
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 3

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:07 PM - MektOne on One: The constant reverberations and bouncing only lasted about 5 minutes, after which point Widoia released you from the comforting embrace of her bountiful bosom. The sailing smoothed out, and you were allowed to roam about the ship once more as you pleased. Doing some more minor target practice on your own in the sims and spending some time in the fitness center to kill the hours-long trip, you headed back to your quarters to freshen up, at which point an announcement informed all passengers of the departure from FTL. Following the deceleration from FTL speed, you begin to ponder what you should do to spend the rest of the time, when there's a knock at your door.
  2. 8:09 PM - Kari: Turning her head with a curious chitter, Kari moves closer to the door. "Just a minute," she calls out. A moment later, the portal opens and Kari looks for who it could be. "Yes~?"
  3. 8:11 PM - MektOne on One: Outside, you spot none other than Mr. Silk, his tall form and thin legs blocking most of your view of the passage beyond. He doffs his tophat. "Pardon the intrusion. I trust you're finding our accomodations... satisfactory?"
  4. 8:12 PM - Kari: "Oh! Mr. Silk!" She makes a polite bow before smiling up at her host. "Yes, very! Thank you, sir. Your crew has been most generous in making me feel welcome too."
  5. 8:13 PM - MektOne on One: "I'm happy to hear it. I'm simply here to confirm whether or not you're prepared for work. Our destination was, thankfully, not far off from your homeworld. We're on approach now, and should arrive within the hour."
  6. 8:15 PM - Kari: "Of course, Sir. Widoia's already cleared me in the simulator, so I'm ready the moment you need me."
  7. 8:16 PM - MektOne on One: "She has mentioned as much. Impressive work, if what I heard is to be beleived."
  8. 8:16 PM - MektOne on One: "If you would come with me to the bridge, I can give you a short briefing on the matter at hand, and we can prepare you for your trip."
  9. 8:18 PM - Kari: "As you wish, Sir. Right behind you!" With a confident thumbs up and matching smile, she strikes a little pose.
  10. 8:22 PM - MektOne on One: He allows himself a small smile at your excitement, turning around and walking. Soon enough you arrive at the bridge. Looking out the window, you spot... a lot of ships. All of them surrounding you, pointing very, very big guns in your direction. They have a black matte finish and rounded hulls. Mr. Silk seems unconcerned with this as he focues on a holographicly projected image of the planet that you can see behind the ships. It's mostly water, at least 85%, and most of the landmasses are mountainous with little easily colonizable ground.
  11. 8:24 PM - Kari: Kari's confident smile and strut seems to waver at the sight such massive ships. Her jaw hangs slightly agape, eyes roaming from ship to ship. Nonetheless, she stands attentive, and nervous, waiting for the promised briefing.
  12. 8:24 PM - MektOne on One: "Having never left your homeworld before now, I presume you're unfamiliar with the Flal. Is that right?"
  13. 8:25 PM - Kari: "I... I don't think we covered them in sch-school."
  14. 8:30 PM - MektOne on One: "As I suspected. To make this brief, they are a race that is Crustacean in nature. As you can see from the projection here," he flicks the basketball-sized holographic projection with one finger, causing it to spin on its axis. "It's mostly acquatic in nature. Though the Flal are capable of breathing a standard atmosphere of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and such just fine, they're capable of surviving prolonged periods underwater as well. They only recently achieved proper spaceflight themselves. They can be a tad... aggressive, but I don't suspect that to be an issue. We're here to deliever a package to one of the commanding officers of a military base."
  15. 8:31 PM - Kari: "L... like a peace offering? Or a trade?"
  16. 8:32 PM - MektOne on One: "A trade would be more precise. It isn't often they deal with other races in the galaxy, so this is a valuable contract for myself and my company. I never fail a contract, so I will be counting on you." Looking past the hologram at you, he offers a smile.
  17. 8:34 PM - Kari: "Wow. So this must be pretty important huh? Are there any groups against this trade? You make them sound a bit... what's the word... xenophobic?"
  18. 8:35 PM - MektOne on One: "There are groups against any trade, whether due to personal views or a desire to be involved themselves. It wouldn't be out of the norm."
  19. 8:37 PM - Kari: "So I should be expecting trouble then. Okay. Where am I going, who am I delivering it to, and is there anything I should be wary of?"
  20. 8:41 PM - MektOne on One: "We will be dropping you here," he points to a location on the hologram, and a little red dot appears to mark the area. The location seems to be at the base of a large, singular mountain. "And you'll need to work your way to the peak, right around here," another ping on the map. "The data will be on your Mekton as well. We would drop you off at the location itself, but this was a minor stipulation of the trade agreement. They want no ships near the projected point. The package will be small, something you can and will carry on your person. You will be delievering it to a Flal who goes by Commander Barengat."
