
Vare L

Jun 14th, 2016
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  1. [06:16:06] Vareline yawns and wakes up in the morning. She was laying in her tent like usual, just her coat and bare minimum on. The stone skinned Drakanite thinking about everything without moving much. By now, she had made the small piece of horn the neries gave her into a necklace. Since Asula had refused to have it re attached, she figured she would keep it somewhere close to her.
  3. She was thinking about finally returning to town, wondering if anyone would even notice. She begins moving a little more as she starts to take in her surroundings, curious as to if asula was still here.
  4. (Vareline Larencia)
  5. [06:22:04] //How fun.
  7. Asula fell asleep., but..she wasn't in the tent! Where was she?
  8. The Neries was out of her tent, her face against the cold-snow.
  9. In fact, just before reaching the tent..The Neries fell asleep falling on the ground.
  10. She kept sleeping in the snow, just infront of the tent for a lil' while.
  12. Shaking her head, the Neries sat-down sneezing.
  13. ''Wh-..What?" Looking around, she couldn't understand what happened.
  15. Crawling until the Neries reached in the cave, the Neries raised her sight seing Vareline on her feets.
  16. Asula was a real snow-man..She had snow covering her clothes, and a pill of snow on her head.
  18. -''I-..I promised I didn't play in the snow.." She said, slutering a bit.
  19. (Asula)
  20. [06:29:45] Vareline hears her sneeze, turning her head in the Neries direction. She walks over and hugs Asula, feeling the snow on her. The area would begin immediately warming up "you should be careful sweetie.. The cold is extremely dangerous" she says as she brushes the snow off of her head.
  22. She carries asula back into the tent before grabbing one of her canteens of water that she had filled up from a nearby river. She had boiled the water to clean it and then let it cool down. She then grabs some of the herbs she had collected on the mountain. Her adopted son Elian had taught her how to cook and make many other things while blind, and the mountains had a few herbs that were rarely used since they were scattered under the snow. She constantly had wind magic and fire magic coming off of her as she traveled though, so some of them were uncovered by her.
  24. She begins crushing it up finely, a minty smell filling the tent. She then begins heating the water before mixing the two, making a mint flavored tea. She then offers it to Asula with a smile. "I have been collecting these herbs as i find them, they make a rather nice drink. you need to warm back up, so drink up"
  25. (Vareline Larencia)
  26. [06:34:52] //The Neries was just shaking a lil' bit, but she wouldn't refuse a cup of tea!
  28. Oh..Last-time, she was the one who offered a cup to Vareline a faint smile drawing on her features, before taking a sip of this tea.
  29. -''O-..Oh, that's delightful." She said, taking another sip of it. Before switching her gaze towards the Drakanite.
  31. ''I have traveled a bit. I met a couple of Neries..Who seems to hate me, but whatever. I am glad to be home!" She said, smiling before placing the cup of tea on the table, embracing Vareline in a hug.
  32. -''I have won quite a lot of crowns. I could buy a house for us, if you would like." She said, whispering while hugging her loved-one.
  33. (Asula)
  34. [06:40:00] Vareline smiles as she sips on the tea, though the comment about neries hating her was worrying "why do they hate you? are you okay sweetie?" she says with a slightly worried tone. She knew how violent some neries were, though not all of them were like that.
  36. She pats her head and hugs her gently "and you dont need to buy us a house... I already have one in Frostvale... and I was thinking about finally returning to it" she says gently as she pats the neries head. She was hoping that she wasn't the cause of such hatred either. She keeps Asula warm as her head presses against the side of the neries head.
  37. (Vareline Larencia)
  38. [06:45:58] ''Oh..No-worries. I guess my brothers, and sisters are that..Filled with pure-anger, and violence.'' She said, before giving a kiss on Vareline's cheek.
  39. ''I am glad I am not like that." Giggling a bit, while huging the Drakanite.
  40. "I am the happiest Neries alive."...
  42. "I love you." She said, before lowering her gaze in Vareline's neck seing an amulet.
  43. -''I..Is that my horn?" The Neries kept staring at, a smile appearing on her features. Asula was so happeh that Vareline kept it, and make a necklace with it. Wrapping her arms around Vareline's waist, the Neries placed her head under the Drakainte's chin.
  45. -''I love you so much.."
  46. (Asula)
  47. [06:54:30] Vareline smiles as she feels a kiss on her cheek and hears the neries giggle. "I am glad to hear that sweetie.. and I love you too" she says as she keeps an arm around her neck. when she mentions the horn, she nods "well.. you wouldn't let me re attach it, and it was a gift from you, so I am not going to just get rid of it" she says happily.
