
The Exploding Rink #fate_ic 6/4/2020

Jun 4th, 2020
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DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 3/6
Ryusui|GM: "We're back, folks!" Holly chirps. "And the heat hasn't died down one bit as our Quick-Fire Cookoff with real extragalactic ingredients rages on!"
Vera: After Tako-San's little stunt, Vera thinks first of petty, petty revenge. However, after a moment of deliberation, cooler heads prevailed in the end.
"Yeah, I don't have time to be socking that li'l shit."
She returns to the almighty Pillar of Wimbo, now armed with several ladels, spatulas, and other long objects made of metal.
(Does coming prepared and basically having an idea of what she's doing count as CLEVER?)
Ryusui|GM: (roll it XD)
Vera: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [ ][-][+][-]]
Ryusui|GM: (good enough for a Boost, or do you want something a bit more permanent?)
Vera: (squints ... I'll keep the boost.)
Vera: And despite the extra steel-count, she only gets *A Small Tuft of Raw Wimbo* (@#$%)* yet again.
"Huh... Rampage is looking
real tempting right now."
Ryusui|GM: Zimf chuckles in a cutaway shot. "It takes a gentler touch than that!"
Vera: (Does Vera hear this?)
Ryusui|GM: (no XD)
Vera: (A'ight, just making sure.)
Ryusui|GM: Dovelia, meanwhile, has taken her cooking station, chopping up dark green leaves and bright orange tubers, creating a striking contrast in colors for her glorshhk filling.
Vera: (Actually, after Tako pulled that stunt on me, I think I'd like to compel a confessional on myself.)
Ryusui|GM: (cha-ching)
Ryusui|GM: Vera, you are
vworped into Holly's pocket dimension.
Ryusui|GM: "Oh, man, you looked
pretty steamed when that octopus stole your wimbo! Were you really thinking of saying 'screw the competition, I'm making him into sushi!'?"
Vera: "Let's just say I'll show Tako what a 'gentle touch'
ing looks like after this is done, if you catch my drift."
Vera: (I believe Holly, the Attacker, rolls first.)
Vera: (Or should I roll first?)
Vera: (<@!Ryusui|GM>?)
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Clever)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for -1 [4dF = [-][-][ ][-]]
Ryusui|GM: (thank you, i forgot)
Vera: !f 2 (AGGRESSIVE)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [-][+][-][ ]]
Vera: (I win, I guess!)
Ryusui|GM: (...i was tempted to spend a GM FATE point, but i'll let you have the win XD)
Ryusui|GM: (i realize i'm basically spending those on Dovelia anyway~)
Vera: (Doesn't Dovelia have her own pool?)
Vera: Vera's Entertaining Vendetta has certainly tickled the audience - they wanna see where this goes!
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Nope; N.P.C.))
Vera: (Greto had his own pool.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((????))
Ryusui|GM: And you warp back to reality, Vera.
Ryusui|GM: Meanwhile, Dovelia attempts to make a [Vegetable Medley Zarbo (Bitter): 5] as the centerpiece of her dish.
Ryusui|GM: !f 4 (Dovelia's Bitter + "The Salad Queen" Stunt)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+4 for 4 [4dF = [+][-][-][+]]
Ryusui|GM: (going to spend a FATE Point on her "Master of Chater Haute Cuisine" for the win)
Margen, armed with a bag of Wimbo, heads for the Lardertron*
Ryusui|GM: A little time in the oven, and she has a nice little platter of bright orange cubes mixed with dark green vegetation - a zarbo to be proud of.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San manages to scramble back to his station in time to start working on actual cooking. "Darling," he says while crawling onto the countertop, "I need the sushi ingredients ready."
"Right away." Lue-Ann replies; leaning in and giving a peck atop Tako-San's mantel before pulling out each piece of the to-be sushi rolls: the octo-meat, the rice, left over seaweed from the previous episode; and holding each up over her head so the cameras can get a Good (+3) look at each, then set them on the counter using long arcing motions with her fully body.
((Flashily Create an Advantage against Average (+1) difficulty to place Pre-Prep'd Sushi Parts))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [ ][+][-][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: (and that's a success, know we're making Glorshhk here, right?)
Vera: (Sushi can be Zarbo, methinks.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((^))
Vera: (Describe your victory.)
