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May 25th, 2019
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  1. [18:16:30] [main/INFO]: Using primary tweak class name optifine.OptiFineTweaker
  2. [18:16:30] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class optifine.OptiFineTweaker
  3. [18:16:31] [main/INFO]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
  4. [18:16:31] [main/INFO]: Setting user: Brycen121
  5. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] *** Reflector Forge ***
  6. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.model.Attributes
  7. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: mods.betterfoliage.client.BetterFoliageClient
  8. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.BlamingTransformer
  9. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present:$Load
  10. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present:$UnWatch
  11. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager
  12. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager
  13. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent$DrawScreenEvent$Pre
  14. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent$DrawScreenEvent$Post
  15. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent$CameraSetup
  16. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent$FogColors
  17. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent$RenderFogEvent
  18. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event
  19. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus
  20. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event$Result
  21. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present:
  22. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler
  23. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler
  24. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: cfi.getCameraPosition
  25. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: cfi.updateRenderInfo
  26. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ayu.getWaterColorMultiplier
  27. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ayu$e.newInstance
  28. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.addDestroyEffects
  29. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.addHitEffects
  30. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.canCreatureSpawn
  31. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.canRenderInLayer
  32. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.doesSideBlockRendering
  33. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.doesSideBlockChestOpening
  34. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.getBedDirection
  35. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.getExtendedState
  36. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.getFogColor
  37. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.getLightOpacity
  38. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.getLightValue
  39. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.getSoundType
  40. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.hasTileEntity
  41. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.isAir
  42. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.isBed
  43. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.isBedFoot
  44. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bcs.isSideSolid
  45. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: dez.isAmbientOcclusion
  46. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: blc.getLightValue
  47. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ayl.isSideSolid
  48. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: aer.canRiderInteract
  49. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Field not present: aer.captureDrops
  50. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Field not present: aer.capturedDrops
  51. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: aer.shouldRenderInPass
  52. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: aer.shouldRiderSit
  53. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory
  54. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks
  55. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient
  56. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Field not present: ata.delegate
  57. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ata.getDurabilityForDisplay
  58. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ata.getEquipmentSlot
  59. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ata.getTileEntityItemStackRenderer
  60. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ata.getRGBDurabilityForDisplay
  61. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ata.isShield
  62. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ata.onEntitySwing
  63. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ata.shouldCauseReequipAnimation
  64. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ata.showDurabilityBar
  65. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: arb.hasOverlay
  66. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: cfp.setKeyConflictContext
  67. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: cfp.setKeyModifierAndCode
  68. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: cfp.getKeyModifier
  69. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer
  70. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: cvd.parseFromReader
  71. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: aej.shouldRenderHUD
  72. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: aej.renderHUDEffect
  73. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: aek.isCurativeItem
  74. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bji.canRenderBreaking
  75. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bji.getRenderBoundingBox
  76. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bji.hasFastRenderer
  77. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bji.shouldRenderInPass
  78. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ddx$b.preDraw
  79. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ddx$b.postDraw
  80. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: axy.countEntities
  81. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: axy.getPerWorldStorage
  82. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: axy.initCapabilities
  83. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: boc.getCloudRenderer
  84. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: boc.getSkyRenderer
  85. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: boc.getWeatherRenderer
  86. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: boc.getLightmapColors
  87. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: boc.getSaveFolder
  88. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.GuiModList
  89. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present:
  90. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.model.IModel
  91. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.IRenderHandler
  92. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.ItemModelMesherForge
  93. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.settings.KeyConflictContext
  94. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.settings.KeyModifier
  95. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.LightUtil
  96. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader
  97. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge
  98. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient
  99. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainer
  100. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader
  101. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.gui.NotificationModUpdateScreen
  102. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderBlockOverlayEvent$OverlayType
  103. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry
  104. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderItemInFrameEvent
  105. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent$Pre
  106. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent$Post
  107. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent$Specials$Pre
  108. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent$Specials$Post
  109. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.ScreenshotEvent
  110. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.SplashProgress
  111. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present:$Load
  112. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] *** Reflector Vanilla ***
  113. [18:16:33] [main/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 3.1.6 build 14
  114. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine]
  115. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] OptiFine_1.13.2_HD_U_E7
  116. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] Build: 20190322-164033
  117. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] OS: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
  118. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] Java: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation
  119. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  120. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] LWJGL: 3.3.0 Win32 WGL EGL VisualC DLL
  121. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] OpenGL: GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2, version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 416.16, NVIDIA Corporation
  122. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] OpenGL Version: 4.6.0
  123. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] Maximum texture size: 32768x32768
  124. [18:16:35] [VersionCheck/INFO]: [OptiFine] Checking for new version
  125. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [Shaders] OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 416.16
  126. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [Shaders] Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  127. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [Shaders] Renderer: GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2
  128. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [Shaders] Capabilities: 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.2 4.0
  129. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [Shaders] GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS: 8
  130. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [Shaders] GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT: 8
  131. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [Shaders] GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 32
  132. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [Shaders] Load shaders configuration.
  133. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [Shaders] No shaderpack loaded.
  134. [18:16:35] [VersionCheck/INFO]: [OptiFine] Version found: E5
  135. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default
  136. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] *** Reloading textures ***
  137. [18:16:35] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] Resource packs: Default
  138. [18:16:36] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
  139. [18:16:36] [Thread-2/INFO]: Initializing No Sound
  140. [18:16:36] [Thread-2/INFO]: (Silent Mode)
  141. [18:16:36] [Thread-2/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
  142. [18:16:36] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Preloading sound minecraft:sounds/ambient/underwater/underwater_ambience.ogg
  143. [18:16:36] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
  144. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] Mipmap levels: 4
  145. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] Multitexture: false
  146. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/0_glass_white/
  147. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/0_glass_white/
  148. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/10_glass_purple/
  149. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/10_glass_purple/
  150. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/11_glass_blue/
  151. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/11_glass_blue/
  152. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/12_glass_brown/
  153. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/12_glass_brown/
  154. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/13_glass_green/
  155. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/13_glass_green/
  156. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/14_glass_red/
  157. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/14_glass_red/
  158. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/15_glass_black/
  159. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/15_glass_black/
  160. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/1_glass_orange/
  161. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/1_glass_orange/
  162. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/2_glass_magenta/
  163. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/2_glass_magenta/
  164. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/3_glass_light_blue/
  165. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/3_glass_light_blue/
  166. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/4_glass_yellow/
  167. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/4_glass_yellow/
  168. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/5_glass_lime/
  169. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/5_glass_lime/
  170. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/6_glass_pink/
  171. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/6_glass_pink/
  172. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/7_glass_gray/
  173. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/7_glass_gray/
  174. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/8_glass_light_gray/
  175. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/8_glass_light_gray/
  176. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/9_glass_cyan/
  177. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/9_glass_cyan/
  178. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/
  179. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/
  180. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/
  181. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: optifine/ctm/default/
  182. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] Multipass connected textures: false
  183. [18:16:38] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] BetterGrass: Parsing default configuration optifine/
  184. [18:16:39] [main/INFO]: Created: 1024x512 textures-atlas
  185. [18:16:40] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] Animated sprites: 27
  186. [18:16:40] [main/INFO]: Narrator library for x64 successfully loaded
  187. [18:16:40] [main/INFO]: [OptiFine] *** Reloading custom textures ***
  188. [18:16:51] [main/INFO]: Connecting to, 25565
  189. [18:16:51] [main/WARN]: Unknown custom packed identifier: minecraft:register
  190. [18:16:53] [main/WARN]: Unknown custom packed identifier: minecraft:register
  191. [18:16:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Brycen121
  192. [18:16:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§l(!) §eYou have §65 §emails. Click to check them out §a§l(!)
  193. [18:16:53] [main/INFO]: Loaded 430 advancements
  194. [18:16:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Remember to vote!
  195. [18:17:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo] you r gay
  196. [18:17:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [§5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo ? you] no u
  197. [18:17:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your Axe.
  198. [18:17:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chests is limited to officer only .
  199. [18:17:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Chests is limited to officer only .
  200. [18:17:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo] no u
  201. [18:17:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Axe.
  202. [18:17:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? does anyone have any obsidian??
  203. [18:17:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo] discpordd
  204. [18:17:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo] discpordd
  205. [18:17:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo] discpordd
  206. [18:17:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §7Mundunugu ? warp allshop
  207. [18:17:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleported to home (home) location
  208. [18:17:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo] u need to let me know when ur at work nibba
  209. [18:17:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? ./warp end for free obby
  210. [18:17:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Ammika ? how do i claim a mypet?
  211. [18:17:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  212. [18:17:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §7Mundunugu ? hey, stop taking my customers, grrr
  213. [18:17:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? oh
  214. [18:17:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Debug]: Chunk borders: shown
  215. [18:18:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Fatguy97
  216. [18:18:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? lmao
  217. [18:18:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? Mundunugu you have enough
  218. [18:18:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? yea
  219. [18:18:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? with your sicko mode prices
  220. [18:18:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  221. [18:18:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  222. [18:18:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? his prices arent bad
  223. [18:18:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  224. [18:18:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  225. [18:18:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  226. [18:18:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] DoggoChef has made the advancement [The End?]
  227. [18:18:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  228. [18:18:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §7Mundunugu ? what means sicko mode?