  49. She feels her place her head under Vareline's chin. Her cheek was getting pushed against the Neries horns, but she didnt care. She gently pats her head and holds her in a hug "I know sweetie... and I love you.. though I think its time we returned to Frostvale" she says as she stands up. She sets Asula down before she starts gathering her things, including her armor and gauntlets, in a few bags and ties them all together. "these gauntlets still belong to you.. I will keep a hold of them till you can use them yourself" she says happily.
  50. (Vareline Larencia)
  51. [06:57:04] Vareline Larencia: (>_< misclick)
  52. [06:57:55] Asula: (What are the requirements for the gauntlets?)
  53. [06:59:37] Vareline Larencia: (170 melee)
  54. [07:00:28] Asula: (O-Oh)
  55. [07:00:28] Asula: (xD)
  56. [07:01:20] //'Sure, let's return to Frostvale." She said, pushing herself back from the hug, leaning-down and grabing her bag.
  57. -"O-..Oh..Yes, the gauntlets. Well..I hope I'd be soon able to lift-them, haha." She said, before grabing her light-katana placing it on her shoulder.
  59. -"Well. I shall follow you then." She said, aproaching Vareline. The Neries would follow the Drakanite, it was a bit easier for her now..that she was taller. And, she was quite used to the road now.
  60. Homewer..The Neries kept looking around her while traveling, making sure that..the Cathedral, or Belial's cultists weren't following them.
  62. Afterall, she had to deal with them..
  63. (Asula)
  64. [07:05:36] Vareline shakes her head as she mentions following "quick question for you, if we were going down normally... why would I put my armor and weapon in the bag? " she says with a small laugh. She takes off her jacket, leaving her in just her underwear in front of the neries and hands it to her.
  66. she then walks a few steps out as her body begins to glow from built up mana. There are a few shockwaves that come off of her from the amount of mana in use as her half shift appears in a flash, though the glowing doesn't die down. The mana becomes extremely bright as another shockwave comes off of her, this time much stronger. As the light dies down, the large golden dragon would be standing in front of Asula, her head lowered near her before picking up the bags between her teeth, having left a large enough hole between the tie and the rest of the bag for her teeth to fit in between.
  68. Her tail attempts to pick up Asula and place her on Vareline's neck, just behind her horns. If she was successful, she would begin the trip back to town with asula on her back.
  69. (Vareline Larencia)
  70. [07:14:08] //Asula kept staring at Vareline removing her jacket, and rest of her clothes remaining in underwear. ''Wh-..'' The Neries didn't understand what the pureblooded Drakanite was going to do.
  72. A light, and pure light kept emiting from Vareline..A delightful mana coming from the Drakanite.
  73. What was happpening?
  74. Soon..The light became so intense, that Asula had to lower her sight, shaking her head.. She was so lost, she didn't understand what was going on.
  76. Raising her sight, the Neries' heart start to beat rather fast. The gold-Dragon infront of her, like last time.
  77. -'"..W..Wow.." She said, seing Vareline's teeth aproaching her grabing the bags, before her tail would wrap around the Neries' waist placing Asula on the Dragon's neck, just behind her long and beautiful-Horns.
  79. -''I will..never get used-too.." She said, lying on Vareline' placing a hand on one of her Horns, a smile drawing on the Neries' features.
  80. This mana...These Horns..Vareline's beauty became even more important for Asula.
  82. The Neries was now ready to join back Frostvale.
  83. (Asula)
  84. [07:16:41] Evangelyne: (what)
  85. [07:16:41] Evangelyne: (the hell)
  86. [07:16:41] Vareline Larencia: (?)
  87. [07:16:41] Evangelyne: (ur so white)
  88. [07:16:41] Evangelyne: (u need more colours)
  89. [07:16:41] Vareline Larencia: (she is a neries)
  90. [07:16:41] Asula: (Q-Q=
  91. [07:16:41] Vareline Larencia: (they are naturally pale)
  92. [07:16:41] Evangelyne: (an adorable one, dang)
  93. [07:16:41] Evangelyne: (but colours!)
  94. [07:17:32] Asula: (H-..Heh coming from a rainbow girl, it doesn't surprise me :D)
  95. [07:19:15] Asula: (But..Promise I will try to add more colors!)
