

Nov 13th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. [12:28] Nathan aimlessly walks towards the river.
  2. (Nathan Elbi)
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. [12:32] The elder had been fishing at the bank for a little while before noticing that his student happened to wander from the forests it seemed that he was attempting to meditate upon the bank of the river, those words were something that did happen to pique his interest and nearly forced him to wander over before Nathan happened to also come out of the forest at what one could call. The perfect time.
  7. "Hello Nathan, I wasn't expecting to see you around here."
  9. As his eyes trailed from one of the younger men to the other as he was about to interrupt Leku but it seemed that there were ulterior forces at work that were stealing away his attention. At the very least his rod was still being cast into the water so people were quite capable of sparking the conversation if that happened to be what came into fruition.
  11. "It's quite a lovely day to be out and about."
  12. (Azar Barak)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [12:36] Jordunn itched the side of his face as he found Nathan by the waterfall. He was looking around for him, he just dozed off in the middle of their conversation. He didn't mean to do it purposely, he just lost his train of thought. He kissed his teeth.
  17. "Want to go back to the café, Nathan or you're busy here with Azar and Leku? It's okay, I can go somewhere else.. no worries" Jordunn stated.
  18. (Jordunn Snowhunter)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [12:41] In all truthfulness, the silence led Nathan to believe he was abandoned, leading to him blindly wandering the mountainside in hopes of finding refuge...
  22. Food, was the top priority, given the constant aching stomach and empty coin purse. If he didn't have such poor vision, perhaps pickpocketing and thievery would've been the way to go.
  24. By time Azar had acknowledged him, Nathan was mid-step off of the shoreline, waving his arms around to try wading himself back upright to his feet on solid ground.
  25. "Wha- Ah! Hello sir! Uuuh… Azar, right? Yes! Azar. I recognize the voice for sure now." He claimed, brushing himself off.
  27. Then, he heard Jordunn's voice, returned at last? "Huh? You're still here? I thought you bailed on me back there." Did he even travel very far? How could he be so sure.
  28. "I guess I don't mind to be honest." He paused, "Is that water?" He picked his head up, catching the sound of the rushing waterfall... A different one? "This isn't the same place as before." He claimed, feeling at the mist in the air, "I guess I almost stepped into a river then." He turned away from the river to secure himself a dry path.
  31. "I don't mind... Wait, there's someone else here as well?"
  32. (Nathan Elbi)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [12:46] Leku hardly even paid attention to the others. It had been clear he had been hard in thought for a while, considering Azar probably had not seen him in a while, among others. Now standing up from his meditation, the water tendrils on his back seemed to grow more firm in shape as he focused towards the pond between waterfalls.
  37. He seemed to focus towards the middle of the body of water and began to slowly rise his hands upwards. A large orb of water began to surface and slowly rise in the middle of the pond, slowly becoming larger and larger. Though, Leku still could not find himself strong enough to disrupt the flow of the falls, which was his goal.
  39. Falling to a knee and taking heavy breaths. As he dropped the orb back into the pond between falls, water splashed along the borders of the pond. His tendrils stayed solid though, helping him back to his feet. Taking a deep breath, he rested for a few moments as he finally realized there was others around him.
  41. "...Sorry if I got anyone wet."
  42. (Leku Serlus)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [12:47] He stared at Nathan in confusion, he knew teenagers was very curious but this specific one sounded like he didn't know what water was. He covered his mouth once he began to yawn. He wanted Nathan to change out of those old clothes, it made him feel bad.
  47. "I'm going to get you some fresh pants or shorts. So you don't have to wear those clothes. Get you some food, as well" Jordunn stated, he kissed his teeth as he turned his head to the boy at the very end. He nodded at Leku.
  49. "Yeah, that's Leku. One of Elder Azar pupils." Jordunn said.
