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Oct 20th, 2016
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  1. {"timestamp":"Thu, 20 Oct 2016 18:26:07 UTC","yaml":"---\nswagger: \"2.0\"\ninfo:\n description: \"test-api-443cc21f-8169-4aea-b703-f46d4a798067-Description\"\n title: \"test-api-443cc21f-8169-4aea-b703-f46d4a798067-Title\"\n contact:\n name: \"SwaggerHub\"\n url: \"\"\n email: \"\"\nhost: \"\"\ntags:\n- name: \"APIs\"\n- name: \"Domains\"\n- name: \"Plugins\"\nschemes:\n- \"https\"\nproduces:\n- \"application/json\"\npaths:\n /apis:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Retrieves a list of currently defined APIs in APIs.json format\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"searchApis\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"query\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"free text query to match\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"state\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"matches against published state\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"ALL\"\n enum:\n - \"ALL\"\n - \"PUBLISHED\"\n - name: \"tag\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"matches against tags associated with an API\"\n required: false\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n type: \"string\"\n collectionFormat: \"multi\"\n - name: \"page\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"page to return\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 0\n format: \"int32\"\n - name: \"limit\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"number of results per page\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 10\n format: \"int32\"\n - name: \"sort\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"sort criteria\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"NAME\"\n enum:\n - \"NAME\"\n - \"UPDATED\"\n - name: \"order\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"sort order\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"ASC\"\n enum:\n - \"ASC\"\n - \"DESC\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"a list of APIs in APIs.json format\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJson\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/.template:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Retrieves list of apis templates\"\n operationId: \"getApiTemplates\"\n produces:\n - \"application/json\"\n parameters: []\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"template catalog\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TemplateCatalog\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Retrieves an APIs.json listing of all APIs defined for this owner\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"getOwnerApis\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"page\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"page to return\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 0\n format: \"int32\"\n - name: \"limit\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"number of results per page\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 10\n format: \"int32\"\n - name: \"sort\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"sort criteria\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"NAME\"\n enum:\n - \"NAME\"\n - \"UPDATED\"\n - name: \"order\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"sort order\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"ASC\"\n enum:\n - \"ASC\"\n - \"DESC\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"a list of APIs in APIs.json format\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJson\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n put:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Updates owner\"\n operationId: \"updateOwner\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"newNameToken\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Token for updating owner name\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"Owner was updated\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Retrieves an APIs.json listing for all API versions for this owner\\\n \\ and API\"\n operationId: \"getApiVersions\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"a list of API versions in APIs.json format\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJson\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Saves the provided Swagger definition\"\n description: \"Saves the provided Swagger definition; the owner must match the\\\n \\ token owner. The version will be extracted from the Swagger definitions\\\n \\ itself.\"\n operationId: \"saveDefinition\"\n consumes:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"isPrivate\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Defines whether the API has to be private\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n default: false\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"api version\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"definition\"\n description: \"the Swagger definition of this API\"\n required: true\n schema:\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the API was successfully saved\"\n 201:\n description: \"new API was successfully saved\"\n 205:\n description: \"the API was successfully saved and should be reloaded\"\n 400:\n description: \"the Swagger definition was invalid\"\n 403:\n description: \"maximum number of APIs reached\"\n 409:\n description: \"can not overwrite a published API version\"\n 415:\n description: \"invalid content type\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Deletes the specified API\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"deleteApi\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the API was successfully deleted\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API not found\"\n 409:\n description: \"the API has published versions and can not be deleted\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/.newname:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Renames API\"\n operationId: \"renameApi\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"newName\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"New name\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"API was successfully renamed\"\n 409:\n description: \"API or domain with the new name already exists\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/.template:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Creates API by template\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"saveApiDefinitionByTemplate\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"isPrivate\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Defines whether the API has to be