  96. [07:21:48] Vareline walks into Frostvale with the neries on her neck and the bags being held by her teeth. Her stone like skin extended to her fullshift form. She had made her way down from the mountains and was walking the entire way. The Pureblood drakanite woman having been away from town for a long time.
  98. The blind dragon keeps making its way towards the house in the north west, the area near her being unusually warm. She was filling the area with some fire magic so that she could see where she was going with her mana sight. The dragon was rather large, the size being a bit larger because of the alteration of the blind womans strength.
  100. She had a Neries girl riding on her neck, hugging it. She made sure to avoid any buildings and people as she made her way through the market square.
  101. (Vareline Larencia)
  102. [07:29:29] //During the travel, the Neries kept looking around her..A faint smile drawng on her features while seing the beautiful landscapes, before..falling into darkness, taking a lil' nap on the Dragon's neck.
  103. The Dragon's skin was so warm, the snow falling on the pureblood's skin desepearing.
  105. The Neries woke-up after a couple of hours, seing Vareline's holy flames. Oh..That's true, she had to use her 'mana' to see.
  106. It seems the beings reached Frostvale, now heading towards the market-place.
  107. The Citizens kept staring at them..A white-being on a Gold Dragon, quite unusual.
  109. Asula didn't like the Citizens' stare, soon placing her bandaged-hand on her face covering her face.
  110. Giving a gentle-caress on Neries' stone-like neck with her free-hand, the Neries kept staring around.
  111. She didn't like to bring the atention upon-her, but..Didn't have the choice!
  113. (Asula)
  114. [07:32:03] Balen W. Rosenberg: ok, back)
  115. [07:32:03] Hamaki I. Ryozo: (wb)
  116. [07:32:03] Vice Pyro: (Wb)
  117. [07:32:54] Balen W. Rosenberg: either of u wanna st- oh hamaki alrdy is)
  118. [07:35:28] Hamaki smiled towards her friend Vice, about to speak towards him when suddenly a massive shadow took her entire attention as she suddenly looked up with her ears perking up, gasping loudly as she spotted a dragon slowly landing within the town. Young ookami stared shocked as it appeared that the dragon was carrying someone on back of its neck, a figure she recognized.
  120. Her tail wiggled wilddly as she jumped off the bench and soon tried to pull Vice with herself towards the dragon, giggling happily as she made her attempt of getting as close as she possibly could to the creature before deciding to wave her arms and exclaim. "Woah, look Vice, doesn't it look amazing?" she asked her friends before deciding to look back at the massive creature and soon yell towards it.
  122. "Hello dragon, why you landed in the town? Do you need anything?!" she asked out of curiosity, clearly not feeling threatened by the creatures sheer size since it didn't attack anyone as of yet and the guards didn't appear to be alerted as well.
  123. (Hamaki I. Ryozo)
  124. [07:37:10] Vice Pyro: ('s my turn or it's Balen turn?)
  125. [07:37:10] Asula: (Brb)
  126. [07:37:10] Balen W. Rosenberg: u can go before me still gotta go and grab sumthin)
  127. [07:48:16] Vice sweatdropped as Hamaki started dragging him over to the "dragon", she was being..."fearless" as Vice would say, Vice looked at the "dragon" with admiration oh his eyes, it was his first time seeing a dragon and Vice was a very curious boy that tried to learn as much things he possibly could.
  129. The young human scratched his chin as he looked at the "creature", Vice then remembered that the town he is currently in, is Frostvale, basically Frostvale is the town where you're expected to meet some Drakanites that are fullshifters that can transform into dragons.
  131. Vice then looked back at Hamaki to see that she had a curious face as she looked at the dragon. "Indeed it is Hamaki." Vice answered one of Hamaki's questions from earlier.
  132. (Vice Pyro)
  133. [07:56:48] Asula: (Going AFK, brb!
  134. [07:56:48] Balen hadn't done much as of late. He'd still be waiting on his father as usual, but with the man always being so busy within the Nivis he didn't get to see him until his bed time. It was OK though, he figured one day he'd get to spend the entire day with his dad like he'd usually done. Then he could even ask him about the blue magic! Balen decided that for today, he'd simply go outside and relax on the bench as usual until something had come up. Luckily, something did.
  136. He watched as Hamaki and Vice had made their way to the square, and began to look up at a magnificent creature. Balen too then turned his head, and nearly pissed himself in awe. "A..A...A..." he kept stuttering as he hopped off of the bench and moved closer towards the beast. "A Dragoon, a Draeen....A DRAGON!" finally he'd gotten the word right, and upon shouting his face seemed to show nothing more than excitement.
