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Feb 18th, 2020
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  1. admin="Wrfg#0000" -- Funcorp, insira seu nome aqui (com a #tag) para utilizar os comandos abaixo.
  2. --[[ Funcorp, you can now use the commands of Master Says by using the command !run [number].The description of the commands are as follow:
  3. 1: Dance!
  4. 2: Sit!
  5. 3: Throw 5 confetti!
  6. 4: Click on the screen 10 times!
  7. 5: Give 10 kiss!
  8. 6: Vocês estão com sono. Durmam para descansar.
  9. 7: Tigrounette é do mal! Fique com raiva dele!
  10. 8: Vocês não ganharam queijo. Chorem!
  11. 9: Não vá para a esquerda!
  12. 10: Não vá para a direita!
  13. 11: Digite o seguinte número
  14. 12: Digite qualquer coisa e mande para mim.
  15. 13: Digite o seguinte número
  16. 14: Não falem nada!
  17. 15: Não pulem!
  18. 16: Não se mexam!
  19. 17: Balance a bandeira de qualquer país!
  20. 18: Em que ano estamos?
  21. 19: Fique virado para a esquerda!
  22. 20: Fique virado para a direita!
  23. 21: Fique dentro do quadrado branco!
  24. 22: Fique dentro do retângulo branco!
  25. 23: Não fique dentro do retângulo branco!
  26. 24: Fique dentro do retângulo branco!
  27. 25: Não fique dentro do retângulo branco!
  28. 26: Pressione 30 vezes a tecla para ESQUERDA!
  29. 27: Pressione 30 vezes a tecla para DIREITA!
  30. 28: Pressione 60 vezes a tecla para ESQUERDA!
  31. 29: Pressione 60 vezes a tecla para DIREITA!
  32. 30: Pressione a BARRA DE ESPAÇO 20 vezes!
  33. 31: Digite seu nome no jogo (com #número).
  34. 32: Não dance:
  35. 33: Fique dentro do quadrado branco!
  36. 34: Fique dentro do quadrado vermelho!
  37. 35: Fique dentro do retângulo branco!
  38. 36: Fique dentro do retângulo vermelho!
  40. Utilizando um número diferente desses você irá matar todos os ratos, portanto tenha cuidado ao digitar!
  41. ]]--
  42. tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true)
  43. tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true)
  44. tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true)
  45. tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true)
  46. tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true)
  47. mapas={6788085,6788183,6789853,6791944,6792470,6808957,6810292,6821950,6830799,6866406,6866549,6788693,6788728,6859175,6834529,6866437,6812488,6876638,6876563,6885971,6888512,6893463,6900149,6907177,6892608,6982387,5328362,5957905,7055459,7290270,7290275,7404106,7404327,7382263,7394517,7405103,7400694,7400678,7412412,7412422,7431981,7354947,7525277,6983850,6892022,6981135,6943992,6879100,6885799,6885841,6886906,6754319,6789272,6790912,6833993}
  48. active=0
  49. vivo=0
  50. rato=0
  51. dificuldade=1
  52. rodadas=0
  53. string=""
  54. rodada=0
  55. number=0
  56. xpos=0
  57. ypos=0
  58. data={}
  59. lang={}
  60. pergunta="Interval"
  61. tempo=10
  62. resposta=""
  63. unlocked=true
  64. for _,f in next,{"run","q","r","mapa","reset","time"} do
  65. system.disableChatCommandDisplay(f)
  66. end
  67. = {
  68. welcome = "<FC>Bem-vindo a sala Mestre Mandou! Nesta sala seu objetivo é fazer tudo o que o script mandar.<ROSE><br><VP>Script criado por Darakdarkus7#0000 e os membros da Spectra Advanced Module Group - Versão RTM Compilação 51 - Funcorp Edition",
  69. dancar = "Dance!",
  70. sentar = "Sente!",
  71. confetar = "Atire 5 confetes!",
  72. mouse = "Clique na tela 10 vezes!",
  73. beijos = "Dê 10 beijos!",
  74. dormir = "Vocês estão com sono. Durmam para descansar.",
  75. raiva = "Tigrounette é do mal! Fiquem com raiva dele!",
  76. chorem = "Vocês não ganharam queijo :( Chorem!",
  77. esquerda = "Não vá para a esquerda!",
  78. direita = "Não vá para a direita!",
  79. numero = "Digite o seguinte número: ",
  80. digitar = "Digite qualquer coisa e mande para mim.",
  81. falar = "Não falem nada!",
  82. pular = "Não pulem!",
  83. mexer = "Não se mexam!",
  84. bandeira = "Balance a bandeira de qualquer país!",
  85. ano = "Em que ano estamos?",
  86. vesquerda = "Fique virado para a esquerda!",
  87. vdireita = "Fique virado para a direita!",
  88. quadradov = "Fique no quadrado vermelho!",
  89. quadrado = "Fique no quadrado branco!",
  90. retangulo = "Fique dentro do retângulo branco!",
  91. retangulov = "Fique dentro do retângulo vermelho!",
  92. nretangulo = "Não fique dentro do retângulo branco!",
  93. preesquerda30 = "Pressione 30 vezes a tecla para ESQUERDA!",
  94. predireita30 = "Pressione 30 vezes a tecla para DIREITA!",
  95. preesquerda60 = "Pressione 60 vezes a tecla para ESQUERDA!",
  96. predireita60 = "Pressione 60 vezes a tecla para DIREITA!",
  97. espaco = "Pressione a barra de espaço 20 vezes!",
  98. nome = "Digite o seu nome no jogo (com #número).",
  99. ndance = "Não dance!",