private\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n default: false\n - name: \"template\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Template id\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"API was successfully saved\"\n 201:\n description: \"new API was successfully saved\"\n 205:\n description: \"the API was successfully saved and should be reloaded\"\n 403:\n description: \"maximum number of APIs reached\"\n 409:\n description: \"can not overwrite a published API version\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/.transfer:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"transfers api to another owner\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"transferApi\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"newOwner\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"New owner\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"transferIntegrations\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Transfer integrations\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the Swagger API was transfered\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Retrieves the Swagger definition for the specified API and version\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"getDefinition\"\n produces:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the Swagger API in requested format\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n 404:\n description: \"specified API not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Deletes a particular version of the specified API\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"deleteApiVersion\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the API version was successfully deleted\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API not found\"\n 409:\n description: \"the API version is published and can not be deleted or it\\\n \\ is the only version of this API\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/.bump:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Adds API version\"\n description: \"Adds API version.\"\n operationId: \"bumpApi\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"isPrivate\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Defines whether the API has to be private\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n default: false\n - name: \"newVersion\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"New api version\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 201:\n description: \"the API was successfully forked\"\n 403:\n description: \"maximum number of API versions reached\"\n 409:\n description: \"can not overwrite existing API\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/.comment:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Returns the list of comments for the specified API\"\n operationId: \"getApiComments\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comments for the specified API\"\n schema:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ClosableComment\"\n 204:\n description: \"no comments were found for the specified API\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Adds a new comment to the specified API\"\n operationId: \"addApiComment\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NewComment\"\n responses:\n 201:\n description: \"newly created comment for the specified API\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ClosableComment\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/.comment/batch:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Updates passed batch of comments\"\n operationId: \"updateApiComments\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CommentsBatch\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comments were updated\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API or comment or reply not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/.comment/{comment}:\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Deletes specified comment\"\n operationId: \"deleteApiComment\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment was deleted\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API or comment was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n patch:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Updates specified comment\"\n operationId: \"updateApiComment\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: false\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ClosableCommentPatch\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment was updated\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ClosableComment\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API or comment was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/.comment/{comment}/reply:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Adds a new reply to the specified comment\"\n operationId: \"addApiCommentReply\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NewReply\"\n responses:\n 201:\n description: \"newly created reply\"\n schema:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Comment\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API or comment not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/.comment/{comment}/reply/{reply}:\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Deletes specified comment reply\"\n operationId: \"deleteApiCommentReply\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"reply\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"reply identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment reply was deleted\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API or comment or reply was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n patch:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Updates specified comment reply\"\n operationId: \"updateApiCommentReply\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"reply\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"reply identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: false\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CommentPatch\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment reply was updated\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Comment\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API or comment or reply was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/.comment/{comment}/status/{status}:\n put:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Updates status to the specified comment\"\n operationId: \"setApiCommentStatus\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"status\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment status\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n enum:\n - \"OPEN\"\n - \"RESOLVED\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment status was updated\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API or comment not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/.draft:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Drafts\"\n summary: \"Retrieves the draft for the specified API and version\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"getDraft\"\n produces:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the draft in requested format\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n 404:\n description: \"specified draft not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n put:\n tags:\n - \"Drafts\"\n summary: \"Saves the provided draft for a Swagger definition\"\n description: \"Saves the provided draft for a swagger definition.