
Alicia Belrose's Secret (P4) (NSFW)

Sep 14th, 2018
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  1. Detention. Not only that, but detention with Merula. Not only THAT, but if Snape was serious, overnight detention with Merula with no supervision, as Snape was unlikely to stay up just to keep his eyes on two students that he'd long since given up hope on.
  3. The rest of the day passed in a blur to you. You couldn't remember a single thing that had happened in any of your classes, nor what anyone had said to you or what you were supposed to be doing. Rowan was a godsend, as usual. Taking notes and speaking on your behalf to make it at least appear that you hadn't lost your mind.
  5. At dinner that evening, you were forced to come back to reality as the most popular girl in Hogwarts sat herself down right next to you. "Alicia, you look a little...weak. Are you feeling okay?" Penny Haywood's voice was calm and soothing as always. What wasn't so calm, and soothing was when she pushed herself closer to you on the bench, before putting her hand to your forehead. She held it there for a few seconds, during which you idly pondered if Merula would ever do that to you, before she finally removed her hand. "You're a little warm..."
  7. "N-No, I'm fine. Thanks, Penny." She smiled warmly, and you found yourself smiling with her. She didn't move back to the position she'd been in when she'd first sat down, though. Penny was still rather close to you, enough for you to feel the warmth of her body.
  9. "Are you sure? You might be coming down with something..." It was rather uncomfortable, you thought privately. Penny was just as close of a friend to you as Rowan was. What was she playing at, getting up close and personal, not to mention so touchy-feely? Sure, Penny had never been one to shy away from physical contact, but she'd also never done this sort of thing before.
  11. You felt a shiver run over you. It was the sensation of being watched, and you could only think of one person who'd be keeping an eye on you during dinner. Slowly, as nonchalantly as possible, your eyes swung in a lazy arc, coming to rest on a familiar tuft of orange hair. You gulped nervously as Merula's striking eyes stared at you with such intensity that it was as if they were going to cut right through you.
  13. Finally, you tore your gaze away with a blush. Thanks to the dim nature of the Great Hall at dinnertime, it was thankfully hard to see.
  15. Or at least, you thought it was, but clearly nothing could escape Penny's sight.
  17. "You're turning red! Alicia, I think we should get you to the Hospital Wing." Concern touched Penny's voice. On the one hand, it was heart-warming to see how much she cared, but on the other, you really wanted her to both sit slightly further away from you and stop scrutinizing you.
  19. While you may not have remembered anything that had occurred throughout most of the day, everything from your morning encounter with Merula was still vivid in your mind. As you sat with your face getting more and more red, you remembered what Merula has said to you.
  21. It seemed she would be finding a few new reasons to 'punish' you this evening.
  23. "Penny, I'm fine. Really." You gave her what you hoped looked like a confident smile. Privately, you weren't confident at all, especially considering that very soon, you'd be alone with Merula again. Her constant teasing ever since she'd found out your secret was enough to drive you insane. Whenever you thought about her - which you did surprisingly often, even before she'd enchanted your every waking thought. - You would begin to feel hot under the collar. Everything about her set you off, from her shining eyes to her long, slender fingers. If she continued as she had done, you weren't sure you'd be able to handle it - As if you'd been handling it so far.
  25. Penny finally let the subject drop, allowing you to finish your dinner in peace. Students began to filter out of the Great Hall, returning to their common rooms after a long day. Sadly, your day was not over, and with heavy feet, you dragged yourself toward the Potions classroom. Rowan accompanied you before splitting off to head back to your own dormitory, while Penny let you go with a hug and a whispered 'Good luck.' before she headed off in the direction of the Hufflepuff common room.
  27. Half scared and half excited, you approached the Potions classroom. Trying not to think what being excited said about you, you pushed open the door and stepped inside.
  29. "It's bad manners to keep people waiting, Belrose." Her voice rang out from the opposite side of the room. You looked up, startled. Merula was leaning against the opposite wall, arms crossed. Professor Snape was nowhere to be seen.
