
buncha dudes x vishnya [f-list]

Aug 5th, 2019
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  1. [04:42] A Buncha Dudes: Well there's my big buff wifey!
  2. [04:44] Vishnya: It's been awhile! So long that F-List cleared all my logs, even. I really haven't been able to catch a break...
  3. [04:46] A Buncha Dudes: Totally okay! I think the idea was a human guy being like a social worker or such opposite her. He doesnt hate anthros or any of that, but all the same it turns them on to use words like critter and such in the bedroom. I think we were also going to contrast her being such a badass and such with her acting like a proper housewife when they're alone. Pretty lingerie, lace, time to time bringing other critters for him to fuck kinda deal. Also she would never admit it, but she loves how sweet and gentle he is with her.
  4. [04:46] A Buncha Dudes: Think that about covers it.
  5. [04:48] A Buncha Dudes: I don't think we got it goin, but we were both reasonably excited.
  6. [04:51] Vishnya: Yeah, that sounds about right! The social worker bit came back to me pretty quickly--if I recall correctly, we also agreed to give her a canine vagina..? I've got plenty of time right now, in any case.
  7. [04:52] A Buncha Dudes: Yus. A spade on that gorgeous muscled critter bitch!
  8. [04:52] A Buncha Dudes: Think she was gonna pant. And was there gonna be a Russian accent or am I thinking of someone else? Panting, drooling, rawr.
  9. [04:52] A Buncha Dudes: And I can play. I'm at work but I don't wanna wait three hours.
  10. [04:58] Vishnya: Yep, her being a Slavwolf's already a built-in character feature. I'm also piss poor at writing the accent since I'm used to the convenience of implied ones, but I'm sure I can ramp up the syntax butchering a little to make up for the fact that I feel like a tool typing like zis.
  11. [04:59] A Buncha Dudes: No pressure on the accent at all my dear! Maybe we do slightly in media res? Their relationship already under way?
  12. [05:00] A Buncha Dudes: He helped her out after she got outta prison kinda deal. Rest is history.
  13. [05:00] Vishnya: Right, right. I think that kind of stuff was cemented well enough in setup that we can get rolling with one of her appointments.
  14. [05:01] A Buncha Dudes: You got it! Ill get us goin!
  15. [05:04] A Buncha Dudes: Jack sighed a little bit as he looked over the paper work in front of him. "Look dusty. I'm glad you've gotten yourself a job, but given that you were a prostitute and a recovering addict makes me wonder if a strip club is a great idea." He said, casting a Stern eye on the bunny across from him. "like, what am I supposed to do!? I gotta eat!" The blonde human sighed. "look... We don't have a lot of time left... Your drug tests are gonna keep going... And we're going to have someone checking in on you at work." He said finally. "now go on. I have another appointment coming." He said. The tawny rabbit smiled and got up, every part of her bouncing and bobbing as she left his office. It was impossible not to watch that cotton tail and those firm cheeks away as she departed. Goddamn but a lapine bottom was a work of art...
  16. [05:12] A Buncha Dudes: (man my posts kinda suck when I'm mobile. Sorry in advance.)
  17. [05:13] Vishnya: ( Phew, should've been a little more courteous and mentioned I've got someone else on the line before I offered to start, so I might be a little slow--. You're fine, in any case. )
  18. [05:14] A Buncha Dudes: (you ain't gonna catch me crying babe.)
  19. [05:22] Vishnya: Nothing reminds a girl of how ridiculously giant she is like watching some petite little piece of meat barely reach underboob level even with the very tip of her velveteen ears. Just like nothing reminds her of why she's about to go see a shrink in the first place like the ensuing sense of dread and anger in the pit of her stomach or the dull throb of her ancient scars. No matter. The genetic and the property damage are done, so there's nothing she can possibly do about it besides be a big girl and get this over with so she can get back to her nice moth-eaten, flea-ridden roadside couch cushy throne and make sure the teenage preds aren't killing each other. With a look of trepidation that must look more like a frown given the nervous look on the mousy (literally, a couple of round rodent ears stood out plainly against her otherwise human form) receptionist's face, Vishnya pinned down her ears and ducked a little to avoid scraping them on the doorway and plopped down in the hot seat. "This is ridiculous."
  20. [05:24] A Buncha Dudes: (making sure, theyre already fucking or she's just starting?)
