
Hobo Joe

Nov 10th, 2016
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  1. 22:55 Volta Hobo Joe 7 foot Hobo with an extra large beer bottle filled with an infinite amount of a godly liquid. Kinda like Marvel's Thor, big, Beardy, Weapon he smacks people around with
  2. 22:56 Volta the Bottle is somewhat indestructible, and holds an infinite amount of Booze. Give it a big shake and use it like a riot hose, or give it less of a shake and light the spray on fire for flamethrower
  3. 22:57 Volta no Rage issue like Sting, has some skill unlike Sam, and wants to help unlike JJ
  4. 22:58 Volta hes not indestructible, just a somewhat numb body
  5. 22:58 Emit word
  6. 22:58 Emit whered he get the bottle from?
  7. 22:58 Volta Thats the biggest issue I've been having tbh, his origin
  8. 22:59 Emit well clearly its not a normal bottle
  9. 22:59 Emit so it could be magical in nature
  10. 22:59 Volta so far I have in mind he was just a normal hobo till a drop of the Godly liquid fell into his booze and made it the magick bottle it is
  11. 22:59 Volta but I've also had ideas of him being some wandering Viking that sleeps every few years then awakes to help
  12. 23:00 Emit >Achilles dropped his godbeer one day while he was flying over NYC
  13. 23:00 Emit it could be a misplaced relic from a deity
  14. 23:00 Emit or something thats not meant to be here
  15. 23:00 Emit but is
  16. 23:00 Emit and leave it open ended af
  17. 23:00 Emit and delve into the origin of the bottle through solos
  18. 23:00 Emit and what it means and people trying to reclaim it and shit
  19. 23:01 Volta Hmm, could work. Hes the type to pop out of nowhere when hes needed
  20. 23:01 Emit like say it is from olympus or something, they send some assholes down to come get it, and you have to deal with them and possibly another faction vying for control
  21. 23:01 Volta Say arak calls for him. He'd turn around and Boom Hobo
  22. 23:01 Emit is he a meta or do you want the power to be from the bottle itslef
  23. 23:01 Emit ?
  24. 23:02 Volta That could give him a reason for being a Hobo too, can't stay too long in one place, no home aloud
  25. 23:02 Emit in order to get the powers he must remain drunk
  26. 23:02 Emit but since he's human it causes him to pass out alot, and sleep for really long times
  27. 23:02 Volta Years of drinking the Liquid gave him some power. The general strength, speed, stamina, and again a numb body
  28. 23:02 Volta Yis yis this is good
  29. 23:02 Emit the bottles origins being some what vague woudl allow you to explore into different aspects of it as time went on.
  30. 23:03 Emit like say angels came for it
  31. 23:03 Emit and you wer elike why do you want it
  32. 23:03 Emit they get worried and say something to the effect " its a powerful relic who's origin is unknown to us" type deal so its old old old
  33. 23:03 Emit and makes it a mystery
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