
Mortal Kombat: Equestria

Apr 16th, 2015
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  1. >Equestria. The royal city of Canterlot. The throne room of the two sisters.
  2. >Celestia is holding court, speaking with the dignitaries of a foreign nation.
  3. >In the middle of the meeting, the room suddenly dims. Candles and torches blow out, the windows dim.
  4. >Celestia's eyes narrow as she picks up the faint current of magic. Foreign, unknown and dark.
  5. >She stands and shouts as a sudden strange sound fills the room, like echoes of lost souls crying out.
  6. >A green ball of light begins to form, and grows exponentially until it becomes a portal, large enough for even Celestia to walk through.
  7. >But a pony does not emerge from the swirling green vortex. Instead, a strange figure, bipedal and cloaked in black leather, emerges.
  8. >He stands tall, with his arms behind his back and his long black hair pulled into a braid behind him.
  9. >His eyes narrow as he takes in his surroundings with obvious contempt.
  10. >The guards around the room spring into action, taking up positions a safe distance away from the intruder and alien, holding their spears pointed at him.
  11. >He stops when he sees the princess, his lips curling into a devious smile.
  12. >"Your grace," he says with a venomous tone, putting a fist into his palm before him and bowing. "It is truly an... honor, to be in your royal court."
  13. >Celestia straightens. It has been millennia since last she dealt with a human. But this one... the magic positively emanating from him is nearly overwhelming. He is no ordinary man.
  14. >"You will speak immediately for why you have broken the interdimensional pacts and come here before me," she demands of him.
  15. >He looks her in the eyes and replies, "I am Shang Tsung, my fair princess, an envoy of Outworld. Do you treat all guests this way?" He smiles as he looks at the spears.
  16. >"Outworld has no business in this realm. Leave us immediately."
  18. >"I would, princess, but I am bid to deliver a message from my master, the Emperor of Outworld, the conqueror of realms, the immortal and all-powerful Shao Kahn. He has set his sights upon your realm and demands your... peaceful surrender."
  19. >Celestia stomps a hoof onto the ground. "I refuse. You may return to your master and tell him that he may set his sights upon another realm, for Equestria will never respond to such a challenge."
  20. >"Princess, princess, princess, you are far too hasty," Shang says. "My wise emperor knows well your love for your... ponies... and has come to you with a deal. Rather than the original format set forth by the Elder Gods, dictating ten victories to unbalance the furies and allow the merging of realms, my master proposes that there be only one tournament, with permanent results. Should you win, you will forever be free of my master's will. Should you lose, however... Equestria will become one with Outworld."
  21. >Celestia shakes her head, her majestic mane flowing alongside her head. "Never. My ponies are not creatures of violence and brutality. As the defender of the realm of Equestria and its ruler, I hereby refuse the challenge of Mortal Kombat."
  22. >The sorcerer shakes his head. "What a shame, my dear princess. It appears we must resort to more... barbaric means of persuasion."
  24. >Meanwhile...
  26. >Fluttershy lightly sings to her pets as she spreads birdfeed around the homes of her songbird friends, who chirp happilly. Nearby, Angel hops with a few of his friends as they follow the pegasus around.
  27. >Fluttershy sets the birdfeed down and smiles at her animal friends as she goes to check on the chickens.
  28. >Then, she notices some of her squirrel and deer friends running out of the forest, frightened. She flies up to them.
  29. >"Oh, what's wrong? Did something frighten you?"
  30. >She looks to the Everfree Forest and hears something coming nearer. A trampling sound, like many feet stomping into the earth.
  31. >Then, her terrified eyes shoot open as a horde of monstrous-looking humanoids breaks through the edge of the forest, charging towards her cottage.
  32. >They stand nearly six feet tall, with tan mottled skin and eyes that blaze orange like flames.
  33. >Their forearms are covered in boney spikes, and from them emerge blades three feet long and razor-sharp.
  34. >Their faces, however, are the most horrible. With hardly any lips to speak of, their mouths are filled with countless long, narrow and pointed teeth, perpetually open and roaring.
  35. >Nearly paralyzed with fear, she gathers enough of her wits to fly back to the cottage and scoop up Angel, flying up high.
  36. >The tarkatans hit the cottage and tear through it like paper, stomping on the wood and cutting through the supports. A candle is knocked over and a fire quickly spreads.
  37. >Fluttershy watches in horror as her animal friends are slaughtered. Those that get away can, but the slower ones are torn to pieces, cut up and eaten by the monsters.
  38. >She screams and turns around, flying towards Ponyville.
  39. >She knows that they'll be coming for it next.
  41. Princess Twilight sits upon her throne in her new home, the crystalline tree that serves as both her new library and the palace for her court of friendship.
  42. >With her magic, she idly turns the pages on a book in her lap. Nearby, Spike dutifully arranges some books on the new shelves.
  43. >Twilight looks wistfully at the book shelves, thinking about all of the books that were destroyed with her old home. She'll need to get replacements.
  44. >Just then, Fluttershy comes literally crashing through the window. Twilight shoots up and flies over to her.
  45. >"Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Oh my goodness, are you alright?"
  46. >The pegasus gathers her wits and looks up at Twilight with terrified eyes.
  47. >"Tw-Twilight! Monsters! They, they destroyed my home!" she chokes out with tear-filled eyes. "They're headed for Ponyville from the Everfree Forest!"
  48. >Twilight's eyes widen and she teleports immediately to the outside of town. On the horizon, she sees them approaching.
  49. >She gasps as she recognizes them from studying an ancient tome of transdimensional monsters, beings and otherwise nasty things.
  50. >Tarkatans, immigrants of the Netherrealm, nomadic bloodthirsty barbarians from the wastes of Outworld.
  51. >How could they possibly be here? No matter---they're not far off!
  52. >Her blood runs cold when she imagines the damage they could do to Ponyville and beyond. Spreading her wings, she soars out to meet the horde with the intent on stopping them before they even reach her home.
  53. >Her horn glows as she charges into them, surrounded by a forcefield of magic. She barrels into their ranks like a drill, knocking them aside.
  55. >At the heart of their group, she unleashes a wave of force energy that surges outwards and knocks them all down.
  56. >She begins preparing a spell of banishment. She hits each one with it, sending the creature back to its home dimension. One by one she does this, until the entire horde is banished.
  57. >Little did she know, that was only one group sent to attack Ponyville.
  59. >Applejack takes off her hat, wiping sweat from her brow. She sets aside the barrel of apples she had just unloaded from the cart and steps outside the barn, to behold the beauty of Sweet Apple Acres.
  60. >On fire.
  61. >The color runs from her eyes as she takes in the sight of her childhood home and livelihood burning, every tree alight with flames. She turns to look back at her home, seeing it similarly in the process of burning.
  62. >Her family!
  63. >She charges towards the house, her hat left behind and forgotten in her sudden panic, when she sees it.
  64. >Granny Smith. Or what's left of her.
  65. >And standing over her is a monster, holding up a kicking and screaming Apple Bloom. It holds a boney blade jutting out of its arm up to her neck.
  66. >"NO!" Applejack screams.
  67. >The monster turns to regard her. "Little pony," it taunts. "I will take this little pony for myself!"
  68. >The tarkatan general laughs. Mileena loves cute things; she will enjoy this baby pony.
  69. >"YOU LET MY SISTER GO!" Applejack shouts, charging at him.
  70. >The tarkatan sneers and holds the blade up to Apple Bloom's neck, stopping her big sister in her tracks.
  71. >"Orange pony. Tell your friends to accept Shang Tsung's challenge. We'll keep her until then."
  72. >AJ grits her teeth, tears in her eyes. "I don't know what in the hay you're talkin' about, but that's my sister and if you don't let her go, I'll stomp your ugly face into the mud so hard, you'll never see the light of day again!"
  74. >"I am Baraka! Nobody defeats me!" he taunts. "Tell your friends. My master awaits."
  75. >A green portal opens up behind him and he walks through it with Apple Bloom. AJ charges at the portal but it dissipates before she can go through it.
  76. >She shakes as she realizes her sister is gone.
  77. >Nearby, Big Mac crashes through the wall of the house, fighting off three of the monsters.
  78. >He turns and bucks one ten feet away. Another slashes at his neck, but he ducks low and dodges the blade.
  79. >He head-butts the tarkatan in the gut before rearing up with his hooves, grabbing the monster's head and bringing it down.
  80. >With a tremendous smash, he stomps on the tarkatan's head, crushing it.
  81. >The third attempts to slash Big Mac, but finds his hand caught by a lasso.
  82. >AJ pulls on it with her teeth, allowing her brother to turn and kick the tarkatan into a nearby burning pile of hay, killing it.
  83. >The first that he kicked away gets up, but a streaking rainbow from the sky flies down and Rainbow Dash delivers a dropkick hard enough to knock every tooth from its mouth.
  84. >The tarkatan's body hits the ground several feet from where its head ends up.
  85. >Rainbow doubles back and hovers near AJ.
  86. >"They got her," AJ says grimly. "They took Apple Bloom..."
  87. >The three of them look out at the burning fields of Sweet Apple Acres and knew that things would never be the same ever again.
  89. >Sweet Apple Acres lies burning in the evening sun, with Ponyville residents trying desperately to combat the flames.
  90. >Despite their efforts, everyone knows that the orchard is gone, and with it, Apple Bloom, taken hostage by the monsters from Outworld.
  91. >Outside of town, Fluttershy's cottage has burnt to the ground, nothing more than ash and rock.
  92. >Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle all look on at the ruined, burnt trees.
  93. >Twilight shakes her head.
  94. >"I just don't understand... why did they do this? Why now? What do they possibly gain from it?"
  95. >A voice from above rouses all of their ears and attention.
  96. >"Denizens of Outworld have no reason for carnage and destruction. It is in their nature. But this... This, I fear, is only the beginning, unless we put an end to it."
  97. >Princess Celestia floats to the ground, lightly flapping her wings. Alongside her are Luna and Cadance.
  98. >"Princess!" Twilight says, turning to face her. "I was just about to write you. Tarkatans have---"
  99. >"I know, Twilight. It is because the master of their realm has challenged Equestria to Mortal Kombat."
  100. >Twilight's eyes go wide.
  101. >"But, I thought that was only a legend..."
  102. >"Equestria has never had to face a foe such as the Emperor of Outworld. I have done much in my time as defender of the realm to hide it from conquerors such as he, but it seems he has finally set his sights upon our land and will not stop these attacks until I agree to his terms."
  103. >"Wait, I don't understand---" Rainbow Dash says. "Who is this "Emperor?" What is Mortal Kombat?"
  105. >Celestia closes her eyes. "The Elder Gods set forth rules for merging the realms at the dawn of time. Equestria is one such realm. In order for the realm of Outworld to absorb Equestria, they must win ten consecutive victories in a martial tournament called Mortal Kombat. If they do, the dimensional furies will weaken and merging can occur. Then, Shao Kahn, Emperor of Outworld, will have dominion over all beings of Equestria."
  106. >Rarity nearly faints. "He sounds absolutely abhorrent! Who would do such a thing?"
  107. >Celestia looks to the setting sun. "He is a being who wields dark magic and knows neither patience nor mercy. He has given us a proposal; we face his warriors in only one tournament, with our victory resulting in permanent freedom from Outworld and our loss resulting in instant merging. But I fear that there are few warriors in Equestria who can stand against such foes."
  108. >Applejack stands tall and says, "Let me go! I need to save my sister from that spikey-toothed varmint!"
  109. >"The one who stole your sister is no ordinary tarkatan warrior, Applejack. He is one of their elite, and they'll have more. Not just tarkatans, but warriors with powers and abilities unlike anything you've ever faced. They are not simply fighters, but killers. They have been raised in violence and war. Because of this, I shudder at the thought of sending ponies and others raised in peace against them."
  110. >A new voice speaks up, and they all turn to face its source.
  111. >Shang Tsung.
  112. >"YOU!" Celestia says as they all stare at him. "You are responsible for this!"
  113. >"I think not, my dear princess," he smiles as he bows. "You are, for refusing the Emperor's generous proposal. Now that you have seen the end result, perhaps you should reconsider... I do not think he will be gracious enough to accept your refusal a second time."
  116. >Celestia grits her teeth. "My little ponies are not warriors! This tournament is impossibly stacked!"
  117. >Shang Tsung smiles. "But my dear princess, surely you have the power of... friendship?"
  118. >He raises his hands and separates them, creating a rainbow.
  119. >He then laughs and banishes the rainbow into smoke. "You will choose ten of your realm's greatest warriors. I, however, know you have very few great warriors. I will convince my master to give you a year to prepare. Exactly one year from this day, you will send your chosen to the sea. Upon that day, a boat will appear and carry the warriors to the island where the tournament will take place. And there, the fate of your realm shall be decided. Unless, of course, you refuse, and you desire more attacks upon your land..."
  120. >Celestia says nothing for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she finally replies, "Tell your master I accept his terms. Now leave, before I force you to."
  121. >The sorcerer smiles. "It was a... pleasure doing business with you, my princess. I'll see you in one year."
  122. >In a sudden flash, a green portal opens behind him. He turns and walks confidently into it, causing it to vanish.
  124. >Twilight looks up at Celestia. "Princess? Why did you do this?"
  125. >"We have no choice, Twilight," she answers. "Shao Kahn will never turn his gaze from a realm once he has his eyes on it. The only way to stop them is through Mortal Kombat."
  126. >Twilight looks down. "Then, will you go and fight, Princess?"
  127. >The majestic ruler shakes her head. "Nay. As defender of the realm, I am forbidden to enter."
  128. >Luna looks up at her sister. "I volunteer, sister."
  129. >Rainbow Dash rushes in front of them. "I do too! I'll fight for Equestria!"
  130. >Celestia's eyes grow teary. "I must choose to send my beloved subjects, my own sister, to a tournament of blood, death and torment. This isn't like the past trials you have faced. The magic of friendship will not stop these warriors. But there's even more... Those who die at the tournament do not lose their lives... their very souls are taken. If you do this, you risk losing everything that you are."
  131. >Silence falls over the group.
  132. >After a moment, Twilight steps forward. "Princess, I will go."
  133. >"My most faithful student, to lose you would be..." Celestia's voice nearly cracks.
  134. >Twilight holds up a hoof. "But if we do nothing, then all of Equestria will be lost."
  135. >Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash step forward. They look back at Rarity and Fluttershy, whose faces are full of uncertainty.
  136. >Celestia looks at them. "You two are great friends... but unsuited for combat. Would you go in the place of two others?"
  137. >Rarity's eyes quiver. "I just... I just don't think I can fight. There has to be someone more suitable than I. Someone more... violent."
  139. >Rainbow Dash nods. "Gilda. I'll find her and convince her to help."
  140. >Fluttershy speaks up. "I think I know someone who would be better than me, um, if that's alright... Iron Will. I'll... I'll go find him and ask him to help."
  141. >Cadance speaks, "Shining Armor is the greatest defender the Crystal Empire can offer. But... he's also my husband. I'll speak with him. If he agrees, then... Then so be it."
  142. >She turns her head to hide tears of her own. Twilight looks down, silently despairing at the thought of losing her brother.
  143. >"Big Mac and I will both go," Applejack volunteers.
  144. >Twilight looks up at Celestia. "Wait, what of Discord? Surely he can---"
  145. >Celestia interrupts her. "I'm afraid Discord can also not fight in the tournament, not for Equestia, at least."