  21. [05:26] Vishnya: ( Mm... just starting? Could be the second appointment after he recommended [[[relationship therapy]]] in the first, they've never fucked but they've discussed it and she begrudgingly agreed. )
  22. [05:29] A Buncha Dudes: Jack smiled when she came into the room. The big canine woman positively filled the seat across from his desk. "I know you think this is unnecessary, vishnya. I tend to agree. I don't think you're a threat to yourself or others at all. But I have to do my job, and my job is to help you." That said, he stood from his seat, and came around his desk. He leaned on the edge, and his green eyes met hers. This close the air conditioning couldn't hide his scent... His natural scent. He'd not worn the cologne that offended her last time, and the deodorant he wore was mild, barely a presence on him. A good first step for a man who had suggested sex therapy last session. "now, have you given thought to my suggestion from last week?" It was... An odd thing to hear, but it was something that was gaining traction. Regular sexual release, even outside heat, was proving in many cases to be effective in solving many social dysfunctions in a good number of anthros.
  23. [05:30] A Buncha Dudes: (for the sake of dumb porn logic imma say Jack is pretty... Gifted. A real critter splitter.)
  24. [05:51] Vishnya: A momentary silence stretched between the two of them while she performed some last-minute mental processing. "I have. And..." Her violet eyes closed for a moment, her legs spread wide so she could learn forward and knot her fingers together into a tense bundle of claws beneath her chin. The spiked collar fastened around her fluffy neck suddenly felt terribly suffocating. "I have decided to follow through. If I cannot be violent, sssss... sex sounds like... worthy replacement." There, she said it. Mumbled it, at least. Sure, it cost her her pride, but at least now her massive heart could stop hammering against her ribs like she was hammering against the prison bars a couple weeks ago demanding to see her brothers. At least his nose probably wasn't keen enough to smell the veritable waves of anxiety emanating off of her. "Where will we do it? Doctor's office feels too much like bad porn set. More harm than help." She scratched awkwardly at her cheek. "But I am not doctor, so what do I know? If it helps me stop wasting precious Wednesday mornings, I'm all for it."
  25. [05:57] A Buncha Dudes: Jack nodded, and his smile stated in place. Hearing her agreement had his own heart fluttering now. There were two kinds of people that took this kind of job, those that wanted to punish and those who were there to help. Jack was the latter. He'd had... Shall we say an affection for the anthro form, almost as soon as he was old enough to know about sex and the like. His nose was blunt, but hers wasn't. She'd smell the first hints of his arousal. "well it will mean your Wednesday mornings and nights are taken. I have already submitted the request and have received approval to host you at my home for these sessions. While we are together naturally nothing will happen without your full consent." He explained, and took a deep breath. "would seven tonight be acceptable?"
  26. [05:58] A Buncha Dudes: *stayed
  27. [06:07] Vishnya: Now that made her tense up, her eyes ungluing from the floor and slowly shifting upward to look and see if he was serious. The traces of libido had caused her to slip into a shallow reverie and his overly formal request nearly blasted her back to high school before she came to her senses and started nervously bouncing her leg. Her concern that maybe her leather jacket had shifted and revealed her two "human" nipples (which, by all accounts, should be rock hard by now thanks to the frigid air pumping from the vents) vanished, as she had to contend with inner self-doubt rather than decency right now. Not like there was any sense in trying to hide what he'd be seeing in the span of a few hours, anyway. "...Fine. Whatever works. Parole keeps my nights free if I don't want to end up back in pound anyway--no territory battles, blah blah blah. What will morning appointment consist of, then?"
  28. [06:12] A Buncha Dudes: "our morning appointments will be fairly mundane still. I will still be performing the same checks, making sure your drug tests are coming back clean, all of that. But our sessions at night shall be... Different." He leaned forward, and his smile grew, as well as the earthy scent of his arousal. His heart was hammering, and there was a blush on his cheeks. "my only goal is to pleasure you in those sessions. So I only ask that you come ready to at least allow me a chance at that." He said, then he did something bold. He reached up, and out his hand behind her right ear as his voice grew husky. He scratched behind that ear softly. "I promise only to try my best, and I want nothing more than to help you... So you have to be honest with me... Alright?" He said, keeping up that scratch on juuuust the right spot.
  29. [06:27] Vishnya: Aaand there it was, a physical culmination of this whole process so far: initial reluctance and even an attempt to draw back with a guarded frown, only for some part of her to give in and her whole being to follow suit. Only this time, instead of her societal obligation to be decent taking over, it was the fuzzy feeling of physical attention to a sensitive spot. Her humongous tail started to wag gently, her salivary glands kicked into gear, and a faint whine exuded from her throat: all the signs of a domesticated lapdog diluted through years of artificial selection and training, not a proud battle-scarred wolf arrested for assault charges. Only when her mouth opened and she took a few deep, panting breaths with her thin pink tongue lolling out did she realize what she was doing and snapped her jaws shut, scooting away from his outstretched hand and pinning back her triangular ears defensively. She even drew the sides of her leather jacket closer around her breasts to keep herself from feeling exposed. "Urgh... f-fine. I'll play along with your games, doctor, but give me afternoon to prepare. Last time human touched me, it was to fasten handcuffs. Lucky I snapped back before I could try and bite." Just a bluffing excuse, of course, obvious even to someone without a beast psychology degree. Clinical or not, he never would've bitten the hand feeding her such exquisite attention. "Should I do anything? Bring anything? Besides strengthened mental fortitude, of course."