  21. 8:43 PM - MektOne on One: "You'll be able to determine him among the others by his red carapace. The majority of their race has a darker colored shell, so it will be simple to find him. Deliever the package, accept the payment, and return to the drop point."
  22. 8:45 PM - Kari: "What if he won't meet me?"
  23. 8:45 PM - MektOne on One: "He is aware we are coming, which is precisely why we have not been turned into dust by the numerous guns pointed our way at this very moment."
  24. 8:46 PM - Kari: "R-right. Of course. I guess this is pretty important to him. Will we be in radio contact, or am I to operate with radio silence?"
  25. 8:46 PM - MektOne on One: "Widoia will be in contact."
  26. 8:47 PM - Kari: "Understood, sir." She snaps a smart salute to the large dryder.
  27. 8:50 PM - MektOne on One: He reaches into his coat pocket, withdrawing a small, manilla envelope and handing it to you. "Give this to him, and take the given shipment in return. Do be careful on the way down the mountain, they strictly enforce a no-fly zone around the area, so you will need to walk. You will, of course, be taking your Mekton." He laughs, mostly to himself. "You'll need it to carry the cargo, anyway."
  28. 8:52 PM - Kari: "A no fly zone, huh? This gets better and better. Hopefully they'll understand if I have to defend myself. Is there anything else, sir? Or should I head down to the mek bay?"
  29. 8:53 PM - MektOne on One: "That will be all. Head to the mek bay. Dematus will be waiting, I understand he has a 'starter package' prepared for you."
  30. 8:55 PM - Kari: "Oh? Uh- Y-Yes, sir. Thank you, Sir." Snapping one last salute, she pivots in place and rushes off to the mek bay, dropping all sense of formality as she does so. As she races down the halls, she chitters rather nervously. Tense from the anticipation, her thoughts are a little clouded and mulling over the mission.
  31. 8:59 PM - MektOne on One: You rush off towards the elevator, finding a nice thick rope of weaved silk stuck to the ceiling, hanging down the shaft waiting for you. It seems your favorite elevator service is unavailable, so this'll have to do.
  32. 9:00 PM - Kari: With a little smile, Kari hops forward, grabbing the rope to slide down with a little flourish. Swinging into the correct floor, she continues on her way, but she breathes a soft sigh in honour of bosoms missed.
  33. 9:02 PM - MektOne on One: Trotting through the large doors, you find the catwalks cleared and the Yuida kneeling, its cockpit open. Dematus is scuttling along the top, apparently giving it a final check. Notcing your entrance, he webs himself down to the floor, approaching you while wheeling a small metal cart loaded with a variety of tools and gear.
  34. 9:05 PM - MektOne on One: Standing before you, his hulking, fat-legged figure towers over you even more than Mr. Silk. He nudges the cart towards you, and you look over its contents. A vest, a handgun, some ammo... and a few other accessories.
  35. 9:09 PM - MektOne on One: You typing something or waiting for me? I figured you were gonna react :<
  36. 9:10 PM - Kari: She slows to a halt before Dematus, looking up at him with a small smirk. Reaching down to the cart and looking over her gear, she can't help but mutter a, "Nice~". Giving him a nod, Kari says, "Thanks. I'll put them to good use." It takes a little adjusting, but she manages to fit the armour on despite her clothing. With it all stowed away, she turns back to the dryder. "It fits well. I'll let you know if I run into any issues. Would you mind helping me get to my cockpit?"
  37. 9:10 PM - MektOne on One: ah there we go
  38. 9:10 PM - Kari: (Heh. Sorry~.)
  39. 9:11 PM - MektOne on One: "We'll get you a liftwire soon." Once you get yourself equipped, he holds out his left arm, saying, "Grab on."
  40. 9:12 PM - Kari: With a trusting nod, she gives Dematus her hand. "Ready."
  41. 9:13 PM - MektOne on One: He lifts you cleanly off the floor, gear and all, with just that arm. No chest-hugging here it seems, as he single-handedly but carefully carries you over to the Yuida. Shooting a strand of silk to the head, he lifts off the floor with you in tow, stopping at the open chest and setting you into the seat. "Spent all night retrofitting the cockpit. Didn't finish, should be fine. Ignore anything that needs silk to work."
  42. 9:16 PM - Kari: "Got it. I'm sure you did good work, Dematus. I should be fine. Will I be setting down easy, or on a controlled burn?"
  43. 9:18 PM - MektOne on One: "Controlled burn. You've got enough thrust for proper flight, shouldn't be a problem. Try not to pancake yourself."
  44. 9:18 PM - MektOne on One: With a two-finged salute that would have flicked his bangs had he had any hair, he descends without a word.
