
Where it occurs in burner and radiation injury

Oct 23rd, 2014
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  1. Where it occurs in burner and radiation injury maybe forty to fifty percent metastatic at the time a diagnosis so they're very virulent champers depending on the up on where they develop and how they develop they will test diagnostic appearance they usually reddish milkywhite and opaque the usually produce some carrots ComplexiDerm and on the surface there often don't shaped indurate but they can have a craterlike a mass with the carotene plugged coetaneous horn they often are her me be shaped and on the meek oh so they can occurs red or white patches sometimes is all serrations their insight to lesions call Bowen’s disease just so you've heard this writ your pleasure Co ride as an older name given on the coastal surfaces a rhetoric to play Kia this something you'd need to all know I’m not throwing stuff at your going to get in a few minutes and explain why you all need to know this because there's an epidemic over overall cancer that's occurring they cane carried away can Thelma like not for all sir Dave so your show you some samples here print some my patients to be retrofit sun damage I mean clearly there's something wrongdoing on here again you don't have to be a doctor to realize this I don't know…
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