

Apr 30th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. blofeld — Today at 2:07 PM
  2. fyi I was serious, if you have something you think is an issue, you're free to bring it up to the staff at any point.
  3. i don't know what you're really referring to in terms of being shadow banned based on a DM conversation, literally has never happened and doubtful it would given what's the point
  4. Klokinator — Today at 2:07 PM
  5. The issue is that FEU gets worse every day and the decline is speeding up
  6. blofeld — Today at 2:08 PM
  7. what do you believe is the issue
  8. Klokinator — Today at 2:08 PM
  9. Who among you really thinks it is a good policy to leave messages like that on a banned user's page?
  10. It's one thing to say "We banned this guy"
  11. blofeld — Today at 2:08 PM
  12. we all made a collective decision, and it was prior to the ban for 2/3 of them
  13. Klokinator — Today at 2:08 PM
  14. You can even say "We banned this guy for XYZ reasons"
  15. But following up with a huge diatribe about how shitty this person is and how you shouldn't support them?
  16. blofeld — Today at 2:09 PM
  17. the reason the message remains currently is due to them asking for the contents of said topic to be removed
  18. Klokinator — Today at 2:09 PM
  19. Where's the evidence? Extreme claims require extreme evidence
  20. blofeld — Today at 2:09 PM
  21. i'm not really required to give you evidence, but we have a lot of it
  22. Klokinator — Today at 2:09 PM
  23. And if you're not willing to post the evidence (likely because wow that could be a legal issue for you) then don't stoke the fire
  24. blofeld — Today at 2:09 PM
  25. people message the staff, we have screenshots of said harassment, it's literally public in some cases
  26. legal issue? how so
  27. Klokinator — Today at 2:10 PM
  28. Defamation
  29. blofeld — Today at 2:10 PM
  30. strike the fire is an interesting thing to go with
  31. Klokinator — Today at 2:10 PM
  32. Inb4 hurr durr not a legal courtroom process bleh bleh
  33. blofeld — Today at 2:10 PM
  34. wow you really think this boils down to a defamation case lol
  35. no i think it's not nearly that serious
  36. this is one forum on the internet
  37. Klokinator — Today at 2:10 PM
  38. Wow klok you really believe [insert bad argument]
  39. blofeld — Today at 2:11 PM
  40. ?
  41. Klokinator — Today at 2:11 PM
  42. No I believe this is bad, bad, bad all around
  43. blofeld — Today at 2:11 PM
  44. you brought up defamation, not me
  45. why? you don't believe in accountability?
  46. or is this because you can't physically see the evidence
  47. Klokinator — Today at 2:11 PM
  48. It's a shit policy, a shit thing to do, potentially bad for you legally, definitely bad for you perceptually from the community POV, and is also just a shitty immoral way to act
  49. blofeld — Today at 2:12 PM
  50. you have to actually explain your thinking here
  51. just saying you think it's shit doesn't move your point
  52. Klokinator — Today at 2:12 PM
  53. Funny, if it had been you banned and someone left a similar message, I'd defend you in exactly the same way
  54. blofeld — Today at 2:12 PM
  55. why do you think x is bad
  56. i don't know why you would
  57. if i was banned for doing some egregious shit, i think it's fair for people to know this in regards to projects I presented
  58. Klokinator — Today at 2:13 PM
  59. The fact you can't immediately see why this is a problem is exactly why FEU's decline and eventual fall is guaranteed
  60. blofeld — Today at 2:13 PM
  61. especially if i have no remorse
  62. Klokinator — Today at 2:13 PM
  63. there's a reason FEU never lasts more than a few years; this is one of them
  64. I'll admit this version has had a decent run, bit longer than the previous ones
  65. blofeld — Today at 2:13 PM
  66. you still haven't said why you think this is a bad thing outside of "legal"
  67. Klokinator — Today at 2:13 PM
  68. But yup, it's sliding faster now
  69. blofeld — Today at 2:14 PM
  70. so is this it, you're going to avoid my question and repeat the same thing over and over?
  71. i'm trying to see your point of view here
  72. honestly, no bs
  73. Klokinator — Today at 2:14 PM
  74. "Explain yourself, Klok. Explain your thinking like you just did fifty times. Go on, explain yourself."
  75. What the fuck do you want me to explain? Leaving a shit message about someone who can't defend themselves is a shit thing to do
  76. blofeld — Today at 2:15 PM
  77. you haven't done it once here
  78. Klokinator — Today at 2:15 PM
  79. This is pure common sense
  80. blofeld — Today at 2:15 PM
  81. i just want to hear why you believe that mentioning reasons that contributed to said person being banned being notified in topics where their work presented is such an issue to you
  82. especially when said user has no plans to change, no plans to apologize, and is not remorseful
  83. i understand if the information presented has nothing to do with their online profile at feu, but in these instances it does
  84. i think people have a right to know what they support
  85. if you're fine with it, you continue, if you're not, you don't
  86. for example, i wasn't aware tambo was a raging racist and was using his music in a project
  87. i would have liked to know beforehand, and have since removed it
  88. if that didn't make a difference to me in regards to his work, then i wouldn't
  89. but that's my choice given the information
  90. if i have no information i'm not given that choice, i have to take it at face value
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