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- os.loadAPI("/tcg/fw")
- cards = {fw.newCard("", "", "noimage")}
- selectedCard = 1
- function paintimage(card, path, imagebackgroundcolor)
- if imagebackgroundcolor then
- local file ="/tcg/cards/images/"..path, "w")
- if file then
- local c = imagebackgroundcolor
- for i = 1, fw.imageH do
- local line = ""
- for q = 1, fw.imageW do
- line = line..c
- end
- file:write(string.sub(line, 1, fw.imageW).."\n")
- end
- file:close()
- end
- end
-"paint", "/tcg/cards/images/"..path)
- card.image = path
- return card
- end
- function editfunc(name)
- if not fs.exists("/tcg/cards/scripts/" then
- local file ="/tcg/cards/scripts/", "w")
- if file then
- file:write("--[[\n")
- file:write("\"action\" is fired when the card is put down on a deck\n")
- file:write("arguments:\n")
- file:write("1: the card table\n")
- file:write("2: deck on which the card was played\n")
- file:write("3: the game table, contains the deck tables\n")
- file:write("\n")
- file:write("\"update\" is fired when the card is updated\n")
- file:write("arguments:\n")
- file:write("1: the card table\n")
- file:write("2: event\n")
- file:write("3: event var 1\n")
- file:write("4: event var 2\n")
- file:write("5: event var 3\n")
- file:write("6: the game table, contains the deck tables\n")
- file:write("]]")
- file:write("\n")
- file:write("function action(self, deck, game)\n")
- file:write("end\n")
- file:write("\n")
- file:write("function update(self, event, var1, var2, var3, game)\n")
- file:write("end\n")
- file:close()
- end
- end
-"edit", "/tcg/cards/scripts/"
- end
- function delcard()
- if #cards>1 then
- table.remove(cards, selectedCard)
- if not cards[selectedCard] then
- if cards[selectedCard+1] then
- selectedCard = selectedCard+1
- else
- selectedCard = selectedCard-1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function loadCard()
- input = fw.text(
- "filename",
- function(name)
- local loaded = fw.loadCard("/saves/"
- if loaded then cards[selectedCard] = loaded end
- end
- )
- end
- function copycard()
- local card = cards[selectedCard]
- table.insert(
- cards,
- fw.newCard(
- card.title,
- card.description,
- card.image
- )
- )
- selectedCard = #cards
- end
- function newcard()
- cards[#cards+1] = fw.newCard("", "", "noimage")
- selectedCard=#cards
- end
- function initelements()
- elements = {
- title = fw.button(
- fw.cardX+1, fw.cardY+1, fw.cardW-2, 1, "title",
- "blue", "blue",
- change.title,
- true
- ),
- description = fw.button(
- fw.cardX+1, fw.cardY+fw.cardH-4, fw.imageW, 3, "description",
- "blue", "blue",
- change.description,
- true
- ),
- image = fw.button(
- fw.cardX+1, fw.cardY+3, fw.imageW, fw.imageH, "image",
- "blue", "blue",
- change.image,
- true
- ),
- newimage = fw.button(
- fw.cardX+1, fw.cardY+3, fw.imageW, fw.imageH, "paint",
- "blue", "blue",
- change.newimage,
- true,
- 2
- ),
- save = fw.button(
- 11, fw.winH-2, nil, 2, "save card",
- "green", "lime",
- function()
- fw.saveCard(card, "saves/"..card.title)
- end
- ),
- savedeck = fw.button(
- 11, fw.winH, nil, 1, "save deck",
- "lime", "green",
- function()
- input = fw.text(
- "filename",
- function(name)
- fw.saveCard(cards, "packs/"
- end
- )
- end
- ),
- load = fw.button(
- 1, fw.winH-2, 9, 1, "load card",
- "blue", "lightBlue",
- loadCard
- ),
- loaddeck = fw.button(
- 1, fw.winH-1, 9, 1, "load deck",
- "lightBlue", "blue",
- function()
- input = fw.text(
- "filename",
- function(name)
- loaded = fw.loadCard("packs/"
- if loaded then cards = loaded end
- selectedCard = math.ceil(#cards/2)
- end
- )
- end
- ),
- whatload = fw.button(
- 1, fw.winH, 9, 1, "cards",
- "cyan", "blue",
- function()
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.clear()
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(1, 1, fw.winW, 3, colors.cyan)
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(1, fw.winH-3, fw.winW, fw.winH, colors.cyan)
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 2)
- textutils.slowWrite("These Cards are aviable to be loaded in the editor:", 220)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 6)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- textutils.pagedTabulate(fs.list("/tcg/cards/saves"))
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setCursorPos(1, fw.winH-1)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.cyan)
- print("Press any key to get back to the editor!")