  146. >"But why?" Twilight inquires.
  147. >"To fight and ensure victory for one of the realms, the warrior must be a native of that realm. Shang Tsung, that vile sorcerer, originated in Earthrealm but was reborn under the Emperor's power in Outworld, making him a native of that realm. Discord may have been born in Equestria, but his rebirth came about in the Chaosrealm. He cannot help us with the tournament, but I will speak with him in rebuilding Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershy's cottage."
  148. >Luna speaks, "Then we still have only eight."
  149. >Celestia thinks. "I know of two. But I shudder at the implications. For one, powerful magic will need to be used. For the other, it will require setting aside a deeply rooted hatred for the common good."
  150. >Twilight looks up at her teacher with confusion. "Who?"
  151. >"Spike is the only dragon whom will fight with all of his heart for the realm, but his youth makes him far too weak to fight. I will use my magic to age him to a point where his body will be a match for those in Outworld. And the other..."
  153. >Princess Cadance grimly swallows a lump in her throat. "I know who you refer to, Princess Celestia. You mean to recruit Chrysalis."
  154. >Everyone collectively gasps.
  155. >Celestia nods. "Her power to shapeshift and replicate magic will be greatly useful in the tournament. We cannot ignore the potential she offers."
  156. >"We can't ignore that she's pure evil, too!" Twilight protests, remembering well her schemes involving her brother and sister-in-law.
  157. >"This is for all of Equestria!" Celestia responds, silencing any further protest. "Not for Canterlot, or for ponies, but every living being in the land. I will go to her personally to speak with her."
  158. >Luna sighs. "That makes ten, and one year to train. We must get started right away."
  159. >Celestia looks upon them, seeing the fear in their eyes. "My little ponies, we must not despair. We must believe that we can win and forever keep away the vile realm of Outworld. What we do at this tournament will determine the fate of all of Equestria, for its people and their children. We must succeed... but know that all ten of our chosen may not return."
  160. >Twilight nods. "We understand, princess. We won't fail."
  161. >Celestia looks at the setting sun once more. "For the sake of Equestria, we cannot."
  163. >Atop a mountain, not far away...
  164. >"Please. We need your help." Rainbow idly brushed her hoof along the ground.
  165. >"Oh, so it's 'we' now? 'We' need your help?" Gilda spat. "I thought you were doing just fine with your friends. Didn't need me anymore."
  166. >"Gilda, it's not like that, c'mon," Rainbow replied. "What was I supposed to do? I was caught between two friends."
  167. >The griffin scoffed and turned back to look at the mountainous horizon. The wind blew through their coats, silently moaning in the distance.
  168. >"Look," Rainbow sighed, "I don't care how you feel about me. Well... that's a lie. But Equestria needs your help, and it's for something much, much larger than you or I."
  169. >Gilda looked back at her with narrowed eyes.
  170. >"And if I help," she started, still sounding disinterested, "then what's in it for me?"
  171. >"Fame? Glory? Being known worldwide as one of the saviors of the entire planet? Think about how much pull that'd net you with the griffins, Gilda!" Rainbow Dash suggested, trying to make it sound good.
  172. >"And all I have to do is fight in some stupid tournament?"
  173. >"It's not like a normal fight," Rainbow slowly admits. "It's... more dangerous. These dudes from another realm, they fight to the death."
  174. >"To the death? Like, death death?"
  175. >Rainbow nods.
  176. >Gilda considers her words. "Well, I'm not doing it for you dweebs. I'll do it for my home, and MY friends."
  177. >Rainbow looked around, seeing nopony and no griffin around. "Right. Well... I was hoping we could train with each other. You know, pretend fight. Practice and stuff."
  178. >Gilda rolled her eyes a bit, but didn't seem entirely against the idea.
  179. >Rainbow pressed her on, saying, "C'mon, Gilda, you know I wanna learn some of those griffin moves. Speaking of which, I had a plan to make me more dangerous to our upcoming foes, and I can't do it without you. Whattaya say? Partners?"
  180. >Rainbow holds her hoof out, and Gilda stares at it.
  182. >After a moment, Gilda takes hold of it with her talons. "Deal. But don't think this changes anything, dweeb."
  183. >Rainbow smiles. "Alright. Let's go find Twilight and put my plan into action."
  185. >"HAH! If these weak fools from Outworld think they can topple the unconquerable might of Iron Will, they've got another thing coming!"
  186. >The minotaur strikes a pose and Fluttershy lets out a small "meep!" as his hooves snap into place near her own.
  187. >"Oh! Well, um, that's good," she says with a smile. "But it's dangerous---I mean, they're very deadly, you know."
  188. >The minotaur lets out a derisive laugh. "Hah! We'll see how deadly they are when they come up against my fists of fury! When they move in for the kill, they'll know who Iron Will... is!"
  189. >He scratches the back of his head at the admittedly weak rhyme.
  190. >Fluttershy's ears perk up nonetheless. "So, you'll do it? You'll help save Equestria?"
  191. >Iron Will places his hands upon his hips. "For the good of Equestria, and all ponies and minotaurs everywhere, absolutely Iron Will... will."
  192. >Before she can react, he snaps into another pose. "Each foe I meet, I will defeat! Each fist in their face will send them home in disgrace!"
  193. >Fluttershy flaps her wings happily. "Oh, I'm so glad! I mean, not glad about you being in danger, but, um, you know what I mean..."
  194. >Iron Will nods. "Worry not, my little friend. Iron Will cannot be beaten!"
  196. >"We can always send another, a royal guard perhaps---Flash Sentry, maybe?" Cadance suggested, a little desperately.
  197. >Shining Armor shook his head. "No. You know that he isn't as strong as me, and my shielding magic is stronger than anyone else in the kingdom."
  198. >The crystal princess turns her head and looks out over her empire from the balcony, bringing a hoof up to her eye and wiping away a tear.
  199. >"I'm just... I saw what those things did to Ponyville, Shining... I can't stand the thought of you going up against them..."
  200. >He approaches his bride, nuzzling her neck. "It's alright, my love... I don't want to go either if it means never seeing you again. But it's for so much more than you and I..."
  201. >Cadance turns to her beloved, seeing the fear in his eyes. "We... We still have a year..." she says, painfully choking down a lump in her throat.
  202. >He nods. "And I intend to spend every moment I can with you when I am done training for the day."
  203. >They lean in, their horns softly rubbing against each other, a set of rings at the base of each reminding them of their eternal vows.
  204. >"I must go," he says again, stronger and more certain. "But I will return to you, and we will be together forever."
  205. >She nods. "I know... I know."
  206. >She throws him into a hug and they remain there, cradling each other in the light of the setting sun for a great while.
  208. >Applejack bucked the tree. She bucked it again and again, but it had no apples.
  209. >In fury, she kicked it once more, splitting it in half, imagining it as the spine of the one who took Apple Bloom.
  210. >Baraka.
  211. >She looks across the field, at the ruins of Sweet Apple Acres. Atop a nearby hill, Big Mac sits there, his shoulders slumped and his head hung low.
  212. >He sits near a grave, with Granny Smith's cutie mark on it.
  213. >Applejack grits her teeth and runs towards another tree, barreling into it with her hooves. She punches away at it, splintering the wood and shattering the tree until it falls over.
  214. >She'll go to Mortal Kombat, she'll find the one who took everything from her, and make him pay.
  215. >She'll stomp every single one of his deformed teeth in and break those blades off of his arms.
  216. >She'll make him curse the day he ever stepped foot in Equestria.
  217. >She sets her sights on another tree and runs up to it, taking it down.
  218. >There's a lot of room to clear, and she's got a year's worth of wrecking and training to go through.
  219. >Behind her rage, she feared greatly for Apple Bloom's life and hoped against hope that she was alright.
  220. >That she was staying strong.
  221. >Because AJ knew she was staying just as strong for her.
  223. >Deep in the wastes of Outworld...
  224. >Within the grand palace of Shao Kahn, atop one of its towers, was the personal quarters of one of his two daughters, Mileena, the wicked of the two.
  225. >She sits before a mirror, brushing her black hair with a comb made of bone and singing softly to herself.
  226. >Nearby, in a cage that hangs from the ceiling, Apple Bloom cowers and watches the monster before the mirror.
  227. >She had never seen a human before, let alone an edenian, let alone a half-edenian-half-tarkatan monster.
  228. >For Mileena had the curvy, seductive, strong form of an edenian woman and the fearsome features of a tarkatan in her mouth.
  229. >She smiled as she beheld herself in the mirror, bringing a long tongue out from her throat to lick clean her long, sharp teeth.
  230. >"Oh, aren't I the most beautiful woman in all of Outworld?" she says to no one in particular. "Aren't I the strongest, most brutal and powerful combatant in all the realms?"
  231. >Apple Bloom closes her eyes.
  232. >As the monstrous woman finishes grooming, she reaches over and picks up her facemask, the deceptive veil that conceals her horrible mouth from sight.
  233. >She turns, setting a pair of blazing orange eyes upon the pony in the cage.
  234. >Approaching, Apple Bloom curls up into a ball in fear.
  235. >"What's wrong, little pony?" Mileena asks, opening the cage and taking her out to hold in her arms. She traces her claw-like nails along Apple Bloom's fur. "Don't be sad. You're the pet of a princess! The princess of all of Outworld! Isn't that wonderful?"
  236. >The filly doesn't reply. She screams when Mileena takes hold of her by the tail and holds her upside-down, pointing a sai blade at her neck.
  237. >"I SAID, ISN'T THAT WONDERFUL?" she nearly screams in a gutteral voice.
  238. >"YES! YES, IT'S WONDERFUL! PLEASE! PLEASE LET ME DOWN!" Apple Bloom cries.
  240. >Mileena's eyes grow soft. "Awww... shush, now, little pony..." she resumes holding Apple Bloom in her arms against her ample bussom and pets her. "It's alright. Mommy Mileena will take good care of you..."
  241. >Apple Bloom's silent sobs continued as Mileena set her back in her hanging cage, locking it once more.
  242. >Upon leaving the room, Apple Bloom looked out through the window at the purple skies and the wasteland that lied beyond the tower, and hoped that Applejack would come to rescue her.
  243. >Just then, a figure from the window leapt in. Apple Bloom's heart soared for a moment and then quickly died down when she saw that it was... Mileena?
  244. >No... this person had longer hair, and wore blue instead of pink.
  245. >"Get away from me! Don't come near!" Apple Bloom said, scooting away as the woman approached.
  246. >"Be calm, I do not wish to harm you," the woman says in a soothing voice, removing her mask.
  247. >Her mouth... It's not like Mileena's. It's soft, and gentle-looking.
  248. >"My name is Princess Kitana."
  249. >"Are you... going to help me?"
  250. >The woman's eyes take in the pony's form. "What are you? A talking horse?"
  251. >"I'm a pony!" Apple Bloom insists. "And I... I miss my sister and my brother and I wanna go home!" she says with tears running down her cheeks.
  252. >Kitana's strong features break for a moment in pity. "I can't imagine being a victim of my sister's cruelty... I will help you, little pony. Not all in Outworld are cruel."
  253. >Apple Bloom sniffles a bit. "You... that's your sister? But your faces..."
  254. >Kitana nods. "It is not a tale for the young. I will---"
  255. >They both hear a noise and see the door opening. Apple Bloom looks at Kitana and sees that she is gone.
  256. >Mileena enters, skipping to her bed, where she picks up a needle and resumes sewing a teddy bear and humming to herself.
  257. >Apple Bloom sits in silence. At least she has a friend here now, one who might be able to help her.
  259. >"I must warn you, Spike. This process cannot be reversed."
  260. >Spike wrings his claws softly as his green eyes scan the ground.
  261. >Nearby, Princess Celestia and and a very uncertain Twilight look down at him.
  262. >Celestia continues, "This magic will age your body, but not your mind. I am forcing maturity upon your form, but it will be up to you to control it and harness it as an adult would."
  263. >Spike's eyes drift upwards. "I-I'm just not sure, I mean, I... I just never thought it would be like this, you know?"
  264. >Celestia nods. "I understand. This is a very difficult moment for all of us, and I wouldn't ask you to do this in any other scenario unless it were as dire and terrible as the one we face now. Spike, as defender of this realm, I call upon you to be champion for Equestria and guard it from Outworld. But... you are within your right to refuse, as I cannot force you."
  265. >Twilight opens her mouth as if to speak, but closes it when she realizes that it must be Spike's choice and his alone.
  266. >Spike gulps and thinks it over. He'd been a large dragon twice before, and the results were always dangerous. Now, he'd be large and it would be permanent. He'd have to grow up and fight monsters from another dimension.
  267. >Nearby, the others looked on. Spike's eyes slowly strayed to them, scanning past Rainbow Dash, past Pinkie and Fluttershy, past Luna and everyone else, finally settling on Rarity.
  268. >Sweet, beautiful, innocent Rarity...
  269. >Fighting for all of Equestria was one thing, but fighting for her...
  270. >He looks up at Celestia and nods, taking a deep breath.
  271. >"Let's do this."
  273. >His claws curl into fists as Celestia levitates him upwards with her magic.
  274. >Celestia's eyes turn a bright white as her horn glows like the sun, causing everyone to avert their eyes.
  275. >A heavenly beam shoots from her horn onto Spike, and he shouts in pain.
  276. >His body begins undergoing rapid changes. Scales fall off and crumble below as bone and muscle expand. Teeth are forced out to make room for larger, more permanent and much sharper versions. His spines shift and grow, becoming narrow and angular. His shoulders feel on fire as appendages burst from the flesh, taking form in grand, majestic wings.
  277. >His claws elongate, his fingers growing more digits. His tail extends farther and longer, growing thicker and more pointed. Within his chest burns a fire greater than any other, that he lets loose in a great, deep bellow. He roars and the green flames come forth in an amazing display of draconic power.
  278. >And in moments, it is ended. Spike falls to the ground, not used to his new form, as the others crowd around his now much larger self.
  279. >A large green eye slowly slides open, its narrow reptillian slit focusing on Twilight.
  280. >"Twilight... I feel... I feel..."
  281. >The purple allicorn scoots closer. "Yes, Spike? What is it?"
  282. >"I feel older..."
  283. >He rises, lifting his great head and neck, shaking them, testing his limbs. He has power now; he sees it immediately. He could lift up one of his friends in the palm of his hand. Who knows what else he could do...
  284. >Celestia is staring up at him with a strange, suspicious glare. Does she think he will go crazy with the sudden power?
  285. >He looks down at Rarity, who stares up at him with a mixture of awe and amazement.
  286. >No. Never.
  287. >Not while it meant hurting her.
  288. >Now, as for those who would...
  289. >His teeth glint in the morning sun as he says, "It's time for train for the tournament."
  291. >Drippings echo throughout the cave as droplets of water fall from the ceiling into the pools below.
  292. >The eerie location has a strange, green luminessence that plays with the shadows and corners.
  293. >The creatures who reside here scramble around, staring up in awe with their large, bug-like eyes at the regal Princess Celestia, who stands along the stone path leading up to a resin throne.
  294. >And the queen of this dark place, this hive of changelings, looks down upon her with a curious smile.
  295. >"You know, when my scouts gave me your message, I half-expected you to be springing a trap."
  296. >"And what made you agree to my terms?" Celestia inquired.
