
My Teeth Need Help

Jun 30th, 2019
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  1. Hi everybody,
  3. As everyone knows by now, I've been making a big effort at taking better care of myself as I kind of neglected my health over the past few years... and it turns out that during that time I developed some pretty serious issues with my teeth/gums. Because of my autoimmune issues, my mouth tends to be "dry" more often than not and I guess that makes cavities for more frequently and can cause some gum disease as well. While I do have health/dental coverage, they will only cover the cost of "medically necessary" things. I had an abscess that was drained and the infection was cleared up with antibiotics but a root canal, post, post extension and crown is needed. MediCal will only cover the cost of the root canal and nothing else, leaving me with a $1900 bill. I also need a deep cleaning and some treatment for my gums to hopefully reverse the damage that has been done and a few fillings to prevent another tooth from ending up like the bad one... this is going to run me another $1100.
  5. I hate to ask for help on something like this, but as a full-time streamer my options are pretty limited... I need to get this dental work done ASAP to prevent it from getting worse. Because of my autoimmune issues something like a tooth infection can get much worse very quick.
  7. The dentist offered me in-house financing but I've got to come up with at least $350 by the day of my appointment, July 14th. The total amount I need to finance is roughly $3200. I don't expect to raise anywhere near the total amount, but if you are able to help out at all, even with a few bucks, all cash donations between now and July 14th will go towards the down payment and will mean I don't have to finance as much which will lower my monthly payment.
  9. All donations can be sent to my streamlabs account
  11. Thank you for taking the time to read this even if you cannot help in a monetary sense, your friendship and positive vibes will keep me going through all this health BS I have been dealing with... I have the best community on twitch and you all contribute to keeping me going even when the times are tough :)
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