

Dec 21st, 2011
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  1. Zack: So the game was supposed to have server side inventory? Lopsided and holey argument is invalid.
  2. Shank: It's a fucking config bro
  3. Shank: People requested it
  4. Shank: stop being butthurt
  5. Zack: Your the one butthurt....can't even argue your way out of a paper bag...
  6. Zack: Im just informing you of my leave of the team until it starts acting like a team.
  7. Zack: Thought youd like to know.
  8. Zack: Obviously, if you have zidonuke, you dont need anyone else. And i agree.
  9. Zack: Let him fix tshockl
  10. Zack: youll get more ppl
  11. Zack: more downloads
  12. Zack: redigit wont fix shit
  13. Zack: since tshock does
  14. Zack: and whatnot
  15. Zack: Ill come back when terraria is interesting again and I have a feature with implementing
  16. Zack: good day
  17. Zack: sir
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