  45. 9:21 PM - Kari: Kari returns the gesture before leaning back in her chair. As the cockpit slide closed, she grips the controls and starts feeling them out. Her chest rises and falls with deep breaths as she tries to clear the nervousness from her mind. "I can do this. Yui and Ida are counting on me. Can't mess this up."
  46. 9:23 PM - MektOne on One: A speaker in your cockpit comes to life, and a little holoscreen projects itself in front of your controls in an unobtrusive area to the left. On screen is Widoia, wearing a headset and tapping away at a keyboard. She says, "Testing, testing, one two three. Do you read me, Kari?"
  47. 9:24 PM - Kari: "Wids!" Her face lights up, and she instinctively waves to the screen. "Coming through loud and clear!"
  48. 9:25 PM - MektOne on One: "Oooh, /someone's/ excited to see me." She covers her mouth with her hand, giggling. "You all ready to move out? It's a little soon after your training, but what better way to learn than trial by fire, right?"
  49. 9:27 PM - Kari: "Yeah! Bring it on!" she says excitedly. The innuendo goes completely over her head as she pumps her fist in the air. "I'm not afraid of some angsty rebels, if there even are any!"
  50. 9:28 PM - MektOne on One: "You show them that fire in your soul! Ready to move out? We're approaching the L-Z now, so warm those thrusters and prepare for drop."
  51. 9:31 PM - Kari: "Ready!" Kari grips her controls tight, standing the Mekton upright.
  52. 9:33 PM - MektOne on One: "Opening bay doors..." A klaxon resounds through the bay as two blast doors on the floor open, revealing an aperture more than large enough to jump through. Below you can see a small coast circling the massive mountain ahead. Directly beneath you is a flat, rocky beach. "You're good to go, Kari. I'll be in touch~" winking with her four left eyes, she blows you a kiss as the holoscreen disconnects.
  53. 9:36 PM - Kari: A smirk and a blush work their way across Kari's face, but it just fills her with determination. Moving the mek to the blast doors, she takes one last deep breath. "Let's do this!" she cries, pushing the mek to spring forward and through the gap. Wings deploying and thrusters burning, she does her best to make for the beach.
  54. 9:36 PM - MektOne on One: Hmmm
  55. 9:37 PM - MektOne on One: Let's make this a little interesting. Gimme a Piloting roll
  56. 9:38 PM - Kari: (*wince* 6)
  57. 9:38 PM - MektOne on One: ouch
  58. 9:38 PM - MektOne on One: what, critfail?
  59. 9:39 PM - Kari: (No. 3+3)
  60. 9:39 PM - MektOne on One: you forgot your MR, silly
  61. 9:39 PM - MektOne on One: Stat+Skill
  62. 9:40 PM - Kari: (RIGHT!)
  63. 9:40 PM - Kari: (11 then. Heh~.)
  64. 9:40 PM - MektOne on One: Still not very good, but better than 6~
  65. 9:44 PM - MektOne on One: The sudden difference in handling when going from the mek bay into freefall took you by surprise, and the gust of wind blowing you off-course towards the ocean didn't help much either. It took a moment of wrestling the controls to get yourself back on course. Controlling your thrusters towards a gentle decline of speed, you eventually make landfall with a painful thunk. Overhead, you watch the ship's bay doors close as it lifts off back towards space, leaving you alone on this rocky beach of a planet you've never been to before.
  66. 9:46 PM - Kari: "Aheh... h.. hopefully no one saw that..." Kari stretches momentarily to work out the kinks from the thud before contiuing. That done, she takes a good look at the surrounding terrain, taking in the aliens sights. "Man, I am never going to get used to this. This planet is weird." With a little shrug, she starts on her way, following the map towards the planned route.
  67. 9:48 PM - MektOne on One: The planned route puts you heading towards the mountain ahead. From the screens you can spot a mostly flattened, if slightly muddy, incline heading upwards. The heavy footfalls of your Mekton frightens a number of strange and curious creatures from their roosts.
  68. 9:51 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes are a little preoccupied by the wildlife, but she does manage to take a moment to analyze the route. "Great.. mud... That's not going to do me any favours." She looks over the path to see if there's at least some dryer portions to stick to.
  69. 9:54 PM - MektOne on One: There doesn't seem to be anything dryer, unfortunately, but you do spot tread tracks heading up the slopes as well. As you continue your trek through the mountainous pass, signs of life begin to fade into snow-dusted rock formations. Occasionally you'll spot the form of a large, automated turret, clearly visible from the path nestled in some rocks above. The manner in which their barrels track your every step makes you uneasy, but you carry on all the same.
  70. 9:57 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes watch each turret as she passes it, half expecting one to fire at any moment. When she's not worried about those, however, she does keep her eyes open, scanning for trouble. "This is a lot more tense than I thought it would be."
