
Zeke Sieghart

Jan 29th, 2015
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  1. Name: Zeke Sieghart
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Date of Birth: Time Immemorial
  4. Race: Makaioshin
  5. Power Level:
  6. Specialties (Optional)
  7. What area does your character specialize in? Physical Attack
  8. What area does your character suffer in? Ki Attack
  10. Trait(s):
  11. [spoiler]
  12. Magic Materialization: A magical ability used to create physical matter out of thin air. One can use this to create clothing, basic physical weapons, or other object such as boulders or metal.
  14. Soul Contract: A character can sell their soul to a Makaioshin. Once a character sells their soul to a Makaioshin, they serve that character and can be summoned to fight alongside them whenever it is wished. Members under this contract cannot attack or betray the demon, nor can they break out of it unless the member is at least twice as strong as the Makaioshin and then they can fight and win their soul back. In return for a soul, a Makaioshin can offer their dimensional disruption ability, allowing that member access to portals that can travel anywhere. Also with this ability a demon can pull a member out of Other World even if they are dead. However, if the member dies again while still "dead" then they will be sent to limbo and cease to exist. Anyone that sells their soul to a Makaioshin can earn a training bonus of 10% while training with a Makaioshin.
  16. Dimensional Disruption: The nature in which a demon is conjured through the compressed evil souls and sins causes a disruption. This allows the demon to open a portal that can lead them anywhere else in the universe, either being on another planet or one just a few feet away which can help quite a bit if used correctly in battle. They can also fade in and out of dimensions as a form of teleportation, their bodies fading in the shapes of cubes. A demon can only create and open 2 dimensional portals at once. For a Makaioshin, this is directly related to how many soul contract are allowed, minus one for himself.
  18. [/spoiler]
  20. Date of Birth: March 20th
  21. Birth Place: The World Core
  22. Current Home: Other World
  23. Alignment: Neutral (-50)
  24. Faction: Knights of the Blood Oath
  25. History:
  26. --------------------------------------------
  27. [b]Visual Appearance:[/b]
  29. Image:
  30. [spoiler]
  31. [img][/img]
  32. [/spoiler]
  34. Image Description:
  36. Clothing and Armor:
  37. [spoiler]
  38. [img][/img]
  39. [/spoiler]
  44. ---------------------------------------------
  45. [b]Mentality:[/b]
  47. Personality: Arrogant, Lazy, Boastful, Proud
  49. Dislikes:
  50. Fears:
  51. Dreams:
  52. Beliefs:
  53. ----------------------------------------------
  54. [b]Weapon(s):[/b]
  56. Name:
  57. Singularity
  59. Picture:
  60. [img][/img]
  62. Weapon Description:
  63. [spoiler]
  64. Singularity is a rare spectacle of a weapon, being that is a hammer whose head is made of the rare material, Katchin. This hammer was forged by Zeke near the start of his lifetime, having constructed the weapon amidst the universe's first known fires. Formed when Zeke still was in possession of his original, full strength; the Supreme Kai aided in the construction of the majority of the universe, every swing of the massive weapon forging new galaxies, each with their own unique planets and spacial-geography. Now that Zeke has shed the vast majority of his power, he still totes this weapon with him. Despite being a dim shadow of it's once-great strength, Singularity still holds great power beneath every mighty swing made by it's owner.
  66. As far as appearances go, Singularity is not much a weapon to behold; the simple yet perfect mallet head settled perfectly, seemingly floating, within the circular construction of the weapon's shaft. Made of an now-unknown metal, the hammer's shaft appears just as elegant as the rest of the weapon, sleek and black ending with crossed pike toward the head of the mallet. When he had forged the weapon, Zeke prized Singularity's purpose and efficiency over a more glamorous design, which in the end, seemed to suit the then-young Makaioshin.
  68. The most peculiar thing about Singularity is it's apparent ability to change it's shape at the strangest of times. When Zeke had made Singularity, he hadn't so much forged it as much as he did formed it's existence from the first known flame; meaning that within the makeup of the hammer itself lay the Primordial Flame, the last known traces of the fire. Zeke proceeded to use his new hammer as his smithing tool, and with it; created galaxies and planets alongside all the weapons of lore and myth used by various new gods and heroes that cropped up among the various species of the universe. So attuned to the forge did the hammer become that while in the presence of Zeke's forge, Singularity would reduce the length of it's shaft, allowing it's master to use it as a proper smith's hammer.
  70. [/spoiler]
  72. ----------------------------------------------
  73. [b]Techniques (0/10 Normal, 0/5 Super, 0/1 Ultimate)[/b]
  75. Name:
  76. What it does:
  77. Power level to use it:
  78. ----------------------------------------
  79. Name:
  80. What it does:
  81. Power level to use it:
  82. ----------------------------------------
  83. Magic: The Primordial Flame
  84. [spoiler]
  86. Name:
  87. What it does:
  88. Power level to use it:
  90. [/spoiler]
  91. ----------------------------------------
  92. [b]Transformation[/b]
  94. Demon Class: x10/6,000 Power Level Required - This power up is used by Makaioshin as they tap into their dark and demonic powers and embrace their evil side.
  96. Demon Sword Master: x25/Level 1 Evil/1,500,000 Power Level Required - This stage of power indicates that the Makaioshin is well practiced and disciplined with the powers of their Demon Sword. This is a permanent transformation, Demon Class is lost and replaced with this.
  98. Dark Aura: x50/Level 2 Evil/3,000,000 Power Level Required - After intense meditation and channeling of their dark powers, a Makaioshin can surround themselves with an aura of incredible darkness. It can only last for 10 posts before burning up their energy once Evil Incarnate is reached they can access this aura indefinitely.
  100. Evil Incarnate: x100/Level 3 Evil/30,000,000 Power Level Required - A Makaioshin reaches this point once their evil has been channeled into such an intensity that any small sliver of goodness or mercy that might have been left in them is completely gone. Their aura warps and emits a darkness that consumes a small area around them. This can only last 10 posts before burning up their energy. Once their level is reached, Demon Sword Master is removed and the Makaioshin can now power up from their base to Dark Aura and then also into Evil Incarnate.
  102. Supreme Makaioshin: x300/50,000,000 Power Level required - A Makaioshin has become so powerful that they can exert an enormous amount of power without their aura's, muscles or anything changing from the look of their base form. This is a permanent power up and allows one to go straight from there base form to this level of power. All other forms are lost when this form is attained.
  104. Inventory: Soul Contract with Karina Sieghart
  105. Credits: 0
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