
Ch 6: Part 3: The Focus Glyphs: Session 99

Jan 1st, 2014
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  1. [12:48] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [12:48] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 6: Descent into Midnight~~~
  3. [12:48] <Kilarra> \Part 3: The Focus Glyphs/
  4. [12:49] <Kilarra> -Session 99-
  5. [12:50] <Kilarra> The party arrived at the Shrine of Bound Earth, only to find that Haiten Bhaq had been usurped and imprisoned by drow, with an illusionist taking her place. Aluthyra managed to see through the ruse and alerted her companions, allowing them to find the real Haiten Bhaq imprisoned beneath the shrine
  6. [12:51] <Kilarra> With some quick thinking and a bit of help from Bhaq herself, they were able to free the Genie, and secure her aid in finding the Five Focus Glyphs, and alerted to what dangers they might face defending them
  7. [12:52] <Kilarra> Now the party, assisted by a Wind Walk Spell form Kilarra, ahs made their way to the first Glyph, which happens to be defended by one of the most fearsome things in the Land of Black Blood: The Feasting Damnation
  8. [12:52] <Kilarra> {The Renewal Glyph: Crystal Plaza}
  9. [12:53] <Kilarra> Kjell motions for the party to slow down as they near the Crystal Plaza. "We should approach the rest of the way on foot, but first we need to make sure we have a plan."
  10. [12:54] * Aluthyra nods, taking a moment to close her eyes and channel her ki, reinforcing her skin.
  11. [12:55] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, shrugging. "We don't really know the layout of the place. How detailed can the plans be?"
  12. [12:56] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "Well, I think it's less about layout than it is about what actions we'll be taking. Obviously, at the first sign of this thing, I'm goign to try and dismiss it, but if that fails, then what?"
  13. [12:58] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. To her, the answer seems fairly obvious. "We kill it."
  14. [13:00] <Kilarra> Kjell chuckles, "I suppose that's straightforward, but I guess the question of how we kill it will depend on how it manifests. This thing certainly doesn't sound like a normal demon, and the last time I had a run in with something from the Abyss, it damn near shriveled my arm off."
  15. [13:03] * Aluthyra nods, looking to Kjell. "Do you have suggestions then?" she asks, "Perhaps I should use a specific type of arrow?"
  16. [13:03] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "If it's from the abyss, Cold Iron most likely."
  17. [13:08] * Aluthyra nods, readying her cold iron arrows. "Very well."
  18. [13:08] <TenMihara> Kilarra begins a gradual descent, keeping an eye out for the actual crystal plaza
  19. [13:09] <Kilarra> Kjell descends as well, Tyrant's Bane at the ready and his spell arm up.
  20. [13:11] <Kilarra> As the party nears the ground, Kilarra's lit mace allows them to see several 30-foot-tallcrystal archways set in a rough circle. Several of the crystals have fallen, making a direct line to the largest crystal arch difficult. That larges arch is where the pulsing purple glyph can be seen.
  21. [13:13] * Kilarra touches down fifty feet short of the exterior of the circle, and waits for the others to land before dismissing the spell. It may have a longer duration, but they wouldn't be able to fight as well in vapour form.
  22. [13:14] * Aluthyra lands next to Kilarra and raises her bow, searching for any trouble.
  23. [13:14] <Aluthyra> Kahree draws her maces as she lands, and immediately looks for a place to hide or blend into the surroundings.
  24. [13:17] <Kilarra> Kahree and Aluthyra can both see an unusual rippling in the air between the arches, like a layer of water superimposed vertically against the air in the plaza.
  25. [13:20] * Aluthyra points towards the arches, hoping to direct the others to see the rippling effect. "Do you see?" she asks, "the rippling of air between arches. Look closely."
  26. [13:21] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Okay, so where do you think it might come in? I can go in first, then Kahree, wherever she went, can follow me. When it shows itself, which it almost certainly will, I will attempt to banish it, and if that fails, Kahree can spring on whatever it lashes out with. Tentacles I think Bhaq said."
  27. [13:22] <Kilarra> Kjell follows Aluthyra's gaze and has to squint a bit. Stupid Wisdom. Kjell nods, "Those ripples are probably planar fissures, and would likely be the weak points through which the Damnation would reach. The question is, how far can it reah? Considering the number of crystals, I figure its grasp would likely only be limited by its number of appendages within."
  28. [13:25] * Aluthyra nods. "Then how about this: I will go in first, as it's likely to attack the first of us that enters. Kilarra follows, ready to banish, and if banishment fails, Kjell and Kahree enter to attack."
  29. [13:25] * Kilarra nods, "Yeah, that's actually better," she admits, "I kinda just didn't want you to be in the line of fire. I know you can handle yourself, but I'm still hoping we -all- make it back from this."
  30. [13:27] <Kilarra> Kjell pats Kilarra on the back, "We will, and Aluthyra is made of the toughest stuff. She can duck and shrug off blades and bows without even wearing armour
  31. [13:27] <Kilarra> ."
  32. [13:28] * Aluthyra smiles. "I will be fine." She gestures forward, taking the lead. "When you are ready, we shall go."
  33. [13:31] * Kilarra nods and clutches her Holy Symbol. "Calistria grant us luck." She falls in behind Aluthyra, wishing she knew exactly what the damn thing was to make banishing it easier. Not that abyssal horrors really had much in the way of things they detested
  34. [13:32] <Aluthyra> Kahree follows in the back, keeping close in case she's needed.
  35. [13:32] <Kilarra> As they move into the plaza, the party can see through the ripples from different angles. Sickly looking eyes peer through the torn fabric of the dimensions, watching, lurking.
  36. [13:36] <Aluthyra> Kahree moves to Aluthyra's side, still hidden, and holds... waiting for the demon.
  37. [13:36] * Aluthyra keeps her bow up, nocking a single cold iron arrow.
  38. [13:37] * Kilarra frowns, "I can't banish it until it actually comes through..."
  39. [13:39] <Kilarra> One of the eyes seen through the dimension folds locks onto Kilarra. a massive, writhing tendril slips through the nears fold and lunges at the tiefling.
  40. [13:41] * Kilarra reacts and brandishes her holy symbol, "Back to the Abyss with you!"
  41. [13:42] <Kilarra> Kilarra's spell fizzles, the tendral oozes towards her
  42. [13:43] * Kilarra curses in Abyssal, looking quite frightened
  43. [13:45] <Aluthyra> Kahree reacts as soon as the tentacle comes close, attempting to bash it with her mace!
  44. [13:49] * Aluthyra reacts next, firing a single cold iron arrow into the tentacle.