  229. [18:18:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  230. [18:18:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? i forgot how to get my pet out again-
  231. [18:18:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  232. [18:18:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?????Azeroth?????\nDescription: \nState: Level 1 Village\nAccess: Public\nJoin fee: 0\nBank: 2,496,069 | Upkeep: 38,500 | Daily tax: 0\nOutposts: 1/1\nLand: 77/125 Bonus: 100\nMode: PvP: false | Mobspawning: false | Firespread: false | Explosions: false | Buff : true\nPerks: \nChief: §aBrycen121\n§6§lAssistant:§f §acunkoo201\n§6§lResident:§f §cII1§7, §cBatBabe§7, §cDamidge98§7, §cAlpha_Computer
  233. [18:18:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Runtergesprungen is now AFK
  234. [18:18:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? his coal ore is double that of oreshop
  235. [18:18:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? ./perswitch
  236. [18:18:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] MrNubz ? yeet
  237. [18:18:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? Warp eco has pretty good prices
  238. [18:18:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? ./petswitch*
  239. [18:18:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] MrNubz ? 2 elder bij pets
  240. [18:18:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Balance of Boom: $12,516,257.79
  241. [18:18:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] Lileanda ? youre so salty about allshop, cook
  242. [18:18:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? tthaannkk you
  243. [18:18:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Ammika ? how do i claim a mypet?
  244. [18:18:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Can't find player with this name!
  245. [18:18:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? im salty about the coal
  246. [18:18:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Balance of Damidge98: $74,956.18
  247. [18:18:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] TotalRainBow is no longer AFK
  248. [18:18:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] GigaByte142373
  249. [18:18:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Damn Lileanda
  250. [18:18:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Balance of Alpha_Computer: $288,124.54
  251. [18:19:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? that roast
  252. [18:19:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Balance of BatBabe: $852,591.54
  253. [18:19:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  254. [18:19:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  255. [18:19:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? I can smell it from here
  256. [18:19:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] JesusBread
  257. [18:19:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? looking for a base to raid tell me if one of y'all have one
  258. [18:19:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 734,554!
  259. [18:19:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  260. [18:19:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] MacCaptKim ? Allshop is the best
  261. [18:19:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 733,555!
  262. [18:19:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  263. [18:19:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 734,555!
  264. [18:19:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  265. [18:19:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 734,556!
  266. [18:19:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §7Mundunugu ? it's weird coal (even at those insane prices) is still empty
  267. [18:19:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  268. [18:19:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 735,556!
  269. [18:19:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  270. [18:19:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 735,555!
  271. [18:19:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  272. [18:19:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §3Yoz§fZ ? Ammika did you already kill it with a lead
  273. [18:19:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? oh sorry mund
  274. [18:19:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  275. [18:19:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] AlwaysTacoman has made the advancement [The End?]
  276. [18:19:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? I keep mine for villager trading
  277. [18:19:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Immortal] catz55 ? i have cheap prices at /warp mart called mineral mart check it out
  278. [18:19:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Ammika ? i dont have a lead D:
  279. [18:19:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Debug]: Chunk borders: hidden
  280. [18:19:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Debug]: Chunk borders: shown
  281. [18:19:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  282. [18:19:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] JesusBread ? im going to kill the ender dragon with a lead
  283. [18:19:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 735,554!
  284. [18:19:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  285. [18:19:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 736,554!
  286. [18:19:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  287. [18:19:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 736,553!
  288. [18:19:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  289. [18:19:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? it wont work
  290. [18:19:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 735,553!
  291. [18:19:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? u cant pet it
  292. [18:19:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  293. [18:19:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 734,553!
  294. [18:19:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  295. [18:19:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  296. [18:19:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  297. [18:19:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 734,552!
  298. [18:19:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  299. [18:19:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] JesusBread ? :(
  300. [18:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 734,551!
  301. [18:19:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §7Mundunugu ? kinda makes you say..... hmm @cookwaifu perhaps try using kelp to cook with :)
  302. [18:19:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  303. [18:19:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 735,551!
  304. [18:19:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  305. [18:19:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 735,552!
  306. [18:19:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  307. [18:19:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 736,552!
  308. [18:19:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §3Yoz§fZ ? well to get pets you need to kill it with a lead. then do /pswitch to have it by your side
  309. [18:20:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  310. [18:20:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? damn /ah with those shulker box prices
  311. [18:20:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 736,551!
  312. [18:20:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  313. [18:20:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 737,551!
  314. [18:20:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? anyone else make their own skins?
  315. [18:20:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  316. [18:20:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 737,552!
  317. [18:20:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? You can't tame the enderdragon, wither boss, ghasts, and shulkers.
  318. [18:20:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? I do
  319. [18:20:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? all my skins are original
  320. [18:20:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? where do you get legendary quests
  321. [18:20:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? damn /ah with those shulker box prices
  322. [18:20:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? kl
  323. [18:20:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Rummuse has made the advancement [The End?]
  324. [18:20:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Mermu
  325. [18:20:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? it kl if i see ur skin
  326. [18:20:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Ammika ? :(
  327. [18:20:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? or endrmites or silverfish i think
  328. [18:20:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] iiDoggieEater is no longer AFK
  329. [18:20:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] AmSloth ? anyone able to spare me 5 furnaces ._.
  330. [18:20:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? i need more ideas
  331. [18:20:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] JesusBread ? bruh
  332. [18:20:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] JesusBread ? who made it where you cant pvp in the end
  333. [18:20:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? wut
  334. [18:20:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Dyandod
  335. [18:20:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? only the main island
  336. [18:20:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Immortal?] tanz123 ? you can
  337. [18:21:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? That was put in affect ages ago
  338. [18:21:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] For a more in-depth tutorial
  339. [18:21:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] visit /warp tutorial!
  340. [18:21:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ????????????????????????????
  341. [18:21:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] JesusBread ? that was the fun part
  342. [18:21:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? On the main island
  343. [18:21:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] bfrank34 has made the advancement [We Need to Go Deeper]
  344. [18:21:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? coulda just said no :I
  345. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?????Resident Village Commands?????
  346. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s invite - Invite someone to join your town
  347. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s show <name> - Shows info of a town
  348. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s list - Lists all towns
  349. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s materials - List of requirements to upgrade the town
  350. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s deposit - Deposit resources to upgrade the town
  351. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s home <name> - Teleport to a town's home
  352. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s chat - Join or leave chat channels
  353. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s plot - Commands for managing your plot
  354. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost - A piece of claimed land away from the town
  355. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s bank - Manage the town's bank and other fees
  356. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s upkeep - Shows info of the town's upkeep
  357. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s allies - Lists allies of the town
  358. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s help elder - Town management command
  359. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s help assistant - Town management command
  360. [18:21:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?????<< Prev 1/2 Next >>?????
  361. [18:21:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] AlwaysTacoman has made the advancement [Remote Getaway]
  362. [18:21:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] JesusBread ? pvping people on the main island when they first went there
  363. [18:21:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? if you want to pvp lets hop onto hypixel
  364. [18:21:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? C:
  365. [18:21:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  366. [18:21:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  367. [18:21:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? helper advertising :O
  368. [18:21:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §lUnarmed increased to §r§a§l1§r§f.
  369. [18:21:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? :OOO
  370. [18:21:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] JesusBread ? where is the enderman
  371. [18:21:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? ^
  372. [18:21:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] theGameWizerd ? F
  373. [18:21:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? its legal to mention hypixel
  374. [18:21:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? how can i make my own shops?
  375. [18:21:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? lmao
  376. [18:21:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §3Yoz§fZ ? who doesn't know about hypixel
  377. [18:21:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Im never gonna get another cartographer for 8 emeralds
  378. [18:21:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? ^
  379. [18:22:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? What a hyper pixel
  380. [18:22:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Tenskawatawa is no longer AFK
  381. [18:22:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? wait wrong villager type
  382. [18:22:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? whats*
  383. [18:22:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? imagine of coca cola said that
  384. [18:22:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] IssaFyra
  385. [18:22:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Dyandod
  386. [18:22:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? pffft everyone knows about us lets stop producing commercials
  387. [18:22:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? derp
  388. [18:22:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? this is minecraft
  389. [18:22:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? no
  390. [18:22:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? THIS
  391. [18:22:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? is
  392. [18:22:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? this is MEINKRAFT
  393. [18:22:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? SPARTA
  394. [18:22:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? how can i make my own warp shops?
  395. [18:22:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? how do i teleport back home
  396. [18:22:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? you have to buy a warp
  397. [18:22:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] ShouDre
  398. [18:22:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? you gotta donate
  399. [18:22:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Boom is now AFK
  400. [18:22:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] JayM3_
  401. [18:22:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? how much?
  402. [18:22:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? $5
  403. [18:22:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? My item elevator is leaking
  404. [18:23:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? or 6mil
  405. [18:23:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §3Yoz§fZ ? 6 mil in game or $5usd
  406. [18:23:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? You can buy a warp from /shop for 6mil
  407. [18:23:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? oh damn
  408. [18:23:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? where does packed ice spawn
  409. [18:23:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Watergust44
  410. [18:23:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? thats a long way ahead
  411. [18:23:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Watergust44
  412. [18:23:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? what is a quick way making money
  413. [18:23:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? shops
  414. [18:23:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? hack
  415. [18:23:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] MacCaptKim ? chef
  416. [18:23:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §2Anemakhte ? quests
  417. [18:23:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Zombie_Poptarts
  418. [18:23:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] Biggins1980 ? It was raining in my building at the bottom of the ocean earlier..I was so confuse
  419. [18:23:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] MrNubz
  420. [18:24:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? does packed ice naturally spawn in large amounts?
