
DBL - Shroom Gets Spanked By Demigra ~ Right From The Watch

Aug 18th, 2019
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  1. [2019-08-17 19:47] [user]Shroom[/user]: It had been a good few days for Kayel, at the very least. She had refused to leave the garden save for when Shroom was able to talk her into going to get him food-- usually when he didn't want to talk so blunt around her or worse, be caught being full of [i][b]mush[/b][/i] with the kid. It was a different story when they were alone. He let her cling to him, set some of her fears and worries aside by answering her questions as best as he could about her recent changes and why he was just visiting.. also the absence of his scythe. Shroom was rather blunt and mostly scoffed with matter-o-fact answers. Of those that ran into him, Kayel was the only to ask about the absence of his scythe. That was why he had a staff now, one conjured by Kayel, modified and wooden but still something.. [i]different[/i] and impressive to him. He was prepared to just use a tree branch. It enabled them to spar, which resulted in a very dirty Kayel in need of magic or a bath, but also severely tuckered out. She had refused to sleep, knowing time with Shroom was limited and he made it rather clear that eventually, when she slept and woke up, he'd be gone.
  3. [i]So it was no wonder she reluctantly passed out after much staying up.[/i]
  5. So after making sure the kiddo was out, it was indeed time up to head out. Shroom had for the most part had been rather reserved for the visit, certain of being watched. All the more reason he spent some time just standing with the sleeping Kayel tucked with one arm to his chest, at the confinement barrier's edge. [i]Waiting.[/i]
  6. [2019-08-17 20:06] [user]F u[/user]: There wasn't much backstory to Demigra's day:
  8. He had yelled at Time Patrollers, Time Ratrollers, Time Catrollers, and actual clocks. He yelled at Chronoa (and you better believe she yelled back), got his shin kicked a couple of times, and then somehow, their banter became a scuffle that had Demigra finding an excuse to give her that good ol' claim stamp and then [i]knock her a bit unconcious.[/i] But she's fine. She wouldn't have realized it anyways because Demigra's claim games are so GODLY that her thoughts would have shut down partially through [s]that said, it was awfully hard to breath[/s].
  10. Her pink tush was laid down to rest. Rest in peace, Chronoa. No, not like that.
  12. Rest at peace, Grim Reaper!
  14. Demigra was there in a few moments, his bright stylish colors appearing through this dim light and blackness. He held a laundry bag.
  16. "Okay. Get in."
  17. [2019-08-17 20:12] [user]Shroom[/user]: Chronoa however had.. well.. [i]she was still mad at Demigra![/i] That had a lot to do with their bickering, and it was a bit more [i]intense than usual[/i] so all the more reason it's good that got put to the backburner. Unconscious times were good times. [sub]Peace and quiet.[/sub]
  19. Shroom just eyed the bag and shook his head.. and instead.. [i]child drop.[/i]
  20. Now there's a bagged Kayel.
  22. "That's how ya got me in here? I sure ain't goin' out that way, man. No bagged Shroom. But uh since that's to clean things, here. She needs it."
  23. [2019-08-17 20:19] [user]F u[/user]: "Ms. Roberu shall deal with that later." Demigra lid his eyes and jut his head up. As expected of her. Still, he thrust it to Shroom's hands anyways and for some reason, Shroom found himself taking the bag. The Demon God's harsh glower then settled across the Death God, focused with appraisal, absolutely not mistaken for homoeroticism or the precedence to a song involving lots of running and romance during the night time. "... wear this."
  25. Shroom is given a fake mustache.
  26. [2019-08-17 20:24] [user]Bardock[/user] is now Online.
  27. [2019-08-17 20:27] [user]Shroom[/user]: The bagged Kayel was taken.. and somehow Shroom felt as if he were being set up, a skeptical glance given to Demigra. "You gotta be kiddin' me..."
  29. Still, he hoisted the bag carefully over his shoulder with a too familiar grace as if having done this before. Accompanied by the wearing of fake black mustache, he twirled it with a finger in traditional evil-doer style as his gaze narrowed. Somehow this was satisfying, bringing a snicker and unhinged grin to his features.. like a wanted poster from Chronoa's nightmares.
