions and breaking through
  2860. your own fears so you're no longer stuck
  2861. and doubting yourself to get started
  2862. today go to 30 days to dating mastery
  2863. com that's 3-0 days to dating mastery
  2864. calm and you can also sign up there for
  2865. a free ebook that I'll send you which is
  2866. called 7 ways to start conversations
  2867. with women anywhere anytime no weird
  2868. pickup artist stuff just you being your
  2869. most badass confident self
  2870. absolutely and I love that spotlight
  2871. effect and the funny thing is is if I
  2872. was in the library and I heard a guy
  2873. saying that or kind of got wind that was
  2874. happening
  2875. I'd watch too I feel like what's totally
  2876. good
  2877. this is a high drama this is better than
  2878. a soap opera like this is real life
  2879. what's gonna happen next and you know
  2880. the assumption is that there's it's all
  2881. loaded with judgment but actually I
  2882. think it's it's often just it's exciting
  2883. it's we're curious we're fascinated and
  2884. if someone is judging it's probably I
  2885. don't know pushing one of their buttons
  2886. probably if it's a man judging you he's
  2887. jealous about your boldness and your
  2888. ability to do that but I remember that
  2889. holding me back for for a long time ever
  2890. I've it's funny how those moments where
  2891. you challenge that and go into the
  2892. spotlight kind of get burned into your
  2893. memory I remember I had a moment where
  2894. it was just I was similar to you is like
  2895. I'm gonna do this and so I would just
  2896. like I'm gonna find opportunities in
  2897. places to to practice and and and during
  2898. the day too because I didn't I didn't
  2899. want to drink or anything like that so I
  2900. remember I went to a Starbucks I don't
  2901. think I even wanted anything at the
  2902. Starbucks I just was there to you know I
  2903. saw a woman on working on her laptop but
  2904. there was people like she was in the
  2905. couch area and there's like a person on
  2906. either side and there's a table and
  2907. there's people and I'm like that is that
  2908. is the worst like there is no way to
  2909. hide that yeah yeah I'm gonna talk to
  2910. her and and yet there's something in
  2911. there around that emerson quote right
  2912. like just do i this is not his words but
  2913. but do what scares you basically yeah
  2914. and when you really get that that that
  2915. builds something inside of you that that
  2916. lasts forever regardless of what she
  2917. says or does then there's this this
  2918. willingness that emerges and so I
  2919. remember I walked right up to her and I
  2920. looked at her I said hey I wanted to say
  2921. something she's like uh and I was like
  2922. you have the most beautiful I kind of
  2923. paused dramatically she looked at me
  2924. laptop that I've ever seen and then she
  2925. laughed and then I you know I asked her
  2926. what are you working on blah blah blah
  2927. and then and I could feel the eyes on me
  2928. but it's okay and you survived I
  2929. survived and we're so much better off
  2930. for it you know it's like going into the
  2931. water and being fucking cold for 30
  2932. seconds or 60 seconds or whatever but
  2933. you survive and you're stronger for it I
  2934. love that story I loved what I thought
  2935. you were gonna say you're beautiful the
  2936. beautiful laptop in this that it's
  2937. missing turbo I know present moment you
  2938. know that's that power of not you know
  2939. guys look for pickup lines I'm sure
  2940. you've been asked what what do I say
  2941. like what's the line and I love saying
  2942. try to trust your gut and just feel it
  2943. out in the present moment there's no way
  2944. you could have said that in the way you
  2945. did if you thought ahead of time what
  2946. I'm gonna say so super powerful they're
  2947. super powerful I love that story and
  2948. those are the stories you're right you
  2949. remember those and it's not so much the
  2950. outcome like for both of our stories we
  2951. actually don't even talk about when what
  2952. came as a result because that's not
  2953. really what it is it's it for me it'll
  2954. never be about you know what happened
  2955. afterwards I mean the others are in the
  2956. cool thing is this good things do happen
  2957. without a doubt good things do happen
  2958. especially the repeated practice but
  2959. it's about who you kind of a common
  2960. that's why I I love what we're talking
  2961. about can do for people far beyond their