  421. [18:24:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? were can i sell my shulker boxes?
  422. [18:24:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Watergust44
  423. [18:24:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Fatguy97 ? yes
  424. [18:24:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Fatguy97 ? ah
  425. [18:24:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Thorcin
  426. [18:24:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] dryvnace ? need a packed ice biome im in one
  427. [18:24:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? Jungle Fire!!!
  428. [18:24:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? eee i need to get home
  429. [18:24:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Watergust44
  430. [18:24:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Torcin
  431. [18:24:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Thorcin
  432. [18:24:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] shoesareforloser
  433. [18:24:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? Rumm try /back
  434. [18:24:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? did you set a home?
  435. [18:24:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? thank you
  436. [18:24:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? yeah i set a home
  437. [18:24:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? do /home
  438. [18:24:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Hawaiianflo voted
  439. [18:24:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] iiDoggieEater
  440. [18:24:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Watergust44
  441. [18:24:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? my computer is so bad i get disconnected when i open chrome
  442. [18:24:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? this elytra
  443. [18:24:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? really a 2 chunk town -_-
  444. [18:24:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? it used to be good
  445. [18:25:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? I swear
  446. [18:25:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] SocksAreForLoser ? TheCookWaifu if you want I can give you some packed ice, I have to many stacks of it
  447. [18:25:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? ./s show test
  448. [18:25:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? best town
  449. [18:25:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? this elytra needs to be fixed
  450. [18:25:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] theGameWizerd
  451. [18:25:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? i need 4k
  452. [18:25:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] JesusBread
  453. [18:25:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your Fists.
  454. [18:25:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? okay thank ya
  455. [18:25:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? all my deaths are elytra based
  456. [18:25:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your fists.
  457. [18:25:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Sylitak
  458. [18:25:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] DoggoChef
  459. [18:25:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? git gud
  460. [18:25:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? boi
  461. [18:25:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Watergust44
  462. [18:25:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? Ik u aint saying that with a warrior rank
  463. [18:25:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? just train with the elytra
  464. [18:26:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Building Competition?
  465. [18:26:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit our website,
  466. [18:26:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ????????????????????????????
  467. [18:26:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? isnt difficult
  468. [18:26:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? wym im mashing the button to dive
  469. [18:26:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? and it never works
  470. [18:26:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] rotorzzz voted and got Common Reward
  471. [18:26:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] MisterTummy
  472. [18:26:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? finally a settlement to destroy!
  473. [18:26:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Thorcin
  474. [18:26:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? oh they will die
  475. [18:26:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? Bann!
  476. [18:26:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? *Cough*dick*Cough*
  477. [18:26:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? (unclaimed not w/i 4 chunks)
  478. [18:26:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Shleya
  479. [18:26:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? maybe its a new guy
  480. [18:26:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? awfully made too
  481. [18:26:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Shleya
  482. [18:26:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? Thecookwaifu keep the chat appropriate
  483. [18:26:55] [main/INFO]: Loaded 431 advancements
  484. [18:26:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? real eyesore
  485. [18:26:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? trying to get based up
  486. [18:26:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [PlayerVaultsX]: Opening vault 1
  487. [18:27:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? and youre ruinging their server experience
  488. [18:27:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Golden_Phantom52 ? bungus
  489. [18:27:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? it's oak wood planks and cobblestone
  490. [18:27:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? thats nice
  491. [18:27:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? ur skin is an eyesore
  492. [18:27:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? it's just a box with cobble all over it
  493. [18:27:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? 3/4 quarter forehead boi
  494. [18:27:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§6rotor§fzzz§a shows §b§b[§b§o§bEvent §eSword§b]§a§a§a to everyone in this world!
  495. [18:27:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? I got that
  496. [18:27:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? wierd flex but ok
  497. [18:27:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] xXthemrpigXx ? g
  498. [18:28:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? §b§b[§b§o§eFragmented §eBlade§b]
  499. [18:28:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  500. [18:28:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§3D§1e§3a§1t§3h§a shows §b§b[§b§o§b§lSovereign §a§lAxe§b]§a§a§a to everyone in this world!
  501. [18:28:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  502. [18:28:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  503. [18:28:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Thorcin
  504. [18:28:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? I'm making the server better
  505. [18:28:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? 12 damage
  506. [18:28:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Earwarmers
  507. [18:28:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? worse
  508. [18:28:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Torcin
  509. [18:28:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  510. [18:28:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? plus it doesn't even have a chest
  511. [18:28:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§3Yoz§fZ§a shows §f§f[§fDiamond Hoe§f]§a§a§a to everyone in this world!
  512. [18:28:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? I'ma terraform the area around
  513. [18:28:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? §a[My hand!]
  514. [18:28:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Hawaiianflo ? anyone selling a really good pickaxe?
  515. [18:28:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Golden_Phantom52 ? bungus
  516. [18:28:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? with tnt
  517. [18:28:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] GabbyJ13
  518. [18:28:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? making it so that it doesn't even seem to have been there
  519. [18:28:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? lightning bolt is tryna grief me and my friends settlement
  520. [18:28:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? Teasis, what are you doing?
  521. [18:28:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  522. [18:28:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  523. [18:28:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? nuking bases
  524. [18:28:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  525. [18:28:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Golden_Phantom52 ? fahlsk
  526. [18:28:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  527. [18:28:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  528. [18:28:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? That seems a bit uncalled for.
  529. [18:28:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  530. [18:28:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? destroying an ugly unclaimed base not w/i 4 chunks of a base
  531. [18:28:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? even ones that are partially claimed but just out of range
  532. [18:28:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] twxx460
  533. [18:28:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your Fists.
  534. [18:28:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? I don't think anyone owned it and it is such an eyesore
  535. [18:28:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] toyreaper3
  536. [18:29:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] CallMeBipolar
  537. [18:29:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? lool
  538. [18:29:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your fists.
  539. [18:29:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §3Yoz§fZ ? Can someone with not the best pc tp to me and tell me if your fps is lower than usual where i'm at.
  540. [18:29:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? i have an idea
  541. [18:29:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? Getblock is coool
  542. [18:29:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? why not just leave it
  543. [18:29:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? y'all can tp you will know what I am talking about
  544. [18:29:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? Getblock is cool
  545. [18:29:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? my dad called me an eyesore than proceeded to beat me
  546. [18:29:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? then fly away from it, lol. Someone might find it and rebuild from it.
  547. [18:29:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? hit me yozz
  548. [18:29:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? then*
  549. [18:29:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  550. [18:29:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  551. [18:29:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  552. [18:29:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  553. [18:29:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? if it was a nice house I would leave it or tp someone to get it so it could actually go to use
  554. [18:29:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Debug]: Chunk borders: hidden
  555. [18:29:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  556. [18:29:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  557. [18:29:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Tricky_Mickeh
  558. [18:29:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  559. [18:29:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  560. [18:29:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? whats your frames at
  561. [18:29:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? just picture it being a wood box w/ cobble all over it
  562. [18:29:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] MacCaptKim ? xd
  563. [18:29:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? i dived into a bush with the elytra
  564. [18:29:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? I have already destroyed it a bit
  565. [18:29:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? does anyone know how i can get my enderman to put down my damn torch??
  566. [18:29:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? oh
  567. [18:29:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? it sounds like i hit a rock e-e
  568. [18:30:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? didn't even have a chest
  569. [18:30:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have renamed item to my dick pic
  570. [18:30:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? Getblock is cool
  571. [18:30:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  572. [18:30:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? they clearly quit and left this trashheap
  573. [18:30:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] WeepingMiner
  574. [18:30:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  575. [18:31:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Have a suggestion on how we can make this server
  576. [18:31:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] even better? Suggest them on the forums or our discord!
  577. [18:31:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ????????????????????????????
  578. [18:31:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  579. [18:31:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  580. [18:31:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  581. [18:31:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] GigaByte142373
  582. [18:31:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  583. [18:31:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  584. [18:31:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  585. [18:31:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? anyone has a creeper grinder
  586. [18:31:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  587. [18:31:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? uh
  588. [18:31:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? ./warp grinder
  589. [18:31:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? ^
  590. [18:31:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? third floor down.
  591. [18:31:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] crafterpro77
  592. [18:31:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  593. [18:31:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  594. [18:31:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  595. [18:31:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  596. [18:31:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  597. [18:31:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  598. [18:32:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  599. [18:32:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Denmarks ? if you leave a job and join another do you keep your progess?
