

Dec 31st, 2018
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  1. --SynapseX Decompiler
  3. local Fb4b487, i52d97bb5fb3, N9a6e29b1fb, k82d08c, v5fa82d74, K0523ef0ea4
  4. do
  5. local Cec078839 = {}
  6. local P99a4e = function(oecd29ab9d)
  7. local C3e6f1f3dec ="BallSocketConstraint")
  8. C3e6f1f3dec.Name = "RagdollNeck"
  9. C3e6f1f3dec.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.UpperTorso.NeckRigAttachment
  10. C3e6f1f3dec.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.Head.NeckRigAttachment
  11. C3e6f1f3dec.LimitsEnabled = true
  12. C3e6f1f3dec.UpperAngle = 25
  13. C3e6f1f3dec.Enabled = false
  14. C3e6f1f3dec.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  15. local i3fe4b3 ="BallSocketConstraint")
  16. i3fe4b3.Name = "RagdollWaist"
  17. i3fe4b3.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.LowerTorso.WaistRigAttachment
  18. i3fe4b3.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.UpperTorso.WaistRigAttachment
  19. i3fe4b3.LimitsEnabled = true
  20. i3fe4b3.UpperAngle = 5
  21. i3fe4b3.Enabled = false
  22. i3fe4b3.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  23. local H7914375518 ="HingeConstraint")
  24. H7914375518.Name = "RagdollLeftWrist"
  25. H7914375518.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.LeftLowerArm.LeftWristRigAttachment
  26. H7914375518.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.LeftHand.LeftWristRigAttachment
  27. H7914375518.Enabled = false
  28. H7914375518.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  29. local V33e09c9d39b ="HingeConstraint")
  30. V33e09c9d39b.Name = "RagdollRightWrist"
  31. V33e09c9d39b.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.RightLowerArm.RightWristRigAttachment
  32. V33e09c9d39b.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.RightHand.RightWristRigAttachment
  33. V33e09c9d39b.Enabled = false
  34. V33e09c9d39b.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  35. local s2bf39 ="HingeConstraint")
  36. s2bf39.Name = "RagdollLeftKnee"
  37. s2bf39.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.LeftUpperLeg.LeftKneeRigAttachment
  38. s2bf39.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.LeftLowerLeg.LeftKneeRigAttachment
  39. s2bf39.LimitsEnabled = true
  40. s2bf39.UpperAngle = 15
  41. s2bf39.LowerAngle = -45
  42. s2bf39.Enabled = false
  43. s2bf39.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  44. local A5c72eb2 ="HingeConstraint")
  45. A5c72eb2.Name = "RagdollRightKnee"
  46. A5c72eb2.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.RightUpperLeg.RightKneeRigAttachment
  47. A5c72eb2.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.RightLowerLeg.RightKneeRigAttachment
  48. A5c72eb2.LimitsEnabled = true
  49. A5c72eb2.UpperAngle = 15
  50. A5c72eb2.LowerAngle = -45
  51. A5c72eb2.Enabled = false
  52. A5c72eb2.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  53. local w5e2cce ="HingeConstraint")
  54. w5e2cce.Name = "RagdollLeftAnkle"
  55. w5e2cce.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.LeftLowerLeg.LeftAnkleRigAttachment
  56. w5e2cce.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.LeftFoot.LeftAnkleRigAttachment
  57. w5e2cce.LimitsEnabled = true
  58. w5e2cce.UpperAngle = 15
  59. w5e2cce.LowerAngle = -45
  60. w5e2cce.Enabled = false
  61. w5e2cce.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  62. local fcc5884c297 ="HingeConstraint")
  63. fcc5884c297.Name = "RagdollRightAnkle"
  64. fcc5884c297.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.RightLowerLeg.RightAnkleRigAttachment
  65. fcc5884c297.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.RightFoot.RightAnkleRigAttachment
  66. fcc5884c297.LimitsEnabled = true
  67. fcc5884c297.UpperAngle = 15
  68. fcc5884c297.LowerAngle = -45
  69. fcc5884c297.Enabled = false
