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Mussolini and racism

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Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. 'Mussolini and Racism' - [English] by Julius Evola Mussolini e il razzismo // Il Meridiano d'Italia, December 1951 In September of 1941 I was summoned to Palazzo Venezia. I did not expect it to be Mussolini himself who wanted to speak to me. Pavolini was present during our conversation. Mussolini told me, that he had read my work "The Synthesis of the Racial Doctrine" published by Hoepli, that he approved of it and that he saw in the ideas presented therein the basis for the formation of an independent fascist and antimaterialist racism. "It is exactly the sort of book we needed" he said. To understand the importance of these statements one must remember the state of affairs concerning racism in Italy. Some months prior to this Mussolini thought it necessary to take a stance on the race problem and gain equal footing with the German ally in this field as well. The most immediate motive was the desire to energize the sense of race an racial dignity due to the presence of natives in the new Empire. The other reason was the antifascist stance of international judaism - foremost North-American. The racial question combines goals of internal, selective, cultural and ethnic matters. That is why Mussolini assisted the publication of the so called "Manifesto of Italian Racism" that contained some ten points; it was placed in the journal "Defense of the Race" (Difesa della Razza), and later on two racial institutions were created - one in the Ministry of Popular Culture and the other in the Internal Affairs Ministry. Unfortunately the situation was unsatisfactory on the whole. There were not enough precedents of serious preparation and specific studies in Italy for such action, and racial ideas were completely uncharted territory for Italian "intellectuals". Thus the group that compiled the "Manifesto" and the "Defense of Race" staff presented a strange and hastily created union. Some old science anthropologists were put in the same bag with perked up racists, and journalists and writers who had only occasionally touched the subject matter - all at once. Thus a general impression of dilettantism emerged, where too often small polemics and slogans took the place of a serious and unified doctrine: a doctrine that shouldn't have gotten itself lost in either biological specialism or vulgar antisemitism, but emerge at its core on the level of a common worldview, and act as a politics and ethics forming idea. I was moved to tackle this subject because of not so kind remarks I heard from abroad regarding fascism's handling of the racial issue. I began to extract from the traditional and aristocratic idea, with which I was associated, everything that instead of select applications and conclusions could have the meaning of an organic racial doctrine. So appeared the first articles and notes, published in various fascist periodicals, and then the aforementioned book. The central thesis, defended by me, was, in short, the following: the question of race for man cannot be discussed in same terms nor have the same meaning as for a cat or a purebred horse. True man, besides the biological and bodily aspects, also possesses a soul and spirit. Thus, comprehensive racism had to consider all three components: body, soul and spirit. Accordingly it is apt to talk about Racism of First Degree, regarding purely biological, anthropological and eugenic issues; next about Racism of Second Degree, regarding "race of soul", in other words the forms of character and affective reactions; finally, the crowning "race of spirit", regarding the highest elements - the general vision of this and the world beyond, of destiny, life, action, in other words those "highest values" that distinguish people from each other and make them unequal. The Classical ideal, interpreted racially, is harmony and unity of these three "races" in the highest kind. Mussolini accepted this viewpoint without question. I will not take upon myself the responsibility of many memoir writers, who put in quotes literal words said by the Duce. However I can, still, say in general terms the point of what Mussolini had told me, demonstrating an original level of preparation. "The Threefold concept of racism - Mussolini said to me thusly - avoids the zoological and biological mistakes that to some degree are in-bedded in German racism; it establishes the primacy of spiritual values that make up the basis of our tradition and the fascist idea. Furthermore, it possesses great political value. You have correlated the three aspects of the race issue with the three parts of the human being, which were also highlighted by Aristotle. However it would be better to defer to Plato [here I can say that I am repeating Mussolini word for word], who moreover correlates those three parts with the three societal castes. Race of body correlates to the pure masses, demos, "which is not in itself invalid, but is a force used by the masters" [exact words]; race of soul can be correlated to Plato's "warriors" or "guardians" while the race of spirit can correlate to the top caste of thinkers, philosophers and artists." Speaking honestly, despite the alarmed signs given to me by friend Pavolini, I allowed myself to interrupt Mussolini and say: "Please make note, Duce, that thinkers, philosophers and artists in the modern sense Plato would have expelled from his state. It is the sages - sophoi - that Plato saw at the top of his ideal state, but not "intellectuals" who present in themselves something else entirely." "Very well then, we're talking about sages" - said Mussolini, smiling. The Myth of New Italy While race is typically considered a concrete, naturalistic and fatalistic factor, in my book I supported a dynamic conception: new races can be formed, while other races can mutate or disappear as a result of internal, spiritual factors, or what I called the "internal race". As an example I pointed to the same jewish type, that isn't derived from an original pure race, but was molded by a millennial tradition; and