  2962. dating lives far beyond getting a number
  2963. or anything like that it's so much
  2964. deeper yeah and it's so much more
  2965. empowering in my opinion well absolutely
  2966. and I think you know the dating it's
  2967. sort of what what is the the thing that
  2968. we want most and maybe at that time in
  2969. your life I know it was for me to is
  2970. like well I want to I want to feel more
  2971. confident people but I also want to be
  2972. able to date like you know college man
  2973. that's supposed to be experiencing
  2974. something and for me I didn't get
  2975. started until the very end of college
  2976. with this stuff so all of college had
  2977. passed by and I was like oh shit this is
  2978. not gonna this is this is not gonna
  2979. happen on its own so then it was the
  2980. focus on women but you're absolutely
  2981. right because that muscle of boldness is
  2982. what creates the success or the feeling
  2983. of success in every area of our lives
  2984. our social lives our relationships and
  2985. and in career and I've been studying and
  2986. reaching out and talking to people and
  2987. working with people a lot more about
  2988. confidence in the business world and
  2989. entrepreneurship and I keep seeing the
  2990. same
  2991. name stuff I'm like it's the same things
  2992. its boldness its willingness to take
  2993. risks and it's just funny how we can
  2994. apply that skill across the board to
  2995. anything to create an extraordinary life
  2996. I love it dr. Zee's now you you're
  2997. spot-on you you're the expert man you
  2998. know and and to great things I just want
  2999. to share that are completely tied in
  3000. that relates what we're talking about
  3001. the first is the idea the spotlight
  3002. effect which we talked about the Spalla
  3003. effect is really cool there's research
  3004. on it and basically the spotlight effect
  3005. is actually they did Studies on it I
  3006. won't go through the studies you can
  3007. check it out just google the spotlight
  3008. effect but they found that people
  3009. actually pay way less attention to us
  3010. than we think see like the story that
  3011. the doctor ZZZ and IH told about you
  3012. know for you in the coffee shop dr.
  3013. season for me in the library
  3014. those were the unique situations where
  3015. there's people right there so they do
  3016. actually notice what we're up to but I
  3017. know from experience most times people
  3018. don't pay attention for more than three
  3019. seconds the spotlight effect actually
  3020. shows that people aren't focusing on us
  3021. into the spotlight we believe is honest
  3022. is actually not there hmm super powerful
  3023. and research to back it not just my
  3024. opinion PSA's and although my
  3025. experiences have certainly validated it
  3026. so a lot of times people don't really
  3027. notice what we're up to nearly as much
  3028. as we think we do and then the other
  3029. thing that's really interesting and I'm
  3030. sure um you you've talked to guys about
  3031. this yourself dr. Zee's is that our
  3032. brains are still pretty much hardwired
  3033. for for life in the prehistoric time is
  3034. out in the savannahs of Africa
  3035. dr. Lieberman writes a really cool book
  3036. the evolution or when is that dr.
  3037. Lieberman oh I forget evolution
  3038. something to do with evolution but the
  3039. short of it is is our brains are still
  3040. hardwired for the old-school way of life
  3041. where you're literally in a tribe of a
  3042. hundred people and if you approach the
  3043. the the Chiefs daughter 50,000 years ago
  3044. and you made up kind of a foolish move
  3045. and you try to screw the Chiefs daughter
  3046. the Chiefs gonna kill you or kick you
  3047. out of the tribe and then 50,000 years
  3048. ago now you're in the savannahs of
  3049. Africa and you're you're fucked you know
  3050. like you're dead there's lines there's
  3051. Tigers there's bears you're gonna get
  3052. eaten and that's still a lot part of how
  3053. our mind works which is why I think we
  3054. have this aversion is guys especially to
  3055. be bowl
  3056. to take risks to ask the girl out social
  3057. rejection fear all of these these core
  3058. things we all feel I feel am I feeling
  3059. everyday fear anger or not anger fear of
  3060. rejection fear of criticism in its
  3061. deeply hard rooted into our brain
  3062. because if you messed up back in the day
  3063. maybe you were toast
  3064. but now you know the girl just you know
  3065. you make kind of a social faux pas or
  3066. kind of screw something up and you know