  138. "Wow, so cool huh, Hamaki!" he'd say to the girl as he was practically bouncing up and down at this point. "Do Dragons to people, or do they just uh, walk through the town and stuff?" he then noticed Asula only because of her sudden movements on the dragons neck. "O-Oh...Guys, there's someone up there. Wait.....WE CAN RIDE DRAGONS?!" This was becoming to much. Now he wanted a ride!
  139. (Balen W. Rosenberg)
  140. [07:56:48] Asula: (Pass me)
  141. [08:02:46] Vareline notices a few children approach from her side. The large golden dragon turns it's head towards the small group. She recognizes her great granddaughter's mana. She brings her head closer as one of her claws begin reaching out. If Hamaki didn't back away, the claw would gently begin scratching behind her ear. She was unable to talk in her Dragon form, but she was not about to change back to normal and leave herself naked in front of a bunch of children.
  143. Most of the people in the city seemed to point towards her in recognition before continuing about their business. Vareline was well known in town, and her fullshift form was not a secret. Her stone skin in her dragon form also gave her away to anyone that really knew her. The bag being held by her mouth rattled a little. It had her armor, weapons, and supplies inside of it.
  145. she then would continue towards the house if not stopped. She didn't stop anyone from following her, but after a long time in the mountains, she was ready to lay in her bed again.
  146. (Vareline Larencia)
  147. [08:02:46] Vareline Larencia: (asula said to skip her, so hamaki's turn)
  148. [08:03:37] Balen W. Rosenberg: *goes to hug Vareline*)
  149. [08:03:37] Vareline Larencia: (*kicks with 1050 melee*)
  150. [08:04:28] Hamaki I. Ryozo: (brb)
  151. [08:05:20] Balen W. Rosenberg: so uh...i just saw that Vareline is uh..having kids again O.O??
  152. [08:06:11] Balen W. Rosenberg: oh nvm)
  153. [08:06:11] Balen W. Rosenberg: i clicked on it lmfao)
  154. [08:08:44] Vareline Larencia: (she isnt)
  155. [08:11:18] Balen W. Rosenberg: ik, i saw)
  156. [08:16:25] Hamaki smiled towards her friend Vice upon hearing his response, clearly happy that he shared at least portion of her point of view. She then turned around and looked at Balen as he asked about riding the dragon, she giggled lightly before deciding to respond.
  158. "No silly, there must be a reason why that person was on this ones back and dragons are not mounts, well not unless ones permits someone to help with traveling...but...even then they aren't to be considered mounts or animals." she said while trying to answer the young Rosenbergs question.
  160. She then turned around and looked with her eyes widening as the dragon faced her and soon began moving one of its massive claws towards her head, staring at it with shocked expression as it began scratching her behind her ear. Hamaki couldn't help it but to giggle and hug the claw for as long as she possibly could, that was until she realized that the dragon was trying to leave.
  162. Young ookami looked between her friends and exclaimed. "Come on, lets see where the dragon is heading!" she said with clearly excited voice.
  163. (Hamaki I. Ryozo)
  164. [08:19:50] Asula: (Will RP after Balder)
  165. [08:23:15] Balen W. Rosenberg: Please...
  166. [08:23:15] Balen W. Rosenberg: Balder is my faja
  167. [08:23:15] Balen W. Rosenberg: GDI MY ))))) KEY KEEPS GETTING STUCK))))
  168. [08:24:57] Vice never thought he would ever see...Hamaki "hugging" a claw from a dragon, he just stared at Hamaki with widened eyes, Vice knew that Hamaki wasn't "fearless"...but he didn't know that she literally had no fear at all in the very end.
  170. Vice looked around the town square to see if any guard was reacting to this "show", there wasn't most guards were just looking at the children like there was nothing unnatural going on at the town, there was just glances and sighs coming from the guards.
  172. "Come on. let's see where the dragon is heading!" Vice sighed as Hamaki began dragging him as she followed the dragon to whatever place the "dragon" was going to go.
  173. (Vice Pyro)
  174. [08:25:48] Vice Pyro: ...
  175. [08:28:22] Vice Pyro: (One minute)
  176. [08:28:22] Vice Pyro: (Gotta relog)
  177. [08:32:38] Balen stared for a moment, still admiring the dragon just before Hamaki had started to speak. She was explaining quite a lot about dragons as well as Asula's possible situation as of now. It was making some sense to the boy now that she'd explained it. He'd nod his head towards her with a smile and would go on to saying "Oh, thank you!" And then turned to focus on the dragon once more. Though, the dragon had begun to move, and it seemed to be going north. Balen sighed some "Bye!" is all he would say.