  600. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ----- Balance Toplist - Page 1 / 1077 -----
  601. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #1: rotorzzz - $242,142,989.18
  602. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #2: kenn - $200,442,578.56
  603. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #3: _JK_ - $96,522,463.65
  604. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #4: MBskii - $94,434,803.87
  605. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #5: Mundunugu - $82,592,634.51
  606. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #6: Cricket - $62,902,492.73
  607. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #7: Sooner2015 - $56,068,286.13
  608. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #8: Tori - $55,472,253.07
  609. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #9: Lileanda - $54,440,072.48
  610. [18:32:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] #10: Reyrem - $45,825,747.75
  611. [18:32:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? no
  612. [18:32:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] toyreaper3
  613. [18:32:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  614. [18:32:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] RollenW
  615. [18:32:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  616. [18:32:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] drmillward ? NO
  617. [18:32:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §4M§8eril ? no, you lose 40%
  618. [18:32:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? you lose 40¤
  619. [18:32:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? yo whose random chest is this left in the open
  620. [18:32:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? you need to get lvl75 to not lose
  621. [18:32:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Balance of _JK_: $96,522,463.65
  622. [18:32:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] drmillward ? unless you're level 75
  623. [18:32:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? the lag
  624. [18:32:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] _JK_ real name is JK_Supreme
  625. [18:32:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Denmarks ? ok
  626. [18:32:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? at /warp grinder
  627. [18:32:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Boom is no longer AFK
  628. [18:32:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] _Cypherr
  629. [18:32:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? does anyone have any bones??
  630. [18:32:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  631. [18:32:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  632. [18:32:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? I wish I could fix that.
  633. [18:32:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  634. [18:32:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  635. [18:32:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  636. [18:32:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? i usually get like 1kfps
  637. [18:32:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? For some reasont
  638. [18:32:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  639. [18:32:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? I'm sorry.
  640. [18:32:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? 1k ping
  641. [18:32:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? i get 50 at ginder
  642. [18:32:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? I actually lag at grinder now
  643. [18:32:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? yikes
  644. [18:32:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? I never did before
  645. [18:32:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Like ever
  646. [18:32:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  647. [18:32:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  648. [18:33:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  649. [18:33:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  650. [18:33:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Debug]: Chunk borders: shown
  651. [18:33:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  652. [18:33:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  653. [18:33:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  654. [18:33:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  655. [18:33:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Oh hello
  656. [18:33:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? why does changing jobs make ur level go down gradually
  657. [18:33:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? didnt know u were in the er
  658. [18:33:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? anyone want to help me rebuild the ground
  659. [18:33:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Runtergesprungen
  660. [18:33:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  661. [18:33:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  662. [18:33:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Runtergesprungen
  663. [18:33:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? U gotta be at max to not lose any lvls
  664. [18:33:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? your mess to clean up :[
  665. [18:33:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  666. [18:33:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TIMMMY21 ? can i join
  667. [18:33:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? :T
  668. [18:33:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  669. [18:33:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Kepeskethend is now AFK
  670. [18:33:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  671. [18:33:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  672. [18:33:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  673. [18:34:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  674. [18:34:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] SoulWaffle
  675. [18:34:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Shleya has made the advancement [Tactical Fishing]
  676. [18:34:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] SoulWaffle
  677. [18:34:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  678. [18:34:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] _GrimGaming_
  679. [18:34:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  680. [18:34:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  681. [18:34:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  682. [18:34:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] TotalRainBow is now AFK
  683. [18:34:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  684. [18:34:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? bruh im stuck
  685. [18:34:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  686. [18:34:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  687. [18:34:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? at the shulker grinder
  688. [18:34:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? Nice
  689. [18:34:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  690. [18:34:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  691. [18:34:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  692. [18:34:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? How?
  693. [18:34:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Lol
  694. [18:34:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? floating above exirt
  695. [18:34:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? levitation
  696. [18:34:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  697. [18:34:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  698. [18:34:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  699. [18:34:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  700. [18:34:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Ima go see
  701. [18:34:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? No one help him he's a big boy
  702. [18:34:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Fatguy97 ? where do i go to kill shulkers
  703. [18:35:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] GabbyJ13
  704. [18:35:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? i got out
  705. [18:35:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? finally
  706. [18:35:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? imagine an untouched bit of land was 5 chunks within claimed land
  707. [18:35:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome Skytho1010 to our server!
  708. [18:35:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  709. [18:35:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? what are the ways you can light a nether portal??
  710. [18:35:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  711. [18:35:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] drmillward ? Welcome
  712. [18:35:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? welcome
  713. [18:35:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? Rollen when are you gonna do your mythic thing
  714. [18:35:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §3Yoz§fZ ? are there still random blocks ar the shulker spawner at grinder?
  715. [18:35:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? mystic*
  716. [18:35:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? lol
  717. [18:35:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? I keep it non automated for those who want to kill them for quests.
  718. [18:35:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? flint and steel
  719. [18:35:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Dizzy_Khat ? welcome
  720. [18:35:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  721. [18:35:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  722. [18:35:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] _Cypherr
  723. [18:35:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  724. [18:35:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  725. [18:35:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? omg i found watermeloan
  726. [18:35:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? I dunno why it lags so badly here now
  727. [18:35:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? does anyone have flint and steel i could borrow??
  728. [18:35:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  729. [18:35:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  730. [18:35:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Maybe cause of all the spawners
  731. [18:35:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  732. [18:35:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? yea
  733. [18:35:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  734. [18:36:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Cause when i go down to villager
  735. [18:36:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? its not as bad
  736. [18:36:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? Might need to split /warp grinder in half.
  737. [18:36:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Like at all
  738. [18:36:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] For the list of commands
  739. [18:36:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] /commands
  740. [18:36:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ????????????????????
  741. [18:36:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? mobs are like flyin
  742. [18:36:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  743. [18:36:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  744. [18:36:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  745. [18:36:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  746. [18:36:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? U probs are gonna have to at this point death
  747. [18:36:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  748. [18:36:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  749. [18:36:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? ugh
  750. [18:36:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? Hey rivenge.
  751. [18:36:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? how do u claim pets
  752. [18:36:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Dizzy_Khat has made the advancement [The End?]
  753. [18:36:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? you beat them with a lead
  754. [18:36:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? pee on them
  755. [18:36:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? e-e
  756. [18:36:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  757. [18:36:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  758. [18:36:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? rivenge
  759. [18:36:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? bud
  760. [18:36:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? Ppl keep saying beat it with a lead
  761. [18:36:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? the last i got claimed
  762. [18:36:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? then disappeared
  763. [18:36:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? ohh
  764. [18:36:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? ./petswitch
  765. [18:37:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? did u put it away
  766. [18:37:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? ./petcall
  767. [18:37:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? that didnt work either
  768. [18:37:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? type /petcall
  769. [18:37:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? is it just not there
  770. [18:37:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? "You dont have a pet"
  771. [18:37:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome longsword63 to our server!
  772. [18:37:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Dizzy_Khat has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge]
  773. [18:37:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? ..
  774. [18:37:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? welome
  775. [18:37:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? do /petswitch
  776. [18:37:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Nahori ? welcome
  777. [18:37:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? Welcome!
  778. [18:37:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Cant help u with that then
  779. [18:37:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] SocksAreForLoser ? Welcome!
  780. [18:37:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  781. [18:37:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  782. [18:37:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Welcome!
  783. [18:37:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? OMG
  784. [18:37:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? tyyyy
  785. [18:37:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? wait
  786. [18:37:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? yw <3
  787. [18:37:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? niccee
  788. [18:37:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? so what we have been saying
  789. [18:37:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? worked....
  790. [18:37:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? anyone got a lead
  791. [18:37:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? '3'
  792. [18:37:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? how do i release a pet?
  793. [18:37:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Rummuse ? yeah i got one
  794. [18:37:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? Hello
  795. [18:37:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? ....
  796. [18:37:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? i found another parrot
  797. [18:38:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? how do i release a pet?
  798. [18:38:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §3Yoz§fZ ? ,/petrelease
  799. [18:38:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? ./warp grinder for parrots
  800. [18:38:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? lol
  801. [18:38:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? Earwarmers
  802. [18:38:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Alexander_Knight
  803. [18:38:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? you can have up to 5
  804. [18:38:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] annithiestium ? oh hi
  805. [18:38:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? oh ik
  806. [18:38:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  807. [18:38:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §9B§ae§br§cs§de§ey§6e§5z ? i will just go use creeper instead
  808. [18:38:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? Make sure it wasn't clogging.
  809. [18:38:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? w/c
  810. [18:38:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? hmm
  811. [18:38:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? i must consume the sea pickles
  812. [18:38:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  813. [18:38:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? dats unhealthy
  814. [18:38:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  815. [18:39:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  816. [18:39:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  817. [18:39:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? can you get pet enderdragons?
  818. [18:39:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? crunch crunch
  819. [18:39:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? no
  820. [18:39:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? can ppl kill ur pets
  821. [18:39:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? :(
  822. [18:39:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Mermu ? yes
  823. [18:39:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Watergust44
  824. [18:39:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? wow savages
  825. [18:39:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? u cant get them back if they die can u
  826. [18:39:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign] §3Water§4gust§b44 ? Is anyone selling kelp farms
  827. [18:39:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  828. [18:39:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? water can you /fix my pick?
  829. [18:39:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] SkiMan314
  830. [18:39:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? perchance
  831. [18:39:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  832. [18:39:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign] §3Water§4gust§b44 ? yeah sure
  833. [18:40:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? u should use the mob grinder
  834. [18:40:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Your claim must be connected to an existing settlement claim!
  835. [18:40:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 737,554!
  836. [18:40:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  837. [18:40:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 738,554!
  838. [18:40:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  839. [18:40:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 738,555!
  840. [18:40:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  841. [18:40:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 737,555!
  842. [18:40:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  843. [18:40:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 736,555!
  844. [18:40:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Your settlement already owns this land!