  45. [13:51] <Kilarra> Kahree bashes in the tentacle, her mace's enchantment sufficent to inflict a good amount of harm on the abyssal flesh
  46. [13:52] <Kilarra> Aluthyra's Arrow gouges into the messy mace wound, causing the tentacle to write and tear off, the stump retreating through the rift.
  47. [13:53] <Kilarra> Kjell smirks, "That wasn't so bad, but we don't know how many tentacles this thing actually has. Should we let it come to us?"
  48. [13:53] * Kilarra pants, looking relieved, and a bit irritated that she hadn't been able to help.
  49. [13:57] <Kilarra> Another tentacle bursts through the planar rifts and writhes towards Kahree, that mace strike very much unappreciated from an intended meal
  50. [14:04] <Kilarra> The tentacle wraps itself around Kahree and squeezes, crushing in against her. She also feels an odd sensation is dozens of tinier tendrils on the large tentacle stick into her skin, and seem to drain her stamina
  51. [14:04] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans in pain, energy seeping out of her. "Fuck!" she screams.
  52. [14:05] * Kilarra frowns, but waits for Aluthyra and Kjell to get rid of the tentacle so she could heal Kahree from that nasty constriction.
  53. [14:11] <Aluthyra> Kahree growls, attempting to hit the tentacle with one of her free maces.
  54. [14:12] <Kilarra> Kahree manages to get a hit, but the Tentacle holds fast
  55. [14:13] * Aluthyra unloads a barrage of arrows into the new tentacle, trying to free Kahree.
  56. [14:15] <Kilarra> The tentacle is torn to pieces, another stump retreating.
  57. [14:15] <Kilarra> Kahree still has a bit of tentacle stuck to her though.
  58. [14:16] * Kilarra leans down to Heal Kahree. "I think we need a better plan."
  59. [14:17] <Kilarra> Kjell raises his spell arm, readying a lightning bolt for the next tentacle to come through, before it grabbed someone.
  60. [14:20] <Kilarra> Kjell frowns, waiting. "I'm not sure we have one, if the thing doesn't come all the way through, we can't do much more than take the appendages as they come."
  61. [14:21] * Kilarra groans. She could certainly inflict some harm on the creature if she could touch it, but considering its size, she didn't think it would be all that effective.
  62. [14:23] <Kilarra> Another tentacle lashes at Aluthyra this time. Apparently the thing couldn't make up its mind on who was a bigger threat.
  63. [14:23] <Kilarra> Kjell responds with high Lightning Bolt, as promised.
  64. [14:23] <Kilarra> *his
  65. [14:25] <Kilarra> The lightning scorches the tentacle, but it still manages to find enough strength to continue on.
  66. [14:27] <Kilarra> Aluthyra, Like Kahree before her, is smothered by the singed tentacle, as it begins to squeeze the life out of her
  67. [14:28] * Kilarra frowns. They couldn't keep this up forever, and who knows how many tentacles this thing actually had to keep throwing at them. She places her hands on the tentacle as it grapples Aluthyra and floods it with negative energy. "ARSHKATH!" she roars in abyssal.
  68. [14:29] <Kilarra> The negative energy ripples through the creature, but its difficult to tell how much harm it actually did.
  69. [14:30] <Aluthyra> Kahree follows up with several bashes from her maces!
  70. [14:34] <Kilarra> Kahree manages to crudely sever the fried tentacle, freeing Aluthyra
  71. [14:35] * Aluthyra frowns, ignoring the immediate pain from the crushing of the tentacle and prepares to fire upon the next tentacle.
  72. [14:36] <Kilarra> The fourth tentacle emerges as the previous stump is withdrawn, lashing out at Aluthyra once again. Her arrows seemed to sting the most.
  73. [14:39] <Kilarra> Before it can reach her, it is pincushioned and hits the ground with a meaty thump.
  74. [14:40] <Kilarra> Kjell takes the moment of repieve to case a defensive spell upon himself, surrounding his body with a field of electricity. If the creature tried to grab him, it would get a nasty shock.
  75. [14:41] * Kilarra places a hand on the unsevered tentacle, her hand alight with dark fire.
  76. [14:44] <Kilarra> The tentacle twitches and gets pulled back as the creature seems to scream out. Kilarra's spells were definitely doing something.
  77. [14:46] * Kilarra pants. "You guys keep focusing on the tentacles as they come, I'll keep doing what hurt I can. Maybe enough will get this thing to realize we're not worth being a meal."
  78. [14:49] <Aluthyra> Kahree holds, maces ready to drop on the next tentacle!
  79. [14:50] <Kilarra> The next tentacle comes for Kilarra. The creature could risk its tentacles all day and grow them back later, but she was doing some painful things to its whole body!
  80. [14:53] <Kilarra> Kahree quickly and deftly pulps the tentacle before it can latch onto Kilarra.
  81. [14:53] * Kilarra smirks. This was working out better.
  82. [14:56] * Aluthyra nocks another arrow, waiting for another tentacle to show itself...
  83. [14:57] <Kilarra> Kjell decides to try and help Kilarra, now that he had his defensive shock up. He aims for the base of the most recent tentacle and fires a trio of searing heat rays
  84. [14:58] <Kilarra> Kjell manages to leave some singeing, but fire doesn't seem all that effective against this thing
  85. [14:59] <Kilarra> Kjell frowns
  86. [15:00] * Kilarra goes for the stump again, inflicting more negative energy harm
  87. [15:02] <Kilarra> The creature seems to be more resilient this time around, or perhaps Kilarra got lucky before. However, it's starting to show a respectable amount of wear, although discerning that on its grey, ozone reeking flesh is difficult
  88. [15:03] <Kilarra> The harvester lashes out with a tentacle once more at Kilarra. All it needed to do was drag her back down and it could have a meal away from the stinging and smashing
  89. [15:05] * Aluthyra immediately fires her arrows, making sure the tentacle doesn't reach Kilarra.
  90. [15:05] <Kilarra> The tentacle doesn't reach Kilarra, ending up another fleshy pincushion
  91. [15:07] <Aluthyra> Kahree takes a moment to wipe the bit of tentacle still left on her, then waits for another one to pop out.
  92. [15:08] <Kilarra> Kjell decides to try some more lightning then, aiming towards the weakened planar fault.
