
Curtain Call!

Mar 3rd, 2014
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  1. [20:39] <~Deedles> The doors to the cells were sturdy wooden doors, though there were some completely made of metal. The door they were headed towards was one of heavy oak, a small, barred, window at around head level for an adult. through it they could see the pale face of a woman in her thirties, her long, platinum blond, hair pulled back and held into a bun by a hair decoration, which was probably quite tidy and elegant once,
  2. [20:39] <~Deedles> but more of a mess now. Her green eyes peered out at them with a curious and wary look.
  3. [20:41] <Earthflame> Jian hangs back, keeping an eye on the stairs and the area while Shen approaches the prisoner...
  4. [20:42] <~Deedles> Chiyoko busied herself with dragging the unconscious guards into an empty cell.
  5. [20:44] <Vanick> Shen looked back to the other two as he approached the cell, his face was weary beneath the mask. He had no idea what Usagi Tatsuo sounded like, nor what she looked like even if he could see. He was silent as he stepped up to the cell door. "Are you Usagi Tatsuo?" he asked into the cell without revealing his masked face through the door.
  6. [20:46] * Vanick is now known as Shen
  7. [20:47] <~Deedles> The women hesitated, but nodded in the end "Yes... But who are you?" she asked him quietly "You're not Black Lotus... You took out the guards. Are you White Peony? Are Haru and Mizuki alright?" he couldn't see the concern and distress on her face, but he could certainly hear it in her voice.
  8. [20:52] <Shen> "Friends." he exhaled in a low voice, but he wasn't convinced just yet. He remained quiet for a few moments before he asked her another question. "Before you married your husband, you loved another: What was the man's name?" he really didn't want to test her when she was already so convincingly concerned, but he couldn't risk it.
  9. [21:02] <~Deedles> She paused at that, surprised at the question, but she answered him "I've never loved another, in all my life I've only ever loved one man, and his name was Sanru Hiroto Huang." she spoke calmly, and sincerely.
  10. [21:04] <Shen> Shen nodded to himself more than anything, confirming her identity. He felt his hand across the door for its locking mechanism.
  11. [21:09] <~Deedles> There were a couple, a heavy padlock and a thick hatch.
  12. [21:13] <Shen> "Jian." Shen whispers out to his friend. "The door is padlocked and we can't make too much noise." he said, gently rattling to iron padlock about to make his point.
  13. [21:13] <Earthflame> Jian nods, stepping forward and summoning his Chi Blade...
  14. [21:14] <~Deedles> Chiyoko moved up to their side, in the middle of rolling up her sleeves. "Guys, step back, I've got this." she told them, waving a hand at Usagi "You should take a step back too, madam." she adviced the noblewoman. Usagi nodded and backed away from the door.
  15. [21:16] <Shen> As did Shen, quite warily. "Try not to set the whole place on fire." he hummed from behind her.
  16. [21:17] <~Deedles> Chiyoko held out one of her hands as a sword made of flames appeared in it. "Tsk, the way you speak to me I'd think you don't trust me." she huffed playfully.
  17. [21:18] <Earthflame> Jian gives the sword an appreciative look. "...Very good, Chiyoko."
  18. [21:19] <~Deedles> "Thank you, Jian!" She smiled as she sank the sword below the metal locks, slowly pushing it upwards to cut through the hatch and padlock.
  19. [21:28] <Shen> Shen watched curiously with his senses, his head shifting between the sword and the presence behind the door.
  20. [21:29] <~Deedles> Jian could see fire chi in circulation from Chiyoko's hand, so she wasn't wasting any, it was like she pushed it out of her body, and then pulled it back in, to create a sharp-edged flame.
  21. [21:31] <~Deedles> A couple of moments passed and then Chiyoko pulled back, her sword disappearing as she gripped the barred window to pull the door open "Voila!" she smiled at them. Usagi slowly began moving forward, looking at the three who had been part of rescuing her, her eyes slightly wide at how young they were. "Thank you..."
  22. [21:35] <Earthflame> Jian turns his attention back to the corridor. "We must move quickly... Getting you out of here undetected will not be easy."
  23. [21:37] <Shen> "Thanks can wait until you're safe." Shen stepped forward as he looked around them, his face resting on Jian. "I might have an idea for that." he wondered aloud as he ran a hand over his mask. "If she wears this mask and my tunic, it might give us more time than without."
  24. [21:39] <Earthflame> "...But what about you?"