Vera: (Or would moving the last sentence or so to after the roll suffice?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((It would, which is why I'm still hung up on why you've given me the advice of both "Having part of the narration require going after the roll is Poor (-1) writing." and "You must have post roll narration."))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Seems self-contradictory.))
Vera: (The problem is that you're insisting on one or the other exclusively, when the actual correct answer is "both.")
Ryusui|GM: (<@!Margen>, what U up 2?)
Margen: He starts punching up light wavelength parameters instead of flavors. He's going to (Careful)ly go where no Glurrid has gone before, and attempt to synthesize something remotely like the out-of-this-world flavor he tasted, but from more local sources.
Margen: !f 3 (careful)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [-][-][ ][+]]
Margen: (I'm not actually sure what he'd get 🤔)
Vera: (Trying to produce another (@#$%) aspect? Keep in mind that this stuff has to go into the plating; I hope you're prepared to make its main dish big enough for a plating that's worth the boosts.)
Margen: (it's what the filling tasted like, too, if I remember correctly)
Vera: (No, that's just the Wimbo.)
Margen: (Wuh-oh I think I made a tactical error)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((The filling and bowl can be anything; the Wimbo is the only consistent factor.))
Ryusui|GM: (remember also you can't use the same flavor twice in the same dish)
Margen: (wait I just realized I got hit with Wimbo flavor but I was actually trying to sample the filling)
Ryusui|GM: (you could use this to boost your wimbo game further, though)
Vera: (Sampling the filling wouldn't have told you anything meaningful?)
Margen: >>> Margen takes a disposable taster and scoops a nibble ofthe filling.
(What should I roll, Careful?)
Ryusui|GM: (well, you didn't have access to the Glorshhk sample, so I assumed you meant the Raw Wimbo)
Ryusui|GM: (they're not gonna let you literally eat part of the example dish XD)
Margen: (ah ok that works, I will use this to up the Wimbo 👍 )
Vera: (Someone please describe what ingredient he ended up making?)
Ryusui|GM: The Lardertron audibly creaks as it tries to provide something that matches your description. After a while, it spits out a large spongy pod, like a pale brown soccer ball full of holes. The Lardertron doesn't have a real name for it, only "[Biological Sample 6Q7Z] (@#$%)[!]", and some notes about the hostile exoplanet it was recovered from. This is the closest thing this galaxy has to the taste of wimbo.
Margen: (excellent)
Margen: "excellent"
Vera: (I believe that's everyone?)
Vera: (<@!Ryusui|GM>? Exchange...?)
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 4/6
Ryusui|GM: Dovelia sets to work sauteeing her giant mushroom and hollowing it out into an enormous edible bowl.
Ryusui|GM: (Attempting to make [Stardust Shiitake Holbo (Savory): 5])
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Savory)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 4 [4dF = [-][+][+][+]]
Ryusui|GM: (HA! And I invoke the mushroom ftw~)
Margen: Margen escorts his Wimbo and xenobiotic matter to to his station with the care of an epidemiologist handling a live sample after reading some of the freakier things about the world where it was found.
Ryusui|GM: She smirks as her preparations come together beautifully. She looks at her Raw Wimbo, and ideas come to mind...
Vera: "Okay, gotta make up for lost time. Think..." Vera, cradling her Wimbo away from thieving glances glances over at what Dovelia's done with her vegetables, then down at her own plan. "That's right; just 'cause we think of the stuff in the bowl as the 'star' of the dish rather than the bowl itself, doesn't mean it's a safe assumption for the guys across the astral pond... Which is why I'm going to start with a Overgrown Boneyard Weave Holbo - BITTER:6 as the main course. This is gonna use multiple states of veggie-cooking; sautéed, grill-charred, raw, basically the works."
Vera: !f 3 (BITTER)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][ ][ ][ ]]
Vera: (Gonna use one invoke on the Glorshhk plan for the win.)
Vera: She brings together a bunch of vegetables - lettuce for padding, fresh string peas for vines, charred white bell pepper slices for the appearance of discarded bones, weaved with pan-cooked rhubarb and beet.