\"\n operationId: \"saveDraft\"\n consumes:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"definition\"\n description: \"the Swagger definition of this API\"\n required: true\n schema:\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the draft was successfully saved\"\n 201:\n description: \"new draft was successfully saved\"\n 205:\n description: \"the draft was successfully saved and should be reloaded\"\n 400:\n description: \"the Swagger definition was invalid\"\n 403:\n description: \"maximum number of drafts reached\"\n 415:\n description: \"invalid content type\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"Drafts\"\n summary: \"Deletes a particular version of the specified API\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"deleteDraftApi\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the draft was successfully deleted\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified API not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/.fork:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Forks the provided Swagger definition\"\n description: \"Forks the provided Swagger definition.\"\n operationId: \"forkApi\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"isPrivate\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Defines whether the API has to be private\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n default: false\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"newSpec\"\n description: \"New spec id\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SpecId\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 201:\n description: \"the API was successfully forked\"\n 403:\n description: \"maximum number of APIs reached\"\n 409:\n description: \"can not overwrite existing API\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/compare:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Compares two APIs\"\n description: \"Compares two APIs\"\n operationId: \"compareApis\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"method\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"The method to use for comparing two APIs.\\n* FULL - Full line-by-line\\\n \\ text comparison of the two APIs\\n* LOGICAL - Compares if the two API's\\\n \\ are logically equivalent. Ignores non-structural fields like descriptions,\\\n \\ examples etc. Also ignores order when not important.\\n* STRUCTURAL - Like\\\n \\ LOGICAL but also compares non-structural fields\\n\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n enum:\n - \"FULL\"\n - \"LOGICAL\"\n - \"STRUCTURAL\"\n - name: \"otherApiPath\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"URL to external API or path to internal API\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the two APIs were successfully compared\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Comparison\"\n 401:\n description: \"the API to compare with was not accessible\"\n 404:\n description: \"the API to compare with was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/swagger.json:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Retrieves the Swagger definition for the specified API and version\\\n \\ in JSON format\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"getJsonDefinition\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the Swagger API in JSON format\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n 404:\n description: \"specified API not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /apis/{owner}/{api}/{version}/swagger.yaml:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Retrieves the Swagger definition for the specified API and version\\\n \\ in YAML format\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"getYamlDefinition\"\n produces:\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"api\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the Swagger API in YAML format\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n 404:\n description: \"specified API not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Retrieves a list of currently defined domains in APIs.json format\"\n operationId: \"searchDomains\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"query\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"free text query to match\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"state\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"matches against published state\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"ALL\"\n enum:\n - \"ALL\"\n - \"PUBLISHED\"\n - name: \"tag\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"matches against tags associated with a domain\"\n required: false\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n type: \"string\"\n collectionFormat: \"multi\"\n - name: \"page\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"page to return\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 0\n format: \"int32\"\n - name: \"limit\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"number of results per page\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 10\n format: \"int32\"\n - name: \"sort\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"sort criteria\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"NAME\"\n enum:\n - \"NAME\"\n - \"UPDATED\"\n - name: \"order\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"sort order\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"ASC\"\n enum:\n - \"ASC\"\n - \"DESC\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"a list of APIs in APIs.json format\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJson\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/.template:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Retrieves list of domains templates\"\n operationId: \"getDomainTemplates\"\n produces:\n - \"application/json\"\n parameters: []\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"template