  30. [06:32] A Buncha Dudes: For a moment her reaction was better than he ever could have hoped for! Why, he was about to say good girl just so, just to let her know this was alright... But then she'd pulled away. Big and gruff as she was, she'd told him all he needed to know. Jack laughed at her mental fortitude comment, and shook his head. "no no... Just be at..." He reached for a pen and pad, and scribbled his address. "this apartment tonight. You know..." He pressed the paper into her hand after testing it off, and let his touch linger. "you are an absolutely gorgeous woman... And you're adorable when you pant." He then moved in, leaning close to her ear. "I hope I'll see you drool tonight." And then he pulled back, his blush bright. "I uh... Am getting a little ahead of myself!" He allowed with a laugh. "please just be at that address... I'll do the rest. Promise." He said before he was crossing his heart over his dress shirt and tie.
  31. [06:46] Vishnya: "That's an understatement," she grumbled at his smidgen of self-awareness, the musty scent of his arousal barraging her nose and rubbing salt into her wounded pride. No one had ever treated her like that--probably because it was a human-only action, a remnant of the era before sapient beasts emerged. She and the pack expressed familial affection through cleaning each other and licking each other's cuts or wrestling, not scritching each other behind the ears or thinking anything of it when they started panting. It felt humiliating in a way, a regression of some sort, but... it felt good. Good enough that she was ever-so-careful with the piece of paper, gingerly working her claws around the folds so the delicate address didn't get mangled and shredded. Desperate for something to look at besides his face, the wolf bolted upright and glanced sourly at the clock. Too quickly to actually read it, though. "Uh... huh. I won't look forward and I likely will not trust you, but I will be there... And probably drool. From falling asleep." Blunt and desperate to get the last jab in as always.
  32. [06:53] A Buncha Dudes: "in that case... It is perhaps best we part ways until tonight." The blonde human said. He made his way to the door, and opened it for her. "I'll look forward to seeing you." And with that... Jack was left to his day. It was more of the same. Some therapy sessions, some parole-mandated some not. When he left his office, he headed straight home. The kit he'd been given had been sparse. A candle, vanilla but not overly perfumed, a few odds and ends, lube, condoms, and the like, were all that was within. But all the same he got to work. The candle was burning ten minutes before ten, and he'd taken the time to cook. It was a simple meal, but one suited to a wolf. Lean meat, cooked rare and bloody, salted and peppered just so, with apple slices on the side, those lightly roasted. Simple, but tasty. That paired with a pale ale, and he hoped it would set the mood for her. When he opened the door for her he was dressed in a pair of jeans and a red tee shirt, far more casual. His home was a loft, open, spacious, the kitchen only marked by the free-standing counter and appliances. Even his bathroom and shower were open, a stone's throw from his bed. "vishnya! So glad you're here! Please come in!" He said happily, moving aside to let the massive woman enter his home.
  33. [07:16] Vishnya: The walk from the clinic to the bad side of town was like a walk of shame, one that allowed her sufficient time to grit her teeth and scratch at her wrists over her own dilemma and finally come to a state of acceptance so she could face the pack with her same stony-faced authority and slink off to her room without getting asked too many questions. After digging for quite awhile through her meager wardrobe, she managed to scrounge up enough change for a cab and a pair of high-waisted black pants that actually covered up the encroaching white tuft of pubic hair and didn't leave bulging patches of her thighs. No suitable replacement for her old faithful leather jacket, which stayed firmly in place around her shoulders, but considering she'd be venturing into human territory she figured she might as well throw on a bra. Having been borrowed from a slightly less endowed mare staying in the room over, the fabric cut into her breasts and strained to keep them contained, but at least the driver would keep his eyes on the road if she decided to kick back and relax.
  34. When she got there, though, the confidence she'd built up in her head (with the help of her excitable genuine littermates, of course) vanished and the few steps she took felt gangly and stilted. "...Thank you," she finally managed to spit out after recalling herself. The barrage of conflicting new scents set her nose wiggling on its own and made her forget almost all of her manners. Of course, being her, she only seemed to recall a handful of them. "I can't shake the feeling this is all staged like movie. Not even animal boyfriends treated me like this." That's because they didn't have homes so much as they had decrepit ghetto buildings abandoned by the city's civil engineers, but that was beside the point.
