
Dry Bowser and Toadette's Kart Adventure

Apr 27th, 2019
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  1. Dry Bowser and Toadette were in the middle of a race around the Coconut Mall as they were the best racers out of the twelve that were partaking in the race, with the duo having used their drifting skills to handle their positions in the lead as they were riding in pipe framed karts. How and why did they agree to be racing around with the other 10 racers who were of no significance to this was another question that didn't deserve an answer due to the fact that a stupid story didn't need anymore dumb things in its plot.
  3. "I sure hope I don't get zapped by lightning." Dry Bowser mumbled as he was suddenly blasted in the air by an explosion from a winged spiny blue shell, making him regret having said anything. "And now I regret it."
  5. "Oh DB you always have to have perspective!" Toadette giggled as she bumped into a fake item box, groaning as she felt the red pixels surround her. "And I need to focus on the road!"
  7. Suddenly a lightning bolt was activated as it zapped everyone, with Dry Bowser and Toadette being shrunken the most as they had to wait, with the skeletal reptile cleaning off his bones as Toadette's stomach growling prompted the mushroom girl to eat the bananas she picked up from an item box, with Dry Bowser squinting his eyes at the result as they turned back to normal.
  9. Dry Bowser: You're really going to just eat those instead of using them, kid? (shakes skull in disapproval)
  11. Toadette: (burping after eating the peels) Hey there's not much you can do to combat hunger!
  13. Dry Bowser and Toadette were quick to head up to the top level of the mall, heading off the ramp as they wee prepared to head off into the parking lot, only to be transported to the underground subway that was the Super Bell Highway as they were genuinely confused.
  15. "What the hell? How did we get here?" Dry Bowser questioned as he brushed his red hair back.
  17. Toadette screamed as she dodged an incoming red train. "I think that's the least of our worries!"
  19. Dry Bowser: This better not effect our standings in the race.
  21. Toadette: Can't we just do things for fun?
  23. Dry Bowser and Toadette headed towards the upper part of the subway station, attempting to head towards the finish line as they went through a warp that led them into the bright Sunshine Airport, with the pair gliding in the air as they were heading towards the terminal, still unsure as to why they were being warped to various locations beyond the race track that they were in.
  25. Dry Bowser sighed as he landed on the yellow pavement, drifting around to get purple spikes on his kart. "I'm not even sure if we're going to get back to the mall."
  27. "Oh don't be so down, I'm sure we'll get warped back sooner than you think!" Toadette chimed as she brushed back her pink pigtails.
  29. Dry Bowser: (clenching his fists) Are you even sure we'll be given the chance? (takes in a deep breathe)
  31. Toadette: (hiccups and blushes) Oh course, we're the stars of the story! (accidentally pees herself)
  33. Dry Bowser was disgusted by Toadette's bodily functions as they were about to head pass the starting line, with there being no indication that they cleared a lap as they headed around the bank to exit the airport, only for a bright light to engulf them as they were returned to the Coconut Mall, with it being the final lap as they were on the sandy beach. Dry Bowser and Toadette both got out of their karts and pushed it onto the road as they managed to get onto the road just in time, speeding on through as they somehow won the race despite the shenanigans they got themselves into. After winning, Dry Bowser decided to get himself something tropical to drink with Toadette farting around the mall after building up flatulence the entire time. And thus ended their racing adventure where the journey was more of its sums than it needed for the destination!
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