
2019-02-05 #acdum Green Bridge (part II)

Feb 6th, 2019
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  1. 2019-02-05 Green Bridge (part II)
  2. Wolf, Hoxton, Chains, Dallas
  4. [19:30:51] <Wolf> *Wolf's at the scene, a gun pointed to the collapsed cop.* You're gonna fucking regret that.
  5. [19:32:29] <Dallas> *Dallas is just finishing tying up his small herd of disarmed LEOs. He yells over to them* What's going on? Talk to me, people!
  6. [19:32:52] <GreenBridge> *The cop is dazed by Hoxton's attack, but his eyes manage to focus on Wolf. He spits in his direction, but it's lost in the rain.*
  7. [19:33:46] <Wolf> *He jerks his shotgun forward, moving it closer to his face.* You think this is a fucking game? 'Cause it is, AND I'M WINNING!
  8. [19:34:08] <Hoxton> *Hox curses in frustration and shoots the radio. Not that it can be used for further mischief.* Wolf, get our special guest to the others. Fook! *he turns and yells over* BIG HEAT INCOMING. LET'S GET MOVIN, FELLAS.
  9. [19:34:44] <GreenBridge> *Chains has set the first and second saws on the two nearby trucks; the other two trucks are still ahead. Almost immediately, one of the saws stops working. Chains rolls his eyes.* Broke dick piece of shit saw! *He gets to work fixing it, grumbling all the while.*
  10. [19:36:00] <Wolf> *He grumbles at that, grabbing the cop by the collar and dragging him away. He doesn't get to stand up.* If you try **anything**, I WILL kill you.
  11. [19:36:27] <Dallas> *Dallas curses loudly. He quickly casts around for the thickest bit of cover he can find that's not one of the prison transport trucks or a normal passenger vehicle, preferably to one of the sides of the bridge. His plan is to move all the hostages there, out of the line of fire.*
  12. [19:36:40 <GreenBridge> *The cop retorts,* Like you fucking killed all those people?!
  13. [19:37:09] <Wolf> No. Worse.
  14. [19:37:15] <Dallas> *Dallas can't resist blurting out* For your information, that wasn't supposed to collapse the bridge!
  15. [19:37:38] <Dallas> You can thank your government for shoddy materials!
  16. [19:37:58] <GreenBridge> *There's two terminals up ahead where the heavy cables attach to the roadway. There's pretty solid cover behind those.*
  17. [19:38:06] <GreenBridge> *By the third truck.*
  18. [19:38:22] <GreenBridge> Are you shitting me? You think that makes this okay??
  19. [19:38:30] <Wolf> Yeah.
  20. [19:38:45] <Hoxton> Less talkin, more moving, sunshine! *he gives the cop a nudge with his rifle and hurries to fetch the other two saws. Inwardly counting down.*
  21. [19:38:58] <Dallas> *Dallas starts herding the hostages towards the nearest terminal, hustling them along. To the cop* I don't wanna hear you whining! Just shut up, and keep your head down!
  22. [19:39:16] <GreenBridge> *The cop moves along, muttering,* Fucking psychopaths...
  23. [19:39:38] <Wolf> You can't say anything to us that we don't wear like a badge, yankee.
  24. [19:40:31] <GreenBridge> *As Dallas draws closer to the terminals, he sees that the one nearest the third truck has a blood trail leading behind it, though it is rapidly washing away in the rain.*
  25. [19:42:50] <Dallas> *Oh fuck. Dallas yells for the hostages to stay put, follows after the blood at a wary jog. He braces himself against the truck and takes a peek behind that terminal, trying to catch a glimpse of the bleeder.*
  26. [19:43:20] <GreenBridge> *There's a man sitting with his back to the steel wall, in the middle of a pool of his own blood, which swirls as it mixes with the rainwater. There's a piece of jagged shrapnel about the size of his forearm embedded deep in his belly, almost penetrating entirely through him. It's not a cop, or a prisoner; it's just an average guy who got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.*
  27. [19:44:21] <Dallas> *Dallas lowers his gun and approaches warily. Conscious?*
  28. [19:45:37] <GreenBridge> *Not moving visibly. Unclear if he's even still breathing.*
  29. [19:46:07] <Dallas> *Wasting precious seconds, but Dallas is compelled to kneel next to him and feel for a pulse.*
  30. [19:47:27] <GreenBridge> *He's gone.*
  31. [19:49:20] <Dallas> *Dallas stares at him for a moment, and then he gets up and heads back to the hostages to usher them all behind cover. No time to move that guy; they'll just have to deal with occupying the same space as a dead body.*
  32. [19:50:35] <Hoxton> *Meanwhile, Hoxton fetches the two remaining saws, affixing them onto the other two trucks. They almost slip from his graps in the rain and he curses.*
  33. [19:51:28] <GreenBridge> *A couple of the hostages gasp or recoil upon seeing the body; one even throws up. But their fear of the gang outweighs their discomfort, and they settle down, huddled against each other in the small area.*
  34. [19:52:42] <GreenBridge> *It's a little awkward attaching the saw to the truck flipped on its side, but he manages it. However, as he approaches the fourth transport, it begins to slide down off the bridge. Terrified screams can be heard as the van falls off the edge, plummeting into the cold, stormy waters hundreds of feet below. Better hope he wasn't in that one, yeah?*
  35. [19:54:47] <Hoxton> *Hox lets out a startled yelp as well. He swears he can feel the bridge shudder as the van slides down. He backs away, jogging back to the others.* Shite....holy shite! One of the trucks just fuckin dipped it! If he was in there, it's all tits up!
