
FoE RPG G0 - #012 Sand Crusaders

Apr 20th, 2013
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  1. [19:23]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #12 starts now
  2. [19:23]<SpiritOfFate> ============================================
  3. [19:37]<SpiritOfFate> The train is gone, as well as the carriage. The group still hides in the musty ruins. For a while, everything is silence, but eventually Ignis and Sotho hear a number of pony voices outside.
  4. [19:38]? Sotho quickly try and listen to the voices
  5. [19:38]? Ignis looks at Sotho, gesturing at the outside...he perks his ears to hear...
  6. [19:38]? Firefly has her carrots and munches on them contently. Om nom nom.
  7. [19:47]<SpiritOfFate> "...and why do we have to go all the way to the river? We already done our job wrecking those damn Sirens." A grumpy mare voice can be heard outside.
  8. [19:48]? Sotho is already curious, what did they mean wrecking Sirens?"
  9. [19:50]? Ignis believes that's most likely a monster or a particular group of hostile ponies named after those due to context...but keeps silent and hearing.
  10. [19:52]? Firefly has tasty carrots. They are soooo good. Om nom nom!
  11. [19:53]<SpiritOfFate> The voices seem to be approaching. "Argh! Shut the fuck up Clam Trap! I'm tired of your whining." A brattish filly voice says.
  12. [19:55]? Ignis readies his gun and holds a finger by his lip, as to call the others to keep silent.
  13. [19:55]? Sotho looks around, getting ready incase they attack
  14. [19:56]? Firefly perks her ears up, finally hearing the voices. She looks over at Ignis and Sotho, unsure what's going on.
  15. [20:02]? Sotho takes a peak
  16. [20:07]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho sees three fillies wearing hoofball gear and chains with blunt weapons on their backs, dragging a mare by her tail.
  17. [20:07]? Sotho tries to look at the mare their dragging
  18. [20:07]? Ignis pops his head a bit to spy as well...
  19. [20:09]<Hawkeye> The dark grey mare's crimson mane is currently tangled, with a bunch of dirt and sticks in it from being dragged. She wears a black Desperado hat and an eyepatch over her right eye. Her cutie mark is an odd red glyph that resembles an arcane eye. Dried blood clots on a wound on the side of her head as she's dragged along.
  20. [20:11]? Firefly gets curious and peeks over the window sill, taking a look. Upon seeing the three fillies she grins and hops down, giving a small tug on Sotho's tail. "Mr. Sotho, can I make some friends?"
  21. [20:12]? Sotho shakes his head. "Wait a bit Firefly, we need to see if they're good fillies and won't try to hurt us." He looks to Ignis. "What's the plan?"
  22. [20:12]? Firefly nods up at the zebra, and resumes watching out the window, trying to be very sneaky about it.
  23. [20:14]? Ignis mulls over. "I guess they are raiders, can't say for sure..." He spies to the fillies again. "Well...they are three...even if we KO them, what will we do next? We should talk to them..."
  24. [20:40]? Sotho nods. "It helps we have a filly with us too." He says.
  25. [20:40]? Firefly peeks out the window at the fillies, wings twitching in anticipation. Huzzah for new friends!
  26. [20:44]? Ignis nodsnods.
  27. [20:44]* Aqu_ is now known as Wintergreen
  28. [20:45]? Firefly drops below the window sill. "Can I go out and play now? Please?" She looks between Sotho and Wintergreen, filly-dancing in anticipation.
  29. [20:46]? Sotho nods. "Sure, but don't get too close, alright? We'll be right behind you."
  30. [20:47]? Wintergreen frowns. "Be careful Firefly." She looks to the others. "Let's talk to them /before/ that, though."
  31. [20:48]? Ignis taps his gun. "Well, just keep ready..."
  32. [20:48]? Firefly jumps for joy, hugging Sotho. "Thank you Mr. Sotho!" Firefly takes off and out of the building, waving to the three fillies. "Hi! I'm Firefly, who are you?" Firefly lands roughly 20 feet in front of the fillies, smiling happily.
  33. [20:49]? Sotho follows behind Firefly
  34. [20:49]? Wintergreen quickly trots after Firefly, arriving next to her side a few moments later.
  35. [20:49]? Ignis posts himself behind Firefly.
  36. [20:49]? Wintergreen gives a gentle smile to the foals, hoping them to react well.