  25. [21:40] <~Deedles> Usagi looked at Shen, obviously having the same question.
  26. [21:42] <Shen> "They don't know my face, I can just play the idiot and get kicked out if I catch any attention. I'm a weak blind boy after all." he shrugged, his concern obviously not for himself. "Don't worry for me."
  27. [21:43] <Earthflame> Jian frowned. "That seems too great a risk. Come with us as our servant, carrying our gear or some such. If questioned, I'm sure Xi can convince people you were just so ordinary they didn't notice you."
  28. [21:49] <~Deedles> "That could work, most people don't notice servants." Usagi said softly as she looked down at Shen.
  29. [21:50] <Earthflame> Jian gives her a short bow. "I am sorry that we have so little time to explain. I assure you that we will tell you everything after we are safe. For now, it is best we say as little as possible, lest we be overheard."
  30. [21:51] <~Deedles> "Believe me, I do not wish to stay here any longer than I have to." The noblewoman assured the swordsman.
  31. [21:51] <Shen> Shen nodded in reluctive agreement to Jian. "Alright, but if anything happens, you need to get out with her. If we don't our efforts are wasted and we may not get another chance."
  32. [21:53] <~Deedles> "I might have a way out for us, but I'm not sure how easy it would be to get to now..." Usagi told them with an uncertain expression.
  33. [21:54] <Earthflame> "With a little luck, we could just walk out the front door... What is this other way?" Jian peers up the corridor again, anxious at the possibility of discovery...
  34. [21:56] <~Deedles> "Most noble houses have secret passages to allow its members to escape if they would ever need it. This mansion was originally the Tatsuo estate, so I know the way, but... With Sasutomi having joined Takeshi it's possible he might of told him about them." Usagi answered while she raised a hand to pull the decorations out of her hair.
  35. [21:56] <Shen> "So they may be guarded?" he asks curiously as he turned his face to the woman.
  36. [21:57] <~Deedles> "Yes, I suspect they might." She nodded
  37. [22:00] <Shen> "We still have the element of suprise right now, if we go through the passages we lose that on contact. Whilst even though we will definitely run into guards up top, there is a chance we can pass by unnoticed." he mused aloud as the gears whirled in his head. "My gut tells me the concealed approach is wiser."
  38. [22:02] <~Deedles> "Then I will follow." Usagi concluded before she began undoing her dress "A tattered silk dress will draw too much attention." she informed them
  39. [22:03] <Earthflame> Jian keeps his eyes resolutely on the corridor
  40. [22:05] <Shen> Shen nodded as he undid the black tunic he was wearing over his usual attire, pulling the belt loose and handing it to the woman. "It will be hard for you to see behind the mask, I suggest using your other senses if you can." he offered as he unclipped the mask from his jaw guard, then the jaw guard from his face, passing them along too.
  41. [22:07] <~Deedles> Usagi was left with a white shirt and black pants after she removed her dress. She pulled on the tunic, tying the belt firmly around her waist, before she carefully accepted the mask. "Thank you, young man, you're very brave." she told him and then proceeded to put the jaw guard into place, clicking the mask onto it.
  42. [22:09] <Shen> "Brave or stupid, but I'm sure we'll find that out soon enough." he laughed softly. "Will you be alright getting around like that?"
  43. [22:13] <~Deedles> Usagi closed her eyes as she sensed her surroundings through her chi "I should be fine..." she said quietly.
  44. [22:17] <Shen> "Good." he nodded to the others, "Then lets move before we run out of time. When we get upstairs, we'll meet up with the others and end the 'show'."
  45. [22:17] <Earthflame> Jian moves ahead, walking carefully and quietly up the stairs...
  46. [22:18] <~Deedles> Usagi and Chiyoko followed behind the others, walking as silently as they could.
  47. [22:18] <Shen> Shen falls in with the group, attempting to look as servanty as possible.
  48. [22:23] <~Deedles> The quartet moved up the stairs without problem, finding themselves back in the hall outside of the dining hall.
  49. [22:24] <Earthflame> Jian settles into his role as the sword juggler, hands held out before him with silver sleeves draping down as he makes his way back towards the main hall...
  50. [22:25] <~Deedles> As they re-enter the dining hall they are met by the sight of Sanru casually leaning against a wall beside the stage while Reisuki danced to Huan and Yoshi's music.
