
Steph vs Chris: Round 1

Oct 15th, 2013
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  1. chrisraney has joined the chat
  2. Alexithymiaa: (DUDE. No one showed up =[ )
  3. chrisraney: (where the hell are they lol)
  4. Alexithymiaa: (Notta clue. Moony is MIA, Kiki texted me and said her internet was out... and everyone else? Nope. I feel like a big bundle of joy.)
  5. chrisraney: (well shit lol, you wanna do just us for a bit?)
  6. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah sure)
  7. chrisraney: *chris cruises over to north promenade so he could work on some music, he hurt his knee again so he had a slight limp. he felt the need to wear denim today so he did just that, he had on a black hoodie with a denim jacket ver it with his backwards hat, some jeans and hius shoes matching his clothing, he felt like he looked good today and he was happy., he had walked to the gym to se if there was any practice today, and he sat on the bleachers
  8. Alexithymiaa: -She looked up from her phone as Chris came into the gym, immediately noticing his limp and diverting her eyes back down to her phone as she idly plaied a game of solitaire. "Hey."-
  9. chrisraney: Hey, you okay?
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She shrugged, lifting her gaze to meet his. "Yeah, why?"-
  11. chrisraney: You just seem upset, whats wrong..? *he had looked into her eyes concerned, he was thinking about what he had said to her over text message wanting to apoplogize
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She shook her head. "Not upset. Disappointed at the lack of committment from apparently everyone I know, but watch me give a fuck about it when they eventually show up and eat mat harder than anyone actually worth calling themself an athlete."-
  13. chrisraney: Relax...i know how you feel, what time is practice over
  14. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, turning her head to look at the clock. "Considering I've been sitting here waiting for the slackers for two hours? An hour and a half ago."-
  15. chrisraney: *he looked down shaking his head- lets go calm you down..
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Oh shut up, I am calm." She smirked, crossing one leg over the other.-
  17. chrisraney: Hey, im sorry about what ive been texting you
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She cocked her head to the side, staring at him as she raised a brow. "Uh... and what exactly are you apologizing for texting me?"-
  19. chrisraney: i dont know, you told me to watch what i say..
  20. Alexithymiaa: -She closed her eyes, dipping her head down and raising her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. "Yeah... for your benefit, not mine. You apparently care when your girlfriend throws a jealous fit."-
  21. chrisraney: What are you pinching your nose for? do i stink? and im starting not to..
  22. Alexithymiaa: (Lmaoooo the bridge of your nose is the upper portion, near your forehead.)
  23. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed, lifting her eyes to him. "I'm pinching it because your balls in Britney's vice gives me a headache."-
  24. chrisraney: (answer the damn question lol, im tired, dont judge me_
  25. chrisraney: Would you like for me to put my balls somewhere else?
  26. Alexithymiaa: (WAIT WAIT WAIT. YOU'RE TIRED? I'm sorry, who wouldnt let me go to bed when I had to get up in a few hours? PSHHHH BITCH PLEASE.)
  27. chrisraney: (lmao im sorry_
  28. Alexithymiaa: -She cracked up, unable to stop. "Oh man there are so many jokes I can make right now and I don't even know where to start."-
  29. chrisraney: I get it, you dont like brit..i cant do anything about it steph, who else would want me around here
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Oh god, please don't tell me you're only dating Brit because she'll tolerate you." She winced, her lip curling as she stared up at him. "You're not the type that like... has to be in a relationship otherwise you don't know what to do with yourself, right?"-
  31. chrisraney: Thats not what i meant steph...damn
  32. Alexithymiaa: "So tell me what you meant so I don't have to read between the lines all by myself."
  33. chrisraney: I dont know, i guess i just want a chick to hang with all the time for right now, i can do whatever i want with her, and her be okay with it, nothing abusive, just nice and sweet i guess, if brit and i break up i wont hear the end of it, im not saying i awnna break up wuth her, but i am saying if i ever do she may draw out my badside
  34. Alexithymiaa: -She stretched her legs out in front of her, releasing the tension in her calves. "For what it's worth, your bad side sounds entertaining at the very least. And I'm a chick. And we're hanging out. What's the difference?"-
  35. chrisraney: i cant kiss you or anything, i cant show you off in public, its hard to explain
  36. Alexithymiaa: " you want, bragging rights?" She asked in question, trying to figure out how he felt.-
  37. chrisraney: I guess so, i like to cuddle with a girl in public and in private, andmaybe even buy her some nice things, trreat her to dinner, and hell, maybe even have sexual relations. something like that
  38. Alexithymiaa: "Okay, I guess I can understand what you mean. But do you want that more than being with someone who actually values you?"