  37. [20:54]<SpiritOfFate> The fillies raise eyebrows to each other. "Who is that?" The brattish filly ask. "Firefly?" Clam answers. "That is not what I mean." The brattish filly turns to Firefly and asks in a defiant tone. "What do you want?!"
  38. [20:55]? Firefly giggles at the fillies. "To be friends and play, silly filly! Isn't that what you want?" Firefly's face shows confusion. I mean, how could fillies not want to play?
  39. [20:57]? Wintergreen stands close to Firefly, ready to jump in front of her to take any blows, if it comes to that.
  40. [20:59]? Sotho is ready too. "We were just wondering who you fillies are."
  41. [21:00]? Ignis grunts in confirmation, eyeing each of the fillies...
  42. [21:00]? Hawkeye cracks her eye open just a little, now that the fillies have a distraction in the form of newcomers. Where's that rifle... Aha. Well, it's close. Now if the filly would just let go of her tail...
  43. [21:00]<Wintergreen> "And who that mare is that you are dragging?"
  44. [21:01]? Hawkeye immediately snaps her eye shut again. Horseapples. Hope no one noticed...
  45. [21:02]? Firefly looks over at the mare Wintergreen mentioned. "Is that your foal sitter? Is she hurt? Miss Green can fix her up, can't you Miss Green?"
  46. [21:03]? Wintergreen nods, though she certainly knows that mare is /not/ their foalsitter. "I can do so, yes."
  47. [21:06]<SpiritOfFate> "What is up with this filly?" the brattish filly asks. "I think she is high. I know some stuff that does that." Clam answers. The brattish filly grits her teeth at the group. "That is none of your business!" The third filly spits the mare's tail. "We are Sand Riders. Who are you?" she says with a tinny voice. Her throat has a big scar.
  48. [21:07]<Sotho> "We're just..." He looks at the group. "Some travlers, just trying to get around. We got curious after hearing you and our little filly here wanted to be your friend." He smiles
  49. [21:07]? Wintergreen nods nonchalantly. "We're heading to some of the nearby settlements as well, if you could provide us with information..."
  50. [21:08]? Firefly giggles. "I already told you that. I'm Firefly, this is Mr. Sotho, that's Mr. Ignis, and Miss Green is my foalsitter." Firefly smiles at the fillies, happy to help them out.
  51. [21:08]? Hawkeye waits, and then the filly drops her tail. The unkempt red tail snakes up and lifts the varmint rifle from one of the fillies' back, and aims it at her torso.
  52. [21:08]? Ignis is currently wearing a scowl...
  53. [21:15]? Hawkeye fires. The bullet rips through the torso of the filly who'd stolen her saddlebags, leaving a bloody hole through her lungs. "Run!" she shouts to the ponies. "They're Sand Riders! Go on, git!" She takes aim at the second filly...
  54. [21:17]<Hawkeye> ...and puts a bullet through her, too. "Run!"
  55. [21:19]? Wintergreen blinks. No. NO! She turns to Sotho and Ignis in a panic. "Rags, cloth, anything! Now!" she shouts, frantically waiting for one of them to give her anything.
  56. [21:19]<SpiritOfFate> Clam cringes, bleeding from the deep wound. The brattish filly yells "I told you to kill her back there!". The scarred filly just draws her rebar club.
  57. [21:20]? Sotho digs through his bags and pulls out some Buck and healing salve." Here!"
  58. [21:20]? Sotho gives them to Wintergreen
  59. [21:20]? Ignis blinks, his fingers twitching at the trigger...
  60. [21:30]<SpiritOfFate> Clam stumbles back, dazed by the attack. She draws her 9-iron and digs through her saddlebags for a tablet of Buck of her own, swallowing it.
  61. [21:34]<SpiritOfFate> The brattish filly draws her own 9-iron and swings it at Hawkeye.
  62. [21:37]<SpiritOfFate> The metal club smashes against Hawkeye's ribs. The brattish fill ends up swinging it away in her anger. "Ah! Fuck!"
  63. [21:38]? Hawkeye grunts under the impact. She coughs. "R-run!"
  64. [21:56]? Firefly starts to think. Her brow furrows, smoke starts to swirl from her ears, but shortly a small light bulb pops up above her head. "Batmare never runs from those in need!" Firefly shouts out, before joining the fray. She flies over, hovering above the bound mare. She makes a pair of low kicks, the first knocking the bratty raider's legs out from under her. The scarred raider is much more agile, and manages to avoid landing on her rump.
