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Sep 8th, 2015
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  1. [17:16:10] Dirigo Events: richard
  2. [17:16:17] Dirigo Events: cant access dirigo website admin
  3. [17:16:24] Dirigo Events: what happened?
  4. [17:16:31] Dirigo Events: (disgust)
  5. [17:16:33] Dirigo Events: error pageeeee
  6. [17:17:00] Richard John: u login guna normal user kot
  7. [17:17:02 | Edited 17:17:13] Richard John: logout dulu
  8. [17:17:11] Dirigo Events: DoesNotExist at /admin/
  9. [17:17:21] Richard John: open then logout
  10. [17:17:40] Dirigo Events: okay dah boleh
  11. [17:18:10] Richard John: the recent error, the issue is because email too long
  12. [17:18:20 | Edited 17:18:44] Dirigo Events: okay now if a user keyed in a wrong email address, how do i amend to the correct email?
  13. [17:18:26] Richard John: i have fixed it already, just reply please try again bla bla
  14. [17:18:39] Richard John: *recent enquiry
  15. [17:19:19] Richard John: mksdnya wrong email address tu apa
  16. [17:19:33 | Edited 17:19:41] Dirigo Events: user keyed in salah
  17. [17:19:35] Dirigo Events: typo
  18. [17:19:47] Dirigo Events: dia suruh betulkan
  19. [17:19:55] Dirigo Events: supaya boleg create and active login
  20. [17:20:04] Dirigo Events: macamana i nak betulkan email address dia?
  21. [17:20:25] Richard John: kalau salah kan just register lagi kot? gune yang benar?
  22. [17:20:43] Dirigo Events: penat lah dia nak key in lagi..
  23. [17:20:44] Dirigo Events: hahaha
  24. [17:21:01] Richard John: ok la hanya 1 meh sini i betulkan
  25. [17:21:03] Richard John: email apa
  26. [17:21:16] Dirigo Events:
  27. [17:21:22] Richard John: dia masukan apa
  28. [17:21:39] Richard John: itu betul ke salah?
  29. [17:22:09] Dirigo Events:
  30. [17:22:16] Richard John: laa staff sendiri
  31. [17:22:24] Dirigo Events: kami buat test
  32. [17:22:36] Richard John: btw for recent enquiry have u read it?
  33. [17:22:40] Dirigo Events: akan ada byk lagi nanti issue mcm ni
  34. [17:22:53] Dirigo Events: enquiry apa? mana/
  35. [17:23:01] Richard John: it is fixed, you can answer him or tell him to try again
  36. [17:23:07] Richard John: xdapat email ke?
  37. [17:23:30] Richard John: akan ada byk lagi nanti issue mcm ninormally ya register lagi using the correct email
  38. [17:23:31] Dirigo Events: so u better create a function where admi can edit the users data. also a function for admin to resend the emails to th users.
  39. [17:23:41] Richard John: can't simply like that
  40. [17:23:54] Richard John: if you register to facebook you cant ask facebook admin to change the email address
  41. [17:23:59 | Edited 17:24:13] Dirigo Events: mana boleh suruh dia register lagi. byk benda kena isi lagi
  42. [17:24:02] Richard John: wew
  43. [17:24:46] Dirigo Events: tak user friendly. u kena ada function utk admin edit data in backend
  44. [17:24:51] Richard John: lol
  45. [17:25:14] Dirigo Events: kalau tak boleh edit, gila la... kalau address silap, takkan submit lagi
  46. [17:25:50] Richard John: hello i am owner of this, sorry i put in wrong email, can u change it to
  47. [17:26:02] Richard John: this is belog to someone else
  48. [17:26:10] Dirigo Events: apa u ckp ni
  49. [17:26:21] Dirigo Events: skg i nak ada edit function
  50. [17:26:28] Richard John: i try to tell you editting email is wrong
  51. [17:26:30] Dirigo Events: it's rediculous takda edit function
  52. [17:26:51] Dirigo Events: okay edit email u buat la kalau org email kat i
  53. [17:26:57] Dirigo Events: yg lain2, u nak buatkan jugak?
  54. [17:27:18] Dirigo Events: salah dob
  55. [17:27:21] Dirigo Events: salah address
  56. [17:27:28] Dirigo Events: akan ada byk salah
  57. [17:27:31] Richard John: diana like i said if someone put wrong email we can't just change it, please
  58. [17:27:35] Richard John: ya kalau itu kan ada kat admin
  59. [17:27:38] Richard John: ready
  60. [17:27:42] Dirigo Events: so i will just forward to u and u correct it?