  50. (Jordunn Snowhunter)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [12:51] "Yes, it is I. Though from the looks of things... Perhaps you should learn earthen magic, from my understanding it can allow you to achieve quite wonderful things without sight. To really ground yourself and become one with the earth could give you sight beyond the natural." that was even if Nathan were capable of magic, he had not had the opportunity to truly learn about them down to the core.
  55. The large ball of water happened to spread up onto the shoreline, though as he looked down at the wet clothing there was merely a smile. Steam began to rise up alongside the heat around the Elder man, soon there were no more wet clothing and instead, it happened to be right back into the previous dry state. "I could evaporate this entire river bed if I were interested, getting a little splash of water isn't a big deal."
  57. Chuckling for a moment he would reel in the fishing pole and begin to pack his reed pipe, a small leather pouch was removed from under his cloak which gave off the pungent scent. Slowly he was packing away before speaking once again "As Jordunn said, Leku is just a little further down the river. Practicing right? Working on those abilities I have seen grow so clearly?"
  58. (Azar Barak)
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [12:56] The water splashed at Nathan, earning his flinch and shudder at the cold but otherwise not much more beyond that. "What gives?" He shouted... At the water, the voice didn't seem to line up with it though. "I didn't know there were three people here." He claimed, "Why not give some kinda warning?" He face scrunched up, but blank blue eyes didn't quite study anyone in particular, eventually turning his head vaguely towards Jordunn's voice.
  63. "That would be incredibly appreciated, sir!" He nodded with a smile on his face. That was until the assumption --
  64. 'Yeah, that's Leku. One of Elder Azar pupils' - said Jordunn, to which an idling Nathan paused to simply state.
  65. "Which one?"
  67. "Huh? Earthen magic. I don't think I ever thought of it. Didn't think someone like myself could really learn it to be honest." He shrugged, " I can't really read, so getting some of the magic teaching books was out of the question and, well... Not like someone like myself makes for good training potential." He claimed with a sigh. "Still, do you think someone can actually -see- through magic?"
  69. That was when Azar clarified for Jordunn's sake, earning Nathan's turn over towards Azar's voice, back over towards the sound of running water where the splash occured and back for Azar. "Then, he's over there then." He pointed, just past Azar, predicting where the aspiring magus might be.
  71. "Alright, thanks for that..." He redirected his attention for Leku for a proper scolding. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE SPLASHING NEXT TIME!"
  73. (Nathan Elbi)
  74. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. [13:06] Jordunn rubbed his chin. He looked to Nathan than refocused his attention back on the waterfall in front of him even though he heard blows being thrown in the open field behind them. He exhaled sharply right before he spoke.
  78. "It took me until I reached the age of twenty two to study a magic. It's okay if you don't want to learn a magic right now. Plus you look like a young teen."
  80. "I use earth magic, it helps me with my defense" He kissed his teeth as he turned to his left side. He inhaled sharply as he crouched down then grabbed a handful of the ground with his hand. He molded the piece of the ground into a piece of rock. He showed the small rock to Nathan.
  82. "This is just basic.. I think I'm about Intermediate level in Earth magic." Jordunn said to Nathan.
  83. (Jordunn Snowhunter)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [13:17] Leku turned a bit to Azar as he was splashed first, being closest to the bank. As he might have expected, Azar wasn't mad at all, he could just heat himself up and make the water evaporate. However, he did seem to anger a random passerby who just so happened to be near when he dropped the water back in.
  87. As he was approached, his tendrils coiled defensively, and the volume that was used to speak to him was clearly not appreciated. One might have even felt the humidity in the air near to him rise a bit, dew beginning to form on the skin. His tendrils then almost seemed to wrap around the boy who yelled at him, only millimeters away from grabbing on.
  89. Then, they just seemed to suck the water out of his clothes, rendering him dry. "I already apologized, also you might not want to scream at someone who lives to improve themselves in combat. That is your first and final warning." His tendrils then retracted back to around his being and he faced to Azar.