  93. [15:10] <Kilarra> The creature writhes and shrieks in abyssal, having too much bulk to avoid the lightning bolt
  94. [15:10] <Kilarra> The creature is now looking decidedly worse for wear
  95. [15:11] * Kilarra decides its time to try finishing this thing off for good. "Alright then. By the will of Calistria, this abomination shall be anihilated!" She holds up her holy symbol, which flares with divine power
  96. [15:12] <Kilarra> The creatures many inflicted wounds surge with holy blue flames, but it is no completely immolated
  97. [15:13] * Kilarra frowns. That spell was just not working as well as it should
  98. [15:14] <Kilarra> The Feasting Damnation However, seems to have had enough. Although it continues to live, its eyes turn away from the rifts into the Crystal Plaza, and its remaining tentacle stumps are pulled back through the rifts into the abyss
  99. [15:15] * Kilarra pants, "Is... is that it then?"
  100. [15:15] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I think... I think we were just too much trouble." He smiles a bit, dismissing his electrical defense with a crackle.
  101. [15:16] * Aluthyra lowers her bow, sighing. "Good." She shakes her head. "I feel a bit drained after that."
  102. [15:16] * Kilarra nods, "Right then. Before we get neat that glyph, let me check each of you." She pulls out her moderate healing wand, and inspects Aluthyra first, since she had healed Kahree once alread.
  103. [15:16] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, strapping away her maces, and rolling her shoulders to stretch. "Yeah... so do I."
  104. [15:18] * Kilarra nods, "Seems like it was draining a bit of blood as it crushed you. Probably trying to make you struggle less." She looks to Kahree, "I've only got one lesser restoration, who needs it more?" She presses the wand to Aluthyra
  105. [15:19] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns and nods to Aluthyra. "She's on the front line more. Use it on her."
  106. [15:20] * Kilarra nods. "I could also use a powerful healing spell, but I was hoping to save it for an emergency." She casts the lesser restoration on Aluthyra anyways.
  107. [15:21] <Kilarra> Between two touches of the wand and the restoration, Aluthyra feels revitalized.
  108. [15:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head. "I'm fine for now. Save it."
  109. [15:21] * Kilarra nods and heads over to Kahree, checking her as well, then giving her a single prod with the wand
  110. [15:22] * Kilarra checks Kjell as well, and gives him a prod.
  111. [15:24] * Kilarra slips her wands away and sighs. "I do -not- want to face that thing again. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to undo one of these glyph things."
  112. [16:28] * Aluthyra nods, putting her bow away for the moment. "Right. So let us make haste, then onwards to the next."
  113. [16:29] <TenMihara> Kjell nods and moves around the crystals, wary of the thin planar boundaries and rifts that might open. He keeps his sword out until they actually reach the glowing purple Glyph. He approaches it cautiously. "So, we have attacking this thing normally as a backup plan, but I'd like to see if we can undo it without harming ourselves in the process. If at all possible."
  114. [16:30] <Aluthyra> Kahree eyes the glyph. "So... have an idea how to do that, Kjell?"
  115. [16:33] <TenMihara> Kjell nods, "Not yet, but the glyph itself might have some clues to that effect." He activates his magic reading spell to try and decipher the writings.
  116. [16:36] <TenMihara> Kjell looks the glyph over, recalling things from Hialin's notes. "Each glyph has protective enchantments that it shares with the others. Each one we destroy should make the others easier to undo in turn."
  117. [16:36] <TenMihara> A soothing purple light dances within the etched cracks of this sigil.Approaching it grants a feeling of warmth and healing, as thoughall troubles have been washed away.
  118. [16:38] * Kilarra blinks, "Not exactly the kind of sensation I would expect from such a magic... thing."
  119. [16:38] * Aluthyra frowns. "Do you think that hints that such a spell is needed to break it...?"
  120. [16:40] <TenMihara> Kjell analyzes the magical script, stepping around the glyph without touching it. "I think fortune is with us. Apparently, this glyph grants the others renewal. Should any glyph other than this one be destroyed, the enchantment on this one will restore it over the course of twenty-four hours."
  121. [16:40] <TenMihara> Kilarra blinks, "So wait... if we had managed to destroy another glyph before this one, we would have had to do it over again?"
  122. [16:41] <TenMihara> Kjell nods, "Sort of makes facing that abyssal horror worth it in retrospect." He continues studying.
  123. [16:41] <Aluthyra> Kahree snickers. "Drow didn't plan on us taking it out first, I bet."
  124. [16:42] <TenMihara> Kilarra nods, "Which means we'd better hurry before they realize what we're doing and send reinforcements."
  125. [16:45] <TenMihara> Kjell looks back to the group, "Agreed. Interestingly, it would seem that this glyph is infused with the power of life." He looks to Kilarra, "You are an experienced healer and inflicter both. Based on what these glyphs indicate, your skills might be needed to undo it safely."
  126. [16:45] <TenMihara> Kilarra blinks, "That's... just bizarre." Even so, she approaches the glyph, placing her hands on it and inspecting its 'life'.
  127. [16:47] <TenMihara> Kilarra gets a shock from touching the glyph directly, but can feel that life energy courses through it. Proper diversion of that energy, like through pressure points on a person, would cripple and disable it.
  128. [16:48] * TenMihara winces a bit, but the shock was minor. "Alright. Let's see if I can do this..." She attempts to impede the flow of life energy, like creating deliberate blockage of pressure points
  129. [16:48] <TenMihara> *Kilarra
  130. [16:50] <TenMihara> Kilarra staggers away from the glyph, looking a little singed, with her hair standing on end. "Ow. Damn, I almost had it." She pulls out her wand and touches herself up before trying again.
  131. [16:51] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "I'm alright," she smiles, showing her pointy teeth. "One useful thing about my heritage is that lightning and fire don't hurt as much."
  132. [16:52] <TenMihara> Kilarra goes to try again. She had almost managed to shut down the energy flow, but had slipped up on the third blockage point.
  133. [16:52] * Aluthyra gives Kilarra a worried look and nods. "Don't overexert yourself..."
  134. [16:54] <TenMihara> Kilarra backs away after another slip up. "I think we're well beyond over exertion at this point. If we're trying to save the world, a little singeing is worth it."
  135. [16:54] <TenMihara> Kilarra looks to Kjell before trying again, "Any idea what would happen if we just wailed on it?"
  136. [16:56] <TenMihara> Kjell tilts his head, considering that. "Well, if this thing is filled with life energy, it's possible that improperly deactivating it could cause an inversion, draining life away."
  137. [16:56] <TenMihara> Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "That doesn't sound worth the risk if the only penalty for failing is a bit of a shock."
  138. [16:57] <TenMihara> Kilarra grits her fangs and goes in for another try.
  139. [16:57] * Aluthyra sighs. "As I said, don't overexert yourself..."
  140. [17:00] <TenMihara> After several more attempts, Kilarra finally manages to successfully impede the flow of life energy. Instead, that energy floods into her. She glows with purple flame for a moment.
