
Dont distract the wimmens

Feb 20th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Coach Nevarra was on the mats waiting for the girls to finish stretching and getting ready so they could go over the dance section of their routine. "The weekend before Spring break. I need you all to mark that date down, as a competition weekend. Hopefully that doesn't interfere with anyone's schedules. If so, please let me know ASAP So we can change up the routine or change up which competitions we'll be swapping it out for. // Cadence stood up, stretching her back, listening to coah, nodding her head. " I don't think I'll have anything then, that I can think of." // Kelsey smiled, "I'll make sure my schedule is clear too." // Felix had just finished his warm ups runing back and forth across the court lifting his knees up as he went, changing legs every other step. He was sort of wheezing at this point, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph lifted her arms above her head and stretched toward the ceiling before leaning slightly to one side. "I think I'm good, but I need to double check my calendar." // Adam was also running drills for the basketball things. Jogging back around toward the bleachers, he lifted his bottle of water to take a few sips before replacing it on the bleachers and jogging over to Felix to join in the warm ups. "Hows it going?" // Noah said with a fucking face on the bleachers, his body slumped back because he didnt actually want to be there, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked beyond Felix and Adam running in the gym, looking off toward the doors completely unamused.-
  3. Tsaaq: Hayley lowered her upper body with her legs spread eagle in a nice long stretch. She grunted before sitting up once more. "I can't think of anything I'll have to do." Hayley shrugged her shoulders. // Remy finally entered the gym with Fitz beside him. "See, look at them! They're ready to move and win and shit." He jogged over to Adam and Felix, eyeing the male on the bleachers. "Who the hell is that guy?" // Fitz rolled her eyes as she went over to her little desk. "Who's been touching my things?" She asked in an accusatory voice. She turned to glance at Noah. "Are you here to try out?" She inquired.
  4. Covet: "Alright, well then If you ladies are Ready, I want to see the dance section and then we're moving right along to the tumbling. Next week the guys are going to be here so hopefully we can get all three sections put together and see it in full. I want to record it so we can watch it back and fix anything that needs synced." Coach told them. // Cadence nodded her head taking a deep breath. "Okay, I think that's totally doable." She smiled and moved back on the mats to get into position. // Kelsey clapped her hands, "Oh awesome, hopefully we don't have to do too much so that when we go to the competition we can kill it." She moved over to her place on the mat as well. // Felix looked over at Noah, when Remy asked who he was, "Oh, that's Steph and Bryan's cousin, Noah. He's here for the week checking the place out for college. We're kind of babysitting him for the week." Felix said.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Steph nodded and stepped up onto the mats, swinging her arms around as she looked at Cadence. "Are you able to do any tumbling or is that entirely off limits for Baby B?" She asked, getting into place for the dance routine. // Adam turned to look over at Noah on the bleachers when Remy directed their attention to him, bringing a hand up over his head to rustle his own hair. "Seems a little old to be babysat..." // Noah turned to look at Coach Fitz, shaking his head with a sneer. "No way. I dont even go to school here. Yet..."-
  6. Tsaaq: Hayley stood up, hopping in place as she looked over to Nevarez. "I think I've got the routine down packed." She said. "Of course we're going to kill it we're doing so much better than we were this time last year I think..." She trailed off as she got in place. "Yeah Cadence. Wouldn't Baby B get startled?" // Remy nodded his head slowly. "Alrighty." He murmured. "No trust me. Sometimes grown men need to be baby sat." // "Alright kiddo." Fitz sighed. "Alright everyone gather around after your laps." She called out.