  845. [18:40:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Your settlement already owns this land!
  846. [18:40:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? ty!
  847. [18:40:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Your settlement already owns this land!
  848. [18:40:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Your settlement already owns this land!
  849. [18:40:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Your settlement already owns this land!
  850. [18:40:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?????Azeroth?????\nDescription: \nState: Level 1 Village\nAccess: Public\nJoin fee: 0\nBank: 2,496,069 | Upkeep: 50,500 | Daily tax: 0\nOutposts: 1/1\nLand: 101/125 Bonus: 100\nMode: PvP: false | Mobspawning: false | Firespread: false | Explosions: false | Buff : true\nPerks: \nChief: §aBrycen121\n§6§lAssistant:§f §acunkoo201\n§6§lResident:§f §cII1§7, §cBatBabe§7, §cDamidge98§7, §cAlpha_Computer
  851. [18:40:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Chief Brycen121 deposited $2,500,000 into the bank!
  852. [18:40:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  853. [18:40:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? tysm!
  854. [18:40:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  855. [18:40:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  856. [18:40:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  857. [18:40:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  858. [18:40:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign] §3Water§4gust§b44 ? np
  859. [18:40:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  860. [18:40:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  861. [18:40:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  862. [18:40:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? my parrot just creeped me out lmao
  863. [18:40:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  864. [18:41:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? i have to break 16k jungle logs!
  865. [18:41:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] ReddAce22
  866. [18:41:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] For a more in-depth tutorial
  867. [18:41:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] visit /warp tutorial!
  868. [18:41:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ????????????????????????????
  869. [18:41:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  870. [18:41:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  871. [18:41:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  872. [18:41:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  873. [18:41:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Heckapoo
  874. [18:41:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? ew, it's heckapoo.
  875. [18:41:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? Me and my friends settlement is in a jungle
  876. [18:41:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  877. [18:41:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? gets rekt
  878. [18:41:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  879. [18:41:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SUCCESS Brycen121 has claimed land for your settlement at 733,549!
  880. [18:41:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? get*
  881. [18:41:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §4He§cck§6ap§eoo ? eww a death
  882. [18:41:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Dwarfman44
  883. [18:41:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome GameFrenzy_122 to our server!
  884. [18:41:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Pygocentrus_3
  885. [18:41:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Nahori ? welcome
  886. [18:41:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  887. [18:41:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  888. [18:41:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? e-e
  889. [18:41:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] drmillward ? Welcome
  890. [18:41:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? Welcome!
  891. [18:41:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  892. [18:41:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? XD
  893. [18:41:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] GigaByte142373
  894. [18:41:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §4He§cck§6ap§eoo ? welcome
  895. [18:41:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] EmpressEnvy ? Just get a couple stacks, then stack them one after the other and break them
  896. [18:41:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? not how that works
  897. [18:41:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Dizzy_Khat has made the advancement [We Need to Go Deeper]
  898. [18:41:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?????Outpost Commands?????
  899. [18:41:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost list - List of the town's outposts
  900. [18:41:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost tp <name> - Teleport to an outpost
  901. [18:41:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost claim - Claim an outpost
  902. [18:41:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost unclaim - Unclaim an outpost
  903. [18:41:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost sethome - Change the name of the outpost to another connected chunk
  904. [18:41:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? if anyone chops down a jungle in kingdoms, id call the police on them.
  905. [18:41:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome MLGGODRYRY1999 to our server!
  906. [18:41:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome YTseangaming to our server!
  907. [18:41:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?????OutPosts?????
  908. [18:41:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] yeet (World: Kingdoms, X: 11558.9, Z: 8460.3
  909. [18:42:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? Welcomex2!
  910. [18:42:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] EmpressEnvy ? I was able to do that so
  911. [18:42:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? i havent got leads D:
  912. [18:42:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleported to outpost yeet
  913. [18:42:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? hi
  914. [18:42:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] MacCaptKim ? Thorcin
  915. [18:42:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? anyone wanna buy llama pets?
  916. [18:42:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? ma first time here
  917. [18:42:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? yes
  918. [18:42:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? your offer?
  919. [18:42:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Dwarfman44
  920. [18:42:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] MacCaptKim ? do you have to use stick pistions and glass to push the pigs?
  921. [18:42:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? i only have 18k so
  922. [18:42:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] shaatom
  923. [18:42:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? If your encorporating emerald blocks into the design
  924. [18:42:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? wc
  925. [18:42:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? ofc
  926. [18:42:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? I just joined can someone help me
  927. [18:42:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? if you use regular pistons, mobs can get stuck behind them sometimes
  928. [18:43:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Mr_Nerd34O is now AFK
  929. [18:43:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Heckapoo
  930. [18:43:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] MacCaptKim ? oh
  931. [18:43:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? id use sticky pistons and glowstone
  932. [18:43:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  933. [18:43:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  934. [18:43:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  935. [18:43:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  936. [18:43:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo §erequests to teleport to you! §2[Accept] §4[Deny]
  937. [18:43:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Mermu
  938. [18:43:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  939. [18:43:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Torcin is now AFK
  940. [18:43:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleportation accepted
  941. [18:43:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? 2.15k for a lead
  942. [18:43:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  943. [18:43:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? i feel like i got mugged ;-;
  944. [18:43:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  945. [18:43:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  946. [18:43:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  947. [18:43:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? 400 for like 4 at allshop
  948. [18:43:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ApeironWarps ? Teleported to warp grinder.
  949. [18:43:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [PlayerVaultsX]: Opening vault 1
  950. [18:43:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] liquidangel ? how do you use sign editing?
  951. [18:43:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? ok so how do i claim parrots again
  952. [18:43:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? whot
  953. [18:44:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? just beat it with a lead
  954. [18:44:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? catz55 why?
  955. [18:44:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a101§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Death_Killer1030 for $.00.
  956. [18:44:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your Sword.
  957. [18:44:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Shop] This shop is out of stock.
  958. [18:44:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §7Mundunugu ? ohh, cook, ty for the kind word, #<3
  959. [18:44:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Immortal] catz55 ? because i felt like it
  960. [18:44:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? anyone?
  961. [18:44:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? :/
  962. [18:44:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? oh tysm lmao
  963. [18:44:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a16§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Death_Killer1030 for $.00.
  964. [18:44:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Dizzy_Khat
  965. [18:44:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a7§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Death_Killer1030 for $.00.
  966. [18:44:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [PlayerVaultsX]: Opening vault 1
  967. [18:44:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? how much are the cheapest spawners?
  968. [18:44:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] MLGGODRYRY1999 ? What's 2+2? [2f33b296fc4ec1e30b3852cb8f41013bc]
  969. [18:44:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] LilQuizy
  970. [18:44:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] YTseangaming ? 4
  971. [18:44:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? its 4
  972. [18:44:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? ho
  973. [18:44:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? how do i claim pets :I]
  974. [18:44:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? so
  975. [18:44:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Mendelism is now AFK
  976. [18:44:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Immortal?] tanz123 ? does the chunk hopper work with a dropper or a dispenser
  977. [18:44:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] SkiMan314
  978. [18:45:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? dropper
  979. [18:45:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have renamed item to MyDickPick
  980. [18:45:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] AzureFaerie tempbanned MLGGODRYRY1999 for 7 days for 'Spambot'
  981. [18:45:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] MLGGODRYRY1999
  982. [18:45:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  983. [18:45:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? Dang
  984. [18:45:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §aYou show §b§b[§b§o§3My§2Dick§1Pick§b]§a§a§a to everyone in your world!
  985. [18:45:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §2Anemakhte ? lol
  986. [18:45:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] tararoll ? no thanks
  987. [18:45:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? anyone have a jungle in resource/
  988. [18:45:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? i do
  989. [18:45:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Fatguy97 ? isnt azure one of the helper people
  990. [18:45:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? tp
  991. [18:45:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] YTseangaming
  992. [18:45:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Prince_Paul
  993. [18:45:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Helper?] §4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? Change the name of that please
  994. [18:45:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? that one message cost him big time
  995. [18:45:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? the name of what
  996. [18:45:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §lSwords increased to §r§a§l290§r§f.
  997. [18:45:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] AlwaysTacoman ? anyone have a jungle i can go too?
  998. [18:45:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? im gonna eat this whole jungle btw
  999. [18:45:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a67§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Death_Killer1030 for $.00.
  1000. [18:45:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Shop] This shop is out of stock.
  1001. [18:45:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? eat it real good
  1002. [18:45:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a32§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Death_Killer1030 for $.00.
  1003. [18:46:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Immortal] catz55 ? trivia time! what is a pistons push limit? first one get it right gets 100k
  1004. [18:46:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? need 16k jungle logs lmao
  1005. [18:46:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] TheVideoGamer22 ? id just skip it
  1006. [18:46:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Death_Killer1030
  1007. [18:46:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Have a suggestion on how we can make this server
  1008. [18:46:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] even better? Suggest them on the forums or our discord!
  1009. [18:46:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ????????????????????????????
  1010. [18:46:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] Biggins1980 ? 13
  1011. [18:46:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? cant afford to
  1012. [18:46:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] TheVideoGamer22 ? thats sucha pain
  1013. [18:46:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? how much are the cheapest spawners?
  1014. [18:46:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? can I teleport to someone
  1015. [18:46:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ApeironWarps ? Teleported to warp allshop.
