
Chat by IDailyGaming

Mar 21st, 2016
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  1. command /chat [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. aliases: c
  3. executable by: players
  4. trigger:
  5. if player has permission "":
  6. if arg 1 is empty:
  7. send "&8[&6JpsvTools&8] &cPoprawne uzycie:" to player
  8. send "&8» &e/chat cooldown <czas>" to player
  9. send "&8» &e/chat on" to player
  10. send "&8» &e/chat off" to player
  11. send "&8» &e/chat clear" to player
  12. else if arg 1 is "on":
  13. if {chat.stan} is true:
  14. send "&8[&6CHAT&8] &cChat aktualnie jest wlaczony!" to player
  15. stop trigger
  16. set {chat.stan} to true
  17. broadcast "&8[&6CHAT&8] &aChat zostal wlaczony!"
  18. else if arg 1 is "off":
  19. if {chat.stan} is false:
  20. send "&8[&6CHAT&8] &cChat aktualnie jest wylaczony!" to player
  21. stop trigger
  22. set {chat.stan} to false
  23. loop 128 times:
  24. send " " to all players
  25. if "%arg 2%" is "<none>":
  26. broadcast "&8[&6CHAT&8] &cChat zostal wylaczony!"
  27. if player has permission "":
  28. arg 1 is "clear" or "c":
  29. loop 128 times:
  30. send " " to all players
  31. broadcast "&8[&6CHAT&8] &cChat zostal wyczyszczony przez %player%&c!"
  32. else:
  33. send "&8[&6JpsvTools&8] &cPoprawne uzycie:" to player
  34. send "&8» &e/chat cooldown <czas>" to player
  35. send "&8» &e/chat on" to player
  36. send "&8» &e/chat off" to player
  37. send "&8» &e/chat clear" to player
  38. stop trigger
  39. else:
  40. send "&8[&6CHAT&8] &cNie masz uprawnienia!"
  41. on chat:
  42. if {chat.stan} is false:
  43. if player has permission "":
  44. stop trigger
  45. else:
  46. cancel event
  47. send "&8[&6CHAT&8] &cChat jest aktualnie wylaczony!"
  48. stop
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