  7. Covet: Coach made her way over to the speaker to set up the ipod with the music selection they had. Waiting for them to get into position before she started up the music. // Cadence nodded her head, "Cartwheels, and somersaults are still okay right now... Nothing that flips over backwards. And No fancy dismounts or extravagant moves as far as flying goes." She told them with a shrug, I've been working with Coah on what I'm doing in those sections instead. Jumping and moving my arms mostly." // Kelsey smiled at Hayley, "Me too, and yeah we definitely are. It feels better and we have the guys, so that's helpful as well." // "He's a smoker though, so helpful with the whole keeping it a secret thing." Felix said to Remy, then looked at Adam, "If what Steph said is accurate about him, It's better to be safe than sorry in this situation." He said then ran over to Coach Fitz.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Planting her hands on her hips, she waited for the music to start. "Well don't push yourself. None of us hold your limitations against you." She said before starting the dance, her arms and legs hitting their motions cleanly. // Adam glanced over at Noah unconvincingly before looking back to the guys. "I don't know. He doesn't seem so bad..." He turned to jog over to Fitz, sliding his hands into the pockets of his shorts. // Getting bored already and annoyed that he was forced to come, Noah pushed up from the bleachers and walked down to the gym floor, turning to head out the doors and into the hallway. He wandered across the hall to the cheer gym, poking his face into the window to watch them dance while drooling because 17 year old boy.-
  10. Alexithymiaa: (LOOKING AT THE OTHER BITCHES)
  11. Covet: [XD lol]
  12. Tsaaq: "So just jump up and wiggle around and stuff." Hayley suggested. "Yeah the guys definitely help with the whole confidence and winning thingy." Hayley said. She was shaking out her limbs before going into the dance routine which normally would be fine but she saw somebody watching them from the corner of her eye so she was obviously distracted. // He looked over at Noah, who was leaving the gym. "Well he's leaving... And we're at practice so. You fucked up." Remy said as he went over to Coach Fitz. "What's up Coach?" // "Everybody take a knee. Just kidding I don't care." Fitz said flatly. "Today we're going to see what position you guys will play since some of you aren't as experienced in basketball. How does that sound- Obviously not Remy and Felix."
  13. Covet: Coach hit play and watched them making sure they were keeping in time and all that. // Cadence nodded her head, "I won't , I'm still totally capable right now. That might change in a few months down the road. But we'll get there when we get there." She laughed and started moving to the music, making sure to hit her points at the right beats doing the wiggling as Hayley suggested. // Kelsey had started in on the routine then noticed that Hayley was distracted before she looked over to see the young guy watching them. She tried to ignore it focusing on the routine at hand. // Felix looked over to see Noah leaving then shrugged, "I told him if he gets board he can wander the building and check it out. He's good. " He was going to say something to Coach but then she said not them, so he piped down."
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Steph swung her arms in time with the music, hitting each motion and not noticing Noah in the corner. // Adam nodded to coach, only barely watching Noah get up and leave because it wasnt his fucking business. "What would you like us to do to figure this out?" // Noah pressed his little teenage face to the glass of the window, just gawking but also looking at Cadence's ASS.-
  15. Tsaaq: She had gotten back into the motions of the routine but it was still not her best, which was frustrating. Hayley had angrily crossed her arms over her chest once they were done. "Can we um, can we do that again?" She asked Coach as she put her hand on her forehead and exhaled. // Remy shook his head. "Horrible." He muttered before listening to Fitz. "So drills?" // Fitz nodded her head. "Drills." She answered. "We'll do dribbling drills to see who our shooting guard will be. Shooting drills to see who our small forward and center will be. Remy you're the point guard. Felix, you probably can be a power forward. Are you up to the task?"
  16. Covet: Coach watched them intently, then looked at Hayley and Kelsey, "Uh, girls... What are we distracted with?" She asked then turned her head to see the kid staring... "One sec..." She walked up to the door and opened it, "Can I help you? You're kind of distracting my squad here." // Cadence continued until Hayley asked if they could do it again. She got back into position then watched coach. // Kelsey just kind of watched because now things were awkward, listening to Coach Nevarez talk to the gawker.// Felix nodded, "Yeah it's what I'm most comfortable with."