  1016. [18:46:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? id lose money on completion too
  1017. [18:46:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] awesumness5407
  1018. [18:46:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign] §bQuizy ? .pv 2
  1019. [18:46:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a64§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Mundunugu for $4,000.00.
  1020. [18:46:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  1021. [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a64§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Mundunugu for $4,000.00.
  1022. [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a64§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Mundunugu for $4,000.00.
  1023. [18:46:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a64§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Mundunugu for $4,000.00.
  1024. [18:46:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a64§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Mundunugu for $4,000.00.
  1025. [18:46:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Trade] shaatom ? Buying stone msg me
  1026. [18:46:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a64§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Mundunugu for $4,000.00.
  1027. [18:46:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] change the name of that pick or you will lose it
  1028. [18:46:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a64§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Mundunugu for $4,000.00.
  1029. [18:46:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a64§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Mundunugu for $4,000.00.
  1030. [18:46:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §f§a16§a §f[§fGunpowder§f]§r from Mundunugu for $1,000.00.
  1031. [18:46:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign] §bQuizy ? ops srry
  1032. [18:46:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? can I tp to someone
  1033. [18:46:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  1034. [18:46:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Dyandod
  1035. [18:46:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] why?
  1036. [18:46:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? yes
  1037. [18:47:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? This server is pretty chill tho
  1038. [18:47:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] awesumness5407 ? potato
  1039. [18:47:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] is it against the rules?
  1040. [18:47:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Other is limited to residents of Kingdom AllTheFeels.
  1041. [18:47:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? I killed my pet again...:(
  1042. [18:47:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Assistant cunkoo201 withdrew $1,000,000 from the bank!
  1043. [18:47:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? RIP
  1044. [18:47:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? f
  1045. [18:47:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Boom is now AFK
  1046. [18:47:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] MacCaptKim ? anyone willing to give me a ton of spawner shards for a low proce
  1047. [18:47:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? why does no one ever tell me
  1048. [18:47:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? I dunno
  1049. [18:47:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? y mega?
  1050. [18:47:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? bam I just replaced a base, it cost a bunch but now the terrain is beautiful and has no ugly eyesore on it
  1051. [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [PlayerVaultsX]: Opening vault 1
  1052. [18:47:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign] §3Water§4gust§b44 ? Anyone looking for a job
  1053. [18:47:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? yes
  1054. [18:47:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? the grass has to regrow though
  1055. [18:48:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? thx
  1056. [18:48:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? I cba
  1057. [18:48:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §b§b[§b§o§aVote §aKey§b]§r from Mundunugu for $30,000.00.
  1058. [18:48:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] Error: Your inventory does not have any more space.
  1059. [18:48:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] Error: Your inventory does not have any more space.
  1060. [18:48:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §b§b[§b§o§aVote §aKey§b]§r from Mundunugu for $30,000.00.
  1061. [18:48:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] Error: Your inventory does not have any more space.
  1062. [18:48:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? done asking questions
  1063. [18:48:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §b§b[§b§o§aVote §aKey§b]§r from Mundunugu for $30,000.00.
  1064. [18:48:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1065. [18:48:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1066. [18:48:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §b§b[§b§o§aVote §aKey§b]§r from Mundunugu for $30,000.00.
  1067. [18:48:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1068. [18:48:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §b§b[§b§o§aVote §aKey§b]§r from Mundunugu for $30,000.00.
  1069. [18:48:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1070. [18:48:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1071. [18:48:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? O damn
  1072. [18:48:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a[Shop] §rYou bought §b§b[§b§o§aVote §aKey§b]§r from Mundunugu for $30,000.00.
  1073. [18:48:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1074. [18:48:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Shop] This shop is out of stock.
  1075. [18:48:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1076. [18:48:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1077. [18:48:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Shop] This shop is out of stock.
  1078. [18:48:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1079. [18:48:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Crates] You may not use Vote here.
  1080. [18:48:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Shop] This shop is out of stock.
  1081. [18:48:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Shop] This shop is out of stock.
  1082. [18:48:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? TheCookWaifu you were an enemy of my acts
  1083. [18:48:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? but look at it now
  1084. [18:48:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] hawkai has made the advancement [Diamonds!]
  1085. [18:48:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Trade] shaatom ? Buying Stone 20k/ shulker
  1086. [18:48:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Mega...
  1087. [18:48:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? no giant wooden and cobble randomly strewn eyesore
  1088. [18:48:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] how is that pick bad?
  1089. [18:48:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? thx
  1090. [18:48:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] Because it is inappropriate
  1091. [18:48:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? na im done
  1092. [18:48:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? but a base ready landscape
  1093. [18:48:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ------------------------------------------
  1094. [18:48:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT]
  1095. [18:48:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ------------------------------------------
  1096. [18:48:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Runtergesprungen is now AFK
  1097. [18:48:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Kepeskethend
  1098. [18:49:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] thats not in the rules
  1099. [18:49:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] rotorzzz is now AFK
  1100. [18:49:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] TotalRainBow is no longer AFK
  1101. [18:49:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? sick
  1102. [18:49:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? hoooo
  1103. [18:49:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] awesumness5407 ? ?
  1104. [18:49:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] yeah im in the rules
  1105. [18:49:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] there is nothing wrong with that
  1106. [18:49:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Death_Killer1030
  1107. [18:49:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Heckapoo
  1108. [18:49:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [PlayerVaultsX]: Opening vault 1
  1109. [18:49:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? what the heck
  1110. [18:50:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Berseyez
  1111. [18:50:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? brumble
  1112. [18:50:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Barack_Hus_Obama
  1113. [18:50:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? a flying pillar of wood and random pieces of white concrete
  1114. [18:50:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? What?
  1115. [18:50:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? can I live with yah
  1116. [18:50:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? I'ma break this place
  1117. [18:50:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] bw3tiger
  1118. [18:50:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] About being appropriate in chat? There are
  1119. [18:50:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] SamHen
  1120. [18:50:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] the only thing against that is 2.3
  1121. [18:50:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] as soon as you displayed it in general chat it became inappropriate
  1122. [18:50:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] "No excessive swearing, no sexual language and no comments on the use of drugs."
  1123. [18:51:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] nothing sexual
  1124. [18:51:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] and i wasnt talking about it
  1125. [18:51:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Did you know, You can leave
  1126. [18:51:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] a job with level 75 without penalties
  1127. [18:51:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ????????????????????????????
  1128. [18:51:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] awesumness5407 ? that moment you relize you youtube channel logo is JR so if you make something with that that it will look like it mean junior.
  1129. [18:51:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? does anyone have ALOT of obsidian
  1130. [18:51:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? ah
  1131. [18:51:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  1132. [18:51:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] i simply showed it because a friend wanted to see it
  1133. [18:51:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? ./warp bulkshop Luben
  1134. [18:51:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  1135. [18:51:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? ok
  1136. [18:51:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] JesusBread
  1137. [18:51:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleported to home (home) location
  1138. [18:51:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] 2.3 Keep chat appropriate.?Understand that our server is open to all ages, Keep it appropriate at all times. This includes nicknames, settlement names, weapons, tools, etc.?
  1139. [18:51:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] yes
  1140. [18:51:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] JesusBread ? can you have 2 pets?
  1141. [18:51:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] SoulWaffle
  1142. [18:51:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Yeah
  1143. [18:51:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Torcin is no longer AFK
  1144. [18:51:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Torcin ? ettt
  1145. [18:51:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] Weapons tools etc,
  1146. [18:51:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? o hi gerald
  1147. [18:52:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] JesusBread ? epic
  1148. [18:52:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] yes
  1149. [18:52:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] JesusBread
  1150. [18:52:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Not out at the same time though
  1151. [18:52:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] dick isnt bad bud
  1152. [18:52:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] SoulWaffle
  1153. [18:52:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TIMMMY21 ? can some one donate me money so i can build a town
  1154. [18:52:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? I have none
  1155. [18:52:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] Ive asked you to change it. If you dont want to thats your choice.
  1156. [18:52:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? no
  1157. [18:52:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? no
  1158. [18:52:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Legend] _Luben ? no
  1159. [18:52:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? Brumble gave me a package
  1160. [18:52:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TIMMMY21 ? oof
  1161. [18:52:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? I prefer less towns tbh
  1162. [18:52:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? give me money i dont wanna work
  1163. [18:52:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Meril is now AFK
  1164. [18:52:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? so u gotta earn that urself
  1165. [18:52:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] what do you mean
  1166. [18:52:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TIMMMY21 ? i understand
  1167. [18:52:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] pick gone
  1168. [18:52:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? okay off i go
  1169. [18:52:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your Fists.
  1170. [18:52:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] shoesareforloser ? any one have a spare 2 blue flowers and one cyan dye?
  1171. [18:53:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your fists.
  1172. [18:53:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Hawaiianflo
  1173. [18:53:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] RecursiveMethod
  1174. [18:53:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TIMMMY21 ? i literally trying to protect my villager bros
  1175. [18:53:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] bw3tiger voted
  1176. [18:53:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? wot did
  1177. [18:53:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? wot dis
  1178. [18:53:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] bw3tiger voted
  1179. [18:53:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] dryvnace ? I have spare cyan dye give me a minute
  1180. [18:53:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? thunder on a sunny day
  1181. [18:53:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] shoesareforloser ? okay thanks
  1182. [18:53:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? seems cannon
  1183. [18:53:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] drmillward ? How do I tell where my other furnaces that I apparently own are located?
