
Example Simple Goal List

Mar 26th, 2018
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  1. Use no X items
  2. No potions of any kind in battle
  3. Use no TMs
  4. Only Poke balls or Great balls
  5. Use no Repels
  6. Do not white out
  7. Master ball
  8. Lucky egg
  9. Any pokemon with the ability Speed Boost
  10. Any pokemon with the ability Drought
  11. Any pokemon with the ability Trace
  12. Any pokemon with the ability Pressure
  13. Any pokemon with the ability Drizzle
  14. Any pokemon with the ability Rough Skin
  15. Any pokemon with Careful Nature
  16. Any pokemon with Quiet Nature
  17. Any pokemon with Lonely Nature
  18. Any pokemon with Impish Nature
  19. Any pokemon with Serious Nature
  20. Any pokemon with Hasty Nature
  21. Any pokemon with Timid Nature
  22. Any pokemon with Quirky Nature
  23. Any pokemon with Brave Nature
  24. Any pokemon with Docile Nature
  25. Pokemon with a multi-hit move
  26. Hit a OHKO move
  27. Pokemon with 4 water moves
  28. Pokemon with 4 grass moves
  29. Pokemon with 4 fire moves
  30. Pokemon with 4 poison moves
  31. Pokemon with 4 electric moves
  32. Pokemon with 4 psychic moves
  33. Pokemon with 4 steel moves
  34. Pokemon with 1 fire, 1 water, 1 grass, and 1 electric move
  35. Pokemon with a recharge move
  36. Pokemon with a turn charging move
  37. Pokemon with a weather move
  38. Pokemon with a consecutively executed move
  39. Pokemon with a multi hit move
  40. Pokemon with a self healing move
  41. Pokemon with 4 non-damage dealing moves
  42. Pokemon with 4 non-normal moves
  43. Pokemon with 4 damage dealing moves
  44. Pokemon with 4 normal moves
  45. Pokemon with 4 STAB moves
  46. Pokemon with Tackle
  47. Pokemon with Sacred Fire
  48. Pokemon with Doom Desire
  49. 3 Pokemon over 200 lbs (90.75 kg)
  50. 3 Pokemon under 5 lbs (2.25 kg)
  51. Pokemon with a 5 pp move
  52. Obtain the Pokenav
  53. Deliver the letter to Steven
  54. Win 6 soda pops
  55. TM 46
  56. Leave 2 pokemon at the daycare
  57. 3 Badges
  58. Obtain a Macho Brace
  59. Buy a lava cookie
  60. Watch your interview on TV
  61. TM 05
  62. Hoenn dex 10 owned
  63. National dex 20 owned
  64. Battle 50 trainers
  65. View a replica SS Anne
  66. Complete level 1 of Trick Master
  67. Evolve a pokemon at level 30 or higher
  68. Defeat a trainer in a Pokenav rematch
  69. Defeat Wally
  70. Finish inside your house
  71. Defeat all 10 trainers on Route 116
  72. Defeat all 7 trainers in Dewford Gym
  73. Defeat all 9 trainers on route 117
  74. Defeat all 4 trainers on route 112
  75. Change wallpaper of a PC box
  76. Defeat 4 bug catchers
  77. Restore your party's health outside of a Pokemon Center
  78. Catch a pokemon in very tall grass
  79. Get a berry from the Berry Master's wife
  80. $50,000 or more
  81. Wailmer Pail
  82. Itemfinder
  83. Soot Sack
  84. Go-Goggles
  85. Escape from battle with a Fluffy Tail
  86. Release starter before level 10
  87. Register MOM in the Pokenav
  88. Register Profesor Birch in the Pokenav
  89. Amulet Coin
  90. Plant 5 berries
  91. Defeat 7 youngsters
  92. Defeat 2 Ladys
  93. Defeat 2 Rich Boys
  94. Defeat 3 Twins
  95. Defeat 8 Hikers
  96. Defeat 3 Pokefans
  97. Defeat 6 Guitarists
  98. Defeat 3 Aroma Ladys
  99. Stop a Pokemon from evolving
  100. Pokemon with 4 HM moves
  101. Defeat every trainer in each gym you enter