  91. "Azar, it feels like we should get a bit more serious about my training, now that I'm a herald of flame. Do you feel the same?" He looked over to Azar with a solemn visage, clearly he'd been getting the motivation to become even stronger.
  92. (Leku Serlus)
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [13:22] The words which seemed come from the younger teen were not exactly wise, he figured that this could possibly turn into something that they were not going to enjoy, he knew the Fireblooded all too well and if they followed the tenants properly they were not going to shy away from violence even if another were debilitated of sight.
  96. "I do believe that you'll be able to use the forces of earthen magic to see again, I've heard of more than just a few people who have lost their sight in a battle and managed to regain the ability through magic. Then again, there is also surgery with some doctors who medical professionals who could assist with that. I am sure whatever route you might take in life, there are always more options."
  98. That being said he would apply his attention toward Leku who seemed to have already given them an apology that wasn't needed. There was just a little water that splashed due to his practice, where else might somebody have the opportunity. And yet something about what he said forced him to consider just what he was looking for.
  100. "So you might be thinking of ramping your training to the next level... We can do it atop the higher mountain grounds, there you will prove to me how much stronger you have become. How you can adapt to a situation, or you're going to feel the pain of wishing this upon yourself. No more holding back punches."
  102. It was time to get aggressive.
  104. "As for the warning Nathan, it is a river. A water magus around these parts doesn't have a ton of options where they can train unlike where you can walk."
  105. (Azar Barak)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [13:25] Perhaps they were disadvantaged, and they certainly felt the presence of water, they couldn't quite make out what was happening. As a result of such, and perhaps just personality, Nathan doubled down on his anger.
  108. "First and final warning?!" His voice peaked, "Who are you talking to?" He shouted back at Leku.
  110. "You think just because you want to get stronger, you have the right to do whatever the hell you want? Don't threaten me!" He barked back. Surely, Azar was a voice of reason, but while Nathan wasn't exactly 'Fireblooded', it could be hotheaded.
  112. "I'll take you and anyone else with an attitude!" He challenged... Foolish? Perhaps, but a point had to be made!
  113. Assuming a moment's peace would be allowed, Azar's words would earn a sigh from Nathan. "... I didn't know. I couldn't see. The guy's just being a jerk is all."
  114. (Nathan Elbi)
  115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [13:30] Jordunn chuckled at the threat that Leku gave to Nathan. He wondered since when did Leku become so aggressive. Teenagers do sure grow up fast, he thought. He kissed his teeth before he spoke to Azar.
  118. "Is Leku near my combat level? I wish to see if he can hold up against me in a sparring match. I've been training and wish to advance my experience in earth magic" Jordunn stated.
  120. He clinched his fists as he looked at Nathan. "So you're blind? I don't know.. there's probably a ability known to Earth that lets you see where your opponent is walking. I didn't know you was blind" Jordunn said, he frowned right after.
  122. Hopefully one day the boy would regain his sight but for now, he guess he would have to do without it. He hoped no one took advantage of the blind teen, he moisturized his lips.
  124. "Leku, why are you threatening a blind teenager?" Jordunn asked, curiously.
  126. "Threaten someone else who isn't blind" Jordunn said to the teenager.
  128. He kept his fists clinched as if he was about to punch someone but he wasn't right now. He shrugged his shoulders as he awaits for Azar response.
  129. (Jordunn Snowhunter)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [13:45] Leku now began to visibly show his anger now that this blind kid only doubled down to him when the amount of restraint he was holding was impressive on his part. As the kid would only further yell at him, his tendrils expanded once again, this time completely surrounding the kid, though not completely binding him.
  133. Still, he would find himself bumping into tendrils made of water in every direction if he wasn't quick enough to get himself out of this. Looking to Jordunn, who seemed to think this kid being blind had anything to do with the equation, he shook his head. "Silence, this has nothing to do with you, just because he is blind doesn't mean he's not going to learn a lesson when he talks with a loud volume towards someone who had no intent to inconvenience him, and even took restraint towards him with a warning when being screamed at after he already apologized."