  3067. maybe a couple people laugh at you and
  3068. you you leave and in your not getting
  3069. kicked out of the tribe you you know
  3070. reload your chips you can go again so
  3071. it's a real interesting idea of of kind
  3072. of why we have the fears we do and I
  3073. know you know a lot more about this
  3074. probably than I do I've just read the
  3075. books on it but it's interesting man and
  3076. hopefully inspiring for guys listening
  3077. to try to realize that to take more
  3078. action knowing that the psychology of
  3079. the fear is a little bit misguided given
  3080. the 21st century we live in absolutely
  3081. and I think you said really good stuff
  3082. there I don't even need to add anything
  3083. to it because it's it's spot-on and what
  3084. I would love to ask you and and a little
  3085. bit of time we have remaining is
  3086. sometimes you know we you've done so
  3087. much growth and progress so much and
  3088. you're helping people along that path
  3089. now and yet you said very early on you
  3090. know I'm still doing this I'm still
  3091. growing I'm still pushing and I'm the
  3092. same way I'm like this is not there's
  3093. not some end state where it's like oh
  3094. great now I don't have a comfort zone I
  3095. don't ever have to push outside of it I
  3096. just have coasted you know they'll be
  3097. weird I'd be dead so how making this a
  3098. way of life you know doing what scares
  3099. you going outside the comfort zone what
  3100. are some one or two things ways that you
  3101. are doing that in your life now and I'll
  3102. share as well just so our listeners know
  3103. like this is a lifelong journey and
  3104. we're all working on this together
  3105. awesome you know I just try to find
  3106. opportunities that that I feel that
  3107. nervousness and I always try to move
  3108. towards them and I'll be the first to
  3109. admit I don't always do it I don't
  3110. always do it now I do it more than I
  3111. ever used to I just do things that that
  3112. keep me on my toes you know I go to
  3113. different networking events I've ever
  3114. been to before I just had I actually on
  3115. his ass to do I go to Toastmasters I'm
  3116. in a couple events there I like
  3117. Toastmasters I think it's a powerful
  3118. event for a lot of guys looking to build
  3119. more
  3120. confidence and there's always someone
  3121. who drops out of a role so just
  3122. yesterday I did a humorous role and
  3123. you're supposed to go up and just make
  3124. people laugh and I literally had five
  3125. minutes to prep for it and I'm you know
  3126. I had my experience public speaking
  3127. where I can jokes and it went really
  3128. terrible and I got cricket so in front
  3129. of about a thousand people so that's a
  3130. real fear that I've always kind of had
  3131. is is actually going up with the
  3132. expressed intent of making people laugh
  3133. so that was something I did just what
  3134. was that Monday actually this is
  3135. Wednesday of recording so that was two
  3136. days ago but in general it's just trying
  3137. to find something that pushes your
  3138. comfort zone and there's a million
  3139. opportunities man is we can see I
  3140. noticed every day there's something that
  3141. that creates that little nervousness in
  3142. me and I try to do it as often as I can
  3143. and it's a muscle I believe a muscle
  3144. that uh that you want to keep working
  3145. out in the same way you go to the gym
  3146. you know once you go to the gym it's
  3147. routine three or four days a week I know
  3148. I'm going to the gym I know what I'm
  3149. gonna do and you get in that habit and
  3150. that's kind of what's cool is you almost
  3151. make pushing your comfort zones the
  3152. habit and you kind of get that that
  3153. appreciation I think for for the
  3154. experience that you don't have when you
  3155. start how about you dr. Zee's absolutely
  3156. well I love that and I and I think what
  3157. your what I'm hearing in there is that
  3158. you have to look for you have to be
  3159. looking for those opportunities you know
  3160. fight what where's that feeling that
  3161. feeling and then moving towards it
  3162. instead of running away from it I think
  3163. the very first step is needing to look
  3164. for it because if we're not looking for
  3165. it we will as you said we have you know
  3166. hundreds of thousands of years of
  3167. programming in our nervous system that's
  3168. going to guide us to avoid it and to not
  3169. go there and so we take some of that
  3170. conscious attention onto like well what