  65. [22:01]? Ignis shakes his head. "As I thought... raider scum." he aims his gun and lands a couple of shots at each foal flanking Firefly and the mare.
  66. [22:06]<SpiritOfFate> The sand rider fillies cringe as the bullets hit them, glaring at Firefly and Ignis.
  67. [22:08]? Firefly returns the glare, her flying in an Enclave defensive-fighting stance. Not that anyone recognizes the stance, in all likelyhood.
  68. [22:09]? Ignis just snarls at them, tapping his gun, angered. "Just back down, isn't worth dying over."
  69. [22:10]? Sotho attacks the tripped filly, relaseing a flurry of hits. He backs off smirking. "Indeed, you should know when you are out matched."
  70. [22:16]<SpiritOfFate> The brattish filly shakes her head, fighting to keep conscious. "I'm not going... to... get beat by a bunch of... hobos"
  71. [22:17]? Hawkeye grunts. "Then how about... by a Siren!" She takes aim and fires once more.
  72. [22:17]<Ignis> "You will, you are, you did..."
  73. [22:20]? Hawkeye spits out dust as her first bullet slams into the shoulder of the filly Firefly hadn't tripped, but her second shot goes wide. She's too close for her gun to be effective.
  74. [22:21]<SpiritOfFate> The filly cringes, wounded but standing ready to show her own strength
  75. [22:21]? Firefly frowns down at the brattish filly, saying "Batmare isn't a hobo." Does nopony have a proper education in the Wasteland?
  76. [22:30]<Wintergreen> ACTION runs over to the brattish filly, taking out the healing salve given to her by Sotho. She applies the salve to the filly's wounds, turning her attention to all the ponies around after, a harsh glare on her face. "Fillies. Stop. You've obviously lost. We're /not/," she looks to the tied gray mare, "going to harm you further. I'll heal you, if possible." She looks to Sotho. "You thought /I/ was better? I thought you were better. I only threat
  77. [22:30]<Wintergreen> "-I had no intention of killing her. You just beat a filly. In a similar situation to Knick Knack, If I'm not mistaken. She doesn't know any better, they are too young, and yet you have no problem nearly killing them." She looks to Ignis. "Take that gray mare's gun. Now."
  78. [22:31]? Sotho blinks. He has nothing to say to really defend himself here, he was beating up a filly.
  79. [22:33]? Ignis lowers his gun, enough discipline was enough.
  80. [22:33]? Hawkeye writhes against the ropes. "No thank you, stranger," she says, waving the rifle. "I'll keep it, thanks. It's the only thing keeping them from using me as a wall decoration."
  81. [22:34]? Wintergreen frowns and looks to the fillies. "This fight is over. Drop your weapons and we will drop ours."
  82. [22:34]? Hawkeye has a very soft accent that's reminiscent of ponies from southern parts of Equestria, though that's a log way away.
  83. [22:34]? Firefly looks over at Wintergreen. "Uh, Miss Green? How do I drop my hooves?"
  84. [22:44]? Wintergreen sighs. "Just stop hitting ponies for now, Firefly."
  85. [22:44]<SpiritOfFate> The scarred filly says flatly. "Too late for that, we aren't backing out."
  86. [22:45]? Hawkeye looks back and forth between the Sand Striders and her perhaps rescuers with her one eye. "Then Ah hope you like bullets, young'un, because I ain't got nothing else for murderers."
  87. [22:49]? Wintergreen looks at the scarred filly with a desperate expression. "Please! I just saved your friend. We do not want to kill you, please... We have you beaten."
  88. [22:59]<SpiritOfFate> The eyes of the three filles meet and move between the group, stopping back at Wintergreen. The brattish filly pushes Wintergreen away. "Do you think- ack... we are just foals you c-can boss around. Fuck no!" She yells, spitting blood as she does. The scarred mare looks at Wintergreen with a hardened expression. "If you think you have us beat, you gotta show it." She draws her rebar club and swings it at Firefly.
  89. [22:59]<Sotho> "I will not kill you, We are giving you the chance to leave."
  90. [23:01]? Wintergreen blinks. "Firefly fight!"
  91. [23:02]? Firefly taps the handle of the rebar club with her forehooves, pushing it up and forcing the blow to go wide. "No pony can stop Firefly!"
