
Josephines Bio

Jun 26th, 2012
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  1. Name: Josephine Elizabeth March
  2. Age: 23
  3. Gender: Female
  4. Height: 5'09
  5. Weight: 120
  6. Hair color: Coco Brown
  7. Eye color: Chestnut Brown
  8. Race: Human
  9. Birthday: October 31
  11. Appearance:
  12. Josephine heart shape face is framed by her shoulder length brown hair . Her eyes are a light coco brown. Her skin is a soft cream color and. Her body type while curvy shows signs of one to many missed meal. She has a average bust and stands around your average height. In the classroom Josephine often wears a navy blue pencil skirt with a white button up blouse and matching navy blue jacket. White stocking and black low heel shoes complete this look. Her brown hair is often tied back in a bun that hangs just the collar. Out of the classroom the outfits of her choose or clothing will vary depending on season and the chore. During the warm summer and late spring months she will often wear a nice light dress with sandals These are replaced by somewhat warmer clothing such as a jackets and heaver skirts during the late fall and winter months.
  14. History:
  15. Josephine was born to a average middle class family in Kedalgrove. Her father own a local dry good store and her mother worked as a nurse for the local clinic. It was her mother enrolling her in girl scouts that helped her discover her love for teaching others. And her role as a natural leader. She was often the group leader for badge work and often she the ones other girls would come to if they where having trouble with something. This love will helping others will carry on to high school. Two things changed her freshman year she was enrolled in the JROTC Program (Junior Reserve Officer Training Core) and she caught glimpse of the boy whom will become her future boss and her scholar rival. She tacked JROTC and her coursework like she had tacked her badge work in girl scouts. Setting her goals high and setting up a plan to reach those goals. Though there a small road bump on her road to becoming valedictorian of her class and that was James Faust. The two waged something of a grade war. Or they did in her mind, there was a possibility that never noticed it or not. Her Senior year like her freshman year brought change to her life. About this time she knew she wanted to be a teacher that she wanted to leave the island of Erehwon behind. So she set her sights on Boston. The grand City of America. Her time Boston was a hard time. Half way through her degree work she lost her scholarship for poor grades and was forced to take a side job to pay for her book and room. Her meals became few and far between as she made the unwise choice of putting books before food. But through her own hard work and several nice letter from home she finally gradated with her degree in History. Once her degree was in hand a sudden powerful feeling to see her home town came over her. So she used what little money she had to catch a flight to Erehwon. Once she touched down in Kedalgrove she then went job hunting. Once more it seemed luck turned her face on her for every school was fully staffed. Her degree was almost useless. What followed was several months of filling coffee mugs and busting tables at the local greasy spoons. Till one day she ran across a added for a live in tutor at foster home. A quick goggle search came up with a link and a email address. She shot them a email and was granted a interview, the interview went well so now she getting ready to move in.
  18. Personality:
  19. Josephine is a child at heart. She loves to be around children. Her time in JROTC and Girl scouts taught her that every person in your group is that a person, there not just a name or a rank. Its safe to say she will see the children in the house much the same way not as lost souls but as children. She will try her best to connect with them on a personal level and gain a understanding of there daily life’s and struggles. In group projects she will give each members rolls and positions in the group team. But when she sick or tired she can become something of a brat. As in she will cross her arms and stomp her feet and sit on the floor and pout. Hopefully she will soon learn this type of behavior will not be tolerated from a adult.
  21. School:
  22. Highs School Diploma ; Kedalgrove High school
  23. Bachelor of Arts; Boston Collage
  25. Interests/Hobbies:
  27. Miscellaneous:
  28. 1) Josephine has a special Teachers Paddle. The paddle hangs on a hook that below her framed diploma and degree and game show certificated. The paddle is about as thick as six united states penny’s put together and in width about as two hand spans. In length its long enough to cover both bottom cheeks. The surface of the paddle has been sanded smooth. Air holes dot the surface of surface of the paddle to give it a little ‘bite’
  29. 2) Josephine consider herself a Jack of all trades and master of none.
  30. 3) Beside her diploma and her degree there sit’s a brightly colored framed certificated. The certificated holds no scholar value but does say she was one of lucky or unlucky ones to be slimed on the game show Win, Lose or Draw.
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