  31. "M-Merula?" Your voice sounded oddly high pitched. "Where's Professor Snape?" While the possibility had certainly been there, you'd never really expected that Snape would leave two trouble makers like you and Merula alone in the Potions classroom.
  33. "Well..." Merula kicked herself off the wall, beginning to stalk closer to you, still frozen by the open door. "Since you decided that you're too important to show up on time, Snape told me that we're to clean every single cauldron in this room." She was getting closer and closer now.
  35. "Th-That wasn't wh-"
  37. "Shut up." With one hand, Merula dragged you forward, allowing her other hand to slam the classroom door shut. That done, she slammed you roughly into the door. Judging from the enchanting way her eyes lit up when you let out a slight gasp of pain, she was clearly enjoying herself.
  39. Putting her height advantage to use, she put both hands against the door, trapping you between her arms. "He also said..." Her face inched closer to yours. Her hot breath made your neck tingle, and the tone of her voice sent shivers coursing through you. She both looked and sounded like a predator, pouncing down on some helpless prey. "I'm...in...charge."
  41. A shuddering breath escaped you. Every sensation in your body felt like it had been amplified a hundred times over. In a tiny voice, you managed to ask a question. "Wh-Why are you doing this?"
  43. Merula let out a breathy chuckle. Involuntarily, your eyes slid shut for a second as strange feelings coursed through your body. "Why?" She leaned in, moving her arms so that instead of being pushed against the door, they were slung around your neck. "Let me ask you something..."
  45. "Nnh...?" You couldn't even get the words out with the older, taller and stronger witch holding you completely at her mercy. Your mouth wasn't obeying you, and your body was so hot that you could barely think.
  47. "Do you know what people see when they look at you?" Merula's hand began to run through your hair, messing up some of its natural straightness. "Well, aside from seeing the girl with the crazy brother, anyway."
  49. "Wha...?" As Merula's fingers ran through your hair, a chorus of sparks ran down your spine. Her fingers were strong, yet soft at the same time. An odd question popped into your mind for a moment, and you vaguely wondered if Merula had ever learnt to play the piano when she was growing up.
  51. "You're considered one of the cutest girls in this school. Did you know that? Not the most beautiful...or the most popular...but the cutest." Merula's other hand began to wander. It started at the nape of your neck, and slowly caressed the side of your neck as it slid toward your collarbone. "People say that you give off a look of total innocence. That people can fall for you in one conversation."
  53. A moan escaped your lips as Merula's fingers trailed over your bare skin. Her hand traced small circles into your neck, before coming up to lightly run across your jaw. "Why am I doing this?" She asked with some slight amusement.
  55. Merula's hands suddenly grabbed you by your cloak. Bringing your faces closer together, she spoke in a way you hadn't heard before. Her voice carried a remarkable possessiveness. "I want to corrupt you."
  57. And before you could process it, she pulled hard on your cloak, and your lips were on hers.
  59. Time stopped. The world faded away. For that moment, there was nothing in the world besides you, Merula and the indescribable feeling of her kissing you. For a few seconds, you couldn't react. You simple stood, slack-jawed, as Merula's lips pressed against yours. After those few seconds, however, your brain finally registered that Merula was really kissing you, and every repressed feeling and desire that had built up over the last few days came crashing down all at once, overwhelming your every sense.
  61. You tried to moan in pure ecstasy, but it was muffled by Merula's mouth. The action did cause your mouth to open slightly, though, which was all the invitation Merula needed to push her tongue against your lips, which parted further automatically. Soon, her tongue was in your mouth, and you could taste a hint of clover on her breath.
  63. Your body was burning hot. Every sense, every feeling was being amplified tenfold. The slightest brush of your own clothing sent fire racing through your body. You couldn't move your arms. In fact, you could barely even feel them. What you could feel were Merula's arms, one around your waist, pulling you as close as possible, and the other running through your hair, forcing it out of its usual straightened style.