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Steph turned to watch Coach walking over to the doors where she saw Noah's face in the window, exhaling deeply because she was instantly annoyed with his presence like she'd been since the moment his plane landed. "Sorry... that's my cousin." She eyed Noah, trying to shoo him off. "Go back over to watch basketball practice." // Adam nodded his head a little too enthusiastically because he didnt care what he was doing, just that he was here doing the things. "I run track and cross country. I don't know if that matters in what you want me to try first..." He trailed off, trying to be helpful. // Noah took a step back from the door when Nevarez came to question him, gesturing to Steph. "Yeah, she's my cousin. I was just watching. Basketball was boring. This is definitely where I want to be." He leaned to one side to look around Coach at the girls again, giving them all a wave.-
  18. Tsaaq: "Sorry. It's this fucking guy-" She began to say angrily. Once she saw Nevarez walk away and talk to the guy she turned to Steph. "That's a guy you know?" She asked in a hushed whisper. // Remy nodded his head once more. "Sounds awesome." He gave a thumbs up. He looked over to Adam and laughed a bit. "Well then." He shrugged. "What do you think coach?" // Fitz's expression turned to one of surprise at Adam volunteering. "Well, sure then." She said. She picked up her stop watch. "Okay then." She took a basketball with her other hand and tossed it to him. "Go ahead and run while dribbling and try to make a shot from the three point line then run for the ball and pass it. Remy, Felix you two go over by the center line on each side so he has options." She instructed.
  19. Covet: Coach furrowed her brow and looked at the kid, "Well, I'm sorry that it's boring, but We're preparing for a rather important competition, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave please. If you want to watch, you'll have to come to the competition." She told him going to close the door on him. // Cadence raised an eyebrow, then looked at Steph, "He looks like he's a blast to have around. How cute..." she said in regards to the wave he gave. // Kelsey raised her eyebrow and waved back at the kid shaking her head, she didn't know much about Steph's OTHER cousins. // Felix gave a nod and jogged down the court getting set up for Adam, bending at the knees and leaning over with his arms out.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "His life goal is to be Bryan..." She mumbled to the rest of the squad with a grumble, crossing her arms over her chest. That was explanation enough for how obnoxious he was. "Sorry coach..." // Adam lifted his hands to catch the basketball that Fitz tossed to him, nodding his head. He started to dribble, breaking into a run down the court until he got to the three point line, lifting the ball up and jumping just a bit to shoot. The ball rolled around the rim and then fell out. He broke into a sprint to catch it after its bounce, dribbling once before looking up to see Felix ready for a pass, quickly passing it over to him. // Noah's mouth fell open when Nevarez closed the door on him, watching through the window a second more before turning away from the door and cursing under his breath about her being a bitch. Making his way back to the main gym, he stepped just inside, crossing his arms over his chest to watch the guys run their drill.-
  21. Tsaaq: Hayley shook her head. "What a goal?" She sighed before looking to Nevarez. "I'm ready to try again coach!" She exclaimed. // Remy held his hands up for the ball but obvs Adam passed it to fucking Felix. "Aw." He sighed as he lowered his hands and looked to Fitz. "He's pretty fast." Remy called out. // "I have eyes." Fitz stopped the stopwatch and looked up at Adam. "Shooting gaurd potential... But you need to work on your shooting if you want to be. And you need to dribble faster."
  22. Covet: Coach looked at the girls, "Just try to ignore him, if he sticks around. Don't worry about it. He's young and I'm sure harmless." She added to Steph. "Lets start at the top again please." She told them then hit play on the music again. // Cadence scrunched up her nose, "Current CJ influenced Bryan or Pre Aubrey Bryan?" She asked because that was very important. She moved back into place and started up again when the music picked up. // Kelsey laughed, "I'm not sure who I feel more sorry for, Noah, or Bryan." She laughed, and got back into position, hitting the beats with each choreographed move. // Felix caught the ball as Adam passed it to him , then turned to pass it over to Remy, assuming he'd be passing it to whoever was going to be next.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Pre Aubrey Bryan." She said with a roll of her eyes because that was obviously the worse of the two Bryans. She moved back into her spot and waited for the music to start, jumping back into their routine. // "I can work on it." He said quickly, jogging back in to the group and looking between the two guys. "Would y'all practice with me maybe over the weekend or next week?" He asked, looking between Remy and Felix. // Noah shuffled his feet as he dragged himself back across the gym toward the bleachers, dramatically flopping down to sit. Bored.-
  24. Tsaaq: Hayley screwed up her face at Steph's answer. Hayley inhaled deeply and went into the routine, and fucking nailing it. // remy nodded his head. "Yeah of course." he told Adam before looking to Felix. "Right?" He asked. "Great job Junior." // Coach waved her hand so the next poor schmuck could get judged or whateves.