  100. mestre = "Mestre Mandou",
  101. map = "Mapa",
  102. time = "Tempo",
  103. mice = "Ratos",
  104. round = "Rodada",
  105. mices = "Esta sala requer pelo menos 4 ratos.",
  106. difficulty = "Dificuldade",
  107. creator = "Module criado por Darakdarkus7#0000",
  108. segundos = "segundos.",
  109. fim = "Partida encerrada! Próxima partida iniciando em ",
  110. playingmap = "Rodando mapa",
  111. created = "criado por"
  112. }
  113. lang.en = {
  114. welcome = "<FC>Welcome to script Master Says! On this module you have to do everything that the master says.<ROSE><br><VP>Module created by Darakdarkus7#0000 and the Spectra Advanced Module Group - Version RTM Compilation 51 - Funcorp Edition",
  115. dancar = "Dance!",
  116. sentar = "Sit!",
  117. confetar = "Throw 5 confetti!",
  118. mouse = "Click on screen 10 times!",
  119. beijos = "Give 10 kisses!",
  120. dormir = "They are sleepy. Sleep to rest.",
  121. raiva = "Tigrounette is evil! Get angry with him!",
  122. chorem = "No cheese for you. Cry!",
  123. esquerda = "Don't go to the LEFT!",
  124. direita = "Don't go to the RIGHT!",
  125. numero = "Type this number: ",
  126. digitar = "Type anything and send to me.",
  127. falar = "Don't speak nothing!",
  128. pular = "Don't jump!",
  129. mexer = "Don't move!",
  130. bandeira = "Balance the flag of anything country!",
  131. ano = "What year are we?",
  132. vesquerda = "Stay facing LEFT!",
  133. vdireita = "Stay facing RIGHT!",
  134. quadradov = "Stay on the red square!",
  135. quadrado = "Stay on the white square!",
  136. retangulo = "Stay on the white rectangle!",
  137. retangulov = "Stay on the red rectangle!",
  138. nretangulo = "Don't stay on the white rectangle!",
  139. preesquerda30 = "Press 30 times the LEFT key!",
  140. predireita30 = "Press 30 times the RIGHT key!",
  141. preesquerda60 = "Press 60 times the LEFT key!",
  142. predireita60 = "Press 60 times the RIGHT key!",
  143. espaco = "Press 20 times the SPACEBAR!",
  144. nome = "Type your nickname (with #number)!",
  145. ndance = "Don't dance!",
  146. mestre = "Master Says",
  147. map = "Map",
  148. time = "Time",
  149. mice = "Mice",
  150. round = "Round",
  151. mices = "This room requires at least 4 players.",
  152. difficulty = "Difficulty",
  153. creator = "Module created by Darakdarkus7#0000",
  154. segundos = "seconds.",
  155. fim = "End of match! The next match will start on ",
  156. playingmap = "Playing map",
  157. created = "created by"
  158. }
  159. = {
  160. welcome = "<FC>Добро пожаловать в игру: Что Скажет Мастер! В этом модуле вы должны исполнять любые пожелания мастера!<ROSE><br><VP>Модуль был создан Darakdarkus7#0000 и the Spectra Advanced Module Group - версия RTM Compilation 51 - Funcorp Edition",
  161. dancar = "Танцуйте!",
  162. sentar = "Присядьте!",
  163. confetar = "Киньте конфетти 5 раз!",
  164. mouse = "Кликните мышкой по экрану 10 раз!",
  165. beijos = "Пошлите 10 поцелуев!",
  166. dormir = "Все сонные. Спите.",
  167. raiva = "Tigrounette - дьявол! Разозлитесь на него!",
  168. chorem = "Вы остались без сыра. Плачьте!",
  169. esquerda = "НЕ идите НАЛЕВО!",
  170. direita = "НЕ идите НАПРАВО!",
  171. numero = "Напишите этот номер: ",
  172. digitar = "Напишите что угодно в общий чат.",
  173. falar = "Молчите!",
  174. pular = "Не прыгайте!",
  175. mexer = "Не двигайтесь!",
  176. bandeira = "Помашите флагом любой страны!",
  177. ano = "В каком году мы живем?",
  178. vesquerda = "Стойте лицом в ЛЕВУЮ сторону!",
  179. vdireita = "Стойте лицом в ПРАВУЮ сторону!",
  180. quadradov = "Стойте на красном квадрате!",
  181. quadrado = "Стойте на белом квадрате!",
  182. retangulo = "Стойте на белом прямоугольнике!",
  183. retangulov = "Стойте на красном прямоугольнике!",
  184. nretangulo = "НЕ стойте на белом прямоугольнике!",
  185. preesquerda30 = "Нажмите на ЛЕВУЮ стрелку 30 раз!",
  186. predireita30 = "Нажмите на ПРАВУЮ стрелку 30 раз!",
  187. preesquerda60 = "Нажмите на ЛЕВУЮ стрелку 60 раз!",
  188. predireita60 = "Нажмите на ПРАВУЮ стрелку 60 раз!",
  189. espaco = "Нажмите на пробел 20 раз!",
  190. nome = "Напишите свой никнейм (с #тегом)!",
  191. ndance = "Не танцуйте!",
  192. mestre = "Мастер вещает",
  193. map = "Карта",
  194. time = "Время",
  195. mice = "Мыши",
  196. round = "Раунд",
  197. mices = " Для этой игры требуется как минимум 4 игрока.",
  198. difficulty = "Сложность",
  199. creator = "Модуль был создан Darakdarkus7#0000",
  200. segundos = "seconds.",
  201. fim = "Конец матча! Следующий матч начнется через ",
  202. playingmap = "Карта:",
  203. created = "Создатель:"
  204. }
  205. = {
  206. welcome = "<FC>مرحبًا بكم في نمط الرئيس! في هذا النمط، عليك فعل كل مايقوله الرئيس!.<ROSE><br><VP>صُنع النمط عن طريقDarakdarkus7#0000 و the Spectra Advanced Module Group - الإصدار : RTM Compilation 51 Funcorp Edition, تُرجم للغة العربية عن طريق اللاعب : [Vigo#4765]",