  92. [23:07]? Sotho slightly wonders why Firefly used third pony, but he decides it's not what to think about
  93. [23:10]<SpiritOfFate> Clam trots back to Sotho. "And you think we are going to just turn back with our tail under our legs. Ha! Then we might be as good as dead anyway." Her voice lowers to a growl. "And we can't have that." Her voice turns back to a peppy high pitch. "So, bye bye"
  94. [23:17]<SpiritOfFate> The brattish filly drags herself away after her club, fetching it and pulling a syringe from her saddlebags
  95. [23:22]? Sotho recoils from his hits, taking them hard. He looks to Clam. "I have warned you." He says.
  96. [23:27]? Firefly drops to the ground beside Hawkeye, drawing her legs back. The muscles tense and then release like a pair of massive springs, right into the scarried filly's torso. A massive crack resounds, the sound of broken ribs, and Firefly resumes her floating over Hawkeye. She looks down at the prone filly. "You hurt my friends...prepare to die."
  97. [23:33]? Ignis snarls at the fillies. "Bad should put that down" He fires a shot at the scarred foal, emptying his magazine and fishing a new one from the bandolier, firing on her three times more. "I thought you knew how to count...we are five, and you are three."
  98. [23:34]? Ignis manages to land nearly all shots at that foal...fillies shouldn't wield rebar clubs, at all.
  99. [23:36]<SpiritOfFate> The salve knocks the scarred filly out cold. "Spiny! Get up!" calls the brattish filly.
  100. [23:37]<Ignis> "Give up...or you are next."
  101. [23:37]? Sotho nods. "Give up. You are outmatched, and if you're defeated here, you won't be able to redeam yourself.
  102. [23:38]? Firefly floats around, turning to the other two. She's glaring down at them in cold anger...they can try and keep attacking, but do they really want to deal with the angry pegasus filly?
  103. [23:41]<SpiritOfFate> Fear shows in Clam's eyes, but it gives place to vengeful determination as she sees the brattish filly holding herself up with club and shouting. "Fuck you!"
  104. [23:41]? Sotho releases another vollay of punches at the filly that attacked him, missing one of them
  105. [23:43]<SpiritOfFate> Clam grits her teeth and shudders from pain.
  106. [23:44]? Sotho looks up at Firefly. " I'm warning you not on a basis of battle or princible, it's because I do not wish for you to die." He points at Firefly. "She will kill you, she is certainly mad enough." He threatens
  107. [23:45]? Hawkeye tucks her bound legs and her tail in to her body and rolls away from the melee, coming up with her gun leveled at the drug-addled raider filly. "An I'll kill y'all on principle. This is for Misty, you dung-sniffin' clotpole." She takes aim and fires.
  108. [23:48]<Hawkeye> The bullet punches yet another hole in the filly's chest, and Hawkeye's ammo is spent. With no free limbs to reload, she's now at the mercy of the raiders and the strangers.
  109. [23:51]<SpiritOfFate> Wintergreen is overwhelmed by the chaos in front of her eyes.
  110. [23:53]<SpiritOfFate> The brattish filly drags herself back, her eyes bloodshot, and takes a swing at Firefly
  111. [23:59]? Firefly tries to stop the blow and almost succeeds. Its a pity that almost doesn't cut it, and Firefly gets clipped the golf club! The club manages to break the skin, its swung with such force.
  112. [23:59]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly almost manages to hold the strike, but the strength of it takes her by surprise and she is hit with the full brunt of it.
  113. [00:01]<SpiritOfFate> Clam hesitates for a moment, but turns to the tied up mare, source of all of their trouble as the damned Siren she were and smashes the club on her
  114. [00:04]? Hawkeye cries out as the filly chases her down and crushes her ribs with the rebar club. The grey mare spits blood and strains at her ropes, trying to get up, and failing
  115. [00:12]? Firefly starts to swing at the brat filly, but in her anger she hits almost everything BUT the filly. She manages to land one blow on her...but she also hits poor Sotho. Oh no!
  116. [00:13]? Ignis spits aside and sighs...there was no glory into that. he was fighting fillies, for Celestia's sake! He shoots at the brattish one as much to down him, then feeds another clip and fires off into their "boss" the Clam one.
  117. [00:15]<SpiritOfFate> The brattish filly falls unconscious. Clam's eyes widen.