  36. [19:55:07] <Dallas> *Dallas jumps at the scraping sound. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what just happened. He turns back to the hostages, says in a firm voice* Listen up, buddies. We're not here to hurt any of you. Just keep your heads down, and everything's gonna be just fine. Stick your head out, and you're gonna end up shot. So don't move. *With that, he leaves them to their huddle and runs back to the others.*
  37. [19:57:07] <GreenBridge> *The hostages comply, a few of them bleakly watching him as he leaves.*
  38. [20:04:32] <Wolf> *Wolf's dropped the cop near Chains and the drill, having dragged him the whole way there, as one can see. He folds his arms.* .. Fuckin' pigs..
  39. [20:05:32] <GreenBridge> *The cop's a little worse for wear after being dragged so far. He mutters,* Fucking clowns.
  40. [20:07:14] <Dallas> *Dallas gives the scuffed up cop an exasperated look. How far to the terminal where he's stashed the others? If it's too much of a trip, THE COP CAN STAY HERE.*
  41. [20:07:24] <Dallas> *Also, is he attractive? Young?*
  42. [20:09:50] <Hoxton> *Hox joins the other, shooting the cop a look. He takes the sniper from his back and gently tilts his head.* If ya wanna make this, shut ya trap. Trust me, no one minds ya takin a dive if you as much as look at us wrong. *With that, he takes cover, propping the big gun. Underneath the mask, he breathing hard. Nervous and anticipating the oncoming assault.*
  43. [20:09:57] <GreenBridge> *It's a bit of a walk. Just far enough to be annoying. And the cop is not particularly pretty; looks like his nose has been broken at least twice in the past. He's real young, though. Probably only a year or two out of the academy.*
  44. [20:10:58] <Dallas> *No, it's worth it. Dallas drags him to his feet, force marches him to sit with the others.*
  45. [20:13:37] <GreenBridge> *The cop is begrudgingly marched there without incident. When he is forced to the ground, he looks back up at his captor. If looks could kill, Dallas would be dead on the ground.*
  46. [20:15:37] <Dallas> *As amusing as the glare is, with the body seeping blood nearby, Dallas can't quite muster the strength to smile. He goes* You're welcome. *He starts to turn back, stops to have a look at the others. Behaving? How's everyone doing?*
  47. [20:16:30] <GreenBridge> *Some of them are holding each other, a couple are sobbing, the rest are either dead-eyed or flinching away from him.*
  48. [20:17:52] <Dallas> *All right, that's totally fine in his book. He lopes back to where the drills are going, doing the rounds to make sure they're all going smoothly. He'll help out anywhere he's needed.*
  49. [20:18:42] <GreenBridge> *The tension in the air could be cut by a knife (or even a saw) as they wait for the saws to do their work.*
  50. [20:18:47] <GreenBridge> ((Someone give me a 1d3))
  51. [20:20:02] <Hoxton> !roll 1d3
  52. [20:20:02] <RNGesus> Hoxton rolls the 1d3 and gets: 3 [3]
  53. [20:21:28] <GreenBridge> *The first and second saws keep breaking down, but it seems like the horizontal positioning of the third truck actually helps the saw keep running, and though it was the last placed, it's the first to cut through the doors.*
  54. [20:24:24] <Hoxton> Is that the sound of a saw fookin done? *he peers behind him, then cursing* Why do these piece of shits always break down?
