
Always Second Best

Apr 20th, 2020
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  1. The Takamachi’s had thrown a party to celebrate their daughter’s miraculous recovery from a potentially crippling injury and her still managing to ace her final test and officially get inducted into the Time-Space Administration Bureau. It was momentous enough that the Harlaown’s and the Yagami’s had pitched in, and many were invited to it.
  3. Thanks was given, speeches were spoken and heard, drinks were had, food was eaten, and people celebrated and dance and made merry together under bright lights and upbeat music. The festivities paused when Nanoha took the stage and boldly announced to the world that she was in a romantic relationship with one Fate Testarossa Harlaown, the crowd quieting then cheering for them as the two kissed and descended the stage to the dance floor. Most of the attendees joined in on the fun, while some remained behind to catch their breath.
  5. Yuuno Scrya was among those who elected to stay behind.
  7. His green-white suit was still mostly intact, save for his tie having come undone where during the festivities. He sat alone at his table, nursing a glass of iced apple cider as he laid his eyes on his two childhood friends-turned-lovers.
  9. ‘She’s so beautiful.’ he thought, watching her dance with Fate. ‘They both are.’
  11. The brunette wore a flowing white-pink dress embroidered with flowers, spinning on her toes to flare out the hem of her dress and reveal flashes of flawless skin. One hand was held by Fate, the blonde clad in a midnight blue ballroom gown with gold-yellow accents. They laughed and came together, embracing intimately as their lips locked and the crowd went wild.
  13. The Librarian took another sip from his drink, the cool beverage helping douse the ache that pulsed in time to his broken heart.
  15. He couldn’t hate Fate for being the one to win over Nanoha’s affections; the blonde was close to her, arguably moreso considering their shared profession and abilities. She was there for her during that final battle with the Book of Darkness, kept up with her during their days in boot camp, slept by her bedside when the brunette had returned wounded from an ambushing Gadget Drone. In hindsight, it shouldn’t have been surprising for the Librarian that they ended up together when Nanoha’s first words upon awakening from her coma was ‘Fate’.
  17. But the selfish part of him still dearly wished that it was his name Nanoha called out for, not Fate’s.
  19. Was it not he who gave her Raging Heart and trained her in Mid-Childan Magic?
  21. Did he not stand by her side to stop Precia and the Book of Darkness like Fate had?
  23. How could those things not be enough to earn him the love and affection that Fate now luxuriated in? How she have chosen her when he was there first and gave her the wings she loved and was famed for now?
  25. Yuuno paused, sensing the rising envy and anger that crept accompanied his thoughts. He set down his glass and rubbed at his eyes with one hand, dashing the tears as horror and shame replaced the rage, the envy.
  27. He was fool. How could he have thought himself anywhere near close enough to Nanoha to have earned those two amazing things that Fate had? He didn’t wear himself worn trying to master combat and match Nanoha’s own skills. He hadn’t joined the TSAB Armed Forces, choosing instead to pursue a paltry existence amidst the books and dusty tomes of the Infinity Library. He hadn’t been the first to arrive at the hospital upon hearing news of Nanoha’s injury.
  29. What right did he have to be angry at Fate for being all the things he could have been, but was too cowardly to do?
  31. How could he feel even a shred of envy at Fate for earning something he wanted, but never put a scrap of effort into?
  33. Fate mis-stepped and fell, dragging Nanoha down with her. The resulting position had the crowd laughing, and Yuuno joined in; if only to hide his own self-depreciation.
  35. “Hey Ferretboy.” the Librarian looked up. “You okay?”
  37. “I’m fine, Chrono.” Yuuno nodded. “Just a little tuckered out. Give me a second to catch my breath.”
  39. “Your time in the Library’s made you lazy.” Chrono laughed. “Can I join you?”
  41. ”Sure. There’s plenty of chairs around. Just pull one up.” Yuuno shrugged.
  43. Chrono Harlaown cut quite the intimidating figure; a recent graduate from the TSAB Navy Officer School, he wore his dress blues and his black hair was disheveled from the neatly combed appearance it had when the party had started. There was understanding and compasison in his dark blue eyes as he pulled up a chair and sat beside the Librarian.