  141. [17:00] <TenMihara> Kilarra winces as the flames cover her, but then she realizes it wasn't actually painful. "Faerie Fire. How about that." She waves a blacked, singed hand at Aluthyra.
  142. [17:01] <TenMihara> Before the party's eyes, Kilarra's burnt skin seems to start to mend, the burns easing and, over the course of about a minute, fading away entirely.
  143. [17:01] <TenMihara> The glyph's glow fades and vanishes
  144. [17:02] <TenMihara> the writing seems ot hang in mid-air for a moment, then dissolves into ash.
  145. [17:02] * Aluthyra blinks. "Well... I suppose that works." She smiles. "Good work."
  146. [17:03] <TenMihara> Kilarra chuckles, "That's new. Apparently that regenerative energy is mine now. Not sure how long it'll last, but it feels pretty nice."
  147. [17:04] <TenMihara> Kjell smiles, "Good. That's one down. Not only that but-"
  148. [17:04] <TenMihara> Kjell is interrupted by a ribbon of energy arching up from where the Glyph just stood. It arches through the air in the direction of the Hanging Forest.
  149. [17:05] <Aluthyra> Kahree's eyes follow the ribbon. She frowns. "And that?"
  150. [17:06] <TenMihara> Kjell blinks. "Some sort of magical feedback perhaps." He pulls out the map and checks the direction it flew off in. "These glyphs are all parts of a whole, and have energy flowing upon them through the ley lines." He ponders the implications of that for a moment
  151. [17:08] <TenMihara> Kjell shrugs, "This magic is very bizarre and hard to figure out. I mean, performing a pressure point operation on it? Who would have expected that?"
  152. [17:09] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "Whatever. So, on to the next one?"
  153. [17:09] <TenMihara> Kilarra looks around to the party, "Do we want to go after another one today? If this was the most dangerous thing down here, we can probably handle at least one more."
  154. [17:10] * Aluthyra nods. "Yes, I think we can handle another."
  155. [17:13] <TenMihara> Kilarra nods and stands up, feeling a bit invigorated thanks to the life energy welling within her. She pulls out another wind-walking scroll and readies it. "Which one is the closest?" She asks.
  156. [17:15] <TenMihara> Kjell checks the map, "Well, the weeping cliffs were closest alongside this one to Bhaq's shrine, but now..." he double checks, "It's about the same distance either way to the Cliffs, or to the Hanging Jungle."
  157. [17:16] * Aluthyra hmms. "Perhaps we should go to the Hanging Jungle? We can investigate the magical feedback we saw as well."
  158. [17:17] <TenMihara> Kjell indicates the direction for either choice. Aluthrya can see quite plainly that the magical feedback does line up with that direction. Perhaps there was some meaning therein they hadn't discovered yet.
  159. [17:18] <TenMihara> Kjell flips the map over to check his notes. "Apparently that was home to... the Moldering Emperor. Apparently we're suckers for punishment."
  160. [17:18] <Aluthyra> Kahree chuckles. "Get the hard stuff out of the way, then the rest is a breeze, right?"
  161. [17:18] <TenMihara> Kilarra rolls her eyes, "Maybe, but at least this Emperor guy should be on the same plane of existance as us."
  162. [17:22] * Aluthyra nods. "Easier to fill my arrows with then." She gestures to the jungle. "Unless someone has objection, let's go."
  163. [17:23] <TenMihara> Kilarra uses the scroll, and the party once again becomes vaporous. Led by Kjell, they take to the winds again, heading for the Hanging Jungle, and the Fetid Palace of the Moldering Emperor.
  164. [17:23] <TenMihara> {The Vigilance Glyph: The Fetid Palace}
  165. [17:23] <TenMihara> In the western reaches of the Land of Black Blood grows a hideous and unnerving mass of fungus—the Hanging Jungle, a realm where ropes of thick, foul-smelling fungus hang from floor to ceiling. Mushrooms grow on the cavern’s floor and roof alike, many of them the size of trees.
  166. [17:24] <TenMihara> An eerie world exists between the caps of these mirrored mushroom forests, where down and up look the same.
  167. [17:25] <TenMihara> Kjell notes to Aluthyra as they approach, "This 'Moldering Emperior' keeps the largest mushroom as its 'palace'. Keep an eye out."
  168. [17:27] <TenMihara> In the western reaches of the Land of Black Blood grows a hideous and unnerving mass of fungus—the Hanging Jungle, a realm where ropes of thick, foul-smelling fungus hang from floor to ceiling. Mushrooms grow on the cavern’s floor and roof alike, many of them the size of trees.
  169. [17:27] <TenMihara> An eerie world exists between the caps of these mirrored mushroom forests, where down and up look the same.
  170. [17:27] <TenMihara> Kjell notes to Aluthyra as they approach, "This 'Moldering Emperior' keeps the largest mushroom as its 'palace'. Keep an eye out."
  171. [17:28] * Aluthyra nods, bow ready to fire at the first sign of trouble.
  172. [17:28] <TenMihara> Rising out of the muck is a great, massive mushroom, its gradually sloping stalk rising hundreds of feet into the air—so far that light does not reach its tip from the cavern floor. A platform of fungal matter forms a sort of landing out of the swamp-like terrain, leading to a wide, tall gap in the side of the mushroom’s stalk fifty feet off the ground.
  173. [17:29] <TenMihara> Aluthyra and Kahree can see, milling about at the base of an enormous Mushroom, easily 250 feet high, a group of drow soldiers. Six in all, they are guarding the hollowed entrance to the massive fungus.
  174. [17:37] <TenMihara> The Drow soldiers keep looking down the base of the mushroom for climbers, and around at their level for fliers approaching. They don't look up
  175. [17:38] * Aluthyra 's gaseous form moves well-above the soldiers and she begins to change back into her solid form, silently flapping her wings and readying her bow...
  176. [17:39] <TenMihara> Kilarra follows Aluthyra. Her longbow had much better range than the crossbows the drow favoured, and the height advantage would render her nearly untouchable
  177. [17:40] <Aluthyra> Kahree follows Aluthyra's lead, remaining in gaseous form for now.
  178. [17:40] <TenMihara> Kjell also remains gaseous. He was glad Aluthrya could fly on her own, since this would have been a difficult approach otherwise
  179. [17:43] <Aluthyra> Once Aluthyra changes form, she fires an arrow towards the closest drow warrior, wings flapping to keep her at a height advantage.
  180. [17:45] <TenMihara> The drow takes the arrow deep into his shoulder. He grunts and immediately looks up, but the dim light makes seeing the misty forms of the other party members difficult a hundred feet up.