  39. chrisraney: *he chuckled- Brit does love me, just not in public...i think, theres not a damn soul around here who would actually wanna be with me enough to value me, as you would so call it
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Well it's unfortunate you think so low of yourself to say that. "
  41. chrisraney: Please tell me anyone who does.
  42. chrisraney: Id love to hear it
  43. Alexithymiaa: "And I'd love for you to think you deserve the best without seeing your options in front of you. Guess we don't all get what we want, huh?
  44. Alexithymiaa: "
  45. Alexithymiaa: (Fuckin enter key on this keyboard is weird.)
  46. chrisraney: (lol oh i understand trust me_
  47. chrisraney: Elaborate please, *he had gave her a look of confusion, he knew what she said, just didnt know what she meant by it
  48. Alexithymiaa: -She turned to face him, folding her legs in front of her on the bleachers as her hands came up to gesture as she spoke. "Okay. So you think no one would value you. You want to know who would. But you can't feel valued unless you know someone actually does and its staring you in the face. Why do you need someone to be like HEY I VALUE YOU for you to think you're worth a damn? It's called low self esteem, and it's why most whores do what they do. It makes them feel wanted. Your self esteem shouldn't be based on anyone's opinion but your own." She let her hands drop into her lap, looking at him. "Do you get what I mean?"-
  49. chrisraney: Yes i understand *he chuckled- But i was asking you if you knew anyone who valued me enough, you know what i mean? im just curious, i wont say anything to them. just maked me feel good when people have interest i guess, it sounds selfish but i dont know, hell i might have interst in them too
  50. Alexithymiaa: "I really don't think it's any of my business to be sharing such information." She smirked, shrugging.-
  51. chrisraney: Because you dont know anyoone who does, everyone just thinks im a dick or something, i dont really give a fuck but it sucks sometimes knowing that
  52. Alexithymiaa: -She shook her head. "I actually don't know anyone that thinks you're a dick."-
  53. chrisraney: People give me attitude when i talk to the,
  54. Alexithymiaa: "Like who?"
  55. chrisraney: That adi chick
  56. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes. "Addie doesn't think you're a dick, for one. And two, she gives everyone attitude. At first she wasn't thrilled with the fact that you slept with my best friend while you were chasing another chick, but who the hell's business is that but your own?"-
  57. chrisraney: Fuck it im just gonna be clear out and say it im not gonna hold it in anymore, i dont have feelings for you, i feel like i will soon, your really cool and really pretty and ever since that damn concert, ive been thinking about you just a little bit- He had said it loud and clear looking at her- i figured, but she kissed your boyfriend..
  58. Alexithymiaa: -She stared at him, her brows raised slightly as she fumbled around for the words in her head. "Oh... I... wait. I don't get that. If you don't have feelings for me, how do you know you will soon?"-
  59. chrisraney: I guess its a slight crush right now? sorry to tell you, i can leave i guess, il stay away a bit, its all good
  60. Alexithymiaa: -She reached up to brush the stray hair out of her eyes, letting out a slow breath. "Why are you immediately jumping to conclusions. Did I say you should leave? Did I say you should stay away from me? No. I'm pretty sure I never said any of those things so either you can shut up and listen or you can leave and think whatever it is you have floating around in your head right now."-
  61. chrisraney: listen..*he looked at her while leaning back against the bleachers
  62. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded. "Good. And if you ever put words in my mouth again, I'll beat you with blunt objects." She crossed her arms over her chest, staring at him. "I think that damn concert has made us better friends, and has really let us get to know each other. And I like it. I like who you are and that's why it annoys me so much that you settle for so much less than you deserve."-
  63. chrisraney: Have you ever had thoughts about me? or us?