  297. >"A few things," Chrysalis said, licking her lips. "One, I know you are an honest mare, as foolish as it may be. Two, you specifically pointed out that you would be alone, which was enough to get my full attention, and three... one of my children in your court told me of your recent visitor."
  298. >Celestia averted her eyes. "You have many such ears across the lands, I presume."
  299. >"Naturally. It IS my way, after all."
  300. >"Then you must know that I need your help."
  301. >"Indeed! Though, I wonder perhaps if I should."
  302. >"This is for the---"
  303. >The changeling queen interrupts. "The good of all Equestria, I know, I know. What a joy it would be to help defend it, the land that has rejected me and my kind for so long."
  304. >"You know why we keep you out. You refuse to conform to the ideals of friendship and peace; you INSIST on infiltration and sapping ponies of their love."
  305. >She scoffs. "As if we have a choice at this point."
  306. >Celestia sighs. "Helping in this tournament could change things, Chrysalis. You could lead your people into a new and glorious age alongside the ponies, with past grievances forgiven, if you would but help us."
  307. >The queen leans back. "And what if Outworld sounds more fun to be in?"
  308. >All around Celestia, the hive stirs, with changelings moving into position.
  310. >"There's no love in Outworld, Chrysalis. Only death, and fear. You won't find food there. You might not like to admit it, but you need us to survive."
  311. >Celestia stares the queen down, who lowers her insectlike hoof and smiles.
  312. >"Very well played," she admits. "So be it. I will fight in the tournament. This... Mortal Kombat... will be known as the day changeling and pony fought side-by-side. How delightful."
  313. >"How delightful indeed," Celestia said with a sour taste in her mouth.
  315. >Apple Bloom quivers in Mileena's arms as the half-tarkatan-half-edenian warrior princess gently combs her mane, singing softly to herself.
  316. >The comb was made of silver, and exquisitely fashioned. And also very, very sharp and deadly.
  317. >Again and again, Mileena brought it through Apple Bloom's mane, occasionally switching to a brush.
  318. >"My little pony... My pretty little pony, you're all mine!" she says, hugging Apple Bloom close.
  319. >Her razor-sharp and terrifying teeth near Apple Bloom's head, causing her to nearly scream.
  320. >But she keeps quiet, as a few small bruises on her face remind her of what happened the last time she made Mileena upset, courtesy of the blunt handles of her sai blades.
  321. >Mileena giggles and holds Apple Bloom tightly, pressing the small filly into her chest.
  322. >"Mommy Mileena loves you, little pony! Yes she does! Yes she does? Who's a good little pony, hm?"
  323. >She holds Apple Bloom out like a dog, gripping her beneath her arms and staring into her large eyes.
  324. >"M-me..." Apple Bloom softly chokes out.
  325. >Mileena squeals with delight and resumes brushing and combing the pony's mane, interrupted by a knock at her door.
  326. >She nearly screams in sudden, erratic frustration and quickly throws Apple Bloom back into her cage, rough and uncaring.
  327. >She opens the door, and Apple Bloom quickly curls into a ball in fear when she sees Baraka, the monster who had taken her from her home in the first place.
  328. >Mileena leans up against the doorway, placing a hand on her hips and cocking an eyebrow, thrusting her chest out towards the warrior, who takes notice.
  329. >"Using my main door now, you stupid, dumb brute?" she says in a sultry yet mocking tone.
  330. >"As if any guards would dare stop me from coming here," he says, brushing past her and entering the room. His eyes take in Apple Bloom, who cowers.
  331. >He laughs. "Such a cowardly thing..."
  333. >Mileena closes the door and locks in, sauntering up to Baraka with a not-so-subtle sway to her hips. "Don't mind it," she says. "It's been soooo sweet to me since you brought it."
  334. >"Heh... I knew you would like it." He turns to face her, placing his rough hands upon her hips and pulling her close.
  335. >"Let me see your beautiful face," he says.
  336. >Her eyes light up and she tosses her veil aside, opening her drooling, teeth-filled maw.
  337. >A long, winding tongue emerges, and one from his mouth as well, which intertwine in a hypnotic, monstrous display of affection.
  338. >They grow rough. Her claw-like nails scrape his flesh and he begins tearing clothing from her body.
  339. >She forces him onto her bed and they begin struggling for dominance.
  340. >Apple Bloom closes her eyes and curls into a ball, trying to not listen to the grunts, moans and creaks coming from the bed.
  341. >She thinks about home, about her family, about the songs they sang. She thinks about the Cutie Mark Crusaders and tries to stay strong for them.
  342. >She'll stay strong. Her heart will be as strong as a horse's.
  344. >That very night, as the wicked Mileena slept, Apple Bloom's eyes slowly drift open.
  345. >She beholds two beautiful eyes staring into her own. Just as she is about to let out a noise, Kitana reaches in and holds the pony's mouth shut.
  346. >They both look at Mileena, who stirred slightly in her sleep, but did not wake.
  347. >Kitana reaches behind her hair and pulls out a pin, her long, lustrous hair falling freely behind her shoulders.
  348. >She deftly picks the lock and opens the cage, reaching in to take hold of Apple Bloom and cradle her gently.
  349. >She makes for the window, whispering for Apple Bloom to stay perfectly quiet, and leaps from the balcony.
  350. >Apple Bloom nearly lets out a terrified cry before Kitana summons a strange steel fan, which she unfolds and swipes at the air below them as they fall from the tower.
  351. >The wind picks them up and they soar away, carried like leaves on the currents of the sky.
  352. >Apple Bloom looks down at the lands below. From this height, they almost seem peaceful. She smiles sincerely for the first time since coming to Outworld and holds her hooves out, pretending she is flying.
  353. >It brings a smile to Kitana's face beneath her veil.
  354. >They land in a forest, dark and scary-looking, but Kitana confidently strides through the woods, unafraid.
  355. >Apple Bloom feels safe in her arms and snuggles close.
  356. >"You're early," a woman's voice softly calls out.
  358. >"I know," Kitana replies, turning to behold a dark-skinned warrior with green clothing and a staff held in one hand.
  359. >"And what is this?" the woman inquires, looking at the pony.
  360. >"My... My name is Apple Bloom..."
  361. >"A tiny, talking horse?"
  362. >"I'm a pony!" Apple Bloom quickly corrects.
  363. >Kitana giggles softly and holds her up. "Jade, I need you to find her a home until I can learn of a way back to the realm from which she came so I may return her."
  364. >Jade gives a single nod. "It shall be done, my princess." She takes one of Kitana's hands and places a soft, gentle kiss upon it. "None shall find her."
  365. >Kitana smiles and hands Apple Bloom to Jade. Before their eyes, Kitana steps back, summons her fans and whisks herself away on the winds once more, becoming a blue blur in the distance.
  366. >Jade looks at the pony in her arms. "I think I know just the place to keep you."
  367. >"Where?" she asks.
  368. >"There's a small village, just outside of the focus of the emperor's armies. Its people are good, but above all, you must remain hidden. I wouldn't put it past some of the elders there to sell you out once they find out Mileena has lost her favorite new pet. Or..."
  369. >"...Or?"
  370. >"Or they may try to eat you."
  371. >Apple Bloom gasps and nearly cries.
  373. >"Don't worry, the girl I am going to give you to will take care of you. She is young, and will keep you hidden. She'll be happy to have you as a playmate."
  374. >Apple Bloom nods. "Isn't there anyone else? You?"
  375. >Jade shakes her head. "I have very, very few friends in Outworld. And as Princess Kitana's right hand, I must be seen around the palace with her or else I will rouse suspicion. There's also an old, fat drunk who lives out in the mountains... but I doubt you would appreciate his company."
  376. >Apple Bloom nods her understanding. "It's alright. The girl will be fine. Thank you so much for this, Jade. What's the girl's name?"
  377. >"Li Mei. She's nice---I think she'll grow up to be a fighter."
  378. >"Fighters aren't very nice..."
  379. >Jade smiles. "I'm a fighter. Kitana is a fighter. We spend our whole lives learning how to fight---it's how we fight and who or what we fight for that is important and defines who we are."
  380. >"And what do you fight for?" the little filly inquires, curious.
  381. >"Kitana, and only Kitana. The village isn't far---we should be quiet. Sometimes these forests have ears where you least expect..."
  383. >For one year, they trained. They fought, learned combat, and strengthened their bodies and minds.
  384. >Some fought for the realm, for the future.
  385. >Others fought for revenge, for passion.
  386. >Some fought for glory and fame.
  387. >Some fought for a chance at redemption.
  388. >But no matter the reason, their destination was the same.
  389. >They were destined for Mortal Kombat.
  390. >And one year from the sorcerer's deal with Princess Celestia, all ten of them gathered in the same place to behold each other.
  391. >Twilight, who in the year since accepting the challenge, had rigorously trained both her body and mind. Her magic was vastly more powerful, especially since she began focusing exclusively on offensive spells.
  392. >Applejack was always a strong pony, but ever since dedicating herself to training to save her sister, her strength had grown from training to match her desire for justice to be brought upon her captor.
  393. >Big Mac was similar, though he and Applejack had not seen each other in some time. He had imposed a self-exile upon himself, training high in the mountains, lifting boulders and breaking them with his bare hooves.
  394. >Luna sits alone, looking up at the moon. She wears a contemplative look, though none who looked upon her would be able to guess at what she was thinking.
  395. >Iron Will was there, standing tall and proud, having readied himself for this day. His goat assistants and trainers had come there to see him off, and he was quick to remind everyone that he was going to return with the title of champion.
  397. >Shining Armor and Cadance were there; the latter to see her husband off to the tournament. Their's was a sad fare well, for even though he had spent the year training, he had spent every possible moment with her and now it had come to an end.
  398. >Gilda and Rainbow Dash were there, stretching and preparing for their upcoming trials. One year ago, Rainbow had convinced Twilight to use her species-swapping magic to transform the pegasus into a griffin, and since doing so had mastered her new form for the tournament.
  399. >Spike was there as well; much like Big Mac, he had spent the year primarilly in exile, though he had trained with Twilight on occasion. He had challenged other dragons out in the wastelands of Equestria to battle, learning lessons in fighting from them. Though, he still had a very young mind, as the first three dragons he fought were a trio of overbearing dragon bullies that had once taken advantage of his naivety.
  400. >And finally, Queen Chrysalis was there, standing tall, silent and alien with her strange, insect-like coat and eyes. She said nothing to no one.
  401. >Princess Celestia, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, in addition to numerous others, residents of Ponyville, Canterlot and beyond had gathered to see their chosen warriors off.
  402. >Twilight's ear twitched as she felt a magical current on the winds, which grew chilling and unnatural.
  403. >A great fog began to appear, rolling over the sea and up to the coast.
  404. >Every pony and other gathered watched in silence as a great shape began to form in the distance through the thick mist.
  405. >A ship.
  407. >A grand, wooden, ominous and dark ship, with the mast of a great dragon with eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness of night.
  408. >Before their eyes, the ship stopped along the shore. No crew could be seen upon it, and all of its sails were torn and its ropes rotting and useless.
  409. >Despite this, a walkway emerges from its side, sliding from the deck to the ground.
  410. >Spike approaches, his form nearly as large as the boat itself.
  411. >Twilight looks up at him questionly, speaking with her eyes. He nods, agreeing to a plan the two of them had devised long ago.
  412. >She points her horn up at him and casts a spell, enshrouding him in purple energy. He shrinks to the point where he is no taller than Iron Will, and is now able to board the ship.
  413. >The combatants look at each other before boarding one-by-one. They look back to the shore, to Princess Celestia and all of the others.
  414. >"Fare well," the princess calls out. "You carry the hopes and dreams of all of us."
  415. >Twilight's eyes grow soft as she looks out at her teacher, knowing that even if she were to come to the island where the tournament is to take place, she would be powerless there.
  416. >The others all look off at the crowd. Spike, in particular, makes eye contact with Rarity, who averts her own in despair, running off to hide the shame of her tears.
  417. >The plank retracts and the ship takes off, moving silently into the fog of night, leaving Equestria and its peoples behind.
  418. >Tomorrow morning, they would reach their destination.
  421. >The combatants have arrived. They stand on opposite sides of a grand stone arena, around which are placed many stone steps upon which to sit. A large number of monks wearing red and white robes filter into the area, taking their places.
  422. >At the top of the arena sits Shang Tsung within a golden chair, its arms styled like Chinese dragons.
  423. >Behind him stand Princess Kitana and Princess Mileena, along with Kitana's bodyguard, Jade.
  424. >Shang Tsung's personal guard, the fox-masked warriors, prowl the area with their kwan dao polearms at the ready for any sign of trouble.
  425. >The combatants of Outworld stare down the creatures of Equestria. Baraka's eyes narrow when he takes in the sight of Applejack, who stares him down with eyes that could burn a man alive.
  426. >Scorpion, the hellspawn specter of the Netherealm, stands alongside Quan Chi, the sorcerer whom brought him back to life. They both stand silent and waiting for the tournament to begin.
  427. >Iron Will looks at his opponents, impressed with their size and stature, but none more so than the great, four-armed shokan prince Goro and the warrior woman Sheeva by his side.
  428. >In the distance, a gong is rung, and all the monks take their seat.
  429. >Shang Tsung rises. "Greetings to all and welcome to this tournament of Mortal Kombat between Outworld and Equestria. Here, the fate of the realm of equines will be determined by your kombat. May you all fight, and die, with honor."
  430. >Twilight Sparkle, standing alongside Princess Luna, look at each other with uncertainty.
  431. >Shang Tsung points at the purple allicorn. "Princess Twilight Sparkle! You shall be first."
  432. >Twilight takes a deep breath and calms her nerves, lightly flapping her wings up onto the stone platform.
  433. >Shining Armor looks on, worried for his sister's life, but knows that she will be alright. They've all prepared for this, and her magic will protect her.
  434. >Shang Tsung smiles. "And your opponent shall be... Scorpion, of the Netherealm!"
  436. >The yellow ninja vanishes in a gout of flame and reappears within the arena, staring her down with burning white eyes.
  437. >She steps back, taken aback by the pure hatred, malice and desire for revenge in his gaze.
  438. >"I have seen many creatures and fought many opponents," he says in a low, fiery voice, "but this will be the first time I have killed a horse."
  439. >Twilight's eyes narrow. "I don't know what turned you into what you are now, but as my opponent, I feel obligated to inform you that you'll receive no mercy from me."
  440. >"Words mean nothing," Scorpion says, clenching his fists. "Prepare to burn in hell."
  441. >Shang Tsung raises his hand, and after a moment, swiftly moves it down, shouting, "FIGHT!"
  442. >Scorpion wastes no time and lobs a kunai at the end of a chain towards Twilight, who catches it with her magic and throws it back at him.
  443. >Pulling out a sword, he deflects it aside and lunges at her, stabbing at her midsection.
  444. >A teleportation spell gets her out of the way of his blade. Across the arena, she summons forth a blast of arcane energy directed at him.
  445. >But she isn't the only one capable of teleporting. Scorpion dodges the blast with a backflip, his feet burning as he soars upwards, vanishing into flames at the top of his spiral.
  446. >Twilight barely has a moment to react before protecting herself within a purple bubble shield as he appears behind her, violently punching a fist into the shield.
  447. >Expanding the shield outwards, she knocks him onto his back. She then flies upwards to what she assumes is out of his reach, preparing another spell.
  448. >His white eyes open as he flips up onto his feet. He throws two kunai at her, shouting, "GET DOWN HERE!"