- os.pullEvent("key")
- end
- ),
- delete = fw.button(
- 23, fw.winH-2, 8, 2, "delete",
- "red", "orange",
- delcard
- ),
- deletesave = fw.button(
- 23, fw.winH, 8, 1, "delsave",
- "orange", "yellow",
- function()
- input = fw.text(
- "cardname",
- function(name)
- input2 = fw.text(
- "delete""?!",
- function(name)
- if name == "yes" or name=="y" or name == "Yes" or name == "ja" then
- fs.delete("/tcg/cards/saves/"
- end
- end
- )
- end
- )
- input = input2
- end
- ),
- new = fw.button(
- 32, fw.winH-2, 5, 2, "new",
- "gray", "lightGray",
- newcard
- ),
- copy = fw.button(
- 32, fw.winH, 5, 1, "copy",
- "lightGray", "gray",
- function()
- cards[#cards+1] = fw.newCard("", "", "noimage")
- selectedCard=#cards
- end
- ),
- exit = fw.button(
- 38, fw.winH-2, nil, 3, "exit",
- "yellow", "orange",
- function()
- os.unloadAPI(fw)
- fw.exit()
- end
- ),
- script = fw.button(
- 45, fw.winH-2, nil, 3, "script",
- "white", "lightGray",
- function()
- if not card.script then
- input = fw.text(
- "filename",
- function(name)
- card.script = name
- editfunc(name)
- end
- )
- else
- editfunc(card.script)
- end
- end
- ),
- right = fw.button(
- fw.cardX+fw.cardW+1, fw.cardY, fw.sideCards*fw.cardW, 12, ">",
- "blue", "blue",
- function()
- if cards[selectedCard+1] then
- selectedCard = selectedCard+1
- end
- end,
- true
- ),
- left = fw.button(
- fw.cardX-fw.sideCards*fw.cardW-fw.cardW+5, fw.cardY, fw.sideCards*fw.cardW+5, 12, "<",
- "blue", "blue",
- function()
- if cards[selectedCard-1] then
- selectedCard = selectedCard-1
- end
- end,
- true
- ),
- help = fw.button(
- fw.winW-1, 2, 2, 2, "??",
- "green", "lime",
- function()
- if fs.exists("/tcg/editor/manual") then
- local id = multishell.launch({}, "/tcg/editor/manual")
- multishell.setFocus(id)
- end
- end
- )
- }
- end
- change = {
- title = function()
- input = fw.text(
- "insert title",
- function(name)
- card.title = name
- end,
- card.title
- )
- end,
- description = function()
- input = fw.text(
- "insert description",
- function(name)
- card.description = name
- end,
- card.description
- )
- end,
- image = function()
- input = fw.text(
- "insert filename",
- function(name)
- if fs.exists("/tcg/cards/images/" and #name>0 then
- card.image = name
- cardimage = paintutils.loadImage(card.image)
- end
- end,
- card.image
- )
- end,
- newimage = function(name)
- if card.image == "noimage" then
- input = fw.text(
- "image name",
- function(name)
- paintpath = name
- if #paintpath>0 then
- if fs.exists("/tcg/cards/images/"..paintpath) then
- card = paintimage(card, paintpath)
- else
- input2 = fw.text(
- "color code",
- function(col)
- card = paintimage(card, paintpath, col)
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- )
- else
- paintimage(card, card.image)
- end
- end
- }
- while true do
- --draw stuff
- fw.winW, fw.winH = term.getSize()
- initelements()
- local textinput = {inp = input, inp2 = input2}
- card = cards[selectedCard]
- fw.draw(elements, "black")
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- paintutils.drawLine(1, 1, fw.winW, 1)
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Editing '"..card.title.."', card number: "..selectedCard)
- for i = -4, 0 do
- if cards[selectedCard+i] then
- fw.drawCard(fw.cardX+5*i, fw.cardY-1*i/2, cards[selectedCard+i])
- end
- end
- for i = -4, 0 do
- if cards[selectedCard-i] then
- fw.drawCard(fw.cardX-5*i, fw.cardY-1*i/2, cards[selectedCard-i])
- end
- end
- fw.drawCard(fw.cardX, fw.cardY, card)
- term.setCursorPos(fw.winW-15, 1)
- term.blit("0123456789abcdef", "8ea91da87b297517", "0123456789abcdef")
- fw.draw(textinput)
- --update fw
- local event, var1, var2, var3 = os.pullEventRaw()
- if event == "key" and input.title == "" then
- if var1 == keys.right then
- if selectedCard~=#cards then selectedCard=selectedCard+1 end
- elseif var1 == keys.left then
- if selectedCard~=1 then selectedCard=selectedCard-1 end
- elseif var1 == keys.up then
- change.title()
- elseif var1 == keys.down then
- change.description()
- elseif var1 == keys.s then
- fw.saveCard(card, "saves/"..card.title)
- elseif var1 == keys.backspace or var1 == keys.d or var1 == keys.delete then
- delcard()
- elseif var1 == keys.c then
- copycard()
- elseif var1 == keys.l then
- loadCard()
- elseif var1 == keys.e then
- fw.exit()
- elseif var1 == keys.n then
- newcard()
- end
- end
- fw.update(textinput, event, var1, var2, var3)
- fw.update(elements, event, var1, var2, var3)
- if not textinput.inp then
- input = fw.button(1, 1, 1, 1, "", nil, nil, nil, true)
- end
- if not textinput.inp2 then
- input2 = fw.button(1, 1, 1, 1, "", nil, nil, nil, true)
- end
- end
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