  65. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Merula pulled back. A thin trail of saliva still connected your lips to hers, and you reflexively licked your lips, only belatedly realizing that that had been both yours and Merula's saliva mixed together. Another burst of heat shot through your body, and your legs turned to jelly. You couldn't fall, however. Not with Merula's arm supporting you.
  67. "Look at you. Almost fallen apart from just that." Merula's hands were running up and down your back, making you shiver. She watched your panting face, her eyes half-lidded. Slowly, she licked her lips. "Let me make something clear to you." She whispered before shoving you against the wall, hard. A squeal of pain spilled from your lips as your still sensitive body slammed into the door. Merula's eyes seemed to light up at the sound. Before you could fall to the ground, she was there once more, this time using her dextrous fingers to unlatch and rip off your cloak, leaving you in just your shirt and skirt.
  69. "Wh-wha-" You stuttered out before Merula cut you off.
  71. "I. Want. You." She growled, her voice laced with an almost primal hunger. Her tone of voice sent shivers through your body, and you suddenly noticed an ache between your legs. You tried to stop a whine of desire from slipping out. Merula knew how to push every one of your buttons, and how to push you right up to and beyond your breaking point.
  73. Merula's arms wrapped around you, but she didn't do anything for a moment. Finally, you managed to speak. "M-Merula...we could get caught..."
  75. Through gritted teeth, Merula responded. "I don't care." Before you could even register it, she brought her hands to the front of your shirt and tore it open without a moment's hesitation. Buttons flew across the empty classroom. You gasped as the cold dungeon air began to hit your skin, but the heat of Merula's body soon overpowered it.
  77. "Wh-What are you-!" Your voice came out high pitched, almost frightened. Deep down, so far that you could almost pretend it wasn't true, you also noticed that the aching was getting worse. The fear of getting caught combining with the situation to create an effect almost like an aphrodisiac.
  79. Merula didn't respond. Her hands were no longer wrapped around your shirt, but around your bare skin. No one had ever touched you like this before, but every second it lasted, more and more pleasurable tingles shot through your body. She brought her head to your neck, planting kisses and small bites to your skin. Each bite coincided with another rush of heat through your body, and you began to feel a wetness between your legs.
  81. You tried to speak but found all you could do was gasp and moan as Merula's skilful fingers and tender ministrations wiped all conscious thought from your mind.
  83. "You like it, don't you?" Merula whispered, bringing her head back down to pinch the skin of your neck between her teeth.
  85. "Nngh...?" Was the only response you could get out.
  87. "Not only do you have a face made to be bullied, you're a masochist on top of that." Merula's hands began to slide down your stomach, tracing the contours. You squirmed in Merula's arms. You'd always been a little ticklish, and Merula's fingers were sliding across your navel in just the right way to sends shivers down your spine. "I saw you at dinner today. Letting Penny Haywood get up close and personal with you like that. Remember, you belong to me." She bit down slightly harder on your neck, eliciting a gasp of pleasured pain from you. Then, she ran her tongue across the bite marks.
  89. "Haa..." You moaned. She was pushing you beyond your limits, wiping away all your thoughts, leaving nothing behind but the pleasure she was giving you.
  91. "I think I need to teach you a lesson." Suddenly, one of her hands began to slide slightly lower, brushing against the hem of your skirt. You looked up into Merula's eyes, seeing your own face reflected in them. Your own blue eyes were filled with tears of arousal and begging behind half-lidded eyelids. Your mouth hung slightly open as you panted and gasped for breath. The expression on your face spoke of pure arousal. "You look so cute like this..."
  93. With a devilish smile, Merula's hand slid beneath your skirt and underwear. Her fingers brushed very slightly against your clit, causing you to moan as pleasure shot through you. You arched your back, pushing your body closer to Merula. "You've certainly been enjoying yourself..." Merula brought her fingers back out from under your skirt, inspecting them. They glistened with your juices. Looking you straight in the eyes, Merula slowly licked her fingers clean, before beginning to slide her hand back down your body. Her slow pace was excruciating, but you didn't dare say anything in case it gave her a reason to stop. Watching Merula lick something that came from your body off her fingers was arousing beyond words, and you found yourself biting your lip to stop yourself from begging her to speed up.