  102. Teach 3 gym leader TMs
  103. Register 10 people in the Pokenav
  104. 5 double battles
  105. 50 berries in bag
  106. 3 match win streak at battle tent
  107. Complete level 2 of Trick Master
  108. Defeat Rival 3 times
  109. Use itemfinder to find a hidden item
  110. HM06 Rock Smash
  111. 3 HMs
  112. Defeat all 6 Cycling Road trainers
  113. Coin case
  114. Win on the slot machines
  115. Win a spin of roulette
  116. Collect an egg from the daycare
  117. Talk to 6 overworld pokemon
  118. 4 HMs
  119. Have Lanette name the PC storage system
  120. Perform a trick on a Mach Bike
  121. Perform a trick on a Acro Bike
  122. Craft any item at the Glass Workshop
  123. Defeat 4 trainers at the Winstrate house
  124. Defeat Maxie
  125. 4 Badges
  126. Catch a Pokemon while surfing
  127. Hoenn dex 100 seen
  128. National dex 200 seen
  129. Hoenn dex 15 owned
  130. National dex 25 owned
  131. 3 pokemon at or above Lv 40
  132. 5 pokemon at or above Lv 35
  133. 6 pokemon at or above Lv 30
  134. Battle 75 trainers
  135. Complete level 3 of Trick Master
  136. 10 different berries
  137. 8 key items
  138. 5 types of Poke balls
  139. 15 TMs
  140. Catch a Pokemon while surfing
  141. Catch a Pokemon by fishing
  142. Defeat all 9 trainers on route 103
  143. Defeat all 10 non-desert trainers on route 111
  144. Defeat all 8 desert trainers on route 111
  145. Defeat all 10 trainers on route 113
  146. Defeat all 10 trainers on route 115
  147. Defeat all 9 trainers (including Magma) on Mt. Chimney
  148. Defeat all 6 trainers (including Magma) on Jagged Pass
  149. Catch a Pokemon in Mirage Tower
  150. Revive a fossil
  151. Fill a PC box
  152. Have the Move Reminder/Maniac reteach a move
  153. Defeat all 12 trainers on route 114
  154. Defeat all 8 trainers in the Petalburg Gym
  155. HM 02
  156. Catch 5 pokemon in the Safari Zone
  157. Delete a move
  158. $75,000 or more
  159. 2 fishing rods
  160. Use HP Up, Protein, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, and Carbos
  161. Own 10 different Poison type Pokemon
  162. Own 10 different Flying type Pokemon
  163. Own 10 different Normal type Pokemon
  164. Own 10 different Grass type Pokemon
  165. Own 10 different Water type Pokemon
  166. Own 8 different Bug type Pokemon
  167. Own 6 different Ground type Pokemon
  168. Own 6 different Fire type Pokemon
  169. Own 6 different Psychic type Pokemon
  170. Own 6 different Pokemon with no shared type
  171. Own 6 different dual typed Pokemon
  172. Own 6 different single typed pokemon
  173. Own 6 different Rock type Pokemon
  174. Own 5 different Fighting type Pokemon
  175. Own 5 different Electric type Pokemon
  176. Own 5 different 4x weakness Pokemon
  177. Own 5 different starters/starter evolutions
  178. Own 5 Legendary or Mythical Pokemon
  179. Own 3 different Dark type Pokemon
  180. Own 3 different Dragon type Pokemon
  181. Own 3 different Steel type Pokemon
  182. Own 3 different Ghost type Pokemon
  183. Own 3 different Ice type Pokemon
  184. Own 3 baby Pokemon
  185. Own 3 Eevee family Pokemon
  186. Defeat 4 Lasses
  187. Defeat 5 Fisherman
  188. Defeat 5 Ruin Maniacs
  189. Defeat 7 Battle Girls
  190. Teach 10 TMs
  191. 3 pokemon with status conditions
  192. Faint 2 pokemon with 1 move
  193. Evolve a pokemon twice
  194. Evolve 3 different pokemon