  55. [20:24:24] <GreenBridge> *Chains answers,* Because they're all pieces of shit!
  56. [20:24:24] <Hoxton> Enough money to fuckin demolish a bridge but not for fuckin decent saws! *He groans but there is a bit of humor in his voice.*
  57. [20:24:54] <Wolf> *Wolf's at the saw immediately, pulling it off and swinging open the door.*
  58. [20:27:47] <GreenBridge> *Three prisoners are cuffed inside. All of them look confused, and none of them are Asian. Despite that, the one nearest the door holds out his hands to Wolf* Thank god! You gotta get these cuffs off! Please!
  59. [20:28:23] <Wolf> .. *Wolf immediately slams the door shut. Somebody else's problem.*
  60. [20:28:50] <Dallas> *Dallas swings the door open again, peers around at the three. Any familiar faces?*
  61. [20:29:31] <GreenBridge> *Nope.*
  62. [20:29:52] <Dallas> *He promptly closes the door on them.*
  63. [20:30:18] <GreenBridge> *There's a pounding on the door.* Please! For fuck's sake!
  64. [20:30:59] <GreenBridge> ((ACHIEVEMENT GET: Back to prison))
  65. [20:31:08] <GreenBridge> ((On the Green Bridge job, free and then zip-tie all extra prisoners from the prison vans.))
  66. [20:31:13] <Dallas> *Dallas raps sharply on the door with the butt of his Kalash.* Quiet in there! I don't wanna hear any talking--or yelling, OR BREATHING. Just STAY. LOW.
  67. [20:31:23] <Wolf> *He's grabbed a nearby piece of debris to latch the door shut with. Not today. The cops'll handle em.*
  68. [20:31:24] <Hoxton> *Hox looks at the truck. If they let them go, they could be a nice distraction. But then they will probably die at the hands of the cops.*
  69. [20:31:36] <Dallas> *Dallas quickly backs out of the way at Wolf's makeshift latch.*
  70. [20:32:15] <GreenBridge> *The mouthy guy won't shut up.* C'mon man, I can't go back to prison! Do you have any idea what Hazelton is like??
  71. [20:33:18] <Dallas> *I'm so sorry, Wolf. Dallas pries the latch out from the door, swings it open again.* Who was that? Which one of you said that?
  72. [20:34:13] <Hoxton> *Well the two saws are still jammed? Hox props his sniper behind his cover and hurries to check on them.*
  73. [20:34:30] <GreenBridge> *The guy nearest the door. Skinny guy, lots of tattoos. Looks a bit like a young Steve Buscemi.*
  74. [20:34:59] <Dallas> *Dallas yells to him over the rain* What're you in for?
  75. [20:35:24] <GreenBridge> *Chains has been fixing them, but he won't say no to Hoxton's aid.*
  76. [20:36:18] <GreenBridge> I was framed, man, I was framed! *He's indignant, but looking shifty-eyed.*
  77. [20:36:48] <Hoxton> If we make this, ya bet I'll fucking whine Bain's ear about the fuckin drills. C'mon! Sawy piece of shit! *when the saws are done, he hurries back to the prisoner spectacle.*
  78. [20:36:53] <Dallas> *Dallas shoots a wary glance down the bridge, turns to the other two in the truck.* What's he in for?
  79. [20:37:07] <Wolf> *He squints.* ... Dude, we're- we're not cops. *.. He does feel a bit bad, though, if he is telling the truth.*
  80. [20:38:21] <GreenBridge> *Before they can answer, though it's initially masked by the rainfall, there's the unmistakable noise of an incoming helicopter. It has a blinding spotlight, swinging directly towards the ruined section of the bridge.*
  81. [20:39:19] <Wolf> .. Well, shit.
  82. [20:39:56] <Dallas> *Dallas spits out* Shit. *He turns to young Buscemi, says* Lawyer up, okay? Just lawyer up, and figure out your rights! Good luck! *With that, he slams the door and starts retreating to the next truck.*
  83. [20:40:30] <GreenBridge> *The light systematically starts sweeping up the bridge, towards the bridge terminals and trucks.*
  84. [20:40:47] <Hoxton> Ah fuck! Never mind those twats! The fuckin cops are here! *he hurries for his rifle, ready to defend their little fort*
  85. [20:41:47] <Wolf> *Wolf takes a second, visibly having an intense mental debate with himself. Then, when nobody's looking. He swings the door open yet again, getting the man's cuffs off and throwing him onto the sidewalk.* Run.
