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Oct 24th, 2018
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. import requests
  3. import json
  4. import git
  5. import argparse
  6. from git import Git
  8. username = 'almamgr'
  9. password = 'c0blmf!'
  10. host_bb = ''
  11. host_jira = ''
  13. class NotFoundException(Exception):
  14. pass
  16. def get_open_pull_requests(project='ALMA', repo='almasw'):
  17. url = host_bb + 'rest/api/1.0/projects/' + project + '/repos/' + repo + '/pull-requests'
  18. params = {'state': 'OPEN', 'order': 'OLDEST', 'limit': 1000}
  19. r = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=(username, password))
  20. if r.status_code != 200:
  21. print r.text
  22. return False
  23. from StringIO import StringIO
  24. io = StringIO(r.text)
  25. return json.load(io)
  28. def get_ictjira_ticket_associated(pull_request_id=None, project='ALMA', repo='almasw'):
  29. if pull_request_id is None:
  30. raise Exception("pull_request_id could not be None")
  31. url = host_bb + 'rest/jira/1.0/projects/' + project + '/repos/' + repo + '/pull-requests/' + pull_request_id + '/issues'
  32. r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password))
  33. if r.status_code != 200:
  34. print r.text
  35. raise Exception(r.text)
  36. from StringIO import StringIO
  37. io = StringIO(r.text)
  38. return json.load(io)
  41. def get_jira_data(ticket_id=None):
  42. if ticket_id is None:
  43. raise Exception("ticket_id could not be None")
  44. url = host_jira + 'rest/api/latest/issue/' + ticket_id
  45. print url
  46. r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password))
  47. if not (("ICT-" in r.text) or ("SCCB-" in r.text)):
  48. return False
  49. if r.status_code == 404:
  50. raise NotFoundException(url)
  51. if r.status_code != 200:
  52. print r.text
  53. raise Exception(str(r.status_code) + ' ' + r.text)
  54. from StringIO import StringIO
  55. io = StringIO(r.text)
  56. return json.load(io)
  59. def get_pull_requests_to_merge():
  60. pull_requests = get_open_pull_requests()
  61. ret_val = {}
  62. for pr in pull_requests['values']:
  63. if pr['properties'].has_key('mergeResult'):
  64. print pr['id'], pr['properties']['mergeResult']['outcome'], pr['fromRef']['displayId']
  65. else:
  66. print pr['id'], pr['fromRef']['displayId']
  67. if pr['toRef']['displayId'] != 'master':
  68. continue
  69. ret_val[pr['id']] = {}
  70. ret_val[pr['id']]['branch'] = pr['fromRef']['displayId']
  71. ret_val[pr['id']]['fixVersion'] = []
  72. for ticket_id in get_ictjira_ticket_associated(str(pr['id'])):
  73. try:
  74. jira_info = get_jira_data(ticket_id['key'])
  75. except NotFoundException as ex:
  76. print 'No info found for', ex
  77. try:
  78. if ticket_id['key'].startswith('ICT'):
  79. print jira_info['fields']['fixVersions'][0]['name'], jira_info['fields']['status']['name']
  80. ret_val[pr['id']]['fixVersion'].append(jira_info['fields']['fixVersions'][0]['name'])
  81. elif ticket_id['key'].startswith('SCCB'):
  82. try:
  83. print jira_info['fields']['customfield_10500'][0]['name'], jira_info['fields']['status']['name']
  84. ret_val[pr['id']]['fixVersion'].append(jira_info['fields']['customfield_10500'][0]['name'])
  85. except TypeError:
  86. print 'Ignoring', ticket_id['key'], 'given branch is null.'
  87. except IndexError:
  88. print "No info for", ticket_id['key']
  89. print "-------------------------------------------"
  90. return ret_val
  93. def init():
  94. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check for pull requests in bitbucket and merge the '
  95. 'branches to a given branch locally.')
  96. parser.add_argument('repo_path', help='The git repo path to use.', type=str)
  97. parser.add_argument('dest_branch', help='The destination branch on which the merge will be done.', type=str)
  98. parser.add_argument('fix_version', help='fixVersion reported in associated jira tickets to check.')
  100. return parser.parse_args()
  103. def main():
  104. args = init()
  105. repo = git.Repo(args.repo_path)
  106. origin = repo.remotes['origin']
  107. origin.fetch()
  109. master = repo.branches.master
  110. master.checkout()
  111. origin.pull()
  113. try:
  114. new_branch = repo.create_head(args.dest_branch, master)
  115. new_branch.checkout()
  116. except OSError:
  117. new_branch = repo.branches[args.dest_branch]
  118. new_branch.checkout()
  119. try:
  120. origin.pull()
  121. except git.exc.GitCommandError:
  122. pass # Nothing to do, branch is not at upstream
  124. branches_dict = get_pull_requests_to_merge()
  125. g = Git(args.repo_path)
  126. g.merge('master')
  127. for b in branches_dict:
  128. merging = False
  129. if branches_dict[b].has_key('fixVersion'):
  130. for branch in branches_dict[b]['fixVersion']:
  131. if branch == args.fix_version:
  132. merging = True
  133. print 'Merging origin/' + branches_dict[b]['branch']
  134. g.merge('origin/' + branches_dict[b]['branch'])
  135. break
  136. if not merging:
  137. if branches_dict[b].has_key('fixVersion'):
  138. print 'Ignoring pull request', branches_dict[b]['branch'], 'given fix version is not',\
  139. args.fix_version, ':', branches_dict[b]['fixVersion']
  140. else:
  141. print 'Ignoring pull request', branches_dict[b]['branch'], 'given fix version is None'
  143. print 'The merge seems to be ok. You are ready to push the branch'
  146. main()
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