  451. >She deflects one with a blast from her horn while the other pierces her leg, causing her to scream in pain. The ponies visibly react and Shang Tsung smiles as he watches.
  452. >He pulls on the chain, trying to yank her downwards, but he has another thing coming.
  453. >Using her magic, she begins pulling on the chain herself, struggling against his grip.
  454. >Eventually she yanks it free from him, spinning it around like a lasso before throwing it at him.
  455. >Borrowing a trick she learned from Trixie, she ties the chain around him and pulls him off his feet.
  456. >Scorpion howls in rage as fire bursts from his skin, melting the chains around him.
  457. >He vanishes again, appearing above her. She teleports out of the way of his downward attack, but he does as well, taking her by surprise.
  458. >He attacks from the side, kicking out with his leg in her ribs, then teleports again, bringing an elbow down between her wings.
  459. >Finally, he appears on the ground, raising his hands up to create a spiraling column of flames that encapsulates her as she falls into it.
  460. >Everypony gasps as the fire goes away, leaving only smoke.
  461. >Scorpion approaches it, preparing to remove his mask to deliver the killing blow.
  462. >The smoke opens up suddenly as Twilight launches out of it at high speed, barreling into his chest with her two front hooves.
  463. >She knocks he specter onto the ground before flapping her slightly charred wings up and landing on him with all four of her hooves. She does this two more times before the hellspawn teleports away.
  464. >But even then, she is prepared. From her glowing horn blasts a bolt of energy that strikes him in the back. Taking advantage of this, she uses her wings to propel herself towards him, sticking her two back hooves out to dropkick his kneecap.
  465. >The leg bends backwards with a sickeningly audible snap, forcing him down onto his leg. Scorpion roars in pain, but Twilight isn't done.
  467. >She turns, bringing a hoof down upon his collarbone, snapping that as well.
  468. >As he recoils backwards, her horn glows and a torrent of energy is released upon his face like a fountain of burning purple magic that peels the skin and flesh away from his skull.
  469. >She steps back, observing her work, seeing the skull of her opponent, jaw hanging open and bone charred and crispy.
  470. >She turns, thinking the fight finished.
  471. >Scorpion's eye sockets light up with fire as his mouth opens, a fountain of hellfire pouring out of it.
  472. >Twilight's eyes widen as she creates another shield, but not before one of her back legs is terribly burnt. She cries out in pain as she pulls it close while his fire washes over her shield.
  473. >He crawls towards her and pulls out one of his swords, slashing her shield over and over and over.
  474. >It begins to crack. Distracted by the blinding pain of her burnt leg, she can barely come up with a plan.
  475. >Her horn begins to glow brighter. Two of the stone panels that make up the arena floor begin to glow as she forces them out of their fittings and lifts them up.
  476. >She screams as she brings them together around Scorpion's skull, crushing it completely.
  477. >The body of the yellow ninja falls back and her shield breaks, leaving her there, broken and crying from her scorched leg.
  478. >Her allies quickly come to help her and Shang Tsung stands.
  479. >With a disgusted and disappointed look on his face, he spits out, "Fatality."
  480. >He turns and walks away.
  481. >The tournament will resume at dawn.
  483. >Shang Tsung walks around his central chambers. Opposite him is Quan Chi, a sorcerer from the Netherealm.
  484. >"Your warrior disappoints," Shang Tsung spits at him.
  485. >Quan Chi shrugs. "You are the one who set him against one of their strongest magic-users. But he wounded her rather nicely, you must admit."
  486. >Shang Tsung scowls. "Wounds can be healed by magic. This is a victory for them in the tournament."
  487. >Quan Chi looks down into Shang Tsung's scrying pool, its waters showing the reflection of Princess Twilight's recovery in the room provided for her, being tended to by Luna and Shining Armor.
  488. >"They are indeed a closely-knit family, aren't they," he says with a smile. "All they need is a little tragedy and they will fall apart. The tournament will be yours by the end of it."
  489. >Shang Tsung pauses. "You know, I believe that with Scorpion disqualified, you no longer have business here, Quan Chi."
  490. >The white-skinned demon smiles. "This is true, but yet I still wish to see the results. Call me... curious."
  491. >"Curiosity kills, Quan Chi."
  492. >"An ancient Chinese fable?" Quan Chi jokes.
  493. >"A human one."
  495. >In her sleep, Twilight tosses and turns. Outside, it storms, the constant pelting rain and thunder doing nothing to help her get some rest.
  496. >She awakens in a cold sweat, her leg still tender but mostly healed thanks to Luna's magic.
  497. >Her eyes slowly adjust to the dark as they take in the sight of two burning eyes staring back at her.
  498. >"SCORPION!?" she shouts, readying her magic.
  499. >"Silence," he commands, though not in a threatening tone. "I am not here to battle. You have already beaten me, and you are not the one whose head I seek."
  500. >She stops and stays still, unsure of his intentions. "You're dead," she deadpans.
  501. >"You weren't the first to kill me. Now I live like this, in a form of vengeance incarnate, a hellspawn."
  502. >"Why do you seek revenge?" she asked, interested. She still had a very guarded appearance, ready for any sudden betrayal.
  503. >He looks out the window at the raging storm. "I had a family once. A wife, a child, a clan. They were all taken from me by the person who took my life. I will have my revenge some day."
  504. >"But will it bring you peace?"
  505. >"Peace has nothing to do with it," he says, staring into her purple eyes with his own bleak, white orbs. "There is no peace in hell. Only torment, fire and anger. That is what I am now."
  506. >"Then why come here? Why come to me?"
  507. >"I am still my own man, though I bow to a new master in undeath. I... still have some honor left within me. You have defeated me in fair kombat, though I admit I underestimated you due to your... form. I wanted to tell you that you've my respect, and if you ever require the skills of a Shirai Ryu assassin, I will heed your call. But only once."
  509. >She is silent, and after a moment, she nods. "I'm sorry for what happened to you," she says as he turns away from her. "I haven't experienced much loss in my life, but I do know this. To dwell on it will only drag you deeper into the pit you were reborn in. Only by letting go of the chains that pull you in will you be able to climb out of it and truly be free. Otherwise, your anger, hatred and quest for revenge will consume you to the point where you'll be blind to everything you once stood for. I... would not like to see that happen to you, not when I think you can overcome it."
  510. >He stands there, listening to her talk and considering her words for a good deal of time afterwards.
  511. >"There is no going back. The Elder Gods forsook me and my clan, while his has only grown stronger. My life has no higher purpose than vengance. It's all I have now."
  512. >With that, he is gone, once more back to the hell from which he came.
  513. >Twilight pulled the sheets a little closer and tried to get some more sleep.
  514. >She'll need to be rested for tomorrow.
  516. >Somewhere nearby...
  517. >Kitana moved through the ruins, carefully picking her way around the broken rocks and scattered debris.
  518. >She entered the warrior shrine, near Shang Tsung's gardens, a place containing the statues of many legendary warriors who had once competed in the tournament.
  519. >Looking at all the figures from throughout the realms, she turns when she hears a noise.
  520. >Jade steps out of the shadows and fixes her with a look that, although half her face was hidden by a veil, she knew to be friendly.
  521. >"My princess," Jade says with a small bow.
  522. >"Have you made the arrangements?" Kitana asked her friend, being intentionally vague in case any were to be listening.
  523. >"I have. The package has come to the island."
  524. >Kitana nods. "Good. Keep close watch over it. It's in great danger here, but it's also the only place where we'll be able to send it home."
  525. >Jade nods her understanding. "I'll go."
  526. >With a small bow, she vanishes back into the shadows and Kitana goes along her way.
  527. >When they leave, the statue of a strange, reptillian creature begins to move.
  528. >Reptile's camoflage bleeds away from his skin as he rushes off.
  530. >The next day, the participants gather around one of the many large beaches upon the island. There, a large ring of stones and flags bearing the circular crest of a dragon have been set, forming an arena.
  531. >Nearby, the waves crash upon the shore relentlessly, creating a background chorus of the sea.
  532. >Shang Tsung himself sits on a higher rised platform under the shade of a blanket. Next to him is Quan Chi, who observes the warriors gathering.
  533. >"And how will it be today?" Quan Chi inquires.
  534. >Shang Tsung smiles and casts a sidelong glance at the Netherealm sorcerer. "Awfully curious about my designs for the tournament, are you?" he replies.
  535. >Quan Chi crosses his arms and chuckles. "You don't need to be so secretive with me, Shang Tsung. You can always trust a fellow sorcerer."
  536. >"You can NEVER trust a fellow sorcerer, much less one from the Netherealm," Shang counters. "You decided to stay to see the events of the tournament unfold; you shall find out soon enough. I intend to remove a thorn in my plans."
  537. >Quan Chi cocks an eyebrow and observes as Shang Tsung stands to address the gathering.
  538. >"This day shall be dedicated to Mortal Kombat, from sunrise to sunset. Nine more matches remain in the first set, and so we shall waste no further time. Princess Luna, of Equestria!"
  539. >Luna's head perks up and she trots into the arena, kicking up a little sand with her hooves.
  540. >"Your opponent shall be... Princess Kitana, of Outworld!"
  541. >Kitana looks at Shang Tsung, then at the dark blue alicorn. She descends into the arena, circling Luna until she stands opposite her.
  542. >"An interesting matchup," Quan Chi comments. "Though I wonder; which is the thorn in your side? Is the house of Shao Kahn not as strong as I was led to believe?"
  543. >Shang Tsung ignores his words and holds up his hand, swiftly dropping it after a moment. "FIGHT!"
  545. >Kitana and Luna make eye contact. After the battle last night between Twilight and Scorpion, she is quick to ensure that she doesn't underestimate her opponent.
  546. >Her metal fans appear in her hands, elegant and deadly, which she spreads outwards as she runs towards Luna, keeping her head low.
  547. >Luna, however, flies straight up and stops there, holding up her two front hooves. From the tip of her horn emerges a ball of white starlight-like energy, which she throws at Kitana.
  548. >The edenian princess leaps aside as the starlight strikes the ground, surprised to see it disperse into tiny, star-like projectiles that hone in on her.
  549. >With great dexterity, she blocks each one with her fans, twirling in place.
  550. >Luna takes advantage of her distraction and flies down to try striking her with a falling kick, but Kitana roles aside and then takes off after her, manipulating the wind to carry her upwards towards Luna.
  551. >They meet in the sky overhead, kicking, blocking and striking at each other. From Luna's horn emerges a series of blades made of light, shaped like crecent moons, which she lashes out with.
  552. >As they fall to the arena floor, Kitana blocks each attack. Once they are landed, the continue with their dance, neither truly gaining an advantage.
  553. >Kitana's strikes are blocked by Luna in what almost seems a rehersed manner, and Luna's return attacks with her own legs are dodged or similarly blocked.
  554. >Shang Tsung's eyes narrow. He knows Kitana can be deadlier than this, and that the allicorn possesses enough magic to be putting on a much more hardened defense.
  555. >Mortal Kombat has the capacity to be a violent match that can shake the heavens---they are merely using martial arts and not tapping into their deeper reserves of magic.
  556. >What trickery is going on?
  558. >Meanwhile...
  559. >Jade moves swiftly through the forests of Shang Tsung's island, carrying Apple Bloom under her arm.
  560. >The little pony has waited a year to see her sister again, trapped in the wastelands of Outworld.
  561. >But thanks to Princess Kitana and Jade, and the nice girl who kept care of her, Li Mei, she wasn't at the mercy of Mileena.
  562. >"We move now because all eyes are upon Kitana at her match," Jade explains. "She is making a distraction of it."
  563. >"Is Applejack here? And Big Mac?"
  564. >"Both," Jade confirms. Apple Bloom's eyes grow wide with happiness.
  565. >"Oh, thank you thank you thank you miss Jade! You'll be my friend forever! Will I get to see them?"
  566. >"It's too dangerous. If Mileena learns you are here, she'll stop at nothing to come get you back. I'm taking you to the ship that brought the Equestrians here, smuggling you onboard, and getting you home. That is the promise I have made to Kitana."
  567. >Apple Bloom is saddened by this, but does not argue with the emerald-clad warrior.
  568. >They leave the forest, walking onto a great bridge that spans a massive pit lined with spikes and the skeletal remains of those who got acquainted with them.
  569. >Jade stops.
  570. >Apple Bloom looks at the other end of the bridge, seeing another green figure, with a sickly discoloration to his skin.
  571. >"Reptile..." Jade mutters.
  572. >The saurian advances out more into the open. "SSShang Tsssung has been waiting for you to make your move," he slithers out in his serpentine voice. "Releassse the pony, Jade. He desssires to give it to Mileena as her reward for killing her opponentsss."
  573. >"Stand aside, Reptile," she commands. "Or else there will be death in your future."
  574. >"Death hasss alwasss been in my future," he slyly replies, holding his hands up in a combat pose. "But yoursss comesss much sssooner!"
  576. >Kitana surprises Luna with a swift kick to the side of her face. As the edenian bounds backwards to escape Luna's next magical barrage with her horn, the alicorn narrows her eyes.
  577. >Enough playing.
  578. >Her next blast could level a city block, and she beams it directly in Kitana's path.
  579. >The warrior princess' eyes open wide as she leaps up, carried by her fans, ensuring that the blast misses. The bright white beam destroys some of the rocks and flags that make up the arena boundaries, and wrecks a portion of the beach.
  580. >Luna flies up and tackles Kitana out of the air, stabbing the left of her midsection with her horn.
  581. >Kitana grimaces in pain and Twilight's jaw drops at the sight.
  582. >As they fall, Luna pummels Kitana with her hooves.
  583. >Kitana pulls the horn out of her side and twists to ensure that she lands atop Luna. They crash into the sand.
  584. >She raises a hand up, summoning a fan to slice the pony up with, but Luna blocks with one hoof and cracks her across the face with another, knocking her veil off.
  585. >Kitana rolls back but Luna is on her hooves in an instant, slashing at her with the crescent blades.
  586. >The princess blocks most of them, but some get through, cutting her legs, arms and back with deep red scars.
  587. >Kitana performs a backflip, kicking Luna's face with her feet as she does so, getting some distance between them.
  589. >Jade and Reptile meet at the center of the pit in a burtal, powerful match.
  590. >The saurian goes in low, but Jade leaps over him, stabbing into his back with her staff.
  591. >He hits the ground and rolls to the side near the edge, hopping up onto his feet. He tears his mask from his face and spits a glob of acid at her, which she dodges with some swift acrobatics.
  592. >He does this two more times to get some space before throwing his mask aside and charging at her.
  593. >Like a serpent, he suddenly slides along the ground, feet leading as he kicks her legs out from underneath her. He grabs her and forces himself on top of her, grabbing the sides of her face.
  594. >He stares into her eyes as his saurian mouth begins to grow, his jaw dislocating with the intention of swallowing her head.
  595. >Swiftly, she forces her staff between the two of them as his head lunges at her own, catching his mouth with it.
  596. >She forces him left and right as his fangs hook on the steel, venom dripping dangerously from them.
  597. >His claws dig into the side of her face as she grunts. Hooking a leg around his midsection, she hips up and pushes him with the staff at the same time, gaining a dominant position on top of him.
  598. >Reptile's upper body now hangs over the edge of the pit. She pushes down with her staff, trying to get as much room between them as possible as he continues to swipe and claw at her face and arms.
