

Aug 31st, 2020
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  1. 2 history -w
  2. 3 top
  3. 4 lscpu
  4. 5 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null &
  5. 6 top
  6. 7 poweroff
  7. 8 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null &
  8. 9 top
  9. 10 w
  10. 11 ip a
  11. 12 top
  12. 13 w
  13. 14 top
  14. 15 slabtop
  15. 16 free -m
  16. 17 echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
  17. 18 free -m
  18. 19 luth/countdown 12
  19. 20 history
  20. 21 mount | grep proc
  21. 22 cd /proc
  22. 23 la
  23. 24 ls
  24. 25 ps aux | grep 2715
  25. 26 cd 2715
  26. 27 ls
  27. 28 less status
  28. 29 cd ..
  29. 30 ls
  30. 31 ps aux
  31. 32 killall dd
  32. 33 ls
  33. 34 less cpuinfo
  34. 35 lscpu
  35. 36 ls
  36. 37 less meminfo
  37. 38 ls
  38. 39 echo h > sysrq-trigger
  39. 40 dmesg
  40. 41 ls
  41. 42 cd sys
  42. 43 ls
  43. 44 man proc
  44. 45 ls
  45. 46 cd vm/
  46. 47 ls
  47. 48 cat swappiness
  48. 49 echo 60 > swappiness
  49. 50 cat swappiness
  50. 51 systemctl status sysctl
  51. 52 cd /etc/
  52. 53 vim sysctl.conf
  53. 54 cd /usr/lib/sysctl.d/
  54. 55 ls
  55. 56 vim 60-libvirtd.conf
  56. 57 cd /etc/sysctl.d/
  57. 58 ls
  58. 59 ls -l
  59. 60 vim 99-szvv.conf
  60. 61 sysctl --help
  61. 62 sysctl -p
  62. 63 sysctl -a
  63. 64 sysctl -a | grep panic
  64. 65 sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/99-szvv.conf
  65. 66 cd /proc/sys
  66. 67 ls
  67. 68 cd kernel/
  68. 69 ls
  69. 70 cat ostype
  70. 71 cat osrelease
  71. 72 cd ..
  72. 73 sysctl -a | grep tasks
  73. 74 sysctl -a | grep pid
  74. 75 cd kernel/
  75. 76 ls
  76. 77 cat pid_max
  77. 78 echo $((2 * 4194304)) > pid_max
  78. 79 yum install kernel-doc
  79. 80 cd /usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-4.18.0/
  80. 81 ls
  81. 82 cd Documentation/
  82. 83 ls
  83. 84 cd sysctl/
  84. 85 ls
  85. 86 less vm.txt
  86. 87 history
  87. 88 mount
  88. 89 cd /sys
  89. 90 ls
  90. 91 cd bus
  91. 92 ls
  92. 93 cd cpu/
  93. 94 ls
  94. 95 cd devices/
  95. 96 ls
  96. 97 pwd
  97. 98 lscpu
  98. 99 cat cpu11/online
  99. 100 echo 0 >cpu11/online
  100. 101 lscpu
  101. 102 history
  102. 103 cd /proc/sys
  103. 104 touch hello
  104. 105 pwd
  105. 106 cd /proc/fs
  106. 107 ls
  107. 108 cd ext4/
  108. 109 ls
  109. 110 cd sda1
  110. 111 ls
  111. 112 cat options
  112. 113 poweroff
  113. 114 fdisk /dev/sda
  114. 115 mkfs.xfs /dev/sda3 -L goat
  115. 116 cd /proc/fs/
  116. 117 ls
  117. 118 cd xfs/
  118. 119 ls
  119. 120 cat stat
  120. 121 cd ..
  121. 122 mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
  122. 123 cd xfs
  123. 124 ls
  124. 125 cat stat
  125. 126 systemctl status tuned
  126. 127 tuned-adm list
  127. 128 lspci -k
  128. 129 tuned-adm list
  129. 130 tuned-adm profile intel-sst
  130. 131 tuned-adm list
  131. 132 cd /usr/lib/tuned/
  132. 133 ls
  133. 134 cd intel-sst/
  134. 135 ls
  135. 136 vim tuned.conf
  136. 137 cd ../throughput-performance/
  137. 138 ls
  138. 139 mkdir /etc/tuned/sander
  139. 140 cp tuned.conf /etc/tuned/sander
  140. 141 cd /etc/tuned/sander/
  141. 142 vim tuned.conf
  142. 143 tuned-adm list
  143. 144 history
  144. 145 vim /etc/sysctl.d/99-szvv.conf
  145. 146 pwd
  146. 147 vim tuned.conf
  147. 148 reboot
  148. 149 luth/countdown 12
  149. 150 cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
  150. 151 vim /etc/tuned/sander/tuned.conf
  151. 152 git clone
  152. 153 cd performance/
  153. 154 ls
  154. 155 cat stress1.service
  155. 156 poweroff
  156. 157 ps aux
  157. 158 ps aux | grep ssh
  158. 159 pidstat -p 1103 -t -r -d -R -s -u -v -w -T ALL
  159. 160 cd /proc/sys/vm
  160. 161 ls
  161. 162 cat overcommit_ratio
  162. 163 free -m
  163. 164 echo 400 overcommit_ratio
  164. 165 top
  165. 166 echo 1600 > overcommit_ratio
  166. 167 ls
  167. 168 echo 2 > overcommit_memory
  168. 169 less /proc/meminfo
  169. 170 free -m
  170. 171 echo 200 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
  171. 172 free -m
  172. 173 less /proc/meminfo
  173. 174 mount | grep huge
  174. 175 history
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