
beg lol jk

Dec 22nd, 2010
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  2. Pachise has joined the chat
  3. Pachise: OMG ZERO ;A;
  4. Pachise: I LOVE YOU.
  5. Zer0bandit: ...that was sudden!
  6. Pachise: 8D
  7. Pachise: Just one question: How much you charge for an avi pic? D8
  8. Pachise: I AM IN LOVE WITH YOURS.
  9. Pachise: If you want another room, just tell me ehehehehe
  10. Zer0bandit: uh. Somewhere in the ballpark of 3k? Something as detailed as my current one, probably more.
  11. Pachise: 58 credits, 40 promo credits *points cool finger*
  12. Zer0bandit: Alas.
  13. Zer0bandit: But yeah, the way it works is you post screens in my thread and if I like them, I might do you a picture. No guarantees, though.
  14. Pachise: Hm.
  15. Pachise: I hope you have a free thingy soon ;c
  16. Pachise: And i putted you as favourite, in my artists ;c
  17. Zer0bandit: Aw, that's sweet of you.
  18. Zer0bandit: To be honest, now would probably be your best chance. I've got my prices low for the christmas season, but they'll probably rise a bit later.
  19. Pachise: 3k?
  20. Pachise: But there's no way to get credits ;A; Gotta get D:
  21. Zer0bandit: I'm sure you'll find a way somehow.
  22. Pachise: Mhm.
  23. Pachise: I would feel bad if i beg. I gotta get a new pic before 24th.
  24. Zer0bandit: Why is it that desperate?
  25. Pachise: Because i'll be off IMVU, probably 2 months. Or 1.
  26. Pachise: And gotta let all this stuff cool.
  27. Pachise: HP is done.
  28. Zer0bandit: all what stuff?
  29. Pachise: Now, a pic.
  30. Pachise: Homepage, pic, blahblah.
  31. Zer0bandit: what do you mean, you've got to let it cool?
  32. Pachise: Let it fine. I won't change anything all that time.
  33. Zer0bandit: You lost me
  34. Pachise: Why? o-o'
  35. Zer0bandit: I don't understand why you're leaving imvu and stuff?
  36. Pachise: LOL, cause of school
  37. Pachise: And why you said: You lost me
  38. Pachise: I was like: OMG D:
  39. Pachise: I never saw a pic of you, in reality.
  40. Zer0bandit: Nobody ever does.
  41. Pachise: I want to T_T
  42. Pachise: Make me a free DP D; loljkk
  43. Zer0bandit: Ha, no.
  44. Pachise: I know D: I said jokingl
  45. Pachise: *.
  46. Pachise: My neck hurts.
  47. Pachise: Hey, do you do free artline?
  48. Zer0bandit: by 'artline' do you mean 'lineart'?
  49. Pachise: Yes that.
  50. Zer0bandit: Well, no, I don't.
  51. Pachise: But.. o-o
  52. Zer0bandit: Sorry, sugar. If you want my art, you gotta pay.
  53. Pachise: In your shop, you say: Free lineart
  54. Pachise: I know. I always pay.
  55. Zer0bandit: Yeah. And then linked right below it is the free line art.
  56. Pachise: Sorry, i'm not understanding. @Dumbass
  57. Zer0bandit: I've put some lineart that I made up there for free.
  58. Zer0bandit: I am not doing custom stuff for free.
  59. Pachise: Ohhh.
  60. Pachise: xD
  61. Pachise: Can i put transparent bg and put it as a friend DP?
  62. Pachise: Do i annoy you much?
  63. Zer0bandit: Uh, you can if you really want. Use it as a DP, I mean.
  64. Zer0bandit: Just as long as you don't try to sell it to them
  65. Zer0bandit: considering, you know. It's free.
  66. Pachise: I don't sell anything that's not mine.
  67. Pachise: Do you mind if i send you my msn?
  68. Zer0bandit: Uh, you can send it, but I won't be doing anything with it.
  69. Pachise: Oh, you don't use MSN. Sorry, i forgot.
  70. Zer0bandit: no worries.
  71. Pachise: I am so sleepy and tired.
  72. Pachise: Going to sleep.
  73. Pachise: Talking to you tomorrow, sweet.
  74. Pachise: Have fun, bye <3
  75. Zer0bandit: Righto, sleep well.
  76. Pachise has left the chat
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