  600. >Kitana and Luna stare each other down, breathing heavilly.
  601. >Circling the arena, the air is tense and quiet.
  602. >They know it's about to end.
  603. >Kitana summons her fans and leaps into the air as Luna takes off with her wings.
  604. >The two princesses meet in the middle, with Luna using her magic to propel forwards at incredible speed, impaling Kitana's stomach on her horn.
  605. >Kitana's eyes widen as Luna charges a blast within her, shredding apart her insides and bursting out her back, showering the arena in gore.
  606. >They fall to the ground and Luna stands, blood running down her face, as the two halves of Kitana fall on either side of her.
  607. >The crowd is silent and shocked, none more so than her fellow Equestrians.
  608. >Shang Tsung stands, a smile on his face. "Fatality."
  610. >Reptile meets Jades gaze as he grabs hold of the staff and pushes back on it.
  611. >Slowly, his inhuman strength overpowers her own and he manages to unhook his teeth from the pole.
  612. >As he pushes it back, he gets his feet underneath her and plants them on her chest.
  613. >Her eyes widen as she realizes what is about to happen.
  614. >Reptile rolls backwards off the bridge, pulling on the staff and kicking upwards with his feet, taking her with him.
  615. >As he rolls around, he grabs the side of the bridge in a dangerous gambit. Jade, thinking quickly, grabs ahold of his foot as her staff falls below, landing alongside the spikes.
  616. >She looks up at him with her green eyes, shining in the morning sun.
  617. >His reptillian eyes narrow and with his other clawed foot, slashes at her hand.
  618. >Jade shouts and lets go, falling below to her doom.
  619. >Apple Bloom cowers at the end of the bridge, waiting for Jade to spring over the edge and take her to the boat.
  620. >But that doesn't happen. The monster Reptile climbs up and looks over at her.
  621. >Before she can run, the fast green ninja is upon her, holding her up by the tail. She screams and cries as saliva and blood drip from his mouth.
  622. >"What a tasssty sssnack you'd make..." he says. "But you are not for me. Try and run, and I might just lossse my control..." he threatens her.
  624. >As Luna walks out of the arena, Twilight runs up to her. "Luna!" she nearly shouts. "What was that?"
  625. >The moon princess looks at Twilight with a blank face. "Mortal Kombat. I won. Another victory for our realm."
  626. >Twilight is stunned at the calousness of the princess, unable to find the words to rebuke her.
  627. >Luna looks up at Shang Tsung, who meets her gaze. The alicorn's eyes flash with a bright green for just a moment.
  628. >The sorcerer smiles. "The next match shall take place in my garden in one hour," he declares. "Be prepared."
  631. >Deep underneath Shang Tsung's island, in a place known only to Goro as his lair when participating in tournaments, Luna sits in chains that glow with vibrant runes.
  632. >They prevent her from using magic, and from reaching out and touching dreams to communicate with her friends for help.
  633. >She tries pulling on one such chain, finding it strong and unyielding.
  634. >She closes her eyes and concentrates on staying strong.
  635. >She won't forget who did this to her.
  636. >Whatever Chrysalis' plan was on this island, Luna was going to put an end to it.
  638. >Far above, the warriors gather once more in Shang Tsung's gardens to witness the next match.
  639. >A large circular area, surrounded by hedge bushes and statues of ancient warriors, forms the arena floor.
  640. >Shang Tsung takes his place upon a balcony overlooking the tournament grounds.
  641. >Down below, Rainbow Dash anxiously taps a claw on the ground, waiting for her opportunity to fight and test out her new griffin form.
  642. >Equestria has been doing well in the tournament, with two wins, but still she grows impatient, waiting for her name to be---
  643. >"Rainbow Dash!"
  644. >She nearly jumps before realizing she has been called to fight. She flies out into the middle of the arena and smiles, hooking the Outworld warriors with a grin.
  645. >"Yeah, that's right! Which one of you FREAKS is it gonna be, huh?".
  646. >From the sidelines, Gilda calls out, "Tear 'em apart, Dash!"
  647. >Shang Tsung smiles. "Sheeva. Come forth."
  648. >Sheeva steps forward, cracking her two sets of hands.
  649. >Rainbow looks the shokan female up and down, sizing her up. Those four arms would be tricky to get around, but she's got speed on her side.
  650. >Shang Tsung gives a signal for a gong to go off. "Let Mortal Kombat begin! FIGHT!"
  651. >Dash immediately charges at Sheeva, slicing her leg with one of her talons.
  652. >The shokan grunts and goes down to a knee.
  653. >Dash turns around and veers backwards, using her new griffon form to great effect.
  654. >She lands on Sheeva's backside, clawing with both her bird and cat limbs, digging into the shokan.
  655. >The shokan whips around, trying to swat at Rainbow, who simply flies up higher than she can reach.
  656. >"Hah! Stupid four-arms! Let's see you handle THIS!"
  658. >She flies up high, preparing to deliver a supersonic dropkick, a move she practiced with Gilda.
  659. >What she, and none of the other Equestrians expected, was for Sheeva's legs to be capable of propelling her to amazing heights.
  660. >In one leap, she reaches the utterly surprised Dash, who is too struck by disbelief to react in time.
  661. >Sheeva takes hold of Dash in all four of her strong hands and pulls her down.
  662. >Dash violently flaps her wings and scratches, but to no avail.
  663. >Sheeva throws Dash down onto the ground and lands on her with the impact of a train, whereupon she leaps up again and stomps on her one more time.
  664. >And just that quickly, Dash's life is snuffed out like a candle in the wind.
  666. >All of the Equestrians are horrified beyond belief as they look at Sheeva holding up the shashed, dead body of Rainbow Dash. Tears well up in their eyes as Shang Tsung calls out that dreaded word, "Fatality."
  667. >Twilight and Applejack are visibly shaken by the sight, the pain of losing one of their greatest friends catching up to them. To their credit, they manage to maintain some dignity.
  668. >Gilda does not.
  669. >"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Gilda screams, preparing to leap into the arena. She is held back by the others. "YOU BITCH! YOU FOUR-ARMED BITCH! THAT WAS MY FRIEND! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL CLAW YOUR EYES OUT! I'LL SHRED YOU TO PIECES I SWEAR IT ON HER LIFE!"
  670. >Sheeva looks back and smiles. "Swear on her life all you desire. She's already dead."
  671. >Gilda shouts and screams some more before Shang Tsung silences them all.
  672. >"ENOUGH! Gilda, you shall fight next. Your opponent shall be Skarlet!"
  673. >A pool of blood emerges from the ground, rising up to take humanoid form before solidifying into a deadly-looking female assassin in red garb.
  674. >Gilda forces herself out of the grasp of the others and flies in. "FINE! But I want Sheeva after I win! YOU HEAR ME, YOU LONG-HAIRED WRINKLY-FACED BLACK LEATHER-WEARING DWEEB? SHEEVA IS MINE!"
  675. >Shang Tsung chuckles. "As you wish. Skarlet, kill her quickly."
  676. >The blood assassin says nothing as she prepares for the match.
  677. >Shang Tsung raises his hand. "FIGHT!"
  680. >Gilda takes off screaming like a bat out of hell towards Skarlet, claws ready and leading.
  681. >The red ninja melts into a puddle of blood as Gilda hits her, covering the Griffon in the red essence.
  682. >Gila wipes her eyes clean as she flies up high, searching for her opponent.
  683. >Skarlet rematerializes atop a nearby pillar and throws a knife at Gilda, who sees it coming.
  684. >She spins, grabs the knife out of the air and charges at her, tackling her off the pillar.
  685. >They fall to the ground, Gilda shoving the knife into Skarlet's shoulder. As they hit, the red woman explodes into liquid gore which seeps into the ground.
  686. >Gilda gets up and shakes herself clean, though she is almost stained completely red. "GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!" she shouts. "I KNOW YOU AREN'T DEAD BECAUSE I HAVEN'T TORN YOUR HEAD OFF YET!"
  687. >Skarlet shoots upwards behind her much more quickly than she thought possible, pulling out two knives and stabbing the griffon in the shoulder blades, just above her wings.
  688. >Gilda shrieks, but spreads her wings and takes off into the air, Skarlet hanging on.
  689. >All eyes are upon them as Gilda twists and turns, trying to shake Skarlet off. The blood witch does not relent, holding on.
  690. >It's only when Gilda suddenly lurches backwards, flying upwards and upside-down, that Skarlet loses her grip and falls.
  691. >Not missing a beat, Gilda spirals back down into her, tearing into Skarlet's exposed skin with her claws.
  692. >Skarlet tries to block, but the ferocious animal Gilda has become in the face of losing one of her only friends makes her a ruthless, unpredictable opponent.
  693. >Gilda flies up again before they hit the ground, digging her claws into Skarlet's shoulders.
  694. >As she carries her upwards, Skarlet pulls out a knife strapped to her thigh and stabs Gilda in the leg. She cries out in pain but does not let go.
  695. >She begins spinning. Skarlet feels the griffon's claws digging deeper and deeper into her shoulders as Gilda's spinning increases speed.
  697. >Finally, she lets go, whipping Skarlet aside. Dizzy from being spun, Skarlet cannot focus and turn into blood.
  698. >The griffon lets out a shrill eagle-like cry and tackles her, burying her beak into her stomach.
  699. >Skarlet's eyes widen they fall to the ground. Just before they hit, Gilda breaks her fall with her wings, allowing Skarlet to hit the ground at full force.
  700. >A loud crack is heard as the woman's body hits the ground, her skull fracturing slightly.
  701. >Skarlet stares up into the sky with dead eyes, but Gilda isn't done.
  702. >The griffon flies down and tears into the body with her beak and claws, picking apart Skarlet's remains like a vulture.
  703. >She tears off a limb, holding it in her beak, violently shaking her head. Her claws tear apart Skarlet's ribcage, taking out her heart and crushing it.
  704. >Gilda screams in rage and frustration, taking it all out on the corpse before her. Even the Outworld denizens find the display more morbid than usual.
  705. >The griffon tears the knives stabbed into her out, using them to cut up the dead body and stab into chunks of meat that were once a person.
  706. >Shang Tsung rises and shouts, "ENOUGH! Gilda, you have achieved fatality!"
  707. >"FUCK YOU!" she screams back as she bites down on the dead girl's neck, tearing the head from the body with some of the spine hanging down.
  708. >She holds up the head and searches the Outworld audience for Sheeva and thrusts it in her direction.
  710. >She holds the head up high, and with all of her strength, slams it onto the ground. It smashes there like a Nightmare Night pumpkin, spreading bits of skull and brain all over the arena floor.
  711. >Gilda throws her arms out and lets out a piercing scream in pain, anger and despair before taking off to find a quiet part of the island to cry in.
  713. >Shang Tsung stares down at the dead body of Skarlet, disgusted. He walks away.
  714. >The crowd begins to disperse. The Equestrians approach the arena to collect the dead body of Rainbow Dash to perform the grim task of burying her.
  715. >No words are exchanged between them. Twilight uses her magic to lift the corpse up and they all accompany her to the forest, where they hold a small ceremony.
  716. >Her family would not get to see her burial site. Scootaloo would never see her again, nor would the countless fans and people she left behind to come fight here.
  717. >But they swore that she would never be forgotten. Though now they had a very, very grim reminder of the mortality they all faced in this tournament, their resolve to win was only strengthened by her loss.
  718. >They resolved to win, to live, to spread tales of her valor for volunteering to fight and to die in Equestria's name.
  719. >For that is the true essence of Mortal Kombat---it is not about death, but life.
  720. >More fights yet awaited them. They prepared.
  722. >That night, the griffon curled up above Rainbow Dash’s grave, crying softly to herself.
  723. >”I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” she kept repeating between sobs. “I’ll make them pay. I’ll make every last one of them pay. I’ll kill them all for you, Dash, I swear it. I swear I’ll kill them all.”
  725. >Shang Tsung paces in circles around his secret chambers. His room is dark and filled with many magical items, including a crystal ball that allows him to speak with the Emperor himself.
  726. >But at this moment, he is expecting company. His guest comes through the open window with insect-like wings, landing on the plush carpet.
  727. >"You don't disappint," Shang Tsung compliments her.
  728. >Chrysalis shrugs. "The princess was no real threat. When I face my fellow Equestrians, they will be a challenge."
  729. >Shang Tsung cocks an eyebrow. "And what, exactly, was the earlier portion of that battle about?"
  730. >"She was holding back. I was merely testing her, waiting to see how far she would go. When she escalated, I followed and finished her quickly."
  731. >"Yes... and I know why she withheld her power now."
  732. >He turns, waving a hand to lift a curtain from a cage.
  733. >Therein lies Apple Bloom, who shrinks in fear of Chrysalis, a monster she's heard horrible stories about.
  734. >"My, my, my, what have we here?" Chrysalis says, drawing nearer. Her fangs show as she begins to pick up on the scent of love for the filly's siblings.
  735. >"No," Shang Tsung steps between them. "I have plans for her yet. Your reward will be granted when you eliminate Twilight Sparkle."
  736. >Chrysalis smiles. "It shall be done. May this be the beginning of a beautiful... friendship."
  737. >Shang Tsung nods and returns her wicked smile. "Indeed."
  739. >Morining of the third day on the island.
  740. >The warriors have gathered in Shang Tsung's throne room, a grand hall with tapestries, golden statues of dragons and a large red carpet.
  741. >Shang Tsung sits upon his golden throne as the warriors gather, once more divided on both sides of the room.
  742. >"Good morning, my participants," Shang Tsung says as he stands. "Today, we shall change the formula of the tournament."
  743. >Twilight steps forward. "And just what do you mean by that?"
  744. >The sorcerer smiles. "I have a prize for the winner of the next battle that is precious to more than two of our warriors."
  745. >He waves a hand, and two guards arrive with a cage covered in a red velvet cloth. Shang Tsung personally approaches it and removes it, showing Apple Bloom.
  746. >"APPLE BLOOM!" AJ and Big Mac call out.
  747. >She runs up to the bars of the cage upon seeing them, nearly crying after so long.
  748. >"MY PONY!" Mileena shouts with glee.
  749. >"YOUR pony?!" Applejack shouts. Baraka growls and steps next to Mileena.
  750. >Shang Tsung silences them all. "ENOUGH! The next match shall be... BIG MAC AND APPLEJACK! You two shall face Baraka and Mileena! The winners shall receive the pony within this cage!"
  751. >The two tarkatan monsters look at each other in devious glee and advance towards the center of the room.
  752. >AJ and Mac look at each other, their eyes sharing a mutual understanding.
  753. >This was now a battle for their sibling, and they weren't going to let her down.
  754. >They trot into the center of the room to meet their foes.
  755. >"I'll skin you both alive and hang you from chains," Mileena says, licking her teeth.
  756. >"Just you try," AJ says, low and serious. "I'm about to show you what it's like to be in a rodeo of pain."
  757. >Baraka laughs. "You'll make a tasty feast for us when this is over. Are you ready to die?"
  758. >Big Mac shakes his head, staring the tarkatan down. "Nope."
  759. >Shang Tsung raises his hand and dashes it downwards.
  760. >"FIGHT!"
  762. >Applejack and Mileena charge at each other, with the half-tarkatan summoning a pair of sai that appear in her hands with small flashes of purple light.
  763. >She lobs them at the orange pony, who quickly dodges them by rolling to the side and leaps at Mileena.
