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Aug 21st, 2018
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  1. The problem is, that Merkel missed a once in a lifetime chance, after the Polish forign minister suggested deeper integration in a bold move - offering Polands assistance on the way to this goal. This is the best solution for all problems. Deeper integration means better oversight over budgets, means better investment into weak economies, means a much easier way to establish Eurobonds and a transfer union. That Merkel imposed austerity on the econimies in crisis without securing support for them by a financial transfer from Germany (and other strong economies) to them is one of her biggest mistakes. This has already cost us all dearly and every day she waits - every day she does not grab the offer the Polish minister had put on the table - it will cost us all even more. Even if one was to look at this situation from a purely nationlist point of view the result will be the same. The stable economies will suffer equally and inflation will hit them nonetheless when the others default.
  3. There is and never was a way around a transfer union. And there is nothing wrong with it. I live in a transfer union and it works pretty well. Actually most states have implemented a transfer union, that is that richer regions of the state will support the poorer ones.
  5. The problem as always are these funny lines some humans have drawn on a globe which had none of them in the first place and lost anything what would resemble a "natural barrier" a long time ago with the advent of aircrafts, container ships, internet and mulitnational corporations. Sadly a lot of irrational people are out there who still cling to these funny colourful lines they painted on their globes and some want to even draw more lines there - one can just shake the head in disbelief and pray that there is indeed a supreme being who finally decides to uplift humankind to real intelligent and rational behaviour.
  7. And for the record: I, as a taxpaying German citizen, support that my taxes go to Spain to support their economy wholeheartedly without imposing further austerity cuts. Spain has done enough of them. And I will not vote (and actually have not vote) for a party which is not able to comprehend what I have said above.
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