  179. Although, Hamaki had different plans. She wanted to follow the dragon to see where it was going. Was that a smart idea? Balen didn't feel right about it. If the dragon was just another person within the town basically then they shouldn't treat it any different, right? Balen would shrug and looked to Vice and Hamaki. "Nah, i'll go back to the bench." he began to gesture towards everyone else in the town who seemed to be going about their day. "No one else but us looks happy to see the dragon that much. They must be used to umm...Him...her? I dunno." he'd shrug again.
  181. "Anyways, we can't act like it is some super cool animal or something, we might make uh..him or her feel bad!" He'd go back walking towards the bench then. Soon hopping up and sitting back down. He wouldn't follow the dragon and neries child around today.
  182. (Balen W. Rosenberg)
  183. [08:38:36] Vice Pyro: ...
  184. [08:40:19] Balen W. Rosenberg: oh!
  185. [08:40:19] Balen W. Rosenberg: sorry about uh..last night i think?))
  186. [08:40:19] //The Neries was quite confused.
  188. Frostvale..Homeland of the Drakanites. These children never met a Dragon before?
  189. Kept having her bandaged-hand covering her face, Asula would reach her bag with her free-hand, pulling her hood. Somehow, she didn't like to bring too much attention upon her..A Neries on a Dragon's neck, how strange isn't it?
  191. Placing her face against Vareline's neck, the Neries would lie on it..Still hiding from these children who weren't fearing the gold-Dragon.
  192. Asula didn't recognize Hamaki, the lil' Ookami she has met a long-time ago.
  193. Well, she has quite change afterall.
  195. Placing her hand on the Dragon's Horn, the Neries would aproach Vareline's head, whispering a couple of words.
  196. -"W-...We shall leave.." She said, before sitting-back on her neck.
  197. (Asula)
  198. [08:40:19] Hayate Takashi: (Its cools, I left you in the snow while i went training hehe)
  199. [08:41:10] Balen W. Rosenberg: lel)
  200. [08:41:10] Hayate Takashi: Any Md or Mcap?
  201. [08:41:10] Hayate Takashi: (OMIT)
  202. [08:41:10] Balen W. Rosenberg: nupes)
  203. [08:41:10] Hayate Takashi: (Wanna go rp somewhere? I aint red texted all damn day)
  204. [08:42:01] Balen W. Rosenberg: sure dot at me now if u want)
  205. [08:42:01] Vareline Larencia: (if you were following, follow)
  206. [08:42:01] Balen W. Rosenberg: amz just sittin here atm)
  207. [08:42:52] Balen W. Rosenberg: unless u want to meet up somewhere else)
  208. [08:42:52] Vareline Larencia: (next post will be where we were moving too)
  209. [08:42:52] Vareline Larencia: (vice and hamaki)
  210. [08:42:52] Vice Pyro: (Yes...?)
  211. [08:42:52] Vareline Larencia: (if your following the dragon)
  212. [08:43:44] Vareline Larencia: (follow)
  213. [08:48:00] Vareline nods her head as Asula whispers in her ear and keeps walking. She was headed towards her house. When she arrives outside it, she lifts her tail and attempts to pull asula off of her back. She sets her on the ground carefully and turns her head to her. She notices the mana of the two following her. She points to each of them and then points at the ground, not wanting them to follow her around the corner of the house.
  215. She doesnt wait to see if they try to or not, but when she walks around the house, she begins changing back, the large form of the dragon dissappearing behind the house. She would quickly pull her jacket out of the bag and pants to put on, not wanting to be naked inside of town and in front of other people.
  217. after covering herself, she walks back around the corner. She didn't have her blindfold on, and her eye lids were closed. She smiles and waves to them after coming back out "hello." she says with a smile.
  218. (Vareline Larencia)
  219. [08:55:40] Hamaki I. Ryozo: (asula is wearing a mask icly?)
  220. [08:56:32] Vareline Larencia: (not that i know of)
  221. [08:56:32] Asula: (Mhm)
  222. [08:56:32] Asula: (I am)
  223. [08:57:23] Vareline Larencia: (well im blind)
  224. [08:57:23] Asula: (I stated in ma' RP)
  225. [08:57:23] Vareline Larencia: (wouldnt know)
  226. [08:57:23] Vareline Larencia: (xD)
  227. [08:57:23] Asula: (OUPS
  228. [08:57:23] Asula: (Replace "hood" with the mask please)
  229. [09:00:48] Hamaki followed the dragon, slowly rising her eyebrow as it made its way towards area of where he lived, somewhat sruprised about the designation of its choice, that was until it decided to turn around and show for young ookami and her friend to stop following, soon after placing down an person it carried down on the ground.