  51. [22:25] <Earthflame> ...The sight of Rei dancing gives Jian a moment of pause. He keeps his eyes on her as they walk back around to the performers area...
  52. [22:27] <Shen> Shen walked between Usagi and the guests in the hall, keeping her out of as much sight as possible with his own body.
  53. [22:27] <Feldion> Xi grins at Jian's reaction, noting that her foresight and timing is once again impeccable.
  54. [22:28] <~Deedles> Usagi moved forward with grace and dignity, blending herself in with everyone else. Sanru's eyes settle firmly on the woman walking beside his son, pushing himself off the wall in slow-motion.
  55. [22:34] <~Deedles> Chiyoko moved over to Xi as she smiled "We found our missing member, seems he'd gotten lost." she informed the troupe leader while fanning herself a bit as she giggled.
  56. [22:35] <Feldion> "Good work. I was starting to get worried that you'd managed to lose yourselves in this mansion." Xi smiles behind her fan.
  57. [22:36] <Earthflame> Jian is quiet... Still watching Rei. His look is more one of relief than enjoyment, just glad that she's okay.
  58. [22:37] <Shen> Shen also remained quiet, bowing his head faintly to the others upon their arrival.
  59. [22:40] <~Deedles> Sanru was quiet at first as he approached Shen and Usagi, one of his hands raised itself slightly, but he willed it back to his side "... We should leave as soon as we can." he stated, inhaling silently. Usagi blinked behind her mask as she recogniced the voice "... You're..." she trailed off, not finishing that sentence, she didn't need to as Sanru answered, plain and simple. "Yes."
  60. [22:40] <~Deedles> Right about then Takeshi re-entered the dining hall, watching Reisuki's performance as he calmly made his way over to Sasutomi.
  61. [22:41] <Shen> "This humble servant doesn't mean to speak out of turn, but it seems like our time is almost up." he chimed, watching Takeshi rejoin the halls crowd.
  62. [22:42] <Earthflame> Jian snaps out of it, nodding and heading over to the musicians and Rei
  63. [22:43] <~Deedles> Reisuki's dance came to an end, the geisha taking a low bow to the crowd and then got off the stage, followed by Huan.
  64. [22:44] <Feldion> "I agree. A good performer always leaves the audience wanting more."
  65. [22:45] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro shuffles off the stage with the others, unfurling his fan to cover the lower half of his face, taking notice of the extra menber of their little group.
  66. [22:45] <Earthflame> Jian goes to collect his swords before moving off with the rest.
  67. [22:51] <~Deedles> "We ready to leave?" Sanru asked the others quietly
  68. [22:52] <Earthflame> Jian replies with a simple nod, not wanting to say a word...
  69. [22:53] <Feldion> "Yes, I believe we have made enough of a lasting impression." Xi smiles.
  70. [22:53] <Shen> As the group reforms, Shen holds his hands out towards any and all carrying any equipment. "By all means, masters, let me take the burden off of you after that excellent performance."
  71. [22:55] <~Deedles> Takeshi moved over towards the group, followed by Sasutomi. Sanru surreptitiously placed himself between them and Usagi as he gave Shen a small bag he'd taken with him. "Here." he said simply.
  72. [22:56] <Earthflame> Jian passes the rod of swords to Shen... Putting a saber within easy reach.
  73. [22:57] <Shen> He accepted the luggage a little clumsily, but still contained enough to not knock anybody on their ass.
  74. [22:57] <Feldion> Xi moves to the front of the group. "Lord Daizen, Lord Tatsuo." She greets them with a bow.
  75. [23:01] <~Deedles> "Miss Yin." Takeshi said with a smile "Leaving so soon?" he asked her
  76. [23:05] <Feldion> Xi gestures at the party, "I believe we have set your party abuzz and lively, my Lord. I don't wish to remove the opportunity to take that energy towards yourselves and," her eyes twinkle mischievously, "given how well we have been received I want my troupe to be as well-rested as possible before we are invited by all these fine ladies and gentlemen."
  77. [23:07] <~Deedles> Takeshi chuckled softly "Indeed, if you will perform at another's party I might actually consider going for once." he nodded, his hands clasped behind his back. "That was a most splendid performance." Sasutomi stated with an approving smile as he looked to Xi, before his gaze briefly flickered to the troupe of entertainers.
  78. [23:07] <Earthflame> Jian gives another bow towards the lords as they compliment them.
