
In a Flash (WIP)

Sep 28th, 2014
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  1. W A R N I N G:
  3. Don't fucking read this. Just-- Don't read it. There's a monster inside me which compels me to write this shit, and I don't want to subject you to it.
  7. >Regiment Switching day
  8. >Not your favorite 24-hour period, to be certain
  9. >The opposite, in fact
  10. >Watching row after row of guards walk by was the epitome of boring
  11. >Of course, this is mandatory as part of your princely duties
  12. >So you slouch on your throne and observe the parade from the box
  13. >Just as you're about to fall asleep, your wife nudges you
  14. >"See that one?"
  15. >You shake awake, gazing over the crowd
  16. >Who--
  17. >Oh, that one
  18. >Blue hair
  19. >Orange-ish coat
  20. >Sorta gay looking
  21. "Yeah?"
  22. >"I dated him for a month."
  23. >A moment passes in silence
  24. "You're kidding."
  25. >"Nope."
  26. "You?"
  27. >"Yep!"
  28. >You shake your head
  29. "Never mentioned him."
  30. >"Well, that's because it's sort of an embarrassing story."
  31. "Worse than that time you dated that DJ chick?"
  32. >"Yes."
  33. >Shit, really?
  34. >You sit up, interest rising
  35. "How bad?"
  36. >"Well. Let's see."
  37. >She pretends to think about it
  38. >"He mumbled every word on every date and barely kept eye contact. He jumped every time I tried to hold his hoof. Oh, and he never got any hints. I invited him for coffee after a date three times and he didn't realize what I meant. I had to practically drag him into the bedroom."
  39. >You arch an eyebrow
  40. "Seriously? Testosterone-filled guard like him?"
  41. >"Yep. Timid as a fly. Turns out there was a good reason for that."
  42. "Yeah?"
  43. >"Well, after he came, he started crying."
  44. >You burst into laughter
  45. >Which you probably shouldn't be doing at this event, considering the formality, but whatever
  46. "You're fucking with me."
  47. >"Nope. Sobbing like a baby."
  48. "Oh my god. Did he have a reason?"
  49. >"Yep. Wanna guess?"
  50. "He lasted less then twenty seconds?"
  51. >"No. He got about forty in. It was much worse."
  52. "What, then?"
  53. >"He's gay."
  54. >You blink
  55. "And-- Wait. Why did he-"
  56. >"I was the Princess. Felt like he couldn't refuse."
  57. "Oh my god."
  58. >You're literally going to die
  59. >You haven't laughed this hard before
  60. >Ever
  61. >Seriously, this fucking hurts
  62. >You wish you could stop but--
  63. >The fucking image of him just bursting into tears and admitting--
  64. >Oh my god you have to stop thinking about it
  65. >"Yeah. Imagine how I felt."
  66. "And-- And you- He-- He waited until AFTER you guys fucked to tell you?"
  67. >"Yeah. Explained how uncomfortable he looked."
  68. "Oh... Oh Christ..."
  69. >Well
  70. >You can breathe again
  71. >So that's good
  72. >"But yeah. Totally gay. I reprimanded him for not being honest with me, and he got all- Well, you know the type."
  73. >Your wife adopts a fake submissive, shaky voice
  74. >"Yes Princess Twilight, I'm sorry Princess Twilight, it won't happen again Princess Twilight"
  75. >Fuck
  76. >You're laughing again
  77. >Seriously, this isn't healthy
  78. >Like
  79. >This hurts so much
  80. >Christ
  81. >"And he's literally on the floor, on his knees, wet dick flopping about, as I'm rolling my eyes and just regretting my entire life."
  82. >Fuck fuck fuck
  83. >You really have to stop
  84. >But--
  85. >Oh, shit
  86. >You hit the floor with a thudding noise, literally falling out of your chair laughing
  87. "Oh... Oh Christ, Twi."
  88. >"Yeah. Probably should have noticed it sooner."
  89. "Ya think?"
  90. >"Oh, shut up."
  91. >She lightly kicks you on the shoulder as you continue to destroy your diaphragm
  92. "Oh... Oh my good..."
  93. >You sigh
  94. "Wow."
  95. >"Yeah."
  96. >You scramble back up onto the chair
  97. "Well. Uh- Shit."
  98. >No more guards
  99. >You missed the rest of the parade
  100. >Oh well
  101. >Not like you actually cared
  102. >Now that that's over, though...
  103. >You have to admit
  104. >That faggy haircut was sort of-
  105. >Eh, fuck it
  106. "Uh, Twi?"
  107. >"Yeah?"
  108. "So, he's like..."