  181. [17:47] * Aluthyra follows through with another set of arrows, two arrows fired into three of the drow.
  182. [17:49] <TenMihara> Aluthyra's barrage finishes off the drow she had already pegged, sending him falling from the mushroom, and badly wounding the two others she hit.
  183. [17:49] <TenMihara> Each of the five drow raise their handcrossbows, aiming at the winged assassin.
  184. [17:51] <TenMihara> All five shots either miss or embed themselves in the mushroom higher up
  185. [17:52] <Aluthyra> Another volley of arrows come down from Aluthyra, two arrows aimed at each of the badly wounded drow, and two more at another.
  186. [17:54] <TenMihara> One of Aluthyra's arrows takes the head of a wounded drow clean off and our of sigh, the body slumping limply. The other is also killed, and the third once more badly wounded
  187. [17:55] <TenMihara> The drow soldiers apparently don't have any interest in going inside the mushroom for cover. Apparently a winged sniper was more appealing than whatever was inside. They fire again
  188. [17:56] <TenMihara> They all miss
  189. [17:58] * Aluthyra aims down once more, firing another pair of arrows at the three remaining drow.
  190. [17:59] <TenMihara> Aluthyra finishes off the wouned drow again, and kills the second outright. The third barely clings to life and fires a last desperate shot
  191. [18:00] <TenMihara> He misses
  192. [18:00] * Aluthyra fires a final pair of arrows at the sole remaining drow.
  193. [18:00] <TenMihara> Kilarra finds the drow ineptitude quite funny
  194. [18:01] <TenMihara> Aluthyra finishes him off, leaving some pincushioned drow corpses where previously there had been reinforcements.
  195. [18:02] * Aluthyra finally flies down to the platform and begins searching for arrows that she can reuse...
  196. [18:02] <TenMihara> Kilarrs whispers to Aluthyra. "Go down and check for any others inside, then we'll follow and solidify again." She waits for confirmation of no further immediate threat.
  197. [18:02] * Aluthyra nods, heading inside with her bow ready to fire.
  198. [18:03] <Aluthyra> Kahree flies down to the platform and begins to resolidify.
  199. [18:03] <TenMihara> This roughly circular cavern fills a great deal of the interior of the mushroom’s stalk, with thick, fibrous ribs running up along the walls to support what looms above. Numerous species of fungus coat the walls, and the air is thick with a haze of spores. The floor is slick with mold and drops away to the north into a nearly gelatinous pool of foul-looking water.
  200. [18:04] <TenMihara> Kjell desends, as does Kilarra, both resolidifying.
  201. [18:05] * Aluthyra unfurls her wings, flying a few inches above ground. Best not to slip, if the floor proves too slick.
  202. [18:08] <TenMihara> Aluthyra gets a funny taste in her mouth from the spores, but suffers no other noticeable effects. She can see, curled up in the pool and apparently asleep, the gargantuan, worm-like form of a... thing.
  203. [18:12] <TenMihara> The Moldering Emperor stirs. Aluthyras quiet wingflaps apparently still audible to it. It rises up out of the pool to its full, massive height and bellows, spitting bits of black, bloody saliva.
  204. [18:17] <Aluthyra> Kahree draws her maces as she resolidifies, heading inside.
  205. [18:18] <TenMihara> As Kahree enters the mushroom, a sharp inhale fills her lungs with spores and she begins to gag and choke.
  206. [18:19] <TenMihara> However, Aluthyra and Kahree both, being inside the mushroom and in proximity to the glyph (not immediately visible), feel their senses sharpen acutely. Every stink is pronounced, ever spore hanging in the air plain to see.
  207. [18:20] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans, scowling as she feels her lungs tighten. "Stupid... jungle spores," she huffs.
  208. [18:21] * Aluthyra immediately aims her bow towards the large mass. Nocking a silver arrow, she fires, following through with another volley of five.
  209. [18:24] <TenMihara> The Moldering Emperor seems more annoyed than anything, with all but two of Aluthyra's arrows bouncing off its slick black carapace. It keeps most of its bulk within the fetid water, but seems to glare intensely at Aluthyra, even though it has no eyes. She feels a pressure against her very mind.
  210. [18:25] <TenMihara> Aluthyra's will proves strong, but her mind is rattled by the psychic attack
  211. [18:26] <TenMihara> Kjell sees Kahree start to choke, and decides, rather than risking getting in close, to open with a fireball, lobbed at the... thing.
  212. [18:31] <TenMihara> The beastlooks like an immense worm, but is covered with a thickdripping layer of black ooze. Several pairs of horrid wingsrise out of its back and its mouth unfolds like a rapidlyblooming flower to reveal four long serrated tentacles.
  213. [18:32] <TenMihara> The Fireball bursts against the creature, causing it to writhe and shriek. It's far too alien to tell how badly hurt it is at this point.
  214. [18:34] <TenMihara> Kilarra makes her way inside, a sharp intake as her senses snap to alertness. She wondered what was doing that.
  215. [18:34] <TenMihara> Kilarra can taste the awful spores, but they don't have much impact otherwise.
  216. [18:36] <TenMihara> Kilarra places a hand on Kahree, not sure what was wrong, but gives her a bolstering blessing
  217. [18:39] * Kahree brings her maces up high, dropping them into the beast's mass.
  218. [18:41] <TenMihara> The Emperor barely seems to notice Kahree as her maces leave litle impact on its hardened carapace.
  219. [18:43] * Aluthyra fires another volley of six arrows into the black mass, hoping her volley will be a bit more accurate than her last...
  220. [18:47] <TenMihara> Two of Aluthyra's arrows find purchase in its bulk, and another manages to land right in its mouth, causing it to writhe and shriek and flail
  221. [19:06] <TenMihara> The Moldering Emperor did not like that one bit. He lunges at Aluthyra with all four of his barbed tentacles lashing out
  222. [19:11] <TenMihara> Kahree starts to Hallucinate
  223. [19:13] <TenMihara> Aluthyra nimbly avoids two tentacles, a third scrapes her ki hardened skin, and a fourth manages to find purchase finally
  224. [19:14] * Aluthyra groans rather loudly as the fourth pierces her ki-hardened skin. She grits her teeth, trying not to lose her focus.
  225. [19:15] <TenMihara> Kjell moves into the room to position himself better, aiming to unleash a potent blast of cold energy upon the creature
  226. [19:15] <TenMihara> Kjell toughs out the spores and unleashes Cone of Cold, his most powerful evocation
  227. [19:16] <TenMihara> It does absolutely nothing to the Moldering Emperor
  228. [19:16] <TenMihara> Kjell frowns, "Shit."