  764. >The sharp-toothed woman leaps up into the air, over the pony, laughing as she lands rolling, back up on her feet in an instant.
  765. >But Applejack is a fast and strong fighter, not interested in playing games. Not with her sister's life on the line.
  766. >She doubles back in the blink of an eye and is upon Mileena in just as short a moment, punching with her hooves.
  767. >The half-tarkatan's orange eyes widen as she goes on the defensive, blocking the pony's unexpectedly strong strikes.
  768. >But not nearly as strong as Big Mac, who rams into Baraka with a swift head-butt, sending the tarkatan general to the ground. Mac wastes no time and begins stomping Baraka into the ground with his strong red hooves.
  769. >Baraka growls and extends his blades, swiping upwards at Mac's midsection. The red pony rears up just to avoid anything worse than a scratch, but the movement allows Baraka to escape and get back on his feet.
  770. >He slashes and swipes at Big Mac, who deflects each one with his hooves. Time spend punching and kicking boulders has made his hooves strong as stone, and he uses it to great effect.
  771. >Mileena, meanwhile, is playing a game of speed. With rapid strikes and a strong counter-offense, she keeps Applejack on her toes while dancing around the field of battle.
  772. >But all along the way, Applejack is on her heels, ducking and diving and landing a few solid hits of her own. For every scratch and licking AJ takes from Mileena's claws and sai, she leaves a large, hoof-shaped bruise on the woman.
  774. >Baraka growls and spins in place, holding his blades outward like helicopter blades. Big Mac manages to duck low, turn and buck upwards with his back legs, sending Baraka flying into the air.
  775. >Mileena curls into a ball and rolls towards Applejack, springing up behind her and attempting to stab downwards with her sai. Applejack delivers a similar bucking kick to her ribs, breaking one and sending her sprawling; another quick backwards buck puts her on her back.
  776. >Baraka howls in rage, pushing himself up to his feet with his bladed arms and charges at Mac, hacking and slashing at the pony.
  777. >Mac tries playing defensively, but a large gash on his right flank is left by a lucky swipe from Baraka, causing him to grimace in pain.
  778. >Baraka leaps backwards into the air, bringing his armblades together and rubbing them against each other so as to produce a spark that flies at Big Mac, hitting him in the chest.
  779. >Mileena gets back up to her feet, but Applejack is relentless and tackles her to the ground. Just as she is about to slam a hoof into her face, she vanishes in a cloud of purple smoke, leaving AJ confused and looking around wildly for her opponent.
  780. >Big Mac charges at Baraka, stopping just short of a head-butt like the tarkatan had expected. Mac rears up and brings his hooves down on Baraka's blocking arms, before moving in and grabbing him on the chest.
  781. >The red pony hoists him overhead, preparing to deliver a killing blow by dropping him on his knee.
  782. >Mileena reappears and sees this, summoning one of her sai and tossing it into Mac's left leg, forcing him down onto a knee.
  783. >Baraka takes advantage of the distraction and swipes down at Mac's chest, leaving a deep wound.
  784. >Mac lets go and Baraka rolls to the floor. As Applejack tackles Mileena from behind, getting an arm around the woman's neck, she looks up to see Baraka charge at Big Mac's backside.
  785. >And stab through it with both blades, leaving Mac twitching and gasping for air.
  787. >Apple Bloom cries as she sees it happen and the Equestrians visibly react.
  788. >Applejack shuts her eyes and squeezes as hard as she can around the womans neck, using all of her muscles.
  789. >Then, with one violent twist, Mileena's cruel life is put to an end.
  790. >AJ stands and stares at Baraka, who turns and licks the blood off of his blades; those same blades that killed Granny Smith. He looks down at Mileena, his love and future queen and sees her dead.
  791. >Their roars are equal in their hatred for each other, and their charge is violent and merciless.
  792. >Applejack's form is without grace, without guidance or training. Like the monster she faces, she is fighting with all of her heart, focusing on brutalizing her opponent.
  793. >Baraka is like a wild animal, roaring and howling, hacking and slashing with quick dices and attacks.
  794. >AJ blocks one of the blades and brings a hoof up to his face, knocking a tooth out. He swipes low and she jumps over it, spinning and kicking him in the chest.
  795. >She tackles his legs and gets him onto the ground, turning to buck him in the side of the head. He rolls and swipes upwards, leaving a long, bloody gash along her left foreleg.
  796. >Though pained, she leaps atop his back and bites onto his ear, yanking it off when he tries throwing her from him. He screams and holds onto the bleeding hole as AJ gets up to her feet and spits it out.
  797. >With both blades extended, he charges at her again. This time, she leads him on, waiting for the perfect moment before she rolls back and ducks under the blades, plants her hooves on his chest and pulls upwards, slamming his head against the floor in a brutal suplex.
  800. >Atop him once more, she pummels his face with her hooves, causing him to block.
  801. >When he extends the blade from the arm, she pins it down and stomps on it, breaking the bone and spilling blood all along the ground, causing him to scream in pain. Picking up the shard with her teeth, she aims and stabs it down into his neck.
  802. >She stares into his eyes, seeing the life flee from them.
  803. >Then, she feels something pierce her stomach. His other arm, positioned outside her stomach, extends the blade and impales her.
  804. >Her friends scream and move to help, but find Shang Tsung's guards materializing in front of them. The match cannot be interfered with.
  805. >Applejack and Baraka's eyes stay matched until his finally closes.
  806. >She rolls over, pulling the blade from her, looking down at the mortal wound.
  807. >Crawling over to Big Mac in seconds that draw on agonizingly long, she manages to roll him over.
  808. >His eyes flutter open, and he looks down at her wound.
  809. >"Mac... I got 'em..." AJ says weakly. "I got 'em..."
  810. >He nods and manages a teary smile. "Eee...yup..."
  811. >Their despair reaches a new height as they stare into each other’s eyes and know that they are about to die.
  812. >AJ looks up at Apple Bloom in the cage, whose small, innocent eyes look down at them, containing a sadness she cannot possibly know how to contain.
  813. >"Apple... Apple Bloom..." AJ calls out. "Be... be a good girl, now... for us…"
  814. >And with that, she falls over atop Big Mac, and they both release their final breaths.
  816. >The arena is utterly silent as Shang Tsung stands.
  817. >He looks upon the ruined corpses of Mileena and Baraka, disgusted.
  818. >They should have done better than this.
  819. >He knows well the rules of Mortal Kombat. There are no draws; one side must always win. Had it gone the other way, he would do the same for the Outworld fighters as he was about to do for the ponies.
  820. >But they failed, and their punishment is death. For the victors, there is yet life.
  821. >He raises a hand and positions it in the direction of Applejack and Big Macintosh and they glow green.
  822. >Their souls become visible to all as they are pulled out of the aether and put back into their bodies, their wounds mending.
  823. >Twilight, Spike, Apple Bloom and all of the Equestrians assembled look on in amazement as AJ's eyes slowly open, taking in her surroundings.
  824. >Shang Tsung opens the cage and then turns to leave, disgusted with the results of this latest match.
  825. >Apple Bloom leaps from the cage and onto her confused siblings, who shout and cry in joy at this turn of events. The Equestrians run up to the three of them, themselves overwhelmed with sudden happiness at their survival.
  826. >"Sis! Brother! I've waited so long to see you! I was so scared I'd never get to see you, or hug you, or, or..." Apple Bloom's words break down into tears as she hugs both of them as hard as she possibly can.
  827. >AJ leans back and holds Apple Bloom tightly. "I... I saw them, Apple Bloom..."
  828. >The little filly leans back and looks up at AJ with a questioning face.
  829. >The orange pony's green eyes light up as she says, "I saw them. Granny Smith, and... mom and dad."
  830. >Apple Bloom's eyes go wide as dinner plates and she looks at Big Mac, who nods and delivers a silent, somber, "Yup..."
  832. >Twilight can hardly contain her smile at the moment. For now, Equestria has continued to win, and this latest win has been one of the most heart-wreching, and simmultaneously inspiring victories yet.
  833. >But the tournament is far from over. As the Outworlders disperse, Shang Tsung sulks in the corners of his room.
  834. >"Enough of this. These ponies have won far too many matches."
  835. >He turns to face a dark figure in the room, whom steps into the light to reveal himself as Ermac, the warrior composed of countless slain souls gathered into one body.
  836. >"Destroy your opponent. Leave nothing left. It is time for these ponies to die."
  838. >The next day, the warriors from both Outworld and Equestria gather in the Warrior Shrine, with a noticeable larger number of Equestrians than Outworlders.
  839. >Shang Tsung scowls when he notices this himself. The emperor would not be pleased if the tournament did not start going their way.
  840. >Twilight looked around, noticing that this is the third day in which she has not seen Chrysalis. Her eyes narrow. She had been suspicious of the changeling queen ever since they arrived, but now she was going to get to the bottom of where she was.
  841. >After this next match, which, to her dismay, was to feature her brother.
  842. >"Shining Armor! You will be next!" Shang Tsung says, calling out the white unicorn stallion.
  843. >Twilight stops him. "Be careful, please," she urges.
  844. >He nods. "We've prepared for what might happen, Twily. Just promise me that no matter what, you'll make sure the Crystal Empire is safe."
  845. >Her eyes are watery as he trots fearlessly into the arena, his armor shining in the morning sun. His blue eyes scan the Outworlders, trying to guess which would be his opponent.
  846. >"Your foe shall be Ermac! Warrior of a thousand souls!"
  847. >A green flash of light stuns the assembled crowd. Shining looks up to see a humanoid figure descending, wearing a red outfit with his head and arms covered in black wrappings.
  848. >An aura of green energy surrounds his body, and his eyes glow with a purely green color.
  849. >Shining guards himself as he prepares for their match.
  850. >Ermac looks up. "We are many; you are but one."
  851. >Shining Armor shakes his head. "So long as I carry the hopes and dreams of every soul in the Crystal Empire, I am never but one."
  852. >Ermac's face remains emotionless. "See what good it does you."
  853. >Shang Tsung sits. "FIGHT!"
  855. >Immediately, Ermac levitates upwards, launching a volly of green energy orbs at Shining.
  856. >Shining immediately summons a magical shield between them, deflecting each orb.
  857. >Ermac circles around his opponent, stretching out his arms.
  858. >Columns around the arena begin to glow green as he lifts them up, breaking the stone at their bases.
  859. >Shining's eyes go wide as Ermac slams each column down upon his shield, cracking it. Dust and sand is kicked up, fogging everyone's eyes.
  860. >Ermac hovers above, waiting for the smoke to clear and for his kill to be confirmed.
  861. >From the smoke, Shining Armor leaps upwards, pushed by his magic aura. They meet in the air, exchanging blows and punches, with Shining protected by a new, modular shield that moves with his body, allowing him to attack while defended.
  862. >Ermac teleports away in a blink of green, lifting up several stones and hurling them at the unicorn.
  863. >Shining kicks two of them away before the third hits him, causing him to fly into a wall.
  864. >Ermac lifts up more and throws them all, pinning the colt against the wall and burying him.
  865. >Ermac folds his arms and waits.
  866. >The stone erupts from within as Shining charges once more, but this time Ermac teleports behind him.
  867. >He reaches out and takes telekinetic hold of Shining, slamming him onto the ground.
  868. >Shining tries to react, but Ermac does it again and again until his shield breaks.
  869. >Ermac floats down to the ground. "Your soul will belong to the emperor. We will deliver it to him personally."
  870. >Shining spits on the ground and gets up to his feet. "Deliver... THIS!"
  871. >He whips around and holds his front hooves up high, standing on his hind legs as he uses his horn to summon a crystal construct of his alicorn bride, positioned with her wings spread wide and her horn at the front.
  872. >He shouts as he lobs it forward with all of his strength, using his unicorn magic to keep it steady and increase its speed.
  874. >Ermac holds out a hand and stops it with his own telekinesis, and the battle to control it begins.
  875. >Both of them push against the other. Shining grits his teeth and closes his eyes. His horn glows brighter as he shoots out several beams towards the red warrior.
  876. >Ermac hold out his other hand and blocks them all with a green shield. He then advances slowly, stepping forward, seemingly unimpeded by Shining's telekinetic resistance.
  877. >Shining begins to buckle from the stress as Ermac marches closer.
  878. >The construct of his wife cracks and smashes into countless pieces under the combined pressure. Ermac picks up many of the larger pieces and hurls them at Shining, cutting his exposed skin and scraping his armor.
  879. >Shining falls to the ground, panting.
  880. >Ermac is now standing over him.
  881. >The unicorn looks up into the green eyes of his opponent.
  882. >"You won't win... Your people... won't win..."
  883. >"We already have."
  884. >Twilight screams as Ermac lifts Shining up into the air and begins pulling his limbs in four directions.
  885. >The unicorn colt shouts in horrible, agonizing pain as his limbs begin to twist ever-so slightly.
  886. >The green energy around him begins to glow brighter as Ermac supplies more power.
  887. >His wrapped face contorts into a wicked smile.
  888. >With a sudden flash, Shining's limbs are all torn off of his body, blood pouring from every newly-ripped hole.
  889. >The unicorn's neck begins to twist and a loud snapping noise is heard as the head is twisted backwards before being turned all the way around and torn off.
  890. >The torso, then, is split in half.
  891. >Ermac finally drops his hands, allowing all of the chunks of unicorn flesh to hit the ground.
  892. >Twilight couldn't watch. Despair and pain overwhelming her, she ran into the arms of her friends to cry.
  893. >Shang Tsung smiles. "Fatality."
  896. >Ermac vanishes in a swirling vortex of green energy, leaving only Shining's corpse behind.
  897. >The sorcerer stands to announce the next match. "In one hour, atop the cliffs on the northern face of my island, Prince Goro and Iron Will shall fight to the death. Be prepared."
  898. >He leaves, along with the remaining Outworlders.
  899. >Applejack and Big Mac go to collect Shining Armor's remains, as Twilight is far too distraught to handle what remains of her brother's body.
  900. >It is not the first friend they have had to bury on this island. His grave is next to Rainbow's.
  901. >Iron Will silently watches from afar, knowing well that he could be next.
  902. >He sighs. This tournament was now far from being about glory or the reward victory will bring.
  903. >It was a matter of life and death. He had personally seen what the Outworlders could do to the fallen Equestrians.
  904. >He wasn't going to take his next match lightly.
  905. >For better or for worse, he would face his foe with everything he had.
  907. >The afternoon sun hangs high, obscured by thick clouds.
  908. >An arena, partially cut out of the side of a high mountain and partially built outwards from it, supported on a series of thick columns, is where the combatants gather.
  909. >The clouds above turn grey and thunder rolls in the distance. Rain is coming.
  910. >Iron Will strides forward, taking deep breaths. He is prepared for this challenge.
  911. >From the Outworlders strides the tall and imposing Goro, who stands a foot higher than the already-tall minotaur.
  912. >Goro stands in front of Iron Will and grabs hold of the minotaur's tie, tearing it off.
  913. >Before his eyes he shreds it into many pieces.
  914. >Shang Tsung sits in a small alcove, flanked by his guards and two shadow priests.
  915. >"Goro, general to the armies of Outworld and prince of the subterranian realm of the shokan. You shall face Iron Will of Equestria."
  916. >"This puny half-centaur shall be no problem," he promises, looking Iron Will up and down. "I'd break him in half, but someone has already beaten me to it."