  71. 10:01 PM - MektOne on One: At last, your upward climb levels out, and you crest one final hill. From here, straight ahead, a concrete formation juts from a vertical cliff face: clearly the entrance to some underground fortification. Scattered around the area are several strange-looking treaded trucks, half a dozen turrets, and more than a handful of strange-looking people going about their business. They all look nearly identical: black-shelled bodies, glowing yellow eyes, and tall but hunched forms. Their legs end in curled and pointed single-digit toes, and their "hands" are fat, imposing claws.
  72. 10:05 PM - Kari: Kari slows to a halt for a moment. She sweeps her sensors across the scene, looking for anything unusual or unseen threats. She also looks for the supposed Commander Barengat. Deciding she shouldn't keep them waiting too long, or seeming like somethings wrong, she moves a little more slowly while continuing to scan the area.
  73. 10:06 PM - MektOne on One: It's at that moment that the screens of your Mekton's viewfinders flicker, then change to a flat, snowy static. A holoscreen pops up, revealing one of the shelled people - the Flal, you presume. It gestures and clacks its claws at you through the screen, though even with your translator, you don't understand a lick of what he's saying.
  74. 10:07 PM - MektOne on One: Its voice is like flooded motor, and the clacking of its claws grows feverent as it continues gesturing at you.
  75. 10:08 PM - MektOne on One: With your view to the outside world gone and the only thing visible being this angry crabman, what will you do?
  76. 10:08 PM - Kari: (What colour is he?)
  77. 10:08 PM - MektOne on One: Black.
  78. 10:08 PM - MektOne on One: You can try a Human Perception roll, that being an Empathy skill, to determine what he's attemtping to tell you.
  79. 10:10 PM - Kari: (Sure. 9+6 = 15)
  80. 10:09 PM - MektOne on One: niceee
  81. 10:10 PM - MektOne on One: By his feverent clicking and gesturing downwards and the fact that your screens have been shut down, you can only presume he expects you to exit your Mek.
  82. 10:12 PM - Kari: (Am I able to still pilot it with the cockpit open for visuals?)
  83. 10:12 PM - MektOne on One: Yep.
  84. 10:14 PM - Kari: Kari takes a deep breath, but can't really see many other ways to handle this. She gives the rather demanding crab a nod, trying to keep her cool. Opening the cockpit as a sign of trust, she moves to make the mekton kneel so she can jump out.
  85. 10:16 PM - MektOne on One: Kneeling and descending a safe speed with the help of your wings (Dematus knew /just/ where to put the holes in your vest to fit them! how thoughtful of him) you land on the snowy ground. A chilly wind billows back your hair, and you're surrounded by four Flal, all carrying guns. One walks ahead of you, one on either side of you, and the last goes behind you. Nudging you with the barrel of his rifle, you feel more like a prisoner than a courier.
  86. 10:19 PM - Kari: Kari narrows her eyes as the Flal push her along, but she grudgingly keeps pace. She keeps her hands held aloft either side of her, making sure no one thinks she's going for a weapon. Continuing to keep her eyes peeled, she decides to size up her guards and see what they're packing.
  87. 10:20 PM - MektOne on One: From what you can tell by the strange guns' shapes - made apparently to accomodate their claws - and with your limited knowledge of Kunchoren firearms, you suspect they're probably your standard, grunt-issue assault rifle.
  88. 10:22 PM - MektOne on One: Following your armed escort into the concrete structure, you continue inwards, then down. Passing through dimly lit rocky corridors you eventually reach a sizeable elevator. Descending an unsettling depth down, you proceed through twisting metallic hallways for a time until you're brought before a single door at the end of the hall. A rough shove from your behind-you-friend sends you stumbling towards the door, which opens automatically as you pass, closing behind you once inside.
  89. 10:23 PM - MektOne on One: You find yourself in a sparse office of sorts, equally as dull and metallic and drab as the halls. A few terminals of dubious purpose dot the walls, one of which is manned by a red-shelled Flal.
  90. 10:24 PM - MektOne on One: He turns at your entrance, speaking in broken-sounding Dryder, "You are not spider. Who are you?"
  91. 10:28 PM - Kari: Kari keeps her hands aloft, despite turning shooting her "friend" a dirty look before the door closes. With a light shake of her head she turns to face the crab. "Commander Barengat?" she asks, doing her best to match Mr. Silk's pronunciation. "I'm a courier. I work for the spider." She makes a gesture implying she intends to reach into her vest, and looks for a reaction.
  92. 10:29 PM - MektOne on One: "Spider send not spider?" he asks accusingly. Grabbing a pistol from a nearby table, he keeps it at hand (at claw?) and gestures you to fetch whatever it is you were going to get from your pocket.