  79. [23:08] <~Deedles> Sanru nodded stiffly in thanks while Chiyoko and Reisuki curtsied to the two Lords.
  80. [23:09] <~Deedles> Huan gave them a dramatic bow "Happy you enjoyed it, my Lords."
  81. [23:09] <Feldion> "Thank you very much for your kind words. I think we'll congratulate ourselves tonight as well," Xi curtsies to the two Lords, "for a job well done."
  82. [23:10] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi follows suit with the other geisha as they curtsied to the young lord, even though he would much rather punch him in the face...
  83. [23:12] <~Deedles> "You've deserved it." Takeshi said with a slight laugh, a twinkle in his eyes as he rubbed his chin. He moved past the rest of the troupe and up to Rei, gently taking her hand as he leaned down to kiss it. "I do hope we meet again, Lady Kizumi." he told her. Reisuki forced forward a cordial smile "I'm sure we will, Lord Daizen." she answered. Takeshi nodded and then turned to Xi. "You can go to Tsuwin to get your payment."
  84. [23:12] <~Deedles> he stated and then began moving away, back towards the other nobles. "Have a good evening, ladies and gentlemen."
  85. [23:13] <Feldion> "You too, my Lord." With that, Xi turns to the group. "I'll meet all of you outside of the gates. I'll collect the payment."
  86. [23:14] <~Deedles> "Be swift." Sanru nodded, placing a hand on Usagi's shoulder as he urged her forward, followed by Huan, Chiyoko and Reisuki.
  87. [23:14] <Shen> "I will accompany you, mistress." Shen the servant offered with a slight bow of the head.
  88. [23:15] <Earthflame> Jian nods, turning to escort Rei and the others out...
  89. [23:16] <Feldion> "Oh, thank you," Xi says to Shen. "Now, where is that Chamberlain?"
  90. [23:16] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi files in with Rei and Chi, just trying to keep up appearances until they were safely out of the mansion.
  91. [23:17] <~Deedles> Tsuwin was over by the doorway Takeshi had led Reisuki out of the dining hall through earlier, in the middle of talking to another elderly male about something.
  92. [23:18] <Feldion> Xi makes her way over, taking note of the latest styles in the capitol where before she had been too concerned to notice.
  93. [23:19] <Shen> Shen follows along closely behind in silence.
  94. [23:19] <~Deedles> Tsuwin looked to the side at her approach, smiling softly as he bowed. "Here for your payment?" he asked her. "A wonderful performance, my dear." the elder beside Tsuwin complimented her.
  95. [23:20] <Feldion> "Thank you both," Xi bows back but not as deep. "I did say that we wouldn't disappoint?"
  96. [23:22] <~Deedles> "You did indeed." Tsuwin untied a pouch from his belt and handed it to Xi Feng "And here's the pay of 30 Gold pieces."
  97. [23:24] <Feldion> Xi takes the pay gratefully. "Your generous patronage is very appreciated."
  98. [23:24] <~Deedles> "You and your troupe have earned it. I do hope you'll come and perform again sometime." he smiled
  99. [23:26] <Feldion> "I shall send a messenger round with our temporary lodgings once we have settled in," Xi assures him.
  100. [23:26] <Feldion> "Now, I feel I must leave or else my troupe may wonder just how much of the pay I am pocketing." She laughs.
  101. [23:27] <~Deedles> "Thank you, madam." Tsuwin bowed to her and chuckled. "Take care."
  102. [23:28] <Feldion> "You too. Till next time," she curtsies and heads from the hall, indeed pocketing the money.
  103. [23:28] <Shen> Shen offered a silent bow to the two men as he joined Xi to leave.
  104. [23:30] <~Deedles> Meanwhile the rest of the group stood outside of the gates to the mansion and waited for Xi and Shen to re-join them.
  105. [23:31] <Earthflame> Jian speaks softly to Rei "...Are you okay? Did he try anything...?"
  106. [23:33] <~Deedles> "I'm fine, Jian." Reisuki insisted "He's a sleeze, but he never got too touchy-feely."
  107. [23:34] <Earthflame> "Good..." Jian smiles at her. "...I'm glad."
  108. [23:42] <~Deedles> Sanru kept a hand on Usagi's shoulder the whole time while they waited, but he kept his distance, as did she.
  109. [23:44] <Feldion> Xi makes her way down the drive with Shen in tow. "Not bad for one day's work, eh, Shen?"