  917. >Iron Will's eyes narrow. He learned long ago how to deal with insults. He also knew just what would get him pumped up and put his opponent off-guard.
  919. >Goro cocks an eyebrow as Iron Will snaps into position.
  921. >Goro stands there, blinking a few times, having never met so boisterous an opponent.
  923. >"Enough!" Shang Tsung says. "Prepare to battle."
  924. >Iron Will flexes. "When there's no more room to rhyme... IT'S KOMBAT TIME!"
  925. >"Fight!"
  926. >Goro roars and throws his arms out wide, running at Iron Will and attempting to grasp him with all four arms.
  927. >The minotaur ducks low and rams his head upwards into Goro's jaw in a fearsome head-butt that sends the opponent reeling backwards.
  928. >Iron Will laughs. "IF YOU WANT TO WIN, PROTECT YOUR CHIN!"
  929. >Goro's arms glow with a fiery energy as he channels his fury into a powerful fireball.
  930. >Iron Will blocks the blast with his forearms, grimacing at the burnt hair on them.
  931. >"You like your beef well-done? IRON WILL WILL SHOW YOU HOW WELL YOU'LL BE DONE, BROTHER!"
  932. >The minotaur leaps into the air, bringing his fists down on Goro's blocking arms. Before the shokan can counter-attack, Iron Will raises a hoof and slams it down as hard as he can on Goro's foot.
  933. >The shokan howls, opening his chest to five quick punches from Iron Will.
  934. >"GUARD THE FEET OR KNOW DEFEAT!" Iron Will shouts.
  935. >"SHUT YOUR PUNY MOUTH!" Goro roars back, swinging two arms at him.
  936. >Iron Will rolls backwards and stays low, preparing for Goro's next attack. The shokan charges at him.
  937. >The minotaur performs an unexpectedly acrobatic split and punches Goro straight in the nuts.
  938. >Goro's eyes go wide as he falls to his knees, his two lower arms cupping his injured genitals.
  939. >Iron Will stands and slams a hoof into his face. "DON'T WANNA GET BEAT UP? WEAR A CUP!"
  940. >Goro suddenly reaches out and takes hold of Iron Will's leg, pulling him down. Goro stands and spins around, throwing Iron Will near the edge of the cliffs.
  941. >The shokan leaps onto him, knocking the wind out of the minotaur's lungs. Goro rains blows down upon the minotaur.
  942. >"No jokes or rhymes now, huh?" Goro says, picking Iron Will's head up by the horns and slamming it down onto the rocks.
  943. >"Come on," Goro goads him. "Say something funny. Make. Me. Laugh."
  945. >Iron Will spits up some blood. "That was a five-hundred bit tie, asshole."
  946. >Bringing both hooves up, with all the strength and force contained in his body, he kicks Goro off of him and over the edge of the cliffs.
  947. >Iron Will rolls over and looks over the edge, seeing Goro hanging precariously with one hand.
  948. >"You might be a prince with a crown... but this is where you fall down."
  949. >Goro roars as his hand slips, sending him down into the clouds below and out of sight.
  950. >Iron Will hops up and snaps into a victory pose as the Equestrians cheer and crowd around him. He pushes through them and stares Shang Tsung down.
  952. >The sorcerer scowls and stands upwards, stomping out of the area in a fury. Iron Will snaps into a few more poses, feeling as though on top of the world.
  953. >Outworld was running out of fighters.
  954. >Seems like he would have to resort to more... dirty tactics.
  956. >The moon is rising, and Spike finds himself once more wandering around the island, getting used to his new body.
  957. >He hasn't yet transformed into his truly massive form, waiting instead to surprise his enemies.
  958. >He takes a moment to sit on a nearby rock, contemplating a few things.
  959. >Since coming to this island, he's lost a few friends. Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor...
  960. >He could be next. And after him, Twilight... And if they all lose, Rarity...
  961. >He closes his eyes and sighs.
  962. >It's almost like he can hear the sweet, sweet sound of her voice...
  963. >"Spike... Spike... SPIKE!"
  964. >His eyes shoot open. That last one definitely wasn't in his head.
  965. >He whips around, hearing Rarity scream again. His ears try to hone in on it.
  966. >His blood begins pumping as he runs, searching for the source of her voice.
  967. >She's still crying out for help---where IS she?!
  968. >"Spike! Help me! They've got me!"
  969. >He runs around a corner, into a stone hallway that grows dark. He uses his fire breath to light a torch and keeps moving.
  971. >Her screams motivate him into running faster. How did she get here? Are the Outworld fighters holding her hostage?
  972. >He turns down another dark passage, following the sound of her crying, which grows louder.
  973. >"I'm here, Rarity!" he shouts. In his head, he remembers a time when she was held hostage by the diamond dogs and his fantasy of rescuing her.
  974. >A fantasy which could now be a reality!
  975. >As he crosses beneath an archway, he hears a swooshing noise, and the crying stops.
  976. >A cold breeze hits him and he realizes he's in the middle of a forest.
  977. >But not on the island... no, the sky is completely different. More purple now.
  978. >The trees around him have faces... some of which he could swear move.
  979. >Strange noises in the distance put him on edge.
  980. >"...Rarity?" he says, rather meekly. "Twilight? Anyone?"
  981. >A sudden wind blows out his torch.
  982. >He's alone.
  984. >"It's done," the white pony says to Shang Tsung, tossing aside her beautiful purple mane.
  985. >"I must commend you on your abilities," the sorcerer says with a smile. "They're matched only by my own."
  986. >'Rarity' smiles before the white of her coat bleeds away to a hard-shelled, insectoid black.
  987. >Chrysalis raises a goblet and toasts with Shang Tsung.
  988. >"Yes, I must admit, I was pleased to meet another shapeshifter of my calibur," she says. "You don't know what it's like being surrounded by insignificant peons and lackeys who cannot do a thing right on thier own."
  989. >Shang Tsung chuckles. "I know a thing or two about that. You have done the Emperor a great service by assassinating Kitana. She was fated to discover her true parentage eventually. A shame that Mileena was killed; but I can always make another one."
  990. >They share another laugh and drink.
  991. >"Yes, of course. My people will find Outworld suitable, I think. We should find love enough amongst the ponies once Equestria is assimiliated. The fool Celestia thought that we wouldn't be able to adapt to Outworld... Changelings are the very definition of adaptable."
  992. >"An admirable quality. I look forward to working with you more in the future, but first, we have a tournament to finish. You will face Twilight Sparkle next. Do not underestimate her."
  993. >"I can assure you, I will not," Chrysalis says distastefully. "I already made that mistake once with her and her friends. But alone, she will prove no great challenge."
  994. >"And now, with the dragon out of the way, the rest of them should prove easy pickings."
  995. >Chrysalis smiles. "To our Emperor," she toasts.
  996. >The sorcerer smiles. "To our Deadly Alliance."
  998. >Twilight carefully crept down the dark, stone staircase into the dungeon. Based on the guards the protected this place, there had to be something important here.
  999. >The place was dank and smelt of death, with skeletons hanging from the walls and old cells that had never been opened.
  1000. >She was positive that eyes stared at her from the shadows of the room.
  1001. >"...Twilight?" a weak, but familiar voice called out.
  1002. >She turned to see Princess Luna, chained within a cell. Twilight rushed up to her.
  1003. >"Luna! Who put you here?"
  1004. >"Chrysalis is planning something..."
  1005. >Twilight nodded, finally understanding. "She took your place in the tournament. I'm betting she plans on killing me and the others. I don't know what her endgame is, though..."
  1006. >A sinister laugh echoes throughout the lair, startling them both. Feminine and wicked.
  1007. >"Chrysalis..." Luna mutters.
  1008. >The changeling queen emerges from the shadows nearby, her green eyes fixed hungrilly upon Twilight.
  1009. >The purple alicorn stands her ground and matches her gaze with equal ferocity.
  1010. >"Our people will do nicely in the wastes of Outworld, I think," she says with a smile. "To think that I wouldn't bargain for a better deal from Outworld---what a fool Celestia was!"
  1011. >"You betrayed our trust, Chrysalis. You'll get no mercy from me."
  1012. >"Both of you are fools with a fool's understanding of Mortal Kombat. Shang Tsung has showed me the truth. Now, you and I shall face each other, permanently securing my people's place in Outworld."
  1013. >Her head hangs low as her back splits open, revealing a series of segmented insect legs that sprout out, each ending in a blade. Her hooves transform into a series of claws and her jaw elongates, with mandibles forming around her mouth as her eyes grow larger and more rounder.
  1015. >Twilight looks on in horror as a scorpion-like stinger emerges from her backside. She stands there now, looking like an arachnid and pony combined into one gruesome form, daring Twilight to approach.
  1016. >The alicorn readies herself before charging in.
  1018. >The monster that is Chrysalis lunges forward onto Twilight, who teleports away in a blink of purple light.
  1019. >Chrysalis turns around, searching for her foe, before she is blasted in the back by a blast of arcane force.
  1020. >Twilight teleports away again, but Chrysalis isn't going to play such a game. She quickly slinks into the shadows, crawling up the walls.
  1021. >Twilight appears in the center of the room, standing beneath its only source of light, a tunnel leading up to the surface that the midnight moon shines down through.
  1022. >Her horn lights up and she starts shooting off magical flares throughout the room, lighting it up.
  1023. >Soon, the area glows bright purple. The alicorn searches but does not see her foe.
  1024. >Chrysalis drops from above, having climbed right on top of her, landing on the girl.
  1025. >Twilight screams as Chrysalis' arms wrap around her, picking her up and slamming her on the ground. Twilight vanishes again before her stinger can pierce her belly.
  1026. >Spreading her wings, Twilight circles around the room, blasting at Chrysalis. The bug queen's own dragonfly-like wings spread outwards and she takes off in chase, cackling as she hounds Twilight all around the dungeon, her own horn lighting up with green energy bolts that she fires at her.
  1027. >Twilight dodges and dives, carefully avoiding each attack, before taking a sudden left. Chrysalis turns to follow her but Twilight stops midair and turns around, blasting her opponent with a strong wave of energy that knocks the bug to the ground, smashing a small pile of skeletons.
  1028. >As Chrysalis struggles to stand, Twilight is on her in an instant, blasting again and again with her horn. The queen screams and curls up into a ball, apparently defeated.
  1030. >Twilight stops blasting and regards Chrysalis with scrutiny, carefully appraoching.
  1031. >The queen suddenly opens up her limbs, growing a pair of spinnerettes from her chest that launch a web of sticky green fluid on Twilight. The princess shouts in surprise as the quick-drying web is sprayed on her.
  1032. >Her first instinct is to teleport away, but she finds that she cannot. Something about the green web is preventing her from using magic!
  1033. >It must be composed of the same material that prevented Princess Celestia from using her own magic when she was cocooned!
  1034. >Twilight struggles as Chrysalis stands up, saliva dripping from her mandibles.
  1035. >"So... a little fly stuck in my web... I must say, you look positively delicious, Twilight... I'm going to enjoy eating you."
  1036. >As her jaw extends and widens enough to fit around Twilight's head, the purple alicorn begins to panic.
  1037. >Then, Chrysalis' head is smacked hard enough to crack its shell, causing her to bleed green blood. The queen falls back and looks up at her sudden attacker with wide eyes.
  1038. >Jade stands there, panting, holding her staff.
  1039. >"For Kitana!" she cries, leaping atop the bug. Every insect limb is swatted aside with deft manuevers as Jade smashes the queen again and again.
  1040. >Stabbing her with the staff, she lifts the queen up and slams her against the wall. Chrysalis cries out and tries to crawl away, but the dark-skinned warrior is upon her every step of the way, breaking limbs and cutting them off with a tri-bladed boomerang knife.
  1041. >Chrysalis turns and tries shooting a web upon Jade, who suddenly glows with a green energy, causing the projectile to phase right through her as though she were a ghost.
  1043. >Chrysalis' eyes go wide as Jade raises up her staff and brings it down upon her head, caving it in like an egg, sending bits of black shell and green brain matter all over the floor.
  1044. >She stands there, panting as the battle ends, before falling to her knees. "Kitana... you are... avenged..."
  1045. >She turns her attention to Princess Twilight, quickly crawling over to her and cutting her free with her knife.
  1046. >"Thank you..." Twilight says. "But... who are you?"
  1047. >"I am called Jade. I served Princess Kitana as a personal bodyguard. She wished to help Equestria escape the grasp of Outworld, and I will uphold her final wishes and save Equestria from the same fate that befell our home realm of Edenia. With your good grace, Princess Twilight, I would like to serve you as well, for as long as you may have need of me."
  1048. >The alicorn blinks. "I... I am honored, Jade. Can you help free my fellow princess, Luna?"
  1049. >Jade nods and walks over to the cell. "I stole the key from the guards before I found you down here, facing Chrysalis. I heard her words about taking Princess Luna's place and killing Kitana. Revenge upon her was sweet, but bitter, for I will never have Kitana back."
  1050. >"I understand how you feel," Twilight nods as Jade opens the cell. "My brother, too, is lost... I feel as though a terrible, awful hole has been torn into my heart and it will never be filled again."
  1051. >Jade makes quick work of the chains that bind the moon princess, freeing her.
  1052. >Luna gets up to her feet and smiles. "I think we have a tournament to finish."
  1054. >Morning of the next day, of what would be their final day on the island.
  1055. >Twilight, through use of her magic, could not locate Spike. Frightened and infuriated by this, she gathers the Equestrians who approach Shang Tsung in his throne room, who is flanked by his guards and the remaining Outworlders.
  1056. >Twilight stomps a hoof onto the ground. "Shang Tsung! We know your deceptions---all of them! Working with Chrysalis, whatever you've done to Spike---I won't stand for it any longer!"
  1057. >Jade stands tall and says, "Mortal Kombat cannot be won through deception, only battle. Even the Emperor knows this."
  1058. >Shang Tsung stands. Behind him, Quan Chi crosses his arms. Behind Quan Chi is Scorpion. "This is MY island," the sorcerer says in a venomous tone. "I decide how Mortal Kombat is run."
  1059. >Twilight narrows her eyes. "You have already bended the rules one too many times! We demand the tournament be mediated by a third party---neutral to the affairs of both Outworld and Equestria!"
  1060. >Shang Tsung scoffs. "There is no such an individual on this island capable of that!"
  1061. >Quan Chi steps forward. "Actually, I am. As a respresentative of the Netherealm, I am removed from both realms in the tournament. I am more than capable of offering a fair judgment on who wins and who loses."
  1062. >Shang Tsung's brow twitches. "So be it! Quan Chi shall decide upon the remainder of the tournament."
  1063. >The white-skinned demon sorcerer nods and sets his eyes upon the Equestrians. Twilight shouts, "We demand that you release Spike!"
  1064. >Shang Tsung shrugs. "I have not imprisoned him, nor was I the one who made him leave the island. By the rules of the tournament, he is not here to participate, therefor he forfeits."
  1065. >Twilight shakes her head. "You lie!"
  1066. >Quan Chi holds up a hand. "Enough. The next match shall be between Twilight Sparkle and Ermac. Come forth!"
  1068. >Twilight sets her eyes upon the warrior who killed her brother. The telekinetic power contained within the warrior's body is great, overwhelming almost.
  1069. >Twilight looks at Quan Chi. "Quan Chi. If I have a warrior who has sworn to fight for me, can he participate in this battle instead of me?"