  195. Evolve 3 pokemon with different stones
  196. Starter Pokemon never faints
  197. Teach TM 49
  198. TM 32
  199. TM 01
  200. A pokemon with a move that causes the user to faint
  201. Register 20 people in the Pokenav
  202. 10 double battles
  203. Hatch an egg
  204. TM 32
  205. Win Verdanturf Town battle tent
  206. Any Lv 50 Pokemon
  207. Make a secret base
  208. Win Fallarbor Town battle tent
  209. 5 Badges
  210. 6 Badges
  211. 5 HMs
  212. TM 24
  213. TM 10
  214. Hoenn dex 125 seen
  215. National dex 250 seen
  216. Hoenn dex 20 owned
  217. National dex 35 owned
  218. 75 berries in bag
  219. Defeat Team Aqua at the Weather Institute
  220. Defeat Rival 4 times
  221. 6 HMs
  222. Devon Scope
  223. Kill or catch 2 Kecleons
  224. Battle 125 trainers
  225. Make a Pokeblock
  226. Come in 4th place in a Pokemon Contest
  227. View a very old painting
  228. TM 44
  229. Defeat a non-rival trainer a 3rd time
  230. Complete level 4 of Trick Master
  231. Complete level 5 of Trick Master
  232. Defeat all 8 trainers on route 118
  233. Defeat all 17 trainers on route 119
  234. Defeat all 14 trainers on route 120
  235. Defeat all 10 trainers on route 121
  236. Catch a pokemon underwater
  237. $100,000 or more
  238. $150,000 or more
  239. Magma Emblem
  240. All 3 fishing rods
  241. Defeat any gym leader without losing any HP
  242. Defeat 5 Swimmers
  243. Defeat 10 Bird Keepers
  244. Smach 10 rocks
  245. Defeat 3 Psychics (trainers)
  246. Defeat 4 Pokemon Breeders
  247. Move a boulder
  248. Exactly $0
  249. Complete one in-game trade
  250. Leave Skitty and Wailord at the daycare
  251. Lugia or Ho-Oh
  252. Raikou, Entei, or Suicune
  253. Zapdos and Raikou
  254. Moltres and Entei
  255. Articuno and Regice
  256. Regirock, Regice, or Registeel
  257. Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres
  258. Rayquaza
  259. Kyogre and Groudon
  260. Treecko and Deoxys
  261. Jirachi
  262. Latios and Latias
  263. 2 of Metagross, Tyranitar, Salamance, or Dragonite
  264. Huntail or Gorebyss
  265. Walerin or Poliwrath
  266. Banette or Dusclops
  267. Castform
  268. Milotic or Gyarados
  269. Magikarp and Feebas
  270. Any 2 fossil Pokemon
  271. Corphish
  272. Lunatone or Solrock
  273. Chikorita and Celebi
  274. Zangoose or Seviper
  275. Cacnea
  276. Torkoal
  277. Wailord and Skitty
  278. Sharpedo
  279. Bulbasaur and Mew
  280. Plusle and Minun
  281. Manectric or Raichu
  282. Medicham or Hariyama
  283. Shedinja
  284. Slaking or Exploud
  285. Breloom
  286. Masquerain or Butterfree
  287. Gardevoir
  288. Female Wingull nicknamed Peeko
  289. Swellow, Fearow, or Noctowl
  290. Linoone, Sentret, or Raticate
  291. Celebi
  292. Blissey
  293. Miltank
  294. Sudowoodo
  295. Smoochum, Elekid or Magby
  296. Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop
  297. Skarmory
  298. Delibird
  299. Smeargle or Ditto
  300. Spinda
  301. Dustox or Beautifly
  302. Ledian or Ariados
  303. 2 of Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, or Togepi
  304. Venusaur, Meganium, or Sceptile
  305. Charizard, Typlosion, or Blaziken
  306. Blastoise, Feraligatr, or Swampert
  307. Exeggutor, Xatu, or Grumpig
  308. Ampharos
  309. Scizor, Heracross, or Pinsir
  310. Shuckle
  311. Granbull, Wigglytuff, or Clefable
  312. Unown
  313. Wobbuffet