  86. [20:44:38] <Dallas> *Dallas is taking up a defensive position, trying to keep out of direct line of sight of the chopper. Just in case they got a sniper on board.*
  87. [20:44:54] <GreenBridge> *The prisoner doesn't need another word of encourgement. He's off like a shot, sprinting down the bridge as fast as he can. The bright orange jumpsuit and avoidance of cover make him a perfect target for the sniper in the helicopter. Bang.*
  88. [20:45:20] <Dallas> *Dallas barks out* Heads down, sniper!
  89. [20:45:39] <Wolf> *Wolf stands there, for a moment, completely stunned. Silent.*
  90. [20:45:49] <Hoxton> Ah fuck! *He ducks as he hears the very familiar shot. He turns towards Dallas.* Should I try an get this sonovabitch?
  91. [20:46:54] <Dallas> *firmly* Stay. Down. If they swing around, take a shot at the pilot.
  92. [20:47:17] <GreenBridge> *The helicopter keeps moving up the bridge, doing a systematic sweep. The spotlight pauses for a good ten seconds as it shines on the bridge terminal where the hostages are.*
  93. [20:47:29] <Dallas> *Oh God, is Wolf just standing out there?*
  94. [20:47:49] <Hoxton> Gotcha! *He huddles deeper into cover but following the chopper with a fierce squint behind his mask*
  95. [20:48:45] <Dallas> *Dallas peers out behind cover. Small window while they've got the hostages in their spotlight, so he makes a low slinking dash over to Wolf, bodily dragging him behind cover with him.*
  96. [20:50:55] <Hoxton> Ah fuck! WOLF, MOVE! FUCK'S SAKE! *he readies his gun. C'mon, spotlight! Dont catch them!*
  97. [20:52:39] <Wolf> *Wolf's slumped down into cover, his voice near whisper.* I.. I thought he.. I thought he could make it-
  98. [20:54:14] <Dallas> Yeah, you and me both. Keep your head down, buddy.
  99. [20:54:53] <GreenBridge> *Lucky they did get Wolf into cover; the spotlight sweeps past where he was standing only seconds later. It continues to work its way up the bridge.*
  100. [20:54:58] <GreenBridge> ((Someone give me a 1d2))
  101. [20:56:44] <Hoxton> !roll 1d2
  102. [20:56:44] <RNGesus> Hoxton rolls the 1d2 and gets: 1 [1]
  103. [20:58:30] <Wolf> *It takes him a moment, but soon he's straightened back up, any sign of emotion gone, washed away by the rain. Every fish gets fried eventually, he tells himself.*
  104. [20:59:18] <GreenBridge> *The saw on the first truck finishes, and Chains is able to make a dash for it while the helicopter is still making its way forward. He cries out,* Empty! It's a decoy! *He takes cover inside a nearby open minivan, just in time as the helicopter passes his position.*
  105. [21:00:06] <GreenBridge> *The last saw finishes.*
  106. [21:00:58] <Dallas> *Dallas barks out* Last one's done! Let's haul ass, ladies!
  107. [21:01:59] <Hoxton> *And Hox hauls ass. Darting from cover to cover, making sure his fellow heisters keep up.*
  108. [21:04:37] <GreenBridge> *The helicopter sweeps its way past the second truck, continuing its search forwards. However, there's another helicopter in the distance, approaching from the end of the bridge. This helicopter is much larger - clearly a troop transport.*
  109. [21:07:30] <Dallas> *Dallas stops to watch the chopper, squinting in the rain.* Ah shit, we got SWAT inbound! Move, move! *He ducks behind a passenger vehicle, sets his Kalash down, strips out of his bright yellow raincoat. With snipers watching the bridge, he can deal with a little rain. Then he casts a quick look around and makes for the truck.*
  110. [21:07:53] <Dallas> *Their man had better be in there, or all those people died for a big nothing.*
  111. [21:11:28] <GreenBridge> *He makes it to the truck without incident. Three prisoners are inside, and there, in the back, sits a Chinese man. He looks a bit more haggard than the picture you got, but it seems like it's him.*
  112. [21:11:59] <Hoxton> *You know what, the raincoat ditch is a good idea for someone who might go and snipe. He ditches his one as well.*
  113. [21:12:01] <Dallas> *Uhhh. Does he have a name?*
  114. [21:12:15] <Dallas> *Might be a bit rude to point right at him and go, "YOU. THE ASIAN GUY."*
  115. [21:14:23] <Dallas> *Dallas points right at him. Probably a bit aggressively.* You! Asian guy! Ah, shit! Sorry, forgot your name, man! *struggles a bit* Giant, ogre--whatever the fuck the codeword was. We're getting you outta here, and you're going home! C'mon, c'mon!