nowadays the yankee type has particular features that characterize an incredible ethnic mix, that came about under the influence of the civilization or pseudo-civilization of USA. In our discussion Mussolini unquestioningly accepted this idea as the basis of "active racism", that goes hand in hand with the creative goals of Fascism's highest ambitions. The ideal was thus: the action of internal factors, strict discipline and high ideal tension had to slowly form from the heterogeneous substance of Italian people and stabilize a new type of elite, "the fascist race of man." Duce told me that he is convinced in the soundness that processes of this type can achieve; he mentioned that he himself was astounded to see many times among the youth division Littorio and blackshirts a new type, not just in terms of behavior, but even in terms of physical, bodily characteristics, almost as if a result of a natural selection and formation effect of which I spoke in my book. These beginnings were, unfortunately, destroyed. With the fall of Italy it was not the new supreme race, but the inferior race of our people that was destined to come out on top and define the glory of "liberation" and the "Second Risorgimento". Political and spiritual racism must possess a "myth", that is to say a power-idea, capable of crystallizing the energy of a given collective environment. This was precisely the idea of a superior race. It is well known that in this regard is has long since existed in the aryan "myth". Indeed, not just racists have admitted, that the ancient civilizations of India, Iran, Greece and Rome and then the German one as well, had been derived from a unified racial root or the original prehistoric superior race, called "aryan" - in the same way as correlating languages, religions, concepts of rights and so on point to a common root. Naturally, German racism attempted to turn things pro domo sua [in defense of their own interests] believing the northern Germanic tribes to be direct descendants of the original pure "aryan" race and placing the nordic-aryan idea at the heart of the political action and National-Socialism's worldview. But such a monopolistic claim lacks any serious foundation. Using the same premise, I presented the roman-aryan idea as the central reference point for fascist racism: it concerns forces that, having differentiated from the same aryan root, molded the image of that original and courageous Rome. Roman-aryan idea, parallel to the Nordic-aryan idea, maintains its autonomy and its own dignity; it can guarantee both these things in our movement and remove any suspicions of it following national-socialist concepts. Still, it does not lose connection with them, but to the contrary, overcomes them in the name of connecting with values and style elements of a much greater and universal tradition. Mussolini told me, that this part of my book intrigued him in particular. He had spoken before: "We dream of a Roman Italy". Now an opportunity presented itself to specify this formula. To return the Roman-aryan idea not just as a rhetorical and academic idea, but as a forming force, foremost as a view of life ("race of spirit"), then character and style of behavior ("race of soul"), and, finally, if possible, even as a new bodily, physical type ("race of body"), so that the outward appearance be a worthy representation of the internal race; and on the contrary, limit and correct the questionable elements of our people, speaking about "Mediterranean" mixing and "brotherhood of bastards" (Mussolini had already made such a comment, talking about the so called "latinhood"), in spiritual harmony with the legacy of the Holy Roman Empire - this was the maximum program of active racism, which Mussolini was ready to accept. In our conversation Duce touched on some technical problems, specifically about heredity. Then we spoke of some practical initiatives. I will write on those in a next article. But one other thing has to be mentioned here. When speaking of racism some people understand only antisemitism, concentration camps, gas chambers and other such things. Here it must be made clear that for serious racism antisemitism presents in itself only a special and secondary question and not at all the primary one. In this case the jewish threat, without a doubt, exists, but it must be felt and defined more so as an internal danger, rather than an external. This was the primary point in the ideas formulated by me: it is of little use to be "aryan" and have "pure race" in body and blood, if in spirit and character, in the "next race" you are a jew, a man of the "eastern race" or someone else of that kind. Thus, if one is to speak of "aryans" seriously, one undertakes great responsibility. So appeared the chance to solve racial issues without any fanaticism and intrigue, paying attention to the core matter, giving to each his own. Approving my formulas Mussolini was entering this sphere of ideas, that would have distinguished fascist racism from national-socialist one in its extreme and not well thought out aspects. Blood and Spirit After Mussolini considered the arguments presented in my previous articles, I told him that his approval of my classification of racial issues would be a helping step towards initiatives that I had already launched abroad myself. Indeed, for a long time I was in contact with certain German circles, being a guest at conferences and presentations, and racial issues were among the topics I had discussed. Now my formulas had stirred a particular interest and the basis of deep cooperation could be seen in the meeting of the Roman-aryan myth with the Nordic-aryan myth, capable of spiritually fortifying the political union of the Axis. Thus it was a topic of conversation to create for this purpose a new Italo-Germanic journal. And this interested my German friends foremost because while particular necessary criticism of biological, materialist and unyielding nationalistic racism would never be tolerated from a German, statements of an Italian author would've met a different reception. I had given all of this to Mussolini and asked him if I am allowed the right, on the grounds of his