  135. Then turning back to the blind kid who he had not even bothered learning the name of yet, he tilted his head a bit. "Me, being a jerk? I'm here attempting to improve my abilities, because I've recently become a herald of flame. They told us, prepare for war, seek to improve yourselves. You might not see it because you are robbed of sight, but you at least have to hear the whispers of the worried commonfolk, who are afraid they could lose their homes any time to men who just want to plunder the land. I seek to improve my abilities to protect the men, women and children of the Fireblooded. Just because someone gets wet when they're passing by while I'm training, and they scream at me after I've already apologized, I'm a jerk when I give them a warning?"
  137. "You have no idea the amount of restraint I'm holding right now." His tendrils surrounding the child threatened to tighten, but still did not constrict the child, so he was still standing on his own, only surrounded by water tendrils surrounding him only centimeters from his body.
  138. (Leku Serlus)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [13:45] Leku's tendrils surround Nathan.
  142. (Leku Serlus)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [13:51] Standing silently for a moment he would light his pipe after Nathan spoke, it was clear that he didn't know what he was getting himself into. This was not something he was going to step into due to the fact the Fireblooded were all treated the same, those who wished violence were going to receive violence in turn.
  147. "Never outnumber a foe, do not shy away from violence or exert cowardice. Discover a want that you would crush nations for. These are the tenants of the Fireblooded, these are the things we follow. He gave you a warning and thus what is to follow isn't up to me, it would be wrong for me to step in."
  149. For so many years he had taught and lived through the tenants of the Fireblooded, though even those who did not understand them were going to get a lesson today. This was the way of the mountain and all who stood upon it were going to understand. Clearly, Leku was about to show a form of violence toward Nathan which brought no emotions.
  151. "Leku is within his rights as a Fireblooded to stand here and exert his desires through combat if he so wishes, regardless of affliction, you did state that you would take him and anyone else with attitude. Would make for a fine Fireblooded yourself, the courage and confidence to stand against foes in battle even without sight."
  153. Though there was one more thing he needed to make very clear "Jordunn, you would be wise to not intervene otherwise we will have a problem."
  154. (Azar Barak)
  155. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  157. [13:57] Leku probably had a really good point. He was likely training here for a greater cause... A greater cause that someone as oblivious and sheltered as Nathan knew nothing about -- his lack of vision didn't help much either aside from the suspicion he earned from time to time.
  159. The tendrils wrought to Leku's volition made their rounds, but without sight Nathan could not prepare himself to evade their grasp, he could only hear the water moving... He could feel the moisture in the air, if not merely its deprivation. He listened to Leku's point, before finding himself tensing up at the claim of restraint.
  161. "RESTRAINT?!" He only climbed to an auditory peak he didn't know his own voice could reach. He wasn't running, as if he could... No, instead, he'd only writhe and strain, willing to put his money where his mouth was -- metaphorically, at least.
  163. "I COULDN'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR RESTRAINT!" He prattled off, truly in over his head. "I'M NOT GOING TO SIT BACK AND LET YOU THREATEN ME!" The bit from Azar claiming fireblooded material completely went over a taunted Nathan's head.
  165. That was when Nathan instinctively a step forward, relying on the sound of Leku's voice for guidance for his fury -- and in the same moment he felt the wet touch of water -- Strange. He wasn't in the pond... Water doesn't normally suspend itself? His mind finally fell upon the reality of the situation.
  167. A mage. Right. This, was a spell he was entwined within... Which only ignited at his temper further.
  168. "You'd actually... THAT'S IT!" He flailed, breaking in for a lunge with expectation of disrupting the bindings that'd have at him. All that mattered to him was that he could close the distance -- that he could -find- Leku, and then finally show him what for.
  170. … A futile effort, if anything...