  31. "My scythe, man? You better have the gem off it.. and take these cuffs off."
  32. [2019-08-17 20:38] [user]F u[/user]: "Those questions will be potentially answered when you exit."
  34. Demigra nodded [sub]or did that wannabe king thing again[/sub], immaculate strides themselves smooth only truly telegraphed by the bottom tip of his ivory scepter occasionally touching the ground.
  36. Nobody finds Demigra leading Shroom through The Watch in any way suspicious. [sub]That said, Shroom would easily notice that people quickly stayed out of Demigra's way and business. Someone even dropped a quarter on their hurried scramble off of the crimson haired Makaioshin's path. Respect? Fear? or a desire to keep their ears intact.[/sub]
  39. They stop around the end point, the edgepoint. Demigra turns to Shroom.
  41. "You are going to get turned inwards if you return, you know. To Prune-Juice, I mean."
  42. [2019-08-17 20:45] [user]Tatsui[/user] has logged in.
  43. [2019-08-17 20:46] [user]Beerus GoD[/user] has logged in.
  44. [2019-08-17 20:46] [user]Tatsui[/user] is now Looking: New art, feelin' good. Hit me up.
  45. [2019-08-17 20:50] [user]Shroom[/user]: Shroom hadn't exactly been privy to The Watch before, so just waltzing through was something [i]different[/i] alright. Lips pursed as he glanced about and eyed his surroundings, taking note of various things here and there. The most he had seen was Chronoa's office and-- [i]that caused an immediate shake of his head to clear up those remembered visuals.[/i]
  47. His steps were all too casual, ruby leer just giving challenge when someone looked his way too long. At that edgepoint, his gaze lofted up to Demigra, unhinged grin given.
  49. "Turned inwards here by Pinksqueak, turned inwards there.. well.. I got more use there for the time bein', man. Like I said.. I doubt you and anyone here would get my Squirt out of danger there. At least there, I got the chance if somethin' happens. I think you guys are [i]less likely to break her[/i] but just keep in mind, she's visitin' here. [i]She's [b]not[/b] yours.[/i]" His chin tilted up in a scoff, crimson hues peering beyond The Watch to the Nexus ahead. "I either covered my tracks good 'nuff or not, we'll see. Depends on how much trust I've earned too."
  50. [2019-08-17 20:58] *[user]F u[/user] Demigra also looked on out to the Nexus. Everything the light touches was his kingdom. That shadowy place? He'll go there someday for sure. A breeze strums along his hair. The scarlet spines, much like the man, refuse to bend to anyone or [i]anything[/i]. "I told her that she has a choice to leave or go as she pleases. She has not gone towards your direction for her [i]own[/i] reasons. Her [i]own.[/i] In any case, Death God, I will keep your trinket at hand and you will have your hands handed to you. Once you step out of this barrier, you will become an enemy.
  52. My enemy. Their enemy. But my enemy.
  54. Do not forget it, Shroom. I may be working alongside Chronoa and her Patrollers, but [i]I am Demigra[/i].
  56. ... leave your application by the office.
  58. Leave."
  59. [2019-08-17 21:04] [user]Majin Android XXI[/user] has logged out.
  60. [2019-08-17 21:12] [user]Shroom[/user]: "Oh I know, I heard all 'bout how you pitted her 'gainst us by havin' her protect our goal. Tryin' to use a child-meatshield for your precious bed-kai. Shrewd, dude. Shrewd." That was a grim look, even for the Grim Reaper.
  62. A hand ran through his silver spiked hair, eyes settling beyond still and feet unmoving.
  64. "Aww, we can't be frenemies, man? I 'spose not. But we both know I can't stay. Then I [b]will[/b] be their enemy. Aaaaand like I said, it's not like you'd risk much for some Squirt of a mortal, when you can't even protect your Pinksqueak. I mean, tch.. I did what I could to keep her out of this mess. But you?.. You put her in the front line. Get your distance from her. Stop lettin' her get [i]attached[/i]. Or you will become [i]my personal enemy.[/i] I got her Daddy out of the picture. Don't think I won't find some way to do it to you."