  116. [21:15:12] <GreenBridge> *The guy echoes enthusiastically,* Giant! Giant! *He holds out his cuffed hands.*
  117. [21:15:40] <Dallas> *Dallas gestures, embarrassed.* Giant! Thank you! *He wastes no time uncuffing the poor bastard and helping him out.* You good? Can you walk?
  118. [21:16:57] <GreenBridge> *The guy rubs his wrists, but nods.* Walk, yes. *He does not seem to be a fan of the rain, scowling upwards.*
  119. [21:17:49] <Dallas> We got snipers circling the bridge, so stay low. You move when we move, got it? Gonna get you outta here in one piece.
  120. [21:19:20] <GreenBridge> Good, very good! *English is clearly not his first language, but he seems to understand enough of what you're saying to get the gist of it.*
  121. [21:20:27] <Hoxton> *What is the sniper copter doing? Hox is following the thing, if there is a moment to take aim at the pilot, he will.* I'll try and get that fuckin chopper outta the sky.
  122. [21:21:25] <GreenBridge> *The sniper helicopter has stopped once it reached the construction site; it's moving back towards them now. There's definitely an opportunity. The SWAT helicopter thunders overhead, moving swiftly past them towards where the hostages are being kept. The doors open, ropes fall, and four officers in full gear begin to rappel downwards.*
  123. [21:23:09] <Dallas> *OH GOOD. Dallas keeps his voice down, saying to the others* Hostage evac. Let's move. *He'll be sticking with the VIP. Gotta make sure he doesn't fall behind or get grabbed.*
  124. [21:23:51] <Hoxton> *Hox takes a deep breath and takes aim at the pilot. Trying to still his racing heart he waits until he has the man right in his crosshairs*
  125. [21:24:41] <GreenBridge> ((Gimme a...2d6))
  126. [21:24:50] <Hoxton> !roll 2d6
  127. [21:24:51] <RNGesus> Hoxton rolls the 2d6 and gets: 9 [5, 4]
  128. [21:26:36] <Dallas> *Either way, with the chopper oriented the way it is, no way the sniper's returning fire. Dallas takes point, taking the VIP with him. Moving from cover to cover down the bridge in the direction of the extraction point.*
  129. [21:29:23] <GreenBridge> *Despite the horrendous conditions, Hoxton's aim is true. His shot hits the guy in the chest, and he loses control of the helicopter. The heli lurches to the side as it falls, and its blades clip the roadway and metal guardrail, then shatter. The heli tumbles over the side of the bridge.*
  130. [21:30:34] <Hoxton> *A whoop of feral victory. One second, he stands there. Watching the heli lurch and swerve to the side before hurrying after Dallas, Wolf and the VIP.* FUCKER GOT IT.
  131. [21:30:46] <GreenBridge> *Luckily for Dallas, all of the cars that were stuck in rush hour traffic provide consistent cover. It's just a matter of picking which ones to hide behind.*
  132. [21:32:11] <Dallas> *The sight is arresting. Nothing like in the movies. Dallas stares for a moment, breathless, then nudges the VIP ahead of him. Keeping steady pace. Stopping behind an SUV to wait for the others to catch up.*
  133. [21:32:45] <Dallas> *hoarsely* Good work, buddy!
  134. [21:33:01] <GreenBridge> *The VIP is similarly halted, his jaw dropping. At Dallas' nudge, he starts moving again.*
  135. [21:34:46] <Hoxton> One thing less to worry about! *he reloads the sniper, looking proud. One wanka less to threaten his mates.* C'mon, Mr Giant or whatever! Move!
  136. [21:35:51] <GreenBridge> *Meanwhile, the SWAT units have started freeing the hostages. The mouthy cop is standing, shouting at the SWAT officers, and pointing in the gang's direction. At a command from one of the SWAT officers, the hostages drop down from sight again, taking cover. The four SWAT start making a tactical advance towards the gang.*
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