more than flattering evaluation, develop such initiatives and present my formulas as official fascist ones. Mussolini, of course, answered positively. Thus he gave me the right to give the German translation of my book that was in the works a fascist blessing (its German name - "The Synthesis of the Fascist Racial Doctrine", Grundrisse derfaschistischen Rassenlehre, Runge Vcrlag, Berlin) and use his seal of high approval. As for the journal project, which was named "Blood and Spirit - Italo-Germanic journal on the issues of worldview and race", Mussolini told me, that he also approves of it. It could be published in two languages, to distribute it accordingly, under the edit of both the fascist and the national-socialist parties. However, Mussolini wanted to first define its primary points, coordinated with the possible staff of this journal. And here I had begun a somewhat unpleasant job, as this meant gathering more or less qualified elements and then bringing them to a consensus. The head of the race service in the Ministry of Popular Culture, one Guido Landra, a racist by circumstances, who "demilitarized" after June 25th [When Mussolini was deposed in a coup], was successfully replaced with a more qualified and prepared fascist, valuable for his international connections, Dr Alberto Luchini. With his agreement a number of difficult meetings were organized with people who, as was known, were immediately nominated in various sectors of fascism (it would be risky to name them, in order to see what fascist and racist goals they've achieved). In the end we've defined the desired program points. I personally presented them to Mussolini. He accepted them in full, after that we talked about going to Berlin in order to conduct analogical organizational activities. In the German capital I've reestablished my connections with Alfred Rosenberg, Walter Groß and other people, and we began discussing the formulated points and the journal's direction. But at this moment I had found out about certain steps of the Italian embassy that had baffled my friends so much so that nothing serious could be accomplished and I had to return to Rome. That is when I found out about the sabotage that happened while I was away. Firstly, the representatives of the first "Racial manifesto" had spoken out and attacked me on several points - they were afraid that the new, more organic formula would do them harm. Then some catholic machinations had occurred. Some professor found a way to meet with Mussolini on the premise of wanting to present to him some books on christian archaeology. But in reality this meeting was used in order to express to Duce concerns of the catholic sphere that had arisen after the approval of my initiatives. Catholics could tolerate a biological racial doctrine, but they felt an immanent danger in the 'soul' presentation of the racial problem and in the "aryan" revision of many accepted religious and moral values of questionable origin that dominate in the West. A closer and more official cooperation with the German team further increased the danger of the project. But this man with Jesuit diplomacy attempted to present in tendentious light aspects, according to which the racial doctrine with its selection principle, of superiority and differences within one people was not coinciding with the premises of mass nationalism - and so on in same style. All of this in my absence had produced in Mussolini some abashment, the reflection of which I had felt in Berlin. I requested an explanation and further orders and waited for an answer. Meanwhile another one of my initiatives could be given the green light via Luchini. The subject matter was the printing of the "Italian Race Atlas", a result of the first systematic research. Naturally the name "Italian race" is nonsense. Race is a basic reality that cannot be identified with a people. In a people race enters various combinations where certain elements that dominate now give way to others later. The topic was the first study of such components. In different regions of Italy prefects had to mark certain typical and ancient families, whose representatives were evaluated by a special commission. This commission was lead by Luchini. It was also made up of Dr Rossi from the anthropological side (race of body), head of experimental psychology, professor L.F. Claus (Berlin) for the "race of soul" and finally myself for "spiritual race". The results were compiled in a beautiful publication, richly illustrated with vivid pictures of the most significant types met in our research and foremost those, who still retained the higher, original "Roman-aryan" type of our people. Everything was already prepared. Unfortunately in the meantime events were approaching their climax, all the energy had to be gathered for a big number of emergency tasks, and the revolution, the impact of which on fascism should not be underestimated, did not follow. Still it is good that the contents of these retrospective articles is known. A few more words of a personal nature. After Mussolin had spoken to me, using such unexpected high praise speaking of my book, he told Pavolini to reflect that in the press, because he wanted to know what impression it made. Thus one famous "rolling paper" was sent to the newspapers. But in recent times there were many of these and those directives were executed only rarely; and practically all the Italian "intellectuals"were in agreement to no matter what sabotage "racist" ideas - pour cause [for this reason]. As a result the "big press" published very few articles about my book. This annoyed Mussolini and issued a more categorical order. Naturally, a rain of articles followed and, understandably, all giving high praise. As a result my name gained fame that my other books, perhaps, would have never gotten. And many came to know of me only as a "racist", and this fame exists to this day. But as I said, I've delved into racism accidentally, as part of formulating a much larger ensemble of political traditonal ideas, wanting to prevent deviations that could already be seen in this field in both Italy and Germany.
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