  93. 10:32 PM - Kari: She nods and sighs a little exasperatedly. "Yes," she says, slowly reaching into her vest. "Spider send me. Paid to deliver." She pulls the envelope from her vest and holds it up for a moment. "Mr. Silk says this is for you." She slowly tilts the envelope, signalling him to take it.
  94. 10:34 PM - MektOne on One: He cautiously approaches you before quickly snatching the envelope, clipping it open with his claw and emptying the contents onto his desk. A light clattering of plastic objects sounds and you can't help but peer at the contents. Among them, you spot the blue chip that got you this gig in the first place.
  95. 10:36 PM - Kari: Kari looks curiously, chittering as she notices the chip. She keeps her thoughts to herself for the moment, and does her best to remain non-threatening.
  96. 10:37 PM - MektOne on One: He growls, sorting through the contents, picking the blue chip up and investigating it. Placing it gently down again, you notice him clench his claw. "Only one? ONLY ONE?! WHERE THE REST!" In a fit of fury, he jams his free claw into the computer console he was working at. Sparks fly as the machine smokes and sputters, though he pays it no mind as he turns to face you.
  97. 10:40 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes widen slightly, and she does her best to remain calm. As calmly as she can, she says, "I don't know. Talk to the spider's ship."
  98. 10:42 PM - MektOne on One: He growls again, looking at the various chips on the desk. He eventually, reluctantly, conceeds to whatever inner thoughts he was wracking about. "Spider gets 30 percent of agreed payment. Get rest when I get chips."
  99. 10:44 PM - Kari: "Understood. Should I talk to him or would you like to?" Kari's breathing is rather deep and heavy. It's clear she's quite tense, and half expects the crab to burst into rage once more.
  100. 10:45 PM - MektOne on One: "You do. Go!" Pointing angrily at the door, he turns his back to you, once more pawing through the chips.
  101. 10:47 PM - Kari: Silently nodding, she moves towards the door. With another shake of her head, she makes to leave with a resounding "Feh..."
  102. 10:49 PM - MektOne on One: You find your armed guard absent, though turrets poking from the ceiling tracking you tell you you're still not in the clear just yet. Making your way back cautiously to your Mek, or do you feel like risking some snooping detours?
  103. 10:50 PM - Kari: (Not with those turrets looking at me. These guys are already irate and crazy.)
  104. 10:50 PM - MektOne on One: Could always check for a blindspot, but better safe than sorry after all
  105. 10:51 PM - Kari: (I could, but if I fuck this, they 'will' kill me.)
  106. 10:51 PM - MektOne on One: probably :P
  107. 10:51 PM - Kari: (I don't have any bluff checks here. :P)
  108. 10:51 PM - MektOne on One: You head back topside, passing a few Flal who watch you suspiciously as you make your way to your still-kneeling Mekton. You notice a series of large crates strapped to its back.
  109. 10:52 PM - Kari: (Do I need to roll to make it to my cockpit, or can I make it with my wings?)
  110. 10:53 PM - MektOne on One: You can make it. I'm not gonna make you roll to board your own vehicle
  111. 10:53 PM - MektOne on One: unless you were like, crippled, under fire, and in a base that was about to blow up
  112. 10:54 PM - Kari: (Heh. Alright.)
  113. 10:56 PM - Kari: "How generous..." she mutters. With one last, heavy sigh, she makes to leap up to the cockpit. Making to leave, she turns it around and seals the cockpit. Working her control panel, she sees if she can actually reach Widoia this time. "Wids? Can you hear me?"
  114. 10:57 PM - MektOne on One: "Loud and clear, my little mantis~"
  115. 11:00 PM - Kari: "Glad to hear it. They shut me down when I got here and started gibbering in their native tongue. I couldn't tell what they were saying. Commander Barengat was a little pissed though. He said we're only getting 30% until we get him the rest of the chips. He had a gun in my face and punched clean through a terminal, so I wasn't really in a position to negotiate."
  116. 11:03 PM - MektOne on One: "30%? Oh... Mr. Silk's not gonna be too happy. We gave more than enough compensation with the other stuff. But you're alright?"
  117. 11:04 PM - Kari: "I... am, yes. What should I do? Should I come back, or do you want me to demand more?"
  118. 11:05 PM - MektOne on One: "Well... I wouldn't go back if I were you. I guess it's your call, but I say come back to the ship."
  119. 11:05 PM - Kari: "What does Mr. Silk want me to do...?"
  120. 11:06 PM - MektOne on One: "He's in the middle of a meeting right now, so I can't interrupt him. I don't know what he would want."