  1184. [18:53:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] VzZN ? anyone have a horse i can jump on?
  1185. [18:53:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] bw3tiger voted
  1186. [18:53:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] I hope so. Ty.
  1187. [18:53:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Zardier
  1188. [18:53:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] ?
  1189. [18:53:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] bw3tiger voted
  1190. [18:53:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] j51t is now AFK
  1191. [18:53:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] bw3tiger voted
  1192. [18:53:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your Fists.
  1193. [18:54:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your fists.
  1194. [18:54:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? k
  1195. [18:54:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] j51t is no longer AFK
  1196. [18:54:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? l
  1197. [18:54:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? k
  1198. [18:54:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? i'll start by leveling the ground
  1199. [18:54:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? this is claimed
  1200. [18:54:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] MacCaptKim ? anyone giveing away spawnershards?
  1201. [18:54:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] rotorzzz is no longer AFK
  1202. [18:54:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] crafterpro77
  1203. [18:55:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] TheVideoGamer22 ? people dont just give those away
  1204. [18:55:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have renamed item to Moby Dick
  1205. [18:55:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? i wish
  1206. [18:55:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Immortal] catz55 ? in yer dreams
  1207. [18:55:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  1208. [18:55:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  1209. [18:55:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? e-e
  1210. [18:55:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  1211. [18:55:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] wait
  1212. [18:55:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] Vutharasvim ? anyone giving away free kingdoms?
  1213. [18:55:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? i found another parrot
  1214. [18:55:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] is moby dick okay?
  1215. [18:55:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  1216. [18:55:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? im done asking questioning ill figure it out
  1217. [18:55:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  1218. [18:55:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §dBasetha ? does anyone have a mesa resource
  1219. [18:55:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? Whoever can msg me the funniest joke gets 100k.
  1220. [18:55:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  1221. [18:55:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Meril is no longer AFK
  1222. [18:55:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? I have no money
  1223. [18:55:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? Megadevastator1 /warp grinder has infinite parrots
  1224. [18:55:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] TheVideoGamer22 ? mesas in resource are as rare as unicorns
  1225. [18:55:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? demz aren't loyal parrots
  1226. [18:55:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] That depends on how it is used I guess. If it is used in a suggestive way then no.
  1227. [18:56:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §aYou show §b§b[§b§o§1Moby §2Dick§b]§a§a§a to everyone in your world!
  1228. [18:56:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? Mine might take a few mins to write, brumble.
  1229. [18:56:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] is this okay?
  1230. [18:56:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] Biggins1980 ? nah you'll find a unicorn long before a mesa
  1231. [18:56:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You can toggle editing
  1232. [18:56:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] of signs. /signedit
  1233. [18:56:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ????????????????????????????
  1234. [18:56:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? i found a mesa biome lul
  1235. [18:56:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] dryvnace ? Death you need more shards?
  1236. [18:56:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] shoesareforloser ? ive foud like 9 mesas
  1237. [18:56:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] TheVideoGamer22 ? In resource?!!:;ji
  1238. [18:56:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? These are trash jokes
  1239. [18:56:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? if u say so
  1240. [18:56:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Nahori
  1241. [18:56:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TIMMMY21 ? can some one donate me a lead
  1242. [18:56:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §3D§1e§3a§1t§3h ? I could always do with more, but atm I don't have much cash to spare.
  1243. [18:56:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Nahori
  1244. [18:56:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] dryvnace ? Free for you
  1245. [18:56:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] Yeah i guess. Higher staff will have to be the final judge on it.
  1246. [18:56:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] awesumness5407 ? AFK
  1247. [18:56:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? How can I join the kingdom of britan
  1248. [18:57:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] or wait
  1249. [18:57:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Ask
  1250. [18:57:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? k
  1251. [18:57:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? if its open
  1252. [18:57:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] is min kuk plockar okay?
  1253. [18:57:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? ./s join Britain
  1254. [18:57:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? if its open
  1255. [18:57:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? if not u gotta get invited
  1256. [18:57:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Mendelism is no longer AFK
  1257. [18:57:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Death is now AFK
  1258. [18:57:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? ./s join Britan
  1259. [18:57:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] Biggins1980 ? Hey I found these jokes in a joke book....the book was in the trash but thats neither her nor there
  1260. [18:57:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] shoesareforloser ? any one have a spare 2 blue flowers and one cyan dye?
  1261. [18:57:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? ./s join Britan
  1262. [18:57:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome xPnotinthemood to our server!
  1263. [18:57:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome xxScorpionx to our server!
  1264. [18:57:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §3Yoz§fZ ? shoe, do /shop
  1265. [18:57:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Thorcin
  1266. [18:57:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §3Yoz§fZ ? flowers and dyes are very cheap
  1267. [18:57:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Zardier ? Welcome
  1268. [18:57:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? lol not working
  1269. [18:57:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? welcome
  1270. [18:57:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] xxScorpionx
  1271. [18:57:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] Your obviously smart. Use common sense for your tool names. You know what is and isnt allowed.
  1272. [18:57:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §2Anemakhte ? welcome x2
  1273. [18:57:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Mr_Nerd34O
  1274. [18:57:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] xxScorpionx
  1275. [18:57:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Dredge1001
  1276. [18:58:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] xxScorpionx
  1277. [18:58:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] xxScorpionx
  1278. [18:58:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? ./s join Britan
  1279. [18:58:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Thorcin
  1280. [18:58:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? is this server fun or what
  1281. [18:58:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] xxScorpionx
  1282. [18:58:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? no
  1283. [18:58:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] xxScorpionx
  1284. [18:58:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] I'll give you that. I am pretty smart
  1285. [18:58:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? itsnot fun
  1286. [18:58:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? ./s join Britan
  1287. [18:58:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] derppp1
  1288. [18:58:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? AHH
  1289. [18:58:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? GameFrenzy_122 shush
  1290. [18:58:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? go away
  1291. [18:58:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  1292. [18:58:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] shoesareforloser ? thanks how much
  1293. [18:58:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  1294. [18:58:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  1295. [18:58:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Diamonds1358
  1296. [18:58:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? im tempted game frenzy
  1297. [18:58:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  1298. [18:58:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? it not working
  1299. [18:58:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] dryvnace ? free
  1300. [18:58:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] I showed you the rule for naming tools and such follow it or don't Your choice.
  1301. [18:58:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  1302. [18:58:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? but what do i get out of it
  1303. [18:58:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? crap
  1304. [18:58:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? okay what is wrong with people
  1305. [18:58:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §dBasetha ? really need a mesa
  1306. [18:58:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] shoesareforloser ? oh thanks :)
  1307. [18:58:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  1308. [18:58:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] yes but do those tools only apply in english
  1309. [18:59:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] Biggins1980 ? We dont have time to give you the list of what is wrong with many things
  1310. [18:59:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] oh okay
  1311. [18:59:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] so this is okay?
  1312. [18:59:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Heckapoo
  1313. [18:59:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? is ur name rlyt
  1314. [18:59:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Death is no longer AFK
  1315. [18:59:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? thats the tea sis
  1316. [18:59:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? lmaooooo
  1317. [18:59:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] EmpressEnvy is now AFK
  1318. [18:59:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? ./s join Britan
  1319. [18:59:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? are you gay or female
  1320. [18:59:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Heckapoo
  1321. [18:59:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have renamed item to Minkukplockar
  1322. [18:59:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §aYou show §b§b[§b§o§1Minkukplockar§b]§a§a§a to everyone in your world!
  1323. [18:59:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? gay lol
  1324. [18:59:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? death won
  1325. [18:59:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? hahahahaha
  1326. [18:59:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? ./s join Britan
  1327. [18:59:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? I feel that SoulWaffle
  1328. [18:59:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? min kuk lol
  1329. [18:59:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? GameFrenzy_122 no one wants to join please
  1330. [18:59:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] ItsYaBoiHeyDude
  1331. [18:59:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? so what do i do here
  1332. [18:59:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? stop
  1333. [19:00:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? someone please help me
  1334. [19:00:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? xPnotinthemood ./rtp
  1335. [19:00:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo] mydickpick
  1336. [19:00:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Dyandod
  1337. [19:00:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xxScorpionx ? t
  1338. [19:00:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? thank you
  1339. [19:00:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome NicholasD2007 to our server!
  1340. [19:00:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Sylitak
  1341. [19:00:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Amonkhet §2Anemakhte ? okay its official we need war with ER
  1342. [19:00:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] SoulTown §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? Amen!
  1343. [19:00:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? cant join britan lol
  1344. [19:00:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] SoulTown §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? I have been waiting for that for a while.
  1345. [19:00:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Milwaukee §4S§6o§4v§6i§4e§6t ? that will be discussed tommorow
  1346. [19:00:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo] war sounds nice
  1347. [19:00:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  1348. [19:00:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  1349. [19:00:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? BrumbleCrunch what did you want
  1350. [19:00:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? you're not gonna trick anyone
  1351. [19:00:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Amonkhet §2Anemakhte ? they wanted 20k just for a resource tp
  1352. [19:00:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? gamefrenzy you're not clever
  1353. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?????Chat Commands?????