  64. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes drifted down to her lap, willing herself not to lie. "Yes." Her glance darted up to meet his, the corners of her mouth turning up. "But before you paint yourself pretty pictures, I'm not exactly thrilled with your gender right now."-
  65. chrisraney: Look, im not painting anything, and i understand, were not good people, most men arent, im not perfectm i cant lie
  66. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes. "No one's perfect. Like, ever. I just don't get why the Y chromosome is just destined to hold the douche canoe gene."-
  67. chrisraney: If you think about it, women have only been standing up for men for about 100 years, men has ruled for like forever, its hard to get over 100 years worht of things compared to two or three hundred years woth
  68. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded. "Don't even start on the history lesson. I may fall asleep where I sit." She fake yawned, fanning her palm over her mouth as she started to laugh.-
  69. chrisraney: And you wonder why men are dicks *he looked at her chuckling
  70. Alexithymiaa: "Hey! I didn't exactly say women weren't. Fuck. I know I'm an asshole. A lot, actually. But I've also accepted it's who I am and I give no fucks what anyone thinks."-
  71. chrisraney: I love who you are, from what i know, i mean like, not love, that sounds weird, doesnt it? im rambling...fuck. i hate when i do this, i cant help it. im sorry, how was your day>
  72. Alexithymiaa: -She slapped her palm over her face, shaking her head as she laughed. "Just... stop talking. I knew what you meant until you opened your big mouth."-
  73. chrisraney: ai personally think i have a small mouth thank you very much!,, stop looking at my mouth damnit *he smirked turning his head torward the gym
  74. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, swiveling to hang her legs off the bleachers, crossing one over the other. "Psh. Don't tell me what to do. Big mouth."-
  75. chrisraney: Look miss, i do what i want when i want..okay? *he chuckled turning his attention torwards her again
  76. Alexithymiaa: -She turned her head slightly toward to him look at him out of the corner of her eyes, raising a brow. "I noticed."-
  77. chrisraney: what do you mean by that..
  78. Alexithymiaa: -She shrugged, shaking her head. "I just mean I know you do what you want."-
  79. chrisraney: I thought you were being a smart ass
  80. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled at him innocently. "Look at you catching on. Next you'll realize I've never said anything positive that wasn't bleeding sarcasm." She smiled wider, tilting her head back and forth imitating perkiness.-
  81. chrisraney: SO YOUR SAYING I DONT DO WHAT I WANT? *he had looked at her scratching the back of his head confused
  82. Alexithymiaa: "Not at all. What would give you that idea?" She smiled again, raising her shoulder up to her chin.-
  83. chrisraney: Il prove that i do
  84. Alexithymiaa: -She drummed her fingers on her knee impatiently. "I'll believe that when I see it."-
  85. chrisraney: *he sighed and leaned close to her pressing her lips against her cheek, he pulled back looking with a straight face- se, im gonna be in a shit load of trouble, but i do what i want
  86. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, leaning back against the bleackers with her elbows. "I wouldn't worry about Sargeant Bitchfit. Bruce has kissed me more elaborately than that. As a matter of fact, so has my mother."-
  87. Alexithymiaa: (bleachers*. Le fail)
  88. chrisraney: Are you asking for another one?
  89. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not asking for anything. I'm just saying. A quick peck on the cheek is really nothing to get all up in arms about."
  90. chrisraney: Uggh fine *he grabbed her face quickly turning hers torward his as he leaned in pressing his lips against hers for a few seconds, his eyees were closed the whole time until he broke the kiss and he sat back against the bleachers looking at her-
  91. chrisraney: What about queen bitcch as you call her now?
  92. Alexithymiaa: -He took her by surprise, her lids falling shut instinctively before they shot back open to see him pull back. She stared at him, blinking awkwardly as she tried to catching her racing thoughts to push something out of her mouth. "Sargeant Bitchfit..."-
  93. chrisraney: yea,..sorry for that.........i told you i do what i want...fuck...*he stood up nervously rubbing his head looking around
  94. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah. Real convincing. You do what you want, and then apologize for it." She casually looked down at her nails, intentionally avoiding looking at him. When he stood up, her gaze lifted to him. "What?"-
  95. chrisraney: Im sorry because you didnt like not apologizing on her behalf..