  61. [17:28:00] Richard John: omg why so emo, i just tell you for your own good
  62. [17:28:12] Richard John: dob u can change in admin
  63. [17:28:16] Richard John: address, etc
  64. [17:28:19] Dirigo Events: email they will send to me. the same email ddress. so i know it;s genuine case
  65. [17:28:58] Richard John: k
  66. [17:31:18 | Edited 17:31:24] Richard John: 1. goto, find email, edit username and email
  67. [17:32:16] Richard John: 2. goto see in left bottom. find email click blue text edit what you want to edit
  68. [17:33:04] Richard John: 3. goto find email you want to resend edit the status to queue
  69. [17:35:28] Dirigo Events: 3. still displaying old email address
  70. [17:35:37] Richard John: just edit it
  71. Dirigo Events
  72. [17:37:14] Dirigo Events: error
  73. [17:38:24] Richard John: refresh the page, scroll down to bottom page, click logs, fill in message with any text
  74. [17:39:03] Richard John: change status to queue <<- important
  75. [17:39:19] Dirigo Events: no idea what you are talking about
  76. [17:39:25] Dirigo Events: can you give screenshot
  77. [17:39:41] Dirigo Events: do i edit it there? when edit, error
  78. [17:39:45 | Edited 17:40:23] Richard John: the page error just now
  79. [17:39:51] Richard John: 1. refresh the page
  80. [17:39:57] Richard John: 2. scroll down to bottom page
  81. [17:40:15] Richard John: 3. click logs
  82. 4. fill in message field with any text
  83. [17:40:31] Dirigo Events: where to do all this?
  84. [17:40:36] Dirigo Events: refresg and still error
  85. [17:40:55] Dirigo Events: see screenshots
  86. [17:41:22] Dirigo Events: scroll down on what page
  87. [17:41:49] Dirigo Events: 1. goto, find email, edit username and email
  88. 2. goto see in left bottom. find email click blue text edit what you want to edit
  89. 3. goto find email you want to resend edit the status to queue
  90. [17:41:58] Dirigo Events: no 1 is done. i corrected the email address
  91. [17:42:05] Dirigo Events: no2 , nothing to edit
  92. [17:42:11] Dirigo Events: no 3, error
  93. [17:42:38] Dirigo Events: i am tying to edit melody's email address and send the activatio emails and registration email'
  94. [17:44:01] Richard John: 1. open the current page, page you wanted to edit
  95. 2. edit the email address, dont submit
  96. 3. change status to queue, doint submit
  97. 4. scroll down to bottom of page, dont submit
  98. 5. can u see logs? please click it? dont submit
  99. 6. can u seee message field? plese fill it with any text
  100. 7. submit
  101. [17:44:17] Dirigo Events: [17:32] Richard John:
  103. <<< 2. goto see in left bottom. find email click blue text edit what you want to edit what do you mean by this??
  104. [17:44:34] Dirigo Events: no logs
  105. [17:44:37] Richard John: error page
  106. [17:44:44] Dirigo Events: i just wnat to edit emiail address for melody
  107. [17:45:00] Ng Han Seng: i edited already / __\
  108. [17:45:13] Dirigo Events: your instructions are so long winded
  109. [17:45:23] Dirigo Events: no 1 is clear
  110. [17:45:29] Dirigo Events: no2 and 3 not clear at all
  111. [17:45:33] Richard John: diana, page mana yg error
  112. [17:45:34] Ng Han Seng: ask melody to check in 5 minutes or so.
  113. [17:45:40] Richard John: can u go to that page?
  114. [17:45:58] Ng Han Seng: richard, i know the error, i'll talk to you first
  115. [17:46:13] Richard John: i know the error, just try to explain
  116. [17:46:18] Ng Han Seng: alright
  117. Dirigo Events
  118. [17:46:28] Dirigo Events: tengok yg satu lagi salah
  119. [17:46:34] Richard John: ok
  120. [17:46:40] Richard John: click the blue text
  121. [17:46:42] Dirigo Events: bila click no kat kiri
  122. [17:46:56] Dirigo Events: satu page muncul. i edit email adress
  123. [17:46:58] Richard John: no rush i havent asked you to do anything
  124. [17:47:01] Dirigo Events: bila nak savee error
  125. [17:47:03] Richard John: dah buka?
  126. [17:47:04] Richard John: omg
  127. [17:47:11] Richard John: buka dulu dont do anything
  128. [17:47:15] Richard John: dah buka? :)
  129. [17:47:22] Dirigo Events: dahhh
  130. [17:47:23] Dirigo Events: errorrrr
  131. [17:47:29] Dirigo Events: i edited the address
  132. [17:47:30] Dirigo Events: errorrrr
  133. [17:47:38] Ng Han Seng: ...he just asked you to open, please don't save
  134. Dirigo Events
  135. [17:47:44] Richard John: diana, please buka then dont click anything
  136. [17:47:50] Dirigo Events: yes open'
  137. [17:47:55] Richard John: do not click anything
  138. [17:47:57 | Edited 17:48:24] Richard John: 2. edit the email address, DONT submit
  139. 3. change status to queue, DONT submit
  140. 4. scroll down to bottom of page, DONT submit
  141. 5. can u see logs? please click it? DONT submit
  142. 6. can u seee message field? plese fill it with any text
  143. 7. submit
  144. [17:49:05 | Edited 17:49:18] Dirigo Events: yes message field
  145. [17:49:23] Dirigo Events: any text?
  146. [17:49:30] Richard John: any
  147. [17:49:39] Richard John: a, b, abc, ex, absdada
  148. [17:49:52] Ng Han Seng: any text, yes. "hello world", "resending", "apple".
  150. then do another run through, to make sure that everything is correct
  152. then you submit
  153. [17:50:40] Dirigo Events: okay
  154. [17:50:41] Dirigo Events: done
  155. [17:50:43] Dirigo Events: thank youuuuu
  156. [17:50:49] Dirigo Events: susah jugak ni...
  157. [17:50:59] Dirigo Events: kalau ada case lagi, will need ur guide again
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