  207. dancar = "ارقص!",
  208. sentar = "اجلس!",
  209. confetar = "قُم برمي 5 أوراق.",
  210. mouse = "اضغط على الشاشة بالفأرة 10 مرات!",
  211. beijos = "أعطي 10 قبلات!",
  212. dormir = "إنهم يَشعرون بالنُعاس، نام لتستريح!",
  213. raiva = "تايغرونيت شرير!، قُم بالغضب منه!",
  214. chorem = "لم تلتقط أي قطعة من الجبن، ابكي!",
  215. esquerda = "لا تذهب لليسار!",
  216. direita = "لا تذهب لليمين!",
  217. numero = "اكتب هذا الرقم: ",
  218. digitar = "اكتب أيَّ شيء وارسله لي.",
  219. falar = "لا تتحدث أو تقل أيَّ شيء.!",
  220. pular = "لا تَقفز!",
  221. mexer = "لا تتحرك!",
  222. bandeira = "ارفع علم أي دول.",
  223. ano = "في أي عام نحن؟",
  224. vesquerda = "ابقى مواجهًا لليسار!",
  225. vdireita = "ابقى مواجهًا لليمين!",
  226. quadradov = "ابقى في المربع الأحمر!",
  227. quadrado = "ابقى في المربع الأبيض",
  228. retangulo = "ابقى في المستطيل الأبيض",
  229. retangulov = "ابقى في المستطيل الأحمر!",
  230. nretangulo = "لا تبقى في المستطيل الأبيض!",
  231. preesquerda30 = "اضغط 30 مرة على زر السهم الأيسر!",
  232. predireita30 = "اضغط 30 مرة على زر السهم الأيمن!",
  233. preesquerda60 = "اضغط 60 مرة على زر السهم الأيسر!",
  234. predireita60 = "اضغط 60 مرة على زر السهم الأيمن",
  235. espaco = "أضغط على زر المسافة 20 مرة!",
  236. nome = "اكتب اسمك (مع رقم #الهاشتاج)ـ",
  237. ndance = "لا ترقص!",
  238. mestre = "الرئيس يقول",
  239. map = "الخريطة",
  240. time = "الوقت",
  241. mice = "الفئران",
  242. round = "الجولة",
  243. mices = "هذه الغرفة تطلب على الأقل 4 لاعبين",
  244. difficulty = "الصعوبة",
  245. creator = "صُنع النمط عن طريق Darakdarkus7#0000",
  246. segundos = "ثوانٍ.",
  247. fim = "نهاية الجولة! ستبدأ الجولة التالية في غضون ",
  248. playingmap = "بدأ الخارطة",
  249. created = "created by"
  250. }
  251. = {
  252. welcome = "<FC> Bienvenido al módulo ¡Simón dice! En este módulo tienes que hacer todo lo que dice simón. <ROSE> <br> <VP> Módulo creado por Darakdarkus7#0000 y los membros de Spectra Advanced Module Group - Versión RTM Compilation 51 - Funcorp Edition",
  253. dancar = "¡Danza!",
  254. sentar = "¡Sentarse!",
  255. confetar = "¡Lanza confeti 5 veces!",
  256. mouse = "¡Haga clic en la pantalla 10 veces!",
  257. beijos = "¡Lanza 10 besos!",
  258. dormir = "Tienen sueño. Duerman para descansar",
  259. raiva = "¡Tigrounette es malvado! ¡Enójate con él!",
  260. chorem = "No hay queso para ti. Llora!",
  261. esquerda = "¡No vayas a la IZQUIERDA!",
  262. direita = "¡No vayas a la DERECHA!",
  263. numero = "Escriba este número:",
  264. digitar = "Escribe cualquier cosa y mándamela",
  265. falar = "¡No hables nada!",
  266. pular = "¡No saltes!",
  267. mexer = "¡No te muevas!",
  268. bandeira = "¡Agita la bandera de cualquier país!",
  269. ano = "¿En qué año estamos?",
  270. vesquerda = "¡Quédate frente a la IZQUIERDA!",
  271. vdireita = "¡Mantente mirando a la DERECHA!",
  272. quadrado = "¡Quédate en el cuadrado blanco!",
  273. quadradov = "¡Quédate en el cuadrado rojo!",
  274. retangulo = "¡Quédate en el rectángulo blanco!",
  275. retangulov = "¡Quédate en el rectángulo rojo!",
  276. nretangulo = "¡No te quedes en el rectángulo blanco!",
  277. preesquerda30 = "Presiona 30 veces la tecla IZQUIERDA!",
  278. predireita30 = "Presiona 30 veces la tecla DERECHA!",
  279. preesquerda60 = "Presiona 60 veces la tecla IZQUIERDA!",
  280. predireita60 = "Presiona 60 veces la tecla DERECHA!",
  281. espaco = "Presione 20 veces la barra espaciadora!",
  282. nome = "Escribe tu apodo (con #numero incluido)",
  283. ndance = "¡No bailes!",
  284. mestre = "Simón dice",
  285. map = "Mapa",
  286. time = "Hora",
  287. mice = "Ratones",
  288. round = "Redondo",
  289. mices = "Esta sala requiere al menos 4 jugadores",
  290. difficulty = "Dificultad",
  291. creator = "Módulo creado por Darakdarkus7#0000",
  292. segundos = "segundos.",
  293. fim = "¡Fin del partido! El próximo partido comenzará el ",
  294. playingmap = "Mapa de juego",
  295. created = "creado por"
  296. }
  297. = {
  298. welcome = "<FC>歡迎來到«主人說»的遊戲! 在這個模式中你需要完成主人所有的命令才可以獲勝。<ROSE><br><VP>遊戲創作人: Darakdarkus7#0000 以及 Spectra Advanced 模組團體\n- 版本 RTM Compilation 51 - Funcorp Edition",
  299. dancar = "跳舞!",
  300. sentar = "坐下!((乖狗狗(x ",
  301. confetar = "撒紙屑 5 次!",
  302. mouse = "點擊螢幕 10 次!",
  303. beijos = "發愛心 10 次!",
  304. dormir = "他們睏了。睡覺休息。",
  305. raiva = "Tigrounette#0001 是惡魔! 向他生氣吧!",
  306. chorem = "你沒有奶酪吃了。哭! QQ",
  307. esquerda = "不要走向左邊!",
  308. direita = "不要走向右邊!",
  309. numero = "輸入這數字: ",
  310. digitar = "輸入任何字發送給我。",
  311. falar = "不要說任何話!",
  312. pular = "不要跳!",
  313. mexer = "不要動!",
  314. bandeira = "揮動任何國家的旗子!",
  315. ano = "現在是公元幾年?",
  316. vesquerda = "面向左邊!",
