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Aug 22nd, 2015
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  1. My name is Steve Wonka, I'm a professional bird-watcher and I'm moving to lakeside to observe the birds you got there. I heard you have rare magpies over there so I just had to move, I gathered my binoculars, DDPAT clothes for the ultimate camouflage.
  2. I called my wife told her whats up, I told her I just had to find the last bird in Lakeside. She sort of understood, but I felt she was sad of me leaving, told her I would get back. She knew the danger in moving to lakeside, and I did aswell.
  3. You hear it on the news, people being shot, stabbed, knocked out and forced to slavery, It's a tough world out there but It won't scare me, I'm strong and I will find the last bird before I die, for I am, Steve, Steve Wonka.
  5. I got to the airport early so I could watch some birds before the plane arrived. There were no birds. I heard a voice behind my back. -Oh, are you going to Lakeside aswell?
  6. I nod and said, - Yes, how do you know?
  8. He told me he was a bird-watcher himself and said he to wanted to see the last bird of Lakeside. We had a real nice chitchat and then the plane arrived. We took our hand luggage and went to the our port.
  9. Sadly we did not have our seats close to each other so we could not talk about birds during the flight. But I had my binoculars so I looked outside the window for potential place where I could find the last bird of Lakeside.
  11. The plane started shaking. What's going on?
  12. The seatbelt sign turned red, luckily I had my seatbelt on already because right after the sign turned on the plane took a hit. And then everything turned black. I remember hearing people screaming but I was totally blacked out.
  14. It felt like seconds, I could hear far far away a beeping sound. *beep*... *beep*... Am I dead?
  16. I woke up in a white room, There were a man standing to my right, I asked him, -where am I?
  17. I saw his mouth moving but couldn't hear him, am I deaf?
  18. The beeping sound was still beeping.
  19. He took his flashlight and checked my eyes if I was awake.
  20. I could slowly hear the mans voice coming back as I started to wake up. I said again, - Where am I?
  22. The man said with a slow and deep voice. - You are at the hospital, your plane got shot down by rebels, we found you in a tree.
  23. I responded - Did more people survive?
  25. I could see a tear in his eye as he tried to hold something in.
  26. - Is something wrong? I asked.
  27. - No, it's nothing, and you are the only survivor.
  29. I could leave the hospital after 8 weeks, 8 slow weeks as my memory was still faint.
  31. When I got out, the sun struck my eyes and I felt the hot air surround me. I was alive,
  32. Steve Wonka is alive.
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