  1070. >Quan Chi cocks an eyebrow. "So be it, but if this individual should lose, you will be disqualified from the tournament."
  1071. >Twilight nods. "I understand. Scorpion!"
  1072. >All eyes turn to the specter, who advances down to face Ermac. Quan Chi looks especially surprised.
  1073. >Shang Tsung points at the yellow ninja. "This is a disgrace! Quan Chi, you shall not allow this!"
  1074. >The sorcerer seems more amused. "I think I shall," he says with a smile. "Scorpion, you have agreed to this?"
  1075. >"By my honor, I will fight for her," he replies.
  1076. >Quan Chi nods. "So be it. LET MORTAL KOMBAT BEGIN! FIGHT!"
  1077. >Scorpion immediately vanishes in a fiery blaze and appears behind Ermac, delivering a powerful elbow to the back of his head before teleporting in front of him and kicking him in the chest.
  1078. >Ermac recovers, using his telekinesis to stop himself midair before reaching out and grabbing Scorpion with unseen hands to life him and throw him into a nearby column.
  1079. >From the dust and smoke, Scorpions throws a kunai at the end of a chain at Ermac, piercing him in the chest.
  1080. >"GET OVER HERE!"
  1082. >Scorpion pulls him over with one powerful thrust, taking out a sword and slashing Ermac across the stomach.
  1083. >The red soul warrior teleports away across the room and begins throwing a series of green bolts at Scorpion. The yellow-clad specter dodges or deflects each one as he runs close to the ground at Ermac.
  1084. >Ermac gets ready to block, but Scorpion stops and raises a hand, summoning a pillar of flames to engulf the Outworld fighter.
  1085. >Scorpion runs up to him and performs a backflip, his feet burniing with hellfire, striking Ermac and knocking him out of the air.
  1086. >Ermac lands on his back and slams his hands on the ground, pushing himself up with telekinesis. He punches and kicks at Scorpion, his blows carried by telekinetic force across the room, moving past the hellspawn's defenses and knocking him off of his feet.
  1087. >Ermac teleports next to Scorpion and prepares to deliver the killing blow, but Scorpion hooks Ermac with his feet and trips him. In one stunningly quick move, Scorpion pulls out one of his swords and swiftly slices cleanly through Ermac's neck.
  1088. >The green eyes of the red warrior go wide in surprise as the head rolls away from the body. From the neck emerges a green font of countless souls, images of ancient warriors escaping their prison appear and fade away from the naked eye.
  1089. >One of them, a wise and powerful king, lingers for a moment before fading away with the rest of them.
  1090. >Ermac's body begins to shrivel up and die, collapsing from no longer having the contained life force of all of the souls within it.
  1091. >Scorpion stands and kicks the head away.
  1092. >Quan Chi smiles at his hellspawn warrior. "Fatality."
  1094. >Scorpion looks back at Twilight and closes his eyes as he nods at her. She does the same, understanding that his favor to her has been paid off.
  1095. >She approaches him and kneels. "Thank you, Scorpion, for helping me to avenge my brother."
  1096. >"It is my honor, princess." With that, a hole made of flames grows in the floor that he steps through, taking him back to the Netherealm.
  1097. >Shang Tsung could not look angrier. Quan Chi regards him with some mild amusement before announcing the next match.
  1098. >"Next up shall be---"
  1099. >"ME!" Gilda shouts. "I want Sheeva! I WANT TO FIGHT HER NOW!"
  1100. >The Netherealm sorcerer smiles. "I appreciate your bloodlust, Gilda of the Griffons. So be it! Sheeva, come forth and meet your challenger!"
  1101. >Sheeva looks the griffon in the eyes and advances to the center of the throne room, ready to face her.
  1102. >"I will break you faster than I broke the other little bird," Sheeva taunts.
  1103. >"Let's hear you say that when I rip the tongue out of your mouth, bitch," Gilda says, splaying out her claws.
  1104. >Quan Chi nods at them both before shouting, "Gilda! Sheeva! FIGHT!"
  1105. >Gilda cries out in an eagle-like voice as she charges at Sheeva, who jumps high to avoid her. Landing behind her, Sheeva turns and throws her four arms out in front of her and sends a fireball surging towards Gilda.
  1106. >The griffon turns and flies up high to avoid it, diving down towards the shokan and slashing her leg.
  1107. >Sheeva tries to grab her as she flies by but the griffon is far too quick.
  1108. >The shokan howls in frustration as Gilda slashes her backside and she leaps after her.
  1109. >Gilda turns near the ceiling, causing Sheeva to crash into it. Using her four arms, she grabs ahold of it and uses it as leverage to leap off after Gilda again.
  1112. >All over the room, Sheeva chases the griffon, unable to catch up to her. And whenever she stops to catch her breath, Gilda attacks her again with the same hit-and-run tactic.
  1113. >The shokan grows increasingly frustrated and begins lobbing fireballs all over the room, trying to hit her. A large tapestry catches fire, and a portion of the carpet after that, and soon much of the room is on fire.
  1114. >"SHEEVA!" Shang Tsung shouts, but the shokan hears none of it. The fire begins spreading to the ceiling and the support beams.
  1115. >Then, Gilda enacts her final attack. Circling around a pillar, she catches Sheeva from behind and claws at her face, digging her talons into Sheeva's eyes. The shokan tries to pull Gilda off but the catbird stays just out of her reach.
  1116. >Two slashes to Sheeva's legs bring her down onto the ground. Gila turns in place and slashes her across the throat, just deep enough to wound her, but not to kill.
  1117. >Sheeva falls back, grasping her throat. Gilda smiles and holds up a bloody claw. "Any last words, bitch?" she says with a smile.
  1118. >"ENOUGH!" Shang Tsung shouts, blasting Gilda with a flaming skull that exploded on impact. Quan Chi turns to him.
  1119. >"You are violating the rules of Mortal Kombat!"
  1120. >Shang Tsung spits at Quan Chi's feet. "And I told you when Scorpion lost that your welcome had expired!"
  1121. >He throws at hand at Quan Chi and pushes him back with a spell into an open portal that the Outworld sorcerer summons.
  1123. >All around them, the room begins to collapse. "Mortal Kombat continues!" Shang Tsung declares, reaching out of the crowd of Equestrians and picking up Apple Bloom. "I challenge this Equestrian!"
  1124. >"YOU ARE A COWARD, SHANG TSUNG!" Twilight shouts. "She is not a combatant!"
  1125. >"But she IS an Equestrian!" he replies, holding the kicking and screaming filly up by her neck.
  1126. >Applejack, Iron Will and Big Mac charge at him, but are met halfway by Reptile. His maw drips with acid and he prepares to meet them in battle.
  1127. >Beneath all of their feet, the ground begins to crumble and break. "He's destroying the island..." Twilight realizes. She looks at Luna. "Luna! Help me get Apple Bloom!"
  1128. >The dark blue alicorn nods and flies at Shang Tsung, using her horn to summon a series of magical crescent moons that fly at the sorcerer.
  1129. >Using his magic, he blocks each one with a dark green shield.
  1130. >Twilight teleports behind him and tries to grab Apple Bloom with her magic, but finds herself blocked by three of Shang Tsung's personal fox-masked guards. She lifts them all into the air and throws them aside.
  1131. >The sorcerer smiles and begins summoning a portal to take him to Outworld. Just as he is about to, one of his personal guards leaps up and kicks him in the back.
  1132. >Apple Bloom falls from his grasp and is swiftly lifted up into the air by Luna's magic, who flies away with her.
  1133. >Shang Tsung looks up at his guard, who throws away his robe and mask to reveal...
  1134. >Twilight's jaw drops. "PINKIE!?"
  1135. >Pinkie Pie stands there on a pair of wooden stilts, making her seem as tall as a man. "I snuck on the boat to wait for just the right moment! And YOU---" she says, pointing at Shang Tsung, "YOU are just a meanie-pants who can't follow the rules! No Mortal Kombat for you!"
  1137. >The sorcerer roars in fury and kicks the stilts out from under the pink pony, who backflips onto her hind legs. "I think you need a TIME OUT!" she says, reaching behind her and pulling out her party cannon.
  1138. >His eyes widen as she slams her hoof down on it, causing it to fire. While normally backed with confetti, balloons and sometimes cake, this time it was loaded with rocks.
  1139. >He puts his hands up as he is blasted by the party cannon into the portal, which vanishes behind him.
  1140. >The room is about to come down, and the island with it. Iron Will picks Reptile up by the neck, spins around and throws him aside.
  1141. >The saurian warrior disappears in a cloud of smoke, turning invisible to make his escape.
  1142. >Twilight, Luna, Apple Bloom and Pinkie Pie make their way over to Applejack, Jade, Iron Will and Big Mac.
  1143. >They look over, seeing Gilda fighting with the blinded Sheeva, who flails her arms wildly as she tries to attack the griffon.
  1144. >"GILDA! WE NEED TO LEAVE!" Twilight shouts.
  1146. >Twilight watches as a considerable portion of the roof breaks and falls between both parties, separating them.
  1147. >Jade pulls out a small gemstone and places it in the palm of her hand. "We must escape! There is no time to reach the boat! The island is about to collapse!"
  1148. >Twilight looks on through the flames and burning wreckage as Gilda tears into Sheeva, consumed by rage and the lust for revenge.
  1149. >Jade takes her staff and spins it around her fingers. It glows with a bright green energy that quickly swirls into a portal. "We must go now!"
  1150. >One by one, they all jump in, until only Twilight and Jade remain. "Princess Twilight! WE MUST LEAVE!"
  1151. >Twilight closes her eyes and jumps into the portal. Jade leaps in after her.
  1152. >Moments later, the throne room collapses, and after it follows the island. The landmass cracks in half and is swallowed by the sea, forever destroyed.
  1153. >The tournament was over.
  1154. >Equestria had won.
  1156. >Twilight's eyes slowly opened. The sky above them was blue and peaceful, with few clouds. The sun shined brightly in the center of the sky, indicating that it was afternoon.
  1157. >Was she back in Equestria? She looked around, seeing her friends. But their surroundings were unfamiliar to her.
  1158. >"Jade? Where are we?" she asks, trying to recognize the unusual architecture.
  1159. >They were in the center of a large, bronze platform, suspended by five great ropes held onto by five statues of great martial arts masters.
  1160. >Jade shakes her head. "Kitana gave it to me once. She said that if I ever needed an escape, it would take me to one of the most peaceful places in all of the realms, dedicated to protection and virtue.
  1161. >Twilight noticed movement. All around the large garden, men began to appear. Humans with shaved heads and orange, white and red robes quickly surrounded them.
  1162. >Twilight stands to address them. "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, of the realm of Equestria. We mean you no harm. Please, can you tell us where we are?"
  1163. >A lone figure from among them steps through the crowd. Upon being recognized, all of the monks bow to him. His face is obscured by a large straw hat and he wears a dark grey robe.
  1164. >He lifts his head, revealing a strong face with white hair and eyes.
  1165. >"You are in Earthrealm. You may call me Raiden."
  1167. >Deep within the lowest levels of the Netherealm, Quan Chi prepares a dark ritual.
  1168. >A soul, bound and tormented with fury, is summoned before him and he begins to give it flesh anew.
  1169. >He gives the soul purpose, and direction, and a powerful new body.
  1170. >Behind him, Scorpion stands with his arms crossed, watching the same process that created him as he is now unfold once more.
  1171. >"Rise my warrior... Rise my spirit of vengeance... Be birthed by the flames of the Netherealm and know life once more so that you may take it from others... Rise... GILDA!"
  1172. >The griffon's cries echo throughout the Netherealm as she is transformed into a wraith. Her feathers and fur are black and grey and her eyes are a hollow, bleak white.
  1173. >"Who... Who dares..." she says, looking upon Quan Chi.
  1174. >"Gilda, your work is not yet complete," Quan Chi tells her. "You have foes yet who live in Outworld. You made an oath to your friend's grave that you would kill them all, and that is the chance I am giving you."
  1175. >Slowly, the wraith griffon nods and kneels before the demon sorcerer.
  1176. >Quan Chi smiles as he looks upon his newest thrall.
  1177. >She would do nicely.
  1179. >Shao Kahn looks down from his throne upon the disgraced Shang Tsung. With all of his power stripped of him, all that remains is a feeble, weak old man.
  1180. >"My emperor, please, I---"
  1181. >"Silence," the emperor of Outworld commands him. "Your incompetence killed my daughters. My generals. My greatest warriors. And now you come before me, begging and pleading. Because of you, I have no heirs. Your death will be long and slow, Shang Tsung. For your failure, you shall---"
  1182. >Shao Kahn stops. He feels something.
  1183. >A presence he has not felt in a very, very long time.
  1184. >Shang Tsung feels it too.
  1185. >Deep within the halls of the emperor's castle, they hear footsteps. Each one a massive impact that grows louder and louder the closer it gets.
  1186. >They hear battle erupt as guards try to stop whatever it is, only for them to die.
  1187. >A roar echoes throughout the halls of the emperor's dark fortress that make him shiver.
  1188. >And very, very little can make Shao Kahn shiver.
  1189. >There had not been a dragon in Outworld for ages. And when one came into the living forest, he heard a voice.
  1190. >That dragon followed the voice, as if guided by some ancestral force, to a cave. And within that cave was an egg.
  1191. >A dragon egg. It cracked open, releasing a spirit that took over that dragon's body, transforming it.
  1192. >And now that new form had come to Shao Kahn's castle to take revenge and once more rule all of Outworld with an iron fist.
  1194. >Spike had become Onaga, the Dragon King, rightful ruler of all of Outworld and its inhabitants.
  1195. >After slaying Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung, he sits upon the throne once more.
  1196. >The great generals of Outworld come before him one at a time to swear their undying fealty.
  1197. >One of them asks of him, "Great Dragon King, what shall we do now?"
  1198. >Onaga sits back and considers. He had great designs in mind for the realms, but those could wait. They required the Kamidogu, which would need to be collected.
  1199. >In due time, however.
  1200. >"Prepare a war party. I am travelling to Equestria. My queen awaits me there."
  1201. >"You refer to the Princess Celestia? You mean to make her your bride and merge the realms?" the general asks.
  1202. >"No. Princess Celestia is not the one I seek. Prepare the men. We invade Equestria... for Rarity."
  1204. >Meanwhile, in Chaosrealm...
  1205. >Discord brought a small cup to his lips and drank, sighing as he swallowed the tea.
  1206. >Across the table from him was Havik, who similarly was enjoying the tea.
  1207. >Their table floated through the yellow-black void of Chaosrealm, suspended by neither gravity nor logic.
  1208. >Havik, not possessing lips, merely held the cup up to his mouth and dumped it all inside. "Most delicious, old friend," he complements Discord. "Where did you find the recipe?"
  1209. >"A small yellow pegasus," he says, and they both share a laugh.
  1210. >Havik takes a bite out of a cookie. "This affair between Equestria and Outworld was positively delightful. Do tell me about your next plan."
  1211. >Discord laughs. "Oh please, Havik, I assure you, my next plan is wonderfully and needlessly overcomplicated in its complexity and is sure to bring chaos back to both Outworld and Equestria, but a magician never reveals his tricks. Perhaps, after the curtain has drawn, I'll let you know where I pulled the strings. Until then, however..."
  1212. >He holds up the teacup. "To chaos."
  1213. >Havik matches his toast and they both eat their cups.
  1215. >The End... or is it?
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