  317. vdireita = "面向右邊!",
  318. quadradov = "站在紅色方格內!",
  319. quadrado = "站在白色方格內!",
  320. retangulo = "留在白色區域裡!",
  321. retangulov = "留在紅色區域裡!",
  322. nretangulo = "不要留在白色區域裡面!",
  323. preesquerda30 = "按 30 次左鍵!",
  324. predireita30 = "按 30 次右鍵!",
  325. preesquerda60 = "按 60 次左鍵!",
  326. predireita60 = "按 60 次右鍵!",
  327. espaco = "按 20 次空格鍵!",
  328. nome = "輸入你的玩家名字 (包括 #編號)!",
  329. ndance = "不要跳舞!",
  330. mestre = "主人說",
  331. map = "地圖",
  332. time = "時間",
  333. mice = "小鼠",
  334. round = "回合",
  335. mices = "這房間需要至少 4 個玩家。",
  336. difficulty = "難度",
  337. creator = "模式創作人: Darakdarkus7#0000",
  338. segundos = "秒數。",
  339. fim = "回合結束! 距離下一回合開始時間",
  340. playingmap = "使用中地圖:",
  341. created = "創作人:"
  342. }
  343. if == "br" then
  344. text =
  345. elseif == "ar" then
  346. text =
  347. elseif == "es" then
  348. text =
  349. elseif == "cn" then
  350. text =
  351. elseif == "ru" then
  352. text =
  353. else
  354. text = lang.en
  355. end
  356. function eventNewPlayer(name)
  357. rato=rato+1
  358. for k=32, 87 do
  359. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(name,k,false,true)
  360. end
  361. system.bindMouse(name,true)
  362. newData={
  363. ["c"]=0;
  364. ["s"]=0;
  365. };
  366. data[name] = newData;
  367. tfm.exec.chatMessage(""..text.welcome.."",name)
  368. end
  369. for name,player in pairs( do
  370. eventNewPlayer(name)
  371. end
  372. function eventPlayerDied(name)
  373. if active >= 0 then
  374. vivo=vivo-1
  375. local i=0
  376. local name
  377. for pname,player in pairs( do
  378. if not player.isDead then
  379. i=i+1
  380. name=pname
  381. end
  382. end
  383. if i==0 then
  384. active=-1
  385. elseif i==1 then
  386. active=-1
  387. tfm.exec.giveCheese(name)
  388. tfm.exec.playerVictory(name)
  389. tfm.exec.setGameTime(10)
  390. end
  391. end
  392. end
  393. function eventNewGame()
  394. ui.removeTextArea(0,nil)
  395. rodada=0
  396. active=0
  397. vivo=0
  398. rato=0
  399. dificuldade=1
  400. if unlocked == true then
  401. tfm.exec.setGameTime(15)
  402. else
  403. tfm.exec.setGameTime(36000)
  404. end
  405. for name,player in pairs( do
  406. vivo=vivo+1
  407. rato=rato+1
  408. if data[name] then
  409. data[name].c=0
  410. data[name].key=0
  411. end
  412. end
  413. rodadas=math.floor(10+(rato/3))
  414. end
  415. function eventPlayerLeft()
  416. rato=rato-1
  417. end
  418. function sortearComandos()
  419. active=math.random(1,36)
  420. getCommand()
  421. end
  422. function eventChatCommand(name,message)
  423. if name == "Darakdarkus7#0000" or name == admin then
  424. if(message:sub(0,3) == "run") then
  425. active=tonumber(message:sub(5))
  426. getCommand()
  427. end
  428. end
  429. if name == "Darakdarkus7#0000" then
  430. if(message:sub(0,1) == "q") then
  431. pergunta=message:sub(3)
  432. end
  433. end
  434. if name == "Darakdarkus7#0000" then
  435. if(message:sub(0,1) == "r") then
  436. resposta=message:sub(3)
  437. end
  438. end
  439. if name == "Darakdarkus7#0000" or name == admin then
  440. if(message:sub(0,4) == "mapa") then
  441. tfm.exec.newGame(message:sub(6))
  442. active=0
  443. end
  444. end
  445. if name == "Darakdarkus7#0000" or name == admin then
  446. if message == "reset" then
  447. tfm.exec.newGame(mapas[math.random(#mapas)])
  448. active=0
  449. end
  450. end
  451. if name == "Darakdarkus7#0000" then
  452. if(message:sub(0,4) == "time") then
  453. tempo=message:sub(6)
  454. end
  455. end
  456. end
  457. function getCommand()
  458. rodada=rodada+1
  459. for name,player in pairs( do
  460. data[name].c=0
  461. data[name].s=0
  462. end
  463. if active == 1 then
  464. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.dancar.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  465. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  466. end
  467. if active == 2 then
  468. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.sentar.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  469. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  470. end
  471. if active == 3 then
  472. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.confetar.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  473. tfm.exec.setGameTime(6)
  474. end
  475. if active == 4 then
  476. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.mouse.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  477. tfm.exec.setGameTime(6)
  478. end
  479. if active == 5 then
  480. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.beijos.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  481. tfm.exec.setGameTime(15)
  482. end
  483. if active == 6 then
  484. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.dormir.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  485. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  486. end