  121. 11:10 PM - Kari: Kari puts her head in her hands and leans back. "Damnit..." Bouncing on one foot she mulls things over for a minute. "Widoia...? If I go back in there, am I putting you and the others at risk? I can try and negotiate, but only if I'm not putting your lives in danger."
  122. 11:11 PM - MektOne on One: "W-well, I mean... we can always just pull out if things go bad. It's more likely that you'll be putting yourself at risk, though there's no telling what will happen if you make them mad. I'm sure Mr. Silk can overlook this, it's not your fault."
  123. 11:13 PM - Kari: "What do we know about them? I'm half tempted to challenge the commander to a duel to make him honour the agreement. This is my first job, I don't want to disappoint Mr. Silk.
  124. 11:14 PM - MektOne on One: "Well... I know the galaxy as a whole doesn't deal with them. They never speak with the Federation, or any of its affiliated races, so this deal Mr. Silk brokered was a bit of a surprise."
  125. 11:18 PM - Kari: "Got it. I'll give this another shot. Wish I had more information going into this, but it is what it is. Do you think you can patch me through directly to the commander? I'd rather not deal with more mistranslations."
  126. 11:21 PM - MektOne on One: "You're lucky I'm a dilligent little spider. I got his frequency when you were talking to him. Had to reroute power from engineering to the scanners to reach underground... Demmy's gonna be mad about that later. Since you're so insistent on this, I'll do it. But be careful, Kari. Please? Remember this relationship means a lot to Mr. Silk, too."
  127. 11:22 PM - Kari: "I know, Wids. I know." Kari swivels around her mekton once more, kneeling it down to signify her intent to stay.
  128. 11:23 PM - MektOne on One: "I sure hope you're as good at talking as you are at piloting. Patching you through now..."
  129. 11:25 PM - MektOne on One: A holoscreen pops up, though it reads "SOUND ONLY." Mr. Barnegat clearly doesn't sound happy at having had his personal comms hijacked. A series of irritated clicks and growls sounds through the comm as he presumably swears in his native language.
  130. 11:26 PM - Kari: "Commander Barengat. I have just been informed that you have not been entirely understanding in our dealings. Seems Mr. Silk included a number of other chips he deemed to be of significant value to you. 30% doesn't seem like a very good trade now, does it?"
  131. 11:28 PM - MektOne on One: Now speaking in Dryder again, he responds, "You, not-spider? How did you call? 30% more than good. Is 30% and your life."
  132. 11:32 PM - Kari: "And my life, huh? Big talk coming from a man who hides underground for his dealings. But let's cut the crap, shall we? You wanted those chips, yes? Well Mr. Silk wanted his goods in exchange. Events transpired to rob us both of the rest, but in his his nature, he gave you that which you did not ask for to make amends. He gave them to you in a sign of good will. Now I will either accept a larger percentage, or at the very least a promise to keep business alive for the future."
  133. 11:33 PM - MektOne on One: Let's see you follow that up with a Persuasion roll. That's Empathy, too
  134. 11:33 PM - MektOne on One: no wait
  135. 11:33 PM - MektOne on One: that's Cool
  136. 11:34 PM - MektOne on One: Yeah, Persuasion and Fast Talk's categorized as a Cool skill.
  137. 11:34 PM - Kari: (10)
  138. 11:34 PM - Kari: (So bad.)
  139. 11:34 PM - MektOne on One: Well, you rolled a 5?
  140. 11:34 PM - Kari: (Yeah.)
  141. 11:34 PM - MektOne on One: you could always dump all your luck and force a crit :v
  142. 11:35 PM - MektOne on One: Though who knows if you'll need it~
  143. 11:35 PM - Kari: (Gaaaah, fine. Let's do it. Go big or go home.)
  144. 11:35 PM - MektOne on One: so that makes 15, plus a d10
  145. 11:36 PM - Kari: (21)
  146. 11:37 PM - MektOne on One: He lets out another growl, this one more of a howl. You hear something smash; probably another computer.
  147. 11:37 PM - MektOne on One: "45%, if promise of more chips in future."
  148. 11:38 PM - Kari: "Deal." Kari says, already sweating bullets.
  149. 11:40 PM - MektOne on One: With a metallic crumpling, the comm goes dead. You suspect he broke his comm.
  150. 11:41 PM - Kari: Kari winces a little, letting the static run over her screen for a moment or two. Tapping into her com, she attempts to hail Widoia as she waits for the additional goods to be secured to her Mekton. "So I have good new and I have bad news."
  151. 11:42 PM - MektOne on One: "O-oh?" She sounds noticably nervous, apparently suspecting the worst.
  152. 11:43 PM - Kari: "The good news is: I managed to secure 45% and a promise of future dealings," she says with an amused chuckle.