  96. Alexithymiaa: "Remind me again what I said I'd do if you put words in my mouth again?"
  97. chrisraney: Whatever, my bad, you just didnt look like you liked it
  98. Alexithymiaa: "Because you didn't give me a chance to even catch up to my thoughts. Sit down and shut up, will ya'?"
  99. chrisraney: *he sat down and closed his mouth like she told him too looking down at the gym floor
  100. Alexithymiaa: -She stared at him, kniting her brows. "Do you always do what you're told?"-
  101. chrisraney: Not always..
  102. chrisraney: Your kinda intimiadating
  103. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, biting the inside of her cheek. "If you think -I'm- intimidating, you haven't seen intimidating."-
  104. chrisraney: Im just messing with you, but i dont know, i guess we are in a awkward situation
  105. Alexithymiaa: "I'm pretty sure you're making it awkward by calling it awkward."
  106. chrisraney: good point my friend...good point
  107. chrisraney: WHen are you going to bed?
  108. Alexithymiaa: -She cocked her head to the side, smirking. "Why, counting down the minutes?" She turned her head to look at the clock. "I'm not in the studio tomorrow, so I'm not getting up at the crack of dawn to start training."-
  109. LionKnows: - Dawdling around the quad, having spent very little time here he was lost easlily. Walking in one door and out of the other he'd end up near the gym. Hoping for an exit in the direction of his house he'd walk though the heavy double doors which led to the gym. He'd end up nearest to the bleachers, close voices filling his ears as he walked around to find Steph and Chris perched at the bottom stair- "heeeyy whats up" - His accent filling the space between them, hands in his pockets, feeling the tension in the air like a cold clammy hand on the back of his neck-
  110. chrisraney: I kinda dont want you to..*he stopped mid sentance looking at the dude he met at the gym come in- whats up man?
  111. Alexithymiaa: -She turned her head as the familiar voice filled the air, an easy smile sliding onto her face. "Heyyyy Adi" She hopped off the bleachers and slid her arms around him, hugging him tightly for a brief second before letting her arms drop to her sides. "Where ya' been, stranger?"-
  112. LionKnows: "not much man"- Imitating Chris' cadence and inflection. he'd hug steph tight, half burying his face in her neck for a moment. His fingertps lingering at her tricep as he pursed his lips sideways- " and there...havn't been feeling too about you guys - hows everything going?"
  113. Alexithymiaa: -She shrugged, taking her seat on the bleachers. "Just... yanno... slacking off."-
  114. chrisraney: yea... basically,just chillen other then that
  115. LionKnows: "Jesus everyones turned into fucking workingmen...christ i'm supposed to be having the time of my life here I am turning into old man river having a glass of scotch before bed" - shuffling to the bench and sitting down, his hands behind the back of his head-
  116. Alexithymiaa: -She stared at him, biting her lower lip. "Riiiight. Old man river. Got it."-
  117. chrisraney: *he chuckled at stephs comment
  118. Alexithymiaa: -She sighed, pushing off the bleachers and rounding on Adi. "I thought you of all people, not being around, would at least wanna see some new shit. Come on!"-
  119. LionKnows: "I wanna see a new country....See some new scenery...see new SOMETHING...It's been more routine than my mom and dads sex life latley"
  120. Alexithymiaa: -She winced, shaking her head. "Please don't ever say that ever again, and I'll show you something new."-
  121. LionKnows: "I wanna go get wanna come with me?" - shoving his hands in his pockets, leaning back so far that the back of his head was touching the bleacher behind him0-