  3171. what would scare me here and I think
  3172. sometimes figuring out what we really
  3173. want will also highlight what really
  3174. scares us because the path to get what
  3175. we really want often involves facing our
  3176. fears yeah I'm doing the same thing
  3177. looking for opportunities regularly for
  3178. me it's interesting it's it's mostly in
  3179. the business world now that I'm facing
  3180. fear the dating it's interesting so I
  3181. have this dating event coming up in a
  3182. couple of months and I'm sort of some of
  3183. the prep work for it and I'm like I got
  3184. to get into let me get into the water a
  3185. little bit and get back to what it's
  3186. like because I don't actively go out an
  3187. approach attractive
  3188. at this point I'll talk to women I'll
  3189. talk to attractive women sometimes too
  3190. but I'm not going out with the express
  3191. purpose to practice that and so just a
  3192. couple date over this last weekend I was
  3193. like oh I'm gonna start doing that again
  3194. if I'm in a supermarket or whatever and
  3195. I see it attractive women just go have a
  3196. conversation with her because I wanted
  3197. to get myself back into that experience
  3198. especially as I'm going in to teach
  3199. people and help them break through that
  3200. the places where I naturally and
  3201. organically noticing a lot as I said is
  3202. in the business world and for me it's
  3203. just reaching it's just exposing myself
  3204. to more and more rejection really so its
  3205. rejection with more people reaching out
  3206. to more people interacting with a larger
  3207. and larger list of people and getting
  3208. the occasional I don't like you
  3209. you're an asshole that kind of thing and
  3210. just like really exposing myself to that
  3211. or going and interacting with people
  3212. that I hold in high esteem mentors
  3213. teachers people that I might think oh
  3214. they're better than I am why would they
  3215. talk to me and I'm organizing a summit
  3216. where I'm approaching the most inspiring
  3217. and confident people in the world that
  3218. some of them have like five gatekeepers
  3219. and I'm pulling out all the stops on
  3220. some of them I have connections to so
  3221. I'm like working the way through the
  3222. back door some of them I'm just like pet
  3223. founding the gate and getting rejected
  3224. love it it's just like well yeah this is
  3225. uncomfortable this pushes my buttons
  3226. let's do this because it's no different
  3227. than approaching that woman it's no
  3228. different than speaking up or making
  3229. those jokes just about facing our fear I
  3230. love that man and you bring up a super
  3231. powerful point that that I think is so
  3232. important for everyone to to consider is
  3233. it's awesome when you're pushing your
  3234. comfort zones as you're talking about
  3235. dr. Zee's with that end goal in mind you
  3236. know for me actually too I don't
  3237. approach women as much as I used to and
  3238. a lot of what I'm doing the same thing
  3239. you're just at a grander scale at this
  3240. point is is reaching up you know
  3241. reaching up to different people being
  3242. willing to get rejected I'm writing and
  3243. different you know trying to get in to
  3244. ask men right now I've yet to been
  3245. accepted to that and in being willing to
  3246. submit and to hear the yes you're the no
  3247. reach out to different people in the
  3248. space that
  3249. and for me right I'm trying to grow this
  3250. brand Pete gank and you're trying to
  3251. grow your business so that's kind of the
  3252. area of focus and then having that that
  3253. courage or that boldness and not
  3254. willingness to hear the no is so
  3255. powerful for helping you get what you're
  3256. trying to get man because if it's worth
  3257. it I know you know this and I know
  3258. everyone and listening knows anything
  3259. worth having is is not gonna come cheap
  3260. not going to come easy if it were easy
  3261. everybody would have it super powerful I
  3262. love it does ease absolutely I feel like
  3263. there's like there's so many different
  3264. directions we could go I would love to
  3265. go get even more and but perhaps we'll
  3266. have another conversation in the future
  3267. what is the best way for people to find
  3268. out about you and your what you're up to
  3269. if they want to go deeper into watching
  3270. your breakdowns what what do you got
  3271. well how can people learn from I think
  3272. you have a ton to offer Thank You dr.