  95. Finally, after what had felt like an eternity, her hand reached your underwear again. This time, she went further, running her fingers briefly across your slit, taking pleasure in the moans and groans you made at each bit of contact. Your legs shook with a burning desire for more.
  97. "You're soaking wet. It's disgraceful." Merula whispered. At the same time, she finally prodded her middle finger against your inner folds. You squealed as pleasure rushed through you once more. Your arms finally began to work once more and within seconds they were running up and down Merula's back.
  99. After a moment's pause, Merula pushed her finger inside you. Your mind went blank, and you vaguely realised you'd let out an outright scream. After a second, Merula frowned, before pushing her body forward so that she was holding you against the wall. Then, she took her other hand and wrapped it around your leg, pulling your legs further apart to allow her better access.
  101. Little moans and gasps continued to spill forth from your mouth as Merula began to slide her finger in and out of you. For a few moments, the only sounds in the classroom were your voice and the sounds created by Merula's actions. Each time she pushed back in, your mind blanked out again. Fire spread through every inch of your body and the world grew distant and hazy.
  103. Until suddenly, you heard a new sound.
  105. Footsteps. From outside the classroom.
  107. Suddenly, you found everything shooting back into focus. Merula stopped her actions, bringing her fingers back out of your glistening sex, looking up at the door to the classroom with something like mild curiosity on her face. She trailed her fingers across your stomach, smearing your own juices into your skin.
  109. "M-Merula...someone's coming!" You exclaimed as quietly as you could. "W-What if it's Snape?"
  111. From outside, another set of footsteps could be heard, followed by muffled conversation.
  113. Merula looked thoughtful for a moment, before plunging her slender finger back inside you, while leaning back in to cover your mouth with her lips. It was good timing, too, since the scream you had been about to let out could probably have been heard all the way in Dumbledore's office.
  115. Merula sped up, forcefully fingering you even faster than before. The very real possibility of being caught, combined with Merula's relentless technique, only served to make you even more aroused, and you knew that you must have been soaking wet between your legs. When Merula's fingers bent slightly, brushing against your G-spot, your hips bucked up and you moaned into Merula's mouth.
  117. "You'd better keep your voice down." Merula whispered, somewhat muffled thanks to your lips still being pressed against hers. "Unless you want everyone to see what you really are..."
  119. "Auhh...Ah-!" Your incoherent mumbling nearly turned into another scream before Merula's other hand shot forward to cover your mouth. You suddenly felt fuller than before and realized that Merula had pushed a second finger inside you. As she began to slide her fingers in and out, your legs gave out. You began to slump to the floor, which only served to push Merula's fingers further inside you, sending shocks coursing through your body. Merula's knee shot out, and she took a step closer, propping you up in a sitting position on her knee even as her fingers continued to work their magic inside you.
  121. Suddenly you heard the footsteps again, this time heading away from the classroom. Soon, they faded into nothing, leaving the two of you once more in privacy. Merula took her hand off your mouth, cupping the nape of your neck once more. As her fingers continued to work their magic between your legs, she began to lightly bite at your neck, shoulders and collarbone again, just hard enough to leave hickeys.
  123. The idea of being marked by Merula in such a way was enough to almost push you over the edge. "M-Merula..." You moaned, barely even able to get the words out. "I-I c-can't..."
  125. In a move you probably should have seen coming, Merula suddenly stopped moving her hands, leaving you just teetering on the threshold, so close that it was painful. "Wh...What a-are y-?"
  127. "Beg."
  129. Struggling to bring your eyes into focus, you stared up at Merula. "H-Huh?"
  131. "You heard me. Prove that you deserve it." Her fingers twitched just slightly, but it was enough to send waves of tingles through you. You were going to go insane if she kept this up.
  133. "P-Please..." You whined, trying not to think about how pathetic you must sound.