  122. Alexithymiaa: "Ew." She shook her head, taking a seat on the bleachers again. "That's gross."-
  123. chrisraney: *he chuckled listening to them
  124. Alexithymiaa: (Oh my god Adi post or I'm coming over to kick your ass. Seriouslay.)
  125. chrisraney: (lol you guys live close?_
  126. Alexithymiaa: (Close enough... but fuck wasting gas to drive to your shitty town =P)
  127. LionKnows: "is it? I don't give a shit right now....god I sound like chaz bono...I FEEL like Chaz bono..." -Crossing his arms over his chest as he stared a the cieling-0
  128. Alexithymiaa: "Is smoking gross? Yes. It is. Don't breathe on me." She shuddered jumping up from the bleachers and turning to look between Adi and Chris. Her arms came out above her head, her feet moving apart as she did jumping jacks. "I think my sugar rush just kicked in."-
  129. LionKnows: "I engage in some sort of vice...that isnt friggin drinking alone like emo billy joel"
  130. Alexithymiaa: -She stopped short, pointing her finger in his face. "You shut your whore mouth about Billy Joel." She wrinkled her nose, stepping back into her jumping jacks. "Call Bruce. She's around somewhere."-
  131. LionKnows: "yeah...shit...I oughta find her...I need to get" - standing to his feet, scratching the back of his head- "i'm gonna head out...i'll see yous two later"
  132. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded to him, not skipping a beat in her steps as he stood to her feet. "Tell Bruce I said she better stop fuckin' around otherwise I'm banging on her door at 5am for a 10 mile run."-
  133. chrisraney: Se ya bro
  134. LionKnows: "you should would be hilarious" - Leaning in to kiss her on the cheek, pecking her lightly before heading back out the door=
  135. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed, sending him a quick wave as he headed out the door. Her eyes settled on Chris. "You must see my point by now."-
  136. LionKnows has left the chat
  137. chrisraney: About the kiss?
  138. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded, haulting her jumping jacks. "Yep. If my brother ever kissed me, it would be like that. But he doesn't. Because he's too busy being annoying and a pest to be affectionate." She extended her arms up over her head, leaning back into a bridge. "He's such a douche..."-
  139. chrisraney: Im sorry to hear that...wjat about the other kiss....jow did that go
  140. Alexithymiaa: -She strained to talk as she stretched her back, looking at him upside down. "I'm confident it wasn't your best. Though my memory is slightly skewed as it was over before I could think about it."-
  141. chrisraney: Well im sorry i guess.
  142. Alexithymiaa: -She pushed off with her foot, kicking one leg over at a time. She fisted her hands on her hips, turning to look at him. "Oh my god stop apologizing."-
  143. chrisraney: *he stands up grabbing her shoulders and swinging her setting her down onto the bleachers nearly putting almost all of his strenght holding her down- Will you show me something, just fucking give me some sort of fucking hint damnit, i kisssed you and you act like you dont fucking care, what the fuck do you want from me steph, what, and stop telling me what to do, im not your bitch, i have some feelings for you, i cant help that, i feel like you have nothing, just fuclking say the damn word and il go
  144. Alexithymiaa: -She felt the slight sting in her shoulders as he grabbed her, the room spinning until she was on the bleachers. She stared up at him as he all but exploded at her, not blinking until he finished. When the gym went quiet, she reached up with her hand, her fingers grasping the back of his neck as she pulled him to meet her face. Her lips brushed his briefly before she pulled him closer, planting her mouth on his and crushing their lips together. Her eyes fell shut as she kept her grip on the back of his neck, her lower lip sliding over his with the gentle glide of her chapstick before she released him, easing her head back as her lids fluttered open.-
  145. Alexithymiaa: (Boom. Go fuck yourself. Don't yell at me =P)
  146. chrisraney: (i wasnt yellin lol)
  147. Alexithymiaa: (Sooooo were. Its cool I've yelled at you like six times already hahaha)
  148. chrisraney: *he stood back looking at her shocked feeling his lips- ho...holy shit..
  149. chrisraney: does that happen everyting i yell at you?
  150. Alexithymiaa: -She stared at him, narrowing her eyes. "You're an idiot..."-
  151. chrisraney: How am i an idiot..
  152. Alexithymiaa: "No... I don't kiss everyone who yells at me, Chris."
  153. chrisraney: I meant, like, if i yell at you again, will you kiss me like that again
  154. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes. "Well not anymore considering you ruined the surprise and now I know you're aiming for it." She smirked, looking down at his hands. "Gonna ease up?"-
  155. chrisraney: Do it again..