  110. [23:47] <Shen> Shen huffed a light laugh at her words. "I suppose not, mistress." he grinned as they made their way off of the estate.
  111. [23:48] <Feldion> "What a shame that this is only for this one day," Xi laughs, "together I'm sure we'd make a killing as a real troupe."
  112. [23:48] <~Deedles> Sanru's gaze settled on Xi and Shen as they approached them. "Let's go..." he stated simply once they were all gathered.
  113. [23:49] <Shen> Shen let out an amused sigh. "Who knows what the future holds for the Black Moon troupe."
  114. [23:49] <Zero_Atma> "Yes, please, I'd really like to get out of this dress soon..." Yoshi mutters. "How can you girls stand wearing these things?"
  115. [23:50] <Earthflame> Jian chuckles at that as they turn to walk away...
  116. [23:51] <Feldion> "They look nice and haven't you noticed the pleasant draft," Xi says to Yoshi as she and Shen settle into the group as they leave.
  117. [23:51] <~Deedles> "I'm kind of jealous." Huan jested with a grin
  118. [23:52] <~Deedles> Sanru quietly turned as the group began heading away from the mansion and back to the Crimson Steel.
  119. [23:52] <Shen> "I'm glad you're jelous... remain that way." he offered with a furrowed nod.
  120. [23:53] <Zero_Atma> "IT's a lot harder being a woman than I thought." Yoshi admits.
  121. [23:54] <Feldion> Xi nudges him, "Some of us happen to be one every day!"
  122. [23:56] <~Deedles> "Yeah, show some appreciation." Chiyoko chimed with a broad smile.
  123. [23:56] <Shen> "We should probably head back the long way in case we're followed by any of our adoring fans." Shen mused as he rubbed his jaw now free from it's guard.
  124. [23:56] <~Deedles> "Good idea..." Sanru agreed as he glanced back towards Shen. Usagi opted to remain quiet for now, incase anyone within earshot might recognice her voice.
  125. [23:57] <Feldion> "Perhaps through the marketplace?" Xi suggests. "We can get lost in the crowd."
  126. [23:57] <Earthflame> "Looking like this?"
  127. [23:58] <Shen> Shen shakes the jingling swords on the pole along with Jians point. "Maybe it'd be better if we split up and meet back at the Steel."
  128. [23:59] <Feldion> Xi waves her hand, "if you wish."
  129. [23:59] <~Deedles> Sanru nodded. "Alright, in pairs to make sure no one gets lost?" Reisuki suggested
  130. [23:59] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "That would be best... I will see you there?" He sets his sights on an upcoming alleyway, planning on taking the rooftop route, freeing himself from the heavy robes.
  131. [00:00] <Zero_Atma> "Who would like to share the company of Miss Ho?" yoshi asks while fluttering his eyelashes.
  132. [00:00] <Shen> "Trying to say something?" he mock poked at his father. "Bagsy not with Ho."
  133. [00:02] <~Deedles> "Well, a blind kid on his own might be strange..." Sanru replied "I can go with Ho!" Chiyoko offered with a grin. "I can go with Shen." Huan said, patting the blind young man's shoulder. Usagi turned her head towards Shen "Do you want your mask back?" she wondered, speaking very quietly.
  134. [00:04] <Zero_Atma> "How kind of you, dear, te-he-he" Yoshi replies, fanning his painted face with an amused look.
  135. [00:04] <Earthflame> Jian rolls his eyes. "Later, then."
  136. [00:05] <Shen> "Keep it for now." he smiled back at her faintly. "The servant needs to deliver these swords back." he finished as he nodded to Jian.
  137. [00:05] <~Deedles> Reisuki glanced towards the others "Right, time to split then." she stated.
  138. [00:05] <Earthflame> With that, he turns into the alley. As the main road fades behind him, he pulls off the showy robes, bundling them and clutching them to his chest before leaping and kicking off the buildings to arrive at the rooftops, and from there, there is only the open sky between him and his destination.
  139. [00:06] <~Deedles> Sanru and Usagi turned down a street to leave the group, the Storm Dragon slipping an arm around her shoulders as they did.
  140. [00:06] <Feldion> Xi shakes her head with a sigh. "Show-off."
  141. [00:07] <~Deedles> Reisuki shrugged "Lets just get back, alright?" she said with a faint smile, her eyes flickering from side to side.
  142. [00:08] <~Deedles> Huan lead himself and Shen down another road, humming idly on a tune as they did.
