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a guest
Feb 29th, 2020
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text 3.03 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Textractor: pipe connected
  2. Textractor: hijacking process located from 0x00750000 to 0x008F7000
  3. Textractor: inserting hook: D3DXCreateTextA
  4. Textractor: inserting hook: D3DXCreateTextW
  5. Textractor: inserting hook: ID3DXFont::DrawTextA
  6. Textractor: inserting hook: ID3DXFont::DrawTextW
  7. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTextExtentPoint32A
  8. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTextExtentExPointA
  9. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharacterPlacementA
  10. Textractor: inserting hook: GetGlyphIndicesA
  11. Textractor: inserting hook: GetGlyphOutlineA
  12. Textractor: inserting hook: ExtTextOutA
  13. Textractor: inserting hook: TextOutA
  14. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharABCWidthsA
  15. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharABCWidthsFloatA
  16. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharWidth32A
  17. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharWidthFloatA
  18. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTextExtentPoint32W
  19. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTextExtentExPointW
  20. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharacterPlacementW
  21. Textractor: inserting hook: GetGlyphIndicesW
  22. Textractor: inserting hook: GetGlyphOutlineW
  23. Textractor: inserting hook: ExtTextOutW
  24. Textractor: inserting hook: TextOutW
  25. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharABCWidthsW
  26. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharABCWidthsFloatW
  27. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharWidth32W
  28. Textractor: inserting hook: GetCharWidthFloatW
  29. Textractor: inserting hook: DrawTextA
  30. Textractor: inserting hook: DrawTextExA
  31. Textractor: inserting hook: TabbedTextOutA
  32. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTabbedTextExtentA
  33. Textractor: inserting hook: DrawTextW
  34. Textractor: inserting hook: DrawTextExW
  35. Textractor: inserting hook: TabbedTextOutW
  36. Textractor: inserting hook: GetTabbedTextExtentW
  37. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipAddPathString
  38. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipAddPathStringI
  39. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipMeasureCharacterRanges
  40. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipDrawString
  41. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipMeasureString
  42. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipDrawDriverString
  43. Textractor: inserting hook: GdipMeasureDriverString
  44. vnreng:BGI2: pattern not found
  45. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrlenA
  46. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrcpyA
  47. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrcpynA
  48. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrlenW
  49. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrcpyW
  50. Textractor: inserting hook: lstrcpynW
  51. Textractor: inserting hook: MultiByteToWideChar
  52. Textractor: inserting hook: WideCharToMultiByte
  53. Textractor: inserting hook: CharNextA
  54. Textractor: inserting hook: CharNextW
  55. Textractor: inserting hook: CharPrevA
  56. Textractor: inserting hook: CharPrevW
  57. Textractor: inserting hook: CharNextExA
  58. Textractor: inserting hook: CharPrevExA
  59. Textractor: inserting hook: SysAllocString
  60. Textractor: inserting hook: SysAllocStringLen
  61. vnreng:INSERT BGI#1
  62. Textractor: inserting hook: BGI
  63. Textractor: inserting hook: UserHook1
  64. Textractor: inserting hook: UserHook2
  65. Textractor: inserting hook: UserHook3
  66. Textractor: inserting hook: UserHook4
  67. Textractor: inserting hook: UserHook5
  68. Textractor: inserting hook: UserHook6
  69. Textractor: inserting hook: UserHook7
  70. Textractor: Send ERROR (likely an incorrect H-code) in SysAllocStringLen
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