  231. Hamaki tilted her head a little while staring at the stranger, soon waving towards them and exclaiming just as the dragon made its way behind the house just before disasearping> "Hello, I am Hamaki, whats your name? Why were you riding that dragon? Want to be friends with us?" she asked with clear enthusiasm in her voice, clearly curious as a kid would be in her age.
  233. Varelines appearance forced Hamaki to perk her ears up as she giggled loudly and runned up towards her drakanite great grandmother, soon jumping and trying to give her big hug while excaliming. "Great grandma Vareline, where did you come from? Did you see the dragon? I missed you so much! Come, meet my friend Vice!" she said while pointing towards the boy in black clothes and hat.
  234. (Hamaki I. Ryozo)
  235. [09:03:21] Vice Pyro: ("Black clothes and HAT"?)
  236. [09:03:21] Hamaki I. Ryozo: (hood sorry)
  237. [09:17:00] Vice slowly was following the dragon that carried a masked woman behind Hamaki, Vice really didn't like the fact that he was following a DRAGON, but...the fact that he was with Hamaki helped a little bit. Eventually the dragon reached a pair of houses and went behind one of them, Vice raised his eyebrow in suspicion as he saw the dragon dissapearing behind one of the houses.
  239. Vice followed Hamaki as she enthusiastically ran to where the masked girl that the "dragon" dropped off, Vice sweatdropped a little bit as he heard Hamaki asking the masked girl a LOT of questions, being Hamaki's friend...Vice got used to Hamaki's enthusiastic personality.
  241. He then looked the other way immediately as he saw an woman with her eyes closed appear out of nowhere, Hamaki then ran to the white-haired woman and began jumping all over the place. Hamaki then pointed at Vice while talking to the white-haired woman, Vice then slowly began to make his way to where Hamaki was standing as he waved his left hand. "Hello lady, do you...perhaps have seen a dragon nearby?" Vice asked with curiosity on his voice.
  242. (Vice Pyro)
  243. [09:24:41] //Placing Asula on her feets, the Neries understood that..Vareline had to change herself.
  244. Waiting for the Drakanite, the masked-girl kept staring at the cold-ground holding her black-katana. Homewer, the Ookami child with her friend followed them.
  246. Raising her sight, the Neries wasn't that confortable with people. Her bandaged-hand shaking, thinking of an awnser.
  248. U-Umm.. She wasn't confortable at-all.
  249. Homewer, Vareline would come-back now wearing a jacket and some clothes.
  250. Phew..She didn't have to awnser to Hamaki anymore.
  251. Seing the lil' Ookami walking towards Vareline, and huging her, the Neries shaked her head after the child's words.
  253. Grandma?
  255. Bu-..But, Vareline is a Drakanite and Hamaki an Ookami. Are Drakanites and Ookamis able to reproduce eachother?
  256. Well, it wasn't important afterall..Placing herself behind Vareline, the Neries stood-here, catching her breath.
  258. Talking with people..It's quite hard for her..
  259. (Asula)
  260. [09:27:15] Vice Pyro: (I'm gonna have to go...)
  261. [09:28:06] Vice Pyro: (Just RP that my character is just behind Hamaki and being VERY silent)
  262. [09:29:48] Vareline smiles as she hears Hamaki come running while giggling. Vareline catches her in a big hug, her eyes still closed. "hey there Hamaki, glad to see you are doing okay. No I did not see the big dragon... because.. " she says with a smile before she looks at her and the other two with her mana sight "I was the dragon" she says before she sets Hamaki back down.
  264. she pats Asula's head "I just got home from training in the mountains and she was there training with me a little. I was about to go lay down for a little bit sweetie. when I get up from a nap, I will come play with you some, okay?" she says as she scratches behind Hamaki's ear one more time. If allowed, she would head inside, letting out a slight yawn.
  265. (Vareline Larencia)
  266. [09:30:40] Hamaki I. Ryozo: Really? Oh, and...umm grandma, will you teach me how to fight? Sir Balder is gone and stupid uncle Katai is mean to me!
  267. [09:31:31] Vareline Larencia: s-sure, I could teach you how to fight.