  1354. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /c <channel> - Join a chat channel
  1355. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /c leave - Disable the chat of the channel
  1356. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /c swear - Toggles swearing
  1357. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Available channels:
  1358. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • Local [Enabled]
  1359. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • Trade [Enabled]
  1360. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • Event [Enabled]
  1361. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • General [Active] <
  1362. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • Settlement [Enabled]
  1363. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • Ally [Enabled]
  1364. [19:01:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • Empire [Enabled]
  1365. [19:01:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ReddAce22 is now AFK
  1366. [19:01:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Milwaukee §4S§6o§4v§6i§4e§6t ? mesa?
  1367. [19:01:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] SoulTown §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? how would the war work though?
  1368. [19:01:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? what am I doing
  1369. [19:01:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have joined Chat Channel Empire
  1370. [19:01:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Amonkhet tanz123 ? what happened
  1371. [19:01:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Building Competition?
  1372. [19:01:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Visit our website,
  1373. [19:01:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ????????????????????????????
  1374. [19:01:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Milwaukee §4S§6o§4v§6i§4e§6t ? i have one
  1375. [19:01:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Azeroth §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo ? warsounds nice
  1376. [19:01:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Dr_Applebiscuit
  1377. [19:01:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? what aren't u doing
  1378. [19:01:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Fatguy97
  1379. [19:01:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] SoulTown §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? how would we attack?
  1380. [19:01:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Milwaukee §4S§6o§4v§6i§4e§6t ? getblock will talk about it
  1381. [19:01:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Azeroth §2Brycen ? Im down for any type of war ;)
  1382. [19:01:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Shleya
  1383. [19:01:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your Sword.
  1384. [19:01:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Azeroth §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo ? love a bit of chaos ;)
  1385. [19:01:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Milwaukee §4S§6o§4v§6i§4e§6t ? ive tried to get bama to do a war for 2+months
  1386. [19:01:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Paul is now AFK
  1387. [19:01:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Amonkhet §2Anemakhte ? well likeOMG91 paid already for the tp
  1388. [19:01:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your sword.
  1389. [19:01:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Milwaukee §4S§6o§4v§6i§4e§6t ? finally did it
  1390. [19:01:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] longsword63 has made the advancement [Stone Age]
  1391. [19:01:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? ./s join britan
  1392. [19:02:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? dont have one
  1393. [19:02:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your Sword.
  1394. [19:02:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Earwarmers voted
  1395. [19:02:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Earwarmers voted
  1396. [19:02:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? Earwarmers kill BrumbleCrunch u wont
  1397. [19:02:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? il do it
  1398. [19:02:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your sword.
  1399. [19:02:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? bet
  1400. [19:02:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Earwarmers voted and got Common Reward
  1401. [19:02:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] RealMarkiplier
  1402. [19:02:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Ina bit bama
  1403. [19:02:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Klyptoo
  1404. [19:02:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?????Outpost Commands?????
  1405. [19:02:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost list - List of the town's outposts
  1406. [19:02:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost tp <name> - Teleport to an outpost
  1407. [19:02:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost claim - Claim an outpost
  1408. [19:02:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost unclaim - Unclaim an outpost
  1409. [19:02:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] • /s outpost sethome - Change the name of the outpost to another connected chunk
  1410. [19:02:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Earwarmers voted
  1411. [19:02:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] frost1127
  1412. [19:02:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleported to outpost yeet
  1413. [19:02:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Earwarmers voted and got Common Reward
  1414. [19:02:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Da_B00M_King
  1415. [19:02:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  1416. [19:02:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] frost1127
  1417. [19:02:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] AzureFaerie warned Brycen121 for 'Innapropriate item name/Being innapropriate.'
  1418. [19:02:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have been warned by AzureFaerie for 'Innapropriate item name/Being innapropriate.'.\nThis warning will expire in 7 days.
  1419. [19:02:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Azeroth
  1420. [19:02:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Mystic] Fargobreath ? Don't rumble with the Brumble.
  1421. [19:02:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Azeroth
  1422. [19:03:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] Azeroth §2Brycen ? What?
  1423. [19:03:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? L brycen
  1424. [19:03:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have joined Chat Channel General
  1425. [19:03:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §2Brycen ? What did I do?
  1426. [19:03:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] FrolickingWinds
  1427. [19:03:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §5C§eu§5n§ek§5o§eo ? lol
  1428. [19:03:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] discord?
  1429. [19:03:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis§a shows §f§f[§f§o§aan §aitem §awith §aan §ainappropriate §aname§f]§a§a§a to everyone in this world!
  1430. [19:03:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? bruh i walked into a cave and found a zombie spawner
  1431. [19:03:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] and u said this name was okay
  1432. [19:03:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Dodger90
  1433. [19:03:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? you can get chef xp offline, right?
  1434. [19:03:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Keekistan
  1435. [19:03:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §4M§8eril ? no
  1436. [19:03:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Overlord?] §dM§9a§dg§9i§dc§9w§da§9r§de ? No
  1437. [19:03:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? ive yet to see an item shown inc hat
  1438. [19:03:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Other is limited to residents of Village Keekistan.
  1439. [19:03:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  1440. [19:03:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Other is limited to residents of Village Keekistan.
  1441. [19:03:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? as long as the furnaces are loaded
  1442. [19:03:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (!) Other is limited to residents of Village Keekistan.
  1443. [19:03:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Thorcin ? rly?
  1444. [19:03:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Keekistan
  1445. [19:03:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Runtergesprungen
  1446. [19:03:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Keekistan
  1447. [19:03:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? pay 100$ for anyone who kills BrumbleCrunch im a cheap ass so go ahead
  1448. [19:03:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Keekistan
  1449. [19:03:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Keekistan
  1450. [19:03:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  1451. [19:03:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Keekistan
  1452. [19:03:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] Runtergesprungen
  1453. [19:03:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Keekistan
  1454. [19:03:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Immortal] JayM3_ ? Ill pay 10000
  1455. [19:03:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Keekistan
  1456. [19:03:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [E] SoulTown §4Thats§cThe§6Tea§eSis ? selling this btw
  1457. [19:03:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] suihi_sukiato
  1458. [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Keekistan
  1459. [19:04:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? ill up mine to 10k too
  1460. [19:04:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? wait
  1461. [19:04:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Immortal] catz55 ? ill pay 100k
  1462. [19:04:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? no stop
  1463. [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] GameFrenzy_122 ? can someone invite me to britan
  1464. [19:04:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your pickaxe.
  1465. [19:04:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3You §6ready§3 your Sword.
  1466. [19:04:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] Ammika
  1467. [19:04:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? ill pay 1tix
  1468. [19:04:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Keekistan
  1469. [19:04:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Keekistan
  1470. [19:04:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your Pickaxe.
  1471. [19:04:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7You lower your sword.
  1472. [19:04:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? Trix are for kids
  1473. [19:04:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome minecraftdog32 to our server!
  1474. [19:04:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] what item did I get the warning over?
  1475. [19:04:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Leaving Keekistan
  1476. [19:04:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? trix?
  1477. [19:04:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? Yea
  1478. [19:04:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Sovereign?] §bF§3r§bo§3s§bt§f_§9E§8a§9g§8l§9e ? Welcome!
  1479. [19:04:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] suihi_sukiato ? Welcome!
  1480. [19:04:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ReddAce22 is no longer AFK
  1481. [19:04:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? welcome minecraftdog32, don't forget to kill BrumbleCrunch
  1482. [19:04:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Immortal] JayM3_ ? Ill up it to 100k
  1483. [19:04:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Nahori ? Why is there a bounty to kill Brumble?
  1484. [19:04:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] You know what that name meant. I said follow the rules or don't your choice. Choices have consequences.
  1485. [19:04:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? like dont forget ur only task
  1486. [19:04:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? idk
  1487. [19:04:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] I did change it!
  1488. [19:04:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? who wants to kill me then split the money?
  1489. [19:04:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] look in my inventory
  1490. [19:05:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] its been changed
  1491. [19:05:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? me
  1492. [19:05:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] Earwarmers ? not me
  1493. [19:05:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? gtfo
  1494. [19:05:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? lmao
  1495. [19:05:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] you said it could be whatever in any other language
  1496. [19:05:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Staff [§4A§bz§4u§br§4e ? you] I didn't say that.
  1497. [19:05:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bBR§dUM§bBL§dE ? Paying 1mil to kill Diamonds
  1498. [19:05:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [+] CuteOwls
  1499. [19:05:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [you ? §4A§bz§4u§br§4e] let me get logs
  1500. [19:05:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? gl
  1501. [19:05:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] TheVideoGamer22 ? done
  1502. [19:05:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Knight] Nahori ? Woah
  1503. [19:05:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Village] Entering Keekistan
  1504. [19:05:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Hero] Megadevastator1 ? i discovered the best way to find spawners
  1505. [19:05:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? diamonds tp to me real quick
  1506. [19:05:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Trade] CallMeBipolar ? anyone selling coral blocks
  1507. [19:05:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] CuteOwls
  1508. [19:05:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] TheCookWaifu ? theres a pile of free cheetos here
  1509. [19:05:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? is there like
  1510. [19:05:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? come find me at 17500 71 3849 are my cords
  1511. [19:05:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? a border
  1512. [19:05:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Celestial] §bDiamonds ? come here
  1513. [19:05:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? and if so
  1514. [19:05:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [?] minecraftdog32
  1515. [19:06:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Warrior] xPnotinthemood ? whereat
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