  153. 11:44 PM - MektOne on One: "45%? That's more than the 40% Mr. Silk was expecting... just what /aren't/ you good at?" Widoia sighs, relieved, before recalling there was bad news. "So... the bad news?"
  154. 11:47 PM - Kari: "Um... higher learning I think?" Kari retorts with a laugh. "And the bad news is: The commander's techies are going to need to replace three terminals from my conversations with him alone, and I hate to think of how much else they're going to need to fix when he's done howling."
  155. 11:48 PM - MektOne on One: Widoia pauses for a moment, processing what you said before bursting into a fit of laughter.
  156. 11:49 PM - MektOne on One: Your Persuasion skills are unmatched! those who lack them. Your sheer luck and inner fire has granted you the start to a silver tongue; you gain 1 Persuasion and Fast Talk Skill Point!
  157. 11:50 PM - Kari: (=D)
  158. 11:50 PM - MektOne on One: "Persuasion and Fast" being a singular skill, that is.
  159. 11:50 PM - MektOne on One: (I accidentally a word there but you get the idea)
  160. 11:50 PM - Kari: (I get ya~.)
  161. 11:52 PM - MektOne on One: "You really are something, Kari," Widoia manages to squeak out through fits of giggles. You hear a few thunks on the side of your Mek, indicating the cargo is all loaded. Your screens return to life as normal.
  162. 11:54 PM - Kari: "Th-thanks, Widoia~. To be honest though, I have Ida to thank for this. I've listened to her chew people out before, so I just tried to think of what she would say." Checking all her sensors, Kari makes sure all the Flal are clear before attempting to stand and be on her way. "My inner fire is only rivaled by my sister's fierce punches!"
  163. 11:55 PM - MektOne on One: With a final giggle, she responds, "If that's true, I don't think I'd want to be anywhere near her fists."
  164. 11:56 PM - Kari: "Actually I think you'd get along. You kinda remind me of my other sister Yui. She's really sweet and gentle. I doubt you'd have anything to worry about, especially if I vouch for you."
  165. 11:57 PM - MektOne on One: "Maybe I'll get to speak with them one day. I look forward to it! Now head back to the drop point before the Flal decide they'd rather blow up the cargo than give it up."
  166. 11:58 PM - Kari: "Already on the way," she says with her mekton stomping its way down the path. "I'll see you all soon."
  167. 11:58 PM - MektOne on One: "Looking forwards to it~"
  168. 11:59 PM - MektOne on One: Cutting the comms, you proceed down the muddy slope. Let's get an Awareness roll now
  169. Friday, October 30, 2015
  170. 12:00 AM - Kari: (What stat is that?)
  171. 12:00 AM - MektOne on One: Intelligence
  172. 12:00 AM - Kari: (14)
  173. 12:02 AM - MektOne on One: Heading back down the slope, you can't help but notice a few new tracks in the mud. They're not the treads you saw on the way up, and they're definitely not your own tracks either. They're big and deep, spaced out like a Mekton's. They seem to break off the beaten path and head into the rough, rocky cliffs though. Could be maintenance crews on the guns, maybe? Or something else entirely...
  174. 12:05 AM - Kari: Kari slows her mekton's movements, eventually coming to a stop at the tracks. Hailing Widoia once more, she says, "Hey Wids? I've got something suspicious here. Mekton tracks, by the look of them, moving off through the cliffs. They look fresh. They're not the same ones I saw on the way up either."
  175. 12:06 AM - MektOne on One: "Mekton tracks? You sure it's not the Flal's?"
  176. 12:06 AM - Kari: "Do they have mektons of their own?"
  177. 12:06 AM - MektOne on One: "They do, but the fact that they head off into the cliffs /is/ odd..."
  178. 12:07 AM - MektOne on One: "Just keep an eye out and get back here ASAP. I'm getting a bad feeling about this... I'll keep you posted if I spot anything."
  179. 12:08 AM - Kari: (Can I see the path on my map? Any chance it overlooks my route?)
  180. 12:08 AM - MektOne on One: The path the tracks lead towards?
  181. 12:08 AM - Kari: (Yeah.)
  182. 12:10 AM - MektOne on One: Sure. By the looks of things, comparing the limited data your superlight sensors provide with the direction of the tracks, it looks like the cliffs might circle your general path, but you can't be certain due to the lack of information from your short-sighted sensors.
  183. 12:12 AM - Kari: "Widoia? I don't like this. It's hard to tell with my limited sensors here, but it seems the side path might overlook my route. I might be paranoid here, but I could be walking into an ambush.
  184. 12:13 AM - Kari: "What do you think? Should we notify the Flal that they may have unauthorized units in the area?"
  185. 12:15 AM - MektOne on One: "Assuming they aren't /their/ units... they might be defensive about the whole thing, too. And I'm sure you're not on very good speaking terms after that stunt you pulled with the cargo... here, I'll route some extra power to our scanners and see if I can get a clearer picture for you. I'm sure Demmy won't mind a little blackout."