  487. if active == 7 then
  488. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.raiva.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  489. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  490. end
  491. if active == 8 then
  492. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.chorem.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  493. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  494. end
  495. if active == 9 then
  496. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.esquerda.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  497. tfm.exec.setGameTime(8)
  498. for name,player in pairs( do
  499. data[name].c=1
  500. end
  501. end
  502. if active == 10 then
  503. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.direita.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  504. tfm.exec.setGameTime(8)
  505. for name,player in pairs( do
  506. data[name].c=1
  507. end
  508. end
  509. if active == 11 then
  510. number=math.random(100000,999999)
  511. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.numero..""..number.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  512. tfm.exec.setGameTime(9)
  513. end
  514. if active == 12 then
  515. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.digitar.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  516. tfm.exec.setGameTime(7)
  517. end
  518. if active == 13 then
  519. number=math.random(10000000,99999999)
  520. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.numero..""..number.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  521. tfm.exec.setGameTime(12)
  522. end
  523. if active == 14 then
  524. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.falar.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  525. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  526. for name,player in pairs( do
  527. data[name].c=1
  528. end
  529. end
  530. if active == 15 then
  531. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.pular.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  532. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  533. for name,player in pairs( do
  534. data[name].c=1
  535. end
  536. end
  537. if active == 16 then
  538. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.mexer.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  539. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  540. for name,player in pairs( do
  541. data[name].c=1
  542. end
  543. end
  544. if active == 17 then
  545. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.bandeira.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  546. tfm.exec.setGameTime(8)
  547. end
  548. if active == 18 then
  549. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.ano.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  550. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  551. end
  552. if active == 19 then
  553. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.vesquerda.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  554. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  555. for name,player in pairs( do
  556. data[name].c=1
  557. end
  558. end
  559. if active == 20 then
  560. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.vdireita.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  561. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  562. for name,player in pairs( do
  563. data[name].c=1
  564. end
  565. end
  566. if active == 21 then
  567. xpos=math.random(60,650)
  568. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.quadrado.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  569. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  570. for name,player in pairs( do
  571. data[name].c=1
  572. end
  573. ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos,320,80,65,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false)
  574. end
  575. if active == 22 then
  576. xpos=math.random(60,650)
  577. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.retangulo.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  578. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  579. for name,player in pairs( do
  580. data[name].c=1
  581. end
  582. ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos,0,80,400,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false)
  583. end
  584. if active == 23 then
  585. xpos=math.random(60,650)
  586. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.nretangulo.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  587. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  588. for name,player in pairs( do
  589. data[name].c=1
  590. end