  25. Covet: Coach watched them again, crossing her arms, before glancing at the door, noticing Steph's cousin had gone. // Cadence rolled her eyes, "What a role model to have... Make sure to watch any booze you have lying around, and don't let him drive anything." She added, mentally counting in her head as she stepped through the routine. // All Kelsey could do was laugh, because it was amusing Bryan had a fanboy. She glanced at the other girls making sure she was still on count with everyone. // Felix nodded his head, "We can meet up with you at the OCH, and we can shoot around if the weather's not shit, if it is there's always the gym." He said not having an issue with it.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -Steph moved in time with the music until they'd made it all the way through the routine, taking a few deep breaths. "Rest assured, he's not driving shit. And I've already had to warn him twice to ease up on the smoking around Felix since he's trying to quit. Literally everything about him annoys me." She pushed her glasses up on her nose, making a quick break for her water bottle because she needed a break. // Adam started to laugh, eyeing Felix. "Does that mean you're actually going to come home for once?" He asked, giving him a little bit of shit even though he doesnt actually care. "That sounds good though. Whenever y'all are free." // Noah tipped his head back and let out an audible groan because he just wanted to go 'home.'-
  27. Covet: Coach nodded her head, "That's looking great, I can't wait to see it all put together. You ladies are free to go for the night, Don't forget next week the whole thing together with everyone. Keep yourselves sharp on it." Nevarez said. // Cadence tilted her head from side to side, "Sounds like Bryan. Which means he probably listens just as bad." // Kelsey panted and looked at Hayley with a grin, "You're on fire with this routine." // Felix snorted out a laugh, "Yeah.. shocker... I was considering turning my room into just a gallery for Steph's artwork. Start charing people to come see it." He said, only half joking.
  28. Covet: *charging
  29. Tsaaq: "Thanks Kelsey." She smiled before inhaling deeply. "I mean... At least if he goes to school here he'll have friends sort of." Hayley said to Steph. "You're looking good with the routine too Kels." She said as she went to take a sip of her water as she jogged to her bag. // "Yeah you little scoundrel. Go home once in a while. And this kid can show up too if he wants to." He nodded in Noah's direction.
  30. Alexithymiaa: (You dont have vaginas therefore hes not interested)
  31. Tsaaq: ((Hmph!))
  32. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not all that concerned about him making friends. It's not my problem." She said with a shrug, taking another sip of her water before replacing it in her bag. She shifted her bag up onto her shoulder, turning to look at the other girls. "I'll catch you later." She turned to head out of the gym, stepping across the hall into the main gym to wait for Felix so they could take Noah home together. It's like practice for having kids except its like a full grown kid who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. // "Can you actually do that?" Adam asked, not really picking up on the joke at all. He glanced over at Noah on the bleachers after Remy's sort of invitation, giving a shrug. "Yeah, he can come." He spoke before going to gather his things. // Seeing Steph come into the gym, Noah headed over to her to ask her questions about her 'friend with the ass.' She's not thrilled.-
  33. Covet: "Of course Coach, See you next week." Cadence said, then looked at Hayley, "Yeah, sort of. At the very least people looking out for him... or not." She said as Steph headed out, "Later Steph. Don't kill your cousin." She added then went to get her things together so that she could wait for the basketball practice to end // Kelsey smiled, "Thanks, Competitiion is going to be lit. Want to walk out together?" She offered Hayley, "Or are you going to wait for Adam?" She asked. // Felix shrugged, "I don't know. But who's going to stop me?" He asked "I'll see if he wants to come, but he's kind of hyperfocused on girls and doesnt' seem to care about basketball. So I doubt he'd come." He saw Steph come in and gave her a wave.
  34. Tsaaq: "I'll see him when I get home. This is my companion time with my girls." Hayley told her as she went into the hall with Kelsey. "I spend almost all my time with him anyways." // "Oh." Remy frowned and shrugged. "Well... I'm gonna get some water and shit." He declared and did stuff until practice was done.
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