  171. (Nathan Elbi)
  172. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. [14:05] Jordunn crossed his arms over his chest as he watched Leku surround his tendrils around the blind teenager. He kissed his teeth as he shook his head from left to right in disappointment. He wished the blind teenager wouldn't had said anything, nobody knew how Leku was going to react.
  176. He turned his head and discharged a slob of saliva onto the grass patch right next to him. He watched as the saliva impacted the grass, he turned his attention back on the situation unfolding right in front of him. He didn't know what to do in this situation.
  178. He arched his brow at the comment that Azar made. "What do you mean by We will have a problem?" He asked in a serious tone, he didn't expect such word come from a Elder. He wondered if the elderly man said that on purpose to him to see how would he react. He didn't know for sure but he was very much ready if Azar wanted to teach him a lesson.
  180. "I won't intervene in such.. it's his right but I will want to fight Leku after he is done teaching the blind boy a lesson... that is my right and you will not stop me" He said firmly to Azar.
  182. He looked to the side of him and stepped to the side to make sure the duo have enough room to do what they was going to do. Jordunn facial expression went from normal to unpleasant. He wondered if Nathan actually knew what he was going. He knew if Nathan decided to study Earthen magic, he would be the one to at least show him the ropes.
  184. "That's right.. use the sound of his voice to sniff him out." Jordunn would say to Nathan.
  185. (Jordunn Snowhunter)
  186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [14:15] Leku actually seemed a bit impressed as the boy tried to struggle through his waters. He was actually somewhat successful in fishing out the sound of his voice. Leku actually got his tendrils out of the way in between him and the blind boy and welcomed him to lunge at him.
  189. As he was hit though, the other's fist would only meet bluesteel chainmail, the armor he wore, embossed with a fireblooded design. Not to mention, he had an extremely trained body under that armor. "You have spirit, but you don't have the power to back it up." He shook his head a bit and retracted his tendrils to his back.
  191. "Also, you're wrong to not give a damn about my restraint, if I wasn't under Azar as a pupil who learned from him, I would not have the restraint to hold myself back from ripping you apart. Desire and Restraint are one of the main concepts of the fireblooded, you should do well to learn them, considering the land you sit in is only meters from the actual lands of fireblooded."
  193. With that though, he turned to Jordunn, seeming a bit more interested in his request for a spar now. Perhaps it was what had stopped him from wanting to further teach the blind kid a lesson. "You want to fight me? I can do with that." He clearly was trying to keep himself out of the headspace of a blind kid who didn't know just whose fury he was inciting.
  194. (Leku Serlus)
  195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. [14:25] Was he just... Disregarded?
  198. The thought that he could be passed by, only irked him further. As though there would be some surmounting explosion or realization, but unfortunately, there were no flashy antics to be unveiled by the sorry soul. Not the slightest exertion of mana-based construct to imply of anything remotely threatening: An ordinary teen, surrounded by extraordinary practitioners.
  200. Sure, his fist couldn't do much against blue steel... But it didn't mean he'd want to hold back, or even stop. He wanted to fight! Though, Leku simply turned to Jordunn -- Discredited of being worth someone else's time.
  201. If losing a sense wasn't enough of a blow, and dependency on others, then this? This was a crushing blow on his pride, gnawing at him from within.
  203. No man worth their salt could simply let themselves be shrugged off like that! At least, not in Nathan's perspective.
  204. He lowered his head, shadow cast across his visage and body going somewhat limp.
  206. "I don't care how strong you are." He grumbled through his breath. It was likely that Leku would simply brush past him at some point, but Nathan, himself wouldn't budge. "Don't think I'll ever let you talk to me however you feel like."
  207. This came from anger, frustration, bottled up sadness... Perhaps, a demented concoction of the three.
  208. (Nathan Elbi)
  209. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. [14:26] Jordunn scoffed at the teenager. He eyed Leku mysteriously, he never fought someone who utilized water magic before. He didn't want to take away from Nathan learning something new so he guess he would allow Leku teach the blind kid a lesson before he sparred with him but he warned the teenager that he wasn't going to take it easy on him if they did spar.