  591. ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos,0,80,400,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false)
  592. end
  593. if active == 24 then
  594. ypos=math.random(40,300)
  595. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.retangulo.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  596. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  597. for name,player in pairs( do
  598. data[name].c=1
  599. end
  600. ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,0,ypos,1600,60,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false)
  601. end
  602. if active == 25 then
  603. ypos=math.random(40,300)
  604. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.nretangulo.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  605. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  606. for name,player in pairs( do
  607. data[name].c=1
  608. end
  609. ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,0,ypos,1600,60,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false)
  610. end
  611. if active == 26 then
  612. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.preesquerda30.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  613. tfm.exec.setGameTime(9)
  614. end
  615. if active == 27 then
  616. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.predireita30.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  617. tfm.exec.setGameTime(9)
  618. end
  619. if active == 28 then
  620. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.preesquerda60.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  621. tfm.exec.setGameTime(15)
  622. end
  623. if active == 29 then
  624. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.predireita60.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  625. tfm.exec.setGameTime(15)
  626. end
  627. if active == 30 then
  628. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.espaco.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  629. tfm.exec.setGameTime(7)
  630. end
  631. if active == 31 then
  632. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.nome.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  633. tfm.exec.setGameTime(12)
  634. end
  635. if active == 32 then
  636. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.ndance.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  637. tfm.exec.setGameTime(6)
  638. for name,player in pairs( do
  639. data[name].c=1
  640. end
  641. end
  642. if active == 33 then
  643. xpos=math.random(60,650)
  644. local xpos2=math.random(60,650)
  645. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.quadrado.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  646. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  647. for name,player in pairs( do
  648. data[name].c=1
  649. end
  650. ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos,320,80,65,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false)
  651. ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos2,320,80,65,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.62,false)
  652. end
  653. if active == 34 then
  654. xpos=math.random(60,650)
  655. local xpos2=math.random(60,650)
  656. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.quadradov.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  657. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  658. for name,player in pairs( do
  659. data[name].c=1
  660. end
  661. ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos2,320,80,65,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false)
  662. ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos,320,80,65,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.62,false)
  663. end
  664. if active == 35 then
  665. xpos=math.random(60,650)
  666. local xpos2=math.random(60,650)
  667. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.retangulo.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  668. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  669. for name,player in pairs( do
  670. data[name].c=1
  671. end
  672. ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos,0,80,400,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false)
  673. ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos2,0,80,400,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.62,false)
  674. end
  675. if active == 36 then
  676. xpos=math.random(60,650)
  677. local xpos2=math.random(60,650)
  678. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..text.retangulov.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  679. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5)
  680. for name,player in pairs( do
  681. data[name].c=1
  682. end
  683. ui.addTextArea(1,"",nil,xpos2,0,80,400,0xffffff,0xffffff,0.68,false)