  135. Merula sighed, shaking her head. "If that's the best you can do, I don't think I have the strength to continue."
  137. The idea of her leaving you like this was so horrifying that you would do or say anything to stop it. "W-Wait! Please, Merula, I'll do anything! Just don't leave me like this!"
  139. "Oh?" She smiled, that same smile that trapped you so often. "Well then..." She pulled your head forward until your face was buried in the crook of her neck. She began to whisper into your ear. "Let me get something straight. You belong to me. You're mine, and whenever I want you, I will have you. Got it?"
  141. "Yes!" You groaned as your need for climax began to overwhelm you.
  143. "Then say it."
  145. Any semblance of resistance was gone by now. There likely wasn't anything you wouldn't have done just to get Merula to finish you off. "I-I belong to you..."
  147. "And?"
  149. "I'm yours! I'll do anything you tell me to, so please, don't stop!" You were almost screaming the words by now.
  151. Merula paused for a second, but it felt as if it was an eternity. "Good girl... My Alicia Belrose." And her fingers suddenly slid as far inside you as they possible could, while curling to hit your G-spot. "Then...Let it out."
  153. Merula's words, coupled with that last push of her fingers deep inside you, finally pushed you over the edge. Everything that had built up, from the moment Merula had cornered you after getting you out of flying class suddenly came crashing down upon you all at once. Your back arched and you threw your head back with a scream. Your limbs jolted with random spasms as your body's muscle control failed. Sparkling dots appeared in your blurry vision as wave after wave of intoxicating pleasure crashed through you. Your mind went blank with each burst of heat that coursed through your body, and at that moment you felt as if you were floating.
  155. Your knees buckled, but Merula held you steady, allowing you to twitch and shudder helplessly in her arms as your mind shattering orgasm finally subsided.
  157. "H...Ha..." Words were far beyond your current mental capacity, which seemed to be hovering somewhere around 'New-born Baby'. One last rush of heat shot through you as Merula's fingers slid out of your inner folds. Through hazy, half lidded eyes, you watched as she licked her fingers clean. Then, she leaned down and kissed you once more, forcing you to taste yourself on her tongue. Another shudder ran through you at the taste of your own juices in your mouth.
  159. Completely spent, you could barely keep your eyes open. With one hand keeping you from collapsing - There was no way your legs could hold your weight, after all - Merula pulled out a chair from one of the desks and pushed you down into it, allowing you to flop across the work space. Your eyes slid shut immediately, but the last thing you heard before exhaustion claimed you was Merula's voice.
  161. "I'll hold you to what you said, you know..."
  164. "Wake. Up. Belrose."
  166. Consciousness returned slowly, like waking up from an incredibly deep sleep. Groggily, you raised your head to find Professor Snape glaring at you. Your eyes widened dramatically, and you tried to jump back, only to trip over your chair and fall to the floor. With a dull ache in your arm, you scrambled back to your feet, scared to look straight at the irate Potions master.
  168. "S-Sir! I-" Your memories of the previous night were somewhat hazy, as Merula has managed to make your mind go blank several times, but you remembered enough to realize she had ripped your shirt open. With something approaching a shriek, you tried to cover your chest up, only to realize that your shirt was fully buttoned up and tucked into your skirt, as if it had never been ripped at all. Not only that, but your robe was neatly folded on the same desk you had been resting on. "Huh...?"
  170. "Are you in possession of all your mental faculties?" Snape sounded almost bored, but then again, he always sounded like he'd rather be doing anything other than interacting with you. "Under normal circumstances, when I find a student sleeping during a detention, I would assign you additional detentions as punishment."
  172. Vaguely, you remembered Merula saying something about cleaning cauldrons. As you opened your mouth to say something, Snape continued to speak. "But...you appear to have completed all your work, and since it's a Saturday today, the only person you're disturbing is me." You frowned and looked around, seeing that every cauldron was practically sparkling. Seeing as you had passed out without touching a single cauldron, that could only mean that Merula had not only cleaned every cauldron, but she'd also fixed your clothes and folded your robes before leaving you in the classroom.