  156. Alexithymiaa: -She stared at him, locking her eyes on his. "For the record, I tend to dislike doing what people tell me to do."-
  157. chrisraney: Then...i dare you to kiss me
  158. Alexithymiaa: "...or want me to do."
  159. chrisraney: Yes, fine
  160. Alexithymiaa: -She broke her gaze away from his face, looking back down to his hands still on her shoulders. "If you dig your fingers into me any more, it's going to leave suspicious bruises." She grinned.-
  161. chrisraney: I bet youd like that wouldnt you *he moved closer to her smirking, still resting his hands on her shoulders
  162. Alexithymiaa: "Evidence? Not so much. Though as much as I like the idea, you -do- have a girlfriend."
  163. chrisraney: I wont force you to do this, your right *he raised his hands off of her stepping back a little- theres noting i can do about it now
  164. Alexithymiaa: -She shrugged. "There's nothing you're supposed to do. I just... won't be a hypocrite. I'd have to kick my own ass."-
  165. chrisraney: *he pulls out his phone looking at it
  166. chrisraney: I guess breaking up with her wont hurt..
  167. Alexithymiaa: -She jumped up from the bleachers holding her hands palms out. "Wait. So you're just going to break up with the chick you're in love with because I kissed you?"-
  168. chrisraney: She treats me like shit steph...she makes me happy yea...but, i love her * a tear rolled from his eye and he started to get choked up- I m not a good guy
  169. Alexithymiaa: -She bit her lower lip, reaching up to run a hand over her hair. "But if she makes you happy..." She trailed off, taking a deep breath. "You're a lot better than you give yourself credit for. Why do you think you're so bad?"-
  170. chrisraney: I just kissed with her and ive been thinking about you..
  171. Alexithymiaa: -She sighed, stepping back to sit down on the bleachers. She leaned forward, putting her head in her hands. "God, Chris. I am so the least of your worries."-
  172. chrisraney: (i messaged her and she that sucks_
  173. chrisraney: Shut up steph no your not
  174. Alexithymiaa: (Lmao where the hell is she? She told me like three weeks ago she wanted to try out for gymnastics and has just blown me off)
  175. Alexithymiaa: "Right, but I am. Just because you're thinking about me, doesn't mean anything happened. Maybe you should be concerned with someone else."
  176. chrisraney: (lol thats what im saying)
  177. chrisraney: I was really happy at that concert...stop trying to push me away
  178. Alexithymiaa: -She lowered her voice, mumbling under her breath. "...inevitable." (Best fucking song ever, by the way. Look that shit up. 'Anberlin - Inevitable')
  179. chrisraney: (i will in a sec)
  180. chrisraney: Why did you say that?
  181. Alexithymiaa: -She raised her eyes to him, shaking her head. "Nevermind."-
  182. chrisraney: Just tell me damnit
  183. Alexithymiaa: "At some point or another, I push everyone away. Fuck. Ask Cadence. Back in high school we hated each other for a very short period of time because I'm an asshole... it's just inevitable. It just happens."
  184. chrisraney: I wont let you do that to me right now *he sat next to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder pulling her close holding he
  185. Alexithymiaa: -She let her head fall to the side and into his arm, letting out a sigh. "Right but... I still know a whole hell of a lot more than everyone thinks I do. Including you. And I'm not playing into this game of weird love triangle that seems to be haunting you like a dark cloud. Plus I did forewarn you not to paint pretty pictures."
  186. chrisraney: Tell me what you wanna do and im fine with it...this is all on you right here right now
  187. Alexithymiaa: "I've been to national competitions with less pressure than that statement."
  188. chrisraney: Just say anything Steph, i got your back with support
  189. Alexithymiaa: -She smirked, laughing gently. "Knee needs more support than my back." Brushing off her own attempt at comic relief, she tipped her head to the side to look at him. "I think you should decide what you want rather than what you have available to you."
  190. chrisraney: Well i want alot of things...