  684. ui.addTextArea(2,"",nil,xpos,0,80,400,0xff0000,0xff0000,0.62,false)
  685. end
  686. if active == 37 then
  687. ui.addTextArea(0,"<font face='Segoe UI'><font color='#e5e5e5'><font size='25'><p align='center'>"..pergunta.."",nil,25,20,750,40,0x010101,0x121212,0.96,true)
  688. tfm.exec.setGameTime(tempo)
  689. end
  690. end
  691. function eventChatMessage(name,message)
  692. if active == 11 or active == 13 then
  693. if message == tostring(number) or message == string then
  694. data[name].c=1
  695. end
  696. end
  697. if active == 12 then
  698. data[name].c=1
  699. end
  700. if active == 14 or active == 16 then
  701. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  702. end
  703. if active == 18 then
  704. if message == "2020" then
  705. data[name].c=1
  706. end
  707. end
  708. if active == 31 then
  709. if string.upper(message) == string.upper(name) then
  710. data[name].c=1
  711. end
  712. end
  713. if active == 37 then
  714. if tostring(message) == tostring(resposta) then
  715. data[name].c=1
  716. end
  717. end
  718. end
  719. function eventEmotePlayed(name,id)
  720. if active == 1 then
  721. if id == 0 or id == 10 then
  722. data[name].c=1
  723. end
  724. end
  725. if active == 2 then
  726. if id == 8 then
  727. data[name].c=1
  728. end
  729. end
  730. if active == 3 then
  731. if id == 9 then
  732. data[name].s=data[name].s+1
  733. if data[name].s >= 5 then
  734. data[name].c=1
  735. end
  736. end
  737. end
  738. if active == 5 then
  739. if id == 3 then
  740. data[name].s=data[name].s+1
  741. if data[name].s >= 10 then
  742. data[name].c=1
  743. end
  744. end
  745. end
  746. if active == 6 then
  747. if id == 6 then
  748. data[name].c=1
  749. end
  750. end
  751. if active == 7 then
  752. if id == 4 then
  753. data[name].c=1
  754. end
  755. end
  756. if active == 8 then
  757. if id == 2 then
  758. data[name].c=1
  759. end
  760. end
  761. if active == 16 then
  762. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  763. end
  764. if active == 17 then
  765. if id == 10 then
  766. data[name].c=1
  767. end
  768. end
  769. if active == 32 then
  770. if id == 0 or id == 10 then
  771. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  772. end
  773. end
  774. end
  775. function eventMouse(name,x,y)
  776. if active == 4 then
  777. data[name].s=data[name].s+1
  778. if data[name].s >= 10 then
  779. data[name].c=1
  780. end
  781. end
  782. end
  783. function eventKeyboard(name,id,down,x,y)
  784. if active == 9 then
  785. if id == 37 or id == 65 then
  786. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  787. end
  788. end
  789. if active == 10 then
  790. if id == 39 or id == 68 then
  791. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  792. end
  793. end
  794. if active == 15 then
  795. if id == 38 or id == 87 then
  796. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  797. end
  798. end
  799. if active == 16 then
  800. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  801. end
  802. if active == 26 then
  803. if id == 37 or id == 65 then
  804. if data[name].key == 0 then
  805. data[name].key=id
  806. end
  807. data[name].s=data[name].s+1
  808. if data[name].s >= 30 then
  809. data[name].c=1
  810. end
  811. end
  812. if data[name].key == 37 and id == 65 then
  813. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  814. end
  815. if data[name].key == 65 and id == 37 then
  816. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  817. end
  818. end
  819. if active == 27 then
  820. if id == 39 or id == 68 then
  821. if data[name].key == 0 then
  822. data[name].key=id
  823. end
  824. data[name].s=data[name].s+1
  825. if data[name].s >= 30 then
  826. data[name].c=1
  827. end
  828. end
  829. if data[name].key == 39 and id == 68 then
  830. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  831. end
  832. if data[name].key == 68 and id == 39 then
  833. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  834. end
  835. end
  836. if active == 28 then
  837. if id == 37 or id == 65 then
  838. if data[name].key == 0 then
  839. data[name].key=id
  840. end
  841. data[name].s=data[name].s+1
  842. if data[name].s >= 60 then
  843. data[name].c=1
  844. end
  845. end
  846. if data[name].key == 37 and id == 65 then
  847. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  848. end
  849. if data[name].key == 65 and id == 37 then
  850. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  851. end
  852. end
  853. if active == 29 then
  854. if id == 39 or id == 68 then
  855. if data[name].key == 0 then
  856. data[name].key=id
  857. end
  858. data[name].s=data[name].s+1
  859. if data[name].s >= 60 then
  860. data[name].c=1
  861. end
  862. end