  186. 12:17 AM - Kari: "Alright. I'll get moving again then. If you can find me an alternate way down the mountain, that would be great. It would be best if we would just avoid the fight altogether." Shifting her mekton once more, she resumes her way down the path, but pays extra attention to the cliffs, just in case.
  187. 12:22 AM - MektOne on One: You proceed down the path, paying careful attention to the suspicious area as Widoia works. After a few moments, she mutters a quiet "Gotcha!" Speaking up, she says, "I think I found our mystery stalkers. It looks like that cliff path circles downwards and overlooks the drop point. Judging by these blurry low-definition pictures I got, my guess is that whoever it is is waiting to ambush you when you reach the beach. I would suggest taking an alternate route, but if the Flal find us moving outside of the designated area they'll take that as a hostile intention."
  188. 12:23 AM - MektOne on One: "Whoever this mystery person is, they aren't with the Flal we just dealt with, that much is sure. If they were, they would have just spaced us from the start."
  189. 12:24 AM - MektOne on One: "It /could/ be a competing Flal clan, or a splinter group interested in the cargo you're carrying."
  190. 12:28 AM - Kari: "What do you think we should do? That pictures might at least give us the proof we need to call for backup. I'd rather not damage the cargo if I can, and I don't think I can take the first shot without those turrets ripping me apart. Worst case scenario, I can drop off the cargo out of sight, move into the open, and challenge them on it. If I get to that beach, I'm basically helpless, especially with this crate strapped to my back."
  191. 12:30 AM - MektOne on One: "The beach has no turrets surrounding it, so that won't be a problem. Your best bet would likely be to continue down the back, drop the cargo off once you're within the operational range of the beach, then engage the targets. I count three.
  192. 12:30 AM - MektOne on One: "
  193. 12:30 AM - MektOne on One: "If you're lucky, you can get the drop on at least one."
  194. 12:35 AM - Kari: (When she says, "down the back", does she mean follow the path they took? Or the main path?)
  195. 12:35 AM - MektOne on One: oh, whoops. I accidentally that a little
  196. 12:35 AM - MektOne on One: meant to say "back down the path"
  197. 12:36 AM - Kari: (Aaaah, okay. Heh. Thanks.)
  198. 12:36 AM - Kari: "That makes things a little easier. If I can set down the cargo, I might be able to sweep them with rockets from afar, or close the distance with my thrusters. Any idea where a safe place to stash the crate would be?"
  199. 12:38 AM - MektOne on One: You hear her tapping away at a keyboard. "Aaaand yep. I got a good place for you right here. I'll send the map data to you, so head down there and get ready for a fight. I can't tell what they're armed with, but I don't think it'll be anything fun. I'll keep in contact."
  200. 12:40 AM - Kari: "Got it. You're the best, Widoia~. See you soon." Kari gives the dryder a little wink before ending the call. She mutters to her self and rolls her neck to ease up a little of the tension. "First job couldn't just be a milk run could it?"
  201. 12:40 AM - MektOne on One: Mentally prepping for a fight, you carry on down the path as Widoia described, bracing for the upcoming battle...
  202. 12:40 AM - MektOne on One: and we can wrap it here for tonight I think
  203. 12:41 AM - Kari: Sounds good. We'll start the party with a bang next session.
  204. 12:41 AM - MektOne on One: ayup
  205. 12:41 AM - Kari: This shit's tense, man.
  206. 12:41 AM - MektOne on One: sorry if today was mostly boring. Getting dragged around by angry crab people and all
  207. 12:41 AM - Kari: Nah, s'all good.
  208. 12:42 AM - Kari: It was good tension, good build. I was waiting for the fight at any moment.
  209. 12:42 AM - MektOne on One: Hehe, alrigty then, good to hear
  210. 12:42 AM - Kari: And I got to smoothtalk my ass right out of a fire.
  211. 12:42 AM - MektOne on One: out of two fires, in fact
  212. 12:42 AM - Kari: Something I was damn sure I was gonna fuck up.
  213. 12:42 AM - Kari: heh
  214. 12:42 AM - Kari: true
  215. 12:42 AM - Kari: :P
  216. 12:43 AM - Kari: And Mr. Silk's gonna be a happy spider.
  217. 12:42 AM - MektOne on One: that he is, even got a little bonus
  218. 12:43 AM - MektOne on One: and speaking of bonuses, you can give yourself another 5 IP on top of the persuasion skill
  219. 12:43 AM - Kari: Awesome~
  220. 12:43 AM - Kari: =^_^=
  221. 12:43 AM - Kari: Thank-a-you~
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