  174. "Uh...yeah..." You mumbled, refusing to meet the eternally angry man's eyes.
  176. "Now leave me alone. I'm sick of looking at you." A dismissal couldn't get more concrete than that, so you turned and staggered out of the classroom, grabbing your cloak as you left. You felt stiff, presumably from the awkward position you'd been sleeping in, not to mention still rather exhausted from the night's activities, so your first thought was to head back to your dormitory for a quick nap on a soft bed.
  178. Right before you could exit the dungeons, a hand landed on your shoulder, pulling you into a side room. You began to scream, but soon cut yourself off at the sight of the person who'd grabbed you. Merula looked awful. There were heavy bags under her eyes, she was slightly stooped over and seemed to be swaying slightly on her feet. Her robes were dirty, and her tie was undone, simply draped over her neck. In short, she looked completely exhausted. "M-Merula? You look..." You weren't quite sure there were any positive adjectives you could use to describe her appearance.
  180. "Some Gryffindor you turned out to be." Her voice was barely more than a whisper. You were slightly concerned that she was going to pass out any second. "While you were having a nice nap, I cleaned that entire room myself."
  182. "Why didn't you wake me up?" You asked. She didn't have to do all of that herself. There were a lot of cauldrons in that room, after all. "We were supposed to do it together."
  184. For once, Merula didn't seem to be in control of the conversation. She looked away for a moment, seemingly cagey about her answer. After a few seconds, she finally responded. "You're useless. It would have taken even longer with you."
  186. "But still..."
  188. "You better not have forgotten your promise." Merula whispered. For a moment, you weren't sure what she meant. But then she grabbed hold of your collar and pulled you in, roughly kissing you. She let go soon after, rubbing her eyes. "Whenever I want you, remember." Then she turned and began to stagger off in the direction of the Slytherin Common Room. "I need a nap..." She mumbled under her breath, so quiet that you barely heard it.
  190. In wonder, you lightly brushed your fingers against your lips as you watched her leave. Kissing her made your entire body feel warm and tingly. Her lips were so soft...
  192. About a minute later, you felt an ache from your back and remembered that you too, needed a nap. Sighing, you began to stumble up the dungeon steps, hoping you had enough strength for the trip back to the Gryffindor common room. In the entrance hall, you noticed that only the very first rays of grey light could be seen in the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall, which could only mean that it was very early. No wonder there'd been no one about. Still, you thought, at least that meant you should be able to get to bed without having to answer any questions about what exactly had happened in your detention.
  194. Roughly twenty minutes later, you finally made it to your dormitory. You hadn't realized just how weak Merula's ministrations had left you until you'd reached the fifth flight of stairs. Counting your blessings that no one had been around to see you crawling up the stairs after your legs gave out except some portraits, you collapsed onto your bed, groaning into the comfortable mattress in relief.
  196. "'Licia...?" You tilted your head up to see Rowan, blearily pulling her curtains aside to look at you. "S'early..."
  198. "Don't worry, Rowan. I'm going to sleep..."
  200. "'Kay..." Poor Rowan looked about as bad as you probably had when Snape had woken you up. "How's detention...?"
  202. "O-Oh..." An image of Merula licking her fingers flashed through your mind. "Fine!" You pulled off your cloak and kicked off your shoes, quickly jumping into your bed and pulling the curtains shut before Rowan could see your face. "I-It was fine."
  204. "S'good..." Rowan mumbled. You heard the sound of her falling back to her pillow. "Night..."
  206. You sighed, rubbing your face. Now you'd have to keep what happened in your detention secret too. You couldn't imagine telling Rowan that Merula had brought you to orgasm in her arms going down well at all. Not only that, but from the sound of things, Merula wasn't going to simply let your relationship turn back to normal. If the words 'Whenever I want you' were any indication, things might be getting significantly more complicated.
  208. It didn't take long for your tiredness to catch up with you. Being woken up without much sleep after your exhausting night with Merula had left you rather worn out, and before long, your eyes had slid shut.
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