  229. [19:17] <TenMihara> Kilarra facepalms, then raises her holy symbol, blasting the emperor with searing light.
  230. [19:18] <TenMihara> The light sears the oozey skin of the Emperor, but it has no eyes to blind.
  231. [19:20] <TenMihara> Kahree manages to shakes away the brief hallucinations.
  232. [19:20] <Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head, trying to not picture a bikini on this... blob. Thing. She repays the creature for such awful images with bashes from her mace.
  233. [19:21] <TenMihara> Kahree manages a solid blow into the flesh of the Emperor this time, and one less solid one
  234. [19:22] <TenMihara> As the Moldering Emperor salivates and sheds that black ooze, bits of it hit Aluthyra and Kahree
  235. [19:23] <TenMihara> It's painfully frigid on contact
  236. [19:25] * Aluthyra frowns, shrugging off the pain done unto her from the creature. Another barrage of arrows is shot from her bow, aimed towards the mass.
  237. [19:27] <TenMihara> Taking another arrow right in the mouth, the Moldering Emperor shrieks in an unfathomable tongue, now looking decidedly bad. It seems to glare at Aluthyra again and she feels a fleeting pressure on her mind
  238. [19:28] <TenMihara> Aluthyra hears a voice suggesting that she stop struggling, but manages to ignore it's suggestiveness
  239. [19:28] <TenMihara> The Emperor seems offended by this, and opens its maw wide, blasting Aluthyra with a torrent of Acidic Saliva
  240. [19:31] * Aluthyra is just barely hanging onto consciousness as the acid drenches her... Her skin is blistering and her eyes are watering, tears forming as she attempts to pull through the pain.
  241. [19:31] <TenMihara> Aluthyra's wings and skin and boiled and warped by the unusually potent acidic blast, leaving her looking seriously messed up
  242. [19:32] <TenMihara> Kjell frowns. This couldn't go on any longer. He forgoes one of his other spells for his favoured Lightning Bolt, maximizing the amount of arcane power thrown into it.
  243. [19:35] <TenMihara> Kjell's massive show of arcane lightning fries the already badly wounded Emperor, which twitches and writhes for a moment more before falling to the floor of the mushroom. Part of his bulk lands in the water, splashing Kahree with the fetid murk
  244. [19:36] <Aluthyra> Kahree growls, kicking the closest thing to her. This place sucks!
  245. [19:37] * TenMihara immediately runs over to where Aluthyra is flying. "Get down here! Now!"
  246. [19:37] * Aluthyra nods weakly, groaning as she flies limply to the ground.
  247. [19:39] <TenMihara> Kilarra looks exceedingly worried. "It's gonna sting with those blisters when I touch you. Grit your teeth." She places her hands on Aluthyra
  248. [19:40] * Aluthyra grits her teeth hard. Ouch!
  249. [19:40] <TenMihara> Kilarra floods Aluthyra with healing energy quickly to alleviate the acidic warping and blistering, then stops to check the improvement
  250. [19:43] * Aluthyra 's breathing is no longer as ragged as it was, and the monk breathes a small sigh of comfort. "Thank you."
  251. [19:43] * TenMihara wraps her arms gently around Aluthyra, "I thought I told you not to scare me like that."
  252. [19:44] <TenMihara> Between the acid and the spores, Aluthyra feels nauseated
  253. [19:44] <TenMihara> Kahree stills has them in her lungs, but hasn't worsened any
  254. [19:44] * Aluthyra groans, nodding as she hugs back lightly. "I will do my best not to repeat it..."
  255. [19:45] <TenMihara> Kilarra channels more healing into Aluthyra as they embrace
  256. [19:46] <TenMihara> Kjell strides up to them. "Kahree seems unwell. Perhaps we should step out of this contaminated air and catch our breath
  257. [19:46] <TenMihara> ."
  258. [19:47] <Aluthyra> Kahree's already stepping out, wanting a break. She leans against a wall and slumps, catching her breath.
  259. [19:47] <TenMihara> Kilarra lets go of Aluthyra and nods, "I would insist." She takes Aluthrya's hand as they walk out.
  260. [19:48] <TenMihara> As soon as she gets out of the spores, Aluthyra's nausea fades.
  261. [19:48] * Aluthyra stretches as she exits, shaking her head. "If there are more fights like that to come... I do not look forward to them."
  262. [19:49] <TenMihara> Kjell seats himself. "Damn. Still, you got a couple shots into his mouth. Without that, it might have tried to swallow you whole if it managed to get a grip. Certainly big enough to."
  263. [19:49] <TenMihara> Kilarra frowns, "Fat lot of good I've been today." She seats herself wit ha sigh.
  264. [19:52] <TenMihara> Kjell smiles, "Between that monstrosity and the Feasting Damnation, we have bested two of the worst things down here. With any luck, things will be, at least relatively, easier at the other glyphs. At least once we disable this one.:
  265. [19:52] <TenMihara> "
  266. [19:52] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "I'm sure." She sighs. "So, calling it a day after this glyph?"
  267. [19:53] <TenMihara> Kjell nods, "I would think that a sound idea."
  268. [19:54] <TenMihara> Kilarra nods, "I've expended most of the more powerful magic allotted to me." She stands up and approaches Kahree to check her over. "Here, guess you were right about saving this."
  269. [19:57] <Aluthyra> Kahree smiles, revitalized by Kilarra's spell. She stands up, stretching. "Nice. Thanks."
  270. [19:58] <TenMihara> Kilarra smiles, "Well, I guess I've got that going for me. And the glyph." She smiles a bit, not feeling quite so down now. Apparently she was better suited towards healing versus harming than she thought.
  271. [19:58] <TenMihara> Kjell looks to Aluthyra, "Are you well enough to come with me to find the Glyph?"
  272. [19:59] * Aluthyra nods. "Yes, I am."
  273. [20:01] <TenMihara> Kjell nods and steps back into the Mushroom, looking for the Glyph
  274. [20:02] * Aluthyra follows, wings lifting her a few feet off of the ground.
  275. [20:05] <TenMihara> Aluthyra can see a small tunnel to the side of the mushroom, water flooring out of the main pool into it. It is large enough for humanoids to pass through, but definitely not for the Molderign Emperor
  276. [20:06] * Aluthyra flutters over to the tunnel, waving over Kjell. "This may be what we're looking for," she calls.
  277. [20:07] <TenMihara> Kjell doesn't relish slogging through the water, but so long as he didn't get it on his bare skin or swallow it, he figured he'd be fine. He wades into the murky water, only a foot deep here, and follows the path.