  35. [07:24] A Buncha Dudes: Jack smiled as he let her in. "I guess... I was hoping to provide a big of romance." Jack said, and then he closed the door, and motioned at the food, which was set on a tray. "miss vishnya, I'd like it very much if you took off your clothes, take that tray to the bed, and lay down." He said. "I have an idea how to help relax you and put you at ease, and if you'd be kind enough to indulge me... Part of it is you enjoying a meal." He said, his voice soft as he spoke.
  36. [07:33] A Buncha Dudes: (sorry if slow and short. Boss in room but night almost done. Home soon. Bout a half hour I'll have to dash away a while.)
  37. [07:39] A Buncha Dudes: Back)
  38. [07:39] A Buncha Dudes: (for now)
  39. [07:43] Vishnya: Well, so much for covering up like a more decent animal. The 45 or so minutes she spent scouring the deteriorating house felt like they were for nothing, but it meant she could get out of his infernal restraint, so she slipped out of the leather jacket and hesitantly placed it on the floor adjacent to the bed. Next went her heeled boots (which revealed digitigrade paws), the three rings constricting her tail, and finally the bra (a fact she welcomed with a sigh of relief even if it meant her gray-pink nipples were now on full display, hardening in the cool air). The wolf's undressing was anything but sensual. It was purely utilitarian, a race to strip ASAP without tearing out any seams. Not even the principle of standing around in her plain black cotton panties phased her--it just felt natural wearing less. What didn't feel natural, though, was walking over to the table and picking up the tray with unsteady hands. It smelled and looked delectable for sure, but... she failed to see the purpose. Was this part of human courtship? Was she wrong for just kinda letting everyone scamper off and eat however they wanted, while courtship consisted of "lift tail, acquire children?" It perplexed her in every sense of the word, but she obeyed, eyeing him with a cautious and bewildered expression.
  40. [07:45] Vishnya: (( No problem, you've got more spine than me ahaha... speaking of work, I've got a 5 PM EST shift nowadays, so that's why I'm around in the dead of night. Well, that and I'm terrible at managing my schedule anyway. I mmmmight have to scoot for good once you head off so I can actually finish something around the house besides myself before I conk out. I'll try and be diligent about getting on once I can, though. And I'll actually save logs this time. ))
  41. [07:50] A Buncha Dudes: Jack kept his smile at an encouraging level. When she was naked, or near to it, and holding the tray, he moved with her to the bed. Once she was on her tummy, the tray and food before her, he began to strip. Jack took his time, but did not play it up. He slowly revealed his slim, athletic form. His skin was freckled along his shoulders and chest, both strong but not overly broad. When his jeans came down, first his thick blonde bush came into view... Followed by inch after inch of thick, heavy human cock! Six inches of flaccid uncut meat were soon on display for her. That thing didn't belong on a human! That done, Jack was moving behind her, and he placed one hand on the small of her back, while the other lifted... A brush. "now... Please eat and relax... While I groom you." He said before he was running the brush from the base of her neck and down her back, the bristles moving through her fur and over her skin. He repeated this motion a few times before he was speaking. "that's right.
  42. [07:50] A Buncha Dudes: .. good girl... Good girl..." He said in a soothing tone.
  43. [08:03] Vishnya: The cycle of expressions running through her face must've been a delight, her neck craned over her shoulder to watch every minute movement. Only when his plan came into full view did her expression of shock and the unconscious wagging of her tail (which had some pretty clear indents in the colossal clots of fur thanks to the restrictive accessories' vice grip being released). "What are you, Pavlooooooooovvv~?" She wanted to growl, but between the incredulous tone of voice from seeing just how endowed he really was and the foreign sensation of her matted fur getting brushed through caused her back to arch and the low voice to melt into something resembling a moan. She quickly swallowed it, though, and shook her head vigorously, shaking the bad thoughts out of her head like water from her coat. "Modern medicine is joke," the canine muttered defiantly and turned her head to the spread, trying to focus on the contents for once to distract her from the sinfully salacious sensation making her whole spinal cord reverberate. Suddenly noticing the lack of silverware but unwilling to move, Vishnya took one last deep breath and popped a carefully-selected apple slice in her mouth, chewing it slowly and carefully, trying to pick out any unnatural bitterness or strange taste... And another, for good measure. Instincts or not, she didn't feel comfortable touching the meat quite yet. Especially when those two simple words he kept murmuring were like music to the deepest parts of her subconscious, and ravenously tearing into a fat slice of steak like she would at the pack's "dinner table" didn't sound like something a good girl would do. Not that the feral curs on her street were any solid indication of a lapdog's dietary routine.
  44. [08:05] A Buncha Dudes: (and now I go. Love love!)
  45. [08:05] Vishnya: ( See you soon, hopefully! )
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