  213. He was actively trying to achieve a art that is considered dangerous. Perhaps this was the best time to use his emotions to fuel his drive for Occultism but he remembered what Azar said couple days ago. He exhaled sharply as he kept his eye on the teen.
  215. "I'll kindly fight you after you and Nathan are done with whatever y'all doing but I warn you. I won't take it easy on you at ALL" Jordunn would say, he made sure to say the last word with a lot of force in it to make sure it came across Leku like he intended it to. He chuckled, it seemed like something was funny to him.
  217. The teenager surely didn't know what he was getting himself into if he decided to spar with Jordunn. Jordunn needed to increase his strength, offensive and defensive awareness, he couldn't increase those if he was to fight someone in a friendly match. He needed to take it seriously which is why he wanted to spar with Leku.
  219. "Guess you do have to fight Nathan... looks like he isn't taking your threat lightly." Jordunn would say in a mocking tone. "Show him what you've learned" He said.
  220. (Jordunn Snowhunter)
  221. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  223. [14:35] "I'm going to speak however I desire, my restraint is in my actions alone." Leku shook his head as this whole time, he was just speaking how he normally spoke. He didn't know it was the way he spoke that incited the fury of this other teen, but he would dismiss that for now.
  225. As Jordunn spoke of Nathan fighting him first though, he smiled amusedly. "If he wants to fight, he can. I wouldn't suggest that, though. Though, I hope you wouldn't take it easy on me, there's no purpose otherwise." He took a quick look to Nathan as he spoke, but then back to Jordunn.
  227. "Whichever one wishes to fight me first, I don't mind." It was clear he was ready to fight with any comer. Taking a few steps out into the field, his tendrils seemed to create a flow within themselves that increased their solidification.
  228. (Leku Serlus)
  229. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231. [14:47] No weapon.
  232. No armor.
  233. No magic.
  234. No vision.
  235. It didn't matter to Nathan, no. All that mattered was that he was pit up against this man who threatened him. Was he in over his head? Maybe, but just because he was blind, he wouldn't regard himself as helpless.
  237. "If that's the case, then I'm going to show you what-for." He held his arms out to his sides in a seemingly inviting fashion, legs crouched to some degree, ready to lunge out.
  238. He sifted his gander about, as though he'd finally catch a glimpse of something beyond the blurry veil but all he'd hear would be the manipulated tendrils of water, and possible footsteps if the man ever decided to move.
  240. He sprinted, with mild balance in his own pace, rearing a fist back with intent on aiming a little higher than his armor -- his face. It didn't matter if it didn't knock him out, all that mattered that he knocked some sense into the man.
  242. "You could be the strongest in all the land. You could be the king, queen... Whoever, but if you're going to talk, you'd best be able to immediately back it up!" He called out, completely unaware of what torment awaited him.
  244. … Or, perhaps callous towards it.
  245. (Nathan Elbi)
  246. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. [14:51] Leku smiled a bit as the blind kid now came to the battlefield with rather reckless abandon. He had no idea who this kid was, but perhaps a degree of respect was being gained from Leku now. He was ready to fight Leku, unequipped, yet unafraid. Perhaps it was because he could not see Leku's outward physical appearance, or detect his demeanor as well.
  250. Either way, Leku was amused, but also a bit bewildered. Readying his caestus, he seemed to simply await the other teen's charge. "Come then, make me back it up and I will." He now actually did intentionally taunt Nathan, to perhaps hype him up further as their battle began.
  251. (Leku Serlus)
  252. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. [14:53] Nathan Elbi exclaims, "Ngh... I'm... Not done yet!"