  278. [20:08] <TenMihara> Kjell doesn't have any problems with the water, but chokes as he gets some spores in his lungs.
  279. [20:10] <TenMihara> Humid, cramped, and uncomfortable, this small chamber is still drier than the main cavern of the putrid place. Hovering against the calcified northern wall is a softly glowing sigil, a blue-white light tracing its lines like the strangely organized gyrations of a swarm of fireflies.
  280. [20:10] <TenMihara> This glyph seems open and airy. It takes in all, and there is a sense of skittish alarm to the sigil, like a great bell waiting to be rung.
  281. [20:11] * Aluthyra has to lower herself and stop her flying as she moves forward, too cramped for her wings to stretch. She trudges forward, wanting to make haste to the sigil.
  282. [20:12] <TenMihara> Kjell steps up to it, wading out of the water on the small bit of calcified floor there is in front of it. He uses read magic once more to check the Glyph
  283. [20:14] <TenMihara> Kjell reads; "Blessed is he who alerts his master to wrongdoing, that punishment may be swift and severe."
  284. [20:14] <TenMihara> Kjell places his hand on the glyph again
  285. [20:15] <TenMihara> In addition to the same shocking as before, Kjell is filled with a sense of panic, and a desire to report this panic to others immediately.
  286. [20:15] <TenMihara> Kjell removes his hand and looks to Aluthyra, "It's almost like this one is afraid."
  287. [20:19] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "Then perhaps we must... soothe the sigil?" She frowns. "Unfortunate that none of us are gifted with a silver tongue."
  288. [20:19] <TenMihara> Kjell chuckles, "No, but I -do- know how to fake it. We'll see if that's sufficient."
  289. [20:20] <TenMihara> Kjell approaches the Glyph. "There is nothing wo worry about anymore. You have nothing to fear." He tried to sound convincing.
  290. [20:21] <TenMihara> Nothing happens.
  291. [20:21] <TenMihara> Kjell decides to try once more to be on the safe side. "There is no need to be frightened. All that you fear has gone away."
  292. [20:22] <TenMihara> Kjell frowns, "I suspect this isn't working."
  293. [20:22] * Aluthyra frowns, drawing her bow. "So...?"
  294. [20:23] <TenMihara> Kjell looks the Glyph over again, then draws his sword. "Apparently, any weapon without a bladed edge is less effective."
  295. [20:24] <TenMihara> Kjell smiles, "You're welcome to assist anyways, just be careful. We don't know what could happen from doing this violently."
  296. [20:25] * Aluthyra nods. "If you need it, I will... but if my arrows will not work, go ahead."
  297. [20:26] <TenMihara> Kjell raises his sword and takes a couple swings to see how effective it would be.
  298. [20:29] <TenMihara> Both of Kjell's blows manage to land, but as they do, a shrill cry of alarm sounds in their minds, even reaching out to Kahree and Kilarra. Nothing could have slept through that, had something still been slumbering
  299. [20:31] <TenMihara> Kjell winces a bit, not used to his hearing being so sharp, but smiles. "I think we got its attention."
  300. [20:32] <TenMihara> Kjell takes another couple swings
  301. [20:33] <TenMihara> Kjell's sword is managing to chip away at the Glyph, but it seems destroying it in this manner will take some time.
  302. [20:34] <TenMihara> Kjell takes three more rounds of swings, counting on Aluthyra to keep him covered
  303. [20:34] * Aluthyra watches the tunnel...
  304. [20:35] <TenMihara> some of Kjell's blows fail to penetrate the magical protection offered the glyph, but he's certainly starting to make a dent in it
  305. [20:37] <TenMihara> After Kjell's last backswing, somethign shimmers into existance in front of the glyph. A single drow woman with a demonic looking shield and whip, the upper half of her left hear torn away.
  306. [20:38] <TenMihara> The magical perception granted by the glyph allows both Kjell and Aluthyra to immediately realize that this is merely a projection.
  307. [20:38] <TenMihara> Kjell frowns, "It's a projection, but if it's shadow magic, it will be partly real."
  308. [20:39] * Aluthyra nods, raising her bow to the drow image.
  309. [20:40] <TenMihara> The drow observes the two of them sternly, yet neutrally. "The will of Abraxas cannot now be undone. You will fail. I will not allow you to cause further disruptions."
  310. [20:46] * Aluthyra replies with arrows, six being fired off swiftly into the image.
  311. [20:50] <TenMihara> Aluthyra's arrows only seem moderately effective against the quasi-real shadow projection.
  312. [20:50] <TenMihara> Kjell frowns and charges his sword with a great deal of arcane power. He was going to try and dispel the image, rather than attack it. He takes a swing.
  313. [20:51] <TenMihara> The projection of Allevreah deflects the dispelling blow with her shield.
  314. [20:54] <TenMihara> Allevrah raises her hand. "Burn." Suddenly the room is filled with flames.
  315. [20:56] <TenMihara> Kjell somehow manages to get lucky and not burst into flame, but Aluthyra's robes and Feathers catch fire.
  316. [20:59] * Aluthyra lets another round of arrows fly, trying to maintain herself while... being on fire.
  317. [21:02] <TenMihara> Aluthyra only manages a single hit.
  318. [21:03] <TenMihara> Kjell frowns, "I think we should pull back, and hope she cannot follow. We'll need the others."
  319. [21:05] <TenMihara> Kjell doesn't have enough juice left to try dispelling the projection again. He grabs Aluthyra's hand and DImension Doors them back to the entrance
  320. [21:06] * Aluthyra immediately drops to the ground, rolling to put out the flames.
  321. [21:09] <TenMihara> Kilarra jumps at the appearance of her friends, then immediately rushes to ALuthyra, "What in the Nine Hells happened?!"
  322. [21:12] * Aluthyra frowns, standing up. "An image of Allevrah, I would guess, appeared before us." She shakes her head. "Even as a shadow image, she is quite powerful..."
  323. [21:15] <TenMihara> Kilarra looks pained, "Your wings..." The singed down looked and smelled awful. She quickly places her hands on them to try and fix it before it lingered too long
  324. [21:16] <TenMihara> Aluthyra's robes are also fire damaged and filthy.
  325. [21:17] <TenMihara> Kjell nods, "If we are to have a chance of breaking the glyph, we need to go in together. I was not expecting such a potent defense after the Moldering Emperor."
  326. [21:17] * Aluthyra frowns. "I need to change into a clean set of robes soon." The dirt makes her squirm.
  327. [21:18] <TenMihara> Kjell raises an eyebrow, now quite knowing Aluthyra's personal vows, and thusly wondering why damaged clothing was more of a concern to her than having been on fire.
