

Oct 8th, 2017
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  1. SVD:
  2. Item_Information:
  3. Item_Name: &f[&6SR&f]&7SVD
  4. Item_Type: 292
  5. Item_Lore: &7通称・ドラグノフ狙撃銃|&7ソビエト連邦が開発した|&7セミ―オート式狙撃銃である|&8攻撃力: 7|&8弾速: 50|&8有効射程距離: 20B|&8連射速度: 20
  6. Shooting:
  7. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  8. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  9. Recoil_Amount: 1
  10. Projectile_Amount: 1
  11. Projectile_Type: snowball
  12. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  13. Projectile_Speed: 50
  14. Bullet_Spread: 3
  15. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK
  16. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  17. Enchantment_To_Check: DAMAGE_UNDEAD-3
  18. Reload:
  19. Enable: true
  20. Reload_Amount: 10
  21. Reload_Duration: 30
  22. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: BLOCK_IRON_DOOR_OPEN
  23. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  24. Scope:
  25. Enable: true
  26. Zoom_Amount: 3
  27. Zoom_Bullet_Spread: 1
  28. Sounds_Toggle_Zoom: BLOCK_PISTON_CONTRACT
  29. Headshot:
  30. Enable: true
  31. Bonus_Damage: 3
  32. Sounds_Shooter: Sounds_Shooter
  33. Message_Shooter: &bHeadShot
  34. Abilities: Knockback: 1
  35. No_Vertical_Recoil: true
  36. primary_weapons:
  37. Limit: 1
  38. Message_Exceeded: "&eメイン武器を2つ以上ホットバーに所持することは許されません!"
  39. Sounds_Exceeded: LAVA_POP-1-1-0
  40. Ammo:
  41. Enable: true
  42. Ammo_Item_ID: 361
  43. Ammo_Name_Check: &e7.62mm口径弾
  44. Custom_Death_Message:
  45. Normal: &e<shooter> &8==▄︻┻┳═一=⇒ &c<victim>
  46. HeadShot: &e<shooter> &8==&4HeadShot&8=⇒ &c<victim>
  48. AK-47:
  49. Item_Information:
  50. Item_Name: &f[&cAR&f]&7AK-47
  51. Item_Type: 257
  52. Item_Lore: &7ソビエト連邦が開発した|&7自動小銃である|&8攻撃力: 6|&8弾速: 40|&8有効射程距離: 10B|&8連射速度: 5
  53. Shooting:
  54. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  55. Delay_Between_Shots: 5
  56. Recoil_Amount: 1
  57. Projectile_Amount: 3
  58. Projectile_Type: snowball
  59. Projectile_Speed: 40
  60. Bullet_Spread: 5
  61. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE
  62. Enchantment_To_Check: DAMAGE_UNDEAD-3
  63. Reload:
  64. Enable: true
  65. Reload_Amount: 30
  66. Reload_Duration: 20
  67. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: BLOCK_IRON_DOOR_OPEN
  68. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  69. Scope:
  70. Enable: true
  71. Zoom_Amount: 2
  72. Zoom_Bullet_Spread: 3
  73. Headshot:
  74. Enable: true
  75. Bonus_Damage: 2
  76. Sounds_Shooter: Sounds_Shooter
  77. Message_Shooter: &bHeadShot
  78. Ammo:
  79. Enable: true
  80. Ammo_Item_ID: 361
  81. Ammo_Name_Check: &e7.62mm口径弾
  82. Custom_Death_Message:
  83. Normal: &e<shooter> &8==▄︻┻┳═一=⇒ &c<victim>
  84. HeadShot: &e<shooter> &8==&4HeadShot&8=⇒ &c<victim>
  85. primary_weapons:
  86. Limit: 1
  87. Message_Exceeded: "&eメイン武器を2つ以上ホットバーに所持することは許されません!"
  88. Sounds_Exceeded: LAVA_POP-1-1-0
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