  3273. Zee's I appreciate that two places I
  3274. would invite guys interested to check
  3275. out first is I'm on YouTube at
  3276. slash jason rogers peak p EA
  3277. k there's a lot of cool breakdowns there
  3278. i do these video breakdowns that we
  3279. referenced earlier that help guys
  3280. socially and it'll help you out socially
  3281. with different different points you know
  3282. with women and networking and different
  3283. things so I would check that out but
  3284. what I also have that I actually just
  3285. put together really really cool we
  3286. talked about two of those those traits
  3287. as I call them these authentic superstar
  3288. personality traits these real core
  3289. pillars that that I think is a man we
  3290. all want to be cultivating we talked
  3291. about the lightheartedness in the
  3292. boldness those were two of them they're
  3293. six and I have that on my website at
  3294. peak under pressure calm and I want to
  3295. share those with with more guys cuz I
  3296. think for me the more I become grounded
  3297. in those six all six of them the more
  3298. all aspects of my life improve I'm more
  3299. confident my dating life my social life
  3300. and I've been able to start getting more
  3301. moments and with growing my business
  3302. that I didn't have before
  3303. having that awareness to those six so
  3304. that's at peak under pressure calm I
  3305. would encourage guys if they've liked
  3306. this and they're interested to go there
  3307. enter their email and get those six
  3308. traits sent to their inbox awesome and
  3309. we will have links below the show and
  3310. the show notes at shrink for the shy guy
  3311. calm so if you're listening to this on
  3312. your phone or whatever and you want to
  3313. just be able to click a link just go to
  3314. shrink for the shy guy calm and click on
  3315. the show notes for this episode and
  3316. awesome thank you so much for joining us
  3317. today Jason and thank you for all that
  3318. you're doing
  3319. thank you dr. Z it's a pleasure man this
  3320. has been fun this has been real fun we
  3321. got to do this again soon
  3322. that brings us to the end of today's
  3323. episode the end of the interview at the
  3324. beginning of action axes your action
  3325. step for today is to bring more boldness
  3326. into your life notice what he's saying
  3327. notice what I'm saying notice probably
  3328. what you've heard in a lot of different
  3329. places in your life which has got to
  3330. find what scares us and we got to do it
  3331. there is no way around that
  3332. there is no pill there's no magical herb
  3333. there's no patch there's no sentence
  3334. there's no magic dust there's nothing
  3335. that's going to eliminate the need to
  3336. face what you fear and to do what scares
  3337. you of course there are tools to
  3338. overcome the fear to get more on your
  3339. own side to stop beating yourself up and
  3340. there's a wealth of those in this
  3341. podcast in other programs that I have in
  3342. the things that Jason is teaching but at
  3343. the end of the day guess what we got to
  3344. take action so go out there today and do
  3345. something that scares you or this week
  3346. do one thing that scares you look for
  3347. that opportunity during the day and take
  3348. that super small risk even if it's
  3349. really small that's great because that's
  3350. something you're more likely to do and
  3351. then you can build momentum so look for
  3352. those risks take them and stay tuned get
  3353. on my list to find out more about the
  3354. dating confidence weekend I think it
  3355. could really help transform your
  3356. experience in your dating life and man
  3357. that's what I really want for you
  3358. because when I got the area of dating
  3359. and relationships handled in my life and
  3360. was able to create Anna Mae
  3361. relationship with an amazing woman that
  3362. just feels good I mean that's just that
  3363. solves a lot of problems now I notice of
  3364. all our problems there's still other
  3365. problems in life but it just feels
  3366. really good to have that handled and I
  3367. want that for you and it's totally
  3368. possible and any bullshit story that
  3369. you're telling yourself like I'm too
  3370. short or I don't have enough experience
  3371. or I'm awkward or anything man I want to
  3372. help you bust through that I want to
  3373. help you bust through that fast and
  3374. that's what the weekend can do so stay
  3375. tuned for that to find out about the
  3376. early birds and until we speak again may
  3377. have the courage to be who you are and
  3378. to know on a deep level that you're
  3379. awesome talk to you soon thanks for
  3380. listening to shrink for the shy guy with
  3381. dr. Aziz if you know anyone who can
  3382. benefit from what you've just heard
  3383. please let them know and send them a
  3384. link to shrink for the shy guy calm for
  3385. free blogs ebooks and training videos
  3386. related to overcoming shyness and
  3387. increasing confidence go to social
  3388. confidence enter calm
  3389. [Music]
  3390. you
  3393. Highly-Authentic-Highly-Attractive-With-Jason-Rogers-Part-2
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