  328. [21:20] * Aluthyra turns to Kjell, noticing his raised eyebrow. "It is a part of my vow. I must remain clean in order to maintain ki that Apsu has granted me."
  329. [21:20] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "Whatever. We can do that later. Let's go kick the drow lady's ass."
  330. [21:20] <TenMihara> Kjell nods, "I agree." He holds out his hands to take the four of them back in there without going through the spores again.
  331. [21:21] <TenMihara> Kilarra takes one hand, and gives Kjell some healing while she has a hold of him.
  332. [21:23] <Aluthyra> Kahree takes Kjell's other hand.
  333. [21:23] * Aluthyra takes Kilarra's.
  334. [21:23] <TenMihara> Kjell ports them into the room.
  335. [21:24] <TenMihara> Allevrah's shadow projection is gone, but she has left behind a whirling wall of blades between them and the glyph
  336. [21:24] <TenMihara> Kjell frowns, "Problematic. Kilarra, can you dispel it?"
  337. [21:24] <TenMihara> Kilarra nods, "I can try, but it's cramped in here."
  338. [21:25] <TenMihara> Kjell looks to the rest of the party, "If she can't dispel it, we will have to wait it out. And hope Allevrah's image doesn't come back while we wait. It was... alarmingly powerful, even when only partly real."
  339. [21:25] <TenMihara> Kilarra attempts to dispel the blade barrier
  340. [21:26] <TenMihara> Kilarra's magic isn't strong enough to overcome Allevrah's
  341. [21:26] <TenMihara> Kilarra groans and leans against the calcified wall.
  342. [21:29] <TenMihara> After a quarter of an hour, the barrier fades from existance
  343. [21:30] <TenMihara> Kjell pulls out a potion of Bull's Strength and drinks it. "We'll need to be quick about this. My weapon works the best, but it took Allevrah less than a minute to project herself here when I started attacking before
  344. [21:33] <Kilarra> Kjell notes, "So if any of you want to take a swing at helping, please do so." He casts haste on the entire party.
  345. [21:34] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, stepping up to assist Kjell.
  346. [21:34] * Aluthyra raises her bow, waiting for Allevrah to show once more.
  347. [21:35] * Kilarra steps back, knowing she wasn't much of a fighter without magic. She had used up most of her useful magic anyways
  348. [21:36] * Kilarra does however, cast a blessing on Aluthyra.
  349. [21:38] * Kilarra also uses a spell to increase her wisdom, since it wouldn't be much use on herself now
  350. [21:40] <Kilarra> Kjell takes a trio of swings at the glyph
  351. [21:40] <Aluthyra> Kahree starts smashing!
  352. [21:43] <Kilarra> Kahree's mace barely leaves a dent, but Kjell's sword really starts to tear into the Glyph
  353. [21:52] <Kilarra> A crack runs up the middle of the glyph as a well placed swing of Kjell's brings it halfway to destruction
  354. [22:13] <Kilarra> Another grat cleave from Kjell nearly shatters the glyph. It's almost broken
  355. [22:14] <Kilarra> Kjell takes one more pair of swings to finish the job.
  356. [22:14] <Kilarra> The Glyph cracks, it's glow starting to spark erratically. Less than a second later, it explodes with a cacophonous blast of energy that seems to shake the entire cavern to its core
  357. [22:19] * Kilarra clutches at her head. Her ears were still ringing. "Owwwwwww..."
  358. [22:19] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans, dropping her maces to hold her head. "Gahhh!"
  359. [22:20] <Kilarra> Kjell stands dazed for a moment, having been right next to the Glyph when it blew. "I... don't think we should do that again."
  360. [22:21] * Aluthyra nods, closing her eyes until the sound ends. "Yes... but good job." She sighs, lowering her bow. "It's good that we won't have to face Allevrah... yet."
  361. [22:23] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Yes, but we're rather... spent, for today I think. I kept my-"
  362. [22:23] <Kilarra> Kjell is once again interrupted by magical feedback. This time, a swarm of glowing green bats materializes and flies off towards Rotstone Hollows.
  363. [22:24] * Kilarra blinks. "Huh. Apparently each one has a different... afterimage."
  364. [22:25] * Aluthyra frowns. "Any idea why this would be bats?"
  365. [22:25] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "I have no idea. It took Allevrah years to come to understand this bizarre magic, and frankly I can start to see why."
  366. [22:29] <Kilarra> Kjell holds out his hands. "I'll take us back to Bhaq's shrine. We need rest."
  367. [22:34] <Kilarra> With a pop, the group returns to the interior of the Shrine of Bound Earth. Bhaq opens an eye, having been meditating on her altar. There are two dead Vrocks near the entrance.
  368. [22:35] <Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow. "The drow trying to attack you again?"
  369. [22:36] <Kilarra> Bhaq nods, "BY proxy this time. Although perhaps they thought to find you instead of me. Either way, I do not expect further trouble unless Allevrah herself returns."
  370. [22:37] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "You need to get changed, and then we all need sleep."
  371. [22:37] * Aluthyra nods. "I do." She looks around, finding a pillar a ways off to change in private. "And I will only be a moment."
  372. [22:38] * Aluthyra flutters over to the pillar to change, soon after returning to Kilarra's side.
  373. [22:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree goes back to her previous sleeping spot, ready to doze off.
  374. [22:39] <Kilarra> Kjell removes his armour and pretty much passes right out. Didn't matter what the actual time of day was down here anyways.
  375. [22:39] * Kilarra hugs Aluthyra tightly, then lets her go. "I knew we might have to risk and possibly even lay down out lives for this undertaking, but it still sucks to see you keep getting hurt so often."
  376. [22:40] * Aluthyra chuckles. "It is not as if I like it either, but..." she smiles. "With you by my side, I am confident I will be fine."
  377. [22:41] * Kilarra nods and takes off her vestements and breast plate, snuggling up to Aluthyra and her wings, looking a bit rough, but not permanently damaged after the fire and acid today.
  378. [22:42] * Aluthyra holds Kilarra close, the two held together with a wing draped over Kilarra. It does not take Aluthyra long to drift off to sleep...
  379. [22:42] <Kilarra> Bhaq goes back to meditating. She had been listening through the stone, and did not need to ask the party what they had managed to accomplish
  380. [22:42] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  381. [22:43] <Kilarra> Rewards:
  382. [22:44] <Kilarra> 1 EL 17, 1 EL 16, 2 EL 12, 1 EL 13
  383. [22:45] <Kilarra> 60,800 Experience each.
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