  118. [00:16]? Ignis looks at Clam, still twitching his fingers at the freshly loaded cartridge. "Make your choice..."
  119. [00:21]<SpiritOfFate> "Ah. No!" Her eyes move left and right, she breathes heavily. She flings her club at the group, missing them all and turns to run.
  120. [00:21]? Ignis sighs. "You will just abandon your friends?"
  121. [00:22]? Hawkeye spits blood. "Raiders ain't got friends," she says to Ignis. "Just folk they ain't used yet." She struggles against her ropes. "Somepony wanna be so kind as to untie me?"
  122. [00:22]? Ignis lowers his rifle and shakes his head...
  123. [00:23]? Firefly flaps gently over to Hawkeye, landing next to her. "I don't want to hurt anybody else today...friends?" The filly favors a leg, and looks at Hawkeye with big, sad eyes.
  124. [00:24]<SpiritOfFate> Clam's ear twitch to Ignis words and she turns back, preparing to charge him instead
  125. [00:24]<Ignis> "Give up, I really don't want to shoot you."
  126. [00:25]? Hawkeye looks a little uncomfortable, and looks away from Firefly. "Sure, miss. I don't want to hurt anypony else today either." She twists the rope between her hooves. "Uh, rope? Please?"
  127. [00:25]<SpiritOfFate> She shows no sign of stopping.
  128. [00:26]? Ignis does shoot her, then.
  129. [00:29]<SpiritOfFate> She keeps going, despite her bleeding wounds and deep bruises
  130. [00:44]? Sotho makes several attempts to get the filly on the ground, only the last of which succeeding. "Take your friends and leave, We will not hurt you any more. Pride is something you can gain back, your life you can not."
  131. [00:45]? Ignis shakes his head. "She won't least, not until she gives us some answers."
  132. [00:46]? Hawkeye grits her teeth, and rolls sideways as quickly as she can. With a heft, she kicks out at the ground with her tied hooves, and flops atop the prone Raider. "Stay down," she growls.
  133. [00:52]<SpiritOfFate> Clam growls, pushing Hawkeye aside with a grunt. "After all... we've been through..." She gets up. "You think you know anything? No! Fuck no you don't!" She rears up to stomp at Hawkeye.
  134. [00:55]? Hawkeye takes the hoof right in the jaw, and starts blacking out. The tied-up mare has taken one hell of a beating. "Going through rough spots..." she says, "....don't justify..."
  135. [01:05]? Firefly screams at Clam "You don't hurt someone who can't fight back!" She flies in low, kicking Clam's leg out from under her. She grabs a hold of the raider filly and takes off, straight into the air. When she's gotten high enough, she says "And you'll never hurt anyone, ever again." Firefly releases, and watches the filly drop.
  136. [01:07]? Ignis bites his lips. "Firefly! No!" The dragon swiftly dashes forwards and deftly snatches the filly before her descent meets a messy end, hugging her safely.
  137. [01:15]<SpiritOfFate> The filly collapses from shock and the strain as the drugs leave her body
  138. [01:15]? Hawkeye releases a held breath. Maybe that'd give the raider a chance to reform instead of become wasteland paste. She promptly passes out.
  139. [01:17]? Ignis tucks the filly into his arms, looking over at the remains...goddess...everything looked such a mess...
  140. [01:17]? Sotho lets out his own breath of relief, looking with not anger, but sadness at Firefly.
  141. [01:19]? Firefly flys down next to the mare who got stomped on, prodding her with a hoof. "Miss...Miss!"
  142. [01:20]? Hawkeye is out like a light. But at least she's mostly just been beaten, and isn't bleeding out.
  143. [01:21]? Firefly starts to work on the ropes. Firefly starts to untie them, so the Mysterious Mare will be comfy.s
  144. [01:22]? Sotho moves to Hawkeye. "She's just tired from the fighting, She'll be fine." He looks to the knocked out ponies and then to Clam. "Do you understand now? We are stronger. But I must tell you, you have to give up this life. It will only bring you sorrow and pain."
  145. [01:22]? Ignis shakes his head. "She passed out, Sotho...Its no use." He sways Clam a bit.
  146. [01:23]<Ignis> "Just fetch their weapons..."
  147. [01:24]? Firefly sits next to Hawkeye, not moving till she wakes up. It doesn't take long before the filly, tired from the fighting and flight, falls asleep next to the mare.
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