  268. [09:31:31] Hamaki I. Ryozo: Yay, I tried to look for good teacher but daddy can only teach me about magic.
  269. [09:32:22] Vareline Larencia: I will come find you when I get up and we can practice a little
  270. [09:32:22] Hamaki I. Ryozo: Okie!
  271. [09:32:22] Hamaki I. Ryozo: Also..
  272. [09:32:22] Hamaki I. Ryozo: Grandma whos this...person?
  273. [09:33:13] Vareline Larencia: she was training with me in the mountains, her name is Asula
  274. [09:33:13] Hamaki I. Ryozo: Asula? Sounds faimilar.
  275. [09:33:13] Vareline Larencia: she will be staying with me, okay~?
  276. [09:34:04] Hamaki I. Ryozo: Really? Does it mean she can be my friend?
  277. [09:34:04] Vareline Larencia: maybe~
  278. [09:34:56] Asula: (Oups, lemme catch up)
  279. [09:35:47] Asula: H-..Huh..
  280. [09:35:47] Asula: I have to-..
  281. [09:35:47] Asula: Mm..
  282. [09:36:38] Asula: Grab..something in
  283. [09:36:38] Vareline Larencia: <*chuckles*> little nervous? we will have to help you with that later.
  284. [09:36:38] Asula: Wh-..
  285. [09:37:29] Asula: I'm not nervous..
  286. [09:37:29] Asula: <*Removes her mask*>
  287. [09:40:54] Vareline smiles and pats her head "you dont need to worry about it sweetie. I have a lot of friends here in Frostvale. if you are going to be with me, you are going to meet a lot of them" she says with a small laugh. She starts heading back to her room though with her bag. She takes off her jacket, leaving her top exposed.
  289. She makes her way to the bed and lays down with a small sigh. A bed was much more comfortable than a tent and the hard ground. She rolls over onto her back as she opens her eyes. She was still blind, but her blue eyes were now visible. They had a misty white fog filling them, a sign of her blindness.
  290. (Vareline Larencia)
  291. [09:52:00] Asula raised her sight at Vareline, a faint smile drawing on her features.
  292. ''Heh..I apologize, I have never been good with 'social-interactions'. I will make my best. She said with a gentle, and kind-tone, seing the Drakanite walking towards the bed, and lying on it.
  294. The Neries kept staring at these blue-iris.
  295. Blue like the ocean, that's something pleasant to watch.
  297. 'M..Mm..Would you like something? I want to make my best to make you feel confortable." She replied, rubing her black-beanie while staring at Vareline.
  298. She knew what she want to do. She wanted to help Vareline..Make her smile, make her feel confortable. Treat the woman like a princess.
  299. (Asula)
  300. [09:52:00] Asula: (I have forgoten to put ze' color code Q-Q)
  301. [09:59:40] Vareline smiles and keeps her face pointed at Asula. She reaches over and pulls Asula into a hug. She nuzzles her head into the neries head and sighs happily "you don't need to get me anything, I am happy with what I have right now" she says as she relaxes. When she changed back, all she had time to put on was the jacket and pants, and she had taken off the jacket before laying down.
  303. "just give me a few moments to enjoy relaxing here and I will make some food." she says happily. The house was rather cold, since noone had really been staying in it while she was gone. Everything was rather dusty and she would probably need to head into town to get anything to cook. She keeps her fire magic going to keep the room warm though.
  306. (Vareline Larencia)
  307. [10:09:55] //O-Oh..Getting pulled, a faint smile appeared on the Neries' feature before feeling..something rather soft.
  308. Poking it, the Neries' was quite..impressed what was it? Turning her gaze to the 'spot', Asula' let out a cute lil' gasp..Well..Not that little maybe..
  310. O-OH! Yo-..You have forgotten to put a sh...ashirt!" She said, slutering..
  312. Blushing a lot, the Neries started to shake a bit. She has touched the Drakanite's 'chest', poking it a couple of times! Now, Vareline would think she is..a weirdo, or something like that.
  313. Shaking her head, the Neries..Still being in the Drakanite's arms..Replied.
  315. 'I ap..apologize, I di-..didn't want to to..touch, I mean..It's not like I don't want to! I do-.. But wh-.. I don-..I didn't know it wa-... The Neries losing herself in her words, blushing even more.
  316. (Asula)
  317. [10:14:11] Vareline laughs and kisses her forehead "you really are adorable. you dont need to apologize." she says before she puts her jacket back on. She hadn't been thinking about it, having just changed back from her Dragon form.