catalog\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/TemplateCatalog\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Retrieves an APIs.json listing of all domains defined for this owner\"\n operationId: \"getOwnerDomains\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"page\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"page to return\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 0\n format: \"int32\"\n - name: \"limit\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"number of results per page\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 10\n format: \"int32\"\n - name: \"sort\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"sort criteria\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"NAME\"\n enum:\n - \"NAME\"\n - \"UPDATED\"\n - name: \"order\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"sort order\"\n required: false\n type: \"string\"\n default: \"ASC\"\n enum:\n - \"ASC\"\n - \"DESC\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"a list of domains in APIs.json format\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJson\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/.refs:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Retrieves an APIs.json listing of entries referensing owner domains\"\n operationId: \"getOwnerReferences\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"a list of APIs and domains in APIs.json format\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJson\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Retrieves an APIs.json listing for all domain versions for this owner\\\n \\ and domain\"\n operationId: \"getDomainVersions\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"a list of domain versions in APIs.json format\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJson\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Saves the provided Swagger definition of a domain\"\n operationId: \"saveDomainDefinition\"\n consumes:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"isPrivate\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Defines whether the API has to be private\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n default: false\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"domain version\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"definition\"\n description: \"the Swagger definition of this Domain\"\n required: false\n schema:\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the domain was successfully saved\"\n 201:\n description: \"new domain was successfully saved\"\n 205:\n description: \"the domain was successfully saved and should be reloaded\"\n 403:\n description: \"maximum number of domains reached\"\n 409:\n description: \"can not overwrite a published domain version\"\n 415:\n description: \"invalid content type\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Deletes the specified domain\"\n operationId: \"deleteDomain\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the domain was successfully deleted\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain not found\"\n 409:\n description: \"the domain has published versions and can not be deleted\"\n 424:\n description: \"can't delete because there are some dependencies for domain\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/.newname:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Renames domain\"\n operationId: \"renameDomain\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"newName\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"New name\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"Domain was successfully renamed\"\n 409:\n description: \"API or domain with the new name already exists\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/.transfer:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"transfers domain to another owner\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"transferDomain\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"newOwner\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"New owner\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the Swagger Domain was transfered\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Retrieves the Swagger definition for the specified domain and version\"\n operationId: \"getDomainDefinition\"\n produces:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the Swagger domain in requested format\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Deletes a particular version of the specified domain\"\n operationId: \"deleteDomainVersion\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the domain version was successfully deleted\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain not found\"\n 409:\n description: \"the domain version is published and can not be deleted or\\\n \\ it is the only version of this API\"\n 424:\n description: \"can't delete because there are some dependencies for domain\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.bump:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Adds domain version\"\n description: \"Adds domain version.\"\n operationId: \"bumpDomain\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"isPrivate\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Defines whether the API has to be private\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n default: false\n - name: \"newVersion\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"New domain version\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 201:\n description: \"the domain was successfully created\"\n 403:\n description: \"maximum number of domain versions reached\"\n 409:\n description: \"can not overwrite existing domain\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.comment:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Returns the list of comments for the specified domain\"\n operationId: \"getDomainComments\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comments for the specified domain\"\n schema:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ClosableComment\"\n 204:\n description: \"no comments were found for the specified domain\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Adds a new comment to the specified domain\"\n operationId: \"addDomainComment\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NewComment\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"newly created comment for the specified domain\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ClosableComment\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.comment/batch:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Updates passed batch of comments\"\n operationId: \"updateDomainComments\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CommentsBatch\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comments