  109. >You let your voice trail off
  110. >She screws up her face and punches you in the arm
  111. >"Oh my Celestia, Anonymous."
  112. "Yeah Yeah I know. But-- I mean, you thought it too! You guys dated, right?"
  113. >"Yes, but-"
  114. >She sighs
  115. >"I have no idea how he's going to feel about that."
  116. "Oh come on. Remember that grovelling? He's totally a subby little bitch."
  117. >Twilight shrugs
  118. >"In all likelihood."
  119. "So, uh... Is it alright if I--"
  120. >Twilight thinks about it for a moment
  121. >"Fine. He's in..."
  122. >She levitates a clipboard up to eye level
  123. >"Barrack 3C, Bunk 19L".
  124. "Awesome."
  125. >You lick your lips
  126. >"Try to be gentle with him."
  127. >You give her a look
  128. >She smiles
  129. >"Only kidding, of course. Fuck him hard for me."
  130. "Oh, will do. Think I can go now?"
  131. >"You'd better. We having a 'meeting' with Luna tonight."
  132. >You kiss your wife on the cheek
  133. "Thanks. Love you."
  134. >"You too."
  135. >She slaps you on the ass with magic
  136. >"Now. Go get some!"
  137. >Fucking Twilight
  138. ____
  139. >Finally
  140. >Your bunk in the barracks
  141. >That parade was a nightmare. You got out of step twice, and you could swear you heard laughing after you passed Twilight
  142. >Probably about the horrible nightmare that was your "relationship" with her
  143. >To this day, she was the only woman you've ever had sex with
  144. >You still can't believe you let it get that far
  145. >Still. Being assigned to her palace again can't be too bad
  146. >Lots of good guards in the newly-formed regiment. A few that were the type to be into you in the first place, and others who were "straight" but would probably take a turn when you serviced the troops
  147. >Best of all, you're assigned to barrier duty
  148. >Keeping track of the borders of the palace grounds, and all
  149. >Not only is it an easy job, it's as far away from your ex as possible
  150. >This is the good life
  151. >You put your pack below the bed, rolling on top of it
  152. >Ah
  153. >Nice and springy
  154. >Perfect for-- well, your favorite activity
  155. >You lay there for a solid minute before you realize something's wrong
  156. >There's-- Where the hell are the other guards?
  157. >The entire section is totally empty
  158. >Except you
  159. >You begin to sweat
  160. >Did you miss an alarm?
  161. >Are you supposed to be elsewhere?
  162. >Oh, god, this is terrible
  163. >You feel panic start to set in as you jump off the bed
  164. >"Flash."
  165. >You freeze
  166. >That--
  167. >You've never heard that voice before
  168. >Slowly, you turn around, tail and ears dropping in fear
  169. >Oh, gods
  170. >This is it
  171. >You're dead
  172. >Twilight's husband is standing in the door, a wicked grin on his gaunt face
  173. >"Let's talk, buddy."
  174. >Yeah.
  175. >So dead.
  176. >You--
  177. >Oh, gods
  178. >You fucked his wife
  179. >Now this monster is going to murder you
  180. >FUCK
  181. >You feel your breathing get ragged, and adrenaline floods your body
  182. >There's no way you can fight this guy
  183. >But, maybe, if you run...
  184. >"I reassigned your other bunk-mates temporarily. Hope you don't mind."
  185. "N-No sir."
  186. >Shit Shit shit
  187. >"So my wife was talking about you."
  189. >"And, as I understand it, you're a little faggot bitch."
  190. >His grin widens as you feel yourself blush
  191. >Oh my god
  192. >Fuck you, submission fetish
  193. >Not now
  194. >"I also understand that you dated her for a while. Seriously, you let her have sex with you? Do you not have a spine?"
  195. >You feel more heat rise to your face
  196. >"Seriously, what kind of guard are you?"
  197. >F-Fuck
  198. >Why isn't he hurting you yet
  199. >And why is your armor suddenly so t-tight-
  200. >"I'll tell you what."
  201. >He crosses the distance between you in one stride, placing a firm, strong hand on your back
  202. >"Look here. We both know what we want, right?"
  203. >You feel yourself nodding
  204. >Oh god
  205. >You're-
  206. >But he's married! How in the hell can he-
  207. >"And Twilight's okay with it."
  208. >Oh Celestia
  209. >Are--
  210. >Is this--
  211. >"So how about you take off that armor and present your fucking sissy ass."
  212. >He slaps you on the butt
  213. >Hard
  214. >It hurts, but only makes your erection stronger
  215. >Fuck
  216. >With practiced efficiency, you remove your armor
  217. >Trembling, you dip your torso and turn around, presenting yourself
  218. >"Oh. Fuck yes."
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