  70. fcc5884c297.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  71. local R398ceeda782 ="BallSocketConstraint")
  72. R398ceeda782.Name = "RagdollLeftShoulder"
  73. R398ceeda782.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.UpperTorso.LeftShoulderRigAttachment
  74. R398ceeda782.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.LeftUpperArm.LeftShoulderRigAttachment
  75. R398ceeda782.Enabled = false
  76. R398ceeda782.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  77. local p38e0505ce0 ="BallSocketConstraint")
  78. p38e0505ce0.Name = "RagdollRightShoulder"
  79. p38e0505ce0.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.UpperTorso.RightShoulderRigAttachment
  80. p38e0505ce0.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.RightUpperArm.RightShoulderRigAttachment
  81. p38e0505ce0.Enabled = false
  82. p38e0505ce0.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  83. local R179b46a04f ="BallSocketConstraint")
  84. R179b46a04f.Name = "RagdollLeftElbow"
  85. R179b46a04f.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.LeftUpperArm.LeftElbowRigAttachment
  86. R179b46a04f.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.LeftLowerArm.LeftElbowRigAttachment
  87. R179b46a04f.Enabled = false
  88. R179b46a04f.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  89. local Xf99bf ="BallSocketConstraint")
  90. Xf99bf.Name = "RagdollRightElbow"
  91. Xf99bf.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.RightUpperArm.RightElbowRigAttachment
  92. Xf99bf.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.RightLowerArm.RightElbowRigAttachment
  93. Xf99bf.Enabled = false
  94. Xf99bf.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  95. local Ha731ffa8aaf ="BallSocketConstraint")
  96. Ha731ffa8aaf.Name = "RagdollLeftHip"
  97. Ha731ffa8aaf.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.LowerTorso.LeftHipRigAttachment
  98. Ha731ffa8aaf.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.LeftUpperLeg.LeftHipRigAttachment
  99. Ha731ffa8aaf.Enabled = false
  100. Ha731ffa8aaf.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  101. local P8ef208 ="BallSocketConstraint")
  102. P8ef208.Name = "RagdollRightHip"
  103. P8ef208.Attachment0 = oecd29ab9d.LowerTorso.RightHipRigAttachment
  104. P8ef208.Attachment1 = oecd29ab9d.RightUpperLeg.RightHipRigAttachment
  105. P8ef208.Enabled = false
  106. P8ef208.Parent = oecd29ab9d
  107. end
  108. local geb023 = function(z2121366d0, B04f1ba3)
  109. for O1bc48f87, A4d7eb in next, Enum.HumanoidStateType:GetEnumItems() do
  110. if A4d7eb ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.None and A4d7eb ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then
  111. z2121366d0:SetStateEnabled(A4d7eb, B04f1ba3)
  112. end
  113. end
  114. end
  115. function Fb4b487(G18f0fd8be0)
  116. local x94e95f8e30 = G18f0fd8be0:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  117. if not x94e95f8e30 then
  118. return
  119. end
  120. local F3e5d09fd3 = G18f0fd8be0:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  121. if not F3e5d09fd3 then
  122. return
  123. end
  124. local Zf84a51d2a = G18f0fd8be0:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")
  125. if not Zf84a51d2a then
  126. return
  127. end
  128. local b6e842 = workspace.CurrentCamera
  129. b6e842.CameraSubject = Zf84a51d2a
  130. geb023(x94e95f8e30, false)
  131. x94e95f8e30:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.FallingDown)
  132. F3e5d09fd3.CanCollide = true
  133. end
  134. function i52d97bb5fb3(f6ee93c87161)
  135. local x208b05 = f6ee93c87161:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  136. if not x208b05 then
  137. return
  138. end
  139. local Bd8eb08f35c = workspace.CurrentCamera
  140. Bd8eb08f35c.CameraSubject = x208b05
  141. geb023(x208b05, true)