Ryusui|GM: Dovelia gives a glance over at Vera's station. At first a look of puzzlement crosses her face, then a grin. Her mind goes back to her own first showing, the majestic "salad sculpture" she'd made out of vegetable "bricks" mortared with dressing.
Ryusui|GM: (<@!Margen>, <@!;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾>?)
Margen: (Sorry, I'm considering my next action.)
Ryusui|GM: (both of you had better nail your next three actions XD)
Margen: (not really sure where to start on the filling)
Ryusui|GM: (pick a flavor, pick a food of that flavor that can be chopped into chunks)
Margen: (thanks)
Ryusui|GM: (visual interest is also a component)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((I have a nasty headache; I think this'll be my last exchange tonight.))
Ryusui|GM: (mmmkay)
Margen: (hmm. Spicy things, spicy things...
Which are breads usually again?)
Margen: (cool?)
Ryusui|GM: (breads are cool)
Margen: (Thanks)
Vera: (What about spiced breads?)
Vera: (Like, use them as a carrier for the flavor you want to use?)
Margen: (I was thinking spicy croutons)
Vera: (Bread works that way, too; soakers of flavor l i q u i d.)
Ryusui|GM: (i'll totes allow it)
Ryusui|GM: (just remember it'll be a SPICY roll if you want spicy croutons)
Vera: (So like, spiced French toast cubes? (Egg soak is saucy, right? XD))
Margen: (Yeah, Margen's going to make some Spicy Soup-Blocks to go in a special bread bowl)
Vera: (Name a target.)
Ryusui|GM: ( ^^^ )
Margen: (oh right)
Ryusui|GM: (you need to tell us the value you're shooting for)
Margen: (Spicy: 3)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San does some of his standard juggling of the ingredients as he place them onto hinged planks of wood that fold up into little boxes, allowing for cubic, instead of cylindrical, sushi "rolls".
((Create an Advantage to place the main dish aspect Tako Sushi Zarbo Cool: 8.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [+][+][+][-]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Invoking the prep aspect twice.))
Margen: (Actually I think I want this to be Spicy 5, and I'm probably going to use my Olfactory Orchestra if it doesn't work out)
Margen: !f 2 (spicy)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [ ][+][-][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: (you can't use your stunt with this)
Ryusui|GM: (this is a MAIN aspect)
Ryusui|GM: (your stunt applies only to side and plating aspects)
Ryusui|GM: (that said, you have three FATE Points)
Margen: (oh dang then I really need to reroll that :v)
Ryusui|GM: (well)
Ryusui|GM: (you can invoke something once for the reroll)
Ryusui|GM: (or if you have two aspects you can invoke, you can get a +4 for the win)
Vera: (Reroll odds don't look too good, though.)
Ryusui|GM: (but you can't invoke the same aspect twice)
Ryusui|GM: (yeah, you're shooting high here)
Ryusui|GM: (a reroll is not in your favor)
Vera: (Most surefire thing would be to find two aspects to boost with.)
Vera: (Unless you want, to, risk, it, all!)
Margen: (I have [Master of the Culinary Dark Arts] and [an Amusing Performance]
But I'm not sure when I can use those)
Ryusui|GM: (those are Popularity Aspects)
Margen: (Ok so those are no-go)
Vera: (And from previous episodes...?)
Vera: (You do realize those clear at the end of the episode, right?)
Ryusui|GM: (yeah they shouldn't even be on your sheet)
Margen: (Mm, I should mark those off, whup)
Ryusui|GM: (anyways, I'll allow invokes on Glurrid Sauceror and Cooks Like Nobody's Watching)
Ryusui|GM: (which will take you down to 1 FP but give you the win)
Margen: (this works)
Margen mutters something to himself about not enough zork, and dumps the batch into a new, more appropriate pot.
Margen: It simmers away satisfactorily.
Ryusui|GM: Your croutons soak up the flavors and smells. You have a magnificent zarbo for your glorshhk.
Margen: (excellent)
Ryusui|GM: (<@!;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾>, you still wanna call it for the night?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Yeah.))
Ryusui|GM: (anyone want to make last lines for the session, <@&627978553669058562>?)
Margen: "Whew, that batch almost turned!"
Ryusui|GM: "Don't go away, folks!" Holly says with a wink. "We'll be right back after these messages!"
Ryusui|GM: !end

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