  314. Slowking or Slowbro
  315. Politioed or Poliwrath
  316. Miltank nicknamed Moo
  317. Sunflora nicknamed Sunny
  318. Bellossom or Vileplume
  319. Mewtwo or Mew
  320. Mr. Mime nicknamed Mimey
  321. Farfetch'd nicknamed Dux
  322. Rhydon or Donphan
  323. Porygon or Porygon2
  324. Kangaskhan nicknamed Jumpy
  325. Kingler or Octillery
  326. Seviper or Arbok
  327. Swalot or Muk
  328. Roselia or Victreebel
  329. Tebtacruel or Qwilfish
  330. Ursaring or Tauros
  331. Rapidash, Arcanine, or Ninetails
  332. Chimecho
  333. Whiscash or Quagsire
  334. Camerupt or Houndoom
  335. Kingdra or Flygon
  336. Absol
  337. Male & Female Luvdisc nicknamed Caserin & Luverin
  338. Sharpedo or Starmie
  339. Male Pikachu nicknamed Sparky
  340. Charmeleon nicknamed Zippo
  341. Female Meowth nicknamed Meowzie
  342. Growlithe nicknamed Growlie
  343. Feraligatr nicknamed Wani-Wani
  344. Female Misdreavus nicknamed Little Miss
  345. Jigglypuff nicknamed Pink
  346. Male Delcatty nicknamed Johnny
  347. Pupitar nicknamed Cruise
  348. Butterfree nicknamed Happy
  349. Taillow nicknamed Rose
  350. Female Pikachu nicknamed Volty
  351. Beldum nickname Iron
  352. Female Rhyhorn nicknamed Hornlette
  353. Mr. Mime nicknamed Marcel
  354. Nidoran F nicknamed Spot
  355. Nidorina nicknamed Terry
  356. Lickitung nicknamed Marc
  357. Jynx nicknamed Lola
  358. Electrode nicknamed Doris
  359. Tangela nicknamed Crinkles
  360. Seel nicknamed Sailor
  361. Mr. Mime nicknamed Miles
  362. Machamp nicknamed Ricky
  363. Dugtrio nicknamed Gurio
  364. Parasect nicknamed Spike
  365. Rhydon nicknamed Buffy
  366. Dewgong nicknamed Cezanne
  367. Muk nicknamed Sticky
  368. Beedrill nicknamed Chikuchiku
  369. Mew nicknamed Bart
  370. Pidgeot nicknamed Marty
  371. Beedrill nicknamed Stinger
  372. Male Onix nicknamed Rocky
  373. Female Machop nicknamed Muscle
  374. Voltorb nicknamed Volty
  375. Female Rhydon nicknamed Don
  376. Male Aerodactyl nicknamed Aeroy
  377. Male Rapidash nicknamed Runny
  378. Female Dodrio nicknamed Doris
  379. Male Xatu nicknamed Paul
  380. Magneton nicknamed Maggie.
  381. Male makuhita nicknamed Makit
  382. Female Skitty nicknamed Skitit
  383. Female Corsola nicknamed Coroso
  384. Male Seedot nicknamed Dots
  385. Female Plusle nicknamed Pluses
  386. Male Horsea nicknamed Seasor
  387. Male Meowth nicknamed Meowow
  388. Male Elekid nicknamed Zaprong
  389. Male Steelix nicknamed Rusty
  390. Chansey nicknamed Pinky
  391. Female Charizard nicknamed Charla
  392. Nidorina and Nidorino nicknamed Maria and Tony
  393. Mareep nicknamed Fluffy
  394. Male Pikachu nicknamed Puka
  395. 2 Bellossom nickanmed Bella and Belle
  396. Scizor nicknamed Masamune
  397. Pidgey nicknamed Ken
  398. Zubat nicknamed Mimi
  399. 3 Swinub nicknamed Su, Ein, and Ub
  400. Natu nicknamed Naughty
  401. Flaaffy nicknamed Hannah
  402. Linoone nicknamed Tokin
  403. Dunsparce, Tauros, or Stantler
  404. Any pokemon exactly 1' tall
  405. Any pokemon exactly 2' tall
  406. Scyther or Yanma
  407. Ludicolo or Shiftry
  408. Volbeat and Illumise
  409. Claydol or Piloswine
  410. Relicanth or Mantine
  411. Forretress or Mawile
  412. Sableye or Gengar
  413. Ursaring or Donphan
  414. Primeape or Persian
  415. Kecleon
  416. Glalie or Lapras
  417. Bulbasaur and Deoxys
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