  319. she keeps her in a hug after putting the jacket on though. She brushes Asula's cheek gently with a hand, feeling the heat that came along with her blushing "you are so adorable~, I am just going to keep you here in my arms" she says with a giggle.
  320. (Vareline Larencia)
  321. [10:19:18] //The Neries' blush fade a bit, but..we could still notice it.
  322. M-..Me adorable? Yo-..You will feel the wrath of the N-..Neries then." She said slutering a bit, before aproaching the Drakanite's ear nibbling it a bit.
  324. Here! That would be the punishement for calling Asula adorable! While doing this, she blushed-even more..The white on her cheeks, turning-silver. While nibbling Vareline's ears, the Neries wrapped her arms around her, keeping her in her arms.
  326. So she couldn't escape~
  327. (Asula)
  328. [10:22:43] Vareline laughs as she mentions the wrath of the neries. She was curious as to what Asula would try. When Asula nibbles on her ear, her face gets a little red and she giggles more "I didn't know the neries wrath included more adorable" she says as she tickles the neries belly.
  330. She hugs on to Asula tightly. With asula keeping on her ear, she couldnt really move to kiss her on the cheek, so she simply enjoys the hug while tickling the neries "you obviously dont know about the wrath of the Drakanite~" she says with a giggle. Vareline's skin was a little tough, so she wasn't bothered much by it. The drakanite woman's eyes following where her mana sight was focused, making it almost look like she was looking around.
  331. (Vareline Larencia)
  332. [10:28:41] //O-..Oh no!
  334. Asula's weakness, she is ticklish! As soon as Vareline placed her fingers on the Neries' belly, the nibbling cease!
  335. Asula was now shaking a bit, while giggling. Moving in the bed, but still being trapped in Vareline's arms, she couldn't stop giggling a tear running out from her face.
  337. 'O-..Oh, no..Pl-..Please stop! She said, giggling and rolling around.
  339. This lil' scene between Vareline and Asula was cute.
  340. Despite Vareline being so cruel with these tickles, Asula didn't mind that kind of torture~
  341. (Asula)
  342. [10:33:48] Vareline tickles her a little more, this time going in with both hands. The torture intensifies for a short bit before finally stopping. She leans up and kisses asula on the cheek before laying there in a hug. she was happy here. She rolls back onto her back and pulls asula onto her so that she was laying on top of Vareline.
  344. she pokes Asula's nose "I am glad you are here... and you make me so happy.. don't ever change" she says before she hugs asula, burrying her face in asula's neck. Her face was a bit more of a sad one, remembering everyone and everything she has lost over the years, wanting just one thing to stay the way it is.
  345. (Vareline Larencia)
  346. [10:44:54] //N-..Nu, the Drakanite is being a real Monster!
  348. Giggling even more, Vareline kept going-on..with her two-hands! Before stoping. Getting kissed, then being pulled onto the Drakanite, Asula was catching her breath, sweating a bit.
  350. -''I-..I will seek for rev-..revenge..W-..Watch your backs.." She said, smiling a bit.
  352. Seing Vareline burrying her face against her neck, Asula placed her bandaged-hand on her backhead, caressing her white-hair. ''I won't change..And I won't leave. We are together, alright? Until Death...And even beyond that. I am all-yours, and I will never..never change." She said, before giving a kiss on Vareline's head, keep caressing her.
  353. (Asula)
  354. [10:50:01] Vareline nods her head while keeping against her shoulder. she turns her head and gives asula a kiss on the neck before planting one on her lips "thank you.. and I wont leave you either... I love you.." she says as she holds on to asula.
  356. she pats her head "feel free to look around the house and head out. I am going to take a quick nap." . She still had a smile on her face as she gently brushes asula's cheek. She decided to open her heart up one last time for someone, she didn't want it to end up like the others.
  357. (Vareline Larencia)
  358. [11:03:40] //The Neries kept caressing Vareline's hair for awhile; before recieving a kiss on her white-neck blushing..She didn't have the time to recover that Vareline planted a kiss on her pale-lips.
  360. -''I..I love you too..And no-..I won't leave..Let's share this nap together.." She said with a calm; and gentle-tone.
  362. Rolling on the side, so she wouldn't be ontop of Vareline..Snuggling close to the Drakanite. The Neries looked peaceful, and calm..
  363. But in her heart? Well..She has no-more heart, it has explosed after Vareline's kiss..The Drakanite looked tired, so she didn't want to bother her with..kisses, and hugs..
  365. But, it was a real struggle to not do it.
  366. (Asula)
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