  256. [15:07] Leku seemed to merely wait on the battlefield, allowing Nathan's fist to slam into his face for the first blow. Even against Leku's face though, it probably felt like punching solid rock. He then exchanged a few blows with Nathan, his punches being significantly faster and stronger. To finish it off though, one of his tendrils extended from his back and whipped Nathan upside the head to disorient him.
  258. Perhaps a bit cruelly, Leku then simply unleashed a beam of water directly onto the center of his target's chest for him to slam into a tree, though most of the impact came from the pressurized beam of water itself. Seeing that he left a pretty massive welt on the boy's chest, he scratched the back of his head and frowned a bit.
  260. "I'll admit I overdid it a little, but learn your lesson, I was still holding back some. Not only those stronger than you, address anything living and sentient a bit of due 'humane' respect. When you're apologized to, don't scream at someone like you pay them to keep you dry. You spoke of the way I talked to you, you ought to think about the way you talked to me, not your words but your tone."
  262. Leku didn't offer him a hand up, anything, just simply looked down to him with serious eyes. "I'll apologize once again for getting you wet, but not for what just happened. That was the result of raising your tone to one who has fire in the blood. Had you not screamed at me, but said the same words, it would have likely inspired a different reaction, like a personal apology without the beating."
  263. (Leku Serlus)
  264. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. [15:13] Jordunn exhaled sharply, he watched closely as the two teenagers conversated with each other. He was rather impressed with Leku fighting but he thought it wasn't enough to handle him at all. He felt like he could easily defeat Leku. He chuckled at the thought.
  268. "You think Osrona will take it easy on you? Show you mercy? I'll answer it for you, no they not. They'll fight you like you're a threat to them. Or maybe even fight you like you're a Dragon lord" Jordunn said to Leku.
  270. He dropped his arms by his side and then walked to the open field, he waited until the teenager was finished talking to Nathan. He would stretch his arms and legs. He hadn't fought since yesterday which was surprising.
  272. He needed to train more often if he really wanted to complete his goals. He wanted to be the strongest in all of Osrona and he couldn't do that if he didn't train every day.
  274. "Finish up with what you got to do... I'll be here waiting for you, Leku" Jordun stated.
  275. (Jordunn Snowhunter)
  276. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. [15:18] That punch... He put everything he had into it. Yet, it stung his own knuckles more than he'd expect. Why did it feel like he missed? Like he hit a solid tree. No, stone... But this was certainly a face. A fist in response wrought the very air from his lungs, contorting and twisting his body in a flurry he couldn't follow with his own mind.
  280. The pain seemed to seep in just as the next blast pushed him elsewhere, quicker than comprehension would have it.
  281. Then, a clap across his head... The world seemed to spin somehow, even beyond the fuzzy veil he found himself within. Everything around him was blanked out on the auditory spectrum, relinquished from his senses with a long and pained screech that'd scream into his ears: induced tinnitus.
  283. In that moment, he could only wade in place, not quite moving... It felt like an eternity, but judging from how long it'd take his foot to land back upright, he'd determine it was all within the fraction of seconds. What came next, he could only imagine. It was harsh, akin to a hammer meeting his chest, bashing into it, before spiraling and drilling into apparel and skin thereafter. Nathan, unwilling to succumb dug his feet into the ground, finding them carving through sodden soil before it'd give, bending him into the circular pillar.
  285. As it skimmed the battlegrounds, it spun his suspended body, before crashing him back-first into a tree. The splatter of woodchips skimmed the back of his neck and filled the air. His lips parted to sputter bits of saliva, and his eyes, grew vacant of their pupils for the moment.
  286. For the instant, he knew only anguish, before it'd subside for the wetness that'd follow, his body slowly breaking from the dent put into the tree's side, as he slid to its base - limp.
  288. It hurt to breath, and in kind, Nathan reached up for his chest with his right hand. He felt at it... Oddly warm, but not cut open. At least, he wasn't bleeding out. Labored breathing was all that'd come from Nathan for now, at least until he could recollect himself.
  290. (Nathan Elbi)
  291. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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