  143. [00:08] <Feldion> Xi turns to her. "Do you think we're being followed?"
  144. [00:08] <Zero_Atma> "Yeah, I think we've had enough excitement for one day." Yoshi agrees.
  145. [00:08] <~Deedles> "I have a sneaky suspicion Takeshi is a presistent man, so it wouldn't surprise me." Reisuki replied, glancing towards Chiyoko and Yoshi. "See you two later."
  146. [00:08] <Shen> Shen quietly walked with Huan, a smile on his face as they made their way back.
  147. [00:10] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro waves to the others as they part ways, walking alongside Chiyoko once they were all split up.
  148. [00:11] <~Deedles> The walk back to the Crimson Steel was a calm one for the various groups, even though a few of them were jumped by merchants trying to sell their wares.
  149. [00:12] <Feldion> Xi waves the other two off as well and heads off with Reisuki. "I'm sure he wouldn't come himself, not to fetch you. Perhaps a guard or two. Someone who shouldn't be any trouble to women like us." She grins.
  150. [00:14] <~Deedles> "That's true." Rei grinned in return.
  151. [00:15] <~Deedles> Jian was the first to return, followed by Sanru and Usagi, Shen and Huan, Chiyoko and Yoshi and finally Reisuki and Xi.
  152. [00:17] <~Deedles> Chiyoko and Reisuki both headed straight upstairs to get out of their make-up and dresses.
  153. [00:17] <~Deedles> Meanwhile Huan sat on the counter downstairs, his mask laying beside him.
  154. [00:18] <~Deedles> After arriving back Usagi had also gone straight upstairs to clean herself up, and was thus not present by the time Shen arrived.
  155. [00:18] <Earthflame> Jian waits restlessly in the main part of the shop, still on edge at the thought of what could have gone wrong...
  156. [00:18] <Zero_Atma> Yohi follows after them, though he would be changing clothes in a different room, it would be good to wear his own clothes again.
  157. [00:18] <Feldion> Xi, comfortable in her own dress, hangs around in the shop.
  158. [00:20] <Shen> As soon as Shen entered the shop, he dropped the pole of swords gently down on the floor and let out a sigh of relief. "All things considered, that went suprisingly well."
  159. [00:21] <~Deedles> "Yeah..." Sanru agreed calmly, pacing around the room, his mask finally off.
  160. [00:21] <Feldion> Xi presses a hand to her dress where the money bag rests. "Very well," she agrees with a smile.
  161. [00:21] <Earthflame> Jian leans to peer out a window again, a frown on his face. "...It almost felt too easy."
  162. [00:22] <~Deedles> "It probably is, so we don't want to linger too long..." Sanru nodded, before looking to Shen.
  163. [00:26] <Shen> Shen nodded at his father's words. "I was considering offering for you to take the boat back, but we'll likely need it for the journey ahead from here." he spoke regrettably with a slight frown.
  164. [00:27] <~Deedles> "We'll be fine on foot." His father replied calmly "But..." he trailed off, rubbing his chin faintly.
  165. [00:29] <Shen> "But?" Shen looked up to his father. "But what?"
  166. [00:30] <~Deedles> He gripped Shen's shoulder and began pulling him upstairs. As he did Reisuki walked past them on her way downstairs. She nodded to the two Storm Dragons and then stretched her arms as she reached the bottom of the stairs. "Man, it's nice to be out of that thing." she groaned in contentment.
  167. [00:31] <Earthflame> Jian turns to give her a nervous smile. "You looked good in it, Rei... But you're more yourself without it."
  168. [00:32] <Zero_Atma> "You can say that again." Yoshi agrees as he follows Rei down the stairs with gourd in hand, sipping from it along the way.
  169. [00:32] <Feldion> Xi makes a noise in agreement. "Are you feeling stiff? That dress did look a little confining." She asks Rei.
  170. [00:37] <Shen> Shen followed with his father in silence, obviously quite nervous.
  171. [00:37] <~Deedles> "Yeah, used to clothes I can move around in properly." Reisuki said, before smiling at Jian "Thank you."
  172. [00:38] <Earthflame> Jian glances out the window again. "...We should leave at nightfall, if not sooner. I feel like Interesting Times will soon be upon us..."
  173. [00:39] <Zero_Atma> "I'd opt for plain and boring, at this point." Yoshi pipes up.
