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Aug 24th, 2015
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  1. [Viktor]
  3. Category: Mage, Burst, Poke, Split, Anti-Carry, Passive-Aggressive
  5. Pros:
  6. -High damage, high utility, overall strong mid lane mage
  7. -Strong at all points of the game
  8. -Extremely good wave clear
  9. -Hard to gank
  11. Cons:
  12. -Relatively low range (except Death Ray (E))
  13. -Gravity Field (W) takes a bit to proc
  14. -Death Ray (E) may be awkward to use
  16. [Abilities]
  17. [Passive - ]
  19. [Q - ]
  21. [W - ]
  23. [E - ]
  25. [R - ]
  27. [Runes]
  28. 3 Flat AP Quints
  29. 9 Flat Magic Penetration Marks
  30. 9 Scaling HP Seals
  31. 4 Scaling CDR Glyphs
  32. 5 Scaling AP Glyphs
  34. -Quints, Marks, and Seals are the most standard runes on AP midlaners nowadays. The Quints and Marks give you
  35. the necessary combat stats in the early stages of the game. Every champion has a starting base MR stat of 30 except
  36. champions like Galio. The Seals are scaling HP because the mid lane in the current meta is played as a slow, scaling
  37. and methodical lane. The main goal is to survive, farm hard, and put pressure on the map.
  39. -The Glyphs are the interesting part about Viktor's build. The scaling CDR always useful for any champion that relies
  40. on cooldowns, so you get a nice 6.68% extra CDR. The 5 scaling AP glyphs are pretty much Viktor exclusive. Without
  41. these couple scaling AP runes on Glyphs, you will actually not be able to one shot the back lines of the minion wave
  42. at level 6.
  44. [Glyphs - Rune Calculation]
  45. Minion HP - 301.4
  47. Quints - 14.85
  48. Scaling AP @ 6 - 18.35
  49. Mental Force @ 6 - 5.34
  50. Arcane Mastery - 6
  51. Doran's Ring - 15
  52. Hex Core MK-1 @ 6 = 18
  53. Archmage - 5%
  55. 81.417 AP at lvl 6 with Doran's Ring and Hex Core MK-1
  56. Death Ray (E) (preferably rank 3 at lvl 6) - 160 (+56.9919) = 216.9919
  57. Death Ray (E) second hit (upgraded) - 216.9919 (+86.79676) = 303.7886
  59. In conclusion, at level 6 with one Doran's Ring, upgraded Death Ray (E), and the correct rune/mastery setup, you will deal
  60. 2 damage over the caster minion's base hp assuming you did not fall behind before reaching level 6 at about 6-7 minutes.
  62. [Alternative Runes]
  63. 3 Flat AP Quints
  64. 9 Flat Magic Penetration Marks
  65. 9 Scaling HP Seals
  66. 9 Scaling CDR Glyphs
  68. This is a basic rune setup for any mage. Generul Quints and Marks and the Seals and Glyphs provide survivability and utility.
  70. [Masteries]
  71. 21/0/9
  72. Just a basic AP page that allows you to stay in lane and chase opponents with the 9 points in Utility.
  76. [Strategy]
  77. During the early stages of the game, you just want to farm and stay safe until you collect the gold and experience to reach
  78. level 6 and your first Hex Core upgrade. Try to keep the minion waves even so it makes your lane harder to gank. A good
  79. tip would be to mirror your opponent's actions. If they are pushing hard, push back just as hard, if they are freezing,
  80. start only last hitting your minions. Starting Crystalline Flask is great if you need more sustain against a lane bully.
  81. Otherwise, go Doran's Ring so you can get more damage for your spells and auto attacks (assuming you got Arcane Blade).
  82. Use Siphon Power (Q) to farm and harass when necessary.
  84. ***With Crystalline Flask, you will not be able to clear the caster minions with a single Death Ray (E) at level 6***
  86. After you reach level 6, grab your Hex Core MK-1 upgrade and upgrade your Death Ray (E). With Doran's Ring and the
  87. Hex Core upgrade, you'll be able to barely clear the caster minions with just a single Death Ray (E). Now is the point where
  88. you can shove in your opponent and react accordingly. Viktor has extremely high kill pressure once Chaos Storm (R) is
  89. available. Keep vision up in river and the entrances of the enemy jungle. Roam when the situation seems fit and keep the
  90. pressure up in mid lane.
  92. In late game, the ideal strategy with Viktor is to either find someone to pick and burst while split pushing, or land a
  93. strong Chaos Storm (R) and Death Ray (E) on squishies during a team fight. Remember that your Chaos Storm (R) will still do
  94. damage if you die while it's active. Always kite in and out when your Death Ray (E) is on CD. Siphon Power (Q) will
  95. help a lot when you upgrade it for the bonus movement speed.
  97. Viktor can actually fill many different roles from peel, initiate (even though it's mediocre), poke, burst, etc.
  99. [Items]
  100. Starting Items: Doran's Ring, 2x Health Potions
  102. -Pretty much the best start for any mage. If you can farm properly, you won't have to worry about HP and Mana issues.
  103. The extra 15 AP will also help you clear waves after getting your Death Ray (E) upgrade.
  105. -Mid Game Items: Hex Core MK-1 : Death Ray (E) Upgrade
  106. After purchasing the Death Ray (E) upgrade, along with the Doran's Ring, runes and masteries, you will be able to clear the
  107. caster minions allowing you to push your lane much quicker.
  109. Late Game Items: Rabadon's Deathcap, Perfect Hex Core, Void Staff
  110. Core items for any AP mage that will spike your damage immensely. The Perfect Hex Core allows your Chaos Storm (R) to
  111. move faster and the rest of your upgrades to be unlocked if you haven't already done so.
  113. Situational Items:
  114. -Ludens Echo - Extra poke, damage, and waveclear
  115. -Zhonya's Hourglass - vs AD teams or avoidable burst damage
  116. -Abyssal Scepter - Against teams building MR against you
  117. -Morellonomicon/Athene's Unholy Grail - If you need CDR and Mana Regen to spam more
  118. -Ionian Boots of Lucidity - Same as Morello, but this allows you to build much more raw AP against low MR teams
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