
Ninja Jungle Iron Knife Man and a box pony by Nutter [WIP]

Jun 9th, 2014
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  1. "I know one day Clare, you will make your mother proud."
  3. She sits there. The hot sting of tears welling up in her eyes.
  5. He walks away, tossing bits at her feet as he re-zips his fly. A pittance.
  7. She hasn't eaten in two days. But The dull ache of an empty stomach is barely noticeable over the gut wrenching waves of physiological yearning for another hit.
  9. 20 bits. barely enough for half a point. She needs more.
  11. How did she fall so far. It is clear to everyone but her.
  13. The levees break, and she begins to sob. Deeply and slowly, her sobs of anguish escape her throat, and the tears run down her grime matted cheeks in torrents. Her beautiful, indigo eyes screwed up in mental agony, as she lets the hopelessness of her situation wash across her.
  15. She doesn't notice the deep growl of the darkened vehicle creeping up on her. It grinds to a halt, the vibrations levelling off to an angry, but controlled wub. The rain patters over the scarlet exterior, beading up and rolling off the hydrophobic finish.
  17. *Ca-chuck*. The driver door opens. A metallic shod boot steps out, followed by a midnight blue Resource integration suit. The figure looks up, the blue vents of his helmet casting a faint ice blue pallor across the dark alley.
  19. Sniffing sharply and quietly, she looks up at the towering figure. Talons of fear grasp her heart, and she attempts to rise from her sodden resting place. She attempts to stumble away, her eyes wide and wary with fear. Escape is all but futile; the punishment inflicted on her frail form has taken its toll, and she stumbles over herself, before hitting the grimy, wet pavement.
  21. The last beating she took from that furious store owner was still fresh in her mind, and she feared another would be the end of her.
  23. He slowly strides over, reaching down and grasping the emaciated scruff of the defeated pony.
  24. Her once graceful body weakly shakes with terror, and she screws her eyes shut in expectation of the final blow that will take her sad existence.
  26. He slowly lifts her up, her matted hair falling across her face as her head slumps limply in defeat.
  28. The blue glow of his visor falls across her as the arm grasping the scruff rotates her in a slow examination.
  30. Walking over to the quietly growling vehicle, the boot pops open with a quiet *click*. Lifting her up, she feels the fist release her, and she falls into the compartment, landing suddenly on her side into a pile of woolen blankets. The opening slams shut behind her, and her world is plunged into darkness.
  32. Slowly her form curls up. The hot sting around her eyes begin again, but there is no energy nor tears left for her to sob.
  34. The wool blankets are coarse and prickly, but at least they are dry. If this is to be her end, at least she can be warm one last time.
  35. She falls into an exhausted slumber, oblivious of the rising growl of the engine. Pulling out of the alley, the blue headlights switch on, and the car spins to face the road with a sharp turn of the wheel.
  37. The power steering gone, the wheel is stiffer than most humans could handle, and totally immovable for a pony.
  39. Slamming in the clutch, the roar of the engine rises in anticipation. Into first gear; the clutch drops and the drive train snarls with satisfaction as the gas pedal hits the floor.
  41. Rear wheels spinning, the back of the car fishtails as it lurches forward and the exhaust expels a purple breath of flame. The demon within sprints forward, dragging the chassis with it.
  43. The driver clutches the wheel as the G forces press him against his seat and his kevlar shod hands grip the wheel in anticipation of the upcoming corner.
  45. ---------
  47. A bright white light floods the car port, falling into the open boot. His arms shoot down, bundling the pony in blankets and hauling her out.
  49. The blankets ripped from her, an icy blast of water and detergent hits her, the freezing shock sucking the breath out of her lungs. The comfortable, warm slumber of her confines shattered.
  51. A coarse brush runs across her, scratching painfully at her fur. Cleansing her of dirt, sweat, and other unmentionable marks of the gutter.
  53. The wash is brief, but she is left shivering in a freezing pool of water.
  55. An arm wraps around her emaciated belly, lifting her up and pulling her into the cold steel and exterior of the figure's torso.
  57. With the water shut off, he walks inside with her. The warm air of the house landing gracefully caressing her malnourished figure.
  59. She is plonked down on a soft rug. Feelings of exhaustion, confusion, fear and exposure overload her thoughts as she struggles to grasp the nature of her current situation.
  61. With a mechanical hiss and click, the helmet folds down on the chest of his RIG.
  62. He reaches behind him, pulling out a small but vicious toothed blade from its sheath.
  64. Crouching down, it shoots forward to her throat.
  66. His adult face framed with a with a brown fringe brushed to one side. A coarse growth of facial hair covers his upper lips and his chin, somewhat tidily trimmed. A scar runs vertically down his right cheek.
  68. Grasping her chin and turning her head towards him, the blade shoots forward to her throat, the cold steel millimeters away from cutting her neck open.
  70. His cold blue eyes lock with hers, which are wide with terror. Her exposed flank rises and falls rapidly and adrenalin rushes through exhausted nervous system.
  72. The left side of his mouth stretches to the side, barely exposing his white teeth. He begins to speak, slowly and clearly.
  74. "You... now belong.. to me."
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