  863. if data[name].key == 39 and id == 68 then
  864. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  865. end
  866. if data[name].key == 68 and id == 39 then
  867. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  868. end
  869. end
  870. if active == 30 then
  871. if id == 32 then
  872. data[name].s=data[name].s+1
  873. if data[name].s >= 15 then
  874. data[name].c=1
  875. end
  876. end
  877. end
  878. end
  879. function eventLoop(passado,faltando)
  880. local tempo=math.floor(faltando/1000)
  881. if active == -2 then
  882. ui.setMapName("<N>"..text.mices.."<")
  883. elseif active == -1 then
  884. ui.setMapName("<VP>"..text.fim.."<b>"..tempo.."</b> "..text.segundos.."<")
  885. end
  886. if active >= 0 then
  887. if passado > 1200 and passado < 1700 and unlocked == true then
  888. tfm.exec.chatMessage(""..text.playingmap.." <J>""<BL> "..text.created.." <J>"
  889. end
  890. end
  891. if rato < 4 then
  892. if == "@7277839" and unlocked == true then
  893. active=-2
  894. tfm.exec.setGameTime(8000)
  895. else
  896. if passado > 3000 and unlocked == true then
  897. tfm.exec.newGame("@7277839")
  898. tfm.exec.setGameTime(8000)
  899. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<R>"..text.mices.."",nil)
  900. end
  901. end
  902. end
  903. if rato >= 4 then
  904. if == "@7277839" and unlocked == true then
  905. tfm.exec.newGame(mapas[math.random(#mapas)])
  906. active=0
  907. end
  908. end
  909. if active < 0 and faltando < 1 and unlocked == true then
  910. tfm.exec.newGame(mapas[math.random(#mapas)])
  911. end
  912. if active == 0 and faltando < 1000 then
  913. if rodada < rodadas then
  914. sortearComandos()
  915. else
  916. active=-1
  917. tfm.exec.setGameTime(10)
  918. for name,player in pairs( do
  919. tfm.exec.giveCheese(true)
  920. tfm.exec.playerVictory(true)
  921. end
  922. end
  923. end
  924. if active > 0 and faltando < 1 and rato > 1 then
  925. if active == 19 then
  926. for name,player in pairs( do
  927. if[name].isFacingRight == true then
  928. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  929. end
  930. end
  931. end
  932. if active == 20 then
  933. for name,player in pairs( do
  934. if[name].isFacingRight == false then
  935. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  936. end
  937. end
  938. end
  939. if active == 21 or active == 33 or active == 34 then
  940. for name,player in pairs( do
  941. if player.y < 300 then
  942. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  943. else
  944. if player.x < xpos-20 or player.x > xpos+100 then
  945. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  946. end
  947. end
  948. end
  949. end
  950. if active == 35 then
  951. for name,player in pairs( do
  952. if player.y < 300 then
  953. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  954. else
  955. if player.x < xpos-20 or player.x > xpos+100 then
  956. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  957. end
  958. end
  959. end
  960. end
  961. if active == 22 or active == 36 or active == 37 then
  962. for name,player in pairs( do
  963. if player.x < xpos or player.x > xpos+80 then
  964. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  965. end
  966. end
  967. end
  968. if active == 23 then
  969. for name,player in pairs( do
  970. if player.x > xpos and player.x < xpos+80 then
  971. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  972. end
  973. end
  974. end
  975. if active == 24 then
  976. for name,player in pairs( do
  977. if player.y < ypos-10 or player.y > ypos+70 then
  978. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  979. end
  980. end
  981. end
  982. if active == 25 then
  983. for name,player in pairs( do
  984. if player.y > ypos-10 and player.y < ypos+70 then
  985. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  986. end
  987. end
  988. end
  989. ui.removeTextArea(0,nil)
  990. ui.removeTextArea(1,nil)
  991. ui.removeTextArea(2,nil)
  992. active=0
  993. if rodada == 4 or rodada == 6 or rodada == 8 or rodada == 10 or rodada == 12 then
  994. dificuldade=dificuldade+1
  995. end
  996. for name,player in pairs( do
  997. data[name].key=0
  998. if data[name].c == 0 then
  999. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name)
  1000. end
  1001. end
  1002. if vivo > 4 then
  1003. tfm.exec.setGameTime(6-dificuldade)
  1004. else
  1005. tfm.exec.setGameTime(9-dificuldade)
  1006. end
  1007. end
  1008. for name,player in pairs( do
  1009. if data[name] then
  1010. if data[name].c == 1 then
  1011. tfm.exec.setNameColor(name,0x00ff00)
  1012. else
  1013. tfm.exec.setNameColor(name,0xc2c2da)
  1014. end
  1015. end
  1016. end
  1017. end
  1018. tfm.exec.newGame("@7277839")
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