  65. [2019-08-17 21:20] [user]F u[/user]: "Hmph... it seems that there is something I understand about her that you do not. Either way, Shroom, it doesn't matter to me how you view me. I imagine it doesn't matter to you how I view you. We shall see what judgement the [i]child[/i] makes." Demigra raises his staff. Is.. is he getting ready to golf swing at Shroom?
  66. [2019-08-17 21:21] [user]Calorie Colossus[/user] is now Online.
  67. [2019-08-17 21:26] [user]Shroom[/user]: "Tch.. Sure, man. As if."
  69. That staff of his own was twirled in hand, the weight of it far different from what he's used to but the familiarity of the gesture with a muscle memory to the fingers. It was a simple thing, the end set back to the ground as if he were oblivious to that raised staff of Demigra's own.
  71. "So.. why did you switch sides anyway? [i]I mean really.[/i]"
  72. [2019-08-17 21:42] [user]F u[/user]: "Switch sides? That's such a black-white way of thinking, Shroom-boy. I did not 'switch sides'. I was always at "my side." My side sometimes wants certain people beside me. My side sometimes wants people dead.
  74. Mostly dead. Logically speaking, you want your side to have people that you at the very least prefer, whether it be for your convenience or for an unexpected friendship..." [sub]He peers at the bag of Kayel, then sharply at Shroom. The bag itself is in Demigra's hand now, along with a sleeping Kayel.[/sub]
  76. " In the end, Shroom... I simply do not like Mechikaboola. He's a, what the kids say these days, a 'douchesnozzle'. He cannot be allowed to exist in the same plane with me, especially not should he regain his youth. Not only will it be like High Heaven Reunion for eons, but it will be just as violent and get [i]my[/i] ascension into the Supreme Kai of Time all cluttered. Mechikaboola has no respect for balance. I will not tell you beyond, though. Judgement on that snot-nosed blue-blooded wannabe trashsucker eggrot will ultimately befall on you, as [i]you're[/i] the one choosing to stay by his side."
  78. [2019-08-17 21:44] [user]F u[/user]: "As you can guess, Chronoa also believes he is a douchenozzle therefore it would benefit us that he dies."
  79. [2019-08-17 21:55] [user]Shroom[/user]: There was pause to the Death God, a strange silence of a troubled mind in thought. Or perhaps just troubled. or a mind in thought. It was never easy to tell with Shroom, especially as he cracked that most unhinged smile, eyes lidded and tongue roaming across his teeth. The loss of bag from his grasp was immediately noted by a waggle of fingers, which brought his gaze back to Demigra.
  81. "So you'll kill your kai for the title? [i]Great boyfriend.[/i] Makes sense though. I got [i]my reasons[/i] for bein' there.. but you're right.. I'm [i]by his side.[/i] That's got my best interests, for now. Balance is a... tricky thing. I get it. It's a soulistic design aspect."
  83. His gaze settled to the sleeping Kayel, softening that hardened look about him somewhat to a more chillaxed demeanor. "Of course so long as I keep the balance in my favor, that's what matters. ....Don't chop her tail, man. I get it's a Saiyan-thing to do for most kids but uh.. it matters to her, and she utilizes it. Bad history of not bein' able to much and then it got better.. Don't take that one away."
  85. [2019-08-17 22:02] [user]F u[/user]: "I am not her [i]boyfriend[/i], Shroom. Let me put it to you in a term that you will understand: She is my [i]claim.[/i]"
  87. A moment to let that sit. "Noted. Now get out-"
  89. [b]SMACK HIM RIGHT IN THE HINEY![/b] SHROOM IS SENT FLYING INTO THE VOID FOREST, CLOAKED BY THE SWEET LIGHT OF SPARKS, RAINBOWS, AND an invisibility cloak as he unceremoniously crashes onto the floor with the force of rolling off a bed. He's unscathed..
  90. [2019-08-17 22:05] *[user]Shroom[/user] goes flying! Wheeeee!~♫
  91. He's unscathed and has an ebil mooooustache. Yay.
  92. [2019-08-17 22:14] *[user]F u[/user] aand his Scythe is next to him! His wrists are also bondage free.
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