  142. x208b05:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.GettingUp)
  143. end
  144. function N9a6e29b1fb(ida99fd3f76)
  145. local Zf37c69 = ida99fd3f76.Name
  146. local t0f908c = ida99fd3f76.Character
  147. if not t0f908c then
  148. return
  149. end
  150. local ab6afc456a6 = t0f908c:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  151. if not ab6afc456a6 then
  152. return
  153. end
  154. if ab6afc456a6.Sit then
  155. return
  156. end
  157. local U62ce2b70183 = t0f908c:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  158. if not U62ce2b70183 then
  159. return
  160. end
  161. local Le1b4bbc39d = t0f908c:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")
  162. if not Le1b4bbc39d then
  163. return
  164. end
  165. Le1b4bbc39d.Velocity = U62ce2b70183.Velocity * 3
  166. Le1b4bbc39d.RotVelocity = U62ce2b70183.Velocity * 0.5
  167. local B93189c0a868 = Cec078839[Zf37c69]
  168. if not B93189c0a868 then
  169. B93189c0a868 = {}
  170. Cec078839[Zf37c69] = B93189c0a868
  171. end
  172. if not U62ce2b70183.Anchored then
  173. pcall(function()
  174. t0f908c.UpperTorso:SetNetworkOwner(ida99fd3f76)
  175. end)
  176. end
  177. for U7e3fb7a, keacb55ff01 in next, t0f908c:GetChildren() do
  178. if keacb55ff01:IsA("BasePart") then
  179. for G298a5ff8, Ea700dbca in next, keacb55ff01:GetChildren() do
  180. if Ea700dbca:IsA("Motor") then
  181. B93189c0a868[Ea700dbca] = Ea700dbca.Parent
  182. Ea700dbca.Parent = nil
  183. end
  184. end
  185. elseif keacb55ff01:IsA("Accessory") then
  186. keacb55ff01.Handle.CanCollide = false
  187. end
  188. end
  189. local Wddfb7641064 = t0f908c:FindFirstChild("RagdollNeck")
  190. if not Wddfb7641064 then
  191. P99a4e(t0f908c)
  192. end
  193. for F4ad199b26a, X0d78a027 in next, t0f908c:GetChildren() do
  194. if X0d78a027:IsA("Constraint") then
  195. X0d78a027.Enabled = true
  196. end
  197. end
  198. end
  199. function k82d08c(Rb6111e)
  200. local i9f5c637d2 = Rb6111e.Name
  201. local Wca1505705dc = Rb6111e.Character
  202. if not Wca1505705dc then
  203. return
  204. end
  205. local of3d405e27b = Wca1505705dc:FindFirstChild("RagdollNeck")
  206. if not of3d405e27b then
  207. return
  208. end
  209. local E7d5712d916 = Cec078839[i9f5c637d2]
  210. if not E7d5712d916 then
  211. return
  212. end
  213. local ee08e713 = Wca1505705dc:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  214. if not ee08e713 then
  215. return
  216. end
  217. local e91a0f4 = Wca1505705dc:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  218. if not e91a0f4 then
  219. return
  220. end
  221. local D20aea = Wca1505705dc:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")
  222. if not D20aea then
  223. return
  224. end
  225. e91a0f4.CFrame = D20aea.CFrame
  226. e91a0f4.Velocity =, 0, 0)
  227. for T7528d6239, I47c78 in next, E7d5712d916, nil do
  228. T7528d6239.Parent = I47c78
  229. end
  230. Cec078839[i9f5c637d2] = nil
  231. for hadceac9, i635a21b5 in next, Wca1505705dc:GetChildren() do
  232. if i635a21b5:IsA("Constraint") then
  233. i635a21b5:Destroy()
  234. end
  235. end
  236. return true
  237. end
  238. function v5fa82d74(G2a5c7a89e3)
  239. Cec078839[G2a5c7a89e3] = nil
  240. end
  241. function K0523ef0ea4(Wae20e0)
  242. local S87337 = Wae20e0.Character
  243. if not S87337 then
  244. return false
  245. end
  246. local qa58fb8bc = S87337:FindFirstChild("RagdollNeck")
  247. if not qa58fb8bc then
  248. return false
  249. end
  250. if not qa58fb8bc.Enabled then
  251. return false
  252. end
  253. return true
  254. end
  255. end
  256. return {
  257. Ragdoll = Fb4b487,
  258. Unragdoll = i52d97bb5fb3,
  259. RagdollServer = N9a6e29b1fb,
  260. UnragdollServer = k82d08c,
  261. PlayerRemoving = v5fa82d74,
  262. IsRagdoll = K0523ef0ea4
  263. }
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