  174. [00:40] <Feldion> "Where will we stay next?"
  175. [00:42] <~Deedles> "Wouldn't know, I'll be staying here for now." Reisuki said with a faint shrug. Chiyoko nodded "Me too, Shiina could use the help... But don't tell her I said that."
  176. [00:43] <Earthflame> Jian glances to Rei... But then nods. "Take care of yourselves."
  177. [00:44] <~Deedles> "We will. We'll hold down the fort while you guys are off on your quest." Reisuki smiled towards Jian "I wanted to come along, but it does seem like I'll do more good here."
  178. [00:46] <Earthflame> He nods. "I'll send you word when we're on the way to Haizhou... I still want you to be there, when we bring Katashi down."
  179. [00:48] <~Deedles> "I wouldn't miss it for the world." Rei assured him with a slight frown.
  180. [00:49] <Zero_Atma> "We'll miss you girls!" yoshi says with a quivering lip.
  181. [00:50] <Earthflame> Jian smiles nervously again. "...I'm going to get some air." He heads towards the back of the shop.
  182. [00:51] <~Deedles> Reisuki watched as he left, glancing at the group, before she followed him without a word.
  183. [00:51] <Feldion> Xi waits an appropriate amount of time before groaning, "finally."
  184. [00:52] <~Deedles> Chiyoko peered at her curiously.
  185. [00:53] <Feldion> "I thought I was going to have to tell Jian to offer her a massage or something." Xi rests her head on a hand.
  186. [00:54] <~Deedles> Chiyoko sniggered at that.
  187. [00:55] <Feldion> Xi turns her focus to Chiyoko. "I guess this means that my matchmaking for you will have to wait."
  188. [00:55] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi joins in the laughter with a short chuckle. "Good thing Rei is a straightforward kinda girl."
  189. [00:58] <~Deedles> "I think I'll be fine, plenty of other things to do while I'm here." Chiyoko replied with a smile.
  190. [01:02] <Feldion> Xi steps forward and pulls the other girl into a short hug. "Just make sure one of those things isn't ending up in jail, right?"
  191. [01:02] <~Deedles> Chiyoko hugged her back, tightly "I promise, boss." she grinned faintly.
  192. [01:05] <Feldion> "Oh and get strong enough to beat up Shen like you want to. That's an order, from the 'boss.'" Xi grins broadly back.
  193. [01:06] <~Deedles> "Ma'am, yes ma'am!" Chiyoko saluted playfully.
  194. [01:09] <Feldion> Xi laughs and pulls Chiyoko back into another quick hug. "I've been damned to the company of only the boys," she sighs as she pulls away.
  195. [01:10] <~Deedles> "I'm sure you'll survive." Chiyoko chuckled as she patted Xi's back "I'm more worried about them surviving with you for so long..." she teased
  196. [01:10] <Feldion> Xi waves a hand dismissively. "They should be glad to have me."
  197. [01:18] <Feldion> "Won't you be glad to have me with you, Yoshi?" Xi turns to him.
  198. [01:20] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro smiles and nods. "Sure am! Jian and Shen are good guys but they can't hold their licker for all the rice in Mei-lifa."
  199. [01:22] <Feldion> "Can't they?" Xi grins. "Now that's interesting to know~"
  200. [01:28] <Zero_Atma> "I always offer my friends a drink, but it seems like they prefer tea." Yoshi admits with a shrug.
  201. [01:30] <Feldion> "Well, tea is nice but how can you beat a refreshingly fruity sake on a summer's afternoon?"
  202. [01:34] <Zero_Atma> "I honestly can't say." Yoshi sighs. "One day I'll brew up a wine that they can all enjoy."
  203. [01:40] <Feldion> "I'm sure we can find a lesser wine they can stomach before that~"
  204. [01:53] <Zero_Atma> "My master made one they seemed to like, that seems like a good place to start."
  205. [01:56] <Feldion> Xi nods thoughtfully. "It does. We'll have to proceed carefully lest they discover what we're planning."
  206. [01:57] <Zero_Atma> "You do all the talking, I'll do all the brewing, they'll be none the wiser." Yoshi assures the phoenix.
  207. [01:58] <Feldion> "Sounds like the beginning of a wonderful partnership," Xi grins.
  208. [01:59] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi offers his gourd to Xi. "Drink?"
  209. [02:00] <Feldion> "Thank you." Xi takes the gourd and takes a sip.
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