
All of my Skyrim scripts and more

Feb 21st, 2012
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  1. Download:
  3. 102 normal scripts, 217 object positioning scripts, and 15 text documents including my Skyrim Console Class 101, the note files I've made while editing, and other things. Open the scripts in Notepad to read what they do. I add descriptions to the top of them (except the XYZ scripts but you can read about those in the Console Class 101 text file).
  5. Scripts Included:
  6. AddArmor, AddArmor2, AddArrows, AddBooksNormal, AddBooksNotes, AddBooksSkill, AddBooksSpell, AddBows, AddBowsArrows, AddClothes, AddCrafting, AddDaedric, AddDisenchants, AddDragonClaws, AddDragonMasks, AddDwemer, AddFood, AddGems, AddGemsNormal, AddGemsSoul, AddIngredients, AddJewelry, AddJewelryEnch, AddKeys, AddMisc, AddMiscAll, AddMiscHouse, AddNon360, AddPotions, AddScrolls, AddShields, AddStaffs, AddWeapons, AddWeapons2, Cave, CleanHjarim, Del, EmptyProudspireExtraRoom, FlowerPower, Follower, FollowMe, Gore, Greybeard, OwnAllProperties, PlayerAbilities, PlayerDiseases, PlayerMiscStats, PlayerPerks, PlayerPowers, PlayerShouts, PlayerSpells, PlayerVividRings, PrepMasterPlayer, RefitProudspire01, RefitProudspire02, RefitProudspire03, RefitProudspire04, RefitProudspire05, RefitProudspire06, RefitProudspire07, RefitProudspire08, RefitProudspire09, RefitProudspire10, RefitProudspire11, RefitProudspire12, RefitProudspire13, RefitProudspire14, RefitProudspire15, RefitProudspire16, RefitProudspire17, RefitProudspire18, RemAbilities, RemDiseases, RemFactions, RemPerks, RemPowers, RemSpells, Slave, VampireCureArgonian, VampireCureBreton, VampireCureBretonChild, VampireCureDarkElf, VampireCureElder, VampireCureHighElf, VampireCureImperial, VampireCureKhajiit, VampireCureNord, VampireCureOrc, VampireCureWoodElf, VampireInfectArgonian, VampireInfectBreton, VampireInfectBretonChild, VampireInfectDarkElf, VampireInfectElder, VampireInfectHighElf, VampireInfectImperial, VampireInfectKhajiit, VampireInfectNord, VampireInfectOrc, VampireInfectWoodElf, WerewolfCure, X0, X10, X100, X105, X110, X115, X120, X125, X130, X135, X140, X145, X15, X150, X155, X160, X165, X170, X175, X180, X185, X190, X195, X20, X200, X205, X210, X215, X220, X225, X230, X235, X240, X245, X25, X250, X255, X260, X265, X270, X275, X280, X285, X290, X295, X30, X300, X305, X310, X315, X320, X325, X330, X335, X340, X345, X35, X350, X355, X40, X45, X5, X50, X55, X60, X65, X70, X75, X80, X85, X90, X95, XYZ, Y0, Y10, Y100, Y105, Y110, Y115, Y120, Y125, Y130, Y135, Y140, Y145, Y15, Y150, Y155, Y160, Y165, Y170, Y175, Y180, Y185, Y190, Y195, Y20, Y200, Y205, Y210, Y215, Y220, Y225, Y230, Y235, Y240, Y245, Y25, Y250, Y255, Y260, Y265, Y270, Y275, Y280, Y285, Y290, Y295, Y30, Y300, Y305, Y310, Y315, Y320, Y325, Y330, Y335, Y340, Y345, Y35, Y350, Y355, Y40, Y45, Y5, Y50, Y55, Y60, Y65, Y70, Y75, Y80, Y85, Y90, Y95, Z0, Z10, Z100, Z105, Z110, Z115, Z120, Z125, Z130, Z135, Z140, Z145, Z15, Z150, Z155, Z160, Z165, Z170, Z175, Z180, Z185, Z190, Z195, Z20, Z200, Z205, Z210, Z215, Z220, Z225, Z230, Z235, Z240, Z245, Z25, Z250, Z255, Z260, Z265, Z270, Z275, Z280, Z285, Z290, Z295, Z30, Z300, Z305, Z310, Z315, Z320, Z325, Z330, Z335, Z340, Z345, Z35, Z350, Z355, Z40, Z45, Z5, Z50, Z55, Z60, Z65, Z70, Z75, Z80, Z85, Z90, Z95
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