  45. Chrono was many things; annoying, sassy, witty, an incredible tactician, a very dangerous combatant, and one of the youngest naval officers the TSAB has ever seen. But he was also understanding enough to support his friends, and was kind enough to console them if they fell short of their goals.
  47. The young admiral reached over and patted Yuuno on the shoulder, apologetic. He pulled away and Yuuno sagged a little.
  49. “I’m sorry, Yuuno.” the Admiral spoke, voice sad. “It should’ve been you.”
  51. “Pfft. Don’t say things you don’t mean, Chrono. You’d hurt your sister, you know?” the Librarian scoffed.
  53. “Hey, I’m trying to cheer you up here. Give me some credit at least.” a laugh. “Better than just leaving you here all moping and sad, right?”
  55. “Yeah…” a nod. “A lot better.”
  57. There was silence between the two for a long moment. Fate lifted Nanoha and spun, lips locked as the crowd clapped with every revolution the pair made. When they broke, both women were flushed red and breathless as the guests laughed and cheered for their happiness.
  59. “They both look so happy together, don’t they?” Yuuno’s voice was somber and low.
  61. “They do. You’ll be happy like they too, one day.” Chrono agreed; patient, compassionate, and sad.
  63. “Really?”
  65. “Yeah. There’s bound to be someone out there who likes their men smart and pacifistic.”
  67. “Not her though.”
  69. ”No. But she doesn’t strike me as the type to like a quiet guys anyway.”
  71. “And Fate’s not quiet?”
  73. “She’s a space policewoman who can solve cold cases and level buildings.”
  75. ”And I can’t compete with that?”
  77. ”Not in this situation, no.”
  79. ”…I hate you.”
  81. ”I know.”
  83. Nanoha’s father took the stage and gave his well-wishes to his daughter and her girlfriend as the crowd applaused for the nth time. The brunette and blonde exchanged happy smiled and one last kiss before pulling each other into a warm embrace that had some of the guests wolf-whistling and whooping.
  85. “So what’ll you be doing after this?”
  87. ”Eh, I’ve got the rest of the week off. I’ll head back to Mid and… do stuff I guess.”
  89. “Like?”
  91. ”Clean my apartment, organizing tax records and emails, working on past projects…”
  93. ”You aren’t going to stay around and see Nanoha?”
  95. ”…I don’t think I can. Besides, she has Fate hasn’t she? I’m not needed anymore.”
  97. ”Don’t say that Yuuno. No matter what you do, there’s always a special place for you in her heart.”
  99. “Not the place I want to be in, though.”
  101. ”You’re still there. That’s more than any of her admirers can say, right?”
  103. ”…yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” Yuuno stood. “I guess I’ll have to settle for second best.”
  105. “Yuuno--”
  107. ”You think Takamachi-san would mind if I brought back a bottle of this stuff?” Yuuno raised his glass to eye-level, inspecting the rich amber liquid within. “It’s pretty good. I might buy more of this stuff when I get the chance.”
  109. ”It’s not like you to be hung up over something like this, Yuuno.” Chrono frowned, worry and concern writ over his features. “Nanoha’s not the only fish in the sea. You’ll find your own happiness, even if its not with your first love.”
  111. ”I never said anything about Nanoha, Chrono.” the LIbrarian laughed. It was sad. “I just like the drink. It’s actually that good.”
  113. ”…I think Shiro-san won’t mind if you ask him.” Chrono sighed. “He’s over there on by Momoko-san.”
  115. “Hm.” Yuuno nodded. “I’ll ask later, after things have calmed down a little.”
  117. The Librarian looked at Nanoha and Fate through the crowd and, either through chance or a higher power pitying him enough to give him one last glimpse of the woman who stole his heart, caught the brunette’s eye. Fate followed her girlfriend’s gaze to Yuuno and both girls smiled, raising their hands to wave at him through the crowd.
  119. Yuuno put on the widest false smile he could and raised his glass at them.
  121. “Yeah,” Yuuno nodded to himself. “Second best isn’t so bad.”
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