were updated\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain or comment or reply not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.comment/{comment}:\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Deletes specified comment\"\n operationId: \"deleteDomainComment\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment was deleted\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain or comment was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n patch:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Updates specified comment\"\n operationId: \"updateDomainComment\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: false\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ClosableCommentPatch\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment was updated\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ClosableComment\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain or comment was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.comment/{comment}/reply:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Adds a new reply to the specified comment\"\n operationId: \"addDomainCommentReply\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/NewReply\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"newly created reply\"\n schema:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Comment\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain or comment not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.comment/{comment}/reply/{reply}:\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Deletes specified comment reply\"\n operationId: \"deleteDomainCommentReply\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"reply\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"reply identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment reply was deleted\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain or comment or reply was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n patch:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Updates specified comment reply\"\n operationId: \"updateDomainCommentReply\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"reply\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"reply identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"body\"\n required: false\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CommentPatch\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment reply was updated\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Comment\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain or comment or reply was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.comment/{comment}/status/{status}:\n put:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Updates status to the specified comment\"\n operationId: \"setDomainCommentStatus\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"comment\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"status\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"comment status\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n enum:\n - \"OPEN\"\n - \"RESOLVED\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"comment status was updated\"\n 401:\n description: \"access token is not set or invalid\"\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain or comment not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.draft:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Drafts\"\n summary: \"Retrieves the draft for the specified domain\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"getDraftDomain\"\n produces:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the draft in requested format\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n 404:\n description: \"specified draft not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n put:\n tags:\n - \"Drafts\"\n summary: \"Saves the provided draft for a domain.\"\n description: \"Saves the provided draft for a domain definition.\"\n operationId: \"saveDraftDomain\"\n consumes:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"definition\"\n description: \"the Swagger definition of this Domain\"\n required: false\n schema:\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the draft was successfully saved\"\n 201:\n description: \"new draft was successfully saved\"\n 205:\n description: \"the draft was successfully saved\"\n 400:\n description: \"the domain definition was invalid\"\n 415:\n description: \"invalid content type\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"Drafts\"\n summary: \"Deletes a particular version of the specified Domain\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"deleteDraftDomain\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the draft was successfully deleted\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n 404:\n description: \"Draft domain not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.fork:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Forks the provided domain definition\"\n description: \"Forks the provided domain definition.\"\n operationId: \"forkDomain\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"isPrivate\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Defines whether the API has to be private\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n default: false\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"newSpec\"\n description: \"New spec id\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/SpecId\"\n - name: \"force\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"force update\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n responses:\n 201:\n description: \"the domain was successfully forked\"\n 403:\n description: \"maximum number of domains reached\"\n 409:\n description: \"can not overwrite existing domain\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/.template:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Creates Domain by template\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"saveDomainDefinitionByTemplate\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"isPrivate\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Defines whether the API has to be private\"\n required: false\n type: \"boolean\"\n default: false\n - name: \"template\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"Template id\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"Domain was successfully saved\"\n 201:\n description: \"new Domain was successfully saved\"\n 205:\n description: \"the Domain was successfully saved and should be reloaded\"\n 403:\n description: \"maximum number of Domains reached\"\n 409:\n description: \"can not overwrite a published Domain