  191. Alexithymiaa: "Like?"
  192. chrisraney: well, kiss you, sexual things, kim k, i just want want want
  193. Alexithymiaa: "Okay let me rephrase. Think about what you realistically want."
  194. chrisraney: hey i think kissing you is realistic
  195. Alexithymiaa: "Not if you have a girlfriend it's not."
  196. chrisraney: i just broke up with her..
  197. Alexithymiaa: -She moved out from beneath his arm, turning around completely to look at him. "You did not."-
  198. chrisraney: *he flips around the phone showing it to her
  199. Alexithymiaa: (Should totally tell me what it says so I'm not shooting in the dark here...)
  200. chrisraney: (i told my dad what had happened and he doesnt want me risking my life, hes threatening to take me out of school if things arent better)
  201. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes scanned the phone, raising a brow. "I don't get it..."-
  202. chrisraney: i cant explain it to you..'
  203. Alexithymiaa: "Why?"
  204. chrisraney: its personal on her side
  205. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded. "Ah... okay."
  206. chrisraney: Now what do you want me to do
  207. Alexithymiaa: "You need to do what you think is best for you. As much as I hate to say it, everyone needs to look out for number one, cause fuck no one else will."
  208. chrisraney: What do YOU want, be honest stop giving me this bull shit, your just acting like you wanna fuck and thats it
  209. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes. "No. As much as I've bitched lately that everyone seems to be getting some but me, no. I don't rock the whole casual sex thing. I have too much riding on the wellfare of my body to do stupid shit. That and the whole respect thing... yeah. "
  210. chrisraney: I do respect you, i just know your not telling me exactly what you want, so tell me
  211. Alexithymiaa: "I want to know what the hell you're doing."
  212. chrisraney: waiting for you to tell me what you want
  213. Alexithymiaa: "Right and this is exactly what I don't want. I don't want whatever comes out of my mouth to decide what's going on there." She pointed her index finger at the phone in his hand.-
  214. chrisraney: It wont hun, i just wanna know. please
  215. Alexithymiaa: "I can only tell you what I don't want...I don't want to give you an actual answer. I don't want to care and to just have the freedom to see where my spinning thoughts lead me in the near future. I don't want to ruin whatever the fuck is going on between you and Brit. I don't want to get caught up in whatever the fuck is going on with you and Cadence. And I don't want to sit in this leo anymore."
  216. chrisraney: How do you know about me and cadence...
  217. Alexithymiaa: "Cause everyone knows about you and Cadence?" She eyed him cocking her head to the side. "Where have you been?"-
  218. chrisraney: Oh, well alright, i dont know steph, d you mind coming over to my parents house for a buit, i dont feel like being around here, and you can get out of the leo
  219. Alexithymiaa: -She ran a hand over her face, letting out a breath. "Chris it's almost 3am. I've legit been awake 24 hours with 3 hours of training factored into that. I could pass out on the cold gym floor right now."-
  220. chrisraney: Alright steph, whatever, we can leave at this then
  221. Alexithymiaa: -She stood up from the bleachers, running her hands over her hair as she turned around to look at him. "Don't whatever me. What?"-
  222. chrisraney: I just did, this is what you want isnt it? how the fuck did you and justin get together, you, your fucking impossible
  223. Alexithymiaa: "You're just now realizing this? I told you! I sent up flashing warning signs of the stupidity and you were still all 'Sup'. This is all on your shoulders, kid. And everytime you say whatever, I'm going to remind you how 16 year old female you sound when you say it."
  224. chrisraney: Im sorry..i just wish youd, i dont even fucking know, im getting pissed
  225. Alexithymiaa: "You can get pissed all I want. I'm telling you, I don't know what I want. The end. Now I am going back to Talon and peeling off this leo and passing the fuck out."
  226. Alexithymiaa: (Legit... got up at 7am.. so dead.)
  227. chrisraney: Alright, il talk to you tomorrow, damn. *he mumbles to him self saying- your lucky your hot when you curse
  228. chrisraney: Night
  229. chrisraney: (i ffeel you lol, night)
  230. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes. "I curse all the time..." She scooped up her gym bag off the floor, hitching it over her shoulder as she headed to the door. She raised her voice, yelling to him over her shoulder. "Try not to do anything stupid between now and the next time we talk..."-
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