version\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/domain.json:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Retrieves the definition for the specified domain and version in JSON\\\n \\ format\"\n operationId: \"getDomainJsonDefinition\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"definition in JSON format\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /domains/{owner}/{domain}/{version}/domain.yaml:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Domains\"\n summary: \"Retrieves the definition for the specified domain and version in YAML\\\n \\ format\"\n operationId: \"getDomainYamlDefinition\"\n produces:\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"owner\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"API owner identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"domain\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"domain identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"version\"\n in: \"path\"\n description: \"version identifier\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"definition in YAML format\"\n schema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n 404:\n description: \"specified domain not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /plugins:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Plugins\"\n summary: \"Retrieves a list of all available plugins (ignore system plugins)\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"getAvailablePlugins\"\n produces:\n - \"application/json\"\n parameters: []\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"a list of plugins in json format\"\n schema:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PluginDefinition\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /plugins/configurations:\n get:\n tags:\n - \"Plugins\"\n summary: \"Retrieves a list of enabled plugin configurations\"\n description: \"Retrieves a list of enabled plugin configurations\"\n operationId: \"getPlugins\"\n produces:\n - \"application/json\"\n parameters:\n - name: \"objectId\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"plugin configuration objectId\"\n required: true\n type: \"string\"\n - name: \"page\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"page to return\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 0\n format: \"int32\"\n - name: \"limit\"\n in: \"query\"\n description: \"number of results per page\"\n required: false\n type: \"integer\"\n default: 10\n format: \"int32\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"a list of plugin configurations in json format\"\n schema:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PluginConfiguration\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n post:\n tags:\n - \"Plugins\"\n summary: \"Saves the provided Plugin configuration\"\n description: \"Saves the provided Plugin configuration\"\n operationId: \"addPluginConfiguration\"\n consumes:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"pluginConfiguration\"\n description: \"the Plugin configuration to be added or updated\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PluginConfiguration\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the Plugin configuration was successfully saved\"\n 400:\n description: \"the Plugin configuration was invalid\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n 409:\n description: \"cannot add plugin configuration with same id\"\n 415:\n description: \"invalid content type\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n put:\n tags:\n - \"Plugins\"\n summary: \"Updated the provided Plugin configuration\"\n description: \"Updated the provided Plugin configuration\"\n operationId: \"updatePluginConfiguration\"\n consumes:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"pluginConfiguration\"\n description: \"the Plugin configuration to be added or updated\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PluginConfiguration\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the Plugin configuration was successfully updated\"\n 400:\n description: \"the Plugin configuration was invalid\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n 404:\n description: \"the Plugin configuration was not found\"\n 415:\n description: \"invalid content type\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n delete:\n tags:\n - \"Plugins\"\n summary: \"Deletes the provided Plugin configuration\"\n description: \"Deletes the provided Plugin configuration\"\n operationId: \"removePluginConfiguration\"\n parameters:\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"pluginConfiguration\"\n description: \"the Plugin configuration to be added or updated\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/PluginConfiguration\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the Plugin configuration was successfully deleted\"\n 403:\n description: \"access denied\"\n 404:\n description: \"the Plugin configuration was not found\"\n security:\n - TokenSecured: []\n /token:\n post:\n tags:\n - \"APIs\"\n summary: \"Retrieves an API token valid for the user identified by user object\\\n \\ in body\"\n description: \"\"\n operationId: \"getApiTokenByCredentials\"\n consumes:\n - \"application/json\"\n - \"application/yaml\"\n parameters:\n - in: \"body\"\n name: \"user\"\n description: \"user credentials\"\n required: true\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/UserCredentials\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: \"the API Token as string\"\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/AccessToken\"\n 401:\n description: \"API not allowed for github users\"\n 404:\n description: \"cannot retrieve token for given user\"\nsecurityDefinitions:\n TokenSecured:\n type: \"apiKey\"\n name: \"Authorization\"\n in: \"header\"\ndefinitions:\n ApiMetadata:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"categories\"\n - \"tags\"\n properties:\n defaultVersion:\n type: \"string\"\n categories:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n type: \"string\"\n tags:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n type: \"string\"\n links:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApiMetadataLink\"\n ApiMetadataLink:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"type\"\n - \"url\"\n properties:\n type:\n type: \"string\"\n url:\n type: \"string\"\n LifecycleSettings:\n type: \"object\"\n properties:\n published:\n type: \"boolean\"\n Private:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"private\"\n properties:\n private:\n type: \"boolean\"\n GitHubExportSettings:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"branch\"\n - \"notificationEmail\"\n - \"owner\"\n - \"repository\"\n - \"token\"\n properties:\n token:\n type: \"string\"\n owner:\n type: \"string\"\n repository:\n type: \"string\"\n branch:\n type: \"string\"\n path:\n type: \"string\"\n yamlPath:\n type: \"string\"\n notificationEmail:\n type: \"string\"\n ApisJsonProperty:\n type: \"object\"\n properties:\n type:\n type: \"string\"\n description: \"an API property\"\n ApisJson:\n type: \"object\"\n properties:\n name:\n type: \"string\"\n description:\n type: \"string\"\n url:\n type: \"string\"\n created:\n type: \"string\"\n format: \"date-time\"\n modified:\n type: \"string\"\n format: \"date-time\"\n specificationVersion:\n type: \"string\"\n offset:\n type: \"integer\"\n format: \"int32\"\n totalCount:\n type: \"integer\"\n format: \"int64\"\n apis:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJsonApi\"\n ApisJsonApi:\n type: \"object\"\n properties:\n name:\n type: \"string\"\n description:\n type: \"string\"\n tags:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n type: \"string\"\n properties:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJsonProperty\"\n ApisJsonUrlProperty:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJsonProperty\"\n - type: \"object\"\n properties:\n url:\n type: \"string\"\n format: \"url\"\n description: \"an API property where the value is a URL\"\n ApisJsonValueProperty:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/ApisJsonProperty\"\n - type: \"object\"\n properties:\n value:\n type: \"string\"\n description: \"an API property with a string value\"\n VersionMetadata:\n type: \"object\"\n properties:\n codegenSettings:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CodegenSettings\"\n CodegenSettings:\n type: \"object\"\n properties:\n server:\n type: \"object\"\n additionalProperties:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CodegenLanguage\"\n client:\n type: \"object\"\n additionalProperties:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/CodegenLanguage\"\n CodegenLanguage:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"visible\"\n properties:\n visible:\n type: \"boolean\"\n default: true\n customValues:\n type: \"object\"\n additionalProperties:\n type: \"string\"\n Comparison:\n properties: {}\n type: \"array\"\n description: \"a list of differences between two APIs\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ComparisonPart\"\n ComparisonPart:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"type\"\n properties:\n type:\n type: \"string\"\n description: \"the type of change that this part describes\\n* UNMODIFIED -\\\n \\ this part is the same in both APIs. Only available for FULL compare.\\n\\\n * INSERTED - this is present in `other` but missing in `base`. `base` will\\\n \\ not be present.\\n* DELETED - this is present in `base` but missing in\\\n \\ `other`. `other` will not be present.\\n* CHANGED - this has been changed\\\n \\ between `base` and `other`. Both `base` and `other` present.\\n\"\n enum:\n - \"UNMODIFIED\"\n - \"INSERTED\"\n - \"DELETED\"\n - \"CHANGED\"\n base:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ComparisonDetail\"\n other:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/ComparisonDetail\"\n description: \"a part of the API that was (or wasn't) changed\"\n ComparisonDetail:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"content\"\n - \"endPosition\"\n - \"startPosition\"\n properties:\n startPosition:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Position\"\n endPosition:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Position\"\n content:\n type: \"string\"\n description: \"the content of the API definition between `startPosition` and\\\n \\ `endPosition`\"\n path:\n type: \"string\"\n description: \"the path to the object (notation similar to JSONPath)\"\n description: \"details for one side of a ComparisonPart\"\n Position:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"column\"\n - \"line\"\n properties:\n line:\n type: \"integer\"\n column:\n type: \"integer\"\n description: \"a position in a text document\"\n SpecId:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"name\"\n - \"owner\"\n - \"version\"\n properties:\n owner:\n type: \"string\"\n name:\n type: \"string\"\n version:\n type: \"string\"\n PluginDefinition:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"configurationSchema\"\n - \"createdBy\"\n - \"createdOn\"\n - \"enabled\"\n - \"implementingClass\"\n - \"name\"\n - \"version\"\n properties:\n id:\n type: \"string\"\n name:\n type: \"string\"\n implementingClass:\n type: \"string\"\n version:\n type: \"string\"\n createdBy:\n type: \"string\"\n createdOn:\n type: \"string\"\n format: \"date-time\"\n enabled:\n type: \"boolean\"\n configurationSchema:\n type: \"object\"\n properties: {}\n limit:\n type: \"integer\"\n format: \"int64\"\n description: \"count of allowed configurations\"\n PluginConfiguration:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"definitionId\"\n - \"lifecycles\"\n - \"name\"\n - \"objectId\"\n - \"ownerName\"\n - \"path\"\n properties:\n id:\n type: \"string\"\n format: \"UUID\"\n name:\n type: \"string\"\n objectId:\n type: \"string\"\n lifecycles:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n type: \"string\"\n configuration:\n type: \"object\"\n additionalProperties:\n type: \"string\"\n ownerName:\n type: \"string\"\n path:\n type: \"string\"\n definitionId:\n type: \"string\"\n SystemPluginConfiguration:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"implementingClass\"\n - \"lifecycles\"\n - \"version\"\n properties:\n id:\n type: \"string\"\n format: \"UUID\"\n lifecycles:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n type: \"string\"\n configuration:\n type: \"object\"\n additionalProperties:\n type: \"string\"\n implementingClass:\n type: \"string\"\n version:\n type: \"string\"\n User:\n type: \"object\"\n properties:\n id:\n type: \"string\"\n active:\n type: \"boolean\"\n UserCredentials:\n type: \"object\"\n properties:\n username:\n type: \"string\"\n password:\n type: \"string\"\n Comment:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"body\"\n - \"created\"\n - \"id\"\n - \"user\"\n properties:\n id:\n type: \"string\"\n user:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/User\"\n created:\n type: \"string\"\n format: \"date-time\"\n modified:\n type: \"string\"\n format: \"date-time\"\n body:\n type: \"string\"\n ClosableComment:\n allOf:\n - $ref: \"#/definitions/Comment\"\n - type: \"object\"\n properties:\n position:\n type: \"integer\"\n format: \"int32\"\n status:\n type: \"string\"\n enum:\n - \"OPEN\"\n - \"RESOLVED\"\n replies:\n type: \"array\"\n items:\n $ref: \"#/definitions/Comment\"\n NewComment:\n type: \"object\"\n required:\n - \"body\"\n - \"position\"\n properties:\n position:
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